tv Forbes on Fox FOX Business December 25, 2016 7:00am-7:31am EST
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will always go with mr. buffett. >> even though he's had triple digit gains in some of his picks? >> god bless him. i'll just say god bless him. >> merry christmas, everyone. the call for freedom continues. crush the terrorists by crushing their money machine. the same week we see a deadly terror attack in berlin and a man arrested in virginia for trying to send cash to isis. now a house report is calling on president-elect trump to have the government team up even more with private companies to cut off the terrorists' money supply once and for all. will it work or will it just create more bureaucracy? hi, everybody. i'm david asman. let's go with steve forbes, sabrina schafer, bruce jabson. steve, is this report on the
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right track? >> david, it's fine to do more coordination. you can usually do that with an e-mail or a phone call and tell the bureaucrats to get off their duffs and work together. if they're curious about not funding terrorists, cut iran off from the world banking system, do the same with individual banks in pakistan and elsewhere and cut off various individuals we know who are bad guys. they're basic steps, but iran is the big one. if they're not doing that, they're not serious. >> in addition to iran, i think steve is absolutely right, but in addition to that, they're still getting a lot of money from oil, about $500 million a year. we have had attacks on these oil supplies, but not enough, and there are also a lot of people in the region that are funneling money to them, right, some of our supposed allies? >> i think every administration going back to at least the first george bush administration knows but doesn't really talk about the fact that saudi arabia and qatar, their governments are financing these sunni rebels which eventually flows into the
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terrorists. why do they do that? because it's a promise that the sunni rebels won't overthrow these governments. but it comes back to hurt us. so i think that trump, being master negotiator, has to negotiate with saudi arabia and qatar and use our leverage that we're now entering this cheap energy boom that, hey, we don't need you. we're going to put the thumb on you guys now. >> we'll talk about draining the swamps. there's an example. we'll talk about the swamp in washington, mike osanian. here's the house report. god bless them, i'm sure they mean well, but the specific advice that steve and rich just gave isn't in this report. it looks frankly like a united nations report. >> dave, unless there's something in there that talks about taking control of the caliphate, then it's not going to be effective at all. that's why, no matter what you do in terms of trying to cut off their finances, unless you have strong military action, it's not going to be effective. >> and sabrina, by the way, you also have people here that are
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trying to send money over there. as i reported in virginia, they caught one guy. unless people think this is just an isolated case, you go in to search in the justice department website, look for material support and you find a whole list, dozens of individuals in this country, that are sending money or trying to, to isis. >> right, and david, i feel like this has been a conversation we've had since september 11. because we knew that people were being funded to initiate these attacks, and the money was going both ways. the proem is the government hasn't gotten any smaller in the past decade and a half. if anything, it has gotten bigger, it's gotten more bureaucratic and more convoluted. so i worry sometimes in this approach to stamp out terrorism through different parts of government that we are somehow just entangling things more. we need to be very clear about what the mission is in each case. >> john is a big supporter for federal cases like this, right,
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john? >> yeah. without minimizing for a second the horrors of terrorism, what happened this past week in berlin, this is quite simply not going to work. we know this well in the united states. for decades the fed, politicians, they've tried to restrict money flows. money always reaches its intended target. so we empower the federal government even more and we wouldn't be a lick more safe. let's stop grandizing government. they can't fix this. >> bruce, it is the achilles' heel, the funding, because without the funding they can't do much of anything except shout. is there a way to do this? is there a way to strangle their sources of funding? >> well, i believe there is, and i will say that that report looked a heck of a lot better digitally rather than in print. but i would say that the president-elect needs to take this seriously and move past tweeting about his second-place finish in the popular vote here.
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it was a bipartisan report, which is a good thing. there is a lot of stuff in there. we have not had a successful -- as the president said, a successfully executed attack from a foreign source, so we've done some things right, but i think more coordination and taking it seriously is a good thing. and it's the bipartisan. >> steve, one of the problems about coordinating, particularly with the folks overseas, is how badly they have performed this week in trying to track down the terrorists. they finally killed the guy, but not before he crossed over many borders, and, in fact, europe's approach to terrorism very often has the opposite effect. some of the terror suspects who committed the attacks in paris a year ago and then fled to belgium were getting a lot of money from the government's welfare funding. not only did they not keep them out, they were giving them money to boot. >> that's the whole thing, especially in europe, they have an inadequate way of figuring out who is coming in. and when merkel a little over a
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year ago said she would take 2 million refugees, she quickly backed off from it, but if you don't have a mechanism of who is coming in, you've got problems. this comes back to barack obama who didn't create a safe zone in syria which would have kept those refugees from crossing into europe and saved us a lot of trouble and lives. >> we've had a president the past seven and a half years who seems to watch the globalist perspective on these things, we all need to work together. frankly, i don't want to work together with the clowns in europe who have missed tracking down some of these terrorists. >> i think the root of the problem with barack obama is he lacks the confidence and the fundamental virtue of the united states to actually use our leverage in the world, whether it's with china, saudi arabia, qatar and iran, and i think things will change with donald trump. >> john, what do you think of that? >> there is a big difference between being anti-murder and actually finding those people. you're looking around the world for the tiniest bits of
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evidence, the idea that any president is going to succeed in stamping out murder seems as unrealistic as doing it in the united states. >> bruce, one thing that unites the world is money, frankly. it doesn't have to do with religion, it doesn't have to do with race. i think if we're going to work together at all, at least in the banking community, they could find ways of squeezing these terrorists, couldn't they? >> oh, definitely, and when you think about what is alarm to go me on this whole russian hacking, if they're able to -- i think people should pay attention and say if they're able to hack into people's e-mails, political figures, heads of states, they may wake up one morning to see that their 401(k) is disappearing. >> i knew we would get back to the hacking. >> start with iran and go after the others. we were once number 1, but you're not going to believe where the u.s. has slipped to on the forbes list of best countries for business. the answer in what president-elect trump can do to get us back on top,
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and you do something sensible at the fed and you're on your way. just avoid a trade war, and these other measures, they will work. especially getting rid of obamacare. huge burden on small businesses, creation of small businesses. >> bruce, will tax cuts get us there? >> well, i think if they're paid for and they do things and he holds to his promise of eliminating some things like the carried interest loophole and gives tax cuts to the middle class who elected him out in middle america, perhaps, but he's got to take things seriously and start governing and start tweeting. >> sabrina, you know what always gets me that a tax cut has to be paid for. by whom is it going to be paid for? it's our money. we deserve that cash. it doesn't have to be paid for, does it?
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>> right, exactly. i'm actually really encouraged by some of trump's picks to run a number of different agencies. for instance, someone like pudster in the department of labor who understands if we want to get the economy moving again and make it good for business, we can't mandate leave wage. this comes from businesses undersnding what's good for them, and that's going to help not only employees, but consumers as well. i'm encouraged by some of those picks. >> i'm encouraged, too, but john, it's amazing how we've gone from number one on that list, the most business friendly country in the world, to number 23. that's an embarrassment. >> it's an embarrassment but it's not so amazing when you consider the bad policy the past 16 years. so trump, at least so far, you could say is taking us in the right direction with tax cuts and deregulation.
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but there are dangerous signals out there. this week he appointed peter navarro and avowed protectionist. trump will not be great nor the economy great if he goes protectionist and anti-dollar. watch out. >> so bill, a lot of libertarians like john don't have that much hope for the future. >> i have hope. we could move a long way up on the rankings just by appealing the laws that smother employers. when you bury the hiring process in rules, mandates, legislation, we could live with that. >> we get the tax cuts, we get the regulatory cuts, but we get these trade difficulties with china and the rest of the world. could that slow us down? >> i think trump has to talk tough on trade because he wants it. i think behind the scenes there will be a lotf bilateral trade
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reements and it won't be as bad as john thinks. >> and he is a negotiator. everything that comes out of his mouth is the first stage in a trade process. you've got people like wilbur ross who is trading with china all the time. >> wilbur has also made some trade noises, but the key thing is what you actually do. you don't have to tear these things up, there are plenty of remedies in place. in terms of cyber theft and things like that, i think those things are issues that need to be addressed. >> bruce, you look at where we have gone. i know you don't think trump has the right solutions or he hasn't broadcast them yet, as far as you're concerned, but how do we get back to the top spot? we've gone from 1 to number 23. >> i think a lot of the things you didn't like about president obama with the stimulus and -- >> that brought us down to number 23, bruce. >> that's right, so tax cuts, a lot of the economists say that
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they will blow a hinhe depp deficit. >> steve, what do you think? >> i don't hold out a lot of hope tonight. >> do you have trust, steve, in these economists? by the warks they hay, they hav reputation of being wrong much more than they're right. >> it's wonderful that the democrats are now concerned about the deficit. the way you get rid of the deficit is by a booming economy, a little bit of spending strength. you get a bming economy by getting off ople's backs in these crazy regulations and also reducing the burden in terms of taxation. it's always worked. takehe real world, bruce. reduce the burden, people respond. >> and this is -- to steve's point, this is exactly why people shouldn't be crying over this new epa. we should, of course, want a clean and healthy environment, but these burdensome regulations are keeping businesses from growing. they'reeeping businesses from finding jobs and they're destroying huge segments of our economy. we should be excited about that and we should be enthusiastic as
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well about the potential for repeal in replacing obamacare. that has been a huge job killer. all of this can help raise our numbers very quickly. >> we're going to talk more about the environment coming up. meanwhile, the gang is coming at the bottom of the hour. what do you got? the suspect in the berlin christmas market. can that finally help us defeat the terrorists? how to be better people in 2017. see you at 11:30. >> eric, we will be watching. but first, gifts for the greedies. president obama banning more offshore drilling in the u.s. he says it's to protect the environment, but is he really environment, but is he really protecting something else?
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environment, but is he really protecting something else? i've spent my life planting a size-six, non-slip shoe into that door. on this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. but these days it's phones before forks. they want wifi out here. but behind that door, i need a private connection for my business. wifi pro from comcast business. public wifi for your customers. private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security. built for business. ways wins. especially in my business. with slow internet from the phone company, you can't keep up. you're stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story.
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switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. president obama says he's going to give one more christmas gift to the enenvironmentalist on gas drilling. on the flip side, this could end up stucking our global environmental stocking with dirty lumps of coal. michael, explain this flip side. >> anybody who wants a clean environment should hate this initiative by president obama. all this is going to do is give more market share to oil producers who do a much dirtier job than the u.s. does. >> bruce, we have plenty of examples. terribly dirty oil drilling in venezuela, in eduador, in
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russia, et cetera. you will just be giving more market share to the dirty drillers. >> i think he's leading by example by saying this is what we're going to do, we can't control what they do elsewhere. who is drilling in the arctic, anyway? all you have to do is look at shell and it's been a farce. it cost them $7 billion and it's gone nowhere. >> steve, a farce? >> not at all when you reduce unnecessary regulation. remove the barriers and people will be able to do it in a fine fashion. if they can't make money on it, they won't do it in the first place. but companies that have their money at stake decide whether these are promising fields or not, on land or offshore. >> bill, what do you think? >> i'm all for more drilling, but i don't think we should relax our environmental rules just because they'll drill somewhere else. by mike's logic, we should have more trial labor in the united states because conditions are even worse in bangladesh. >> but we are so much cleaner than the way they do things elsewhere in the world, and if you want a cleaner world environment, you give more
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market share to the cleaner drillers than the dirty ones. it seems simple. >> of course. we do have all these regulations. i think it's important that people start being grown-ups. just because something makes you feel good doesn't mean it's good policy. the fact is when we create these moratoriums on federal land, it just distorts the energy market. it drives up prices, and just to put it in perspective, it takes a company like marathon 300 days to get a permit to drill on those lands. it takes them 10 days to get a permit in north dakota where the energy market is booming, we jo -- we have jobs and we have affordable energy. >> rich, what do you think of all this? >> god bless our incoming governor greg bergum and the outgoing governor. the achilles' heel of the left, she had it right. >> it sounds great, free health
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care for everybody, et cetera, but the practicality of it is something different. >> the left wing was against prudent bay oil, too. but since that's been open since 1977, we got 38 billion gallons of barrel from it. it's the people on the left who try to stop it. >> that's a great point. coming up, just in time for christmas. our informers are giving stock picks to the boss himself, steve forbes. but will he keep their gifts or dump them like a lump of coal? that's next. ♪
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we're back with our informer stocking stuffers for their boss steve forbes and for you. rich carbaugh, what do you have for the boss? >> marriott. improving business travel. >> it's a name everyone knows. steve, is it a stocking stuffer? >> they're really cutting back on their room service. they're really a piece of junk now. they've got to spruce that up a little bit. >> sounds like a lump of coal,
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rich. mark, precision drilling. we were just talking about drillers. >> this stock has gotten battered the last several years, but i think as oil drilling restrictions get relaxed, this company will make a comeback. >> this is a low cap stock, losing money, but hey, why not? that's the kind of stock that will rise up. i'll take a chance on that and hopefully get enough money to get good service at the marriott. >> bill, what do you got? >> mattell. barbie was kind of knocked down, but now she's off the mat. >> steve has five girls, so if anybody knows anything about dolls, it's steve forbes. >> i'll take this one. i like the fact that barbie is no longer politically correct, she's making a comeback. mattell, very rich dividend. why not? i can buy dolls for you with that dividend. >> go ahead, rich. >> more business travel. despite bad room service.
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>> he's sticking with it. thank you all very much for joining us. that's it for "forbes on fox." have a blessed merry christmas. keep it right here. the number one business block continues right now with eric bolling and cashing in. calling terrorists what they are. president-elect donald trump wasting no time labeling the rampage at the christmas market in berlin and the assassination in turkey acts of islamic terror. supporters saying unlike the current administration, trump is blunt and not afraid to call it like it is, and that's the first step to defeating the terrorists once and for all. merry i'm eric b orks lrolbolling. the first step to defeating terrorists is winning the enemy. yes? >> i think that's
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