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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  January 8, 2017 5:00am-6:01am EST

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want to talk about the real issues in the inner-city bearded >> can't wait to see what he does. >> those kids deserve a lot more. >> lou: everybody deserves more than what chicago gives. thank you come appreciated. sto. robert gone at 70. . john: a mob can be an ugly thing. in the past, mobs kill people they said were witches. today they still kill people with whom they disagree. >> mobs are always is dangerous, destructive things. >> reporter: we focus on american mobs. >> liberals crawl on the mobs. >> get off the campus. >> the koch brothers and their cronies. >> i think they should be in jail. >> private property. john: mob rules, that's our show tonight.
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. john: today, the worst mob in the world is clearly isis. their fanaticism reminds me of threats posed by the nazis 80 years ago. if we talk about mobs, little compares to the nazis or isis. but this show is about american mobs, they're not as deadly but do plenty of harm. we start with political mobs. did you know that the democratic party activates mobs, depends on mobs, coddles mobs, publicizes and celebrates mobs? that's what ann coulter's book demonic is about. she says a liberal mob endangers america. come on. a mob? >> yes! the way they gin up their base with the slogans and the
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repetition, bush lied, kids died, and you have the image of paul ryan pushing the old lady in the wheelchair off the cliff. republicans, the party of wall street. all these sorts of slogans, republicans are terrible at slogans. john: republicans have drilled baby drills, secure the border. peace through strength. >> i think those actually mean something, unlike bush lied, kids died, there's more steps involved. to say this is bush's fault, and enron's fault, and it was -- was rich people or wall street that did this. there was a difference in -- i don't know how to explain that other than i don't need any other background other than secure the border, we want the better secured. that's not a slogan. john: it's a slogan earring mob, not a violent mob. >> it's the image that is important. all of this is described in my book, post the french revolution where all of this
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came, from the nazis are now and the stalin. john: from the french revolution? >> that was the first real manifestation. there is no connection between the french revolution and the american revolution, they were just peasants running around. >> the french revolution is like the democratic mob? >> much more like that, in the sense it's always to the barricades, where occupy wall street, the worship of rulers which you absolutely do not see on the right. nobody worships george bush. and i don't say that in a bad way. john: the way people worship obama. >> the way they worship clinton. have you people writing sex dreams about obama and clinton, i promise you no conservative ever had a sex dream about george bush or ronald reagan. john: go back to the french revolution, the american revolution wasn't a mob? >> not at all. what do we celebrate in our revolution? the declaration of independence, that was after years of appeals explaining to
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the world using god as our ultimate judge, we deserve independence now. it was the most thoughtful. they were the biggest chatterers about a revolution, writing tracks, and christian ministers were giving sermons. the french revolution were running around. john: the boston tea party. >> glad you mentioned. that it was not celebrated for 50 years, highly controversial at time. benjamin franklin demanded we repay the india tea company for the lost tea and paul revere and sam adams were very careful to replace the lock that was broken. paul revere punished one guy took tea for his personal use, he punished the tea partier who took tea for personal use, that was not celebrated. what was celebrated is the declaration of independence, the liberty bell which was rung to declare the first founding congress of our country.
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thomas payne's was the most famous of them. there are books of christian sermons defending the american revolution, it was a thought-out, logical revolution, a small step from the liberty we were used to, and it founded the most free and prosperous nation in the history of the world that other countries would do well to emulate, the french revolution, all of the founders ended up guillotined themselves. they didn't get anything resembling republic for 80 years. they are completely different, american and french john: the f like the democratic party. >> we worship or hate you. >> when i went to the occupy wall street protests, the progressive mob clearly thinks everyone is entitled to free stuff. >> i know you lie!
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>> we need obama to take care of us. john: government should take ca of you? >> yeah, that's how it should be. john: republicans don't do that much. >> no, they do not. republicans have to talk about things like we're going to respect private property. that doesn't get somebody run into the barricades and threatening to guillotine the other side. john: progressives argue it's your fellow republicans who are the mob. here's a democratic national committee ad. >> desperate republicans and their well-funded allies are organizing angry mobs. their goal, destroy president obama and stop the change americans voted for overwhelmingly in november. they've called out the mob. >> and i want to know why these people ignore him. >> call the republican party, tell them you've had enough of the mob. >> worth pointing out the first people to shoot down the birth
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certificate was american spectator, sweetness in light, my newspaper, human events, conservatives took it down. you know who started that rumor, hillary clinton running against barack obama. john: i did not know that. >> that starts on the left. and yeah, there's still a few, but all of the spokesmen were it never came up on fog, no one on fox ever pushed the birth certificate thing. john: how about the drug war hysteria. >> i am perfectly calm in my opposition to the legalization of -- john: antiabortion protesters blowing up clinics. >> very rarely. and i will say on that, we worked through the system on on that. for 20 years, pro-lifers have worked to elect republican presidents who promised to appoint supreme court justices, who would overrule roe v. wade just to allow us to have democracy on that one issue. for 30 years we have not been allowed to vote on abortion,
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not 40 years. if you're going to suppress democracy in this underhanded way, yeah, you're going to have some people who are going to react. i'm not defending it, i'm just saying, that is not the same as trying to get your way on something that is decided democratically and the way our founders set it up through the constitution. john: thank you, ann coulter! one area i think she's right is that the left acts like a mob when they get hysterical about climate change. a libertarian had the nerve to go to a protest and hold up a sign saying fossil fuels are good! >> excuse me. excuse me this is private property. this is mine. john: i've criticized global warming hysteria, robert kennedy jr. calls me a totey who lies. >> i think they should be in jail. i think they should be. john: i think it's the alarmists like kennedy who are
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part of the ignorant mo but tyson ocumb, director of public citizens energy program says i'm clueless about this. >> i don't think you're clueless, i think we have a minority fringe. the science is settled. john: about what? climate changes, but anything we're going to do about it is going to make a difference? >> absolutely. john: that's not settled. >> absolutely. i mean co2 emissions are a huge variable in determining the earth's climate. and they're up 40% since the revolution. john: they're up, but it's not settled that that's going to cause a big problem. >> the science is pretty clear that unless we do something about that concentration of greenhouse gas emissions, we're going to have problems of species extinction, of issues with drought, ocean acidification, reasonable people have a debate about what
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policy prescriptionstor a clean future and whether clean innovative technologies are in the structure. it is frustrating we continue to debate about climate change, that doesn't excuse irresponsible comments. we need all people to have a civil discourse. john: you agree sometimes the left gets mob like. >> all sides do. the left have fringes that throw stones and toss bombs, that is inappropriate in a civil society like ours, john. i want a debate how we can move our country forward, create jobs and have a cleaner and better climate. john: you can't create jobs if you have subsidies that take money from poor people to give them to your cronies in the windmill business. >> we've had huge price drops in rooftop solar. if the prices are so low, get rid of the subsidies. i think solar can compete with subsidies. john: let it compete. >> the problem is you have
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utilities whose business it is to sell you and i electrons, if i'm producing my own electricity from rooftop solar, i'm no longer buying the electrons. john: too bad for them. they can't stop. >> you they can. in 20 states we're seeing laws to stop net metering. it says if i take the financial risk to install rooftop solar, should i be allowed to sell excess electricity back into the grid. the utility has to buy excess power. it's about fairness. john: forced to buy it, you call that fair? >> i'm forced to buy what the utility is selling. why can't i compete with it. john: put your panels up and go off the grid and support yourself. >> you can. but there's a lot of folks living in cities that are dealing with the local regulations set down by the state and the local utility is influential. john: let's go back to saying i'm part of the fringe. >> i wouldn't call you fringe, john. john: i am one who says you
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people are out to lunch totally, and to say this is a big problem compared to isis and the real problems we have, is just childish and the idea that what we're doing now, if all of us buy electric cars that that would make any difference when china won't and india won't, is just silly. >> i don't think it's silly. i agree that the united states cannot solve this unilaterally, but we do live in a global community, john, and it's important we're taking modest first steps. john: you say this is urgent, we face irreversible damage. put up the chart of the predictions versus what's happened so far. because the ipcc's climate models have all been wrong. temperature is supposed to go up. hasn't. >> well, what's happened is the growth rate has moderated. these models have had some issues of accurate predictions, but this isn't a death nell for u.s. industry, i think it's a
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massive opportunity. john: i think they're a mob, thank you, tyson. if you can join this argument, follow me on twitter, fbn stossel, use hashtag mob rule, or "like" the facebook page so you can post on my wall. coming up, the mob against the koch brothers. a rape culture mob. the buy america mob. next, when there were riots in ferguson, who was the mob? the protesters or the police?
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police detective harry houk. no, the police are says mickey conc, a former democratic congressional candidate. the police are there because we want safety. how are they the mob. >> sure. john: occasionally there's an issue, but it's rare, right? >> it's not as rare as we think and definitely not as rare in communities where communities of color, underprivileged communities where there is a lot of injustice, there is racial prejudice. john: there is prejudice, there are some bad cops, they have enormous power. a few do bad things. your side is blocking traffic. that is innocent people, this is mobs. >> this is a serious issue, and people haven't been paying attention for generations. >> everybody has a right to protest. there are certain rules and regulations you have to follow to protest. there are thousands and thousands of people going home from work, they spend a hard day, tough enough driving in new york or wherever you are from, to have to deal with that
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kind of thing, and you're actually making more enemies than you are friends. john: what about the abuse of police? it changes you to put on a police uniform. i did it for stories, and people react to you in a different way, you feel powerful. >> you get over that. john: hundreds of thousands of police officers in the country, some will be jerks and bullies. >> exactly. the numbers like 10% of any profession out there. john: that's a lot. >> that may be a lot, but to put a blanket over the police department and say they are inherently racist, especially white police officers. >> nobody is saying that that all the police officers are doing that. john: what do you say about this? watch the woman in the dark shirt on the left side of the screen. >> an officer in a white shirt appears to punch her in the face without warning. john: this was in philadelphia, and the police officer was fired, but then he used the
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police union appeal process to challenge that. he testified that the woman refused his order to drop a bottle of beer she was holding. he claimed he was trying to swap the beer bottle out of her hand when her foot went fruit under her when she slipped on a can. sounds dubious to me, arbitration board reinstated him. cops rarely get fired. >> it's the way our system works. i'm sorry. if he convinced people he should be back on the job. >> happening in oakland, philadelphia, happening in maryland, all over the country. john: a lot of video out. >> there are instances where there was a woman using a video and because of the unions have so much money and able to sxooel can pay for the lawyers, they said that the woman was wiretapping so they couldn't use the video. john: so the union is the mob. >> yep. i think that all unions need to
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have accountability, and it is our system. >> not only can the police use the system, they have their rights just like somebody else has rights to use a system. >> when you're hurting another human being. you know, people trust their police, they trust their police and have awesome amount of power. when that trust starts to be violated, you're going to have a community issue there. john: what about the trust on your side, the occupy wall street protesters were provoking the police, spitting on them, throwing things at them? >> that was also at a time when police were pepper spraying them, beating them. john: that came second. the protesters started it. >> it's a result of what they did. >> just as you can't blanket all officers, you can't blanket protesters. i was a protester. john: fair enough. my adventure with the anti-free speech mob. >> get off the campus. we don't want you here. many people clean their dentures
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. >> rape culture is a huge problem on college campuses. >> a rape culture we need to deal with. >> sexual assaults are epidemic levels across the country. john: there's a rape culture, i hear that a lot. the author of who stole feminism, the group says a group of zealots speaks for all women. since the rape culture charge is hysteria from a mob of bullies, that is author christina hoffsomers, explain. >> it's not an epidemic, the idea of rape culture means everything in society is reinforcing it and making it seem though it's a legitimate thing to do. of course that's not true. >> the best recent example of the media mob feeding hysteria is the rolling stone article, men routinely assault women, the article got lots of
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attention but what? >> it was an absurd story. the rolling stone author, not that she made it up, she believed a young woman telling a tale, a hoax. john: she wanted to believe. >> the hysteria around campus assault, the false information, the misinformation has been building for so long that we've reached a point where people are willing to believe anything. and that story was so implausible from the beginning. any sensible person would have to doubt the wait story was told. and she didn't even get genuine cooperation, she didn't check her facts but for several days people in the media believed it and publicized it and anguished over it. john: and it spread, and last year the president added to the hysteria about a supposed culture of rape on campus. >> it is estimated that one in five women on college campuses has been sexually assaulted during their time there.
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one in five. john: one in five? we hear that a lot, how believable can it be? at the allegedly horrible university of virginia in 2012, .46 sexual offenses were reported per thousand students. the next year after publicity about alleged rape, the number rose to 1.2. it would have to be 200 per thousand students to make the 1 in 5 from the president true. that'sa because most sexual assault is reported, that's plausible. >> the bureau of justice statistics has done meticulous crime surveys and the figure is closer to one in 50, not one in four or one in five. you can get what appears to be an epidemic, if you ask a nonrepresentative sample of people vagary worded questions. john: they are vaguely worded, you have been brushed up against?
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>> the cdc called it sexual violence, if you said yes, has anyone pressured you to have sex by telling you tales and making you feel guilty. that counted as violence. john: really? the cdc? >> the cdc. i still don't understand how this passed a serious research, yet people believe it. it's almo as though when students are out of college, they're divided between potential survivors and potential rapists. john: i once got a taste of the progressive student mob when i tried do a "20/20" story on the new definition of rape. rape went clear physical force, i don't argue that's the best definition. today, young men are called rapists if they have sex with a woman who says i was drinking, i didn't mean to give consent. that happened at brown university and a freshman boy was driven out of school because of the accusation, i went to brown to just ask students about it. >> get off campus.
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we don't want you here. >> i'm just trying to educate myself and people with me. john: i did a politically incorrect thing. to spark debate i questioned the activists broad definition of sexual misconduct. >> inappropriate behavior. we can't hear you with the people yelling. john: when some did want to speak, the demonstrators righteously shouted them down. can i ask you why you are screaming? >> kept screaming so i couldn't interview people, eventually they ripped out my microphone chord. so this is a mob that doesn't even want to discuss the truth. >> no, and history is one long example of the dangers of combining misinformation with moral fervor. and young women are bearing this label they are survivors when what happened to them, almost anyone with an ounce of common sense would describe it as something else. panics don't shed light, they
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create confusion, and they cover up serious cases of abuse. john: thank you, christina. coming up, buying american. most of you, perhaps, most americans think it's a good thing, but it's not. but you better not say that to the mob. >> you should go away, i think you should go away. [ sirens ] . i have asthma...
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>> john: americans prefer products that are supposedly made here. opel found a majority are willing to pay more for that. and we are told we should buy things made in america. i think as a country we shall focus to buy american. >> by american made products to put other americans to
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work. >> scott paul says absolutely a puts americans to work. president for the alliance of american a manufacturing. hopes whole but some say by american campaigns are stupid. it doesn't raise american wages. >> that doesn't make sense. then i give somebody a job. >> but they buy things from the americans but do they held the americans which create jobs in american wages. john: by allowing free tre everybody gets the best price period we can specialize then we let the world specialize what they do best. john: i would say most economists say free trade wythes just about all but. >> no question but i will suggest another point of
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view that by american recirculates money in our own economy to give people additional opportunities. if something is bought and the profits head back to china in some cases their own by the chinese government and who knows what they will do with it. john: i know what my money to go to the state owns communists company. >> but what do they do? they cannot spend dollars in china they can only be spent in america. >> the very same thing they do is spend them in america or invests them. >> the buildings this with the politicians the stimulus bill specifies no funds made available could be used for public alyssa manufacturing goods are produced in the united states. >>.
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>> we have had these on the books for hundreds of years and you have nine other than rob reagan for the fact to buy american. >> if a republican messman then make them here our companies will be more profitable there will have better pay checks and that will benefit communities. >> that is less profitable if they buy steel and iron from us. >> we make the best deal in the world but the reality is we are competing against other countries that heavily subsidize their industry. john: they are taxpayers. >> we wanted bigger share if the governments do that. >> we get stuff for free at a lower cost that is good.
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>> american companies to try to promote themselves to say we buy american. >> made in the west say. with a $50 billion commitment. are you happy? to make of wal-mart does this it is ground-breaking i was a their large save as possible for the offshore remanufacturing. >> this is less than 1% of business. >> but they recognize that there is a public perception people want to buy american. john: you buy american apparel and and sweat shop free because it is made in america. your free trade puts people in sweatshops. >> that is a good thing because if they didn't there would be working on farms or
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be worse off so by from the sweatshops to help them out. >> i include this subject because the buy american advocates they look like a mob to meet kennedy had the nerve to suggest that free trade works better than just buying american. >> i do. that is not a fighter in genet was of lot using a siren to drown the south and later to block the camera. >> the buy america policies have support natalie from men and women in labor unions but also ronald reagan. kid abraham lincoln in built the transcontinental railroad and put a steel mill in colorado because there would be a benefit to
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america. rick perry signs a bill in texas to make sure waterworks are made in america. >> but it is in just labor that supports this. >> even if they're from the g.o.p. >> coming up the mob of verses the evil koch brothers. >> that is a four-letter >> that is a four-letter word. you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels.
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john: did you know, these two men by politicians? it has become a four-letter word taking a toll on democracy. >> people on the left hates the koch brothers and jumps once government to pass laws to limit their influence. brother of former kennedy howard dean. you want everyone to have democracy but not the'' brothers? >> i think the power should be in the hands of the american people and above all playing field. we should get money out of
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politics spending $1 billion on any side is basically grounded help the voice of the american people. john: what have they done to make you mad? >> bay have politics that i disagree with and they certainly have influence the political process with regulations that affect business is that they are in which is primarily oil and gas. you can say this about other folks. but the coat brothers -- the koch brothers. >> there have been death threats. >> i say we kill them and the entire family line and drag them out if i had then a chance to murder one in cold blood i would take it people jump out of bushes with cameras. >> we don't advocate for violence. i want to be clear about that but the koch brothers
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are the poster boy for everything that is wrong in politics because their views are a little extreme might get rid of social security and environmental laws that protect communities. john: break it down proposals to security is going broke. >> it works for another 20 years. >> has been one of the best social programs. john: data want to get rid of all rules but they just say enough's you go too far as to if they have been convicted of a felony. >> it is a huge company. >> the have litigated over years and years they spent a lot of money now they're spending almost $1 billion that makes them a lightning rod for a lot of folks that want to get money and politics. john: and they and their groups said they will try to spend 1 billion but of course, helleri may spend
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that antar charity has $2 billion so look at what people spend. sheldon adelson and spends a lot the koch brothers have 60 million michael bloomberg gives to democrats is 13 million. of the new cycle the big the environmental activist has 73 million more than kochs. compared to the unions almost $2 billion you dwarf the kochs. warda you complaining about? >> billionaire verses billionaire does not help the doesn't matter what side but george soros would gladly get out of politics to support campaign finance reform. john: because the government is in charge. >> because they believe money corrupts the political process. john: look at the spending most assume republicans are
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richer but look at the numbers from the last election democratic party and the about campaign spent slightly mo than the republican. >> that ishe first time in my lifetime i think we don't like it when democrats play the same game. >> with the koch brothers i have spent time with both david and charles and they have paid me to speak at a few of their even said they gave the money to charities. issing fehr doing something terrible david is a more visible brother and once ran for office and is in the society pages. charles stays in kansas to grow the company more than 100 fold that is real wealth creation with products that we want. and he preaches free markets and is against subsidies even for his own company's he would get rid of them. you should like jim. >> will creation may be a
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good thing. i don't dispute that but that doesn't entitle anybody to control the outcome of the political process. john: they are pro immigration and anti-drug or less defense spending, there were just praised by attorney-general folder for their campaign to jail if you were people with criminal justice reform why is the left so bad? >> they represent the ones that are donating by far the largest amount of money. john: but the unions devote much more. >> $1 billion is $1 billion. >> average question and the statistic. >> but they're hardly a singular force and the koch brothers themselves are racing to the forced to represent a small family that is an advocate for
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their oil and gas business which has grown a great deal of. john: dixie cups cups, airbags, napkins, paper towels. >> but they should be citizens they should not control the political process but they are. john: day-lewis' hafez many as they win. it is not like members of congress to attack individuals but they are blamed for everything the majority blames them for climate change. >> there one of the main causes. to destroy social security medicare and medicaid to bring this back to the 1920's. >> it presents democracy. john: john boehner doesn't do things like that. >> their presence with the hundred million dollars does threaten democracy. it is the biggest beef i have with them.
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i don't think it is moble for people to be upset about that. john: coming up the mob that keeps kids from liking school. as soon as i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot, i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. both made me turn around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding.
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thito someone whoay just lost everything. every 8 minutes the red cross responds to a disaster and makes this promise. this holiday, help us keep it. sfx: road noise sfx: tires screeching sfx: horn honking daughter: daddy! we don't say words like that! ♪just let your love flow ♪like a mountain stream ♪and let your love grow
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whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums john: you could call may a hypocrite criticizing mob
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rule after all i pander to the mob i do everything i can to get a mob to pay attention to my it is. i lived by mob rule i dress like uncle sam to explain obamacare. the handouts to the insurance companies. >> have some tax money. isn't obamacare great? i disguise myself as a beggar. >> i would drag around the ball and chain to illustrate the ideas of serfdom and i do that because i want a bigger mob to handle those ideas that is also why there is social media. i am told i did not want to learn how to tweak your post on facebook but i do this because i want to reach the mob. you could also say america is about mob rule a 51% of
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the people vote one way that is it. majority rules. so what this also complaining about? it is democracy. that is valid except we're not just a democracy we are a constitutional republic that means the constitution protects us from parts of mob rule. we have freedom of religion and speech so even if the majority doesn't like what we say we can still save them. while i admit we cater to the mob by cannot force anyone to watch for gore have to persuade you but government is different. government is force that is why it is nasty when unions partner with politicians to force everyone to pay more to buy american or subsidize a windmill or banning political speech. the most destructive
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political mob could be the teachers unions. >> this is a righteous fight. >> the soul of city public unions they have racked many schools the union politician of forces people to pay higher taxes to put vast amounts of money towards union leaders into terrible teachers that cannot be fired now matter how bad they are or how bad students to on test. good teachers get discouraged because they are not allowed to earn the big pay they deserved or to try new ideas. the union government bob forbids it. when charter schools finally broke the monopoly and kids got a good education it even liked going to school students in mob got government to limit the
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number of charters and even passed out pickens kinds -- tickets science and said abort charter schools. talk like that sells like mobsters over teachers. the current union boss sells like a mobster last summer. >> al will take it at of their hands. >> it sells like a mob to rebut reached the the teachers yegorov has lost control as there are more school choice options and parents say schools work better but not und union control. when parents have a choice choice, when anyone has a choice it is the destructive mobs that stop progress that is another reason that keeps government limits when the state doesn't control everything and individuals have choices the mob cannot
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rule. that is our show. we will see you next week on the new time slot. friday. fox business. how is it looking, pete? >> fired up. >> we'll see you tomorrow. >> everybody outside. let's go. dagen: an evil act at one of america's busiest airports, and it comes on the heels for one of the busiest years for air travel ever. will this have fliers thinking twice? hi, everybody i'm dagen mcdowell, this is bulls and bears. the bulls and bears this week, gary b smith, john lay field, along with has hadly heath manning. john, should fliers be worried? >> no, and i don't think they will be. there's no way to quantify the loss of life and the horrific


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