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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  December 24, 2016 2:00am-3:01am EST

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conference, see you next week for another new episode in our new time slot, friday on fbn. good night! the rest of you have a great weekend. stossel: it's raining car wrecks. these lawyers want your money. they're parasites. so are politicians. they rarely kill us, but they suck everything out of you of us. >> $35 million have been made in green energy loans. >> it is something promised by the federal government. >> what does it mean? it means they will print a ton of money. stossel: unions are parasites too. this group is mad at me. >> teach john, teach. stossel: america's parasite economy. that's our show tonight.
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>> and now, john stossel. stossel: one great thing about america and free enterprise is that for the most part, people can only get rich by helping others in some way. that's because capitalism is voluntary. no one is forced to buy from you. and that's great. most of life fortunately happens this way. but on no now in america we have people that can use force. they enrich themselves by using government to force people to give them money. david bows o boaz of the cato institute calls this parasite economy. that's from his libertarian mind. >> there's two ways to get rich in any society. you can make it and trade with others or take it from people who have produced something. and i call making it the economic means of wealth, and taking it,
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the political means. and some of the people who take are criminals. they -- they rob you. they embezzle from you. but more importantly are the people who use government to take from you. stossel: and that's growing numbers. and what do you mean parasite economy, what's what's the scam, judge the scam is you're not producing something of value yourself -- stossel: or enough value to get people to voluntarily give you money. >> you might use a tariff to prevent people from buying from your foreign competitors or get the government to give you a subsidy. you might get them to pass a law so that they can't compete with you. you're glomming on to the wealth they produce. when parasites attack us, we have to spend some effort fighting them off. >> and the fighting them off means lobbying.
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i mean, some of it is just evil. lobbying to get money. much of it is lobbying just to say, don't crush my business. >> probably a smaller part. you're absolutely right. over the past 15 years, i've watched microsoft, apple, google sit out there in the west coast, making stuff we voluntarily decided to buy, then you have politicians coming to these companies and saying, hey, nice little company you got there. too bad if something happened to it. then they start suggesting that maybe you need to make some campaign contributions. maybe you need to hire some lobbyists. maybe we'll run an antitrust investigation and limit your supply of overseas engineers. all these things drag these companies into washington's lobbying cultures. >> they're less creative than they once were. the ceo can't focus on innovation. he's focusing on
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manipulating washington. >> and that's an important impact. the most valuable thing we have in our economy is brilliant creative people. and if brilliant creative people are making iphones and software and automobiles and new ways of getting around the city. then that's a good thing. and if they are distracted into fighting off people's lobbyists or hiring their own, then that's a net loss for society. it means, fewer innovative products and more lobbyists. stossel: let's go to some examples. you include the military-industrial complex. >> we need a national defense. that requires weapons. even the weapons we need, we have to recognize, they will be sold to the government by lobbyists, and there's going to be a problem in overbuying. we just spent in the latest omnibus spending bill, $470 million on f-35 fighters that the pentagon doesn't want. stossel: you have farmers.
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veterans. unions. the ethanol industry. the aerospace industry. trucking. they're all in d.c. trying to get something for nothing. >> well, they ask why do you rob banks? because that's where the money is. for a lot of people, where the money is is in washington. >> thank you david boaz, ththe cato institute. let's focus on green energy. >> think about all the money that was invested in the whole green energy market. billions of dollars to green energy. mostly wind power and solar power. also, bio fuels like algae because certain people in government decided those are better. andrew agrees they are better. because of extreme weather, companies make a big pivot towards green energy will make money and do good.
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david of the heritage foundation says, no, the green energy industry is a parasite. and andrew, aren't green energy companies that get government help really parasites? >> well, it's kind of -- it's kind of an odd word for any industry that gets money from the government. that would cover almost every industry. stossel: i will include any company. fine. >> the amount of subsidies going to fossil fuels dwarfs the renewable -- globally about 500 billion -- up to $2 trillion a year going to fossil fuels. stossel: i have to stop you. because we have this chart that talks about energy subsidies for different fuels. and wind and solar per kilowatt produced dwarfs the fossil fuels. >> well, you're talking about the beginning of certain industries and how much money. i want to take you back
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a little bit to the 1960s. the government, in particular, the military spent a ton on semiconductors. they drove the cost down. that's part of the role of government. >> first of all, that 500 billion-dollar number is bogus. it includes the subsidies to petroleum that the oil producers like iran and venezuela pay so their citizens can pay gasoline for a quarter of a gallon. we shouldn't pay subsidies for windmills because they're on subsidies for their gas consumers. stossel: there should be no subsidies for anybody. >> we agree. >> i think we can all agree on that. if we price energy the way it needs to, and all the externalities, all the costs. stossel: the externalities. meaning because fossil fuels cause climate change? >> well, that's one. if you want to take it more specific, they
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cause health issues. $3 billion a year in health costs. stossel: david, what about that? fossil fuel companies they're killing us. >> they're not killing us. the studies used to back up those numbers have been undercut by other studies that show -- stossel: coal is nasty stuff. >> we clean it up. let's go back to the subsidies. that's the straw man they put out. everybody gets them. when the windmill industry had a temporary lapse in the windmill tax credit, the industry shut down. they didn't build any of them. this was recently. stossel: subsidies were supposed to for these new industries. solar and wind. they're 30 years old now. >> they're over 100 years old. we've had solar panels 100 years ago. the subsidies weren't there 100 years old. but the industries are much older. they haven't competed because they're not as viable. >> well, that's not true
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anymore. the cost in solar dropped 70 to 80% in the last five years. >> it's cheap if you don't include the fact it's intermittent. i'm as happy as i can be, let's get rid of the subsidies, the mandates, the portfolio standards. all that stuff, throw it out the window. let it compete. don't let washington involved. >> absolutely. >> okay. we've agreed. we've seen when you got rid of it, it shuts down. europe, the electricity rates are two and a half to three times the rates we have here. stossel: parts of europe did what you want and didn't work out so well. >> nuclear was not with renewables, but lignit lignite -- stossel: let andrew respond. >> what germany did that is almost physically responsible, thephysicallyimpose trying to move away from
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everything. >> you don't want subsidies. you point to germany that's heavily subsidized. the taxpayer pay for it. the industry is getting ready to shut down. moving. leaving. they can't pay three times the price for electricity as our competitors in the u.s. >> it doesn't just go to wind power. government gives it to all kinds of fringe businesses. one makes jet fuel from algae. the us pays much more to buy this fuel. $150 per gallon. more than 60 times what standard fuel costs. one environmentalist tried to convince sean hannity that was a good idea. >> the u.s. navy is one of the forefront leaders in climate change. >> why would we pay 60 times the amount for jet fuel when we're laying off brave men and women to protect our country? >> this is the price we pay for progress. >> the price we pay?
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stossel: andrew, this is progress, to throw all this money to makers of algae fuel. >> it is progress. i don't know where the numbers are from. i talked to the navy. i don't know where that number comes from. they signed a contract for $4 a gallon for blended fuel. that's probably more than they're spending now. i go back to the fact that the military invests in new technology. they always have. they're investing in things that get off oil. this is smart for them. >> it would be swamped to buy a single big platform in the gulf of mexico. stossel: last month, california's governor promised in 15 years california would get much more electricity from green sources. >> increased from one third to 15%, are electricity derived from renewable sources. stossel: listen to the applause. this is government enforced. you're for that? >> the government always
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sets standards. things like safety standards. fuel efficient standards. i agree with the statement, the criticism that government shouldn't pick winners. saying we want a certain amount from a certain category of fuels is not the same as picking winners. that's the industry can innovate and meet the standard. >> if it's not picking standards, what is it? you have to get it from this type of energy. they're not saying you have to get it from the cheapest one. you started off saying you don't want any mandates or subsidies now you're applauding the mandates they want in california. stossel: thank you david and andrew. to join this argument. follow me @fbnstossel. use that #parasites. like my facebook page to post on my wall. we want to know what you think. coming up, how i've been a parasite and how big banks are parasites, eager for their next fix.
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♪ stossel: most people don't want to be parasites. we want to support ourselves without taking from others. but what if there's a business that's really important to everybody's
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welfare and suddenly because of an unexpected change in the market, that business can't pay what it owes, it if it doesn't pay, innocent people will go broke. business after business might collapse. it will lead to tremendous suffering, maybe another great depression. that was the fear six years ago when politicians gave hundreds of billions of your dollars to america's biggest banks. >> the government's top economic experts warned that without immediate action by congress, america could slip into a financial panic. stossel: a panic! can't have that. but wait a second. aren't those banks parasites. why do they deserve your money? they made stupid risky investments. they believed housing prices could only go up. they should have been allowed to fail. they would have lost their own money, not yours. that's what i say, though few people agree with me on that. one who does is hedge
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fund manager peter shift. when i say that, people say, no, this was too big. if we let it go down, the world would have been crushed. >> well, it would have been really difficult. no question about it. but i think it will be worse now because we did bail them out. first of all, you have to realize, why did the banks make those risky loans? why did they act the way they did? it was because the government created the perverse incentives by guaranteeing the mortgages. the banks acted restlessly. in a free market, they wouldn't have taken those risks. the moral hazard by the government, everyone was taking risks. stossel: government funded freddie and fannie and said low down payments. >> it was the government guarantee that corrupted everything and led to the financial crisis.
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stossel: the housing government all lobbied the -- you have to support housing. >> every business will go to government looking for a subsidiary. we have to limit the power of the government to provide those. (?) stossel: if the banks failed and credit froze, what do you think would have happened? >> it would have been worse than it was. but we would have a much safer, sounder system today because we would have made real reform. instead, we made the system worse. we have the government more involved in the housing market. i think the crash coming will be much worse than the one in 2008, and the financial crisis much bigger. stossel: but if we let it fall then, people would have worked out new things. maybe if you couldn't borrow from the bank, you would have used paypal. the community banks would have reappeared that weren't overextended. >> absolutely. instead, some of the smaller banks that actually should have been rewarded. that should have been allowed to grow their market share, they were actually punished.
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the too-big-to-fail banks. they're hard to compete with. they're all bigger because we bailed them out. stossel: the bailout and the parasite behavior takes two forms. it wasn't in the billions of dollars that bush gave them. they gave them 700 and they only took 400 billion. but the fed printed $4 trillion. a dozen men -- i guess it's a woman in there. a dozen old people got together and said, we'll just have 4 trillion sloshing around the economy. >> it didn't slosh around the economy. it sloshed around wall street. we're not producing more stuff. we're just borrowing and consuming. people are getting wealthier on paper, but a lot of this will evaporate when this bubble bursts. stossel: it hasn't burst yet. the inflation hasn't happened. >> we will have it. sometimes you see things
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early. i was warning about the housing bubble for years before it burst. and i think i'm early when it comes to inflation. but i think the rate of increase will accelerate at some point when we eventually have a dollar crisis. and it will be much, much worse than what it would have been had we taken our medicine in 2008 and learned from our mistakes instead of repeating them and actually reformed. >> and much of this money that the fed created comes from something called quantitative easing. few people understand what this means. i like this cartoon for that. did you hear about the fed? >> no, what about the fed. >> they announced more quantitative easing. it means they will make large asset purchases. >> it means they will expand their balance sheet and buy treasuries. >> what does it mean? >> it means they will precipitate a ton of moneyprint a ton of money. >> there has never been a country that went down
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this road and it went well. stossel: coming up, i want to thank you viewers. you helped me build a beach house. you paid for it. twice. i disgust myself. but not as much as these people disgust me.
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stossel: so i'll criticize parasites, i better criticize myself because i was once a parasite. i fed off you. the government currently employed me to be a parasite. and i took the bait. years ago i built this beach house. that's younger me there. the house was on the edge of the atlantic ocean. a risky place to build, but i build anyway because a federal program guaranteed my investment. >> protect your home with flood insurance. >> congress created government flood insurance to help foolish people who don't buy private flood insurance and lose their
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homes when the water rises. >> eventually the storm swept away my first floor, but i didn't lose a penny. thanks, i never invited you there, but you paid for the first floor. then my whole house went. government flood insurance paid for it and others. >> thank you for paying. now that i'm educated, i have to say, i'm sorry. this is a scam. i won't do it again. government encourages people to build in dangerous places. if insurance were left to the private market, insurance companies with their own money on the line would price the insurance properly to cover the real risk. that would discourage foolish risk taking. we don't have that because big government, the parasite in chief destroyed theket by offering cheap -- get rid of the subsidiary. that's what i say. but jimmy says, no, we need the federal program. we just should reform
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it. why do we need it? >> john, i'll tell you. there's no question that the current national flood insurance program isn't a sorry mess today. and the fact that folks like you were able to buy heavily subsidized insurance to rebuild beach homes is an absolute mess and not okay. but when it comes to the flood insurance, it's unique because of the concentration of the risk. you have so many people in the floodplain who get damaged at the same time. that risk is correlated in a way that you don't find in risk when you're talking about an auto accident or fire in your home. stossel: insurance companies would charge more for that. they're national companies. there's not a flood all over america at once. so what he has. >> you're right. we're not allowed to
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charge what we'd like to charge. however, when it comes to flood insurance, prior to '68 when they began the program, we had no flood insurance policy in america because the pricing was so high, people chose not to get. the federal government bailed them out and paid for all of it. stossel: people are reckless and they academy like parasites then. we'll create a program that will help more of them act like parasites. since then, people build in risky places. >> the incentive is perverse. you need to reimage the government. stossel: that's what we do on this show. we try to reimage our government. >> there's a good case to be made, john, that by having a well-functioning national flood insurance program you would save taxpayers money. we know and you know that members of congress after a disaster stand
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locked in arms singing kumbaya, we'll pay for everybody. we'll give you money. if we can get insurance in their hands and price it accurately, that's where it doesn't work, if they price it accurately and the rate matches the risk, we wouldn't have the problem we have today. stossel: true. and only the private market can price anything accurately because they compete and have their own money on the line. after the last disaster and the insurance program was $20 billion in the red, the bigger waters flood insurance were passed. that was supposed to fade out the subsidies over a five-year period, but they didn't stick with it. >> they didn't stick with it because they're chicken. your average member of congress will put good politics over good policy. the private sector can set rates accurately. we can. the actuaries at fema can set them right. you know who won't let them?
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your elected officials in congress won't let them. listen, you should pay what it costs for this insurance policy or we'll move your house higher on the hillside. they say, we'll make sure they don't charge you anymore money. we'll hold your rates down. they get reelected. stossel: that's what happened last year. they debated phasing out these subsidies, i expected democrats and fools in the media to oppose that, and, of course, they did. >> the national flood insurance policy program is an important policy to -- >> you can count on them to support bigger government. republicans supported it too. >> well, you vote in favor of the 61 billion-dollar sandy aid bill today? >> yes, i will. we do need -- this is the national flood insurance program. it is something promised by the federal government. >> a shutdown of flood insurance, even a temporary one would do tremendous damage to our struggling economy and our nation's fragile
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housing market. stossel: more money, more free stuff. more parasites. >> the cowardice and the appalling nature in which congress acted, it makes sense when you tell them, shouldn't rate match risk? isn't that fair? they all said yes and voted for it. as soon as they went home and had two knocks on their door, oh, look, i have my rates going up. they quickly went out and unthe kid the reform. you're right in the sense that it's incredibly disheartening. apparently there's more fools in washington than you even imagined. stossel: yeah, they do always manage to amaze me. thank you, jimmy. coming up, private sector parasites. >> i will push them. pound them. punish them to get you every dollar possible. >> oh, i don't like those lawyers. >> and these union protesters they're
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parasites of sorts. they hate me. >> shame on you. shame on you. shame on you. shame on you. (vo) it's the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. with no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free and even carry over the data you don't use. and right now get four lines and 20 gigs for only $40 per line. you'll even get the iphone 7, the samsung galaxy s7, the pixel phone by google, or the motoz droid absolutely free. hurry, these offers end soon. get the best deals and the best network, only on verizon. there it is. wow... this holiday season, people have a lot to say about the chevy red tag sales event. this thing is a beast. steel or aluminum? steel. why? science. it's gonna hold up over aluminum, big time. you can get special holiday pricing and when you find your red tag, you get thousands more cash back. that's two deals in one. two deals sound better than one. that's a for-sure thing for me. during the red tag sales event, get two deals in one. find your tag for an average total value
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♪my wish for you ♪is that this life becomes all that you want it to♪ ♪your dreams stay big, your worries stay small♪ ♪you never need to carry more than you can hold♪ ♪and while you're out there gettin where you're gettin to♪ ♪and wants the same things too♪ ♪yeah, this is my wish
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♪ >> shame on you. shame on you. same on you! >> the teachers union. 5 million members strong. >> shame on you. shame on you. shame on you. >> we are here to deliver the policy from 2020 john stossel. stossel: that was years ago when i did a 2020 special called stupid in america. kids learn less mostly because public schools are a government monopoly. it criticized the teacher's union and the 200 pages of rules and that brought out the protesters.
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noah agrees with them. he's the new york public school member. and the son of a big-time union member. judy agrees with me. judy, is parasites fair? >> i think parasites is incredibly fair. to stand in the way every time there's a great charter school created or a great charter school law created like they're doing today in massachusetts, let alone -- stossel: well, lots of places in new york. you wouldn't stand in the way of charter schools. right? >> absolutely. 100%. i believe the charter schools are the parasites. they're skimming off billions of dollars from our public school system totally unregulated. >> serving public schoolchildren. stossel: they get less money to educate the same kids. >> they don't get less money. that's a myth. ibo report, they get more money. >> 70% less. how are they skimming off public schools -- how are they skimming off public schools when charter schools are
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public schools who are serving children who by the public are getting educated. >> it's racked with fraud. you've heard it all over. you know this goes on. stossel: i wish you would bring this data. i don't believe you. >> two and a half million children. 4 million adults involved in these charter schools, of which, the vast majority are public school teachers, public school trained leaders. people who left a system which everyone agrees across the political spectrum which isn't working for brown and black children. stossel: if you're in charge, you're king, there would be government-run, all of them and union schools. paid more. more per kid? >> we need to invest in our public schools. stossel: how much per kid. >> you want to know something, the courts in new york state and across the country have
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said, we're not funding. stossel: how much are they spending in new york. 20,000 per kid. >> this is whether we give teachers the freedom to do what everyone else, every other employee has, which is to voluntarily join up with a school where their quality of life is paramount. that's why they become teachers. where they don't have to join a union or listen to stupid rules like you're not permitted to go into the cafeteria. you're not permitted to stay after school and tutor children. union stewards like your dad send them home when they overwork. >> silly. >> that's ridiculous. your idea of parasites, whatever you want to call them, the idea that anyone would want to go after school, no matter what they are, private schools, home schools, are ridiculous. >> we had a audit from a state controller. sixty charter schools. 95% were mismanaged.
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>> bunk. >> a study from the popular democracy, $54 million in fraud in 2014 alone. they are totally unregulated. now, what do we want? >> that's biased. >> we want investment in our public schools. stossel: 400,000 per classroom. i could hire five great teachers for that. what are you doing with the money? >> the charters aren't doing better. stossel: they are doing better! >> what do you do for the children today? you do exactly what the unions are calling for. increase class size. you hire experienced teachers. you have a broad curriculum. okay? you have services in your school. stossel: all right. too much into argument here. i was stunned to see that your union started a school in new york city. we can do better, they
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said. and they did horribly. they're one of the worst schools. this is -- how did that happen? >> well, i can't -- i can't argue for a uft charter school. because uft and the teachers are really focused on our public schools, thank goodness. 97% of the kids go to public schools. stossel: the unions said they could do better. they can't. they're awful. >> their graduation rate is double new york city's rate. stossel: when the teachers union showed outside my office, they said i needed to be educated. [inaudible] we have element schools. stossel: the crowd liked the idea of me teaching for a week. >> teach, john, teach. teach john, teach. stossel: so i said, okay. i don't think they expected that. i understand teaching is hard, but i was game to try it and show how hard it was and let the chips
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fall where they may. the bureaucrats demanded endless meetings. they discussed where i should teach. what i should teach. finally they decided, no, we won't allow you to teach. you know what, this is the bureaucracy that's part of the union and government. >> you call it the bureaucracy. it is exactly what parents want and what teachers want. for example, the unions are the only ones fighting for smaller class sizes. the unions are fighting for experienced teachers. >> the issue is: do we help? the great teachers of america, great teachers make great schools. stossel: the great teachers could make 250,000 dollars a year. >> and they want to. the teachers want the freedom and flexibility that charters afford them and provide. >> you're telling us, she's telling us what teachers want. teachers join unions. >> no, they don't. they're mandated.
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noah, they're required by law. stossel: this was at school. they have to join them. >> they're required by law. stossel: even some democrats acknowledge that charter schools are an improvement. last night, new york governor, andrew cuomo called teachers unions a selfish industry. he's your democrat leader here. >> yeah, and he's also beholden to the charter lobby. $2 million in donations -- >> if you want your state and city continue to be at the bottom of the barrel for student achievement, go for it. stossel: thank you for it. we're out of time. i appreciate you joining us to fight about this here. coming up, parasites who get rich while doing harm. then they claim they're actually helping us. money for your pain. we want to get you as much money as possible [music]
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[music] we'd do anything for kids.
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yet 1 in 6 children in the us help end childhood hunger near you. learn how at ♪i believe, i believe ♪believe we're still worth the fight♪ ♪you'll see there's hope for this world tonight♪ ♪i believe, i believe ♪yeah ♪rock guitar
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>> when they hurt me, i knew who to call. >> if you've been badly hurt and want my help, call me. >> i was in pain, and i called spencer and associates -- >> she was in pain.
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the lawyers got some company to rain money on her. they got a cut of the money. the lawyers get 40% of the take or 50%. when i think of parasites, personal injury lawyers are high on my list. and so is law school professor john benzaf. you're a parasite because -- >> you got the word wrong in the title. parasite implies one side is getting and giving back nothing. >> the word is simbyonic. each side benefits the other. our society can't function without government or lawyers. we can improve both. but you can't say it's parcytic. it's symbiotic. they work with each other. stossel: i require you a parasite because you require your students before graduating to sue somebody. >> to bring a legal action. they choose to come into
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the courts. i suppose you would rather them write silly papers. but without those suits, you might be flying on a plane surrounded by smokers. you might not have the information you get when you buy foods. now also in fast food joints and restaurants. there are many other things -- stossel: let's address those. i don't want that information multiply when it's posted, nobody reads it. >> that's exactly wrong. it is beginning -- 50 -- out of the 50 states, including the red states, they do require all kinds of disclosures. they do prohibit discrimination against the disabled. stossel: because we have big government. >> and they allow these kind of lawsuits. these lawyers making all this money, did you know in automobile accidents it's the defense lawyers that make more money than the plaintiff's lawyers. >> they make a big cut. when you add when the plaintiffs get and the defense lawyers get, most goes to the lawyers.
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>> about 55%. >> the disabled. one well-intended law is the americans with disability act. >> it's not parasites. >> lawyers partnered with disabled people to extort money from small businesses. even ones that try to accommodate the disabled. nick owns this flower shop. a woman claimed the store was not wheelchair accessible. had she rung the bell, he would have come out with the ramp to let her in. >> she sued me. >> the post calls her hell on wheels. >> i think she went up and down and sued randomly -- >> extortion that's what it's called. >> it's not called extortion. there are thousands of places in new york which are not wheelchair accessible. these statute rewards encourages lawyers to bring these suits. >> the woman probably
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didn't check them out. probably just filed 100 suits. that lawyer is not a parasite? >> no john, he's serving a purpose. let the restaurants decide. if they don't want ramps, to hell with them. right? >> right. >> no state agrees with you, john. maybe what you're producing is frivolous. if the definition of frivolous is nobody else seriously advocates it, maybe you're frivolous. i'm winning and other people are adopting it. stossel: you are winning. i would say the parasites are winning. thank you, john. >> not parasites. symbiotic. get the word right. >> how politicians are like ticks.
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jackie: as an 18 year old, i let my mistakes kind of take over my life. i was point-five credits away from completing high school and i didn't do it. angela: i got pregnant and i was the main one working so, i did what i had to do to survive. jocelyn: sentía que la escuela no era para mí. karim: most of my family they never graduated high school or even let alone go to college so i'm trying to break that barrier. jackie: my family never stopped pushing for me to be better because they knew what i could become and who i could become as a person. karim: everyday after work i went straight to school,
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studied hard, and it paid off. jocelyn: sentía como que si quiero cambiar el mundo tengo que cambiara mi primero. group: surprise! surprise! surprise! angela: i could not have gotten my diploma without my family. jocelyn: mi consejera, ella fue lo máximo para mí porque me ayudó mucho con todo. jackie: i've been given an opportunity and i'm just thankful for it. angela: yeah it's hard, but keep on going and keep on trying. karim: the high school diploma has just added to the confidence and now i feel unstoppable. narrator: find free adult education classes near you at
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. >> government is a giant blood sucking parasite. that's not my line, actually, a took it from ron paul. he was pointing out government has no money of its own. when it taxes people and prints money, it redistributes wealth, supporting a wasteful bureaucracy, that's why it's a parasite. but we need some government to keep the peace, protect the environment, run courts, and that's about it. instead, we have this massive goliath spending $4 trillion and regulating everything. makes me wonder where the word politics comes from? poly is latin for many, and we
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sure do have many politicians, telling us what to do, raising many taxes, passing many rules. >> the bill is passed. >> and the tics in the word politics, know what you they are. this is a better depiction than ron paul's giant parasite, there are so many politicians and do damage slowly, like ticks do. >> a parasite shouldn't want to kill its host. >> that's another similarity. politicians generally don't want to kill us because we're the geese who lay the golden eggs they want to tax. they want to keep us alive to take our money gradually. many americans hardly notice it. you have to look closely to see what the politicians are up to. >> this was living inside the body? >> apparently it attached itself to the bile duct and was feeding off of the liver. >> by the way, politics comes from the greek word politicos, meaning citizens, and unfair to compare politicians to ticks.
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unfair to ticks because in some ways politicians are worse, after ticks suck away our important fluids, they don't ask us to applaud them and pat them on the back. [ applause ] >> president obama recently bragged about american energy production. >> we are as free from the grip of foreign oil as we've been in almost 30 years. [ applause ] . >> it's true, supplies of oil and gas are way up! but it's not because of his administration, it's in spite of them. the president banned drilling in the gulf and limited oil exploration on government land, energy production is up because entrepreneurs mostly ignored the president and figured out ways to get more oil and gas out of the ground, almost all of it on private land. in states where the ticks -- i mean, the politicians allowed it. and where they allow it people prosper. in parts of north dakota, the starting wage for a walmart worker is now more than $17 an
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hour. >> my god, $17.40. >> market capitalism is what helps people most, not politicians, and not decrees from so-called experts. for most of history, experts said a way to cure disease was to put leeches on people's skin and wait for the parasites to suck out the bad blood. this helped kill george washington. his doctors left leechos him for ten hours. drained three liters of his blood. his doctors did take the leeches off and he died. leeches didn't cure sick people, using them made the experts feel like they were doing something. similarly, when politicians pass endless rules and spend other people's money on green energy, flood insurance, bailouts and so on, they feel good. they're doing something. but they are parasites. it's important we identify them and know what they really are. that's why i like to think of this show as your magnifying
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glass. we'll keep watching the politicians so you don't have to. we'll watch them in our new time slot on fbn fridays. see you next week.hanukkah. "lou dobbs tonight" is next right here on fox business. tonight, new hopes that president-elect trump will be able to restore relations with russia. mr. trump and vladimir putin exchanging end of the year greetings? we'll have the details next. also, the terror manhunt is over, but questions remain over how the islamic state attacker eluded capture for four days? we'll have a full report from berlin. and a stunning move by the obama administration. along with the u.n. to adopt a resolution condemning israeli settlement construction. mr. obama's defiance coming despite tremendous pressure by


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