tv Wall Street Week FOX Business December 9, 2016 8:30pm-9:01pm EST
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we have to stop the drugs. we're going to have people come into our country, hupps of thousands of people, we want them to come in, because we're going to have big, beautiful doors in that wall. but they're going to come in legally. through a process, legally. [cheering] during this campaign i had a chance to meet the amazing families of the remembrance project. parents whose children were killed by illegal immigrants. a trump administration will end this long and horrible nightmare of violence. [cheering] we will fight to protect every american life. during the campaign i also spent time with american workers who were laid off and forced to train the foreign workers that
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were brought in to replace them. that is not going to happen anymore. company that is out there right now, they say you will train the people that will replace you, if you don't, you won't get your severance pay. all right, not going to happen to our people anymore. [cheers and applause] one of my first executive orders will ask the department of labor to investigate all visa abuses that undermined jobs and wages for the american workers. [cheering] to protect our country from terrorism and extremism, i will suspend immigration and refugee admissions from regions where they can not be safely processed or vetted. we're going to have extreme vetting. [cheering] we have no choice. we have enough problems folks.
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we have enough problems. we will do everything in our power to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. [cheering] i have no choice. [cheering] thank you. ethics reform will be a crucial part of our 100-day plan as well. we're going to drain the swampç in washington, d.c. you will see. i will impose a five-year ban on executive branch officials becoming lobbyists and a lifetime ban on officials becoming lobbyists for a foreign
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government. [cheering] and, since i become sort of involved with costs and as business people we sort of understand that, i think that these people that give out these billions and billions and billions of dollars of contracts to companies should never ever be a allowed to leave and go to work with any of these companies, okay? no more. [applause] got to be a lifetime ban. then you wonder why is it costingo much? why are the cost overruns so high? i could name so many different -- look at some of the fighter jets being built. look at things that are happening. i'm not just talking about the military. i'm talking about some other purchases, when they purchase and they're in charge of purchasing, they should never, ever, during their lifetime be allowed to go to work for those companies. they just shouldn't be allowed
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to do it and they're not going to be allowed to do it. so -- [cheering] all of a sudden they will start negotiating a little bit harder, right? you know, you know the game. come to work with us. come to work with us. oh, let's finish this contract first. oh, okay, he will really negotiate tough, right? we face many challenges but this is truly an exciting time to be alive. and there has never been anything like what we've done. the script is not yet written. we do not know what the page will read tomorrow but for the first time in many, many years, what we do know is that the pages will be authored by each and everyone of you. [cheers and applause] the american people will be in charge. your voice, your desires, your hopes and aspirations, you will
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never again fall on deaf ears. it won't happen. you saw what happened three weeks ago. it is not going to happen. people are paying attention to you now. they're paying attention. these people are talking about you every night. they never talked about you. they said, oh, they're not going to show up. they are talking about you again. we have sanity back. we have sanity back. [cheering] you will be the captains much your destiny once more. together we will raise incomes, and create millions and millions of new jobs. you watch andrew, you watch his friends, you watch what is going to happen. we will lower taxes, unleash american energy, bring new companies to our shores, and ere from viciously leaving.
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we'll re-establish the rule of law and appoint justices to the supreme court of the united states who will uphold and defend our constitution. [cheering] we will heal our divisions and unify our country and when americans are unified, there is nothing we can not do, no task too great. no dream too large. no goal beyond our reach. my message tonight is for all americans, all parties, all beliefs, all walks of life, no matter your age, your income, your background, your race. i am asking you to join this incredible movement, this movement that nobody has ever seen anything like it before.
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[cheering] i am asking you to dream big and bold and daring things for your country and for yourself. i am asking you to believe in yourself. and i am asking you to believe once again in america. >> god bless america! [cheering] >> and if you do that, then all together we will make america strong again, we will make america rich again, we will make america safe again, and we will make america great again. thank you very much. thank you. michigan, thank you. god bless you, everybody. god bless you. thank you. [cheering] ♪ lou: awfully sweet words we keep
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hearing over and over again, make america great again. the crowd loving it, reliving the victory election night. the donald trump the empassaro again, striking right tone, talking about perfect issues for people in that room, millions around the country that want to get this country growing again. joining me, politics reporter at the federal lift. good to have you with us. "boston herald" columnist. and host of mike gallagher show on the host of "the mike gallagher show" on the salem radio network. bree, let me start with you. this is turning out to be a joyous celebration of an election, we really haven't seen a president-elect do this. it seems to be a brilliant, brilliant idea. your thoughts? >> yeah i think certainly is a unique for him to plan. i think it is smart or wise for him to point out this kind of
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like forgotten man narrative and trot that out for the audience, remind them, hey, no one was listening to you, until i started rising to the forefront of people's attentions. you guys care about to the attention of the mainstream media and the political elites. i think you're certainly right. his decision to go on this massive tour, just kind of highlight what he has done for the people who largely have been forgotten and lft behind and neglected is smart. lou: adrian that, your thoughts, we find out today rudy giuliani withdrawn from consideration of secretary of state. it is disappointment for me personally. i have the highest regard and respect for him. we also are looking at a number of establishment figures that are blossoming in his cabinet. and, at the same time, he has this connection with all of these people, even as his cabinet is far more, i guess you
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would say establishment than any of us would have anticipated from the campaign. your thoughts? >> bell, i agree with you, lou. i'm a him dispointed with rudy giuliani because he is america's mayor. i remember 9/11 vividly and what incredible leadership he dispelled -- he displayed in our countries, one of the worst days in our country's history. that being said there are still other good candidates. they say now the exxon ceo is rising to the top and maybe selecting as secretary of state. that remains to be seen. lou: i'm a john bolton fan. i'm a john bolton guy. i wanted john bolton and rudy to be working together at state. i think it would be an amazing team. no one is more knowledgeable than ambassador boltonp and terrific person. there is a story here, i want to share very quickly. that is the, the consulting firm, advisory firm, that is
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rice, hadley, gates, there is a story around that rex tillerson's name was proffered by none other than than condoleeza rice. it gets a little tight in establishment terms, mike. your thoughts? >> but, lou, don't lose sight of the fact that folks like newt gingrich, rudy giuliani -- lou: neither of whom will be in cabinet or apparently counsel to the president. >> but i believe will still have his ear in inner circle. lou: i hope so. >> that is something encouraging. you used the joyous, that is the right feel, americans have a sense of optimism we haven't seen in decades in this country. lou: another thing, the survey, the confidence survey, sentiment came out, they expected it to be around 94. blew up 98. that is a huge move in the
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confidence index. let me turn where we're headed right now. bree, as you look what the president-elect is doing, i will tell you because you're much too young, i can tell you there has not been a president-elect, including ronald reagan, who has ever had the start to this period of his leadership before taking the office, who has had the impact. it is anç amazing performance. and, we, he is still being assailed by the left-wing media. it is unrelenting. it is clear it is going to be the never-ending campaign on the part of a dwindling left-wing speaking to an ever smaller audience. irrespective of the media in which they find themselves. your thoughts on the fact he has been assailed? >> it is really telling, interview with "the new york times" executive he had door with fresh air that
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he basically admitted none of his reporters, say for one understands religion or the role that it plays in people's lives. i think that is very telling considering 83% of americans do identify as christian. if the people serving in the newspaper of record and serving in the establishment media just really can't connector can't relate or working with very different world views or ways of thought, it is telling that they don't know donald trump doesn't encapsulate and worries an fears that went throughout the election and this excitement, organic excitement that we're seeing. their constant attacks is really revealing there is fundamental disconnect between the mainstream media and the rest of america. lou: adrian that, your thoughts on same subject? >> absolutely. donald trump has laid out a incredibly robust blueprint for
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making america great again. that includes a jobs renaissance and economic renaissance. i like the fact he is now going appoint the dow chemical ceo to this council to bring industry and manufacturing and all those jobs back to america. lou: i'm sorry, we've got a hard out coming straight at us. and this is where i have to say, much too early. thank you, we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. lou: mike gallagher, thanks so much. adrian that and bree, thank you. president-elect trump saying movements ago his economic policy is simple. >> my administration will follow two simple rules. buy american, and hire american. lou: matt schlapp, byron york, rachel campos duffy join me here next to talk about that philosophy and how quickly it can be implemented. stay with us. we're coming right back. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count.
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lou: start with the thank you tour this is creating so much goodwill for the president-elect. amazing to watch how much fun everybody is having in part reliving election night. >> it is super night. anybody who didn't get to make it during the campaign trail gets to go again and another chance to do it again. he comes to wisconsin next week. i plan to go as well. so i think it is exciting. lou: byron, your thoughts on developments occurring in the backdrop here. first, rudy giuliani acknowledging that he had withdrawn his name to be in consideration of secretary of state or for any appointment that might have occurred with the transition team 10 days ago. that is sudden development, a shock and obviously it's programmed for naming of the secretary of state by the president-elect. >> it's a big deal. who would have during the
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campaign predicted this? giuliani was extremely effective surrogate for donald trump. traveled with him a lot. gave a real knockout speech at the republican convention. but appears to kind of painted himself into a corner in this whole transition process by saying that he would really only accept one job, that is secretary of state. there are four big cabinet positions. secretary of state, treasury, defense and attorney general. three of those have gone really smoothly for donald trump. there is obviously a snag in this attorney general thing and rudy giuliani, finally got himself out of it. lou: yeah, i think, in withdrawing showed great, i think he did something very smart. he decided enough of the insult. this is becoming an insulting process for people who expect to become secretary of state. your thoughts, matt.
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looks like the reince priebus axis may have had its will exercised here, what do you think? >> let me tell you, i've been involved in transitions. as you know i worked for president bush in the white house. it is a very painful thing for people when their names float out to the press, they get vetted or have background checks done. it's a painful process. i think rudy giuliani is handling this with a lot of class. it is reason why we always thought of him as america's mayor. i'm glad he is out there with a smile on his face. lou: he is out there with a smile on his face. that speaks to his character and his class. he is one of most fiercest and most successful prosecutors in the country. he is a fighter for donald trump. he has great people around him he brought into the cabinet and administration. i don't see anybody there that has the personal connection or tie to trump who, rudy is a guy
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who would have had his back no matter when and could have brought out the knives quickly as any establishment folks that may wish to shape their will? >> listen, i thought rudy would have been a great pick. he obviously understands global issues and close to the president, as you said, lou. that is an important thing for foreign leaders. they like to talk to somebody they know is close to the president. i would just say this i know there is talk about rudy really wanting this job. he indicated he wanted this job. he probably would have been offered -- lou: why the heck is that such a big deal? if he didn't acknowledge he wanted he would be less than straightforward. >> that's fine. i want to be clear. i think rudy giuliani went in to help donald trump win because he loves america. because he really thought america was going in the wrong direction and he wanted to fight because he thought -- lou: who froze him out? >> i don't know. i mean maybe there were just other candidates. people that have more foreign
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policy i'm saying that i don't think rudy giuliani expected this quid pro quo. i helped you and they want the best person for the job. lou: i think you're right. matt, is it going to be smooth sailing from here? >> this is much more public transition than we've ever seen. lou: that is a happy for sunlight, transparency. all that transparency and openness obama promise, trump is delivering. i love it. >> that that is a very fair poi, lou. i never would have thought newt and christie and rudy wouldn't be in the cabinet. so it's a little bit shocking. lou: thank you very much, byron. your last, we have 10 seconds. your final thought? >> well it is actually gone fairly smoothly now. if he can finally get the secretary of state thing taken care of, it has been actually a rather smooth process. to those people just undercabinet secretaries that play hugely important role in the administration. lou: that is up next. thanks so much. appreciate it.
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sorry for the crush on time. that president-elect, he just seems to think this is his time. he's right. pastor mark burns, it is his turn next. his time, next. stay with us. we'll be right back. or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card.
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bragging about his great support from evangelicals, and well he should. are you surprised at that support, and what do you expect i've been on the campaign trail for a year and a half and hearing the heart beat of the evangelical community that they wanted donald trump to be the next president of the united s court justices and also his desire to appeal and remove the amendment so that opens up the mouthpiece of the churches in this country. lou: putting the church into
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the public square. >> exactly. gary: we desperately need. that macy's performing another miracle on 34th street withdrawing matching funds from the employees who donate to planned parenthood. i just want to get your reaction to it. i didn't think we would see such a thi we have a unified voy major secular, liberal entity in this country, as long as we open up our mouths and speak, we can get them to do what we desire them to do. this is still a faith based country, and macy's withdrawing financial support to planned parenthood is proving that our mouth, our voice matters, and this is just the beginning. lou: i think you're exactly right, pastor, good to have you
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here, sorry we're short on time but the president-elect used it all up. >> i love you. lou: love you back. great to see you, pastor. that's it for us tonight, thank you for joining us. we'll see you monday evening. i hope you'll make plans to be with us. have a great weekend. good night.. announcer: from fox business headquarters and new york city, the new "wall street week." gary: welcome to "wall street week," the show for long-term investing, i'm gary kaminsky. trish: and i'm trish regan. the trump rally continues to roll on, the market soaring to new highs and look at how much the major indices have gained since election day. this is one month time, staggering stuff. gary: will laugh in the face of the likely rise in the interest rates next week. capital management, good friend of the show, bob olstein, we're going to talk about stocks and
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