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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 10, 2016 5:00am-6:01am EST

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here, sorry we're short on time but the president-elect used it all up. >> i love you. lou: love you back. great to see you, pastor. that's it for us tonight, thank you for joining us. we'll see you monday evening. ♪ tonight, donald trump versus the union boss, as the president-elect has a preview. the medical case for ecstasy. and rock and roll fans, throw your underies in the air. the detailing of the indiana
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carrier deal, a beefy union thug is using salty language to challenge trump's math. chuck jones is the president of a local united steelworkers union, he said trump lied his ass off. he said they pulled a dog and pony show on the voters and he almost threw up in his mouth. chuck jones has done a terrible job of representing workers, no wonder companies flee the country. jones doesn't want trump to get credit for saving non-union jobs. the truth is, there was a great union chasm. and people like chuck jones wanted hillary clinton to win so they could deliver the rust belt to another pro-union democrat so they could give dues to people like hillary.
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in ohio, hillary clinton lost among union households, 49-44%. something like that was unthinkable even four years ago. now bosses have set themselves -- choking to death under a union strangleholds. member o member this election saw the rank and file turn on the bozos in charge as they started to think and vote for themselves. it's not just auto workers and steel peeps. teachers want to keep crusty old failures in the classroom, results be damned. god forbid teachers get rewarded for breaking through to young
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minds. cities in california, arizona and illinois teeter on the edge of bankruptcy unable to pay for basic services as their municipalities suffer under the weight of government and union collusion. the only way manufacturing will thrive in this country again is if trust can be rebuilt without the meddling of greedy unions. i've been meaning to tell you, i like your shirt. i'm kennedy. donald trump did much better with union voters than mitt romney in 2012, so he's treading a bit of a line here. are we seeing the beginning of trump's domestic agenda when it comes to labor views. jonah welcome back. >> thank you.
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>> what does this twitter fight between chuck jones and donald trump say to you? >> well, it says to me, while i agree with vast amounts of what you had to say about government unions and teachers unions and all of that i kind of see this whole thing pretty differently than you do. i see this as another example of how when donald trump punches down, he looks really bad. >> yeah. >> and when he punches up, he wins the presidency. when he punches down, he puchbss down on people like the khan family or the union guy. i've got no huge grief for unions in general, but there is a huge distinction between private sector unions and public sector unions. public sector unions shouldn't exist. but when donald trump, first of
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you will all, this jones guy, everything it i've read says the jones guy is right on the numbers. >> he says the jobs were never going south of the border in the first place. but he's talking about some of the clerical jobs that are non-union jobs, and that's where he's digging in. my ultimate issue here, jonah is not with the jobs. my issue is, what have unions done to kill manufacturing, particularly in the midwest, and that is what i think is going on here, and that's what i think the real question is, and that has to be a defining aspect of donald trump's labor policy. >> no, i think that's entirely a fair point, although i would argue today, the threat to the private sector and the industrial midwest is not first and foremost industrial unions or private sector unions, it's the government unions.
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we saw this in the wisconsin fight over the recall. the miners and industrial guys, they all voted for scott walker. the government unions were bought into the climate change stuff, all bought into the cultural issues and all that kind of stuff. they're the ones who go along with imposing crazy regulations on industry but don't rhelet th work. the one thing that the private sector guys agree on is that you need a private sector to have a private sector union. if jones had come out and said hooray for donald trump, this is a great day for carrier, donald trump would be tweeting about what a wonderful union leader this is. the fact that we're going to find actual economic policy based on donald trump's twitter feed is a fantasy. >> it's nice to see a differentiation between the union bosses and the members. because the members see how this
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structure is problematic and the becau bosses want to people like hillary clinton in power. now indiana is a right to work state, wisconsin is a right to work state, and these victories were delivered because you have more independent thinking in these unions, which is great. my next question is of course for the president-elect, are you going to fund these infrastructure projects with union labor? are you going to use unions to build these trillion dollar projects? >> i wrote a column about this a couple weeks ago. i think the smartest thing donald trump could do is take a page from pete wilson who after the north ridge earthquake declared an emergency, waived all sorts of nonsense union rules and nonsense environmental rules to rebuild as quickly as
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possible and bonuses for getting done ahead of time. we're against getting raped by government inefficiency, it took 410 days i believe to do the pentagon. 22 years to do the big dig in boston. if trump said we're going to do it fast, good, but not anything like davis bacon, these crazy regs. we're going to do this with an eye toward the taxpayer, it would help him enormously. >> davis bacon makes me hungry. let's meet the sand blaesed panel, kiersten haguelin. it's taya kyle and welcome everyone. >> thanks for having us. >> let's dive into some of this. president-elect donald trump has proven to be tough and tame or
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he's like a lioness. the two powerful lawmakers say they plan to keep the donald in check. tom cotton and trey gowdy say they are resetting the balance of power that president obama ignored. i think you can add president bush to that list. but can anybody really tell donald trump what to do? so glen, i will start with you. there is so much power concentrated now in the oval office that started under george w. bush. president obama more than happy to consolidate more power. and it seems that president trump wouldn't mind using that bully pulpit as we. how difficult is it to shift some of that to the congress? >> it is easy to do. they have creeded a lot of thei authority. they're talking about oversight
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hearings and all that. i think congress has done enough hearings. >> like the u.n. almost. >> you look at the polling on congress, and they're at historically low levels. when you see what they're asked, what do you want them to do? do your job, pass legislation. and they have too many hearings. >> they're not getting anywhere. they're constantly driving, but where are we going. have we lost touch with what the legislative branch is meant to do? >> i think we very lost touch. if you're a republican saying you have to support the candidate. or if you are a republican or democrat and you go against party lines, it's not considered critical thinking and appreciated like it should be if my opinion. it's considered to be disloyal. first, we're americans, second, we belong to a party. if congress will do their job, that is oversight. if i'm doing something i feel is right i don't mind if i look into it. i agree we don't need to take that too far and get into all
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these hearings. it just needs to be, we're doing our job. this is checks and balances. >> are they being too skittish preemptively? do you think they need to wait until the askinneds to the almighty power? >> i think they are signaling and thinking about the future of the gop. because really it's an unknown what a trump gop is going to look like, especially four years on. so they're thinking of the future of their careers as well as the gop. the other thing is that yes, i agree. weigh all want congress to pass legislation that comes to interest desk. they just passed a huge bill yesterday, the 21st century cures act, but we also know that this government was founded on the idea that we want it to be hard for some legislation to get through. because we want there to be healthy debate.
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so i think it's more a perception issue than necessarily about it working. and both parties are looking ahead to 2018, and they want the leverage to look good. >> you know who's really looking ahead to 2018, chuck schumer warned republicans that if they repeal obamacare and a new gop idea doesn't work, democrats will not help them replace it with something else. is that a solid political strategy or childish nonsense? glenn, i look at this and it looks so immature on the surface. you're talking about millions of people who could suffer if obamacare is repealed and replaced with something completely new and it doesn't work. isn't this a huge gamble for chuck schumer and his fellow democrats? >> that is the gamble and they're not part of improving the system to make it work better. and we've all seen there are some things that need to be
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tweaked. it's not working perfectly, even president obama has admitted that. but if he just says i'm going to give you enough rope to hang yourself, what if they don't hang, then the democrats don't look like they're part of the process, and that whole business of washington not getting things done, kind of smack of egg on ju your face. >> it's ego. that's what people are so politically frustrated in this country. >> that's showing how out of touch they are. instead of saying we care about the people, let's see what's working and what's not. it's extraordinarily arrogant to think that you're going to create any social program and have it be smooth for everybody. that's stupid. but i will say i have a lot of friends in different jobs. i haven't found one that is happy about obamacare. their cost has gone up so much that it's like an additional mortgage payment. >> and you do have fewer
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choices. i don't care what the president says and going back on his word, you simply have fewer choices, the care is not as good and it's much more expensive. >> if schumer is saying if you touch it we're out and we're not going to work together, basically, he's giving the middle finger to the american public who are counting on changes to be made to alleviate the weight on their pocket. >> you're talking about millions of people who could be left out in the cold. how do you get past the frustration, the people just playing for their two teams? how do you get them to see a bigger picture? >> you know what's going to make everyone realize they need to come together on this is insurers, and right now they are already going to congress and saying hey, this is where we stand. this is what we want if aca is to be repealed. premiums are through the roof. and if trump gets everything he wants, let's be realistic.
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it doesn't pay for itself and it's going to go out the door. >> they already are. >> they'll go up even more. >> people don't care about the policy wonkish stuff. they care about this premiums. and if premiums can get premiums down in the first two years before 2018, they'll have a win. >> very good. michael moore is urging protesters to spoil donald trump's naurg ral party. and the cure for ptsd may already exist, but there's a catch. i'm going to talk to somebody who has used ecstasy, her story is next. i have asthma...
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for the roughly 8 million americans to suffer interest post traumatic stress disorder, one of the medications has been illegal. the food and drug administration is now moving forward with a large-scale study that will use ecstasy as a prescription drug to treat ptsd, and that is because of its effectiveness.
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both anecdotally and in small trials. now particularly for how fast it seems to work on some patients. it is almost miraculous. it's an incredible story. joining me now is tom schroeder, the author of a book. and i'm joined by rachel hope. she has been part of these ecstasy trials and has been helped by them so much that it has cured her ptsd. welcome ray overwhelm and tom. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we're going to get to your story in just a second. tom, i'm going to start with you. it is almost yes, ma'am possible for me to state how profoundly impacted i was by your book. it opened up my eyes to what drug hysteria has done to this country and what a disservice it's done to people who truly need this kind of care. when you were researching md
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muchmdma also known as ecstasy, what did you find about the drug in psychological studies? >> in the '50s and '60s, psychedelic drugs were the most studied and most promising drugs in history. and then when they got out into the public culture, people sort of hysterically reacted, and they, and they were banned in 1970. and since that time, they were the most stigmatized drug in psychiatric history. and this 30-year effort from when mdma was added to the schedule one list in 1985 has been the huge uphill climb against some real, sort of stigmatized against the drug. and the people who were behind it had to rely on doing yes, ma'am -- impeccable science to
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prove that this stuff was effective. it's not hilike they give you t drug like an aspirin or something, it's the drug combined with talk therapy. >> you talk about the stories, and one of them is rachels. you a you are a survivor of abuse, and it crippled your life when you had children. what happened the first time you used mdma in that setting? describe the experience, if you could, a little bit. >> well, it was as if my whole brain lit up like a christmas tree, and i had access to my best self, and i turned that best self onto the most damaged part of me, and i got to address the trauma that had been plaguing me for over 20 years
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and actually get into it with the psychotherapy and heal myself. it was a lot of hard work. it wasn't a fun ride, but i was able to do it without retraumatizing myself. >> that's thing, kennedy, is that the process, it's not hili you need to keep taking these drugs in order to have the result. they actually get to the root of the problem and yyou untangle te knots that have tangled you up almost to the point of suicide. >> yes, and that is why it's so critical that not only the drug but the psychological setting become available to people returning from iraq and afghanistan. you said you have three of these sessions and your ptsd was considered cured. >> yeah, i no longer have ptsd with three eight-hour sessions in clinic. this is such a powerful
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possibility for so many people. i think ptsd is masquerading as depression and alcoholism and all these things. i think is probably one of the most powerful breakthroughs in therapy we have and urgent. don't hurt yourself, there's hope. don't worry about the stigma. if you really are suffering like this, hopefully there's hope for many other people and for those of you interested in the subject, i strongly suggest you get tom's book, acid test. >> thank you so much for being here. i appreciate it. a company has just announced it will give tours to the moon for $10,000. i'll watch a physicist if affordable space travel is on the horizon and the bigger implication for man kind, that's next. od with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours.
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welcome back. a group called moon express has become the first private company to obtain permission from the u.s. government to land on the moon, and it plans to sell tickets for just $10,000 apiece in as little as ten years. nasa says a new form of propulsion relying on electromagnetic waves could
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potentially get us from earth to mars in 70 days. are we at the dawn of a new age? joining me now, professor kaku. >> glad to be on your show as usual. >> i love the idea of space travel. whether it's close by, that little rock next door we kcall the moon or the red planet. so let's talk about this lunar journey. $10,000? in ten years? >> when you're applying your christmas vacations, put that down in the future. let's go to that crater, that valley on the moon. before we get all hot and heavy about this, realize that $10,000 today will only put a pound of anything, just in mere earth orbit. >> not even near the moon. >> that's $10,000 a pound. to put you in outer space just
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going around the world is like your weight in gold. that's the cost of space travel. now for you to right on the space station costs about $20 million. >> wow. >> $20 million to go whizzing around the earth, and if you just want to go straight up 70 miles and come back down on spaceshiptwo, $200,000. b bargain basement. there was a fatality a couple years ago. so you're thinking maybe not this year. >> maybe in ten years, though, this private space exploration is really moving us forward, and part of that as you note is because now these rockets are recyclable. >> that's right. there have been two major changes with the space age. one is the reusable booster rockets. space x has created that and
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lands with this booster rocket hull in place. no more bloated bureaucrats spending as much as they want because we're up against the russians, the russians aren't competing with us anymore. now it's private enterprise. >> let's talk about the trip to mars. it's these electromagnetically propelled boosters themselves. i don't understand how this works. and in layman's terms, you say it has a few problems overcoming a few of newton's laws. >> that's right. >> but how would that work for transportation? >> we use chemical rockets today, hydrogen and oxygen. and we get thrust coming out the other end. that is extremely inefficient. we need a new way of getting into outer space. so the next generation of rockets could be ion rockets, like a tv set throwing ions out the other end. there could be a game changer. some physicists say no way.
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hou however who knows? it's basically microwaves and radar putting a mild thrust in that direction. they did a test of it. it's going to be published in a scientific journal. some people are saying ah-ha, that's the proof in the pudding. others are saying not so fast, not so fast. >> which group are you in? >> i'm in the not so fast category. because i believe in newton's rules of motion and einstein's the speed of light. chemical rockets will only go so far before we have to boldly go where no one has gone before. >> speaking of that, john glenn, dead at 95 years old. what impact did his story have on you? >> i think it galvanized the american public, and people began to realize that outer space isn't just for buck rogers
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but for ordinary people that we, too, can one day explore the entire universe, so i think he and yuri gagarin paved the way. there's this whole universe waiting to be discovered. >> looking up at it for thousands of years, being able to realize that is extraordinary. >> and one day we'll reach out and touch the stars. >> yeah, it's incredible. thank you dr. kaku. coming up, one of trump's old buddies has new ideas to gin up the inauguration. what shape could the most elaborate inauguration in history take? that's next. lexus december to remember sales event get up to $2500 customer cash on select 2016 and 2017 models for these terms. see your lexus dealer.
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film maker and rabble rouser michael moore pushing the anti-trump crowd to make a mess out of the trump inauguration. disrupt the inauguration. the majority have spoken by nearly 2.7 million votes and counting. silence is not an option. i can hear your stomach growling from here. good luck, miguel. meanwhile, it was suggested that donald trump should have a parade up fifth avenue followed by a helicopter ride to the grand inauguration party, so basically a low-key event of the
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panel is back to discuss. so kiersten, i'll start with you. michael moore is suggesting that people go out and disrupt the inauguration. i love a little bit of rabble rousery, but what do you think he really has in mind? >> he just wants to create drama. he is a showman just like donald trump is a showman, right? that's how he sells his documentaries. and financialang -- frankly, i will get what he wants. they're both show men, they're both going to get what they want. us who have not freezing our butts off. >> it's always cold in january. >> we can watch it from the warmth of our own home and laugh and cry and all kinds of emotional reactions. >> it's the ending to the
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strangest election you can possibly recall. it almost seems like it has to have this big finish, this big ending. >> i guess. you know. >> raah, raaah. >> donald trump is already acting presidential. i think it is time to move forward. michael moore, i agree with everything you said. this is his chance to put his name out there. i could respect his desire to make a statement if he also had a plan to say here's how we're going to talk to congress and senate and actually make a difference. there's nothing about michael moore's process that says i actually want to make difference. it just says i want my name to be said over and over and over because i caused a scene. >> there's really none of that, bu but i feel that way about several things, about colin kaepernick. what do you think is going to happen? i don't think protesters like to
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gather p when it's so cold outside. >> there's going to be so much security, there may be a protest somewhere. the ones who said we would never do anything like that. those trump guys are going to be making a scene if they don't win. >> not rigged, you're rigged. >> it seems a little odd that this tens. th if you look at the rest of the country, wall street was a big clinton supporter and now they're working with trump to help support the inauguration. so i think the rest of the country has moved on. >> now the president-elect is raising a lot of money for some big parties and mark burnett wants to augment that. i think a parade is a great idea. that's where trump tower is, he's a new yorker through and through. it should be unconventional, and i don't know if you've seen "survivor", but he loves helicopter shots. the bible series and the voice
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and everything. maybe that will engender some goodwill because mark burnett is well loved. maybe that will bring love to donald, maybe a ticker-tape parade. >> you know, bring something back to new york too. this is where it all started. >> some of those classic show tunes. well, thank you guys so much. it's love thily thursday with y. and i have front man seb as-baa bach who's going to tell me about his hilife on skid row. i love getting more for less. that's why this control enthusiast rents from national. where i can skip the counter...
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look at those lips and that hair! the life of a rock star ain't easy. just ask sebastian bach. he weighs the front man in skid row. would you call yourself metal? >> some songs. not all the songs. some songs. >> cocaine on the restaurant tables for lunch. 747s to the soviet union, all
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will having sex. listening to his own music. he tells a lot in his new memoir. if you love rock memoirs, you have to get this, 18 and leave -- life in skid row. and losing his home in super storm sandy. it's great to see you. what a whirlwind. >> good to see you. the last time i saw you was at some charity thing in like 1993 or something. you look great. >> you have a great memory. >> and how have you maintained your voice throughout all the coke use? cocaine and jack daniels tends to do a number on the vocal chords. >> i don't drink jack daniels and i don't do cocaine. i haven't touched either of those two things in like 22
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years. >> it's like merlot and advil now? >> something like that. >> the book is rich and thick. and you said your favorite auto biography is from keith richards. >> i involve that. and i don't understand how that works. the guy who snorts his dad's ashes from the funeral urn, he has like the best rock book. like the most well-written lucid book, you know? >> yeah. >> so it's amazing. >> was there ever a time, especially in the late '80s, i moved to los angeles in 1990. and glam was in full swing. >> yes. >> and the rainbow and the roxie and all those places. you talk about doing ludes under the table. was there ever a time you didn't think you would make it out of there? >> when you're that age, you think you're indestructible. you don't really think it's bad for you when back then we didn't know that it was very bad for you. i remember vividly when the
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basketball player liynn buy aib. he did a line and dropped dead. we found out it's not only possible but probable. >> let's talk about music a little bit. obviously, the scene you were thrust into in the late '80s changed very much when grunge came on the scene in the early '90s. tell me about that shift. when did you realize there was a shift taking place? >> when did i realize it? i think i realized it when i saw the video for "smells like teen spirit." and there was never any video or song like that before. it was a new sound. people were responding to it. but, you know, what goes around comes around. i mean now the biggest tour in town is guns and roses or ac/dc,
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who had the same singer. so, you know, music is cyclical. and people will always love rock 'n roll. because it gets passed down through the generations. iron maiden has never been bigger than lake right now. it's kind of crazy. >> you talk about the rainbow, and lemmy basically had a residency, and the world basically stopped when he passed away. that was a moment when everyone sort of took stock in their love of music and the influential people. >> yeah, i was very fortunate to be in the band that sang for lemmy at his last birthday. >> yeah. >> the whiskey. >> were you close with him? >> yeah, he was always a big skid row fan, would come to our shows and call me up when motorhead was in town and invite me to his shows, and we miss
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lemmy and glen fry. we miss david bowie. we miss prince. >> man, in one year. >> it goes on and on and on, you know. >> last question, how will a trump presidency affect music, and will it be for the better of society? >> i think it's too early to see how donald trump's going to affect anything, because he's just brand-new. i have no idea, like let's go for it. let's do this. he. >> i like that you're crossing your fingers. for a minute i thought you were flipping somebody off. i'm grad lad it wasn't me. >> fingers crossed. >> sebastian bach. >> can you show that on tv? >> yeah, gold lemay. look at the inside jacket cover. is that not so extraordinary? well done, marketing genius. >> it's like tiger meat with the pull-out poster. >> you don't have to tell me, i
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am the tiger, grrrr. thanks for coming by. >> great to see you again. >> coming up, a scientist discovered a new type of animal. it's a reptile with a shell. more on fascinating snake bach and the topical storm next. ♪
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yay. it's hate mail thursday. don't worry, your nasty cards
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and letters are coming in a moment. but before we get to the emotional enagrenades, let's pa for oddities in a big-ass turtle. new zealanders are fabulous people. they are full of wonder and curiosity and one kiwi couple stumabled upon a giant turtle floating next to their boat off the coast which i believe is near south carolina or something. >> massive. hello! oh, my god. >> oh, my god. it sounds almost orgas mick. that's not a new zealand accent. don't judge me. that turtle is so locomotive, he floated all the way to boston harbor. >> i don't know what this is, but he says it's a [ bleep ] big
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sea turtle. it's a big [ bleep ] wheel, man. >> is it a sea turtle? those are my favorite marine biologists. topic number two. cs lewis once wrote, in heaven, there is only music and silence, but until then we can content ourselves with our own compositions, including the march from "star wars" using a coffee stirrer. ♪ >> mm, mm, mm, mm. that is brilliant. were john williams alive, he would love it. now let's hear it in all its glory by john williams and the
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london philharmonic orchestra. we can't? we can't play it for legal reasons? oh, man, do we have another version on file? ♪ that little plastic clad nazis aren't they. topic number three. quebec is a canadian province founded by moose-kissing frenchman. they wanted to have the tallest tree in north america. or as they call it el norte, mericano. that was meant to beat the robust pine in rockefeller center, but they have found a tree suffering from anemia.
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and tree-rexia. maybe in they soak the base in seattle it will perk up. canada, it's not about the size of your tree. it's about how you use it. yeah. even modest christmas spruce can be charping with the right ambiance. ♪ he's a nazi too, no, he's not. topic number four. watch this man use his curser to keep his curious kitty company. >> whoa! cats are dumb. ha, ha, ha. one less cat on the couch. oh, good. hope the laptop's okay. topic number five. and now, for the topical storm segment of the week that will bring you the most laughter,
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tears and leg tingles. it's viewer mail time. thinman keicks us off with this tweet, you're evil, since you don't like cats, and die think cats are nice with a nice bearnaise sauce. can you go blond? already did. susan wants to know, are their kennedy action figures available for the holidays? you are my new super hero. probably, but i don't see a dime from them. i'm the credence clearwater revival of action figures. and finally this message from hal man on twitter. kennedy nation, you said you didn't vote trump, for what it's worth, it's worth me never watching your show again! oh, get ahold of yourself, man. you immature baboon, and thank you for watching the show tonight, i've loved every morsel
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and every minute. e-mail kennedyfbn @fox and now i'm going to twirl around the table and westeish y very good night. announcer: from fox business headquarters and new york city, the new "wall street week." gary: welcome to "wall street week," the show for long-term investing, i'm gary kaminsky. trish: and i'm trish regan. the trump rally continues to roll on, the market soaring to new highs and look at how much the major indices have gained since election day. this is one month time, staggering stuff. gary: will laugh in the face of the likely rise in the interest rates next week. capital management, good friend of the show, bob olstein, we're going to talk about stocks and


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