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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 10, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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part because of his mistakes, the democratic party does not have national leaders. charles: all right, i appreciate your expertise. we are expecting -- 6 prim p.m. catch lou dobbs. >> everyone no matter how powerful no one is above the law, no american will be beneath its protection. lou: first of trump nominee confirmation hearing underway. sessions for attorney general, kelly for homeland security, democrats tried but failed to under cut them. we'll have a full report and president-elect's press secretary sean spicer joining me. and also president obama's farewell speech with special coverage of obama final lecture with randy evan, matt slap and lee carter.
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>> congress today began task of vetting trump's cabinet choices. sessions first nominee to have a hearing, during hours of testimony, senator sessions said he would be an independent, minded attorney general who would infers the nation's laws even in areas where he personally disagreed. >> good evening, jeff sessions senator known for his strongly held views, he not apologize for his beliefs but promised if confirmed to enforce the law. >> you referred roe v. wade as one of worst supreme court decisions of all-time. is that still your view? >> it is. i believe it is violates the
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constitution, it is the law of the land, i would respect and follow it. reporter: hearing was disrupted many times by people protesting on a range of controversial issues from illegal immak immigration to race relations. sessions was noncommit all aboutal of children of illegals in uncountry. >> we need to fix this immigration system, we've been places in a bad situation, i would work us all to work together. reporter: he said after being a vocal supporter of president-elect he would recuse himself of future investigation of hillary clinton e-mail or clinton foundation. >> with regard to secretary clinton, some comments i made, i do believe that could place my objectivity in question. reporter: sessions faced a challenge from patrick leahy over an, potential ban of
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muslims. >> do you agree with president-elec united states can or show deny entry to members of a particular religion? >> i believe that president-elect subsequent to that statement make clear he believes that focus should be on individuals coming from country that have history of terrorism. terrorism. reporter: corey booker will testify against him, which senate historian calls unprecedented. >> sitting senator testifying tomorrow, against the another sitting senator, they call for extraordinary measures. reporter: there was discussion of -- his famed bid to be a federal judge in 1986, and sessions described the the depicttion of him as a caricature. >> that were i was accused of, i did not --
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reporter: late today john kelly co confirmation manager hear homeland security began. he is a four-star marine, and has been confirmed by senate, 5 times by unanimous consent. >> if you built a wall from the pacific to the gulf of mexico you have to back that wall up by patrolling of humans. reporter: sessions was asked if he intends to vote for his confirm maation and those of other nominees. lou: thank you very much. a busy day on capitol hill. in part because of the number of demonstrators w.h.o demonstrator who were arrested protesting at the hearings. total of 18 during the hearing, 7 others. his office, 25 people in all arrested today.
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joining me now, former u.n. ambassador john bolton, h who has gone through this process, he understands this well and knows a thing or 2 about politics, great to have with you us ambassador. >> thank you, lou. lou: what did you think of senator session as performance today. >> it was outstanding, only thing that democrats have is the memory of his 1986 confirmation hearing to be a u.s. district judge. i had first hand experience with that, i was assistant attorney general for legislative affairs, and i sat behind him it was a character assasination then, that is all it was. it was not a bit of truth on it, i thought he was outstanding today in explaining circumstances, and his record since then. i think speaks for itself. you know if we're down to the point where we're disagreeing with president and disagreeing with his nominees is enough to vote again them, maybe a lot of democrats would do that,
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but i tell you my predicttion he will be confirmed by a convincing majority. lou: i thought that the performance of the democratic senators today, particularly in the sessions hearing, a number of them were just venal, they were due place itous, they were lower than snake bellies in terms conduct, i mean slime was dripping off of them in their partisanship. it was awful to witness. >> yeah. well i think, sessions of probably spared the worst of it, despite what happened today. because he is a sitting senator, i think that general alan, had he was never going to be a target, and just was not worth it do go after a four-star general. some of the other nominees who won't have those advantages, may face more difficult hearings. i think that a lot of this is politics, i think maybe all of it is, american people will
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see and judge it, they want washington out, they want have administration in congress to solve problem they are sick of the uncivil at po atmosphere, if senators do not -- it will not be to their advantage. lou: they are driven bipartisan ship, and self interest, which is the description of every senator who went after jeff sessions today. it was horrible. let's turn to director comey. and his appearance at intelligence today. not one straight question that i heard about where the hell did those 300ic mails that were released in the giants packer game sunday night, where did they come from. >> what was your purpose, sph what iand what is going on in your agency?
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>> i think in addition to that latest e-mail dump, his testimony raised more questions than answer, for example he said in respond to a direct question he did not know why fbi agents never got access to the dnc computers. which is a prettiment pretty fundamental matter. i think that director comey has opposite of a confirmation problem, i think he has difficulty in holding on to that job, while jeff sessions said today, correctly, i think he would recuse himself from investigating dealing with hillary clinton, because he did participate in making that properly an, in last campaign, i think that. problems with the fbi, investigation, with director comey's own conduct, this is something that new administration has to deal with, maybe deputy attorney general will have to do it but
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somebody needs to look 8 look into this. lou: what do you make of comey being grilled about whether or not trump or members of his incoming administration had any relationship with the russians? this was set about as a an a aneurysmcasion of -- amoun implication of sinister. >> i think that more is coming, this would be something that attorney general rally sessions as he will one soon enough, should be involved in, this is answerious allegation. -- this is a serious allegation there was some klu collusion in illegal russian activity that is a serious charge. >> and for that reason, one would like a little specificity. what is it it round this? what is -- you know if you have something to say, say it
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otherwise you are insinuating, and a cowardly approach. just step up and say it. this is the strangest group of beta males posing as alphas as i have seen, they are ludicrous, and disgraceful, they are not man enough to speak with words that is be succinctly comprehended. >> i have seen that displayed in senate of u.s. myself. this is something you have to confront this directly, and incoming -- lou: i would love to, how about a director of fbi who will answer a straight damn question, who will make a decision, and stick with it, based on empirical evidence, and certain knowledge, instead of a whim of you know someone in the earning either. reporter: another radical thought, i think that jeff sessions is the guy to confront this i think all
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agency involved have to do it. lou: let them go, these -- i think right now, democratic party has more to lose in this hearing process than certainly anyone in the republican party or the trump administration. they look horrible. >> as i said, i think that american people are sick of this, and more they see of it less it will to benefit of people engaging in it. lou: i think you are right, ambassador john bolton thank you. >> thank you. lou: trump press secretary sean spicer will be with us shortly, a lot to cover, about 9 days now before donald trump takes oa oath of office that is worth waiting for. >> senator jeff sessions today cast himself as a strong protect or of law, order and the constitution.
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>> i am totally committed to maintaining freedom and equal ity this country has to provide to every citizen. lou: we take up trump confirmation hearings, with randy evans and small sla matt slap, they join me next. >> and rehanging that despicable hanging on capitol hill. we take that up and much more. let you in on the game that is being played, stay with us, we'll be right back. your insurance company
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lou: production break president-elect is telling congress to act fast when it comes to repealing and replacing obamacare. he two years later going with another plan. house speaker paul ryan echoed trump message today. >> it is our goal to bring it altogether concurrently, we showed people what we believe in. what obamacare should be replaced with. we'll use every tool at our disposal through legislation, and regulation, to bring replace, conquer e concurrent
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with repeal. >> joining me now. great to see you, let me start with you randy, sounds like the speaker is starting to talk about -- execution of repeal and replace, rather than as he was playing with idea of maybe following repeal with like a two year proposition for replacing, your thoughts? >> i think, replace consecutive with concurrent, that is to move simultaneously. on other hand once legislation is dealt with, you have repeal and replace, president-elect trump can move rapidly with rescinding executive orders and cutting off appropriation,
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regulation he may take a little bit longer putting the right people in place. you are right, they would move from idea of consecutive act to concurrent action that means legislature and presidency moving in tandemmin together to repeal and replace obamacare. lou: you are starting to see light bulbs go off, donald trump wants things done. i think there is a shock and should horror went trump camp right now, that the people he thought were actually working and in house of representatives in senate to a lesser degree they you that the the were, i think he is stunned there was not an
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organized replacement proposition ready to go because we had all these people, like speaker ryan walking around talking as if they knew everything had done everything and were prepared. he has to be mightily disappointed in this. >> you know, i thought this was an interesting event. i think trump decided in his mind that politics and policy made sent to run these together as randy said. and there are folks on hill who said, no, we'll do this step by step, i think dr. rand paul and others said, if we're going do it, let's do it together. let's give people person see abousensety what they can expect with their healthcare, there is a new sheriff in town, big changes happen awfully fast. lou: i would hope, that the trump -- donald trump's folks would be talking, with senator rand paul as matt suggests,
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and why in the hell have not mitch mcconnell and paul ryan and their leadership teams boon been talking with trump, and senator rand paul. i can understand that senator rand paul can be somewhat outside of the mainstream, but good for him, these theme need to get out of the mainstream, where in the hell can't they communicate, and get in line, and quit walking around it, if i see one more congressman or speaker talk about a better way agenda, i think i will have a physical reaction. how about you? >> you think you will see all that fall by the way side, you will see president-elect trump identify those people on the hill, who actually get something done. he will take them, he will pick 217 or 18 out of the house, take 60 out of senate, he will say let's rock 'n
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roll, he knows to get repeal and replace through he has to use budgetary reconciliation mechanism that will take house and senate to get it done. but he knows it can be done quickly if you have people willing to work, i don't think he will care, whether you are are prepared to get on the boat and turn the motor up he will be ready to go. go. >> i was going to say, one piece of reality that republicans did sweep on election day, but there are not 60 republican votes in senate, so we have to pull over 8 votes in senate, i want -- we'll play a game of chicken with the democrats, let's see if they don't vote for what is not on reconciliation for replaced plan as we watch premium skyrocket and healthcare fall apart, i think that politics on republican side on that one. lou: donald trump saying to the republicans, don't forget,
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democrats own this thing, don't get too screwed up and screwed around to let anyone forget that. randy? >> i was going to say, you will see, politics of personal destruction you talk about in last segment, politics of acted, i can guarantee with this electorate with changed election, politics of action will win out, and win out big. lou: you know could on one thing we didn't get to, i would like someone to explain what senator graham and mccain think they are doing? we'll give you extra 30 seconds if you can explain that to me. otherwise we'll wait until next time. >> how about searching for relevance. >> matt agrees. >> i agree, they sit on island of isolation knowing not which way the wind blows but only time pass, they better get on
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the boat, because the boat is pulling out. lou: you have such poetry going then that hackneyed metaphor,. >> thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. lou: breaking news, federal judge has sentence charleston murderer dylann roof to death, he is convicted of killing 9 black church members of 2015. he is the roof first person to receive the death penalty for a federal hate crime convicted. and murder of 9 people. vote in our poll tonight, question is, do you believe president obama will even come close to acknowledging his legacy of failure in his farewell address? cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs, follow he on twittericly my on facebook, on
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wall street stocks were mixed, do you falling 32. -- dow falling 32, s&p unchanged first time in 9 year, nasdaq gained 20, closing at a new record high, volume on big board, 3.6 billion shares, optimism among small business owners with biggest gains since 1980. index from the national federation of independent business also climbing to highest level in 12 years. a reminder to liston my report 3 time the a day coast-to-coast on salem radio network, up next, fbi director james comey testified before senate intelligence committee today about russia's hacking and role it played in november election. >> we saw no activity on election day, that reflected that anyone had messed with those voter registration databases. but well is no doubt that russians attacks intrudeed and took date -- from some of those systems.
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lou: f.b.i. director james coachy made his first public comments since the presidential election. he acknowledged his agency failed to have access to the democratic national committee servers and the campaign chairman john podesta. catherine herridge with our report. reporter: the nation's spy chief testified before the elects russian president concluded hillary clinton would win and sometime after that they favored a trump victory. they kept stealing data to favor a trump presidency. >> it was in the summertime
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frame, august or so. >> did he or the intelligence service ever believe donald trump was a likely winner? >> initially no, they thought he was a spring candidate and didn't think that at all. reporter: the f.b.i. director was pressed why his agents were blocked and didn't exam minted server that was breached. >> did the f.b.i. request access to those devices to perform forensics on them. >> yes, we did. >> do you know why you were denied access to those serve i ares? >> i don't know for sure. reporter: paul manafort denied the allegations last the fall. >> we provided a spree response responsible january 2 open. see i'll stance any question you have ask bust answer will be the
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same, i can't talk about it. reporter: he did say they collect intelligence on funnel named republicans. lou: catherine herridge reporting. hundreds of law enforcement officers are searching fear man suspected of killing his pregnant ex-girlfriend and shooting down an orlando police officer and killing her. mark keith lloyd has been on the run since monday morning when police say he killed debra clayton. she tried to confront him having identified him as a fugitive wanted for murder. lewis died in a motorcycle crash while searching for lloyd. police say lloyd is armed, dangerous and even posted upon facebook that he wanted to be upon america's most wanted list. small business out snitch soaring after the trump election and the world bank said trump's
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tax cuts could jump-start the global economy. and this as well. the sinister tiger shark. a deadly tiger shark about to give some unsuspecting divers a stunning up close thrill. you will be there at the very moment their heart stopped. please stay with us. we are coming right back.
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lou: president-elect trump's policies proposals getting a boost from the world bank. they say trump's proposed tax cuts to boost economic growth here and around the world of almost 3% next year as the president-elect projected. joining me now, "wall street journal" reporter shelby holiday. the news keeps getting better and better for donald trump. i mean, he keeps getting whether it be confidence and opt number of reports and actual movement in housing market or projections
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from the world bank and imf, these are petty times. >> they are in line with what economists are expecting. expect rapid growth. deutsch bank said gdp could double. donald trump has projected 5%. lou: he's talking 3 to 4%. >> everyone is expecting businesses are starting to invest and add more jobs it's getting hard to add jobs because they can't find enough people. lou: are you tired of winning? trump said we would be in this situation. >> i just got a report from blue chip economic indicators, they increased their forecast froo from 2.2% before the election to 2.3% as of last week. lou: the national business economists together as well as
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the blue chip consensus, you are living high on the edge of probability and possibility. i just get all excited about that. when the world bank acknowledges that this could have a stimulative effect on the global economy, that's big stuff. >> it helps that you will have the congress behind the president with forthcoming legislation. what they left out is just how important deregulation of business will be to economic growth going forward. getting rid of that burden will be a big boost to small business. lou: you are a young fella and you probably don't remember the late 70s like i do. i remember the excitement about deregular thraition when it was supposed to bring nothing but boom times. it took a fella by the name of reagan to turn those into boom times. we got a fella named trump to do the same now.
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the politician are getting fascinating. tie wasn't here in the 1970s. but i will say there was a small business survey out today. small businesses are feeling extremely optimistic. it reached a decade high, it hasn't been this high since 2004. lou: the rate of improvement hasn't been seen since the 1980s. who was president in 1980. >> carter, then reagan. >> but half of them expect the economy to improve. many of them are ingesting of jobs in the u.s., in american jobs. i will say the survey was taken at the end of december. that was before there was confusion about obamacare. you made a point about legislation in the republican-controlled congress. i think they are waiting to see
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what congress can actually get done before they can announce big investments. >> i will give you one fella's opinion. i think business is waiting for demand. what do you think? >> that's so true. with the same report from the national federation of independent businesses, the small business survey. what they discovers is the net percent of small businesses reporting an increase in sales volume was a minus 7%. we get the see the sales growth that would assure faster growth for employment and capital spending. >> i wanted to get some reaction. donald trump was brought in to shake up the establishment. there is nothing more stabment in business than the chamber of commerce. you could argue the business round table is a tight second. but here is tom donahue.
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how long has he been head of the chamber of commerce? here is tom donahue reacting to donald trump's economic proposals and what he thinks will be a leavening of his enthusiasm. >> you can look through many of american presidents from john kennedy who locked the steel executives in the white house to lyndon johnson who jaw boned people on economic issues again and again. it's a normal factor for presidents to want to enter into issues of trade and business when it's a challenge to the american people and to groups of different industries. i think the president just is doing it with new communication means, and with a certain level of enthusiasm. and i'm hopeful we'll see productive results. but not overenthusiastic
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intrusion into the american system. lou: there was the man i called the cardinal. this is a guy who thinks the president of the united states is intruding when he speaks to ceos, when he speaks to the nation, and articulates economic policies. there is your problem shelby. the chamber of commerce and that attitude. he represents the attitude of most of corporate america. >> i think it's hard to say at this point. trump hasn't yet been inaugurated. but i think a lot of people are hopeful to keep donald trump in check. when it comes to certain policies. a lot of people are worried about the trade war. trump changes his mind quite a bit on the campaign trail. >> trade deficit. falling corporate earnings, a lack of investment and an
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uncertain view of our future? >> i had dinner this past weekend with a private equity investor who was in favor of hillary clinton. a long-time democrat. lou: a genius. >> he is a genius now because he came out of the closet and now he has nothing but praise for donald trump. he says the factories he owns, the workers would have trump stickers on their bumpers and make america great. he said these guys were right all the time. and he understands. clearly why hillary clinton got clobbered in those states. lou: it's interesting, writing a few books about the middle class and exporting jobs and opportunity and capital. a lot of people have been right. no one but donald trump has had the guts to stand up and run on it and shove the establishment's
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nose tonight. but ways really great is to listen to tom donahue talk about intrusion into the economy and society on the part of an elected president of the united states. >> who hasn't even taken office yet. lou report ri -- -- lou: the rigidity of mind. and to actually create wealth in this country, i think our time has arrived. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you believe president obama will even come close to acknowledging his legacy of failure through two terms as president in his farewell address? that's right. farewell. cast your vote on twitter. roll the video. a group of adventurers making friend with one of the ocean's
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most vicious, masterful hunters. they are playing a game of tag with a tiger shark. tiger sharks by the way, can weigh just under a ton. and they are only to the great whites in aggressiveness in attacking human beings in wetsuits making bubbles. trump holds a us in conference tomorrow, and that is big news in and of itself. president obama bids farewell from chicago. it will be his last official speech. we'll have a live report. we'll have live coverage of all of those event as we prepare for tomorrow's day of hearings and the trump news conference. stay with us. we are coming right back. the ur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain,
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lou: president obama will have one her opportunity tonight to defend a legacy his critics call a failure. his speech will take place less than four miles from grant park,
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the site of his 2008 victory speech. good evening, kevin. reporter: as you can well manage. there have been a lot of revisions to the president's remarks. by midday he had seen four revisions to the speech he will be delivering shortly after 9:00 p.m. his last main address to the american people. i'm going to share nuggets about the speech with the folks at home. the theme is one you would well imagine and expect. it's moving together, moving forward. the president will acknowledge that he had some failures during this time in office, but failure isn't permanent so long as you keep working at it. perseverance and providence he is expected to say will win out.
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expect it to be like a state of the union. inclusive, soaring, big ideas. it's expected he will hammer home the idea he will leave with some progress to be made, that we are one boisterous and bickering but brotherly america. if you are looking for a template i want to draw your attention to his speech in selma, alabama. it finished with this passionate flurry, and that is the idea tonight. but together we'll rise because that is the american spirit. i have been getting guidance on the length. it should be about 30 minutes. this will be like a stump speech. it will be part. he talk, part pat on the back. he can't pass up the opportunity to do that.
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and it should be preaching toward american goodness and goodwill. lou: back patting? >> yes, indeed. we can guarantee it. lou: i hope he's aspirational. i hope he rekindles enthusiasm for a nation of brothers and sisters. americans all. that is long overdue. up next, donald trump is one of many glad to see president obama go. >> he failed us and he failed us badly. and under his leadership, this situation will not get any better, it will only get worse. lou: charlie hurt and tony sayegh weigh in on those issues
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lou: outgoing secretary of state june kerry criticized the president-elect without naming him. >> if policy is going to be made on 140 characters on twitter and every reasonable measurement of
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accountability is being bypassed and people don't care by the, we have a problem. lou: there is one other problem, mr. secretary, the president-elect isn't using twitter to make policy, and a few more ums and uhs and you would be 140 characters. on capitol hill a game of political football over whether a painting depicting a chicago police officer as a pig should be able to hang in the capitol complex. william lacey clay back up there after congressman duncan hunter took it down. but date was down again, this time congressman doug lamb born. but congressman clay found out
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where it was and put it back. late this afternoon congressman dana rohrbacher took the painting again. six times that painting has been on and off the wall. republican congressman barry loudermilk says he wants to stop it and replace the painting with a poster of the names of police officers who have been killed in the line of duty. joining me now, opinion edtour of the washington times, chrly hurt. republican campaign strategist tone asky sayegh. the -- tony sayegh. i thought the democrats were nasty toward senator jeff sessions today. they are behaving awfully.
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and what should we -- what's your reaction? >> certainly, all the innuendo they are trying to insane wait somehow jeff sessions, show is one of the most mannerly, polite, decent people you could talk to, that somehow he's a racist because it's from the south, alabama, and has a southern accent. that hearing was a masterful performance by jeff sessions. they may have tried to trip him up and smear him. it didn't work. what he pulled off, about 10 hours -- it was almost like a kindergarten teacher with a classroom of adhd children. he spoke slowly and politely and walked them through the wait government works. they couldn't come back at him and nothing stuck. everything they threw at him. lou: did you see leahy and al
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franken and dianne feinstein? these are awful people. they really are awful. there was nothing sincere there will be was nothing authentic. they were playing politics and they didn't care how much they den grade a good man in jeff sessions. >> so much for senatorial courtesy. this has been a tradition in a bipartisan way when a member of our chamber is up for confirmation in has been one member in the modern era of the klu klux klan. that being said, democrats know they are going to lose this one. senator sessions will probably get bipartisan confirmation support.


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