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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 22, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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and you gentlemen played a big role in that. >> amen. lou: thank you both so much. good to see you. >> merry christmas. lou: merry christmas.ititititit, we look toward to serve you better next year, merry christmas. lou: good evening tonight president-elect trump and vladimir putin are calling for a boost in nuclear cape bailabilities -- capabilities, has putin finally met his match? also president-elect working hard to make america safe again. >> i will suspend immigration and refugee missions from regions where they cannot be safely processed or vetted. lou: that as president obama is dismantling a registry that
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tracks immigrants and jihadist countries. kellyanne conway is joining us tonight, and political correctness on camp you, run amuck. >> students at university of virginia, in particular, waging a war on christmas. pastor robert jeffers and darrel scott join me tonight, good evening, our top story, president-elect trump today filling key position in his administration, spicer as assistant. hicks named assistant. jason miller to director of communications, and dan -- director of social media.
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joining me now, newly named counselor to president-elect trump, kellyanne conway, first of all, congratulations. this is a wonderful thing for you, i know it requires considerable sacrifice on your part and your family, but also wonderful for the country. in addition to congratulations from he at least, a thank you as well for what you are doing for the country. >> lou, thank you so much, it means a great deal to me coming from you. lou: we'll turn to the trump administration, underway. with 28 days to go yet, before president-elect trump is sworn in. i have never seen a faster start to any administration, or a faster receding from public view than president obama's. this is really remarkable, he is delivering on tone, and pace that he promised. >> he also delivering on
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content, putting together a cabinet in a way that reflects when his agenda for the first 100 days and beyond is, putting together free market thinkers who will help him create the 25 million jobs in 10 years. replace obamacare, and immigration reform, and also, i think it is he set the pace in tone and content. but something else. he is really threaded the needle, between being the next president and being respectful we still have a president. he is not waiting until january 20 to get leavers in motion. lou: that respect, and considering does not appear to be reciprocated. president obama still pressing forward taking muslims, largely muslims off of a registry, making a decided
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points there he is still, if you will, putting his -- making himself felt in most irritates of ways, or attempting to. i do not get a sense that president-elect is bothered by it. >> not particularly, i think from a form and nonsubstantive perspective the president and his closest advisers have been helpful to president-elect and his close advisers in terms of transferring the administration, but that aside they differ, in some ways election of president trump was a rebuke and a rejection of many of the policies that we've had last 4 to 8 years, that is very clear, you look at the polls you see some americans see healthcare, obamacare as president obama's greatest accomplishment. but nearly equal number see it
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at haze greatest failure, a very divide country on the issues. but we're not that worried about -- executive order and flurry of activities, some people try to do that, but we know what -- we'll readed public's mood. we'll match it up with president-elect promised to do on the issues. you will see progress, it is draining the swamp but it is making it more prosperous and safe. lou: quickly, president bringing in ceos of lockheed-martin and boeing, reaching an agreement, based on the remarks was notes perspective white house or the transition, but from the ceos, they are going to bring that $4 billion plus air force one contract, in under
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$4 billion, i talked about affordability, and how nice it is to talk with someone who knows what he is talking about with business, and issues. so there is a whole tone here to me is appreciate. the substance is critical, but you are talking about people who were not necessarily aligned with donald trump who is going after the establishment, talking favorably and enlisting in the movement. >> this is simple lou, this is donald trump as a president-elect making good on his promise to protect the tax payer, and public. two week ago president-elect issued a tweet he thought the aircraft was too expensive, he wants everyone to be compensated fairly, but he also does not want us to beholding the bag and the bill, how refreshing is that? making sure our money not
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wasted. and fast forward, overtime, he met with these ceos, and we discovered that project is years behind, and millions over budget, he will find a way to reduce the costs without reducing the quality, that is why someone who goes to washington as a successful business map, owing no one anything is in the same position. lou: over last 24 hours, a peculiar communication conflict if you will, newt gingrich saying that no longer was donald trump interested in draining the swamp. corey lewindowsky coming out with something similar,t saying. we're draining the swamp. reconcile it for us. >> i think that the president-elect trumped the
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other statements, corey lo lo lewindowsky a trusted adviser, and newt gingrich a friend of mine, he said today on twitter, i goofed, donald trump will in fact drain the swamp, and alligators to be aware. draining the swamp means lobbiest, culture of corruption, i would say consulconsultantses that i refer to as the staff infection. i think that goes together, it does not mean you will not have qualified and well compensated men and women in different areas, doing their best to help. lead the country forward, at the same time, just as donald trump did with boeing and bottom bottom -- we don't top
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pay too much for stuff as a government. >> a whole new believe. >> right. he can do did. and while we're drainings swamp, people are trying to throw more correc crocodiles in. >> thank you, kellyanne conway. >> merry christmas to you and yours lou, god bless, thank you. lou: we're learning new details about the manhunt for anis amiri, the prime suspect at center of berlin terrorist attack this week. authorities are now retracing his whereabouts before the attack. greg has the latest for us from berlin. reporter: open for business amid high security, the christmas market in ber line, the scene of monday night's deadly truck attack.
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the prime suspect amiri kicks into high gear, officials confirm, his fingerprints were found on the hood of the truck. >> there is more evidence that this suspect is a perpetrator with high probability. he had befored, and00 in europe-wide. before coming to germany he was jailed in italy, and committed crimes in tun in tunisia. >> mop months before, authorities reportedly heard him saying he was going to conduct an attack. even u.s. authorities had him on a no-fly list,.
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merkel said she was not surprised. >> we have been aware for a long time are, we're also target for islamist terror, this something different. reporter: at reopen christmas market there was an eerie quiet. >> everything is open right now, not shut, this is a sign. >> of what? >> we're back on the road. >> to show the terrorists we stay strong. reporter: we talked to a eyewitness, he said he saw people getting hit by the speeding truck. today, he was back in his christmas stall all at work. >> thank you greg pal cot in berlin. >> coming up, president-elect and vladimir putin reveal what they each 1.
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do they agree? do they agree? ralph peters is joining me afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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lou: breaking news, production president-elect trump
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tweeting, u.s. must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time the world comes to its senses regarding nukes. it is far from a nuclear arms race. francei transition team saying that pru president-elect trump was refers to the threat. joining us, fox news strategic analyst lieutenant colonel ralph peters, merry christmas. >> merry christmas. lou: happy new year, happy holidays, it is a wonderful
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time. even as we sit here talking about nuclear capabilities, in your judgment is donald trump right or wrong. >> he is 100% right on this one, our nuclear triad, a combination of land base missiles, and aircraft delivered weapons, it has been in need of modernization, we have been putting patches on elbows and knees for a long time, not just that, beyond hardware itself, which is overdue, we also need to get back to a clear cut doctrine that obama has muddied. paradox of nuclear weapons, you want them so terribly frightening that you never have to use them. and also, doctrine, that you
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will never hit us first. >> case in north korea, that has been violated, they threatened on a number of occasions. that and i understand, independent to -- gdp from russia or china, a special problem if you will. >> turning to way in which she is reacting, talking about being right on the, of muslim immigration from jihadist countries. and what we have seen happening in berlin, in germany, over the course of this week, the terrible terrorist attack, this is looming as a absolute
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incipient point in which u.s. policy has to change, so use europe. >> there are several things in play, obama way of the democratic party views immigration as a tool of social engineering. that less our country resembles our founding fathers, the better we will be. on top, that you have the left's infat u-- infattation with islam. it has to be cut out it baffles me, chancellor merkel is willing to face it, she learned her lesson. lou: she brought in some why around a million refugees, many of them illegally, and
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opened wide the arms of germany to these peoples without proper vetting, and she has not recapped, she played a couple of ebb lek ralllek rallyelectoral games but her policies remain in place about. >> no, chancellor merkel, knows she screwed up, that was lutheran pastor daughter from old east germany coming out. as they saw in berlin, and difficulty in arresting amiri, when they knew he was a threat, germany saddled with two things, one -- one -- lou: i am talking current policy. >> history is with us.
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lou: amazing guilt. merkel and her party remain favored, they remain in popular opinion on open borders to be supported. those liberal left policies of merkel, that lead to the terrorist attacks, it not changing, they have not, until there is a recognition of what they have done ask what they must do it seems like a peculiar journey to take. >> it requires constitutional changes in germany law to let police do their job, and lets intelligence agencies do their job. angela merkel is not a leftist
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her party is a christian democratic party they are right of center, they screwed up the immigration policy, because of history, germany wants to be seen as a good guy nation. but now they have to fix it, and as we know, fixing it is really hard, i hear american conservatives making come an cause of far right party in europe, they are putin-funded american hating programs. >> that is about a lot more than immigration, and the neoliberal globalist, of and merkel is an important, flagpole, it is amazing we talk about right and left on spectrum that is global in which she fits only one part. that is left in my view.
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>> lou, i trade you a thousand barack obamas for one angela merkel. lou: you do that, i don't have to. thank you so much. >> thank you. lou: quite a trade off, thank you,. >> vote in our poll, do you agree with president-elect trump we need to temporarily suspend -- cast your vote on twitter. on wall street, stocks pulling back into the holidays, dow jones industrial dropping 23. volume on the big tujunga picking up to 3.9 millionaires, on salem radio in. up next, new documents show hillary clinton's tom aides communicating with so-called faithless electors, those who
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are trying to flip the elect rally college to stop donald trump, e-mail, call, and text messages. we'll have and the constitution we might add, we'll have that story for ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes-benz you've always wanted during the winter event. now lease the 2017 gla250 for $329 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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[♪] lou: ivanka trump and her three children harassed by a fellow passenger today on a jetblue flight. the man described as an out of troll passenger. the passenger who was holding his own child in his arms yelled, quote, your father is ruining our country, why is she on our flight. jet blue issued a statement, a decision to remove a customer from a flights not taken lightly.
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if a crew determines a passenger is causing conflict on the aircraft, the customer will be asked to deplane. politico reporting that clinton's top aides kept in constant contact with electoral college defect towards and those seeking to disrupt the electoral vote. emails from jennifer palmieri and jake sullivan showed they kept in touch with organizers of that effort for weeks. bun of the first conversations occurred with michael bacca. he was trying to flip republican electors to a third-party candidate. he's facing possible charges for switching his vote.
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the futile efforts of the so-called faithless electors died monday. enough -- hillary clinton lost more electors than trump. trump only had two he selectors defect. so quite an effort there led by the losing dems. the metro in the nation's capital is under fire, breaking with tradition, not including any mention of our next president on the inauguration smart trip card. the metro claims they omitted a trump photo because the president-elect's team never authorized a picture for use before the cards were print. but no permission is needed to include the president-elect's name. there is the president on the cards in 2009 and 2013.
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that swamp definitely needs some draining. >> we are going to washington, d.c. and we are going to drain the swamp. you probably heard me say it. drain the swamp. lou: ed rollins joins me next. santa has a new sleigh for the santa has a new sleigh for the holiday season. as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital,
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ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you.
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lou: president obama is blaming fox news for his failures as president. in an interview with "atlantic" magazine he said quote, if people are cage are you the government is failing, they are going to look to the guy who represents government. that applies to some of the folks who are now trump supporters. they are responding to a fictional character named barack obama who they see on fox news or hear about through rush limbaugh. joining me to make sense of all this, republican strategist ed rollins. great to see you. what's he on in hawaii? >> hawaii is a wonderful and
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relaxing place. but these aren't clear, coherent thoughts. the man has been president for 8 years, to blame fox news or rush or anybody else for his demise. he got outside the box and tried to make more presidential politics than he had. and he let his party get destroyed. lou: he destroyed the democratic party single handedly. if he wants to give credit to fox news, i, for one, think that's a perfectly wonderful christmas gift. but if he's trying to say it wasn't his demeanor or conduct, his ultra left and democratic approach to the presidency, he's deluding himself. >> i think he is. basically he will do whatever --
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lou: that will and thin book if it's about accomplishment and achievement. >> he better write it off real quick because mr. trump will undo a lot of the stuff he did in the first two weeks for the good of the country. it's always hard to end the presidency and move on. they say presidents have two good days, the day they get elected and the day they dedicate their library. lou: this is a good day approaching with barack obama leaving the white house and president donald j. trump walking in. that is an inflection point in american history and what i believe is critical to the survival of the republic. >> not just the republic. i think the free world need a significant leader from america which we haven't had for a long time. as we watch dictators rise up from elsewhere, we need to
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project strength. lou: i'm more modest in our concerns and aspirations. >> we need to save the republic, a lot of people don't like the republic anymore. lou: newt gingrich and corey lewandowski putting out the word that the president-elect no longer wanted to use the expression "drain the swamp." what do you make of that, and how could they, representing -- they were speaking for the president-elect. >> both are friend of mine, and they don't get to speak for the president-elect. the president-elect tapped into a real slogan, drain the swamp, going into the capital and fix what's broken. i think he will have a fast start. he has capable people around him
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and he will have a tremendous kickoff. lou: kellyanne conway. >> she is a good girl, great lady. she is a girl, but she is a great young lady who will be a significant player. lowr. lou: counselor to the president. >> it's a significant title. louas a working mother with four kid to make sure her kid won't be neglected, i congratulate her on the job. lou: i think she'll be a force and intellect. just a terrific person to have next to the president when he needs sage counsel. >> a great person. others there, too. but she played a critical role. lou: it was quite something.
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ed rollins is quite something. >> merry christmas. i like to be able to say that again. those of you who don't recognize christmas, merry christmas. lou: thanks so much. ed rollins. santa dipping his sleigh in favor of more -- santa ditching his play? favor of more modern transportation. that is a drone carrying santa through a busy town square. some drone. over a winter wonderland. it's in finland, by the way it's the world's first drone powerful enough to lift even santa claus from the ground.
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it will probably do well with human beings, too. a victory for donald trump. mr. trump pressured the obama mr. trump pressured the obama admi (vo) it's the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. with no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free and even carry over the data you don't u and right now get four lines and 20 gigs for only $40 per line.
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lou: president obama announcing he's formally scrapping the regional trifor up grant men visiting from jihadist countries. it hasn't been in use since 2011. the united nations postponed vote that sought to condemn israeli settlement construction in the west bank. it came hours after the president-elect publicly urged that resolution be vetoed. steve hayes, thanks for being here. let's start with the united nations vote. the deferral of that vote. it seemed to be specifically tied to one cause, and that is donald j. trump, the president-elect saying this should be retold. >> it's amazing the energy he's
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bringing to the role. i thought this was encourage. it shows the world is understanding there are going to be some big changes. it's not going to be business as usual. that's what we need to see in so many areas of policy. today was a strong, specific example. lou: we watched something i don't think there has been a parallel. the opposition of business to the anti-establishment candidate, that is, donald trump, was understandable, is understandable and ceos are showing up at meir mir -- at mar-a-lago talking about reducing the cost of air force one aircraft and the f-35 program which is totally out of control and represents billions of dollars. >> i saw it myself when i was inside government in the u.k.
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with david cameron. the big corporations have been ripping off the taxpayers for decades because there has never been anyone in charge really understands how to properly negotiate and takes a personal interest in these massive deals that cost the taxpayers so much money. and the quality of what's delivered is often poor. reason these terrible contracts go through is the civil servants and bureaucrats know when they leave they will end up advising those companies on the board of those companies. that whole mess is something he's going to have to clear up, and he's starting right now. lou: he's serving an important notice on them. these are. you-private partnerships between our leading corporations in the defense industry and the federal government. not recognize by the left-wing
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media. and there is a relationship. sometimes not from the conservative side either. but there is an important relationship that has to be balanced and donald trump has taken that on. talking about prime minister cameron. as we were announcing the news of these appointments bialek, kellyannments by --appointments appointments by by the president-elect trump. it seems like there is an emphasis now on the people who got him there. >> that makes me personally feel better and to see someone with kellyanne's immense capability stepping in to be of service. >> when i heard that announcement that she would be inside really close to him, and not playing a communications role or press secretary.
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but a serious substantive role right at his side. you have got her, you have got steve bannon, people who understand what the mission is, the mission to shake things up. because pressure will come from the establishment to do business as usual. and you need those allies right at your side to keep going to deliver the promises he was elected on. lou: the brief suggestion he was going to abandon drain the swamp, that illusion was put to rest and the president-elect made it clear, he's still swamp draining. we are behind on giving answers to our poll results. i apologize. we asked monday do you think it's possible the democratic party will ever recover from barack obama. 57% said yes it's likely it will never we cover. tuesday we asked do you think
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the justice department should be investigating harassment of all electoral college members. 94% said yes. will president obama come down as the worst president in history? 88% of you said yes. the reason we had to do some makeup. yours truly got a little long wind. it was an aberration in my career. the war on christmas hitting college campuses. >> we are just kinds of letting the administration know a lot of students choose not to celebrate anything. >> we feel like it's not a safe space for people of different faith traditions. ery
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ery afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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still trying to find how ara good site.going? they charge me. have you tried credit karma? credit karma doesn't do taxes. does credit karma do taxes? yeah, and they're totally free, so they'll never take any of your refund. oooh, credit karma...huh? we... probably still want those. yeah, good call.
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file your taxes for free with credit karma tax. lou: a war on christmas at the university of virginia. the university of virginia has been bringing us a lot of nonsense this year and i for one hope it's concluding. the conservative website campus reform sent reporters to talk about dozens of uva students who agreed to sign a fake petition that would ban any reference to christmas at their school. >> this time of year the feels like people can shove their
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holiday happiness in your face. merry christmas it gets old. >> we are sending a letter to the administration. hey, this could be oppressive for some people. would you like to sign? >> i will totally, yes. lou: joining me now a member of the faith advisory council, pastor robert jeffress. and pastor darrell scott. and what do you make -- i thought to be honest, i was just talking with another guest, it's okay to say merry christmas now. thank you, donald trump. apparently at uva that will be a sketchy possibility. pass tore jeffress, your reaction? >> these pin head students don't even realize they are acknowledging christmas every
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time they write the date 2016 or 2017 on an exam. we divide history by the coming of christ into this world. this is part of and larger war on christianity that was launched by the left and facilitated by a liberal judiciary. why was it for the first 160 years of our nation's history, bible reading, prayer there the schools and nativity scenes were aloud. suddenly they become unconstitutional. we allowed liberal judges to pervert the constitution into something it should never be. christians are sick and tired of this which is why they voted for dpoonld j. trump by the largest margin in history. lou: pastor scott, i don't think you will argue with the latter part. >> i agree with pastor jeffress that this assault on christmas
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is an attack on christianity and the person and works of jesus christ. we believe jesus christ is god manifest in the flesh. and they have a problemb with that. you zeents other religions under attack. you don't see frosty the snowman or rudolf the red noalsd reindeer under attack because they know those are fictional tales. but there is a godless segment of society that seeks to impress their godlessness on all of society. lou: public schools canceling as christmas carol because of "god bless us everyone." one of the most iconic lines in faith and in plays in this country. how can we -- why are we putting up with people who would say you
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have got to get rid of that play because it says "god bless everyone." it doesn't make any sense, but it happened. >> it makes we wonder if these same people want to climb on top of the washington monument and scratch out the words that are on the cap stone, "praise be to god." this nation was found as a christian nation. while we welcome people of all faiths and no faith, this nation as always been a christian nation. john jay weren't first chief justice of the supreme court said america is a christian nation. >> we acknowledge god in our constitution. we acknowledge the fact that all men are created and endowed by god with certain inalienable rights.
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this is an attack on christianity. i don't see other ridge holidays under attack like the christian holidays. the tolerance is tolerating everything except riftianity. christians are looked at as narrow-minded bigots. we are under attack and it's the person of the lord, jesus christ who is under attack. lou: a declaration of victory -- frankley, there is a new sense in the country, one that is more tolerant if i can use that expression, of christianity. people have become extraordinarily intolerant toward the people of faith in this country and hopefully all of that is change. with no small thanks going to a fellow by the name of president-elect trump.
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and you gentlemen played a big role in that. >> amen. lou: thank you both so much. good to see you. >> merry christmas. lou: merry christmas. that's it for us. merry christmas to you from new york and we'll see you in the new year. kennedy: a new poll shows hillary clinton has huge support from coast to coast. even democrats want her to disappear. will president-elect trump usher in a new living march or are this policies setting us up for a sugar crash. we have a list of the worst violators of the year. it's that time of year when people start compiling boring lists of momentous achievements.


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