tv Kennedy FOX Business December 9, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EST
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last american life and life, and life. during the campaign, i also spend time with american workers, who were laid off and forced to train the foreign workers brought in to replace them. we won't let this happen any more. can you believe that? you get laid off, then they won't give you your severance pay unless you train the people replacing you. that is actually demeaning. maybe more thanking and else. and you know the name of one of the companies that -- i am figure to be nice we're trying to get ta company back, much harder when a company announced a year and a half ago, some company like carrier, they announced long before i even knew i was going
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to run for president. you are glad that i ran for president? the movement, a movement. but very hard to tell someone we don't' you to leave, we don't want you to go to mexico or wherever you go, they say, but we've already built our plant that not a great position, we still kept so many workers, that was a good job, i tell you, our governor, who will soon be our vice president, indiana, indiana mike. he is a great guy, that is one of migrate decision -- great decisions, hasn't he didn't a good job, mike pence. such a great job. one of my first executive orders to ask deputy of labor to investigate all of visa
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abuses that undermine jobs and wages for the american worker. to protect our country from terrorism. andiic -- extremism we'll suspend immigration from regions where it cannot be safely processor vetted. i used the worth word extreme. we' people welcoming -- we want people coming in legally. but we want them coming in lo legally, we want home coming in. we will build a wall with big beautiful doors, we'll have people coming in, but they will come in through a process they will come in legally. and we're going to see that these people have true capability to love us. to love us, not to hate us. to love us.
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earlier today i visited campus of ohio state university. great, great place. to meet with the victims of terrible attack that occurred just days ago, a long with first responders who were terrific could one young man did a phenomenal job, saved a lot of lives. our whole nation extends our prayers, true that man was -- yuge yugyoung guy, give him an applause, he might be watching. our whole nation extends our prayers and support, and rail our solidarity, we're solid, wild being iting it together we're going to be a strong together nation, i was lucky enough to receive the time person of the year. they talked about heads of a
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divided nation on the cover, they give me this honor then they go that. i said, i have not been president, what do you say that for? you know we'll bring the nation together. we'll bring the nation together. we're not going to have a divided nation. i want to applaud university leadership, and students for their response to the attack, and their police deputy, really have done a terrific job. and it is swift life saving work, they have really been -- they were freight people. this horrific assault, is yet one more tragic reminder that imfraction security is now national security. no more games, no more games. no more games.
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a trump administration will put safety and security of the american people first. it will be the american people first. it has not been that way. [cheers and applause] has not been that way. i look at these trade deals that i've been studying so much, i think that they meant to make them good for other nations, maybe that was the concept. because, how could that be so bad? is it possible that be so bad? i really believe that they men to maka good maybe to help the other nation. but they are killing us. are we tired of this, they are killing us. how many of these can you do. wheel change them around and we'll get it going. you see what is going on, on wall street, a beautiful thing. all overhe worldhey talk about the country, we have not even started yet. right, wait until we start. such potential.
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>> usa! usa! usa! >> thank you, we want to see apple and these great companies building plants in the unit states, big plants. ethics reform is a crucial part of our plan, we'll drain the swamp of corruption. in washington d.c. funny how that term caught on, isn't it? i hated it. so, someone said drain the swamp, i said that is so hokie, so terribl. i'll try it, a month ago, i said drain the swamp, the place went crazy, and then i said it like a meant it. then i said it, i started
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loving it. it is true. true. drain the swamp. i will oppose 5 year ban on executive branch officials becoming lobbyist, and lifetime ban on officials becoming lobbyists for a foreign government, can't do it, not going to help them. we face many challenges, but this is truly an exciting time to be alive. the script is not yet writ, we do not know what the page will read tomorrow but for the first time in a long time, what we do know it is that the pages will be authored by each and every one of you. [cheers and applause] you the american people, will be in charge.
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your voice, your desires, your hopes, and aspirations, they will never again fall to deaf ears. you will be the captain of your own destiny, that is what happened in this election. people came out. people have not voted in 20 or 30 years, some never voted. they came out, and they stood in line for 4 hours, and 5 hours. and all of these geniuses said, where did they come from? where did they come from? where did they come from? where, where, where? we didn't know they existed. where did they come from? now they know, right? together we will raise incomes, and create millions and millions of new jobs, we
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will lower taxes. unleash american energy and bring thousands of new companies to our shores, we will not let our companies leave. we will reestablish the rule of law, and appoint justices to the united states supreme court, who will uphold and defend the constitution of the unite the states. [cheers and applause] so important. you don't know what you did when you put me in this position. becae now, we're going to have just that one subject, so important, if naugles suprem nothing -- nothing else supreme court, i used to say, they had the never trumpers. by the way they are ons repier
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pes reper rate or right now. they are now only trump. but i will tell you, i would go in a room, and i asked had some never trumpers, i said if no other reason, the scowrts osupreme court. nothing else, she knows. we will fight for great schools, and safe neighborhoods restore respect for america and the american flag, heal our divisions and unify the nation, when americans are unified there is nothing, nothing we cannot do. no task is too great, now dream too large, no goal beyond our reach. [cheers and applause] my message tonight is for all americans, from all parties,
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all believes, all walks of life, no matter your able age, income, background, i ask you to join this incre credible movement, treatment big and bold, and daring things for your country, i ask you to believe in your, and believe again in america. it is going to be great. it is going to be great. if we do that, then all together we'll make america strong again. we will make america rich again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again! thank you, iowa, thank you. thank you very much. god bless you, iowa, god bless you, thank you.
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♪ lou: donald trump, fascinating to watch him hold an audience spell bound, with their attention throughout. this thank you tour, a brilliant political strategy. he also is enjoying himself. as are the people who made him president-elect, joining me now. don giordano. the dean ed rollins, and radio talk show host, mark simon. ed, here we go. >> just, you know very were the same theme. reinforced by audience. this is a great weaving of patriotism, american flags,
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american soldiers a freight pe great pep talk it is a wonderful idea to go out and thank the people who voted for you, tell them, i will implement that promise. lou: classy is word that comes to mind. >> this is for free, if it was hillary clinton it would be $300,000 a speech you could get 15 minutes out of it. he may wear us out, i am used to presidents that just sit around, he jumps on a plane, sees carrier, picks up the phone, action, speed. lou: and don, this is a president who setting standard now. his energy is the stuff of legend, i mean. the transition team is almost exhausted, they have weeks to go. >>, right, lou, i think you have talked about it joy, having fun, there is nothing wrong thatw that in a president, celebrating that,
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this is very joyful, and president obama is running into problem not just policies, but he is running to problem because he is aloof, he is not connected. this is a gao of i joyful ener in votic guy -- energetic guy. it has been interesting. in talk radio, i think mark would agree, we're having a lot of interest, listenerring aners and callers, i don't remember in the past caring about ethen the epa guy, each day it is something this is fun in self interest. lou: this president-elect has an innate show business sense that has been finely tuned over the years, to point you make that is the suspend that is building up around secretary of state, jennifer griffin taked with a source, close to donald trump today, share with you, quickly, where
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that race stands within the transition. exxonmobil chairman teller son, he is an as sensetion. and romney still in the mix but now in great concern that march speech that he gave to the hinckley institute, a vicious speech on any level, concerns about how trump would -- well said he would be a dangerous president. afraid that speech might over shadow romney when traveling abroad, giuliani his stock has fallen, he could have to department of homeland security he turned this down. according to jennifer griffen a source. and senator bob corker of
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tennessee still in the mix but something of a lackluster choice. the chairman of the foreign relations committee. he would have it easy confirmation, but just does not have pizazz there is such a term relevant to it this process. and david petraeus, still in the mick. but, his stock lower because, three generals have already been selected. but, president-elect very impressed with him your thoughts. >> first petraeus is impressive man, i think just think on room of a lot of uniform, four 4-star generals. >> obama had 5 generals in the administration. did i hear mulally today, he did a great job, before that chairman of boeing. look at thaboing -- boeing bill. >> don your thoughts with
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teller son and romney and guliani, their stock down a little bit. >> i don't like bob corker, nothing against him. he was weak on the iran deal. i like david petraeus, i am up close with him. lou: he would have to talk to his probation officer. >> i know that, donald trump is outside of the box, we do believe in redemption, i hear bob gates name out there, might be interesting. lou: you are first person to mention his name to me, it will be fashion nates to see -- fascinating to see how this unwinds. >> i still have one rule, if mr. romney wants to be a player, raise his right hand, and say i voted for you, if he cannot say that, he is disqualified.
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lou: and these people mentioned, someone is in there campaigning. thank you very much. listen quickly to president-elect he told iowa crowd, his simple philosophy with his administration, and what he will do. >> my administration will llow two simple rules, buy american, and hire american. lou: thank you, for being with us. that is it for us. good night, from new york. i will be on hannity tonight 10 p.m., kennedy is next, good night from new york.
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a she has been helped by them so much that it has cured her ptsd. welcome rachel and tom. c thank you. kennedy: thank you rachel and we will get to your story and a second. tom i want to start with you. some is impossible for me to overstate how profoundly impacted i was by your book as acid test. opened up iis to what drug hysteria has done this country and what a disservice is done to people who truly need this kind of care. when you were researching ecstasy what did you find about
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the drug when it's used in psychological settings? >> what people don't realize is in the 50s and 60s psychedelic drugs in general were the most studied and most promising drugs in psychiatric history and then when they sort of got out into the public culture people sort of we reacted and they were banned in 1970. since that time they were the most stigmatized drug in psychiatric history. and this 30-year effort from when mdma was at the to the schedule one list in 1985 have been a huge uphill climb against some real sort of stigmatized against the drug and the people who were behind it had to rely on doing impeccable science to
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prove that the stuff was really effective and it's not like they give you the drug, like you take an aspirin or something. it's the drug combined with talk therapy. kennedy: that's absolutely right and you can talk about some the stories in your book. one of them is rachel's aunt rachel, the results for you have been absolutely profound. you are a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. you are in a severe car accident in your ptsd manifested to the point where crippled your life when you have children. what happened e first time you used mdma in that setting? described the experience if you could a little bit. >> well, it was as if my whole brain lit up like a christmas tree and i had access to my best self. i turned that best self onto the most damaged part of me and i got to address the trauma that have been plaguing me for over 20 years. and to actually get into it with
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psychotherapy and heal myself. it was a lot of hard work and it was not a fun ride but i was able to do it without re-traumatizing myself. >> that's the thing kennedy, the process it's not like you need to keep taking these drugs in order to have the results. they actually get to the root of the problem and you untangle the knots that have tied you up to ptsd often to the point of near suicide. kennedy: yes and that's why it's so critical that not only the drug but the psychological setting become available to soldiers and marines and people returning from iraq and afghanistan with severe ptsd. rachel's case, rachel you said you had three of the sessions and your ptsd was considered cured. c i know longer have ptsd with just three, eight hour sessions and clinics.
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this is such a powerful possibility with so many people. i think depression and alcoholism in all these things i think this is probably one of the most powerful breakthroughs in therapy we have an urgent for the people who need it. that's why i'm here today come to say don't hurt yourself, there is hope and don't worry about the stigma because if you are suffering like this now thankfully with this fda trial hopefully there's hope for many more people in those interested i strongly suggest you get tom's book acid test. thank you for being with us i really appreciate your story. kennedy: we will soon get tourists to them the moon for $10,000? i will ask if space travel is on the horizon and the bigger implication for mankind. that's next.
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kennedy: welcome welcome back. a group called moon express has become the first private company to obtain permission from our u.s. government to land on the moon and it plans to sell tickets for just $10,000 apiece in as little as 10 years. meanwhile nasa says the new warm at propulsion relying on elect to a magnetic waives could potentially get us from earth to mars in 70 days.
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that's a using conventional rockets. we at the dawn of new and glorious space age joining me now one of my all-time favorites theoretical physicist and professor at city college of new york. welcome back. c latvia and your show. kennedy: i love the idea of space travel whether it's close by that rock next to recall the man or the red planet. let's talk about this lunar journey. $10,000 in 10 years? how is that possible? that sounds very inexpensive. >> 10 years from now let's go to this crater in that valley on the moon. before we get all hot and heavy about this realize $10,000 today will only put a pound of anything near orbit. that's $10,000 a pound. to put you in outer space just
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going around the earth is your waiting goal. that's the cost of space travel. for you to ride on the space station cost about $20 million to go around the earth and if you just want to go straight up 70 miles and come back down on spaceship, $200,000 bargain-basement tickets. kennedy: quite a rollercoaster if you get a freefall for a while. >> it makes you think twice about maybe not this year. kennedy: maybe in 10 years this private space exploration is really moving us forward and part of that as you know is because now these rockets are recyclable. >> that's right. there've been two major stages. one is the reusable booster rocket. spacex has pioneered that and land with a booster rocket whole
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intact. second of all private enterprise has brought costs down. no more bureaucratic spending as much money as they want. the russians are competing with it anymore. now it's private enterprise. kennedy: is these electromagnetically repair -- propelled posters themselves which i don't understand how this works in layman's terms. you say it has some problems and overcoming physics laws but how about electro-magnetic affect transportation? >> we use chemical rockets today. we have hydrogen and oxygen and we put it together and we get thrust coming out the other end. that's extremely inefficient. we need a new way of getting into outer space to the next generation of rockets could be ion rockets throwing ions out the other end. it could be a game-changer. some business saying no way
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however who knows. it's basically microwaves and radar oscillating inside the chamber putting out mild thrust in that direction. they did a test and is going to be published in a scientific journal. some people are saying that's the proof in the pudding. other people are saying not so fast. kennedy: which camp are u.n.? >> i'm in the not so fast category because i believe in newton's laws of motion. i think we have to look twice. again there's a lot riding on this. the chemical rockets only go so far before we have to boldly go where no one has gone before. kennedy: speaking of that john glenn the first human to orbit the earth, dead at 95 years old. what impact did his story have on you? >> i think you galvanize the american public and people began to realize outer space is not just for fun, it's for ordinary
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people that we can explore the entire universe. i think it literally open the door because we have been trapped on a smug all called earth for thousands of years and there's a whole universe out there waiting to be discovered. kennedy: thousands of years and being able to realize that is extraordinary. >> one day we will reach out and touch mars. kennedy: thank you dr. kaku. coming up new ideas to gin up the inauguration and they are hardly modest. our party panel returns to discuss what shaped the most elaborate the we live in a pick and choose world. love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime... ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft.
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kennedy: filmmaker michael moore pushing the anti-trump crowd about the inauguration. sweeping the majority have spoken by 2.7 million votes and counting. silence is not an option. i can hear your stomach growling from here. meantime the president-elect has revealed mark or that from china's reality show the apprentice suggested donald trump should have a parade on new york's fifth avenue followed by a helicopter ride her and evacuation party and our nation's capital. so basically without security
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concerns about the party panel is back. kristen i was there with you michael moore is suggesting people go out and disrupt the inauguration. i would love a little bit of rabble-rouser he but what do you think he has in mind? >> he wants to create drama. he is a show man just like donald trump is a show man. that's how he sells his documentaries. frankly i think they will both get what they want. you have the million woman march and a helicopter entrance. this is stuff for the ages. i think they're both shoeman and they are going to get what they want and others that are not going out in freezing,. kennedy: it's always cold in january. c we can watch it from the warmth of our own home and laugh and cry. kennedy: is the most appropriate ending to the circus which has been the strangest election you
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could possibly recall so it almost seems like it has to have a big finish, the big ending. >> i guess. donald trump's already acting presidential and it i think it's time to move forward. i agree with everything you have said. his chance to put his name out there. i can respect his desire to make a statement. he also had a plan to say here is how we will talk to congress and the senate and make a difference. nothing about michael moore's process this is i want to make a difference. i want my name to be said over and over. here's the call to action, there is really not that i deal that way about so many things that i feel that way about colin kaepernick. what do you think is going to happen? i don't think protesters like together when it's so cold outside? >> there's so much security
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around these inaugurations, what surprises me the most about this is the democrats the ones that were saying we would never do anything like that some guys will be making a scene if they don't win. it does seem a little bit odd that this continues this denial they are in but if you look at the rest of the country start to see them moving in and trying to work with the president-elect did you see wall street with clinton supporters helping support the inauguration. >> the president-elect is raising a lot of money for some big parties. mark or nat wants to augment that. think a parade on fifth avenue is a great idea. that's where trump tower is and he is a new yorker through and through. we have never seen anybody like that. he is a survivor but he loves helicopter shots. c survivor in the bible series in the voice.
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also that will engender goodwill he is well loved up the entertainment industry, maybe will bring goodwill to donald. >> this victory lap that he's doing with all the states that support him and coming back to new york. kennedy: some of those classic show tunes. you guys thank you so much. coming up the epitome of a rock 'n roll bad boy. i have the front man sebastian bach is going to tell me about his new autobiography filled with crazy stories from his life on stage on the road and in your
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while having sex. he tells a lot of his new memoir. if you love rock memoirs you have to give this book. it isn't just about the party. he talks about his childhood and losing his home in superstorm sandy. sebastian bach joins me now. it's great to see you. but a whirlwind to see you. spent the last time i saw you was at a charity thing in 1993 or something. you okat. kennedy: you have a great memory and how have you maintained your voice throughout the cookies? cocaine injection tends to do a number on the vocal cords. >> i don't do cocaine and i don't drink jack daniels. i haven't touched either of those things in about 28 years. kennedy: is that merlot and add donau? >> something like that. kennedy: you've been extraordinarily busy and took
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his rich and thick. you have said that your favorite autobiography is from keith richards. c i love that and i don't understand how that works. the guy that snorts his dad ashes from a funeral urn, he has the best rock book, the most well-written lucid book. so it's amazing. kennedy: was there for a time especially in the late 80s because i remember i moved to los angeles in 1990 in glam was in full swing and the rainbow at the roxy, you talked about doing lutes under the table. was there ever a time you thought you would never make it out of there? >> when you're that age you think you're indestructible and you don't really think it's bad for you. back then we didn't know that it was bad for you. i remember vividly when a
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basketball player len bias died and it was big news. kennedy: it was like 1988. >> we do know that was possible but we found out it's not only possible but probable. kennedy: with talk about the musical a little bit because the scene that you are thrust into in the late 80s changed or a match when grunge came on the scene in the early 90s. tell me about that shift. when did you realize there is a shift taking place? >> when did i realize it? i think i realized it when i saw the video for spells like team spirit and there was never any video or song like that before. it was a new sound and people were responding to it but you know what goes around comes around. now the biggest tour in town as guns n' roses or ac/dc who have
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the same singer. so you know music is cyclical and people will always love rock 'n roll but it gets passed down through the generations, iron maiden has never been bigger than right now. it's kind of crazy. kennedy: you talk about the rainbow and lamé basically a residency there and really it stopped almost a year ago when he passed away. that was the moment when everybody took stock in their love of music and influential people. >> yeah i was very fortunate to be in a band that sang for him at his last birthday at the whiskey. kennedy: were you close with him? >> he was a big skid row fan and he would come to our shows and call me up when motorhead was in town invite me to the shows. we miss lemmy and we miss glenn
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frey and we miss david bowie and we miss prince. it goes on and on. kennedy: last question how will the trump presidency affect music and will it be for the betterment of society? >> it's too early to see how donald trump is going to affect anything because his brand-new. i have no idea. let's go for it, let's do this. kennedy: i like that you are crossing your fingers. >> fingers crossed. kennedy: sebastian bach the best part of your book in the thing that will sell millions of copies is of course you have to get a shot of that on tv. goldblum a.. look at the inside jacket cover. is that not extraordinary? was that your idea of? c yes. kennedy: well done, marketing genius. >> it's like the tiger.
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kennedy: you don't have to tell me. i am the tiger. thank you sebastian bach. coming up scientist discovered a new kind of animal a reptile with a shell. more on this fascinating snake more on this fascinating snake rock and the topical storm is ♪ ♪ get up to $2500 customer cash on select 2016 and 2017 models for these terms. see your lexus dealer. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected.
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don't worry your nasty cards and letters are coming in a moment that before we get to be emotional remains let's pause for digital audience and one big turtle. topical storm number one. new zealanders are fantastic people. they are hobbits come to life full of wonder and curiosity and one couple stumbled upon it giant tank sized turtle floating next to their boats off the coast of mangal y. which i believe is near strong -- south carolina or something. >> oh my god. kennedy: that turtle is so locomotive he floated all the way to boston harbor. >> i don't know what this is but it's a [bleep] dig sea turtle.
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it's a baby [bleep] whale. kennedy: is it a sea turtle or a baby whale, manned? those are my favorite marine biologist in history. topic number two. c.s. lewis once wrote in heaven there's only music and silence but until then we can contend ourselves with their own compensation specifically from star wars using it copies third. ♪ ♪ kennedy: that is brilliant. now let's compare it to the market performed at all its glory by the london philharmonic orchestra.
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we can't? we can't say that for legal reasons? do we have another unfiled? ♪ they are plastic clad little nazis. number three founded by a moose kissing frenchman he wanted to have the tallest grandest tree in north america or as they call it americano said they came up with this. the oh, dear lord. they read pipe cleaner you are looking at was intended to be the robots pride in rockefeller center but as you can see it has instead found a tree suffering from anemia and tree rec cf..
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maybe it's that will perk it up and embarrass the entire nation. it's not about the size of your tree. it's about how you use it. even a modest christmas bruce can be charming with the right ambience. ♪ he is a nazi too. no, he is not. topic number four. watch this man use his cursor to keep this curious kitty company. cats are. one less cat on the couch. i hope the laptop is okay. topic number five. now for the topical storm segment of the week they will bring you the most laughter,
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tears and leg tingles. fin min kicks us off with this weeks you are evil. of course they are the new that since i don't like cats. i love the musical and i do think cats are delicious with a nice béarnaise sauce. terry asks this question @kennedy nation can you go blonde? i already did. susan wants to know arthur kennedy action figures available for the holidays? you are my new superhero. publicly but i don't see a dime from them. i'm the credence clearwater revival of action figures and family this week's message on twitter to round out the week kennedy nation who said you didn't vote trump. for what it's worth, is worth may never watching your show again. get ahold of yourself, man you immature buffoon and thank you for watching the show tonight. i have loved every marselyn
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every moment. follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedy nation e-mail instagram @kennedy nation e-mail kennedy fbnme life. they say if you look an animal right in the face and talk to 'em, they say, then they know you're not scared. gah! (laughter) (lively music) (narrator) no one made america laugh harder. ♪ (laughter) ♪ i didn't even know you were jewish. (laughter) (narrator) no one made america laugh longer. 30 years, nightly entertainment, dominating television, and becoming a significant fixture in american culture. here's johnny!
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