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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  January 5, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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conservative group mark meadows chairs in the u.s. house of representatives will be doing about obamacare and its replacement. join us for all of that and much more. thanks for being with us. good night from new york. kennedy: donald trump ripping democrats for refusing to let obamacare go and calling their senate leader a clown. we'll break down state senate hearings on the hacks. i'll talk to director peter berg on his film about the boston marathon bombings. tomorrow president obama officially gives his two weeks notice and what a glorious 8 years it's been. just ask him. a presidency that started with
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blame -- >> the biggest problems we are facing have to do with george bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch. kennedy: now ends with blame. >> there will be potential frustration and fear, and somebody like mr. trump is taking advantage of that. kennedy: he blamed guns, republicans, republicans with guns, israel, russia, even hillary. >> i won iowa not because the demographics dictated that i would win iowa. it was because i spent 87 days going to every small town and fair and fish fry and the vfw hall. kennedy: such a good campaigner. other than boo-hooking over his glass of sour grape juice, how will he be remembered?
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for his signature piece of legislation that was supposed to save healthcare, make the sick healthy and put people back to work. >> if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. i will not rest until anyone looking for working find a job. kennedy: excuse me. chief justice john robert would have spared us so much indigestion if he had decided against obamacare and the critical national federation. now we are stuck with spiking premiums and deductibles. it wasn't just legacy cementing stagnation. he turned the middle east into a cesspool of death. red lines drawn and crammed and
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indiscriminate droning. he was no prince with civil liberties. the surveillance state below thed you have and he leaves his party in shambles as record numbers of democrats lost seats including his first runner up successor who he stabbed in the back. he's a true paradox, a likeable guy with a 56% approval rating. things were on the wrong track because of his policies. he's the kind of president who gets elected in 2008 because it seemed he would be fun to have a beer with, but totally repudiated when voters can't afford to buy beer anymore. donald trump will be president and will inherit more authority than any first-interpreter thanks to obama's concentration of presidential power. and he leaves the keys to the kingdom to a man he despises to is sure to obliterate anything
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that's left of his tattered legacy. go have a beer, mr. president. at least you can afford it and you definitely need it. the obama administration is about to pack up and scatter. how will history remember president obama? let me ask brian kilmeade? brian, welcome back. >> i was wrong in many respects. thanks for having me. having a chance to do the radio you have a chance to let the show breathe. i would say this. i remember when he was nor obama an talked to hang paulson when the economy was crashing.
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he was more attentive than john mccain and teaming together with george bush was impressed with the way this senator was tapped in. the treasury secretary said this guy is dialed in. i thought at 48 years old, he will come in and play it up the middle and walk away as successful as any president ever. and i was totally wrong. he turns out to be a total ideologue. somebody who is not willing to admit what he didn't know. the biggest thing you didn't bring up. you covered just about everything. but the stimulus package. i blew my first 800 billion. he did, too. he came into the state and said do what you want. we just want to keep our state workers with a little more money and allow them to stay in jobs.
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and at was the beginning of the end. then jamming obamacare down everyone's throats. >> are you surprised obamacare is in the state it's in now, the fact that i think the presidential race really sort of teetered when we saw the reality of the premium and deductible spikes? but now the fact that we are having a discussion at the down of this next presidency about obamacare, would that have surprised you? >> it was assumed that it would be over by the time he was ready to hit the streets and go look. i revolutionized healthcare, the doctors are happy. the doctors are quitting and going wall street. premiums are up across the country 22%. state like michigan and arizona are saying -- and minnesota, we can't afford it. a lot of these are democratic
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governors saying it. you can't just say this is a dug-in ideologue. >> leaving just one choice. i will go to another level. when he went to capitol hill and met with the democrats. what's left with them after he got through with them. there is no next generation. he didn't mentor anyone. or encorey booker. kennedy: he said he's going to. i want a letter grade from you. how would you grade this presidency. >> would you look at what's next? there is no next. that's the biggest condemning aspect of this. kennedy: brian kilmeade thank you so much. any time you are kind and don't
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physically push me away i'm happy. i know i had to walk on. do i walk out? kennedy: just stay there and someone will put you on their shoulders. that's how we do it. let me introduce the jewel-encrusted party panel. we have dave smith, he's host of part of the problem podcast. julie banderas is here, and chris barron. welcome, everyone. republicans poised to take a jackhammer to obamacare as soon as donald trump is swornth as president. the president-elect not impressed by chuck schumer's new rallying cry. make america sick again. the democrats led by head clown chuck schumer.
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know how bad obamacare is and what a mess they are in. chris baron, i'll start with you. >> by the way, how many cycles have republicans promised, vote for us and we'll repeal obamacare? one of the reasons we saw so much anger among the republicans base because for all the never trumpers, he's delivering. he's going to repeal obamacare. thank you mr. trump. kennedy: the repeal part can happen, the replace part can be much more difficult. >> that's a big issue. when we watched the candidates campaign, we didn't hear of a plan. if you are going to repeal obamacare you have got to couple
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with a budget resolution. are we going to have an inflated debt situation? what is the solution? not to say i love rand paul, but at least rand paul has a solution to replace obamacare. when you repeal it, you have got to replace it. kennedy: he said if we are going to get rid of it, we have to put something in there right away. i tend to trust the doctors in congress a lot more on this issue. an also said i'm not going to vote for something and give us 10 more years of increasing debt. >> $10 trillion of additional debt. the big problem is big spending. obamacare contributes to that. we spend more government in the history of governments has ever spent. we are spending close to $trillion a year. we are spending $4 trillion a
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quarter. if we can't cut government spending now, it's never going to happen. kennedy: i don't want to be greased. >> one thing at a time. trump hasn't been sworn in yet and we'll get obamacare repealed. we are going to end up tackling things like spending. but we have to do this one thing at a time. we haven't gone the anything done in washington in a long time. in a trump congress we are going to start. >> chuck schumer is not going to make this easy. when you hear chuck schumer speak it's like it will be impossible. kennedy: earlier today some testified in front of the senate armed services committee about russia's role in the election. senator mccane asked jim clearp, who lied to the american people
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before, i'm not a clapper fan. they maintain their position the russian government interfered in the u.s. presidential election. >> those are still operable and correct statements? >> yes, they are. we stand actually more resolutely on the strength of that statement that we made on the 7th of october. kennedy: despite that james clapper and the white house have declined to call the russian interference an act of war. i'll start with you, dave smith. if you have a government like interfering with any sort of cyber-security and election process in the united states, that's an issue. but we have not been given direct evidence that's what happened. and i don't trust a word that's come out of clapper's mouth.
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>> anybody who stut studies the history of the nsa or the cia, if you take them at their word, it's ridiculous. he lied through his teeth to the american people. he said there is no mass data collection. he blatantly lied. the cia made one cla. julian assange made the opposite claim. i have seen no evidence either way. if did do what they are accused of doing, they revealed truth to the american people about dnc corruption. thanks, russia. kennedy: one thing they were not able to illustrate is how the election was compromised. was it fake news, putting out the email, were the podesta emails more damaging than the emails off hillary clinton's server? >> there is no hack of this election.
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there is no accusation russia had anything to do with the actual voting. people went and voted. the accusation is that somehow they illegally obtained and released dnc and podesta emails. the mainstream media told us when they first came out. look, and they say they have no impact on the election. so why are we even talking about this? >> i used to love the clapper, lights on, lights off. and i trusted it. but this not so much. who does. it's really hard to dissect whether they did hack into our election system. it doesn't sound like it's likely. we know what our popular vote is. the popular vote.
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kennedy: wouldn't you see it in the raw tally? trust has been eroded. just saying there is nothing to see here isn't enough. we'll get into it a little bit more. reports say donald trump wants to restructure our intelligence agencies. is that the next step? gillian turner joins me to explain. and later, a poll showing americans more divide than ever. can a new app bring clinton and trump supporters together? the party panel returns to discuss. stay here. i just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. start at the new show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new
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kennedy: american television agencies may be going on a diet. according to the "wall street journal" the new president plans to restructure the director of national intelligence and the cia. gillian turner worked for the white house security council under two presidents, bush and obama. so let's talk about this. this one of these areas where i don't necessarily disagree with donald trump. i think it's fine to take a hard
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look at how many intelligence gathering agencies we have. why do we have so many? is that what he's saying? >> i hope so. my caution here is i don't know it's necessarily a good thing to be saying this before he's in office and he has had a chance to work the intelligence community. but how do you go in knowing you want to do that. at this point he's not getting his intelligence briefings. he only knows what he heard from them on the media. kennedy: there are people who say he doesn't get briefings every day. vice president select pence gets them every day. kennedy: if you take politics out of it as a limited government person, it looks like we have way too many of these
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agencies. there may be so much overlap the director of the office of national intelligence was created to create co-sheetion within the departments. we are seeing friction rise up among the f.b.i. and cia. >> one thing you do need with the odni, you need it to have snuff clout that it can be the big guy in the room when it comes to moderating between the cia and the nsa and f.b.i., all the intelligence agencies it's supposed to be a coordinator it's been around since 2005. it's done a lot, but they are still between the odni and the cia, a constant jockeying and power in the administration. if the trump administration could help with that, that would be great. but if you disempower the dni,
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then we are back to a pre-2005 situation where the cia is running the show, and i don't think donald trump wants that. kennedy: in a post snoafden era a lot of people don't want that in an agency with so little oversight. john brennan, he's essentially out the door. no agency wants to be restructured. before it's not necessarily about what they want it's about what's best for the country. what do you think is best for the country. >> streamlining is good. cutting out waste is good. bit of comes down to what you are cutting out. you can't just say we are going to gut the odni. one of the sound bites from it was they want to in terms of the
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ci tax eliminate some of the washington folks and put more field officers out around different countries. kennedy: which sounds like a good idea, but that require the more of after thorough airing out as well. we'll see what happens when president obama is inaugurated and how things actually change. so please keep us posted. i appreciate it. she has a great singing voice, too. we'll do a buffet at some point. republicans itching to blow obamacare apart. we'll get smart with brian brenberg next. diabetes, you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works
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stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, and headache. for help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia.
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kennedy: i can't wait for more shins and i'm glad you are here. not obamacare. obamacare's days are numbered. mike pence says the incoming trump administration will kick obama's signature piece of legislation to the curb. >> the first order of business is to repeal and replace obamacare. obamacare has failed. and the american people sent a decisive message to washington, d.c. kennedy: gop lawmakers say they are work on an alternative to
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the affordable care act. so what should their plan look like? what should sit include? brian brenberg associate professor economics at the king's college. one of the things insurance companies are required to do under obamacare is make you get a bunch of coverage you don't need which makes it expensive to provide and buy health insurance. >> one of the most important things republicans can do is get rid of those mandates. some people don't need maternity benefits. he don't need mental health benefits. you want insurance plans tailors to individual needs so they can buy the plan they need, afford the plan they need, and that's how you get people even rolled. that's the number oneth thing people can do here with this replacement to obamacare. kennedy: if you are young and healthy, get catastrophic
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insurance. >> you want to be able to put money aside to fay for things that come up. that's why health savings accounts are a good idea. kennedy: when people say no one has a plan, this is part of the plan paul ryan and tom price have talked about. >> it's unfair people are saying republicans don't have a plan. what they are saving is they don't like what the republicans are talking about. the republicans have been talking about plans to move us towarda more market-friendly direction. there are things and tools individuals can use to manage their own healthcare. that's a direction you want to move in. kennedy: if you ask make healthcare like amazon. you put a product in and you get to choose how faust get it and how much you will pay for it.
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how nice it would be if you could choose a plan that's not necessarily in your state that gives you have the coverage you need for what you can afford to pay. >> there is a bias that assumes hng can't operate that way. kennedy: look at uber? >> this bias is unfair. let's create the opportunity to see what entrepreneurs can do in the healthcare space. i don't think there is any limit to how innovative we can be. but that can't happen in a system with centralized federal control. when you have individual mandates that require people to buy insurance they don't want. amazon works because none of those things work in an amazon world. kennedy: let's get regulation out of the way with it comes to people interfacing with plans and having a choice and a say. we lost so much control, there is sort of a mass depression
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around healthcare, going to a doctor is now a pain and more expensive than we were told. >> you don't know your doctor. for a lot of consumers, we don't know how to be consumers. we have been smeelded from the process of making decisions. if that doesn't change, you will never fix healthcare. >> government assumes we are dumb, that's why we have to limit government and increase choice. happy new year. bad connection. the party panel returns. a new report ranks american cities by how terrible their bedbug infestations are. looking for balance in your digestive system?
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try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables.
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kennedy: america has become a very polarized nation. 44% of democrat and republicans never agree with the other party's position. hi, i'm from the other side. can anything bring people together anymore? the party panel is back to discuss. so, dave, you are both single
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and not a republican nor a democrat. you have the objective view here. what do you think? >> i don't want to meet either of them. i don't know. one of the cool thing about the trump moment is whether him tweeting or just talking to people. america on both side are realizing the media as the middleman is not a very effective solution. i think there are a lot of people out on the left who are almost irredeemable. you can't talk to them. they think mayor case an evil country. white men are evil. but there is a whole bunch of people -- kennedy: if they had a statist versus libertarian app. >> but there are people in the middle getting turned off by that stuff. so maybe we can talk to them.
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kennedy: is there something arousing about -- >> there is nothing arousing. this is awful. this is like speed dating for idiots. i don't ever want anyone i disagree with to reach out to me. kennedy: wouldn't that the worst if you are snuggling and you hear, i think bernie sanders has some great ideas. kennedy: is your partner republican like you? >> independent. kennedy: that's close enough. >> he didn't vote for trump. >> an independent and republican. >> it's well intentioned it's a waste of time. i have lots of liberal friend. since the election i was busy trying to cold them. he's not hitler.
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he's not going to steal your kids. and it's a waste of time. we need to stop indull knowledging the paranoid liberal illusions. kennedy: washington, d.c. infested with the block-sucking parasites. or kin has released -- orkin has released the list of the top 50 pounds. the top 10 show cities inundated by liberals. baltimore, washington, d.c., new york, detroit, and san francisco. washington, d.c. second most liberal city in the country, second for bedbugs in the country. >> the liberals aren't washing their sheets? i thought i brought some nasty
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you know what to the table. but i'm talking norovirus. kennedy: you have given at least 4 people the norovirus at your thanksgiving party. have you given bedbugs? >> no, but that is coming. kennedy: what do you make of the correlation between liberal cities and bedbugs. >> i'm glad i moved to the suburbs. i'm terrified of them. >> this conversation makes me uncomfortable. bedbugs don't infringe -- maybe the reason why these are permeating democratic cities is because of the gun control.
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maybe the only thing that can stop a bedbug is a good guy. there is one in texas. kennedy: i looked at data. i haven't seen that. you guys are amazing and i loved every part of it. i met my one fan, it's so flattering. a new film about the boston bombing. a film about a man who escaped the tsarnaev brothers who would have otherwise murdered him.
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>> half a million people watching the boston marathon here in new england. kennedy: that's a clip from the new film "patriot's day." it's based on the 2013 boston
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marathon attack when the tsarnaev brothers set off two bombs. the brutal attack was meant to divide people. joining me, the director of the film, peter berg. welcome back. this is an intense connection you have to the film because you started talking to survivors. one of the most compelling stories, you spent hours with danny mang who was carjacked by the tsarnaev brothers and he knew of he was going to die. he's pretty much at the top of my list of inspiring and just incredibly bad ass human beings. he's 5'2", 130 pound chinese-american who had been in the united states for three months. he started an app for restaurant
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delivery. he saved up a bunch of money and bought a new car and the tsarnaev brothers carjacked him. they put all their bombs in the car and loaded te tats square into their gps. they were on their way to new york. kennedy: he knew of he was going to die. >> for an hour and a half. he kept manipulating and doing everything he could and talking about chinese and muslim relations, pretending his gps didn't work. when the moment came, he told me how scared he was, but he knew of if he didn't escape then, they would kill him, and he did. pretty much everyone in boston law enforcement who knows anything about the marathon will tell you danny mang and he saifds an explosion in new york.
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kennedy: one of the stories we see note is one you were reluctant to commit to. what was it that gout on board with this movie? >> it's obvious this is the new reality of the world we live in. these acts of terror are unstoppable. we are no longer in shock when we wake up in the morning and something horrific has happened. as a father, i was interested in exploring this issue, particularly how we respond as a community to these acts of horror. what we saw in boston which is what we saw in new york, 9/11, orlando or san bernardino. super keeps experiencing. i was in the bastille day when the truck driver drove through and killed 85 people. >> this after you have had completed filming on this? >> i'm work on a documentary about rhianna the singer. i wanted to do that after
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spending so much time in boston in the wake of the mayor thoin wanted to do something a little lighter and more fun. i was with her in nice, bastille day day. right in front of my hotel, i saw the hotel staff running up to help the police, just like we saw in boston. it was the same way action. kennedy: you and mark got on a loud speaker the morning you are shooting in boston and you had to remind people this only one day, this is only one part of the movie. >> how did you know that? were threw? kennedy: tino everything. but that's intense, you realize you have got people who experienced trauma. >> we had 1,000 extras. we created a piece of boylston
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street. they wanted to come be a part of it, and i think we could sense a certain level of nervousness and anxiety always we realized we were recreating something that was very traumatic for them. mark and i would talk to them. we would talk about what we were filming was part of the movie, but was only part of it. i'm almost hesitant to talk about why i take a movie, what the thesis is or way wants somebody to take away. but i do want someone to take away the power of love, the power of community which is at the heart of what this film is about. and the realization that we can't really stop this. if some sliewn particular wants to do something like this to us, he might do it, he might hurt us, but the inintendsed result of -- the unintended result of these acts is to bring people
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together. kennedy: we got if the phrase "boston strong" out of this. thanks for coming back. appreciate it. stay there. there we are. coming up. can a new procedure help rethree polar bear vertigo long enough for them to ice skate? all of this and more on the next "topical storm."
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kennedy: is it cold enough for you? let's heat this heart up. this is the "topical storm." topic number one. have you seen hasbro's pie face challenge? you just try to smack red button more than your come get tore. if you don't, you get a faces of whipped cream. he didn't give a rip about the game. he wanted a muzzle full of sweet, cold whipped cream. watch. get while the getting's good. i love dogs. dogs are sweet because they love whipped cream. here is what happened to the
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family cat when it was asked to join some fun festivities. science proves it, dogs are sweet and cats are furry remanants of an open vortex to hell. if you are making a car commercial that sits in an ice rink, you should probably give your mascot skating lessons first. check out these outtakes from white bear mis mitch in minneso. >> a proud of sponsor -- they -- so good.
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he didn't get his deposit back on that mascot sight either. i don't think it's white on the inside any more. it's tough being a mols mascot. but some places they actually hunt mascots. a lot of screaming, too. flashbacks from the war. topic number three. a young lady in brazil discovered her grandmother thought she was praying to a statue like this one of st. anthony every single day for years. but she was really praying to this. an action figure of elron from lord of the rings. anthony was a franciscan priest who has been immortalized as the
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patron saints of lost things. elron was a 6,000-year-old who later headed a council which decided the one ring should be destroyed. some will send me her address, i will be happy to mail this awesome statue of moses at come con. topic number 4. virtual reality is coming into its own as a medium it's become so sophisticated the games can startle people. tch this kiddo reel from a dij tightsed scare. -- from a digitized scare. watch your language, son. here on kennedy we plan to stay
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technologically relevant. that's why i asked my subproducer paul to design a bad ass virtual reality game so you can jump into a home on your wrist. you might want to grip your arm wrist for this one. that was it? glad to have you on the team, paul. obviously a special hire. topic number 5. there are moment in life when we can be truly grateful and appreciative of the love and friendship we have surrounding us. then there is this moment right now. this is viewer mail. brenda begins the festivity with no, mtv was over when you showed up. get real.
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albert writes, kennedy seemed like she was on drugs tonight. seemed? john tweets, loved the show, kennedy. cynically twisted and simply irresistible. robert palmer, marco says i'm a fan of two things, hashtag kennedynation and hashtag bourbon and mash tag you. that's three. still a prime number. simone says you are all right. i know how you treat the ladies and that's a compliment in your work and i accept it. i appreciate your feedback. you can follow me on twitter @kennedynation and facebook. and email me at
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you will have to wait for mondays because that's when we are back in action. i hope your thursday night and friday and every day thereafter is as glorious as the next good-bye. >> would you say it was a hobby? or was he obsessed? >> i think that he was obsessed. >> soldiers of fortune -- and a fortune in soldiers. >> do you have any idea what it's worth? >> yes, we know what it's worth. >> can i know what it's worth? >> the man who raised this army was on a mission... >> he was a true historian. he wanted to bring these battles to life. >> but is it a bridge too far for his heirs? >> he left you with a huge responsibility, didn't he? >> it's just too difficult. >> it's kind of interesting that toy soldiers would get their own trust. >> i don't have my own trust, but they got theirs. [ theme music plays ]


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