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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 6, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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catherine herridge coin pointed out, maybe they trying to get that information to use if hillary did win. to blackmail her. lou: that is what a lot of people believe, thank you, both. we love it when you watch at home. >> everybody outside. lou: a day of panic and terror in florida, a lone gunman opening fire the ft. lauderdale airport, the shooter in custody. we have special coverage. >> tonight, president-elect trump said he had what he called a constructive meeting with nation's toll intelligence officials who briefed him on russian hacking of clinton campaign and dnc computers. but why did president obama do nothing when he was warned?
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>> it official, donald trump, president-elect, congress certified the results of electoral college, but not without several objects from a few obnoxious obstructtionists. >> we begin with strategic news out of florida, a gunman is in custody, after opening fire in a baggage claim area at ft. lauderdale airport, he shot, killed 5 people, and wounded aid others, suspect identified 26 caree 26-year-old estaban santiago, carrying a military i.d. he left from anchorage, alaska last night, he changed planes in minneapolis, then on to ft. lauderdale today, he had a gun in a checked bag. after he claim his bag he went into bathroom, he loaded that gun, and began shooting around
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1:00 this afternoon. within say, the gunman said nothing as he went up and down carousel of baggage claim, shooting at luggage to get to people who were hiding, he had a handgun, went through about 3 magazine of ammunition. then he threw his weapon down and lay spread eagle. at this point he was taken into custody, authorities have not given details on a possible mote ir, suspect's brother said that estaban santiago received psychological treatment in alaska, served in army national guard, in alaska. and puerto rob rico. he was deployed to iraq from april of 2010 to february of 2011. joining us now, former secret service agent under president
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george w. bush, and president obama. this is a tragic case, the victims at ft. lauderdale our hearts go out to their and their families, this young national guardsman aappears to have been in deep psychological pain. your thoughts? >> well, my first thing that jumped out about this crime, lou, was there was a lot of premeddin premeditation involved. i say that there were a number of -- the packs of the weapon that requires it to be checked in. there is a taking of bag, reloading of weapon, and in back room. the rooting then reload -- shooting and reloading they done just happen in a quick emotional break it suggests some component of pro meditation. the big question, okay, what
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is the motive? nobody knows, we hope it comes out. lou: with me tonight rod wheeler, fox news contributor, former washington d.c. hop sidhomicide detective, rod your thoughts about this gunman and access to a gun that he then managed to load in a men's room at ft. lauderdale airport? >> that is right, there is a lot we're learning about not only the gunman but process that was used by which he was able to check this weapon in at the airport, 1 thing i have noticed today is that with this particular case, person can go to airport, check a weapon in, but guess where the hole lies, nobody checks to see if that person has the weapon legally, i could be a felon, go to airport, check a gun in have it arrive where i want it to go, and pick that gun up.
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that is hole we need to look at. we just learned that with this case. lou: and it is a tragic opening in our attempts to provide safety the our airport. this young man, 26 years old, served in the national guard, apparently, alaska and puerto rico. had some according to some reports, of family members, had some considerable psychological troubles but seemed to have recovered with birth of his young child? this again, you wonder about how there does a person particularly who received a general discharge, from the military, now appears he did, rather than honor able discharge, suggesting there were other problem for -- with his service. in the national guard, in u.s. army.
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what do you make of it? >> having been a federal agent and a new york city police officer, one thing i -- have written about it, politically correct culture is infected our law enforcement infrastructure. although i would never serve in military, from what i hear from people who have military as well. we don't know why he was hon bhonorably discharged. i don't know that now. lou: let me be clear. there are a number of levels of discharge from the service. one separates from military. first is honor able discharge. then belower a number of other rangings, including most you know, the worst is dishonor abling but the general discharge is a third level.
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that suggests there is some way in which this servicemember did not meet the requirements of his or her service. with that, that is why i used that general discharge. >> yeah. well, i'm hoping didn't happen that this you know sweep the problem away. under the carpet, this has been a problem in law enforcement at federal level for a long time, people are afraid too make waves unless someone does something. we saw it is nidal his hassan case. people are afraid of jeopardizing their own careers by saying something. this will come out overtime, i hope i am wrong, something was missed. i wish i could tell you confidently that signs, the signs were not there in contrast to them being there and people ignoring them for other reasons. >> can i answer, that my
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colleague dan is 100% correct, the problem is over last 8 years we've -- in law enforcement have not been given adequate resources we need to connect all of the dots, if you look at each one of these shooters in past 5 to 6 major events at some point, we in law enforcement have known about the people, go back to the tsarnaev brothers we knew about them but we dropped ball we were not given resources, i believe with president trump he will give us resources we need to mutt a stop to this craziness and this madness. lou: resources. >> you are right. lou: there is a real contest, underway right now. that is between homeland security which was supposed to be created to augment or comment am and support first responders that is, po loos police department, sheriff, officers and state law enforcement ages instead they have grown up with an -- their
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own competing forces for those resources. and are not giving as much according to the with whom a speak. local law enforcement in particular, they were not getting support that was expected in their original modeling of homeland security. do you think that is right, dan? >> lou, the -- the worst security law enforcement disaster we've seen in this country, from political side was creation of homeland security and the dni, director of national intelligence, rather than stream lines our federal law enforcement saying let's get an internal affairs bureau under ig, and combine our assets, they layered another bureaucracy in form of dhs on top of alphabet soup of federal agency, aft, secret service, fbi and et cetera. this is part and parcel of the problem that going on, the
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left-hand is not talking to right hand, we have a alphabet suit of federal against that cannot communicate. they don't have the same radio systems. lou: this young man a veteran, you know we do not know his psychological condition, but, there are indications he was troubled. and needed help. and again, a veteran is in pain, who needs help, who did not get it we really have to reach well beyond our understanding of what we're doing to those who serve this nation in uniform. we thank you both rod wheeler, dan bond geno. >> thank you. lou: we'll have more on breaking new out of ft. lauderdale as we fry to understand what happened and why. ft. lauderdale airport, 5 people dead, 8 others severely -- most of them severely wounded. we're coming right back with latest. much more in what has been a
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remark ache day in washington d.c. >> stay with us. for all of that. >> president-elect trump promises he will end violence in chicago created by the dems and lame duck president. >> chicago, thousands and thousands of shootings since january 1st. the inner-cities are unbelievably dangerous. we will fix it. lou: help can't come soon enough for chicago, fred barnes joins me here next. >> president-elect exposing lying left wing national media, mr. trump reminding americans, mexico will pay for that great wall on our southern border, stay with us, we'll be right back. just like the people who own them, every business is different.
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intelligence officials briefed president-elect trump for more than an hour at trump tower today in new york city, trump,ed this statement after the meeting saying -- >> while russia, china and other country, outside groups and people are trying to breakthrough the cyber infrastructure of our governmental enstutions, businesses and organizations including the democrat national committee, there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election, including the fact there was no tampering whatsoever with voting machines. mr. trump recognize this inconvenient truth when he tweetedded. how did nbc get an exclusive look in the top-secret report that he, obama was presented. who gave them this report and why? politics, president-elect trump is now asking heads of house and senate committee to
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investigate our top-secret intelligence was shared with nbc prior to his briefing. >> joining us tonight, executive editor of weekly standard fred barnes. this is quite a report, and quite a circumstance in which nbc is leaked a report that is in hands of the heads agencies, all of them apoint by barack obama, their agents, politicize beyond reason, and decency, what do you make of it? >> it was the leaks we have seen from intelligence community, they have been designed to hurt donald trump. during the campaign, this one. and i think this is another reason why the intelligence community needs to be overhauled. donald trump is for that. one thing he needs to do, at the top, where james clapper is head of this organization
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that is above all other intelligence organizations it has become a bureaucratic monster. a lot of stuff it does is duplicative. lou: and pure bsuccesses b bs by the way. >> yes. lou: i have to say, a wall street term, that is used in banking with high confidence that deal is done, but not the same as having the facts, and it is really intresting to me, that there is such an arrogance on part of these agencies that heads say, think they could say my confidence that is same damn thing in their mind or should be, in our mind to say we have evidence, we have the sob's red handed here is what we're doing. this is really, such nonsense
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being spewed by the heads of the agent agencies. >> james clapper when questioned yesterday was asked, is it true that the most difficult thing in intelligence to figure out is what are the intentions, plans and motives of foreign leaders, he said, yes, and here they say they have high confidence that putin was trying to elect donald trump. tomcat an had what he called counter evidence, saying that donald trump said he would build up defense budget and accelerate nuclear modernization, and build up missile defense program and increase our oil and gas production. lou: for me that is too defensive. the fact is that agency who are attacks donald trump right now are doing so at behest of their boss of president of the
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united states for at least 13 days. they are ignoring facts that should disturb all americans we have an intelligence comm that's is responsible will to serve as a political arm of the white house. whether it is a republican white house or democrat or any. let me go back to may 2011. read toesh, the obama policy on cyber attacks, may 2011 this report on international strategy -- do we have that up. >> here it is. united states will respond to hostile acting in cyber spas acyberspace as we would to any other threat in the country. all stating possess an inherent right to self-defense, talking about
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circumstances in which, trade forwardly we would go to war over an attack on our cyberark sets in our cyber files and data. we have done nothing, despite attacks, from china, from -- you go down the list. and this administration had the warnings from intelligence, that putin of quote, unquote attacking our election. if i may, at least dnc portion. as they were conspiring against their own candidates and their parties. which is hardly the same thing as in my opinion, as intervene figure our election, but. this -- administration did nothing they are talking about it in october, remember the election, november, november 8, why did they do nothing. this is just such nonsense, it is -- garbage on top through and through.
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in leadership of those agents and this white house that did nothing, but now trying to take political advantage. >> yeah. well, they had known for months and months, that russians were hack willing and -- were hacking, obama did nothing, he had a lame excuse, he said, when he met putin in china, last september, he told him to stop doing that. and the president said, and he stopped. well now we know, putin did not stop. >> this tells you again how interrup inept this president is. and how -- what a passive, and pitiful figure he has become even in last few days of his administration. this is beneath contempt on part of a man who sits in the oval office in my opinion. to another aspect.
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this is if you will, moscow's approach from declassified report. this is really fascinating to me. moscow's approach evolved over the course of the campaign based on russia's understanding of the electoral prospects two main candidates, whicwhen it appeared to moscow that secretary clinton was likely to win, russian influence campaign focused more on undermining her future presidency which means, they were ready to blackmail her, and hum humiliate her with what they discovered, this is outrageous, but this point a different perspective as to the motivation of vladimir putin. not to support donald trump. but to own hillary clinton as
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president of the united states. your perspective? >> of course, that is whole blackmail question is a serious question, they had a lot of information. they could have used, but you know i wonder when you hear these things they say, they seem so sure of, and have high confidence in, i think so many of these things saying are not knowable, they are guesses. they can be wrong as we know cia and other intelligence ages have been wrong in major weighing foways for many times. lou: admittedly, their successes are far more subdued and out of public eye than failures, but nonetheless. it not a bad thing this idea of humility, with intelligence work and also if you are working at a political arm of a politicize administration, fred barnes. >> thank you.
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lou: a live report from catherine herridge on new intelligence report on russian hacking of our election. it turned out that democratic national commity and hillary clinton's campaign. we're right back.
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lou: fox news chief intelligence correspondent katherincatherine herridge has been digging into the newly declassified russian intelligence respect involving hacking. meeting with the president-elect trump today. good evening freight to have you with us, this is a remarkable day, i think in so many ways because much all that has flowed from this declassified report, the comments from president-elect who is making it very clear, he is skeptical of the claims made by the leadership of
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these agencies in particular the 5 large agencies. your -- what is your view? >> okay so unclassify report is about 25 pages, it is about a quarter of length of the classified version, that is because it does not contain the underlying data that supports conclusions. the intelligence community would argue that is because you can't declassify this information because you will burn that source or you will be unable to use that method. critics would say they are hiding behind it. if you get where i'm going with that. i never read a document that is so sure and so definitive. >> highly confident? >> high confidence, to decoa decode that, that is like getting an a or a minus grade on a paper, in intelligence world have you high quality intelligence, and you have multiple streams of that, that
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lead you to this conclusion, though the assessment is not considered fact, you are highly confident that is what happened. but you are not 100% sure. lou: and i might look at it as grading based on potential, you have met your potential, and we give you high marks because we could not have expected you to do better, it is a difficult situation to make this kind of assessment. in particular you talk about motivation, and you talk about . >> right. lou: highly classified understands of how russian were operating,. let's stipulate that, what is disturbing these agencies have become, an aggregate of high confidence without any response. we have also highly confident document that go back to may of 2011 we just shared.
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if i may, we'll give this share this, i would like your reaction. may 2011, obama administration comes out with -- when warrantied u.s. will respond to hostile act in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country. it goes on to assess military threats and responses. i mean, they have never done anything in respond to even far more severe interventions in our society, and our economy, and our political system. and they did nothing even with warning which president of the united states acknowledged he was aware of in september, because he said he talked to president putin then and said, cut it out, then in october, our agents shared this information, nothing happened. how are we to evaluate agencies who are highly confident but don't take it seriously enough to respond? >> it is not the agent's job
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to respond, that is the sport answer could they pro shortage soar, they provide the in then policy call, that rests with the white house, i would want to point out a couple things, i would really encourage people at home to read this independently to reach their own conclusions about it. it talks about election system. lou: we have a hard out, we'll put it up on >> thank you. lou: up next, general jack king to put it in perspective, context and his insight, stay with us. my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity.
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[he has a new business teaching lessons. rodney wanted to know how his business was doing... he got quickbooks. it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands. ahhh...that's a profit. way to grow, rodney! visit lou: american tank, self-propelled howitzers, other fighting vehicles heading to northern port of bremer haven. 3500 of our troops of 4th infantry moving to eastern europe, to bolster nato's deterrent against nato possible aggression. moscow blasting the plans as unnecessary provocation.
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-- 2000 other vehicles, trailers, a lot, a lot of equipment, and material, and troops. joining me now general jack king, retired four-star general. chairman for institute of the study of war. great to see you, happy new year. >> happy new year. lou: our troops are moving despite everything that president-elect campaigned on, moving to defend nato country specifically and carry out exercises at a time when they have not bolstered their own defense militarily. >> well, first of all, there is a real threat there, russian aggression is real, putin's to bring eastern europe under his control as they had past world war ii. he has been doing one provocation after another, nato has to stand up to this. they are feckless leaders to be sure.
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to coulto be frank. i welcome president-elect trump's involvement in nato to help fix it. to help them to bolster their own defenses. but we have national interest at stake ourselves. this is a move in the right direction, but not enough. it is not a sufficient cred bubble deterrent to -- credible deterrent to what aggressions what russia has in mind. lou: i cannot find an act of afo aggression that reproaches what they have already done in an exing crime -- an exing crimea, and afor overt threats with baltic states. i am at a loss, to find what makes this moment any more
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provocative on the part of the russians than any on the last 3 years. >> this is part of the same tapestry, putin's desire to russia rush t to a world power status. to be treated as an equal to the united state as it was before. there is all part of his plan. he is back in the middle east, he wants to be the most influential out of region country in the middle east, replacing u.s. sphere of influence. this is all part of his strategic objective. the problem is we're doing nothing to stop him, this brigade is far cry from what is needed. we have to return some significant aim o amount of troops to europe and recognize
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there is a growing menace there,y and we have to stand up to it. lou: i listen to you general, and as you know, i have there is no military i have greater respect than you. but there is also within this, i have to say, there is a reverberating alarm that pulses throughout. all discussions of supporting europe, you mention feckless leader, that is high flattery as far as i'm concerned for most of them, unwilling to pay for their own defense, and commit themselves to all that is necessary to sacrifice, to possess a strong military and to actually create a deterrent against the ambitions of a vladimir putin. we are sitting there with a brigade, all this equipment, those young americans in the
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european union, a country, that has population of about 200 million more than we have, here, an economy that is second largest in the world in terms of gdp, and we're acting that there is some sort of banana republic we have to save from the big bad wolf, this is a different paradigm, isn't it. >> certainly. i agree with that characterization. as i said, i invite president-elect trump to get heavily involved in nato, and with their leaders, that the idea that united states is going to be their constant backstop without their paying their fair share, those days should be over. and they there is so much they can do. even if they can't get up to the 2% of gdp on the fence, there are so many other things, they can do.
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eastern europ europeans are by and large fessing up to what their share should be, they have a stake, they are the most threatened. that is a chapter i think this new president is going to right. increase defenses involvement. you are going with me, i am looking forward to those discussions he will have with these leaders, it is high time to look these guys in the eye, tell them straight out why we're here and what we expect of them as well. lou: general jack king thank you. >> thank you. lou: we're coming back, more ready stay with us. >> vladimir putin has out maneuvered president obama, every stip of th step of the way. >> people look back at
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president obama's legacy. vis-a-vis vladimir putin they are not going to say, there was a tough guy. lou: good news that president-elect has shown he is a strong leader who puts america first. >> we'll continue to bring you latest in ft. lauderdale airport shooting, former fbi assistant stre director bill gaven will be with us next. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals. that's how i feel about blue-emu pain relief spray. odorless and fast-acting. it soothes all my muscle aches and pains. and it's convenient for those hard to reach places. and if you're like me, you'll love blue-emu super strength cream. it's made with real emu oil, it's non greasy, it's a deep penetrating formula that works itself down into your joints.
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lou: florida governor rick scott earlier addressed ft. lauderdale airport shooting, 5 people killed, telling reporters he has been in contact with president-elect vowing to hold those responsible accountable. >> whoever is responsible will be held accountable to the fulli extent of the law. we'll not tolerate evil acts, whoever is responsible will be held accountable. lou: the governor, at that time under impression as nearly everyone of us was, in early moments of this tragedy, that it could have been an act of terror, it has not been ruled out, but it appears that the shooter was deeply disturbed veteran.
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we'll learn more this evening that to, we'l joining us now is bill gaven. we're now looking at importance of policy. it appears that this young man is a veteran, in deep psychological pain, deeply disturbed. chronology. this individual leaving anchorage, alaska, stopping in minneapolis on his way to ft. lauderdale. in alaska, he has a weapon with ammunition in his checked baggage. number one, that checked baggage cannot be checked at the curbside. because they check it, throw
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it in the hole in the ground, it goes some place. that baggage has to go to the ticket counter, the individual carrying that weapon and bag has to tell the personal the counter they have a firearm in their baggage. then they have to sign a declaration saying that firearm is not loaded. it has to be locked in a hard case, and should be locked with a trigger lock or with some there ar other now he gets to ft. lauderdale,
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takes bag off of the belt, goes do restroom, takes weapon out and comes out takes life of 5 innocent people in absolutely injuries 8 others. this is deplorable. if this is fault of tsa not doing their job, somebody has to be held accountable. lou: you say, i'm thinking they will not be. tsa is such another one of those great vast expansive bureaucracies it has become, that no one will be. and other thing, you said something interesting, you have to take that, make a declaration about that weapon. handgun, it is just, you know, terrorist will make a declaration, no? that is a risk they would take, it is a lapse in our security system. and airport, it has to be
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fixed. that is all there is to it, if we depend so much there should be no room for human error. whether it comes to transport of a weapon. >> you are right. ammunition, what in god's name happened in anchorage, alaska, the airline itself, the airline, said that, nobody declared carrying a weapon on that flight. tot goes to tsa.
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lou: we' everyone to know ft. lauderdale airport there. you still see the police, and security. vehicles, and officers there, but this is live pictures from ft. lauderdale. aircraft getting ready to go down the tarmac. move to the runway. airport is open, it has been open for past hour. that part of ft. lauderdale airport, returning to operation. bill given thank you for your insight, thank you. >> thank you. lou: up next, rising hypocrisy from the left, vice president biden telling president-elect trump to grow up. after h issued threat on
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campaign trail. >> press always asked me, don't i wish i were debating him, no, i wish we were in high school, i could take him behind the gym. that is what i wish. lou: everyone wants to hear from vice president biden about maturity. we talk about the politics of the day, there was a lot of politics. we're coming right back. (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a histy of pcreatitis.
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lou: the 2016 presidential election or moleh concluded today after joint session of congress certified the electoral college vote electing donald j. trump as our 45th president. the vote didn't go without something of a fight and of noxious skirmishes on the house floor as several obstructionists protested from states of alabama, florida michigan missouri. here's how went. c mr. president i object for the shoe to get from the state of alabama on the grounds the electoral votes were not regularly given and elect yours will not lawfully certified especially given the confirmed in illegal activities engaged by the government of russia in our election and the widespread violations of the voting rights act unlawfully suppressing
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thousands of votes in the state of alabama. lou: minus representation of that is called. it all fell flat and he was hardly alone. there were a few others indulging themselves in knowing their colleagues after which vice president biden said it's over. trump handley went -- wins it he actually earned 306 votes but outs. they betrayed themselves. joining me now byron york "fox news" contributor chief political correspondent with the "washington examiner" and the carter. good evening to you both and i have to say it's a delightful moment. it's done, we can wrap up the presidential contest and the winner is. donald j. trump. c.j. trump. lou: i'm not even going to mention the names of those congressmen. they are so annoying. i just can't tell you how
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obnoxious they are. c i think they might forget which country they are representing. it seemed like i was watching a foreign parliament where they were getting all rabble rouse the. at this point is what it is and i enjoyed -- agree with joe biden is over. lou: and what was at the biden said byron at the end, all hail the queen or something? that's what he resorted to. your thoughts. >> i wouldn't be surprised if it ended any other way. after all there was an effort when the electoral college voted last month to try to influence that. and by the way we did see this the last time in the year 2000 after that very contested election. they were members of congress who stood up in the house during the electoral college certification protested in the interesting twist there was al gore the loser about election wa


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