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tv   Wall Street Week  FOX Business  December 17, 2016 6:30am-7:01am EST

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our quotation of the evening from former apple ceo john skully. he said this. the future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious. the future is becoming more obvious very quickly. we're coming right back. stay with us. the president-elect chooses a man he calls a world-class player as his secretary on of state. >> we just couldn't be more grateful than someone on of rex tillerson's proven leadership and accomplishments is willing to step forward and serve our nomination. not everyone is thrilled. kellyanne conway joins me next to sort it all out.
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the cia claimed that russian cyber attacks were aimed at handing donald trump a victory now rejected outright by the top intelligence office, the office of the director of national intelligence that sees the cia and 16 other agencies taking exception with the somewhat random assessment. despite? 19 additional electors from the democratic party today stepped forward. a total of 29 now, including nancy pelosi's very own daughter, asking for an intelligence briefing on the matter before they formally cast their ballots on december 19th. joining me now senior adviser is kellyanne conway. great to have you with us.
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>> always a pleasure, lou. >> the left wants to be an aggravating source working against the interest of the president-elect. is that a fair construction do you think? >> the professional outrage machine that is the political left is in overdrive. they have no self reflection, self awareness. they missed their opportunity two weeks ago to just push out this failed leadership of nancy pelosi and her ilk. it cost a dozen senate seats, governorships. and, oh, now the white house with someone they said could not lose. they are just searching and reaching and grasping embarrassingly to keep this campaign going and to change the election results. lou, i went back today into a little time machine from two months ago and saw all of these statements from hillary clinton and supporters, will donald trump accept the election
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results. he keeps saying it will be rigged. she said october 19th in las vegas that it was, quote, scary, to have somebody who is running for president say he won't accept the russian results. that's exactly what they are doing the here. it's not going to work. he won fairly and squarely. he is forming an amazing cabinet in quick order the way he does everything, on schedule, under budget, frankly. and a conservative cabinet at that. they can pound the table all they want. all they look like is a bunch of whiners. first it's jim comey's fault, bernie sanders, now russian hacking. it is hillary clinton. vladimir putin didn't tell her to the stay out of milwaukee and lose wisconsin. the first time it has been won by a republican since 1984. >> since 1984. the worst electoral shape they have been in since 1922 thanks to your efforts and the efforts of the president-elect donald j. trump.
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that must drive them absolutely nuts. but enough about them. they're just mocking themselves it seems these days. i want to turn to rex tillerson, an unusual and fascinating choice for secretary of state. but we're already getting blowback not from the democrats so much as, you know, the old faithful, lindsey graham, john mccain, new senator james langford joining in on that. how much trouble do you think they will be and what can you do about it? >> rex tillerson is an inspired and amazing pick. much like the boss he will be working for, president trump he is unconventional. don't you want somebody who already has these relationships, who has been in these countries, 50 countries, russia, china, yemen, the middle east, developing nations.
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don't you want somebody, lou, who already has been out there fighting for u.s. interests? and frankly, as secretary of state, we have a great relationship, the faith and the confidence of the president of the united states, which is important. lou, can you think of anywhere that is more swamp like than foggy bottom where the state department is? long before hillary clinton got there and used the state department as a concierge or foreign governments to bring their money for her foundation it has been swamp like. it is arrive with bureaucracy and murkiness and too many crocodiles in the water. >> they are like some of those critters now. >> that's right. people are going to push back. they are trying to conflate many different things. it is an asset. it is not a liability. politicians think that the best thing is to be a politician. they think the classic d.c.
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government resume qualifies you for some of the positions in the cabinet. we know what happened. americans reject the 30-year tkfpl c. resume and gave it to a man with no political experience. that's what they wanted. >> rex tillerson matches all that you just described. >> all. >> and he is a tremendous negotiator. i kind of like the idea of the diplomatic core that makes up the state department having a diplomat in place, a man who has strong and positive relationships rather than those in conflict. we'll leave that to the defense department. i want to ask you about john bolton, rumored to be the number two for tillerson. what can you tell us about that? >> well, you know, john bolton is an incredibly experienced man on the world stage. he's held high positions in governments before for another
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president. and he's known as an expert on will many of the issues that are in our nation and the globe. he had a good meeting with the president-elect when he came to the tower not so long ago. as you see, lou, just the vast number and diverse backgrounds of the state department, potential nominees that have come through the doors and interviewed with the president-elect and vice president-elect who has been breath taking. john bolton could get the number two spot or something in the state department. people say he is more hawkish, what will that mean. as a fox news analyst, people are able to hear what he believes and see what he's done. look, anybody who wants to try to embarrass us at the confirmation hearings better have substantive arguments with respect to these people. i would remind everybody eight years ago that at this time or basically a month or two from now, the first seven cabinet
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nominees put forward by president obama were confirmed. the republicans confirmed them. that's what they did. they gave hillary clinton secretary of state. we hope to get a different fairness than we seem to be getting in a lot of the press quarters. >> a fraction of the, unfortunately, some of the longest serving and those holding leadership positions in the republican party seem hell bent on providing some conflict with the president-elect. we'll see how that works. i want to turn to one last issue here as we move forward. the news conference that was to be held on the 15th, the president has deferred i think the earliest january 3rd about how he is going to remove himself from his companies's
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business interests. can you give us any indication about what is being considered? >> many different structures, lou. there's so much to unpack here and to consider. i have spoken with the president-elect. i have spoken with his adult children about this issue. everyone just wants to comply with the proper protocols. >> always glad to have you with us. thank you. >> were same here, lou. thank you. it is a technology summit and about-face for some of them supported while many of them or most of them supported hillary clinton. how will those ce on os from apple, cisco, tesla, facebook, amazon many more show the president-elect they're willing to work with him? technology executive financier john sculley joins me next.
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joining me now former chief executive officer is of apple, investor, financiering john sculley. even though aligned i.d. logically, silicon valley never moved to a level of an initiative that was at least successful and observable in
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terms of job creation and dealing with some of the big issues that confront us and our society. why is that? >> i think part of the problem was that the current president is not a skilled, experienced business executive. and the fact is that a lot of the plan is that donald trump has outlined are ones that make good sense to business leaders, that he wants to find ways to restructure the tax code, to lower the corporate tax, which is the highest in the world. he wants to find ways to bring back over $2 trillion of capital offshore that can be used to help create more jobs. so this makes sense that donald trump is reaching out to the high-tech leaders at this time. >> re-pate ating all of that capital. that is a stimulus program in
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its own right and would make possible the creation of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of jobs if targeted. and put to work in a reasonable time frame. what do you think will be required? >> well, i think that the skills of the leadership in silicon valley are unique to the world. and there are some pragmatic things that could be considered. foxconn, who produces all of apple's products over in china and has actually said they are willing to come and invest in the united states. i think of apple were to reach out and say, look, we want you to figure out a way to build our products competitively in the united states, maybe not all the products because there are supply chain issues on components that are difficult to get in the u.s. but there are probably innovative things that could get figured out. i think the president-elect
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ought to reach out and say what can you do to help our country become great again. >> he yeah. it's a wonderful idea, if it isn't just all talk as the president puts it. you mentioned foxconn. to put it all in some context. over 700,000 jobs at its peak just for were apple products by foxconn. that number has been reduced through automation, technology. we're still talking a half million jobs. that is not inconsiderable and would milwaukee a tremendous impact for the good in this economy. >> yes. and one of the things which i think the government could help on, you know that in mexico, that mexico has 40 different trade agreements around the world that covers 60% of the world's economies. one of the reasons why you see many foreign companies locating in mexico is because they've got
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trade advantages, not just lower cost labor. and automation is moving into mexico. why aren't those things coming to the united states? why aren't we negotiating as good trade agreements as mexico is around the world? >> there are two other considerations as well, john. mexico is not bringing all of that heavy regulation that accompanies any entrepreneurial effort in the united states because of this suffocating impulse of government, particularly over the last eight years, to strangle innovation and entrepreneurialism and also the environmental considerations that are also a significant burden but which is in on our society considered necessary and personal i think most of it appropriately so. we want clean air. we want clean water. but we don't need to be suffocated by regulation either, do we? >> no. you hit on all the key i think will be of great interest in the silicon valley leaders i think
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what we also need to recognize is while silicone valleys aren't large employers themselves, they have huge influence on being able to build what i call the eco system economy, meaning that if foxconn were to locate a factory in the u.s. and build products for some of the smartphone companies that, in fact, you would build up a whole eco system of smaller companies, lower regulations would help access to cap has been a big problem in the u.s., all the money has gone to big corporations. i think there are a lot of things that the government can do to help create a better environment. and you outlined a lot of the key ones. >> john sculley, thanks for being with us. please come back soon. always enjoy hearing your thoughts and talking to you. thanks so much. >> thanks, lou. >> uncovering voter fraud in detroit.
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it is shocking in a democratic major city. voter fraud. who would ever guessed that would have been the result of a recount. but it happened fpt we're going to tell you all about it next. stay with us. philips sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. this is the sound of sonic technology cleaning deep between teeth. hear the difference? get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare.
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detroit. 37% of the precincts? a little problem. >> absolutely. and, you know, there are more votes than they were people. they should be audited. there should be an investigation. it made me think what they did in my home state of wisconsin. jill stein came in for a recount, tried to put a stain on trump's victory. also we find out there was another reason they came to wisconsin, by the way. it was greed. a million in consultant fees. >> no. >> say that's not -- oh. i was so sure she was -- i was so sure, rachel, she was on a campaign of justice and to bring truth and light. >> purity. rachel mentioned voter i.d. this screams for a need for voter i.d. russians got to detroit.
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jim comey coordinated it. dead bodies. it screams for a need. we will see voter i.d. laws. you have to present an i.d. to show you are who you say you are when you vote. >> hallelujah. >> the idea of voter i.d., guys, greg abbott, a governor of texas, started driving and won more than he lost against this administration. we're going to have to wait and see what happens with the supreme court, which should make everybody excited all over again that donald trump won this election. when we start talking about those justices it is likely it is going to be more than one justice. rachel, let me ask you, rick perry for energy. rex tillerson for state department.
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ryan zinke hasn't accepted but for interior. these are pretty strong names for trump. do you have any observations at all of his nominees? >> no. i think these are all very strong names. i'll tell you the nominee i'm most excited about is betsy devos. if you break the government monopoly on education, especially for charter schools and having that go nationwide, boy, you can change the entire country. this is something as a mom and as a minority that is very dear to my heart. there is in equality in education, and it has been perpetuated by the left. we have somebody now who is steering the unions. that means she's probably a good choice. >> it was also gratifying to hear her renouncing common core. this has been a big core about betsy devos. she likes common core i have known governor perry for a lot
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of years. used to live and work in the dallas area. >> he is one of the most decent classy guys they will ever meet he is the same fellow in person as he is on a tv camera or anywhere else. >> always told me you have to seal the border, seal the border, seal the border. good choice. this is christmas morning he every day. it keeps getting better. >> rachel, i have to ask you, donald trump said give a shout out to paul ryan talking about his genius and reminding he is going to be building a wall. what was your reaction? >> well, i was there in the room when it happened. it happened in wisconsin. let me tell you, lou, these are two people who are better together than they are apart. he's a big idea. not much on policy and policy details he is the quintessential
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policy. you are going to bring out the mom in me. they are like pb&j. they need each other. >> if you can sell that metaphor to trump town. appreciate you both being here. good night from new york. john: of the past several years my show has made lots of people mad. some got mad about my affirmative-action. businesses didn't like it when i attacked their. >> hi i'm uncle sam. here, have some tax money. isn't obamacare great? thanks taxpayers. tonight we look back at the bizarre ways i try to make economic freedom interesting.


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