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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  January 10, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EST

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pastor darrell scott. be with us tomorrow, special coverage of president obama's farewell speech. and my col is maria bartiromo interviewing jamie dimon. kennedy: trump's cabinet nominees confirmation hearings begin tomorrow. was russia really behind efforts to screw up our election? and could it lead to another cold war? ambassador john bolton has more. everybody knows riding the bus hasn't worked. buckle up, baby. make like sandra bullock. it's time to roll. washington is getting jammed as senate committees overflow with
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nominees desperate to get votes. democratic senators like chuck schumer. powerless and helpless, chuck's angels have to watch up to five nominees a day parade through respective senate committees. and wednesday alone they head off to their grills to get seared or coddled. jeff sessions who is looking to become attorney general takes the stage tuesday morning. he's a well-liked senator. even with colleagues who clash with him on policy. hopefully he will be pushed by senators like dianne feinstein
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who see the ongoing referendum on weed gaining critical mass as voters exercise their right to stay the hell out of their bongs and medicine cabinets. it's not just democratic senators who laced up their boots. there were polarizing picks. rand paul and marco rubio floated questions. democrats aren't only ones who worry. tillerson has a foot locker filled with putin's panties. john mccain and lindsey graham aren't quite ready to invite sexy rexy to sit at their lunch table. these unpredictable cabinet picks will give senators a lot of issues to dissect or too much time to frein before a captive
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audience. hopefully they will focus on what's most important for americans, and less on auditioning for the next cecil b. demille golden globe award. i'm kennedy. there's going to be fireworks on capitol hill all week long. what can we expect? heidi is here to break it down. welcome back. let's talk about jeff sessions. he's going first tomorrow morning. do you expect he will have a tough time from republicans as well as a lot of rabid senate democrats? >> probably. when you have say tough time, let's just say in the end all of these guys -- i would argue especially sessions. behind it all the secret that all of us reporters who cover
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capitol hill like sessions on a personal basis. but they will use the hearings to put up flares about the issues that concern them during a trump presidency. for most members it's not personal. it's about the issues they care about like voting rights. and they feel like they don't necessarily have a good idea of where a president-elect trump stands on these issues so they will try to use the glare of the media spotlight to draw all of these nominees out on these issues and pin them down and get them on the record. >> that's a good point. they have been unable to tarnish president-elect trump's shield. so they will go after people who haven't been through the senate grilling process.
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but someone like rex tillerson is going to have a much harder time. there are some republicans, a lot of democrats will go after sessions. but i think you are going to see the most vitriol saved for tillerson. do you think he is the single person who will have the hardest time making it through this confirmation process? >> you are right. and we have republicans on record. you have got republicans who said they might vote against him. i think at the end of the day he's going get through. but let's look at rex tillerson a bit. in terms of russia, in terms of big money, business kinds of taking over the cabinet, and in terms of the oil industry. he's the next us of all of these issues. this also an opportunity for rex tillerson who had good press in recent days about rex tillerson the man. there was a great anecdotal story about him having served on
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jury duty and he's a good guy. there will be an opportunity for him to shine in that way a bit. but just like with sessions. tillerson is going to be kinds of a magnet for all of these issues, the democrats and some republicans like john mccain and lindsey graham want to draw out on russia. you have kellyanne conway confirming yes, perhaps donald trump would want to lift sanctions on russia. alarm bells will be going off across congress and particularly with members about what this all means. and they will try to pin tillerson down on what does donald trump intend to do visa advice russia with all these intel reports streaming. kennedy: they are going to try to box him in a corner and flesh out what this country's policy is going to be moving forward. i think it's an important question, and i think sessions and tillerson will have a lot to answer for. betsy devos will have a tough
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time. i tend to agree with her on a lot of things, but i think she'll be a lightning rod. >> she fits into a broader narrative of a different philosophical approach to managing these agencies i think democrats are more concerned about. republicans are probably elated because her support for more charter schools and vouchers are things the republican party has long pushed. but for democrats, they are viewing some of these nome mys like the -- these nominees as the cabinet version of the tea party. they want to change the underpinning of their approach like betsy devos to education. kennedy: which is fantastic. take you a sand blaster and jack ham tore these below thed
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federal agencies. i challenge all of them to do just that. now let me bring in the party panel tonight. harris faulkner is here. she is anchor of fox four and co-host of numbe "outnumbered." welcome everyone. it's wonderful that you are here. last night of course was the golden globes. as you might expect, hollywood had some issues with donald trump and quite a few people got political. everybody is talking about meryl streep. she spoke after winning her lifetime achievement award. while never mentioning donald trump by name. she suggested his presidency will ruin america. >> disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites
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violence. when the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose. >> no, we all lose. kennedy: trump respond on twitter, meryl streep, one of the most overrated actresses in hollywoodn't know me but attacks last night at the golden globes. meryl streep says we have to make sure the principled press holds this president accountable. >> i thought i was watching the sequel to "postcards from the edge." a great performance on her part. i worried more about the people we haven't talked about. there are a few people in the audience who maybe didn't agree with her. there were memes out on the internet. here is mel. if you paint all of hollywood
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with that brush, what does that say about their ability to connect their audience who they want to pay in some cities $2 oh a ticket to see them play on the big screen. they are not resonating with the rest of the country. only people who think like and talk like them. if i am an exec, i will have to ask her are you going to care about the other half of the audience? kennedy: she takes care of politics but the' institution whereas they don't employ a lot of women at the top positions. >> she dropped the ball. i consider myself an expert on that because i'm a giants fan. but they carry on as if trump beat out mother teresa. like the mourning over who trump beat. hillary clinton would drink your soul if she thought she would
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win a state to do it. they are so dramatic. this is a reaction -- obama made the celebrities think we care about what they have to say. he's been so cozy with them in the last 8 years. they can't georgia a them that there will be a president who doesn't care. they thought the white house would be their hamptons home this summer. now they are not even going to the barbeque. kennedy: you pointed out that ryan gosling actually had the moment that meryl streep should have had. >> he won for "la la land." and he said thank you to my wife for take care of our baby, for being pregnant and having our next baby and caring for her brother who later died of cancer and he dedicated the award for him and he said thank you for
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letting me do this frivolous thing i do. it set the right tone. merrill and the other don't understand you are not curing cancer. kennedy: what we do is really important. and we are the lost line of defense. harris: it feels like tinseltown is politically constipated. they haven't figured out how to smooth things out. she what if she had to play somebody from the other side of the aisle. kennedy: she played margaret thatcher. but they are not her words. they are actors. i think any time she gets sanctimonious and political, i'm sure she was reassured by everyone on her team that she was so courageous. no, meryl make it about you, don't make it about donald trump.
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you gave your power away to a man. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says they are going to start dynamiting obamacare by the end of the week. president obama is warning 0 million americans can lose their healthcare and healthcare providers are warning hospitals could be hemorrhaging cash which could send tidal waves through the economy. republicans do have some plans. they have been bad about voicing them so a majority of people understand there are some programs they could put in place that would stop the hemorrhaging. they are not just going to chop the arm off the economy and let it bleed to death, or are they? >> there are things they could have done prior, opening up the market across state lines and allowing more health savings accounts.
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i hope they take it opportunity to do those mark heat based solutions rather than sell our own version of obamacare and this idea that our government is better government when the solutions are getting the government out of it. kennedy: get the government out of it because everything is too damn high. you make the point, if you are going to break your arm. >> we are not even losing good coverage. my deductible is $3,000. if i break my arm i'm better off getting in my car and crashing it because my car deductible is $500. kennedy: he's going to commit understand fraud. >> the people who will feel the brunt much this is geico. we'll crash our car to get better. kennedy: what i'm hopeful for in any regard is all the ideas get heard at the table.
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senator rand paul has some outside of the box thinking how to get this done. i hope republicans listen to everybody. hearing senator mitch mcconnell say they are going to pushing this through so quickly might make critic worry that not everything will be considered. then you will have to read to it figure out what's in it. kennedy: there are two problems here. too much of a consensus waters everything down and it makes it incredibly slow. but we can't have opacity. you have to have some transparency in the process. and the process has been so traumatized it's strong enough to withstand that. >> we are at the beginning of the tax season for everybody. we are paying higher taxes until we hit that magical point. so everybody -- so everybody is
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looking at their outflow right now. and if healthcare was a concern in 16, it's a greater concern in 17. so people want to know it's going to be okay. i agree the messaging is a big issue for republicans. maybe they have a brilliant idea. kennedy: they have to lock it up and figure it out. at the university of the chicago they are offering a cash reward for tour guides to hide the city's rampant murder. donald trump says he want america and russia to have a better relationship. but some senate republicans, are but some senate republicans, are they pushing for another
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including south carolina senator lyndsey graham, no surprise there. donald trump has to accept that russia is not our friend. >> here is what i think we should do. we should all republicans and democrats condemn russia for what they did. to my republican friends who are gleeful, you are making a huge mistake. you are a political hack. you are not a republican, you are not a patriot. if this isn't about us, i never know what is about us. when one party is compromise, all parties are compromised. welcome back, ambassador bolton. kennedy: you have spoken in tough terms about russia. where do you stand on all this. do you think russia quote-unquote hacked the election? what effect did that have? >> i don't think there is any
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question russia tried to meddle in the elect. i don't know of anybody who actually looked at the evidence. not just the conclusory reports. i think we are a little hyper thyroid about this phrase "hacked the election." if you asked a year ago what it meant, no one would have said it means only the specific act of voting on election day. what's objectionable about this is any evident by any foreign government to affect our elect is an attack on the constitutional system. kennedy: what do we do now? rex tillerson is going to be grilled in the confirmation process to become secretary of state. what do you do about this going forward? >> i think you have to see this particular russian interference as the last in a long series of russian cyber activity meddling
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in the united states more broadly. the same is true of china. so this is a much more serious problem than the isolated question of what happened with respect to our election. i think the principle reason russia thinks it can get away with this sort of thing is because for 8 years barack obama has done next to nothing. in the cyber world as in the real world you need to create structures of deterrents that convince would-be perpetrators like russia that it will cost them a lot more to engage tonight than not engaging in it. sanctions are fine but i don't think they are nearly enough. kennedy: hillary clinton wanted donald trump to be or opponent. there are those who say vladimir putin meddled in the election because he wanted trump to be president. how does trump being president benefit them?
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>> i don't get the logic. i were an autocratic russian ruler i would want a weak person like hillary clinton to be the american president. i think we ought to try and hold two thoughts in our head at the same time. number one, russia did try to meddle in the election through cyberspace and a variety of other methods. and the obama administration, the democratic party, the news media, they want to spin hillary's defeat into some miss misogynous factor. >> if julian assange is not a paid russian agent. the guy is a thief. that's his business. the notion that he would say anything publicly that was truthful about his actual
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sources is dead wrong. he said his source wasn't russia. maybe his source wasn't russia. but what was his source's source? you could do this a lot of different ways. i think he's an enemy of america. and everything he says should be treated with suspicion. coming up. president obama says america is more safe now than when he took office. since the social media makes the country seems so much worse. country seems so much worse. i'll get into it with[phone buz] some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection. (snap) achoo! (snap) achoo! achoo! (snap) (snap) achoo!
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so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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>> president obama has a week and a half left in office. after 8 years as commander-in-chief tomorrow night he's giving his farewell address to the facing. we are told we can expect the president to wax poet egg ail about how he saved the economy and how obamacare is better than fairy dust. but local insiders may he may warn president-elect trump against dividing the nation because as we all know the country has been in perfect harmony since he took office. what do we have to look forward to tomorrow?
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let me ask richard fowler. >> you make it sound so ominous. kennedy: as a lover of liberty i don't have much to look back on and cheer about and i don't know what i have to look forward to. but i'm not so concerned about president-elect trump as i am about how the president is going to sum up his time in office. more importantly, i remember -- this is something i shared on the air many times. i remember president reagan's farewell address and i remember feeling pride in my president and the country. and i was very sentiment at that night. how can president obama give young people in this country who feel they don't have a lot to look forward to, something to smile about. >> obviously there is a lot of grob growth under president
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obama. -- job growth under president obama. he's a great ortore -- he's a gt orator. i think he will lay out a vision of what we can be if america chooses to work together. just like those raw cans who wanted barack obama to fail, i think they were wrong as this country together. and i think beyond trying to bring the country together he will check down some of his accomplishments. that's what every farewell address is about. kennedy: he made the middle east an absolute disaster, the red line in syria was a joke. benghazi was an embarrassment. he's droning people. he pulled out of iraq only having to get back in there. thousands of troops in afghanistan and iraq. syria is an absolute a quagmire.
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so how is he going to take something like foreign policy and shellack that turd. >> what's the one thing this president did well for you? ways one thing you can say i appreciate president obama did x. >> he did x on a state dinner night? >> you understand what i'm trying to ask you. kennedy: i know what you are saying. he deported a lot of people. he increased the surveillance state. >> he aloud lgbtq folks. he pushed momentum on that. kennedy: he won california because he came out against gay marriage in 2008. >> then his position changed and a lot of people in the building behind me whose position hasn't
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changed on gay marriage. a majority of millennials, 80 to 90% think marriage equality is okay. kennedy: i'll tell you this web's a great speaker. if he gets out of his own ego and talks about the greater good, and the importance of being the first african-american president regardless of how you feel race relations have gone in this country, some of his poignant moments have come talking about race. if he signals to the country we should come together for the next president, that will be -- >> i think he will do that. and beyond that i think he will talk about what he's been able to accomplish. whether people like the affordable care act or not. it's given relief to thousands of people who used to work in coal mines who have black lung disease.
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if you are a woman who is pregnant as a preexisting condition. i'm not saying he's the best. >> the job participation rate has dropped precipitously and those jobs are often part-time jobs. they are not the kinds of jobs you can retire on. >> it was a hot pile of garbage. >> you had 8 years to clean up the garbage. tomorrow night don't miss fbn's live coverage of obama's farewell address. followed by "cavuto: coast to coast." coming up, the party panel returns. hillary clinton will probably never be president. now word is she may jump back into politics and run for mayor of a very big city. could it be yours?
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we... probably still want those. yeah, good call. file your taxes for free with credit karma tax. kennedy: it's easy to sweep dirt under a rug when company comes to visit. a $500 reward is being offered
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to anyone who can dispel the city's crime. my party panel is back. $500 in party cash. >> the winner will spend it on a bullet-proof vest. kennedy: you can't arm yourselves, you night as well get the cash. it drives me crazy that we have turned chicago into this partisan thing it's a sad story we all aggrieve on. it's horrible. we need to do something. i have family in chicago. when they want to get away from it all, they vacation in aleppo.
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kennedy: baghdad bob, the iraqi minister of information who just engaged in so much overwhelming proper began today that he became laughable. that's what they are asking these cam numbers tour guides to do. harris: what are the stipulations of this? you could get two round-trip particular totes anywhere else. fierce many people use could afford to. it would offset the balance. it isn't just that these were the highest rate of murder for them. it's that it's new york and l.a. combined. >> those are much bigger cities. what are you comparing this to? >> imagine if they had a p.r. campaign. hey, we'll give $500 if you can convince people the water in
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michigan is safe. overwhelming rationalization. they are asking people to lie. they are paying them to lie. >> step out of the truck outline when you are filming your video. kennedy: hillary clinton has kept a low profile after her surprise defeat to hillary clinton. but she attended a broadway play and she received a standing ovation. she is so popular some democrats are urging her to run for mayor against bill deblasio. harris: i didn't know she was a post-bellum african-american woman. i'm wondering how she got a standing ovation. when i saw it, fantasia was in it. she also got a standing oh straition for what she did on the stage. kennedy: she doesn't want to do
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actual work. but being a professional victim is perfect for her. now she can go to receptions and openings and galas. and people applaud her. it was so surreal to watch everyone filming them on her phones. the last time she was around that's blackberries, she smashed them with a hammer. i think the story here number one is not even the clintons can get hamilton tickets, they had to go see "the color purple." can we stop with the hillary hiking in the woods selfies? she is not hiking. she is trying to find her server. she is walking around with one of those old man on the beach metal detectors. if you look behind her you will
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see huma with a shovel. >> i would like to see her go to a country concert. pence went to see hamilton. talk about being in your bubble. yeah, you are going to get standing ovation there. go somewhere where maybe you are not. kennedy: uber has come up with a perfect base. battle between regulations and the sharing economy just got more interesting.
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kennedy: ask anybody who has ridden in a city bus, and they will tell you they kind of suck. uber is opening up a new viet called movement -- a new site called movement. uber says they are doing this in hopes cities services lynn corporate it in the future. how does movement directly benefit me?
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>> i think it could benefit you if cities used the data iesh has and design cities that work more efficiently so we can take advantage of ridesharing. they will use it to maybe promote certain types of buses to make them bert so you and i will actually start riding them. kennedy: the city government is going to shut them out. >> the data shows uber trusts city government more than they did in the past. when you have cities like austin going out of the way to kick out ride sharing, that's the exception, not the norm. kennedy: uber testified itself in places like new york city
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with this data showing it's not their drivers who are causing congestion. what can they benefit from know being these instant traffic patterns and speeds. >> let's look at the inauguration. d.c. will be better able to plan because they can look at other large events and see how that affected traic around the city. all these cities will be able to look at historical uber trips to see how this will affect their residents communities. kennedy: is this a form of lobbying or self-presence racial or something showing us the next evolution of uber? >> i think they are trying to share the great data they have. but there is a little bit of self-interest. they want to give the city some information because a lot of cities like new york are trying to go after personal information. they will say we'll throw you
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this bone to develop your cities but leave our rider data alone. kennedy: i like uber and the sharing economy. are wi-fi signals confusing swimmers? hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up,
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because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. legal help is here. when aachoo!calls... ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals. so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing, even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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kennedy: when you are trapped in a maze, come to me and i'll show you the part of the maze where cool kids hang out. topic number one. the animal kingdom seems so nice and fuzzy. but sometimes even the cutest of animals resort to thievery. watch this. he checks for security guards. sees none. makes his way to the motherlode. snagging a candy bar. squirrels can be so devious. and diabetic. watch your insulin, chuck. one year 0 you are neighborhood had a squirrel infestation and it was terrible. that's my friend gregg. he loves sandwiches. watch out, gregg. watch for the squirrels, they
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are coming for you. fight off the squirrels. they smell the fear and your pastrami. the squirrels couldn't remember where they buried gregg's corpse. topic number 2. we all know what the most beautiful instrument is. no, it's not vi viola. it's the recorder, the cheap plastic recorders they pass out in middle school music class which one aspiring musician can take to a new level with a rendition of celine deon's humanless, my heart will go on. [♪] all right. but lake all creative jean yus,
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he hadd jean yows he had to be caught by a greater master. i stated that horse for 2 1/2 years and we wroak up right before my honeymoon. stop i can number three. when cats aren't busy tying babies to train tracks or eating lasagna and hating mondays, they can be found laying around houses being slightly less useful than a paper weight. like this mouse breather. i know we all tried. i get it. but i have never known a dog to say no to playing catch.
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the feline finally worked up the energy to go chase after the ball. that was me new year's eve. topic number 4. call me sentimental. but i like my bread baked the old-fashioned way by a volcano which some icelandic people are doing for kicks. hot springs can reach up to 212 degrees fahrenheit. making the land they walk on the perfect oven. you could cook lots of things with volcanoes like steak. or cans of ravioli and evil hob bevil robits.
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rob -- evil houston obbitts. the u.s. postal service may be known for a slogan that neither rain nor snow nor dark of night will recent their carriers from blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. but did you not apply to the georgia tech swim team in their swim meat with georgia tech was canceled due to snow, they decided their season schedule would not be the on thing to shrink that day. they swam in the snow and reported temperatures of 20 below zero. their candy cane snapped off. none of the players suffered
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injuries such as frostbite or hypothermia. that, my friends is how the grand canyon was formed. thank you for watching my show. follow me on twitter and facebook, email tomorrow night i will be here, but not on the show. fbn will have live coverage of president obama's farewell speech. the party show is on.
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the easy breakable and loveable tom shillue. you'll be on red eye tonight. good morrow. good night. (soft music) what's important about beauty is that idea of confidence and how you communicate yourself and who you are in the world. and when you do feel like your skin looks beautiful, there is something that makes you stand a little taller and walk through your day with more confidence, and that influences everything you do. (lori) i am 52 years old. can't even believe that, i am 52 years old, and i am feeling really good about my skin right now. it's--it's just so nice to have that confidence and to walk out of the house feeling that way is everything.


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