tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business January 9, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EST
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charles: thank you both very much. thank you at home for watching, every night catch the show at 6 p.m., if you can't dvr it. you don't want to miss a moment of "making money," and you don't want to miss a moment of lou dobbs, he is next, right here on fox business. lou: donald trump has a head start on becoming the best jobs president in this country history, first ford. now fiat chrysler and toyota, announcing new invest in the united states creating more jobs. >> you saw ha happened with fiat, they will going to build a massive plant in michigan. lou: the confirmation hearings begin with senator jeff sessions, mr. trump said he will win all of the confirmation battles. >> they are going great, i think they will all pass, they are all at highest left.
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lou: for best political and economic analysis we're joined by michael goodwin, and liz peak. a manhunter underway for a cop killer, he is considered armed and dangerous, the reward is up on $60,000, president obama and his war on law enforcement cannot leave office soon enough for officer david charge, clark he is with us tonight. tensions running high between u.s. and iran after another incident in high seas, uss mahan fired 3 warning shots at 4 iranian boats that came within a half mile of the navy destroyer in the straight of hormuz. after the warning shots, the iranian ships stopped their approach, white house has not
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respond other than call the behavior unacceptable. fbi dumping more hillary clinton e-mails, it happened last night while much of the public was busy watching the packers versus the giants, 300 pages of documents put out by the fbi. showing mrs. clinton of the regularly sending confidential, andy is secret information to someone outside of the government, question now is it enough evidence for a prosecution under a trump administration? joining me now, fox news senior judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano, great to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: 300 pages of documents realized by we don't know who within the fbi. which had possession of them, turning then over to the public to see. they suggest, that there are a lot of misunderstandings about what was held by mrs. clinton, what was communicated by her,
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and to her of a highly sensitive nature. >> the highly sensitive nature of 301 pages of e-mail, mrs. clinton sent to a regular bases to a nongovernment person we believe it was sid bloomenthal, but we know what donald trump feared, and argue during the campaign, what rogue fbi agents who disagree with director come to recommend sentencing was true that information mrs. clinton sent to her e-mailer, was hacked, by foreign intelligence agencies, of countries unfriendly to us, and friendly to us. sources tell fox news, those were russia, china, and israel. now, this is relevant in this time period. because this will now be front and center tomorrow morning,
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when senator jeff sessions confirmation hearing begins before the senate judiciary committee, he will be asked, what will dow with this. lou: the questions arrive, why weren't they released? why did the fbi director have such a struggle hamlet act that per sived over a number of -- persisted over a number of months this evidence, makes it clear his last judgment on the matter of prosecution was inerror, does it not. >> you are correct. this is a smoking gun if ever there was one. this ramps up the case for her prosecution. to the point where ironicly it may ramp up the case for president obama to issue her a pardon and take this off of donald trump and jeff sessions desk. if he does not do, that the pressure on attorney general from fbi agency who conducted the investigation, who
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probably posted this stuff like the giants packer game will be difficult for him to resist. lou: this is a deep game played. was the administration behind the release to create a perplexing dilemma for the incoming trump administration? or was it the rogue agents who had a belly full of a justice department and an fbi, that are being led in the most politically miseble wayone could manage. >> nicely put, your questions are even. we do not know. i will add did director comey know about this at the time he exonerated mrs. clinton on july 5 last summer? did director comey tell president-elect trump about this when he met with him at trump tower last week? did director comey know this would be released when it was, and why was it released during
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a football game? was it t gin it up, i don't know. lou: extraordinary moment, we should be used to it. >> yes, never a dull moment. lou: judge andrew napolitano thank you very much. >> always pleasure. lou: a busy day for president-elect who met with alley baba founder jack ma, who pledged a million jobs in america by allowing american small and medium size be to sell into which chinese market through ale baba platform. and they are talking about ryan's bet way policy agenda. taking part in the meeting, we understand are reince priebus, steve bannon, jare kushner.
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after mr. trump sat down with mitch mcconnell talking about what will be a very busy week on capitol hill. >> president-elect and i had a good meeting about the senate agendthat, which including approving a cabinet appointment. everyone will be properly vette vetted. i am hopeful it will get to 6 or 7, particularly national security team in place on day one. lou: mr. trump's incoming counselor weighed in on concerns about the upcoming confirmation hearings, and the process. >> looks like the democrats are going full on with obstructtion and trying to embarrass some of the nominees, people should be reminded, what is the purpose of the confirmation hearings, to play got you, that swift sound bite? it is politics, we need them
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confirmed, rex tillerson is brilliant, he will do error welvery well as well as senator sessions. lou: on wednesday it is rex tillerson elaine chao. hearing for mattis, and carter and ross take place thursday. we're coming back with anticipation of that and much more. lou: trump moving at lightning speed to fulfill his promises to the voter. >> i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i will bring back our jobs and i will bring back our money. lou: investing billions to bring jobs back to this country thanks to our president-elect. authorities investigate how fort lauderdale shooter of able to bypass security and kill 5 innocent people, we'll
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loyd on the run of, sergeant deborah clayton tried to stop him but loyd shot her, she died as a result of her wounds . wounds. >> he is considered armed and dangerous a $60,000 reward has been offers for information on his whereabouts. >> joining us tonight, milwaukee count sheriff david clark. this is heartbreaking, a 17 year officer, any law enforcement officer's murder is always tragic. but we're beginning where we left off last year, the number of police officers, law enforcement officers, shot and killed almost doubled. here we go again.
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>> well, nobody should think it will end because of a calander year ends, but, you know we have been in this pattern with the increase in deaths of law enforcement officers in line of duty, every time one of these happens it rips my heart out, i want to thank fox news, and fox business news for shedding light on these horrific. i read a lot about these situations during the course of day, i'm not ready, that this scum bag black man shot and killed a law enforcement officer a mother of two. all right, but if a law enforcement shoots a bloc a black guy that is the first thing mentioned in a narrative. my heart, thoughts and prayer to the city of orlando, you know orlando police department, but sometimes that is not enough. i look at what is going on with this president, thank god
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we only have 11 days left in his administration. he has been an echo chip be chamber for this anti-cop sentiment. suspects used to out run police but now they are shooting first. obama puts together a task force trying to transform po feg of policing, he has no idea what it like to be a law enforcement officers, he suggests that cops should engage in dialogue first, and less than lethal options, how did this work out for this orlando police officer,? she didn't have a chant to engage in dialogue. he ishe is a hero, she fled after this individual, notified, he was wanted, i am sorry but this bastard shot and killed his pregnant girlfriend, this is an example why sometimes, it is lawful
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and jus justifiable, you shoot first and ask questions later. >> this is stunning, president obama telling abc news he is convinced that race relations in this country are better. and this the president, who has not even discussed publicly, the horrific crisis in chicago. we're talking about 4300 shootings, 762 people shot dead in chicago. and he is talking about things that are terrific, as he endorsed black lives matter, talk all sorts of nonsense about law enforcement and social policy, it is maddening, as you say, there is some -- some solis in fact of only 11 days of this remain. >> you know, he is hosted de-- that loon to white house people like brittney pick net
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he has on a 21st century task force, she is a cold stone cop hater herself. he brings up nonsense about subject that has no research or date o data to support it. he went to the funeral of 5 dallas police officers, in instead of just going there and expressing sympathy and empathy, he brings up an inane statement is is reasonable for black parents to fear their children coming into contact with law enforcement officers, this is the kind of importantly is, ideology trumps everything for him, he is capitalized on that
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division, you know, sooner he is anyon gone, the better this country is going to be. lou: sheriff david clark thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure. lou: vote in ou poll in your judgment, does latest fbi release of e-mails now persuade that you hillary clinton should be prosecuted? we would like to hear from you, get your sense of things, cast your vote on twitter @lou dobbs, and you follow me on twitter and like my on facebook. on wall street stocks mixed, dow fell 76, s&p lost 8, nasdaq hitting a record high up 11. volume 3.2 billion shares. traditional retailers, continuing to struggle. the limited shuttering all 250 of its stores over the weekend, they will be on-line. macy's and sears last week with closures of more than 200
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of their stores. and a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day, coast to coast on the salem radio network. >> coming up next, president-elect trump, making fast work of delivering on some of his campaign promises. >> should geared to keeping jobs and wealth inside of the united states. detroit, the motor city, will come roaring back. roaring back. >> that is subject of my commentary here next, stay with us. need go... london's got the best of everything. cornwall's got the best of everything. sport sport nightlife nightlife (both) fashion
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hitting carmakers for moving production south of the border, and doing something about it, mexico has trade agreements with more than 4 countries, now we're seeing an about-face from some carmakers, toyota investing $10 billion in this country over the next 5 years in the new texas headquarters and improvement to some of its 10 plant, fiat chrysler investing a billion, toe modify some of its plants. hire 700 american workers, carmakers not only companies rushing to invest in american workers, technology and telecommunications following trump's lead as well. we have seen moving from sprint, and one web in day since trucker wa trump was elected, president-elect discussing job creation today
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with ceo of luxury giant lvmh, and alibaba jack ma. trump already shown he is serious and effective in his effort to bring jobs back to america, the wave of job creation, and investment he is unleashed will only grow under his leadership as president. real question now is, how long will it take the democrats on capitol hill to figure out how foolish they look, and sound trying to stop the trump movement and its accomplishments. how long it will take for them to understand president trump means to make america great again. now the quotation of the evening from ronald reagan. who said, you can't be for big government, big taxes and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy. the democrats are
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understanding how true that is. we're coming right back. >> hollywood elite think it is fun to insult moviegoers. >> i am concerned that somebody with a platform like meryl streep is also i think inciting people's worst instincts. lou: they are begging moviegoers to stop going to their movies. >> this bold mountain biker takes his high-speed stunts to streets of colombia, stay with us, a lot more trait ahead, we'll be right back am back. the es and es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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lou: joining me now michael goodwin, and liz peak great to see you, start with crazy thing that meryl streep did last night. we should be accustomed to it but hollywood is begging their moviegoers their audience to tell them to go to hell, not go to their movies. >> i think that hollywood has a traditionalist means almost everything that weres like whether patriotism, flag, heroes, i thought mea meryl streep. she attacks violence. and people who insight violence.
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there have been any number of studies shown hollywood movies insight violence there is so much in talk about, but at end of day, polling by cbs, i think showed 61% of americans think that hollywood has too much influence on our politics and politicians, it stems from this kind of utterance from meryl streep, showing she is really not in touch at all with what most people think. >> i think that election was very much about feel who feel left out from this big system, revolts against the system, when you see meryl streep talking down t those people, about football and wrestling, this is a real cultural gap, she is on the other side. from where most americans are. i think, it was really, it is revealing about her, about that industry and those people, i think it -- we'll see a lot of that over next 4
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years, i think we'll see a lot of these gatekeepers, and people who think they own the culture, being smashed in the mouth by reality. lou: and that reality is challenging the box office now. >> yeah. lou: when you think about, suggest. hollywood, the music industry, they are driving elements of our popular culture, if not our culture nationally, it not a healthy thing because of what they are doing, i'm not talking about putting in the panel, the ratings panel for movies, but, it is just, it is insane what they are doing to their own market because they are driving away half of the audience. >> i don't think they understand that. they think that the movies they celebrate, which most people don't go to see, that is a big disconnect. we look at award shows and say danyone see though movies that got the awards?
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they don't really get it those are not very popular. i would -- there was a movie that really sort of stuck in my craw. called nebraska. and a lot of people here in new york thought it was a great movie, it was most demeaning horrible port aal of mid -- por. >> i found it, fencive, and people thought it was funny it was hor imhorrible, it was a steriol typical example of us versus them. lou: donald trump has made it clear he wants people investing in this country, that there will be a price if as he calls it a border tax, against carmakers who want to have cheap labor, build their cars in foreign markets,
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principally in mexico. and he is not going to put up with it suddenly we're watching ford, and toyota, and move forward, fiat chrysler, and talk about investing in this country. we have not had this kind of publicize investment in our country in any industry, in i don't know how long. >> i think one of the reasons is that republicans have both houses of congress as well. so the talk of tax reform is no longer now an empty gesture, there is a real chance to do corporate tax reform, reduce it. i think that a great incentive for businesses to invest in america. lou: that is one of the principle issues on the agenda tonight with house speaker ryan, and his better way agenda and president elect over what will be the numbers ranging between ryan 20% and trump 15% rates. >> quickly, you know this has been talked about for years,
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everyone knew it needed to be done. it should be done. repatriation money, now finally it can be done. lou: we have known for years that these companies, multinationals, outsourcing millions of american middle class jobs were killing our middle class. middle class has shrunk in last 25 years, and wages. >> this is one reason why market surging and optimism is up. because donald trump is trying to make this happen. one question that emerges, where was president obama? why didn't he sit down with auto companies and talk about this? it is true. lou: you are right. but, we know after 8 years -- >> he was not interested in it, it was not in his agenda. lou: i want to talk about, his secretary of state, 300 of those e-mails, released by fbi
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in the dark of a halftime nfl game between the packers and the giants. most news outlets are not reporting it. >> the second half of the game there was a lot of time. lou: don't be bitter. >> i do think that one question that jeff sessions will get, in his confirmation hearings, are you going to reopen the clinton investigation. i believe that donald trump made a mistake in suggesting the answer would be no, i think it should be yes. >> judge napolitano has gone through all of it, saying that this is the smoking gun. that means the smoking gun was there for last declaration of james comey, director of fbi who decided not to prosecute. >> at least, it is a reminder to people, that the russians are not only problem with hillary clinton's campaign, let's remember, that she -- >> you could make an argument that was only thing right with
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it. >> investigated for a reason. lou: russian operations, but it resulted in truth, justice and american way. >> right. lou: it getting complicated. michael and liz thank you. >> thank you. lou: vote in our poll, question is, in your judgment, does the latest fbi release of clinton e-mails persuade you that hillary clinton should be prosecuted? we would like to hear from you. cast your vote on twitter. >> roll video if you will. this is not your average bike ride. you can see right now. this professional dirt bike racer zipping through a busy colombian city. we call this urban thrill seeking, tumbles down long flights of stairs over ramps and chairman corners, his fans cheer him on. this is his 6th consecutive win at colombia's premier down hill mountain biking race.
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my gosh. good stuff, congratulations, 6th -- you could not get me to do it once. i don't care if i won or not. up next, british prime minister theresa may under fire for slow walking brexit. the man who made brexit possible said that may has neither flair, excitement for vision to see it through for the british people, nigel farage joins me next from london. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension,
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lou: the british prime minister's office confirmed she will be meeting with president-elect trump, trump this week tweeting, i look very much forward to meeting prime minister theresa may in washington in the spring, britain's long time u.s. ally is very special, may yesterday signals regaining control of immigration and law making are brexit priorities for her as well as british people. may has evaded debate on how they theti exit from the european union for several weeks, and promises more
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clarity in a speech that will be later this month. joining me now, member of european parliament, the man who do the it done when it comes to brexit. there is no one ahead of nigel farage, great to have you with us. >> thank you very much. lou: turning to theresa may who seems in course of 48 hours to have change change tune and direction, is this more blather and little action? >> well bear in mind, she has been prime minister for 6 months, brea brexit vote is now 7 months ago. you know so far, nothing has happened. absolutely nothing. now, you know. lou: i was ready for you to
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tell me all that happened and i missed. >> no. lou: i perceived what you are ticarticulated. >> nothing, words, and so we get another interview with theresa may on sky news yesterday, in which she is good at being reassured, at being calm. at speaking in a way that the majority of the country would wish to hear. but lou, the problem, for 6 years, 2010-16, she was our home secretary, longest serving home secretary since victorrian england. every year she would give a very good reassuring speech about how she was going to control immigration to the united kingdom and presided over record numbers. there is a history here of someone that looks good, sounds good, does not deliver. i would say, we're told that there is a very big brexit
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speech coming up. i don't expect the prime minister to tell me and the country every ne nuance of the negotiation position. i do want to see it a vision. all well and good to talk about immigration, talk about access to the single market. i want to know where she sees the country in 5 year's time. lou: hugh about two year's time, talk about march as time to move toward with the paperwork, why not just get the hell out? >> i agree with you lou, i fear is that we'll go into a negotiation, that will last up to 2 years, with european union, that is crumbling. the euro zone is in big trouble. you have seen problem with oldest bank in the world. i am told there are 3 more italian banks in the same mess, the euro zone size hey problem. mike grant crisis -- migrants
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crisis has led directly to terrorism spawned eu soil, we have elections coming up in netherland, rang, germany, perhaps italy, my worry is, economic logic, for the french wine producers and german carmakers is to do a sensible trade deal with the united kingdom. however the political bosses in brussels, would probably rather cut off their noses to spite their faces, we may find that we have spent two years, we give an extra net 20 billion in maybe fees be we have another half million migrants from europe union. lou: you are describe -- >> there is no deal. >> are describing a nation that is held hostage, the british people are being held
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hostage, you have been told you correctly summerrize the ominous warnings from those who wanted to remain in the europe union, they were full of it. and you -- the uk economy is doing great. european economy is not. >> absolutely. >> why would you sacrifice what you have, chiefed. whether it is theresa may or angela merkel or ossified europ european parliament, this is mad net t madness to most americans to watch what you are doing. >> there were two political resolutions last year, one of the break brexit. the other was victory of trump. he has a hand-picked team of
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people, former general, former self-made billionaire, saying run they will run the new government, albeit working, with houses on capitol hill. in my country, the resolution of the people, was astonishing but problem is, with the e exception of cameron and osbourne all same players have been shuffle around the chess board. i am afraid, and i have waited, for 6 months, i have been patience for 6 month, i have given prime minister the benefit of the doubt for 6 months, but after yesterday, i have to say, that i don't think she has the flair, the excitement or the vision for what we need to lead this country to a new chapter. i have not heart a single word. lou: i -- or intend. >> i worry about that intent.
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but i don't see the vision, because what is exciting about brexit? what is liberating about brexit, we're free to do our own trade deals with the world, next friday in washington there will be swearing in 45th president of usa someone that recognized close relationships historically and culturally between our two country, she should grab that opportunity, in my opinion with both hands. lou: nigel fa farage, a man who is patient beyond what i think meeting a general expectation, we're proud of flu thank you. lou: unnext president obama leaving behind a legacy, a legacy of failure. you won't see him admit that any time soon. >> i am absolutely convinced that race relations on the
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whole are actually better now -- >> better now? >> yes, but, we have greater awareness of where we're falling short than we used to. lou: convoluted, complicated. pastor darrel scott will weigh in on that and much more. as we continue. stay with us, we'll be right back. even when i travel... for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro.
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lou: the chairwoman of the chicago police board admits the city needs help, federal help. she said we need more federal begun prosecutions in chicago. our federal partners, the atf, the f.b.i., need to be much more invested in this overall strategy. the chicago police department cannot tackle this issue by itself. the chicago police department cannot tackle this issue by itself. her remarks coming days after donald trump tweeted this. chicago murder rate is record-setting. the mayor can't do it, he must ask for federal help. he hasn't been able to do it for a number of years now. joining us, senior pastor of the
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senior revival center, pastor darrell scott. let's start with the lori lightfoot request for help. but her description of help is more federal prosecution. >> the issue in chicago is something i have given a lot of thought about and i intend to make a proposal to the president-elect after the inauguration. we need to appoint a federal task force to deal specifically with gang violence, similar to alcohol like the untouchables or the way bobby kennedy went after organized crime in the 60s. we need a federal task force to tackle this nationwide. what i recommend, big sheriff clark would be a great one to head up these task forces in
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these inner city community wreaking havoc on the inner cities. pastor winston in chicago has a great program that aims at social rehabilitation and reform and community initiatives that can better the environment. >> pastor, i'll sign up for sheriff brown to run anything. he's almost 80. he could take care of a lot of folks in a hurry. i think he should be a role model for all of those folks. but what i have trouble with is why are these black churches, the black power structure in chicago failed miserably.
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the white power structure is corrupt beyond their eyeballs. the city is broke, the state is broke. there is corruption and dequay almost everywhere in chicago. and the state is in immense trouble. why in the world can they not break away from the cook county, the illinois democratic party. why can't the power structure assert itself in the inner city community? >> it seems to me as if everyone is being reactive and no one is being proactive. they are waiting for the issues to surface so everyone can react. they try to put band-aids on issues that need surgery. no one wants to speak out begins the leadership because of this democratic unwritten black code,
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that if you criticize our president, you are a race trader. so all of these contribute to the fact that everyone is waiting for someone else to do something. we need some pro action. read activity is not work. we need very real initiatives and real ideas about what can be done to solve problems. there are people in chicago. the program is not getting the attention. he's not a demagogue or a rabble rouser. >> we know this. >> criticizing white people. >> tomorrow jeff sessions will begin the hearing, the confirmation hearings. his will kick off the round of what we know will be a contentious series of hearings. the members of the faith
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community will be attacking him, we understand. part of the black power structure, if you will. when is this nonsense going to end, pastor. >> can i go on record as saying i'm sick of the race card. i'm sick of this game the democratic party continues to play. now you have this guy saying they called him a boy? you let me work with somebody, i don't kier if i was 15, 10 years old, you call me boy, i have got a problem. if i think i'm being treated racially. i wouldn't take it. so one maps word against another. i believe sessions. lou: pastor, i believe you.
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pastor darrell scott. be with us tomorrow, special coverage of president obama's farewell speech. and my col is maria bartiromo interviewing jamie dimon. kennedy: trump's cabinet nominees confirmation hearings begin tomorrow. was russia really behind efforts to screw up our election? and could it lead to another cold war? ambassador john bolton has more. everybody knows riding the bus hasn't worked. buckle up, baby. make like sandra bullock. it's time to roll. washington is getting jammed as
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