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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 15, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EST

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you're not going to be able to get all the tax cuts you off. if we don't let the business tax cut through without individual rates address, that will be a big downer. a lot of people are looking forward to not only tax cuts, but big ones. >> i just want to thank liz, ashley, very important show. when you can't remember someone saying it says a lot about your age. but go ahead. neil: all right, thanks, pop spirit i will. [laughter] i think you just criticize my age. we are in this march to 20 k. what is interesting is we were just pointing out the same stuff that was whirling and rattling investors as expected move to hike rates and that's the number of times it might follow that. three times next year, three times 2018 or three times 2019 by time which the signal seems to be up to a rate of around 3%
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or so. that would be back to kind of the historical norms, even though for a lot of people that would be a shock to the system. people i bump into talk about 4% mortgages and i can't believe they missed the boat on that one. the psychological effect is one thing, but for savers which we don't pay much attention to, but we should come as a whole different experience. get a little bit of bang for their buck whether it's a cd for savings account. nothing big, nothing to write home about, but finally some numbers here and this is why we have 80 points and 20,000. i will get them to make us come in knots the dollars out of 14 year highs. keep in mind most of the stocks that occupy the dow jones industrials, they are big companies. very big companies subject to big swings in the currency. the stronger the dollar means
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when their earnings abroad are put back, they will have fewer dollars for them. you would think the value would hurt them. it's not it was interesting as well is not nearly so effect to buy that kind of stuff off to the races doubled the pace about racing in the dow and s&p. again, not looking at anything negative in this round. the only negative is when everyone is going one way, and he stepped back and say everyone is going one way here. be careful. the catalyst for this, strong dollar reflective of a strong economy placing bets across the globe for a continued strong recovery. with that sort of like the foundation, where are we going today and in these waning weeks of this incredible year within reach over at the cme. when you get a sense of this, we
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talk about its unprecedented nature, i always like this are at every nine people outside it is good to have a bull run just like it's not great to have a run, but she have to look at life in balance. balance this out for those who may be few as they are that this is all happening a little too soon, too fast. when you say? >> by mr. sunshine. let's remember we came 10,000 points in the dow between the lows in 2009 in november 4th election. this is not a new rally round. this is an extension of that. >> it's an initially quick one. >> it's all about perspective and perception. if you look at it, and the market is up 1400 points since you came back september 6. is eucom is a chump? is it a market trend continuing to move higher?
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paying attention to facts that everybody is optimistic right now. we've had some safety assets like bonds and gold have done nothing but absolutely straight down. i don't see that much certainty in 2017 compared to what the market has given us right now. >> i just want you to repeat your wisdom for those who might've missed it it including my boss says i might be watching the show. came back september 6th. people wander in the financial does or does that were. what has happened since that point in time? >> the market was 18,538. the dow up 14 points in many% rally. i think it has a lot to do with it. >> area well put. by the way, you are welcome, america. let's get a sense. what you see happening with the anticipation in washington? obviously people looking for tax
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cuts, stimulus, the likes of which we haven't seen or have been looking forward to. washington, even under one party's control tends to move slowly. could be very different because president-elect trump is proving like no other i could remember. play that out for the first hundred, 200 days ago. >> it's interesting because a well-made plan has to be executed and wear it long, long ways away from that. the market has been very optimistic on these ideas can they actually be implemented. that the big question. we still have some strength in stocks looking at the dow. focusing on 20 k. 20 k. for me is a big number because we will be at 15% and 2016. that's a healthy return and the stock and more important it will be up 30% off the lows we saw earlier this year. there's only two stocks negative this year. coca-cola and nike. look at the dow to play
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catch-up. they may be a big opportunity here in 2017. >> allen, you are so common back again and again and again. thank you. you really are a fun guy and your historical perspective uncannily brilliant. allen at the cma. i wanted to three from former virginia governor on this debate over the tax reform and maybe it doesn't pan out. i'm not trying to be a wet blanket as you know, you and i have gotten into this before. when i hear mitch mcconnell say once these tax cuts to be revenue neutral, which assigned from an accounting is. i appreciate his concern. i do find it remarkable democrats are now suddenly very conservative. having said that, do you think i could take over by the tax cuts that if everything had to be revenue neutral, by definition that doesn't mean you're going to get big tax cuts and let that worry you?
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>> i think what we need to do is jumpstart our economy and get our country much more competitive as far as corporate or business taxes, they should also apply to individuals because a lot of manufacturers from the national association of manufacturers, a lot of members are passed organizations and so that does have to be reformed insofar as individual tax cuts as well. the marketing people are in donald trump to keep the promise is feared is putting together a great cabinet of people experienced in business, free-market system, understanding international competitiveness and everyone knows we have the highest taxes on businesses in the world. let's get more competitive. if you can bring back trillions overseas that they don't want to get hit with a 35% tax is from a double jumpstart the economy. more importantly we will turbocharge our economy with literally millions of jobs that need more revenue. people are working, paying taxes. i hate to hear her public
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understand dynamic economic policy. neil: you just read my mind. how is this going to be scored? i warned you governor. but i liked when it comes to tax cuts i don't look at them as ending on the program. that is the dynamic investment. you do get bang for the buck did you just don't get it right away. i hope they keep that in mind. >> they have to keep in mind. anytime you change the tax code, it's not as if investment will happen the next day. neil: what if he said no, no, no, this is how we do it. you're anticipating a tax cut with a program to build a bridge. >> i understand and even building a bridge is a long-term investment as well. infrastructure improvements are indicated as well, especially for energy infrastructure. that helps the economy as well. a lot of policies whether it's productive energy policy or tax
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policy is to encourage more investment and job creation result in more income. it's proven every time tax cuts came in for capital gains, the result was not a loss of revenue. there is more revenue and i think mitch does history. >> these tax cuts have to be big otherwise don't bother with them. trimming around the edges will get you bang for the buck. it's not going to move the needle much. ronald reagan's tax-cut did. people forget even though bill clinton raised taxes on the upper income, he cut dramatically a lot of investor related taxes and we had a market boom follow. my only point is it's got to be fairly dramatic. do you see any effort on the hill where they will do their best to rein that in? >> you mean to put a cold blanket on it? >> anybody who wants a wet
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blanket -- i think the wrong approach. the wrong approach is understand donald trump line. he had the support of the people and his ideas for big changes. they were significant. they were just nibbling. he wants to make america great again by having a more competitive tax policy. they give by imation are dave resources. it means reining in the regulatory red tape that adds cost to doing business in the u.s. i think of the congress recognizes that the will of the people in america wants to be great again, and we want to be number one not worse. but how the government on the side of free enterprise they will say darn right, that's what we want to see in washington. excuse is there not going to improve anything for someone's
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life. neil: don't hold back, governor. >> we want a level playing field, but we want to be vast. that's what americans expect. donald trump and his cabinet and to do just that. neil: we will watch closely. i hope you have a merry christmas. >> have a great christmas and a healthy, happy new year. neil: to read on all of this and some of the nuance is behind the rally that seemed to be ignoring the possibility there could be a revolt among electors. presidential elect is made in just four days to either confirm or could it be reversed the election results from a little more than 5.5 weeks ago? that is that some democrats are leading to have access to intelligence that is out there that the russians might have been hacking the election. they are not going so far as to say they reverse the results, but they do want the electors to vote their conscience whatever that means because i talked to a
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number on this issue and they keep saying vote their conscience and it does beg the question what you really want is to have them flip, to go the other way. scott rasmussen, to you first. how big a threat is this? i don't mean threat and the political term, but the possibility of the electors of the republican ones in republican states he would reverse their votes. >> book, i am skeptical that you caused the market rallied by coming back. but that has a bot more credence to it than the fact that the electoral college is going to do something other than a lack donald trump. it is a non-factor. it is a fantasy whipped up by people who are really struggling to accept the results of the election. on november 7 to recommend to reclaim soon be the first woman president of the united states. a period of grief this is just one or expression of it. not going to happen.
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>> as you know, once i return from awful heart surgery take the market with me upon coming back. that is a debatable. >> is followed you for the last eight years. >> let me ask you about the rationale behind this. i can see that someone was in college in our elections. not smart enough to know is the intelligence community is that unanimous about this, the russians or the chinese, north koreans. i don't know. but i know some people -- that is safe to say. i draw the line that it changed the result of the election because by telling the electors and whatever intelligence you got any or all of the above, you are more or less saying if you don't switch your vote, something is wrong with you. when you think of that?
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>> i agree with scott and i think it's a fantasy that is any significant number of electors will choose their votes. the bigger question is do we still support, do we as americans still support the idea of the electoral college? we went down the road in the year 2000. neil: that's a separate argument. >> i agree with you. what i'm trying to say as i do think it's reasonable to ask for security briefings around the issues at hand. the entire american people. it speaks to the absolute integrity and soreignty of our nation which is why you have people like mitch mcconnell and others. >> you would be with issue with the election results, those who voted assuming she had one should meet. >> i believe that the integrity and the autonomy of our
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democracy is the most important foundation. neil: you actually have both in abundance. i'm not criticizing you. such a sad talk to others. i wouldn't have the same characterization and wondering if they're making political hay by saying we think the electors should have the and then vote your conscience. what you are saying if he knew i plowed through the garage at the pontiac, i think you should do the right thing. >> i think there's an important conversation happening about the real role of the elect is in the online campaign that are trying to get americans to understand the role of the electoral college which indeed was established to be -- neil: the votes of the vote -- >> now, i personally believe that alice to happen it would undermine the integrity of our elections. it's not how we should be litigating this. if we don't believe in the elect tour college, we should change the law.
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neil: what you think about that? i worry about the precedents being set. i think lauren does raise that as one of the wildcards that maybe we should address. this is not the time to do that. i do worry about what's put in place in the meantime. >> this is a concern. i think it's a bigger problem for the democratic party than anybody else. 55% of democrats and the fox news poll think that the russians helped elect donald trump. the majority of democrats have the concern. if they are continuing to use that as an excuse six months from now or a year from now, and it will be difficult for the democratic party to make the changes needed to move forward. will also make it very difficult for any progress to be made in washington. the best comparison i can come up with, a third of the population overall has this view in the 1990s when bill clinton was in office and the result is
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like the dark scenarios taken action to block people from monica went deep about the same number of republicans believed everything about bill clinton was wrong and illegitimate. if democrats follow that model, republicans 15 or 20 years ago will do lasting damage. neil: i want to switch, though. do you think that enough electricity switched to compromise this victory for donald trump next monday? >> i do not. not at all. >> enough to make news and get people talking. we've never had this happen and it's unprecedented. the integrity of the illegitimacy of the present and he is really what is at the heart of this debate and that's why it matters so much. >> fair enough. thank you for technology make key role in this rampage. >> always happy to help you out. >> never about me. back to my show. thank you very much.
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this briefing is going to happen. the question is how many will be in on it. the market rally, what happens to it after that? after this. ♪ this holiday, the real gift isn't what's inside the box...
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neil: it is all based on the intelligence that was once considered unassailable that the cia and every assault at the russians were behind hacking our election. just this one detail here. not everyone was on board and not everyone even at the cia is convinced he was even act in alone. the casa dustup that was supposed to hear from all of these folks because they
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canceled out at the last second. former cia analyst on the significance of that and not being on the same page. what do you make of this and what happened -- and mark would dial this back to should mark being that good to be here. i am really concerned we are seeing on intelligence data leaks, that the intelligence committees can be brief. the reasons are fairly clear. there is disagreement within intelligence agencies. the evidence for whether rush actually have or whether russia was trying to help when the evidence is fairly weak. the intelligence agency and the obama administration do not want that to get out right now. neil: do you think and i know i'm just asking your opinion but i respect you greatly so i have nothing to lose. do you think the russians were involved either alone or with another country? >> the russians are involved in fairly extensive cyberwarfare
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worldwide. it wouldn't surprise me if they had targeted democratic e-mails. i think another question here is that they targeted democratic and republican enough to make it big at the democratic e-mails as they had dutch port internet security that we know the answer to that question is yes. should trump be penalized because the democrats did not protect their electronic communications properly? >> we don't know what if anything they got. we also know that stuff didn't come out for whatever reason which prompts the democrats to say let's alert the elect is toy's because it is possible they are t being so blatant about it. it is possible this election result was compromised as a result of that. do you think that's the case and letting elect or snow or whatever intelligence is out there is enough to prompt them or should prompt them, especially republican once and republican state to not vote for donald trump?
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>> i don't know that republican animals were hacks. i haven't seen evidence of that. the intelligence committee process to be briefed on everything the intelligence community knows. neil: you just pointed out an important clarification. if they were, what does that tell you? if this is a deliberate effort to torpedo hillary clinton's chances. that's the democrats are saying and that this was consequential that could afflict the election. >> i don't think that the purpose of this necessarily was to affect the election in a certain way. the outcome could have occurred because the democrats have very poor internet security. we know that to be the case. >> there are a lot of people and i'm not expecting you to weigh in on the electoral college. if you give this intelligence about them know how easily the russians or her mother and
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embarrassed that succeeded that. do you think that it got to the point where it did turn the election the other way, but if not for that interruption. it's not for that distraction hillary clinton would've won. >> i don't think it affected the outcome of the election and i'm very concerned about a briefing of the electoral college and i'll tell you why. they would have a hard time assessing them and frankly there is real concern about political bias at the cia and i say this as an analyst. i know most analysts are not political, but we know director brandon has been involved in political activities in this administration. frankly i think there is a shadow of anything the agency doesn't tell mr. trump comes into power and presence of officials in the intelligence community. neil: strong stuff. always great catching up with you.
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talk about cyberrisk that this one we're just finding out about it. yahoo! shares plunging after report of the biggest hack ever. as i said, it happened three years ago. we are just finding out about it now. you and i always meet when we get these revelations. we've got to find a different way to chat, my friend. how is it possible we just find out about this? this is like in 2013. >> you know what, this is one of the biggest example the biggest examples of damage control run amok but i've ever seen a business. wherever it's coming from at this point were she clearly knew what was going on. not only does she not reported to shareholders or stockholders, but she doesn't report it to the necessary people so that their own users of yahoo! information will know just how corrupt the information was and how exposed they were.
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neil: i'm wondering how does that come to their attention in places like target more than a year later or whatever. has that been honked or they try to get a sense of how broad it is, what? >> the bottom line is they now unequivocally they have been breached. neil: why can't they read them as soon as they get word we've been breached, get the word out. >> they can. there's no excuse. they don't because they're trying to play cia at that point and disclosed to the death of the breach that occurred on many people were really expose which is interesting to the point right now they still don't know how many people have been victimized by this reach. the answer to your question is their transient as much information as possible before they say anything. there's still not used to what they did here. neil: again, the white house indicating the fbi is looking into this.
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a lot of people's accounts were compromised. possibly tens of millions of them. in what way, what would've happened or what could have happened or what still could be happening if their accounts were compromised? >> look at it this way. the information disclosed as far as what is referred to escape information. social security number, security question and passwords. depending what they have may or may not open up to a larger risk. but it will clearly take them to other areas and the criminal animals and take them to the point where they can luck into other parts of their lives because people use the same information. they are going to use it for the bank and their brokerage accounts. they will use it for just about everything else. the gateway information can lead to a significant amount of
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exposure for ever person exposed. the >> is something happening right now and we won't find out about it for a year or more. >> how do you justify that? how do you folks people in the faith and save my bad, we knew. we just didn't tell you. how do you do that? we need to learn a lesson from this. from the business perspective which you'll forget more about business than i have for now. little did i do now with reverse its ability for shareholder value. look at the deal with verizon. we will look at it if ceos across the country are not learning a lesson from this about how important it is to preemptively vote at their assistance from the cyberbut it did, i don't know what to learn from. neil: verizon is looking at putting a billion off the price
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tag. all good stuff. thank you very much. >> at you. merry christmas. neil: in the meantime, i want to continue looking at this donald trump rally. you are welcome, america, please. in all seriousness, the advance lives on and we are getting a lot more characters in play. not all. the weakest performing in the technologies docks. there are reasons for that. they tried to settle a lot of that last night in yesterday for donald trump was meeting with the tech titans. i'll explain.
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neil: i came back september 6. people wandered in the financial dancer does that word. what has happened in the appointed time? >> the market was at 18,538. 8% rally. you have a lot to do with it. neil: that's right, america. a lot of this has really picked up steam in the last few weeks, but it really started september 6th when i came back. did i mention the open heart surgery? they stopped my heart.
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you heard that? anyway, i'm back and like you are welcome and it's the least i could do. you're very understanding. a lot of you sent me some very nice food items that could aid because like i said, it was a hard thing. the kids enjoyed it. the bottom line is what can he do for you when i come back to work? i hope you like this bull market rally at the frias. enough about me. back to the dollar and how it's responding to me. it is strong and getting stronger. just hit a 14 high against the euro. and yet that is not hitting stocks that badly. they are big guys. you would think the strong dollar hits them hard with fewer dollars for them. funny way of showing it. the 10 year treasury which they have no control.
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so you naturally be saying my goodness, they are not. this guy called it early on but nobody was even just like his namesake in buffalo, new york, and the former republican governor when it's cold, cold, and in buffalo at 90 degrees below zero in july. karl is here in this insane what? he joins us right now. merry christmas. neil: i know you wanted to thank me for this market rally. the guy you back has a few things to do with it. a lot of off msn for what he's going to do and how quickly he's going to do it. do you ever counsel had about
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unintended expectations for people might be getting ahead of themselves or how you dial that back the people are disappointed in what the way washington generally most, even if he's living at it to stream pace. >> .chunky seeing now is that donald trump i'd known. he will occasionally change gears and should position but you always know it's a calculated move on his part. he doesn't make mistakes. in this case, for instance on infrastructure, they are working very hard right now so it hits the ground running as soon as he takes off. there's a battery of people involved in every issue talked about. neil: i've never seen anything like it. people get excited. we know it works even under one-party control.
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how do you prepare people like that. you've got to keep their spirits up even though they might get ahead of themselves. what you do? >> you have to gradually move them into this different pace. for instance congress is a slow turtle walk across the road type of operation. you see them pushing them to get moving faster and bring us into this new era. this new era is that creativity, changing things. i heard last night is up to 2000 executive orders and rules and regulations that they party focused on double b. change virtually immediately. it's a whole different and the obama people should just get out of town because they will be going crazy watching this. watching some pain they thought
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was so difficult that's not difficult. when you're running your own business, you get moving, start answering questions come to motivate people you don't want them to slow down. trained to bite you make of a lot of these folks who are urging the a lot to to assess this russian hacking data and decide your vote. >> inside the press actually gives fan -- put them on the front page with that nonsense. it is pure nonsense. donald trump was the last guy he would've wanted to be president. donald trump talks about things he did was not a sin. the message she sent out with don't mess with us. in luton doesn't necessarily mess with that. he loved ruling over obama and hillary just the same way
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because these progressives don't have the fortitude to take on the demons and donald trump does. neil: great seeing you. be well, my friend. >> merry christmas. neil: very successful new york assessment. buffalo new york where it's beautiful all the time. more after this. retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine.
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>> item nicole petallides with their fox business brief. wall street investors around the country waiting for dallas 20,000. 50 points away but have retreated. 19,906. most of the sectors higher technology. the dow up 114-point.they half of 1% in continuing with this after a trend. after the fed raised rates for the first time of the year in the second in 10 years. i look at financials doing while and has been since i'll trump was elected to be our president. jpmorgan and travelers among the winners. the dow 20,000 look at intel, apple, cisco, ibm holiday non-as well. apple up 11514.
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neil: continuing to look at this rally and some interesting developments on the fbi and james comey. charlie gasparino on this. >> this is from inside the fbi senior agents telling me officials and i'd do expect in the light of the donald trump presidency in the aftermath of management changes at the bureau. they tell me they are bracing for a possible replacement of
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fbi director james comey. i will tell you most of the fbi, rank officials remain low country boil. he has instilled a lot of loyalty in the troops. they do cite his actions regarding the clinton e-mail scandal as a possible reason for his departure. he initially relaunched the investigation not before, weeks before the final vote in the 2016 election. he closed it days before. the political fallout from that, a lot of people inside the fbi will be untenable at least for most of the current top management. and i also say that people inside the leave comey is a casualty. we've run this at the time transition in the past. they say they have no plans to remove comey as of yet. it's a seven-year term.
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he was appointed by president obama in 2013 and he has no plans of stepping down himself, at least not yet. the president can figure out ways to instill some pressure if we really wanted him out. trump hasn't said one leg or the other just now. this is basically coming from inside the fbi. it's a good chance the director could be gone. names you hear pop up, someone like a louie freed, and maybe a rudy giuliani. that's where we are right now. neil: what about chris christie? >> is always a possibility. chris christie was the u.s. attorney for new jersey. he was appointed by president bush at that job. i think that may be difficult. anyway, that's where we are right now. the fbi itself is skittish about the future. neil: thank you my friend. we will be hearing more as it shows. tiger woods with a multiyear
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deal to promote bridgestone golf. he's been making a comeback. didn't do too poorly. he said his backs better and is and willing to now go make it. unfortunately he's 88 results that might affect how far he could go. i want you to look that up and after you do that i want you to be ready for joe piscopo. he is coming up here that golfer, miniature golfer, but big. your insurance company
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neil: what the market was spreading about yesterday seems to put in distant memory. three plus hours of trading and about 90 points from 20,000 we are looking on it. joe piscopo on how this is all sorted now. they are calling it the trump
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rally. they started yelling. neil: i'm not looking to put my name on it. that's why you have no clue bhutto -- kudo towers. what he think of this? obviously a lot of optimism that overcame the concern about an economy. >> did we know this? we went out on a limb. we say nothing but positive. people see the commonsense approach of mr. trump and it all comes to fruition. neil: early on you are saying they were going to win. mark cuban is telling you about the market tanking. but what do you make of that. what a gc that a lot of folks are missing including mark
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cuban. >> for 25 years i've known him. so the commonsense. he has an innate ability to be a step ahead of us. you know donald trump and whether you like him or not there's a haters come you got to give it time because he's got this ability to be a step ahead of all of us. when i campaigned in tampa i thought upfront and personal. i thought maybe he would be like a little rattled and cool as a cucumber. even more so than not, i saw the people. tens of millions of people at this particular rally. thousands and thousands with the look in their eye. neil: is that the guy? the guy they see, when a lot of these high-tech ceos say they were, wasn't doing a lot of
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yapping. >> that the donald trump. he's funny and entertaining. people are still coming out. it's a great dane. neil: that is the guy they expect to be president and to act like he does as president. you are saying and you know him well, it won't be. >> i think in close quarters in front of all those tech giants, when it comes to wall street. you don't want to sound crazy. >> but ms at all because it's so common we knew this was going to happen. we believed in this movement. i miss the debate. we talked about mark go, marco. the thing on his hair. rand paul. raccoon on your head. i miss those days. >> they could be angela merkel
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jokes. >> this guy is powerful. you may be doing -- you've got to do mr.. you may want to break the news. take the cannoli. neil: you should always take the cannoli. you have great name recognition. they all know you, and new jersey particularly. is that tempting? >> cap, it is. or being on the radio for three years, aside from the rally, i give you a lot of credit because folks on your show, it's a learning curve for me. it's been years i've been doing it. i got to see rudy giuliani. neil: what you think of what's happening? >> excuse me. just listen to my show wheyou
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know these things. because he's so smart and is so close to donald trump. you want the brilliant mind. i kind of sense to allow happening. he's a very busy man. i'm sure he could've done anything. but i like him close to donald. neil: if not moral quality. you may be ) politically. are you going to forget all your friends? the pressure i got -- neil says you've got to do his show. neil: what would make you even entertain public service? as you know, -- >> it's mind numbingly exhausting. i have immense respect or anybody going into the public that there is a need and new jersey for somebody to be the conduit of the people.
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everybody's got a special interest. i'm learning now. they want their spirit i want to be appointed to this committee. i sat down with the great former governor tom kane. what a classy man. just keep your eye on the ball. be a conduit, and a spokesperson for the people. governor crist he did a good job, but you get muddled in there. it ain't easy. neil: you that the press get ahead of you. how would you keep your ego in check? >> go pro candidates. lola 24/7. complete transparency. whatever i do. i want to figure out a way to direct marcus e. sometimes the representation whether it's albany, triton, d.c., that the special interest takeover and people lose their voice. neil: let's hope you don't lose your zip. >> i will keep coming here to
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get humbled. neil: i bet. you are just a good personality next to go outside the traditional. >> it is early yet. my loyalty is with you. don't call your friends. neil: that would be a huge event to refer all italians everywhere. more after this.
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neil: boy, this is panning out exactly as my buddy charles payne was saying yesterday at this time when we were in a downdraft. it was a little later when the market was selling off after the announced fed hike, there were fear more next year than we thought. three were announced. that is all the market needed to sell off. people say what if they do three every year? before you know it we're up to 3% overnight fed funds? people frantically saying the rally is over. charles payne said the turn around would be on the very next day. he is right again. he is with us right now. charles, i heard you and stuart talking about animal spirits.
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i at first didn't know where you were going ihink you were talking about the market but certainly couldn't contain them, right? what's going on here? >> what we're talking about the dna of america, the sort of success that de tocqueville when he came over to this country where everyone thought they could be successful. it is embedded in our soul. for a long time it has been dormant. it has come back to life in a big way. we've seen it in the rallies and the election. we're seeing in the business world. two examples i saw today, new york state and new york fed manufacturing index. a huge jump what they expect six months from now. in fact the highest level since january of 2015 but the big news, is on housing sentiment, homebuilders saw the biggest one-month jump in optimism in 20 years, neil. neil: what fueled that one? obviously rates are moving up so that's hardly a reason to feel optimistic. you worry, but obviously they're
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ignoring that. what's driving it? >> you and i talk all the time, rates moving up from these absurd lows, right. >> only thing a mill times more than rates are rent. in fact if you take rent out of the inflation equation we would be in deflation. anyone out there who has the opportunity to perhaps by a home as oppose opposed to being stuck in the rent trap will want to make their move sometime next year. first thing for the homebuilders, obama, these regulations added 30% to the cost of a new home last five years alone. next dodd franks. president-elect donald trump says they will get rid of it or make it user friendly. anyone trying to get a home since dodd-frank knows it has been virtually impossible. those things are interesting. i think the most important component was buyer traffic. the first time it has expanded
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since july of 05, neil. neil: is that right? >> 2005, this is the first number over 50 since 2005. neil: wow. >> so maybe part of the american dream which was to send your kid to college, have your golden years and maybe own a home, maybe that is coming back into the equation. that is true american animal spirits. neil: now i understand the context for that remark you worried me there for a while. >> me and stuart had a great weekend. i told him we would never talk about that on air. neil: whatever happens with you guys stays with you guys. >> you didn't know he drank, did you? neil: thank you, buddy, charles payne. just a genius, the guy is a genius. the electoral backlash, number of democratic electors looking a intelligence that the russians hacking this election, comply mizeing it, a lot of you hot and bothered especially over
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exchanges like this one. her message didn't reach voters subject of high unemployment states like wisconsin and michigan, that wasn't what did her in, this thing did her in? >> no i think there are several factors winning and losing. neil: she lost. she lost. the russians didn't make her lose. she lost. >> no. neil: well, she still lost, bottom line christine pelosi arguing that this noise out there might, might, might have contributed to it. so maybe electors should be aware of that and the intelligence behind all of that. rhonda on facebook, democrats always shoot the messenger instead of noticing what the message is. rob on twitter. i can't understand the double-standard. they simply lost. go up please. janet writes, she lost she was a bad candidate and trump's message resonated with a lot of people. bob writes, you need to watch your blood pressure. i could feel it rise all the way here in california. it was lunchtime. florida gop elector says that
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people have already spoken up and that this has to stop. under enormous pressure i'm sure, nick. what do people tell you? obviously you are representing a state that the republican candidate won. what are people telling you to do? >> thanks for having me, neil. first the folks who want me to vote for hillary clinton because she won the popular vote. and i don't have enough hours in the day to explain to these folks simple third grade civics lesson that we elect our president by electoral college. neil: in florida your candidate won the popular vote there, which is all that matters. do you want to be privy to this intelligence or whatever we have on the role of the russians or anyone else for that matter in the election? you think that would be good to know going into voting on who's going stock leader -- to be
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leader of free world next monday? >> it is simply unnecessary. donald trump won the state of florida by over 100,000 votes. there is no evidence whatsoever that russia or any hacking hacked any vote in florida or any other state in this country this is just a part after -- of a campaign, a, deflect what is going on here, and that is the fact that donald trump won. they're trying to prevent electors from voting. neil: how are they doing that? in your case how are they doing that? how they reach out to you to have you change your mind? i don't know how comfortable you are of sharing that? what are you going through. >> 29 electors, governor rick scott and cabinet have been sued, basically trying to prevent the electors from casting their vote on december 19th. of course the courts denied a recent motion. it is going to the appellate court there is evidence of any fraud in this state.
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there is no evidence of missed votes in this state this. is part of a large campaign -- neil: have you personally ever been threatened? >> i have not, no. neil: when coerced what kind of stuff do they tell you? >> well, again they say that hillary won the popular vote. that has been pretty much the main theme here. recently of course now it is russia. it's donald trump is not to be trusted. he is a racist. so, you know i've gotten over 3,000 emails, hundreds of letters in my mailbox. i don't have time to open all of them. my job as an elector to represent the will of voters here in the state of florida. i will do just that on december the 19th. neil: how do you think it is all going to go next monday, nick, when you guys gather together, democrats, republicans alike to vote? >> i think it is going to go very smooth. i think donald trump will have over 300 electoral votes on
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monday. i know i have been hearing some evidence of a couple of he detractors here and there. neil: one in texas i'm told. >> yeah. certainly here in the state of florida we take this seriously. and we represent the will of the people and donald trump will get 29 electoral votes out of state of florida. neil: has anyone discussed with you, nick, that while hillary clinton wouldn't benefit under scenario like this, that it's possible republican electors could rally around someone else? i know texasfy guy i talked to, john kasich, he dissuaded and poo-poo the talk. any of that come up? >> yeah, i got some emails, please vote for john kasich but again, you know, these electors are very, they're carefully selected for this obvious reason. and i think the state of florida and across the country donald trump i don't think has anything to worry about on december the 19th. neil: nick, you have a lot of
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pressure on your shoulders. see how you do. be well. try to get through this one way or the other. >> thank you. neil: very good talking to you. nick is a florida gop elector as we pointed out. want to get a view from a democrat, bernie sanders. joining us right now, much has been made of the russians in the election do you think that they, they changed the outcome of the election? >> well, you know i won't say they changed the outcome of the election but what was found exposing the truth. i do want to make one quick correction, i am not a democrat by no stretch of the imagination. i did work for a democrat. i'm a independent, fiscal capitalist through and through. neil: i apologize. you were a sanders staffer, is that accurate. >> oh absolutely, absolutely. i was sanders staffer. he talked about the establishment.
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he talked about taking establishment down, unfortunately him lining up with hillary clinton afterward, a lot of people were disappointed, a lot came from the dnc leaks. instead of talking about russia did it, blaming what was found, i want to know if senator bernie sanders will call for investigation what we actually found and how he was thrown under the bus with the information that was leaked? neil: do you think, as you say not a democrat. you did support sanders. many argued that he could have done better against a donald trump. we'll never know but that there's frustration within the democratic party to own up to it is mistakes and blame everything and everyone else except the candidate and maybe the message. are you in that frustrated camp, democrats still haven't done enough soul-searching on this election? >> absolutely. it's no question, i was a lifelong democrat. i left in 2012 because the democrats refused to get it. they refused to have a true conversation, even looking at keith ellison, running to run
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the party. i want to know if he he is actually going to hold them accountable to drain the democrat swamp, or he is going to continue to blame trump for everything. they don't get it, neil. they're still refusing issue at home, the bottom line, you got lost. you got beat like a drum. you did not listen to the working class. you did not address the poor. a ran around with same old song and same old message. people didn't like hillary clinton then in 2008. they don't like her then or don't like her now. whether we talk about the popular vote or not, that candidate was forced among the american people. did not like candidate to be vetted, like donald trump who won against 16 candidates. if he this continue over and over pick and choose they want to support, they will get same results over and over. these seats have been lost over last eight years. this is not donald trump's fault. it is not his responsibility. they lost the seats based on fact they have more of the same, fish dinners and cookouts to get votes instead of addressing
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people and putting people actually to work. neil: good stuff all. thank you. have a merry christmas. i appreciate it. >> you too, thank you. neil: there was a consensus before the election not only that hillary clinton was going to win, but if donald trump ever looked close to winning the markets would tank. the world would just about end. that was kind of the consensus view. in the print media it was rampant, except for one key player in the print media, "the wall street journal." the guy behind that after this. asmy family tree,ing i discovered a woman named marianne gaspard... it was her french name. then she came to louisiana as a slave. i became curious where in africa she was from. so i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. the ancestry dna results were really specific. they told me all of these places in west africa.
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to the comings and goings of prominent folk including a number of democrats who could fill out a trump cabinet. connell mcshane outside the tower with very latest. who is seeing more to the point. reporter: number of people were here today. congressman peter king was here a moment ago. he is not being considered for any type of job. to your point about democrats running we'll see. senator joe manchin of west virginia, is talked about a lot. he won't be energy secretary passed over by rick perry. maybe he gets another job. one of the problem with democrats when democrats are considered, makeup of senate who takes his place. a lot of them don't want to see fellow democrats go into trump administration. senator manchin was on "fox & friends" talking about that, watch. >> what are they say about you meeting donald trump? >> well, you know, everybody had, had their concerns i would say. the bottom line is, i'm a proud
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american likmo of us in this great country and whether you voted for donald trump or not, he has been elected through the process that we have, that we cherish. reporter: interesting because west virginia is a red state you would say. the governor is a democrat there. presumably would appoint a democrat to take place of manchin only couple years. then republicans might have a chance at that seat. the other one to watch, senator heidi heitkamp out of north dakota, possibility maybe as agriculture secretary. also a democrat, that is even more of a perilous situation for democrats. outhere there would be a special election were she to take a job in the republican administration. again republicans could pick up another seat. thing getting a lot of attention, neil, last couple of days, who will be secretary of veterans affairs. pete hegseth was here again today. fox fans certainly familiar with pete as commentator of the network.
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he is former ceo of the group, concerned veterans for america. we've been told by transition officials he may very well be the favorite for thaposition at the va. we'ven told moments ago he was not offered the job today. doesn't mean he won't get it, neil. but he wasn't offered the job, likes of senator scott brown, other people may still be in the running. we'll keep you updated on that one. neil: connell, what i noticed, could be mean and completely wrong and probably am, the ones who do least talking, ones who either go right by the microphones or say as little as possible when they do, get the job. they get the job. reporter: yep. i'm not sure if you're referring directly to anybody. i can think of a few off the top of my head considered for fairly big-time positions in the administration and so far don't have any position. you're right about that. neil: that's why i find your silence so revealing. connell. >> also good talking to you, my friend. thank you very much. >> all right. neil: even keeping his
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countenance down. love that. love this guy, pleasure of doing presidential debate with him, jerry baker, editor-in-chief of with sj wonderful paper. he assured me the mansions section stays i love, love his insight. if you were to read the journal and follow up what is going on in the campaign, talking about heat of the campaign, while everyone else was bemoaning the prospects of what donald trump might bring and journal was stepping way back looking at positive underpinnings of that, also fair and balanced looking at the pros and cons of each side, ich is novel concept jerry lives by. good have to you my friend. >> neil, thank you for the kind remarks. neil: these markets, too heady, little too much, getting ahead of themselves, what do you think? >> it is interesting you have a number of things going on. obviously market investors are generally excited what they heard from and expect from
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donald trump. they think there will be significant roll back of regulation that will unleash animal spirits. neil: immediately, next 100 days? >> there are certain things he can do under executive order, through executive privilege do things, dodd-frank, financial regulation. financial reform structure, the bill that was passed that really tightened regulations on banks and financial institutions. there is a lot there directing various agencies to basically not do anything. there are rules with vague interpretations. he can take the brakes off there in lots of ways. he can do that with other things too, epa rules, some of the tough rules that the obama administration's put in, he can rescind some of those. so i think there is a lot of expectation there he will do that. there is a sense, i think a lot of people have a steps the last eight years, a lot of tough regulations were put in place after the financial crisis.
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more broadly than the financial sector which held back growth. banks can't lend to small businesses because he have to have higher levels of calland and there are -- neil: it could explain why that sector has been the best performing. >> exactly. neil: what is your take how the media missed it? how awful he would be, journal would go back saying about the bluster and tapes embarrassing things came out, preaching something investors generally like, but investor more inclined at time settle on the sure thing because he was wildcard? we saw that exhibited election night. what had you convinced that the world was missing something? >> i think partly he doesn't talk a lot, i mean, two things. he didn't talk a lot about these issues. he laid it out in his campaign. he had rather, hillary had 10,000 policy positions. he had rather simpler more
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readable plan. it was there. he didn't talk a lot about it. be honest, the media obsessed about some of his more extreme remarks is true. neil: ironic, that same group is criticizing the media for not being care to its candidate. >> they fixated, on things he said about immigrants, on things he said about muslims. again, you can argue a lot of those things were controversial but nobody was really interested in paying attention to what he was actually saying about regulation because it's hard -- i don't want to get too deep into this. neil: there is disparity. the people say way he is on the stump, with private meetings a different guy. who will be the president? >> i think honestly it is partly an indictment of a lot of political reporting in this country too. it is so much easier to focus on the people, right and things that they say and things they have done and what they may have done and people accused them of having things and personal
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finances and it is so much easier for folks there and much harder to focus whether or not dodd-frank will be fully implemented. whether or not there will be changes to epa rules on energy exploration. whether there is going to be changes to rules that restrict certain financial institution from doing things with certain types of lending. for a lot of reporters that is hard work and boring. neil: they you rue the day when they don't do it but how will he govern? in other words there is enormous pressure to get out of the beat immediately to do big things. we're getting word he might have resistance not from democrats but fellow republicans in the senate, mitch mcconnell, making sure tax cuts are revenue neutral, a signal to supply-siders don't go nuts on the tax cuts, how will that be settled? >> right. look, he was -- there were some of what trump said in the campaign was republican orthodoxy, right?
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tax cuts stimulate growth. deregulation stimulate growth. very much so. conservative republicans, conservative republicans, paul ryan in the house very much in line but he also said some things republicans were concerned about, and two, do present a challenge to any kind of economic orthodoxy, he did say for example, he doesn't, he planned to do anything about entitlement. neil: or put it off. >> you and i discussed in the debate with him, there is clear, no need to do anything. economy will grow and take care of challenges to the entitlements. blunterly most republicans don't believe that most republicans think something needs to be done about social security and medicare. right. exactly. my guess there will be. so there will be a little pushback from republicans. they will get the economy growing. get deregulations measures an tax program through and think about some issues later in the first administration. neil: we'll see.
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jerry baker, "wall street journal" editor-in-chief. very calm. not known for being calm in this business. he is calm. >> keep calm and carry on what my country men said. neil: we'll have a lot more. including markets. whether today is the day. someone who thinks it could be after this. i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happen to me. every great why needs a great how.
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neil: see what the chinese are doing now. they are continuing to demilitarize islands that are there. they turn them into military fortresses. here is the thing that is getting the attention of carl hayden repeated they are doing it now with the president electron. so obviously, they are sending a message to him. i'm not sure how was president he would raise bond on january 20th. what do you think?
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>> i think that we established the fact that these are public waters you essentially built land on top of a brief period you can't claim in any stores. the last eight years of barack obama, china has been allowed to do anything they want. they will continue to maintain the status quo and donald trump has established the dream team of the defense industry. i don't know if china will want to pick a fight with that. neil: you know what i wonder about, carl is they don't think we will pick a fight with it the islands have already demilitarize and it would be a great other for the u.s. to try to reverse or stop that. the best we can hope for and i guess there are hundreds of such islands across the south china sea and elsewhere not to do anymore is it it. will that be like donald trump administration lady in msdn, no more of this. >> as long as we maintained the access in the area and the free
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commerce, i don't think it matters that much. they are doing this that we are establishing this in the call of taiwan recently ignored them. at the end of the day if we can maintain avenues, shipping routes and patrols, i don't care if they are building islands. neil: so, when you see what is going on here and what the chinese might be trained to do here, the next step fothem would be to do something ecomic or financial. they own a lot of our debt. if they were great alternatives they would leap at it, but there's not. that's why they stay where they are because where else are they going to go? they might try that. where do you think? >> they could. anything china does to hurt us, we are a huge consumer of their economy. we have a number of joint people that i stop and sell stuff internationally. it is the global economy and china knows what our consumption rate, anything they try to do
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will hurt them just as much. i don't think china will do anything because they understand the consequences. you will not do major that economic good they might try to threaten us with raising interest rates on our debt or something like that. at the end of the day they try to push too hard, we'll push back in her both of us. neil: karo, thank you very much. i apologize for my own audio issues there. carl higbie. you see how housing stocks are on fire right now when you are saying to yourself, that is weird. the federal reserve just raised interest rates in general moving up. not conducive to allow it. then we start looking back in history. we do that here, basic cable, free of charge. the five biggest housing rallies have all occurred when interest rates went searching in two cases when they were soaring. curious? stick with us.
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neil: albright. we are getting adequate to trump tower together. what seems to be in short supply are supply-siders it does of course who espouse really big tax cut and i mean the kind that are not necessarily revenue neutral. of course that goes against the grain with the likes of mitch mcconnell and others who say because all how far you go.
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are we setting ourselves up for something? charlie gasparino has been following this closely. supply-siders in the goldman guys. >> you have moved shannon and scaramucci. neil: weaponization? >> i don't know. there's a lot of talk about him working at the economic council for the goldman number two who got the directorship. there is talk about him becoming reince priebus number two as chief of staff. this is a lot of -- neil: is in the mix. >> is in the mix. i would put the keynesian progressive who's that had at the nac. he's kind of like a blank slate. he's the goldman guys are theoretically he cares about the budget be balanced, but also an
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infrastructure projects. in the end it might not announce to it. >> if you close loopholes you have that sort of code or rate and then you have the supply-siders who have not gotten a choice you have. they have not been given one job. david malpass who was very instrumental and economic issues, people talked to him about olympia. he's somewhere in there. steve moore, still haven't heard his name being entered for anything. >> or regulatory overhaul. the other major architect of that was larry kudlow. full disclosure, friend of mine. he is also hasn't been given a job. what steve moore said last night
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is that a major supply sider is going to get a job. he said this on fox this last night which sent on transparent time for speculation. he's not going to see that if he's gotten a call. my guess is either malpass or jerry kudlow. the one job that is open and interesting from an economic policy which could balance out the trump cabinet. the council of economic advisers is a cabinet level position. neil: reince priebus used to run not for ford. >> i remember that. what a lame of saying. i didn't realize green man. that should have disqualified him. you just can't rally round the flag and expect inflation to go down. you would have the keynesian goldman guys here and you would have at least somebody over here
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and maybe budget to balance it out because a lot of people believe trump ran on cutting taxes and regulations. >> he dials that back but the moderate liberal way of handling it. i don't think that's going to get the job done. >> i don't use of either. gary cohen is a very nice guy. he's a very tough but wall street i, that he's a progressive. i'm just telling you he's not draining the swamp type guy. he believes in keynesian economic, very close to obama. neil: they never become who they are in administration. >> he's part of that whole thing. hopefully, listen, larry kudlow would be great. neil: when they stop us? isn't that coming up? >> i took it out of my contract. you know why?
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it's too cold and too liberal. every solution is governed at all those. everything from -- neil: i was there be a green skin. >> is better off. i would rather be in new york. neil: would rather have you in new york. your fund good >> i tend to get thrown out. look at the time. thank you, my friend. speaking of the cold, we are talking arctic class and it will hang around a while, folks. ♪ ♪ how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes-benz you've always wanted during the winter event. now lease the 2017 gla250 for $329 a month
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>> homebuilder sentiment spanking on the idea that trump would cut regulations. according to the national association of home builders, homebuilder confidence is at an 11 year high. regulatory costs and homebuilding has risen. the national home builders chief economist has this to say. builders are looking over to the next administration to reduce regulations. the results offer a positive element, but it's not just regulations. a rising stock market with consumer confidence should raise some cells as well. regulations are federally based surrounding real estate and chin. the local commission and state regulators. driving marquetry's iraq dean as a spur to home purchases did he
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expect housing prices to dip in 2017 as rates continue to rise. more "cavuto: coast-to-coast" coming next.
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neil: wicked end quote is the best way to describe upward looking on in the next two days and much of the united states weather wise. but that is exactly the wording
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that meteorologists was telling me about how this winter was going to look to him. a couple months ago he joins us right now chief meteorologist. what's going on here? how long does this attack last? >> this attack is a week to 10 days ago and then we'll back this up quite a bit for a while. we are already looking above may have been. not unlike what we've seen back in 13-14 which was a cold month in much of the united states. 71 degrees in new york before christmas and three weeks later it was very, very cold. in the winter of 14-15, we saw december get warm. what seems to be happening in this cold winters we've had not so much last winter because last winter overall was warm, and you do get it. were it not solve. the tremendous shot, by the way, was interesting the way we set this up.
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we were back and looked at 196063. the way we thought that was only seven years old and my dad was a meteorologist at texas a&m. this is a true story. he was the oldest freshman of the campus. he took me to the weather station a week before christmas because we were looking at what the christmas weather would be like. i overheard one of the students talk about this bathtub/theory that the old congress had. was brutally cold in asia, october and november that year and sloshed our side of the pool. while we were nice and warm in october, november, guess what was going on? a record cold in asia and it showed up in december. what likes to happen with it backs off for a while and comes amid a late winter. we are also thinking spring is quite late this year against the united states relative to average is. we are anticipating a pullback coming here. once we get the christmas beyond
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probably early to mid-january. later january, february comes back gangbusters. neil: what is driving all of this, this initial blast? >> like i said before, there's a lot going on. if it is called on one side of the poll, it works its way towards the other side of the pole. the atmosphere then goes through processes were it balances itself out. the cold air bundles backup in the arctic and is the seasonal changes take place, this is fascinating stuff because there's major weather factors. a week landing at. so you have a situation in the specifically to the 1950s and are a 60s were very cold tub of water is comingff a shot working itway back into the pacific as the pacific is ready to change. an abnormally warm arctic.
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so that has something to do with this. all these things are competing with each other and it's really fascinating to be able to observe this at his meteorologist because years ago you could only speculate what was going on. he did not observation tools we have today. neil: i didn't know you were steep goodness. this is part of your dna. >> lesson. if i had millions of dollars wasted in october, i'd still be doing this stuff. the only reason i need to sleep is because every once in a while i do need to say. trade do have a merry christmas. thank you very much. >> you have a merry christmas, too. the neil: in the meantime, stock still up about 70-point. you know how that goes. and the moment we can switch things around. cold not part of this rally again. and inflation seems to be back with more activity is back.
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neil: welcome back, everybody. secretary of state john kerry making a statement presumably on syria. they are trying to coddle together a deal that would get the temporary cease-fire and a five so refugees stuck in a lap pool and elsewhere the heck out. and the russians would honor that with this year in government. this could be something altogether different. we will keep you posted on exactly what is coming out of the state department and the waiting days of this administration. in the meantime, we are focusing on the rest of europe itself not on the syria issue, but over financial issues and of course
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new italian government and not talk of an italian bank in serious disarray. the latest now from any catalog in the long, italy. what are you hearing? >> hypomania. everything seems a little bit different. the rejection of the referendum was an exactly brexit and monty is not exactly lehman brothers. that is to say italy's third-largest lender work to fall, it would necessarily lead to contagion elsewhere. that's what a lot of experts were saying. given that italy is such an important player in europe at its banks are falling apart, that can't be good for the euro, nor the international interconnected economy and that includes the united states if at some point there is another dreaded euro crisis. the oldest bank in the world founded two decades before columbus got to america. it's in real trouble trying to get clearance as we speed from financial regulators to take one last stab at raising the over
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5 billion euros in recapitalization it needs by year-end. if not the governments ready to step in and it's not just teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. several other time banks in desperate need of cash and asian. italy's new prime minister said earlier this week i want to say very clearly on this occasion that the government as you know and as is necessary as ready to intervene to guarantee stability of banks and savings of our citizens and there are reports today the treasury is planning the earmark of $100 billion in the 15 billion euros for capital increase. 80 billion for guarantees to pop up the banks. the problem appears that the state bailout people will lose money. according to saving banks, there has to be some degree of bail them before tax money can be used for the bailout and if that happens, there could be a brown and shaky banks. italy's whole banking system could be in jeopardy.
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it has a few hundred billion baht month in italy also has a whopping sovereign debt to service. some say the government has been in denial for too long. the combination of political instability the prime minister stepped down last week. italy now has a 61st government for world war ii and the lack of growth. there's not been growth in two decades. it just doesn't bode well for the future. finally, it is a matter of landing a banks can't land to sell and medium businesses which are the main players in this country, growth can't get going again. it's really a seriously vicious circle. neil: and this country and maybe they called the tribe rally, i don't know the italian version of that be interpreted abroad. it seems like financial institutions here are impervious to this, that is a perfect world for them even though some of them might be exposed to this, they don't think the fallout will extend beyond in this case italy. are they just whispering past
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the graveyard or what are you hearing? >> well, here are also things are always a little different here, but these bank stocks have been in jeopardy for so long that basically assuming they are being more political instability with this referendum and the no vote and the prime minister leaving, it was absorbed over a long period of time. there is a gradual decline in the stock market here. it's a slightly different situation, but it's fair to say people are very, very nervous about what the future holds because they are gliding by now with this new stability government. neil: the 64th shot at this. thank you very much. always appreciated. we will be following not and maybe one thing weighing on stocks here they've had their losses. we are on it. much more after this.
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neil: all right. the dow up about 58 points right now.
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about 19,851 and some change. we're waiting for couple things. word out of the white us president obama likely doing a big ol' press conference. likely his final one. could come tomorrow. we're minutes away, seconds away, john kerry outlining a plan of some sort regarding syria. whether disruption in the bombing to allow refugees to get out. we don't know. to trish regan. trish: thank you so much. we're watching 20,000. it could happen. thank you, neil. we have major controversy whether russia interfered with our elections. house republicans are furious that intelligence officials are refusing to answer their questions to get things straight and democrats clinging to hope that somehow they get hillary clinton into the white house in january. i'm trish regan. welcome to "the intelligence report." we're watching for 20-k. members of the house intelligence committee are refusing to show up for briefing, i


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