tv Kennedy FOX Business December 22, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EST
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he tried to hands over the reins of power in the most civil way possible. barack obama will go down fighting. lou: matt schlapp, charlie hurt, we appreciate it. thanks for being with us. good night from new york. [♪] kennedy: tonight a number of global terror attacks highlighting the security challenges donald trump will soon face in office. what should be his first priority? securing our borders or taking the fight directly to the terrorists? mtv on the defensive for a video proposing new year's resolutions for white guys. have you have finished your christmas shopping? no? science can help you pick the perfect gift. grab tinsel and a gift card. time to tango. all right, as lovers of liberty we remain vigilant and hopeful the human blow torch donald
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trump will roll back overregulation. trump has spoken force any about cutting regs and this one area where libertarians and conservatives can enjoy cutting the red tape that keeps county economy in bondsage. >> i will formulate a rule that says for every new regular st. louis two sold regulations must be eliminated. kennedy: one in, two out. where can this electoral college graduate start? the great equalizer that show case tour economic her to b mer, small business. what is keeping smawlings banks from lending and force them out of business?
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dodd-frank. small banks can't afford to compliance with so many parts unknown. then they get fact inquired by faithless too big to fail banks who then shut down mom and pop shops before they can sprowt wings and training wheels. don't get me started on obamacare. it forced doctors and hospitals to consolidate at an alarming rate. the crappy new care is inefficient and substandard. and people have fewer choices than they did with their pre-socialist policies. he was full of crap when he said this. >> if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
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if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. kennedy: tom price will gut that thing like a dead carp. enough of the status quo. now is not the time for regulatory timidity. it's time to lean on this new president like he's paul wonon she's -- like he'spaul bunyon. you are my prize. glad you are here. i'm kennedy. president obama is cranking out regulations as fast as his army of brewer krats can write them. he banned drilling along the
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atlantic sea board atlantic. federal regulations are going on a diet. a free marketeers cheering, but opponents saying it's a intlunts tool that can risk health and safety. here with me is charles payne. charles, i will start with you. i love the idea of rolling back some of these regulations. if you want to get the economy going and want people to make that money you and i love so much, where do you start in you start with rolling back eparegs or dodd-frank? >> they gave themselves three years on the aca. you can start with it. but the things that will have an immediate impact are the executive orders. epa obviously a monster, an absolute monster. 50 billion regulations there.
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we don't need to regulate all the dust particles from little ponds that come from a gravel driveway when it rains a little bit. we don't need to punish people for that. underground coal mining. ever head that? it's virtually illegal now because he wants to protect the creeks and the streams that are 1,000 feet above. the low-hanging fruit is some of the executive orders. get them out of the way first and foremost. some of the things have been calculated based on old laws and rules. i'm no lawyer but they say it might not as easy as we think. kennedy: even though president obama signed a lifetime ban on drilling in the atlantic and the arctic. his executive action is based on a law from 1953. and i think people under estimate the current president
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and his intelligence. because he makes things so complex, it's almost impossible. it's like chinese finger cuffs. once you are in and you try to get out quickly you are stuck for life. charles: that's a great way of putting it. i think a lot of people think he was a failure. he got a lot accomplished that he wanted to get accomplished. his goal was never 3% gdp. his goal was these things. the most naidges a federal registry. he just got over a hum. 81,000. he's going out like a champ. anything in government -- how often is anything put in government that's truly culled out of it. done * has a mandate -- donald trump has a mandate to do it.
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there will be public outcry. once you establish freebies for people, you cannot take them back. there will be public outcry. kennedy: the entitlement programs, i worry, and there are some people who don't see the aca as an entitlement because of the way it's word and it comes down to semantic details. but once we have massive government program like this, it's almost impossible. charles: you have 0 million people getting this. i kids until 2 years old staying with their parents. the previously ill. this is one those things that's you a daunting task. fit was easy it might have been done 10, 20, 30 years ago. but regulations have destroyed our economy.
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according to john mccain it's $350 billion. the housing administration, the first time that traffic -- just buyer traffic to buy a house expand since july 2005. 30% of the new homes all from regulation. get rid of it. kennedy: we talk about barriers to entry. break some of those down so people can start businesses and employ people and they can all buy new home. charles: that's what you call true animal spirit. kennedy: let me bring on the party panel tonight. joe devito, dave smith, andly a bille is here. i want to ask the panel, the final vote of the 2016 election
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has been tallied. hillary clinton is the clear popular vote winner by just under 3 million. but that doesn't alter the electoral college. however, that's not stopping liberals from searching for the hail mary. michael myers scouring twitter for the next big idea. this is so amazing to me. michael moore doesn't have an idea. he says we have all this animosity and anger, where do we put it. >> i wish they would stop acting like the electoral college was a last-minute rule change. it's part of the constitution and not a surprise to anyone. they are blowing it. go back to the week before the election. if done * wouldn't say he would accept the outcome, what a barbarian.
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what are they going to blame it on next, voodoo? if anyone's ball is deflated in this, it's hillary's because they ran a successful campaign. kennedy: i think they were hoping this cultural institution would help them overthrow king trump. >> i heard it's great when they are not lecturing the vice president-elect. liberals are the soarest of losers -- the sorest of losers. an evil person is going to be president and we want to do anything we can to stop him. just understand that's just how us libertarians feel every four years. kennedy: when wassed the last time i was excited -- when was
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the last time i was excited about the outcome a presidential election? >> two weeks before iowa ron paul was doing good in the polls. that was my moment. kennedy: so i want to talk about some of the ways that the democrats might try and tinker with this administration. because he is going to be inaugurated. i want to know how you feel about this? i think rex tillerson is the sacrificial lamb. donald trump knows rex tillerson won't be confirmed. i think he's putting him out there because he knows he won't get through and he will have a chip and something he can complain about for a long time, then he will insert john bolton. >> for michael moore, the jig is up.
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with regard to rex tillerson, the only way the democratic party could block it would be to get republicans on their side. the call to abolish the electoral college and calling for the electors to defect. if the system served the country well for over two centuries, let's leave it be. but they complain about wikileaks, they say that influenced the election. but they are the ones undermining the system and the electoral process. if you are calling for the electors to defect you are undermining the trust in the system. they are the ones doing the most harm to the electoral process. kennedy: in their quest to determine how hillary clinton lost the election without implicating hillary clinton, the democrats are turning their ire to f.b.i. director james comey. a federal court ordered the release of a search warrant that
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was used to access anthony weiner's laptop. brian fallon tweeted there was nothing in search warrant filings to controvert comey's statements from july to establish probable cause of a crime. it is salt in the wound to see f.b.i. rationale was so flimsy. kennedy: i don't disagree with the assessment that maybe this petition to a judge was too vague and granted too easily. i wouldn't want that for any candidate or any party. but it wasn't just that. it was a cumulative effect of the information that poured out whether it was from wikileaks or from the foia requests ordered by a judge. >> i think judges do tend to give out these warrants a little
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bit too easily. maybe there is an argument there, and we'll never know how much one other other impacted the election. i think most people didn't dig into the wikileaks stuff. they just saw hillary clinton lied through her teeth 9 times about it. it didn't help them that the fine came out. but it didn't help bernie sanders that cnn was leak can questions to hillary clinton. it didn't help that she had all of hollywood, all of silicon valley, she raised way more money than he did. he was an experienced politician running against donald freaking trump. kennedy: and she had machine behind her. she had every advantage in the race. the media was a shield. the donors allowed her to buy ad after ad. and she could have crafted the message and solidified her own
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victory and she wasn't able to do that. >> it shows what a loathe some candidate she was. i think the f.b.i. stuff diminishes the bravery of the f.b.i. agents who had to touch anthony weiner's laptop. kennedy: is that classified information on there? are they supposed to read he single word of the 600,000 emails if there is classified information? >> if there is anyone to be upset in this process, it's bernie sanders. literal lit system was rigged against him. this is why your parents tell you not to cry wolf. because at some point people stop believing you and aren't interested in what you have to say. but when you blame everything under the sun, racism, sexism, electoral college, fake news,
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the russians. kennedy: every week it's a new thing and it's never our candidate lost. their intent defensiveness is so off putting. the panel will return a little bit later. if your girlfriend is told she is pregnant? a woman in florida is selling positive pregnancy tests. is trump keeping china and is trump keeping china and russia
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kennedy: a series of terror attacks overseas and now in berlin are highlighting what donald trump will be facing. he has promised to secure the borders and take on isis and other terror groups in their own backyards. is that the best approach? what will be the biggest hurdles to getting this done? mike baker is here. mike, it's been a tough week, especially in europe. what are the immediate challenges facing the president-elect?
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>> well, there is a lot of them. and it seems like more now thant stepped into office in 2008 or 2012 even with the iraq and afghanistan conflicts. at top of mind is the counterterrorism situation and our fight against the islamic state. and our fight against islamic extremism. he will come into office, despite what some of the media and his critics would like to say, he's getting intelligence briefings. will get more of them as he settles into office. what happens behind the scenes from an operational perspective. not a lot of that will change. we have strong liaison relationships between the cia and our intel agency and our foreign partners. that's going to continue. we'll continue to share intelligence and work on joint operations. but what i think the.
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you will see is -- but what the public will see, what are we going to do as it relates to russia, iran and syria and forces in iraq? how are we going to deal with that. there is a lot that takes place off the radar screen that the public doesn't see and doesn't need to know about. i think he can set a stronger more aggressive tone and the first thing we dock is stop being politically correct about labeling the problem and what we are fighting against. kennedy: you touched on russia and china specifically and how different this presidency will be. we had a predictable, measured president who has been calm and disengaged in many regards. and this president prove to be a fan of unpredictability.
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what are the benefits and what are the detracts from having the madman doctrine in full effect in a trump white house? >> i'm not buying the idea it's going to be a madman doctrine or entirely unpredictable. he's putting together a solid, pragmatic team. a lot of those people on the second, third, fourth tier the public doesn't pay attention to. he's putting together a pragmatic and thoughtful team. i'm not buying the idea the trump administration will be all over the place. i think we'll see a more aggressive stance against russia. and i know that will surprise some people. i think because they are saying rex tillerson, he and putin vacation together. i don't know where that story comes from. tillerson has been working in russia as the head of a public company. of course's going to do what he
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to be increase benefits for the shareholders of exxon. but the idea that we'll have a softer stance against russia than we have had the last 8 years? we have had an ineffective -- it explains why they were so emboldened into crease their meddling in the election process. for the last 8 years we have had a no-touch approach. before it's been inconsistent messages and i think that's been part of the problem we are dealing with now that the incoming administration is going to deal with. kennedy: i don't think tillerson will be confirmed as secretary of state. i think he might be a sacrifice. i'll talk about that later in the show. thank you for coming in to tell us how the world works. >> thank you very much. and merry christmas. kennedy: merry christmas to you and have a great time with your wife and boys.
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mtv's new year's resolutions for white guys. >> try to recognize america was never great for anyone who wasn't a white guy. can we agree black lives matter isn't the opposite of all lives matter. >> blue lives matter isn't a thing. >> nobody who has black friends says they have black friends. >> just because you have black friends doesn't mean you are not racist. you can be racist with black friends. with me is molly hemingway from county federalist." you say it boils down to sexism and racism. >> there is no way to sugar coat this. it wasn't funny, it didn't intend to be. i see no indication it intended to be thought provoke it's racism and sexism where you
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prejudge people based on their sex and skin color for no ends. kennedy: mtv are not nearly as relevant as they were even 10 years ago. now they are doing something, it's the only way people can talk about them, and they have to pull it down within two days. this is the opposite of tolerance. it's the last thing this country needs. >> it struck me as almost like -- you saw the christians do the rally around the flag pole where they would gather and reinforce their own messages to each other? that's what this is it's not intended for white men or anyone outside the liberal echo chamber. if you repeat social justice war year things the's like being religious. kennedy: mtv has don't same thing tore different genders and races.
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they have done new year's resolutions for black women how would the media react? >> i can't imagine the rage. it's either okay to do it or not okay to do it. it should be based on principle. not whether the target victim is someone you like or don't like. kennedy: oftentimes you will criticize a member of a party for doing something. but when $a member from your party does it, it's okay. here it just goes to show how short-sighted mtv is. and it's not indicative of the generation they are trying to reach out to. if you look at millennials and the polling and their feeling on race and religion, and even abortion, it's very different
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from the display you see here. >> it's something you might have expected to see a couple years ago on college campuses, this virtue signaling. but people should be getting the message that this overreliance on identity politics isn't helping the left at all. if anything it's doing things like electing donald trump. if people keep doing these types of things it will have more millennials turn over to people like donald trump. it's a self defeating thing to do in any case. merry christmas. >> coming up. if you thought mtv stepped tonight, wait until you hear why lena dunn sham wished she had had an abortion. find out what science has to say. ♪ ♪
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kennedy: nice. welcome back. are you sick of having all those positive pregnancy tests laying around and you don't know what to do with them? good news. you can sell them. that's what a woman in florida has been doing and she is getting rich. the pregnant young lady has reportedly been selling positive
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pregnancy tests and allegedly making $200 a day. whether to use it as a prank or blackmail the ceo of apple who you were having an affair with, i don't care at all. >> i hate when that happens. kennedy: i think this is fantastic. i celebrate her entrepreneurial spirit. not only is she pregnant -- >> it makes me sad that i have been peeing on all these pregnancy tests all these years. >> could this have started any other way than a florida woman. you don't hear these stories coming out of maine. i'll be willing to wager, there is no way that urine is passing
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a drug test. kennedy: you think she is -- >> i thinker time a baby is born they should do a paternity test. there are guys who are forced to pay child support for a child that isn't theirs. >> there are courts now even guys who have been paying child support, the judges ruled they have to continue to pay child support even though the child isn't theirs. >> this will keep maury povich in business. kennedy: it is a funny prank. if you got a positive pregnancy test from a girl would you laugh? >> no. i don't know why you think this is a funny prank. this is a horrible thing to do. kennedy: think how happy you
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will be when you learn she is not progress in the. >> that's the most i will logica -- the most iwill logicad you say. i will never trust a meag -- i will never trust a pregnancy test again. >> i don't think the women doing this are saying haha just kidding. this isn't a dribble glass they are buying. kennedy: you don't like the vending machines in japan where they sell underwear. >> i would just say no. i need to see the paperwork. kennedy: a hive time of
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baseless, smug and narcissistic comment from the star and creator of "girls." lena dunham said i can say that it still haven't had an abortion. but i wish i had. dunham has since walked back her statements. she apologized. she said that was just a joke. but is it too little too late? dave, i'll start with you. i don't think she is funny. >> the mentality in abortion is like a badge of honor. it's not just that they are pro-choice. they can't even grant that there is a moral argument on the other side. i was watching the going at white people video your old network put out. you guys are going to get trump re-elected.
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they have learned nothing. kennedy: we talked to molly hemingway earlier in the show. she doesn't grant there is an argument on the other side. if you accept that a fetus is a human being and has all the inalienable rights any other fully developed human has, then you are morally opposed to abortion. she said it was her delusional girl persona who allowed her to say something so thoughtless. >> she just wants attention and she is disgusting. there is a disingenuous conversation we have been having driven by the media on the issue of life. there is also the most recently out of ohio, the heartbeat bill. the media oversensationallized this contentious piece of legislation. but there is polling going back to 2012 where voters were split
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on the issue. the majority of americans support a 0-week ban. that's also something president-elect trump supports. and that could get signed into law. kennedy: i don't think lena dunham wanted to reignite the conversation. but that's what she has done. thank you so much for being part of the party panel. we'll be back in our regular home tomorrow night. does the thought really count with gift giving? not as much as you think. john tierney joins me to fuse
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about the perfect gift is a big waste. to break down the science of gift giving, it's john tierney. we try to have that big moment, the big reveal, and you say that's worthless. >> usually scientists have depressing findings. this is one, take it easy, don't try so hard. they have people respond to gifts and give gifts. what we feel to pick up something special for everyone. it's got to be that big moment and the people getting the gift don't really care. when they see that big moment, got to have the flashy jewelry or big toy under the tree, they are thinking what am i going to do with this the rest of the year. do you know anyone who has dwont
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a car with a bow on it? >> i do not. kennedy: i not's a great marketing strategy. imagine if you get a car in the wrong color? >> it's a lexus. kennedy: you have to listen to people's personal registry. people give you hints about what they wanted and what they need. but we never do that because we are trying to be so creative and unique. >> great studies where they had people give presents to each other. sometimes the was done thoughtful and sometimes thoughtlessly. all they cared about was the gift. you should listen to people. people are much happier when they get something off their registry. >> you are not just making this stuff up. where did you get a lot of this? >> this is solid science. i have talked to people who
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studied the indian rituals and studying this stuff, they analyze how people feel about gifts, and they find people don't care about the thought. kennedy: they don't. and they spend way too much time thinking about them, then they spend too much money, and you say it's okay to regift. i always give gifts in mind hoping they will give them to somebody else if they don't like them. does that make me a sociopath. >> no, that makes you a normal american. i'm sorry to say that. they found people feel guilty about regiving it and think they shouldn't. but when you ask do you mind if someone regifts what they gave? you say no, that's fine. >> whenever i buy someone a bottle of champagne, gift to your mom. >> give it back to the same person. >> that happened in my family. my grandmother, god rest her soul.
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my brother and his wife got an ugly blade for their wedding. and five years later she gave it to me. it was amazing. john tierney, thank you so much. that was a regift for thanksgiving. thanks, man. merry christmas. will this man golfing on a frozen lake hit the ball and casually saunter back to land? sure. ♪ there's a lot of places you never want to see "$7.95." [ beep ] but you'll be glad to see it here. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. if only the signs were as obvious when you trade. fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be.
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kennedy: the holidays are upon us so put on your ski makes and grab a luger. this is "topical storm." it's nearly christmas. what better way to get in the holiday spirit than an adorable video of thousands of jolly st. nicks playing with cute penguins. look at all those penguins. there is the santa. they are supposed to go sledding. no, they are fighting. stop fighting the penguins, santa. take a look at yourselves. it's christmas. something is horribly wrong with this video it's like a rule tide battle of a antietum.
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stop it, you guys. what you have seen we cannot unsee. topic number two. 23 you like me and i have a feeling you are, you spend many nights and mornings wondering what exactly does a doofus look like? i figured it out. it's this. oh, put on some coffee, i'm going to watch this. the pure absurdity of this video -- sometimes in the sporting world even the most
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impressive feat can lead to accidental destruction. oh, man, a hole in the kingdom, now the death star explodes. topic number 3. we all know this time of year can be spending time with family and friends and setting up your house with booby traps for the worst thieves in the world. slow down, rewind, like rob who did a backward recording of this holiday standard. [♪]
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♪ we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year ♪ kennedy: just like i'm walrus, certain songs when played backwards have hidden means. the theme something that gets played at the beginning of this program, have you ever checked it out backwards? all right. that's enough. that's enough. that's i will go o'reilly on you. topic number four. any fool with a bike can tell you not to leave an sold tub of mayo in our car on a hot day. look at that. she looks like she is in distress. someone please help her. someone in upstate new york saw
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this sight and immediately called police to break in save the old has. the police discovered it wants an sold has at all, but a mannequin used to for medical training. people are leaving mannequins in their cars to see how long it takes cops to relationship their doors off. he said people just don't understand true love. he's a disaster. and she is a dummy. kennedy: yeah. topic number five. everyone loves christmas, but if you are not already familiar with it, holiday traditions can strike as a little freaky.
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[♪] i don't feel good about it either. she looks spooked. but what did she finds frightening about jolly old st. nick? oh, i'm so glad i was that video. i was afraid they would cut back to the -- i don't know. all right. let's all sprinkle some quaaludes into our nog and put an toned this business. you can email
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tomorrow i have judgal e ferrer. i'll see you tomorrow. good night. >> announcer: the following paid presentation is proudly sponsored by samsung, delivering you innovation and technology and quality connected home electronics, appliances, televisions, computers, and tablets. samsung -- bring it home. how would you like to come home to a house that is freshand clean? it just feels brighter and fresher. how would you feel about your home if it always seemed housekeeping just left? happy? relaxed? how about if your carpet and floors were vacuumed automatically or even on-demand? the future is here. >> as a mom and as a woman who's in charge of keeping her house clean and tidy, you definitely need one of these. i mean, you can turn it on, you can leave the house, and you can return home and your house is
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