tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business January 20, 2017 5:00pm-8:01pm EST
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trump told the world that ends. that ends now. our coverage, though, does not. we continue on fox business. more after this. . lou: i'm lou dobbs, we're continuing our coverage of the inaugural parade for president donald j. trump. we're coming to you live from the roof of the chamber of commerce building in washington, d.c. on what is an extraordinary, historic day in america. and joining me today, former seor adviser to the newt gingrich presidential campaign, randy evs. attorney and political analyst, gayle trotter. good to have you both with us. and gayle, this is quite something. i want to start with the fact the president and the first lady have been out of their
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cars now. vice president pence and his wife, and there is an exuberance in this town that at the same time, couple of blocks away, there are demonstrators, by the hundreds, the estimates, we'll settle on 500 and see what the final numbers are who are doing their best to disrupt almost nothing, as it turns out. >> i was in the mosh pit watching the inaugural address. it was so refreshing, donald trump ripped up the political playbook during his political campaign, and no one knew if he was scripted or goes in a different direction, he was his authentic self during the inaugural address. lou: randy, that speech, was extraordinary. >> greater moment for america, to be a citizen, if you couldn't feel pride, if you couldn't believe in a better future after hearing that, you're not going to be able to do that.
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he drew the contrast with simple plain talk which said enough of the poetry and eloquence, talk about real results, real dreams and a better future making america great again. he did a great job. lou: he did a great job, and yet whether it is various print organizations and news outlets with very big fancy trade styles and reputations as left-wing media, blathering on about, there was violence in his words, gail. there was a lack of poetry as randy is intimating, and the fact is he said exactly what he meant, and you, by the time he concluded after 14 minutes, you knew he meant every word he said much to the discomfort of every democrat and republican on that stand behind him. >> that's right, there was no political correctness in his speech, and he olined his policies that he's going to be pushing.
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jobs, border security, economic strength, infrastructure, and he explained his philosophy of america first, not only we have a right as a country as all countries do to put america first, but we have a responsibility. lou: one news organization referring to expressions in his speech, randy, as hitler-like. meanwhile, a couple of blocks away, the left-wing demonstrators paid by many of them, by george soros are throwing bricks, protesting policies that donald trump has not even begun to implement. >> that's true. it was a perfect contrast, lou, between seeing families with children with, hands on their heart during the national anthem, with tears in their eyes as they heard the president speak. contrast that with people wearing masks and throwing stones and shattering windows and setting fires. one thing i thought was funny by one of your fox colleagues,
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it was a masculine speech. i don't know what a masculine speech is, but it was not leading from behind. it was leading from first. make america first. lead from the front. lou: lead from the front, and by the way, donald trump would be uncomfortable any place other than the front. i can't imagine even the fantasy would occur to him of leading from behind, and he puts himself out in public. he steps out of the limousine, the presidential limousine. he and his wife melania. the first lady. they are standing before the american people expressing their thanks. their confidence in the future. it is a wonderful, wonderful image for the american people. and american people who for the first time, have heard from the president of the united states in an inaugural address say, it
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will be america first. that was his declaration. do we have that sound because it is truly a compelling momen in what was a very compelling speech? i'm told, apparently -- do we have that? >> no. lou: no, the answer is no, we don't. >> he's the people's president. you think of princess diana being called the people's princess. he's the people's president, his speech was about power to the people. and he's challenging the washington cartel. democrat, republican, it doesn't matter. he's going to change it up. lou: now you're a member of that cartel, randy. >> thanks a lot, lou, i love you, too, buddy! [laughter]. lou: we keep it real on "lou dobbs tonight." >> i am on the republican -- lou: he's a great american, folks. >> i'm on the republican national committee. i think everybody has to step forward here. i want to say this to you. i think what everybody missed was today you saw a genuine
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love affair. donald trump loves america and america loves donald trump, and you saw that while you had hundreds over here acting like children, you had tens of thousands there proudly saluting their country and new president. that's a genuine love affair, when he got out of the car and looked the individuals square in the eye, you could feel the connectivity, the love. there is an idea you can't be a leader and love. i think you're going to see that from donald trump because he loves this country. lou: he does, and as he demonstrated over a year and a half of campaigning, he loves people. i don't think that has always been the case, and without bringing in comparisons, the fact that he is putting americans first, i think there must be millions of people who are utterly shocked and some of them may be his supporters. to hear a president say it's america first, and if you are among those who have been
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forgotten by the establishment by the orthodoxies of both parties, no more. donald trump is here and donald trump means to lead and he means to succeed. >> and he said we all salute the same american flag, and he made a shoutout to the military and the law enforcement officers saying this they know well that we all bleed the same red blood of patriotism. and when he talked about prejudice, he said that we come together with patriotism and there's no room in our heart for prejudice. and that was a message i think will resonate with the american people. lou: donald trump, president donald j. trump amazed many people with the language he said. he said another word in an interesting way, that may, again, surprise millions of americans. we'll be taking that up with gayle and with randy as we continue our coverage of the inaugural parade now, the
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inaugural parade of the 45th president of the united states. we'll be right back. okay, well, i'm told we're not going to go break, and i would dearly appreciate knowing what you would like to do next as we cover this parade. randy, that word i was mentioning was god. and he as gayle suggested, talking about -- talking about being protected by our great military and our great law enforcement officers, and by the way, the law enforcement officers of this country now have a champion without question. >> right. lou: there will be no more war on law enforcement in this country. there will be law and order. donald trump has made that very clear. but also took great care and a serious moment to note we will also be protected by god. >> it was a fundamental recognition by him, that our founding fathers recognize that
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it was a creator that endowed us with inalienable rights which we voluntarily granted back to the government. who did he say was now going to be in charge? who was going to report to who? we report to the politicians or now as government our government politicians, are they going to report to the people? he made it clear what the priority is. government is at the low end of the spectrum. it will report to the people, and we report to our god who will protect the entire country. i think he put that eloquently and beautifully. but i also thought he sounded a to people whether in detroit or nebraska. if your kids aren't going to the school they should go to. if you don't have a job that you need. we're not going to give you a check, we're going to give you a chance at the american dream. he pledged, that you could tell it's a pledge from his heart and i think he'll honor. at the end of his presidency, there will be many people who
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will say, i got a chance, not another check. lou: i think that's well, well put, randy, and gayle, this is such a majestic scene, it is such a wonderful moment. i've also heard a lot of people talking about the peaceful transfer of power. as if my god they thought this was going to be a day of violence. it is a peculiar attitude and mind-set on the part of the national liberal media that that would be their takeaway from the glorious moments. your thoughts. >> interesting what you were saying about the idea that it's the government of the people or the people at the behest of the government. and i contrast that with chuck schumer's speech. he talked about sacrifice, he talked about shared sacrifice. if you look at actual words of the speech, i think we would all agree with what he said. he has a different meaning when he says it. he says the people should sacrifice on behalf of the government and the government's power.
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lou: i'm going to reserve myself if i may from any agreement -- [laughter] >> the black text of the words. lou: by the way, we should point out chuck schumer was roundly booed in the speech. and i believe that is the only -- i don't recall another instance of booing in the entire -- >> nancy pelosi got a little. >> that's right, she did. lou: how could do i that? my apologies to the minority leader. we're coming right back with randy evans and gayle trotter. we are covering the inaugural of the 45th president of the united states, donald j. trump. we're coming right back. stay with us. [vo] quickbooks introduces rodney.
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. lou: we're coming to you live from washington, d.c. can you probably tell that with that pretty fancy backdrop we have on this, the inaugural of the 45th president of the united states. on capitol hill, the senate is right now voting on general james mattis to confirm him as secretary of defense. they'll be voting as well on the nomination of general john kelly to be secretary of the department of homeland security. majority leader, mitch mcconnell, saying he hopes to
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then debate michael pompeo this evening, and perhaps confirm him as the director of the central intelligence agency later this evening. senate democrats for their part may not have the votes to derail any of president trump's cabinet nominees but can hold up and delay and frustrate the president by, well, by a day or two, requiring an intervening procedural vote or two. we'll see how that works out. joining me is michelle malkin, host of michelle malkin investigates on, and on top of everything else she does, writing best-sellers, great to have you with us. >> great to be with you on this great day. lou: this is remarkable. by the way, we're looking here at pictures of the white house where the president and first lady are expected to return
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from the -- the reviewing stand as the parade wraps up. that is expected around 6:00. this special day, this special moment in our history. i want to get first your reaction because so many of these issues are issues that you and i -- what we reported on and worked on for a very long time. your reaction to this president's speech. >> i want to talk about an overarching point, and one of the animating principles of this president and this candidate and it's the line where he talked about uniting around patriotism, and when you embrace patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. lou: a wonderful line, perhaps the best line. >> it is. because it speaks to the heart and soul of what donald j. trump is about. you don't have to scratch your head to figure out what this man is about. he loves this country.
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he's unapologetic about it, and it stands in stark contrast to the transnationalists and the globalists who have ruled with an iron fist at 1600 pennsylvania avenue for the last eight years. people for whom identity politics has been the coin, the poisonous, poisonous rhetoric at demagoguery and ideology thatas split america apart. you want to talk aut healing. that was a healing moment. that spoke to every person who rejects the hyphenation of our culture. lou: and also, michelle, i think you will agree with me on this, that when he spoke of putting america first, declaring from this day forward, we'll put america first. it is -- and the reaction to it, amongst the national left-wing media almost
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instantaneously, annotation and analysis. >> that's right. lou: my gosh, that is horrible, violent language. >> yes. lou: the very idea america could be first. as if the same people don't put their families first, but still bring in guests, they have relations with their community and their nation. >> yes. lou: america first. there should be nothing about that whatsoever that is controversial, or from which there should be any dissent by any americans. >> that's right. why has it been considered shameful to use those three words, put america first? well, when we're talking about the left-wing media, academic institutions, all the way down to really the elementary school level, and the sabotage and the emotion of a common american civic culture. that's what we're restoring now. it's not about transformation.
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it's about restoration. lou: and as we think about america first now and going to your point, in the speech he says if you truly embrace this nation and you are a patriot. there can be no room whatsoever for prejudice. for being anything less than an american. >> yes. lou: and for america to be returned to primacy. group and identity politics have been proved in the most, the most failed element of the ideology that held or e last eight years. >> that's right. >> and look at the pathetic, passive aggressive snit response from chuck schumer, the barbs he took on the podium at donald trump and the ideas that transgendrace and gender and ethnicity and the boxes.
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listen to chuck schumer when he rejected the idea of assimilation and talked about this false narrative that we all, and he included himself in all of these democrats who have been so divisive. we all believe in american exceptionalism and wagging his finger that somehow it's we who have been divisive because we cherish the idea of the privilege of citizenship in this country. these are the people who blurred those lines and undermined our safety, our sovereignty and culture. lou: you are kind, in my opinion, when you say blurred. >> yes. lou: they have distorted. they have absolutely conflated legal and illegal immigration. they have distorted both our values and the direction of the nation, and donald trump today, president trump putting forward the clear statement that this is a nation that will reach its destiny, and he means with
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every breath he has to make certain that we achieve that destiny. >> that's right, and the policies will follow from the rhetoric and the principle, and this means withdrawing and renegotiating those awful trade deals that republicans, so many of them, these establishment republicans went along with them. capitulating on, enforcing borders and gotting not only the funding for the cities but holding them accountable for defying american law. lou: this is the president and the first lady moving through the viewing stand, and taking their place on what is a -- it's a cool evening here in washington, d.c., but i suspect our president and the first lady are feeling very warm tonight. this is what they have worked so hard for this.
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president said he has outworked any candidate in history. i will tell you he has certainly outworked any candidate in my knowledge or memory at any level over the course of my career. it has been spectacular, and what is wonderous about this man is people still don't get the fact he means what he says. he says what he means. there's no cuter, clever by half approach on his part to anything. people beg for nuance, they want to avoid the sharp edges of truths spoken, and donald trump will not, not in any way compromise on his language. some people call it blatant, i call it clarity. >> and the fog of washington speak has lifted, thank god. lou: even as the rain persists
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and it was great to hear reverend graham today say that this rain is remind us biblically that this rain is a blessing and aughers better times, a wonderful, wonderful presage to everything that trump has promised and is delivering well before he took the oath of office. by the way, young barron trump, he's 10 years old, the president and first lady's son there, he is just kind of gently and over the course of a few hours, he's getting a little more comfortable, i think, with all of this public exposure. >> i think so, i think some of the initial waves were awkward. but i have to credit this whole family with the dignity and the grace with which they have faced so many of the slings and arrows of being in public life, ivanka especially and all of the viciousness she faced from so much of elite new york
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culture, and as a mother, my heart went out to her about what happened on the plane, and this is not going to end, you know. we've seen with a lot of the criminal element over the past day. this is what these people do. this is how they're employed. >> this family, during the signing ceremony, as the president was signing the various orders that had to be carried out for his security and that of his family and handing out the pens to everyone from the congressional senate leadership as well as his family, that the small children of ivanka, of all of the trumps, at one point or another were to his right side, and they were all so comfortable in the moment with their grandfather. it was just a splendid scene to witness, and again, i think
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represents, you know, just a wonderful image to a country who really are ready to embrace this family. the disrupters, the dissenters, and the protesters, you know, they may be a part of next four to eight years, but they are really going to take their place in proportion because there are very few of them. and the national left-wing media made them seem much larger than they are, with the narratives that they explore and carry out on the air. it's repugnant what the national left-wing media has done. >> yes. >> and i think the great penalty will be in the marketplace. they'll continue to diminish themselves, and so be it. >> yes, that's right, and in so many ways, the left-wing media, which is simpatico coddled and enabled them justs at democratic leaders did. they have held donald j. trump
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accountable for every last random tweet of so many of the groups which operated with not only left-wing billionaire george soros' money, but taxpayer funded and never been called out for. this is so wonderf to see all of these bands and you think about all of the ostracism that many faced in the parade themselves. it is ridiculous to think that it's an act of heroism to participate in a historic event. a credit to the fans and participants of the parade. look at the salute. it's wonderful, isn't it? lou: that salute is as correct as it can be. straight, the wrist is not broken at all. it is a wonderful thing to see. his first salute to the officer at the bottom of the steps as he came off of what was then, i guess it was special mission
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one as he and his family arrived at andrews from new york city. he was in a c-32. that's the military designation for the aircraft. >> yes. lou: but that aircraft, i should mention, as we watch this wonderful parade, is the same aircraft that he owns. a 757 is the designation of the civilian version, but if i don't offend him, an upgrade if you will. >> that's right. lou: and he's going to have to get used to that. that is the color scheme of all of the presidential fleet, and just amazing. so we're going to bring in, if we may now, the president of the family research council, tony perkins, tony, great to have you with us.
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to their faith. i do believe that god will bless america. >> i think we had been blessed to survive what we had had to contend with. for lots of folks. i think we are on the way i like the way that you are describing a righteous path forward. this is also president who made no part of that in the speech. i have to say live certain people saluting there's not
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just hope that america can be great again there is a true belief that america can be great we talk about respect for law enforcement at the capital with some of the police officers you can see even a sense among them that there was a return to law and order only spoke to that. laid out just as he have. so often when a politician gets to this level they start backing away from the very promises that they made. as he started talking about the politicians time to act. i saw some of them. i think he is going to make them work to make congress
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deliver. >> some people may have to learn the hard way. in the form of the democratic leadership they may have to learn the hard way going forward on how to deal with these issues he means to succeed. there is no other option on the table. and i think it's one of the curious things to me. people continue after all of this time after we are celebrating they continue to underestimate donald trump i have not understood that failure resct him fro the moment he entered the race. i understand that people have different choices for the nomination of the republican party. i different choice for
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president. it's what he said earlier. >> a year ago i sat in his office i was not supportive at that time. i did not necessarily mean to that to be true. he's gonna do what he said he was. but the things that he said very much inside was a republican platform i think you can get it done. that's refreshing. it's refreshing to see a man of action scene before the american people as a new president and speak about what they will do what he will deliver and he did show today with a refreshing absence in
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his speech. he talked about the people in the nation what we will a tree together. the destiny that we will reach together. the first person singular has been so rare. in a public address. i think the nation has to appreciate that greatly. one of the other things that stuck out in his speech as he talked about radical islamic were not just to go find them we will wipe will wipe them off the face of the earth. clear in his language. that moment when i heard him say that where they are and when they heard that that they believed them. he's going to do just that. it's been the first time that a present i'm trying to
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think back. they had been absent from the public despite the fact that it occurred. eight of them republican they have not only named the enemy but declared that the enemy will be wiped up the face of the earth. it is straightforward language. there won't be any deferral on the objective he made that very clear. as we wrap up here. your thought about it. your take on the day in this
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president and this beginning. >> it's been a great day. i have the privilege of being at the candlelight dinner. this president surrounded himself with many different types of people is not afraid to allow religious freedom back into the public square. that is can be weird and have a ball tonight as we celebrate america think so much. the former chairman of the house intelligence committee great to have you here.
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even boosting the brand-new president for a long time he took on the republicans in the democrats. he talked about the power in this nation. he served notice in his inaugural. you can see how hard the swamp is fighting back. as you would a sane today we talked about we we are here to represent that. it's exactly what the people wanted to hear they want to live in in addressing the fear
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a middle class that is strong. i think it would agree that is where the dream resides. >> they won't believe that they will have better lives. donald trump needs to reverse that. >> 1969 i marched in a parade. it was an amazing experience and it's an amazing day every four years. and today they noted a couple
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miles away i have to ask you what instrument did you play is a nice instrument. this is such a remarkable day. such rarkable journey here he announced that he was in a run for president in the 16th of june. and every turn he was underestimated. he is smarter and harder working than any of his competition. we've had 16 months there were
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some new excitement with donald trump but very subtle. other than you're looking at president obama is not present anymore. it's a beautiful process to watch. it's also a new reality that this president will certainly without question will make one of the greatest presidents in modern history. i further believe that if he had been elected they would've continued on a path as a nation and the damage would have been irreversible. greater spending. what would've happened with the economy. one of in one of the things that really attracted me to donald trump was his
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foreign-policy. where are we winning. we had fallen back everything the one of those areas. in all of that i have to say the national left-wing media they acted like a chorus rather than a watchdog. and rather than holding to account the consequences of policy choices it was as if there is nothing that could be said that was negative about what was so instructive whether it be libya the genocide of christians. 500,000 people have estimated. in this president has taken it
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all on. they make great sacrifices. with absolutely no need for power he is one of the few president who is taking a pay cut. on that in and of itself as well for the future it's a matter of considerable region. to see this man stand up there and give up so much to serve the american people and he's going to have to have a challenge from republicans and democrats. i think he will be proposing policies. that the american people support him on with a good number of the democrats and republicans. has serious do you think the
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opposition is. paul ryan, the speaker. do they want to be that far on the wrong side of that. i think you and i would talk about that earlier. how are we can make america great again we can do the job if they're not in their office. and he is an extraordinary talent in terms of the parliamentary role that he holds but at the same time he is opposed as a member and a
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senior member of the republican establishment i hope that he understands clearly this president there can have to he also beat the establishment policies i never thought i would hear this from a republican administration i voted against south korea and each one of those votes from my little placeeronhe air i opposed each one also i
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was listening to you these free trade agreements each one of them was far from that. they were giveaways by the united states. they have wanted to squander into political advantage in what they pursued with the very people who's roof we were sitting on. the business roundtable. and they were never free trade hundreds if not thousands of a blank piece of paper with a zero on both sides. the reality is here. they identify the message
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clearly without any nuance how unfair this trade agreements were the victims of this trade agreements the middle class these are the people that he was speaking to and michigan. in one. that was george hw bush. winning his first turn and showed how it's done. and for the first time a republican party is represented by a president who is for the people. and how long it's taken for the republican party to open its arms they're not going to
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be able to push the agenda. paul ryan for client out loud keeps trying to push a better way agenda and as if it is some sort of substitute or complement to the president they did not. in the district did. this is the president of the united states. it will be his agenda as always it is great to see you. >> great to be here. >> thank you. lou: ebony williams is joining me here now where are you ebony. of course.
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really enjoyed spending the day out with the people of the dc. the people of america as you can imagine i have to ask you this. about some of the president's speech. as if there is a liberal west wing. that they cannot escape. they see very married to a particular narrative. one for me that's unfortunate. i will tell you why. what i am is an american and someone who can always root for their country. that's what it is.
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when i hear president trump talk about that. you are going to be out the door. i heard something that made me feel at least hopeful around the possibility that we might be turning a new page on an old washington. the media as we get more used to that they will be willing to give a new narrative a chance. we also had to be clear about this. and then in the case of that. they are globalist. and have been such to the detriment of opening their
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mind that their other directions it is interesting that there is such a unorthodox plan in this town and the way in which they have moved their money. for the groups in congress. the damage in the danger of it all. they've been front and center for some time. they have to focus and set the agenda he did so with the messaging.
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and here we are. between the globalist and those who are american nationalists. it's nationalist. it's going to be quite a battle. it made a lot of people uncomfortable today. which is really the notion. whether they were able to benefit and the policies they head in place. they had been prosperous. the average american has not and they have not shared in that. not. so he is saying that in lieu of the detriment of the american people is elected to put those interests first and you could have heard a pin drop. what you have's is president
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trump really calling those people out. he is calling out people that have been the good of prosperity and the growth of american everyday citizens in lieu of their own fat pockets. personally i was excited to hear it. i think everyone should of been understood the message. there is such a thing as putting america first. it is a strange point that we had reached as a nation for the very idea of same america first in something that is politically incorrect. and that is a shame we head over the course of time allowed our schools the dick k
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and to become in desperate need of repair. our public schools in our roads in our highways in our airports we are no longer the leader of the world in our infrastructure, education the great equalizer in our society. .-ellipsis republican president who is being vilified in the country and formally by the right as well. they are speaking truth. we are talking about the pulling back of the curtain. it has really protected all of
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these establishments. pulling back the curtain and having the leaders of congress the leaders of the senate sitting on that platform with him as he's taking his oath of office and then speaking at the american people in his inaugural address those were all of the people that he was describing. they are the people responsible for what has been a squandering of wealth. i don't think there's any argument about that. in the conflicts in which we participated. you may argue the ways that we had chosen to trade goods and services. we have run 40 consecutive years of trade deficits. almost $20 trillion.
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in a very difficult challenge. as to how to reduce federal spending into bring both our choices into clear contrast. into do so with the media that too often for ecological reasons. declares a politician to be an enemy of the state because he or she disagrees with the or the art orthodoxy that is contributing overall. and in many ways the society we still as this president talks about this is the republican president taking on the issue and that challenge is no other republican president has.
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into the previous democratic president claire he needs to succeed and to change lives for the better for all americans. there has been a lot of controversy within certain communities. with an intention to make change there. in various ways they are very excited to see the republican candidate having the dialogue in the conversation i personally am not interested in that back and forth i'm excited to assess president trump on his ability to head success about the challenges he has put out there. and because i am someone that
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will root for the success of the american people i'm not interested in that. my efforts, support and interest on the results. voucher programs. anything there. the list goes on. those are specific areas where we can see deliberate economic growth. like we might have never seen before. let's get this going and get this president to work. right after we finished the celebration we will permit him that. i just want to tell everybody that general james mattis has
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been confirmed as secretary of the department of success. the vote was absent from the vote. it was entirely -- entirely expected. the ambassador to the united nations john bolton. america first is official. this is a statement that i think the overwhelming majority of americans agree with. what else is it supposed to do. into say it some people find it offensive i find it hard to believe. is a national left wing media it is also interesting to me to think that it could be considered that it is politically incorrect i've
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launched some of the academics suggesting that it is echoes of charles lindbergh. by my account that would take us almost like a century. most people listening and watching us they don't even know he really is. it's mind-boggling that it could be anyway controversial. there has never been a hint of anti- sent to ms. them. >> here is my clincher for this. in 2008 john mccain a man who i have the most person -- profound respect john mccain and his campaign slogan was
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country first. what country do they think he was talking about. i think it speaks today the fundal dutchman the fundamental way. they have problems we know that. what i thought was a most inspired parts of the speech where trump said when loyalty to countries we felt more loyalty to each other. and as a one nation kind of approach. it is an insight and by the way it is a description of this nation through 200 years of this history. it's only a blank that they had grown up and try to disassociate any citizen from another weather be because of race, creed or color for the
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founding documents. >> the success of this country as we have taken people from all over the world and we have made them americans. that is out of fashion now. so bad that al gore actually translated the reverse out. this is a critical point. i did the people that supported trump they are tired of being divided. they feel patriotism for their country. you can see in the crowd reaction. i think he has tapped a very important they had thought. he has at the same time put america first talking about radical islam the president of the united states.
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this is the first president and 16 years to use the words and 16 years this is a your jolting moment for many americans to here president actually name the enemy of western civilization. the problem with the golden war on terrorism is that it was nonspecific. but we work in a campaign against the irish republican army. we work in a campaign about the separatist group. were going after the people that have committed september 11. he is comrade in arms. he never had any problem identified that the phone was in ideology. it has grown to be much more than that now. the enemy is a broadly in the islamic state.
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the gains that were played at various points in the leaders with the islamic state why do they play these cute little games. the men were looking at right now is not going to play cute word games. he's not going to use nuance possibly failure. i think that's important. another thing that motivated obama and hillary clinton was content for the working people. when you say radical islam they were afraidhat ey can get the word radical. this is a key point. his administration did not use the expression either. they were every bit as patronizing. i think it was a
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condensation. the good news is donald trump has arrived. i think they made a rhetorical mistake. they have the content. i think it's important now. we have a president who is not only afraid to save it he's put it in his inaugural address. and in four years he's going to be held for that. i think he welcomes it. i know because he stands there that the american people welcome this leader who is not taking shortcuts with his intentions is not taking shortcuts to create an excuse. he wants to do it as ever in the interest of this nation. and he means to represent all
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americans there's going to be the contest in the intercity. to have a republican president who is bringing policies to support people who have been collateral damage. in the battle between the left in the right. in the nine neglect on the part of the left who have an even higher responsibility because those folks in the intercity where their constituents. i really have a sense that trump isn't activist president and he doesn't use the language maybe never. it is a same sort of enthusiasm that conservative republicans should go after all of the minority communities. this is a source of strength for the country if they could liberated from that. the power structure in the
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minority communities in this country. the great responsibility on the part of the leaders. there has to be upward mobility. immense potential. now two generations. just given the general optimism in the business community that they now have a president who understands what it takes to be successful that were on the verge of an outburst of economic activity. to try to increase employment and it's by the right measure. people report it's completely blown. to get people back they can
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watch it tonight. the percentage of the workforce is there. nobody else reports. that was my point entirely. let's talk also this president who has been the left. and maybe on the right tracy use the straightforward language against him saint he wasn't nuanced enough. if they look back to his initial comments he's talking about effectively rebalancing and nato. what they had cut.
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and from the 19th century. they really had tried to destroy who he is in the policies. it's going to be rebalanced and repurposed. i will rejuvenate all of the alliances. they were reporting a few days ago those who have been looking at that. they are obsolete. a year ago saying that it should be repurposed for in the war against radical islamist. to implement that element quietly. he doesn't do it right. he can't say it right. let's take the critical issue that he race.
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they get the nato come countries to spend more. and it has failed consistently. i'm not questioning the efforts of the people and allies. they haven't succeeded. when the allies are not responding to you have to try to find a new way to communicate with it. i think they want a strong nato. it also included a very important line that we will not be imposing the well. with many of the foreign policy establishment quaking in their boots.
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the welcome words. when he was secretary of state at the famous july 4 speech. america is the well wisher vitamin independence for everybody. we protect ourselves and wish the others while. it is a definition of american interest that returns to more traditional approaches. it doesn't mean we don't have strong alliances. it doesn't mean we don't go after rogue states but were going to do this in our interests. we will have a sound policy so nato is redirected and that seems to be like that.
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they have defended the lives. we would not defend our own borders. there will be border security and there will be interior enforcement. it's part of the unwillingness to admit that we have a global terrorist threat. to meet the critical aspect is you now understand that. and i think on immigration when i were not to see any more efforts. i was part of the reagan administration. it didn't work. it's been tried several times since then. what we should do is get control of the border. it's not worth talking about.
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it is not an accident that has become a blurry subject. and a means. it will persist because it's in the convenient interest mainly corporate america i think some of that has been observed correctly. it was less in terms from the bigger or lesser in government. what kind of country do you want. are we at the mercy of the rest of the world. we can govern ourselves.
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thank you liberal elite. >> eloquently said. it's now the government of the people. startling change. the ambassador john bolton. the opinion editor. give a headline for today. >> it would be donald trump double down on his campaign. in all of his campaign promises. i agree with those who say that they probably did not win over any new supporters with
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his inaugural address today. but it was a very unifying speech. he walked into washington and said just because i'm in washington i'm not going to lay down my arms. i'm not going to give up on the campaign promises that i made. it was a toughest speech no doubt about it and as you know there are a lot of people in washington who are. comfortable by it. everybody sitting up there it was very and control. and not donald trump's fault. he is not to go for the false in the and give some rhetori about how were altogether. i think he actually wants to accomplish some things and he listed those that you want to accomplish once again his campaign was all about issues.
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as much as anybody out there. it was all about the most important issues that affect americans. when he talked about returning this government to the people and he working in a servant of the people there voice i looked around the folks on the platform behind him as if they did not get an advance many of them republican as well. choking on the air that was getting a little rare at that point. he said clearly we're gonna get this done and whichever side you happen to be on you to be falling in the interests of the american people and
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they're going to be primary not k street and that's a ways can be. it was magic for me. i am a bit of a populace. it really wasn't was directed. every bit as mitch to democrats. ) is no small part of why he is such a powerful political figure at this point. i love the line when he said both sides of the aisle was talk about the peaceful transfer of power. he really sort of jabbed them when now was the time for peaceful transition of power. that was a veryrovocative thing to say.
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i found myself up in my fist when i heard him say that. the republican strategist. mercedes, great to have you. and what a day. >> i guess he's getting pretty anxious to get to the ball. your thoughts as were talking about this wonderful moment populace passion and the president's speech. >> there was so much meat in that speech. it spoke to the heart of the american people. he was saying i have the sustained establishment that has been protected time and time again and didn't protect you and that was a message directed not only to president obama to the democrats and the country republicans. i could just picture the individuals at home listening
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to him and saying he stands for me and i think that was incredibly powerful. the republicans on the stand they really were doing that. there was a physical response was obviously constrained. but it was there and it was the beginning of a process. the senate voted 88-11 to confirm general john kelly as a secretary of the department of homeland security so donald trump now has two confirm to help him run this government more expected mike pompeo the director of the cia his name may be taken up by the senate this evening. in the boat this evening. we will keep you posted on that as well.
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charlie let me turn to you on this president and what he is contending with it should be a straightforward thing he has a majority in the senatend then we he marco rubio say he's gonna be the counterweight to donald trump. is there anyway we can get medical attention to the senator from florida what in the world could he possibly be thinking. >> what of my favorite facets was when rex tillerson was before the senate committee and marco rubio demanded that he call vladimir putin a war criminal. the argument that he made we must always be distrustful of them. but we want to team up with
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them to fight isis which is a threat i think two americans but even more to freedom loving people around the world obviously. we see it again and again where they killed innocent people that just want to be free. what you had is a temper tantrum. all he wanted to do was make a political point and he didn't care what that might cost or anything like that but you have him he is thinking strategically. he wants to figure out how to use 70 might be not our ally exactly but find some common interests so that we can go after somebody who has our absolute enemy. and i find it so refreshing the way that he has gone through. each one of them had been that kind of strategic thinker specifically designed to reimagine each of the departments that they had been
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passed to run. marco rubio is diminishing himself in front of everyone he has to have some sort of self-destructive intent here maybe subconsciously him it's obvious to everyone else that he is making no sense and you cannot begin to make an exse for him. there is cearley some old ones there. the other point is he wasn't going to run for senate and now he ran again. trying to make a point. wants to be on the record being the tough guy and i think it's the unknown. it's the fact that this man was beaten to help in the primary this is not a man who
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is going to be contributing to the architecture of republican intellectual thought over the course of the next decade or two , let's be clear about that. what could be his possible motivation. >> there is still the tension between him and trump. he should really go by and do something productive my guess is that he will support rex tillerson and he will be confirmed. i think he wanted to be on the record on the tough guy. i think that is exactly what his strategy is. i think as a party and move forward and get them confirmed immediately. should there be any question about that on the part of that. when donald j trump is standing there.
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there will be the tension between the senators and the republican congressmen and donald trump. donald trump is going to drive the train. congress is not used to working there. they've held power over the senate in the house and had accomplished what, the repeal of obama care. it took donald j trump to show them how to win an election. >> i do think a lot of republicans are not learning as many of the lessons as they should learn from donald trump in terms of how you fight in terms of how you talk about these issues and the issues that are most important. one thing that i think is great is that donald trump has to work with both democrats
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articulated a problem. a statement of a man frankly not equipped with gift or talent to be competing with the president it and second last very long. >> as a matter of fact i don't do that. the fact of the matter is the american people and their interests are too large for anyone to play cute. they have a limited window. he needs to push through his agenda. in congress is a slow moving creature. here watching them start to move.
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i'm going to contend with the both of you on this. i believe that donald trump is bringing trump time to washington dc even as he drained the swamp. that it will be accepted placing their confidence in the wrong place. i think you're exactly right. that's why they're watching this right now. we can't even be completely obstructionist across the board. you can't be seen blocking amazing nominees.
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we have to get in line and show at least some support for his best nominee. that's what's going on right now already. i have to occasionally anchor myself back to this chair i'm so thrilled every time i look up and i see that dreams come true. i will confess impersonality on my part. but what would you think if you were a sitting democratic senator get booed at the inaugural and you think i've got to put up with this. that's good to be can be the man leading us. you can talk about an up a trade. but neither were a bargain because there can have to content. >> does not say much.
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war in pane inaugural speech since we got over the civil war? if this is supposed to be a unifying message, i didn't get it at all. lou: schumer has the capacity to father at times in his address. i can't imagine him marshaling any kinds of opposition that could be sustained. this president said i have taken the issues of wages, manufacturing, production and returning vitality to our economy, and by the way, for measure in, i will take fair trade as well and insist upon balanced trade and not the mercantilist policy of germany
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or any other trading partner. >> obama's message was that of globalism, pop borders. -- open borders. he went to the united nations saying this is the world we live in, globalism. accept it. it's the world we are living in. the american people stopped his agenda and made it clear it's no longer globalism and open boredders. -- open borders. lou: i hope you and matt have a special timecelebrating donald j. trump. charlie hurt, will you stay with me, please? i want to bring in another couple folks and talk to you on a point or two. we are joined now by contributor
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talk show host tammy bruce. good to have you with us. we are talking about stopping donald trump on the part of the democratic party. they have some uphill work to do because donald trump has affixed himself -- there is general james mattis who is the defense secretary as of today, having been confirmed just about an hour ago, talking with the president of the united states. the first lady to the other side of the general. tammy bruce, let's take up this issue of taking on donald trump. he has afixed himself to the interests of the american people so precisely and so completely today in his address and his campaign. when you take on donald trump, you are as of today taking on
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the american people. president trump saluting. tammy, your thoughts. >> the imagery today has been magnificent. everyone has held their positions person effectually. they are not just reply playing -- they are not just playing the part, they are the part. by attacking donald trump, the democrats have been using him as a proxy to attack the american people. someone on twitter was very smart saying the democrats didn't mind losing to a billionaire. they did mind losing to wal-mart greeters. they have got to save themselves. the fact that they can't even grasp that at this point indicates how far removed they are from what's important for
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the country itself. this is a great day. you have got a fabulous cabinet coming in. obviously a president and vice president that care deeply for the country. they are going to deliver. these men and their cabinet are going to deliver immediately on the economy. i think people will be quite surprised when they see what can happen when you mean well, when you like the country, and you want to succeed. >> there is the argument to be had and i will make it that some of that great pleasure has been expressed in the marketplace. these markets up significantly since the election, as you know, tammy. this is an interesting time in which as we listen to what tammy has said which is correct. as the democratic party falls away a bit. republican opposition to this president i think will also fall
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away. i'm not as convinced on the opposition of messers mcconnell and ryan. i think donald trump can overcome their obstructionism. >> if we didn't learn anything else from today, we learned donald trump is not done with his campaign. he's going to take that campaign into states, into districts where both republicans and democrats -- 10 democrats from states up for reelection in two years. from states that donald trump won. and he's going to take those issues to those places and put i mince pressure on those senators, and he will do it with
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house members as well. i think -- i think it will wind up being very, very effective in terms of getting his agenda through congress. lou: to that end, tammy, this president has been president for a little over six hours. he already has the campaign slogan for his campaign for a second term which is, keep america great. now, if anyone wanted to test his acute intellectually, i think that answers everything you need to know. this man is a political genius, and people who talk about his instincts and intuition are missing the point. the man is there superior intellectually. >> he also is their superior in experience. he knows what it's like to deliver. he knows about products. about what it takes.
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we have seen it when it comes to timing, when it comes to budgets. not just with his businesses but with what he has been doing since he got election itself as the president-elect. so this is a man unlike many people in washington who maybe they used to be business people, but they have been in washington for decade and lost touch with actually delivering products as they gaze at their navel. this man has been gazing at the american people. lou: donald trump and the first lady leaving the viewing stand. they are scheduled to return to -- in a more correct sense, to go to the white house for the first time as president and first lady. and they were originally scheduled -- the estimated time of their arrival to get a sense of how close they are running to time. about 33 minute ago they were
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supposed to have been at the white house. which as these things go, this isn't bad. this isn't far off. donald trump twice that and more being late for a speech on the campaign trail. so he moved things up a bit. charlie, the idea that this new era begins now, how quickly do you expect him to move on the executive orders? many people talked about that he will go straight to the white house and sit down at the oval office desk and start writing executive orders. >> i know from inside the incoming administration, donald trump was frustrated that the inauguration fell on a friday. he would have wrath i are it fell on a weekday or sunday so he could have gone the work at 6:00 a.m. the following day.
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he's frustrated he has to cool his heels for two days. i think all the low-hanging fruit he's going to pick. and those will be the executive orders. watching the way he behaved since the election and now, he's just been on fire. and to the point that the's sort of overshadowed the actual sitting president in so many ways. i think he will have on many different levels, he will begin the process of taking on small things, all the way up to the biggest things there are like repealing and replacing obamacare. lou: tammy, we watched the news of two stealth fighters, b-2s dropping bombs on the islamic state in syria, 100 fighters
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killed. it turns out al qaeda killed as ll. this is -- is this a mission that the president is suggesting will continue apace from the final day of barack obama as president through his first day as president? >> i think that in attacking isis, he made it a cornerstone of his speech which means he knows he has to deliver on that. he intend to. this is clear for him. at the same time i think he will do it a bit better. we dropped 108 bombs, then we had to clean it up with a drone fighter and we only got 100 booed -- bad guys. i don't know how much a bomb costs coming out of a b-2. when donald trump deals with the enemy will be it will probably be done under binlt and ahead of time. but i also look forward to the
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fact that everything he said in that speech was setting a mark knowing he would have to deliver and the american people appreciated that. people said it was dark or sad. the fact of the matter is it was appreciated because the american people can handle the truth. lou: that's an excellent point, tammy. to that point i want to add, these news organizations that have chosen to interpret anything, anything that our new president said in his inaugural speech as dark are extraordinary people because they managed tote home pages of their websites and the first segments of their television shows and banner it across their print publications. and we appreciate you graciously
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declaring your flag and true colors, all of you. unfortunately they missed the story begin. charlie hurt never misses a story, nor tammy bruce. we apprecie so much you helping us celebrate this nderful day in america. donald trump sending a message to the rest of the world in this inaugural address. we assembling here today are issuing a decree to be heard in every city, every foreign capital and every hall of power. from this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. from this day forward, it's going to be only america first. america first. lou: america first. former advisor to prime minister
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david come ran steven j. hillman joins me next as donald trump becomes the 45th president of the united states. is there an elk in your bed? with sleep number, there's an adjustment for that. tilt your tormentor and put those snores to sleep. does your bed do that? come into a sleep number store where the queen c4 mattress is now $1199. it's a no brainer.
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lou: joining me now, former senior advisor to u.k. advisor, steve hilton joining us. this as inaugurals go, is a blockbuster. the national liberal media -- i'll be generous and not call them left wing -- are clucking. i have done something terrible. they all sound a little like 19th century tories reaching for their snuff boxes and aghast the president of the united states in this inaugural would be so direct, straightforward and talk about the american people as the foundation of everything we are as a nation. >> unbelievable. >> that's why this address was so shock. baits was so different from the usual blah, blah, blah from all
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politicians from all parties it was simple, blunt, direct, and revolutionary. that is the reality of the difference between where he's coming from, which is on the side of people who have had enough of the same old system and want big change, and all the people you described. earlier you used the word extraordinary. that's generous, too. the fact is their lives are fine. the people you are talking about. the media and the establishment. the schools their kids go to are fine. their neighborhoods don't have crime. their incomes aren't falling. their lives are really great. what you have seen to use a word that they would relate to is this colossal failure of empathy for the establishment for the lives of half the country who haven't seen the economic benefit they have, and whose lives are really tough. trump speaks to those people.
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lou: he's already been identified, and this must drive truly organized labor, the left thing about this country, the quote-unquote socialist, that's because he has a better connection and it can be underand tested empirically in a number of ways. but he has a far better connection with the middle class, those who aspire to the middle class, than any one of those folks. they represent their traditional constituency. and a group of people the republicans would not have deigned to talk about in serious policy terms. >> i remember being struck in the summer 2015 when he first got into the race and people all over the establishment were literally laughing at him.
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i remember being struck by one of those televised focus groups and the working people you are talking about, one of them said why they were going to support him, because it's one of us. a billionaire from new york, he's one of us. lou: building a wall. stopping illegal immigration. speaking to the pain that's been caused forward millions of americans for illegal immigration. their jobs being you planted in favor of foreign labor that is cheaper or more accessible. it's as if there was no conscience for corporate america. the pain was there and has been for a decade and a half. >> that's why this isn't a partisan point. it's been thrunld democrats and republicans. that's why you need an outsider to shake things up. now he has to do it and that's the big chlenge.
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but that was a serious statement of intent today. lou: you get the sense that that fella is look forward to it and can't wait to get to work. i didn't hear one moment that can be interpreted as doubt anywhere in his expression. people talk about nuance. i look for sign and doubt. there was not an iota of doubt in anything he said. the fact that we have got the national liberal media in this country describing what he said as blunt and they might as a pejorative. >> they don't understand what government is really like and what's gone wrong with it. it's that thank you understand and shading everything into gray and saying everything is so complicated. that's what built up over the years and resulted in the system in the economy and government
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all over the place that's failing people. what you really need is someone to cut through. lou: speaking of that. we know how complex foreign policy is and national trade is. this our new president. so if we could hear the president address those issues right now. >> for many decade we enriched foreign industry at the expense of american industry. subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. we testified other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own. [cheers and applause] and spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while america's infrastructure
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has fallen into disrepair and decay. we have made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon. lou: he did not mention what's republican or democrat. he said we. and we for generations have part of that is generational. part of it is recent. that all of it failed american policy that cost you our wealth. we squandered so much. an put it straightforwardly. >> that's a really great example. probably the best example of how far things have gone wrong, that that is interpreted as a shocking statement for the newly elected democratic leader of a country saying i'm going to put our country first if.
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that shows how wrong it's all gone. >> and it's gone so wrong that there is a closed feedback loop for the left who were quite content to is mort realities. and those today who described in the national left-wing media, some of his speech is dark. that isn't dark, that is reality. that's a reality that has been ignored by the policy mairntion, the lawmakers, those in this town to solve problems, not perpetuate them, which is what they have done. >> that's exactly right. and their failure to understand that over such a long period. and talk about these issues and talk in general terms about how life will get better and they never get different. to appreciate what real people are going through. that's what's really shock.
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and they should be ashamed of that. it's so patronizing and condescending, and thank goodness, that's being swept away. lou: a new era begins. it's the trump era, and it's finally here. i know tens of millions of americans are excited. i know you and i jn them. a special day. thanks, steve. up next, donald trump says as president he will assume the awesome responsibility of eliminating one of america's and the world's greatest threats. >> we'll reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite civilized world against radical islamic terrorism. which we'll eradicate completely from the face of the earth.
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lou: the president of the united states just declared that we'll destroy radical islamic terrorism. who knew presidents could actually say the words "radical islamic." fred fleitz joins me here next to take that up as we continue our quoonch has been a special day one of the trump presidency. we are coming to you live from washington, d.c.
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my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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lou: ebony, i want to get your reaction to today amongst the many first that president trump can now claim as his is dealing with radical islam. but also saying that we are a nation protected by god. i think there are a lot of people in this country who really thought that our days of ever having a president who would acknowledge this is the nation that is protected by providence, by god almighty, and
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we have become an increasingly secular nation. donald j. trump taking us in a new direction with those comments. >> personally, i'm a woman of faith and i talk about it openly. i'm a believer. but i believe in first amendment rights to freedom of religion. i don't push that on anyone. what i liked in what president trump did, he talked about people whether they are in detroit other middle of america going to sleep at night under the pro tesks one higher power. he did it broadly in a way that didn't feel like he was i am peegd or enforcing anything down anyone's throat. lou: we appreciate it, and it's been a glorious day, thanks so much for being with us. earlier today the president assured all americans that they,
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that we, this nation, has nothing to fear. >> there shobe no fear. we are protected and we'll always be protected. we'll be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. and most importantly, we will be protected by god. lou: and joining me now, fred fleitz is senior vice president at the center for security and policy. great to have you here. it's so -- i would just say exciting to have a president of the united states be reassuring to the military to law enforcement who really to this point over the course of the past 8 years, those men and women in law enforcement in
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particular have felt the president's scorn rather than their support. >> it was refreshing. we have a president who was not obsessed with political correctness. as a conservative it's been frustrating listening to the jujitsu, politically correct language, especially on radical islam. it's important to name the threat. what a great administration. >> this is a president who says he is committed to our old alines and create new ones. that should reassure many people. but some people are suggesting this president has lacked sufficient nuance talking about nato, for example. talk can about the alines that should be in his judgment more direct and toward the war against radical islamists.
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>> trump is going to support nato. if there is some need for troops in syria or iraq, it can't be mostly americans. we have to have a nato contingent. nato has to be restructured to deal with conflicts of this era, nothe era of 50 years ago. lou: where he goes, the nation will surely follow. we are told the traditional honeymoon will be in effect. this is becoming critical because he has to go to europe to shore up the nato after he lines and reconstruct it and to insure at the same time that they are going to fully meet their obligations under the terms of their support, 2% of their budgets into nato. no president has succeeded to this point.
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lou: joining me now, fred barnes, fox news contributor and trump transition team member, jeff dewitt. west palm beach. what is wrong with you. this is the greatest day. you took a day off? >> i spent my whole day watching walk down pennsylvania avenue. this was such a unique day. he gave such a unique speech
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that was so different. 8 years ago president obama talked about creating a world without walls. that was his quote. a world without walls. that doesn't work. donald trump said something different. i think he's different from ronald reagan who said government was the problem, it wasn't the solution. donald trump wants to use government and help people in ways with -- to build bridges and we pair tunnels in a new space program and so on which makes him a different kind of conservative. a big government conservative. and that's what rules conservatism now. lou: it's interesting you say that. i want to bring in jeff in here on this who is joining us tonight. but he didn't talk about conservatives and liberals. he didn't talk about republicans and democrats. he served, i thought, a very
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strong notice that he's about solving problems. he is about insuring this nation reaches its destiny and that the american people, many of whom have been short changed, ignored and all together as he frequently remind us, forgotten will be forgotten no more. it was exhilarating for jeff to hear the president say. this is a country, a government run by its people. >> fred barnes brought up an interesting point which is the world without walls which summarizes obama's globalist agenda which stripped our country of manufacturing and jobs. what you saw in donald trump's speech today was over and over he said america first. that's what has got the rust belt on board and broke down the blue wall on november 8 was that we have to put america first, and every trade deal we done
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every decision we make has to put the american people first. lou: the left which i basically abhor, fred, is trying to make of this, this is a contest between globalists and nationalists, american economic nationalists, trying to distort what this president says when he talks about putting america first. it's not an exclusionary statement. he's he bit as much for international trade as he is for any other person. but he's not for trade that is one way. that benefit, for example, in the case of germany which runs a mercantilist trade policy. we do not have reciprocity in our trade policies and haven't for 0 years. the mayor -- haven't for 40
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years. the american people understand it won't be tolerated no matter how long the "new york times" and other news outlets support ways utterly unfair trade or as donald trump might put it, stupid trade or smart trade. a new era is upon us. >> i thought trump explained pretty well what he means by america first. he said for an american president and americans, we'll be concerned most about our own country. that means we'll be involved with the rest of the world, but they are not going to take advantage of the united states anymore. they will not take our jobs or money. they will not take money to build up their military at the expense of ours. i thought he explained that extremely well. lou: jeff, that contest between globalists and nationalists between the american people and the elitists, many of whom
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populate the establishment of both political parties, and certainly the bureaucracy of this town which in dreadful need of a draining. this is a new direction for this country. and was not even a moment, any sense that donald trump meant anything other than 100% of everything he said. >> that's what you saw in the inauguration speech, basically a up are you of the campaign speeches where he's saying he's going to deliver on everything he promised. that's the promise to the american people today. i woke up this morning like a little kid on christmas to get through today. i can't wait for the draining of the swamp to get started. >> this is even better than christmas. this is a republic that has just been saved by the outcome of that election. the presence of that particular
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fellow taking the oath of office, i believe it to the bone that he is the right man in historical terms at the very right time to save this nation. and, jeff, great to see you. i wish you all the very best. fred, good to see you. i have to say, i do envy the climate down there where you are this fine day. we'll celebrate for you up here. thanks so much. fred barnes. >> it's sunny down here. it's sunny up in washington today as well. lou: president trump vowed to bring back jobs and restore prosperity for all americans. >> the wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all
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across the world. but that is the past. and now we are looking only to the future. lou: trump campaign economic advisor, steve moore joins us next. we are coming you to live from our repatriated nation's capital. the people's government once again. thanks to donald trump sworn in as our nation's 45th president. let me say that one more time. president donald j. trump. we'll be right back. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals.
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lou: joining me now, trump's economic advisor, steve moore. in which the president laid out his values. his policies and the direction of this country on nearly every issue imaginable. >> i think the people in this town are suffering from cardiac arrest. we were talking off camera can you turn that elephant around and make it go in a different direction? i believe if he can pull this off he will go down as one of the great presidents in american history. sometimes eats people like that and spits them out. lou: i think this town has more than met it match in president trump. president trump said as clearly as can be said, that the
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american people are holding primacy and policy in he respect. i believe that is the reason that so many people supported him and he is the president of the united states. >> one of my favorite lines in the speech is when he talked about the forgotten man and woman. i traveled with donald trump and did events for him across the country. you to silicon valley and squall street, people say wha are people complaining about? it's when you go to michigan and ohio and michigan and illinois, people aren't feeling the love. but people here don't understand it because home here are getting rich. lou: you are a man of numbers. let's talk about the middle class which has shrunk. the middle class the net worth of which has diminished over the last 20. >> the reason donald trump
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wouldn't election was for 15 years under 8 years of bush and 7 1/2 years of obama. real wages and middle income of the median family in america has fallen. that is to say they are poorer than they were 15 years ago. that's the cause of the anger. lou: it am not a statistic. it's a fact of american life that we haven't felt since the great depression. >> except this town is in denial, that's my point. lou: to hell with this town. i proudly wear my credentials here because i want it to be understood by all, i am not -- this swamp, i don't want to be a part of. >> i'm with you on that. lou: donald trump is making it clear, jobs are going to americans. we are going to hire american. we are going to put america first and we are going to buy
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america. >> i love that message. it resonates well with the american people. lou: mr. is considerable irony that we are coming to you tonight from the roof of the chamber of commerce. the leading lobby for multi-nationals and corporate america. >> i believe in trade and the benefits of international trade. and i believe we've should put america first, every decision we make should be the metrics should be how is this going to affect the middle class, working class american. that's not something we thought about for the last 15 years. so you have to get back. the capitalist free market system isn't going to advance if people keep falling behind first and further. trump will be judged four years from now whether he can bring prosperity and development back to those areas that have not felt the prosperity of the last -- lou: he's the only candidate who
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talked with passion and confidence and assurance of infrastructure and the bridges that are decaying, whether you are talking about airports, highways, you name the infrastructure, this country is in trouble. if he is the only person who can speak to it and connect with the american people. >> what's exciting about this, donald trump in the effect 48-72 hours could start signing executive actions and get infrastructure projects started all over this country. the obvious example is the keystone xl pipeline. 10,000 people, middle class union jobs. barack obama held it up for 8 years. why? why what you deny america the project we need? there are 20 of those. lou: the issue for president trump now is straightforwardly.
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he wants to hire american. he wants that money to go not to mexican cement companies and portuguese labor. he wants to focus those projects on companies that will be hiring american, using american materials, and there are limitations to that. but it's part of the change, and i'm con if i didn't he will do it. >> here is where you and i differ. i believe if he does the tax bill helped design, does the deregulation, and promotes american energy, those jobs are coming back. i don't think we need to build walls of trade protectionism. i'm saying the main way to get these jobs back -- lou: you name one free trade agreement in which there is free trade where there are no barriers to trade for the united states. can you name one?
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there are none. >> i think on balance nafta has worked out pretty well. lou: that's a different statement. but it's not relevant to what i asked. the impediments are significant. >> i think we agree on trade. if we are going to have trade agreements we should do them in a bilateral way. lou: it's preposterous. this swawsm has been operating on this precipitation for some time. if you can't solve a problem, enlarge it. that's why you hear every one of these morons who pretends to be a wonk or have real policy knowledge. each one of them is enlarging the problem and they want to have a comprehensive solution. it has to be comprehensive trade and immigration. if you hear comprehensive,
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ladies and gentlemen. you have got someone trying to run something at you. >> people can't understand why something called free trade needs 3,000 pages. lou: you and i most answer to that. it's because it's not free trade. >> 4% growth for five years if donald trump pulls it off. that's the difference between going 20 miles an hour count highway. i'm so excited. i love that speech he gave today. if he can pull it off. if he gets the staff behind them and the congress behind them. this is going to be a great period of prosperity. lou: take it to the bank it's a done deal. up next, donald trump ringing in his new administration with promises to tomorrow the washington establishment. that's not going to be a problem. he already returned power to the people in the person of
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president trump. >> this is your day, this is your celebration, and this united states of america is your country. [applause] lou: joining me next, matt schlapp and g air, l trotter. president trump. president trump. i like the sound. i'm getting the hang of it.e we'll be right back. it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™.
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general james mattis also signing our papers to give up is to general john kelly to take up the office of the secretary of the department of homeland security. we have also received incomplete information about the executive action that he is signing. we are told that it does act to relieve some of the burden of obamacare which has been of course a priority of this
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president from the moment he threw his hat into the ring on june 16 of 2015. he is now in the hours, over seven hours since he was sworn in as the 45th president. he is signing the first executive order to easethose burdens of obamacare. more to come without question. >> thank you all. thank you all very much. >> reince priebus as you see in the background of vice president pence. this is a historic moment. white house press secretary john spicer there as well in joining me now, attorney, political analyst gayle trotter and the chairman of the american conservative union match flat. good to have you both with us. here we go first executive order , sort of vaguely stated as a way to ease the burden.
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we are going to get more precise details without executive action it may be an executive order in fact to ease the burden of obamacare precisely what the president had promised. >> we see the obama legacy fading away. now donald trump's using the same pen to reverse what really has been something on thesegulay hampered small businesses in particular in the united states. lou: your thoughts on obamacare and the burden he is in with the first executive action matt? >> rip, rest in peace. it's time for to go away. yes there will be elements of the new bill that talk about covering more people which as long as they are done through proper sense in the marketplace but i think gail and i were talking about this what happens today in the oval office is the president is simply doing what he said over and over again and people are still shocked that he
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talked about these things it's amazing. >> only depresses shots. the people weren't. >> they were plotting. lou: the statements he was making most specifically the statement that the government has been returned to the people. there is nothing hollow in any part of that and i think -- i will make this prediction. you will see the left-wing media in this country absolutely stand on their heads and react in horror as they realize this president has just done what he promised and restored government to the people something that the elite of both parties have been careful to apprehend if you will over the course of the last 30 years, republicans and democrats. it is an amazing feeling to know that there is a man in the white house serving as president of
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the united states who is serving the people and not k street and not the establishment of the orthodoxies of either party. >> that's right the left-wing media has a vested interest in keeping the old order and yet we have seen president donald trump's not going to do that so i hope you won't put down his twitter habit and he will fight past the mainstream media. he's able to put the message out there before the left-wing journalists can set the narrative and they are always playing catch up. lou: there is a real sense of change here that is palpable because you can see it on the faces of many of the republican officeholders and democratic officeholders who were on that platform. they were not quite ready to hear the words donald trump so eloquently and easily, articulated today. i also love the idea that there were so many critics saying
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particularly in the left-wing media. he was blunt as if it were a bad word and a bad thing to say about this president when millions, i believe nearly every american said my god at least we have restored to this nation plain speaking and straightforwardness on the part of a national leader specifically our president. hallelujah. >> one of the shortest in our girl addresses in decades and people are saying there was no poetry. this is not a time for poetry. lou: can you believe it? >> if you could look for an elitist remark would have have to have poetry in it and to actually try to criticize him the president of th united states for bng blunt and plain spoken and to not let the poetry sore that would embrace the hearts of all americans block, block, block.
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>> i saw the cutaway shots and you know what hit me, i thought of all the ex-presidents and all those elected officials and republican leaders and democratic leaders is really what they have done over the last 10 or 20 years that resulted in this movement and resulted in donald trump. i wonder today if it finally hit them that it's in many cases because of what they did or didn't do that gave rise to what happened today on that dais. >> those leaders build that. >> that's right. lou: this president famously tried to sell americans on the idea that they didn't build anything in this country which made possible what we call our federal government and much more. it goes beyond public service and moves to the private sector which does now have a role in the economy once again in terms of policymakers. it's just an extraordinary time to contemplate donald trump back
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there in the oval office confirming, citing all of the papers confirming his new secretaries moving this government forward. i have personally have the belief that the whole town should understand there's something called trump time now. i don't believe government will ever again the permitted to move at the pace that it has to tolerate problems rather than solve them, perpetuate them rather than solve them because he is bringing a mindset that i think most americans prayed for but they never dreamed there was another american citizen alive who could possibly deliver that and providence can sometimes offer up. donald trump's here to do just that. >> you can't always get what you want but sometimes you get what you need, right? >> there you go. lou: that's exactly what we have got. the idea too that te'going to be resistance and opposition
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and obstructionism and i don't know if it's just a the moment and the exultation and the exhilaration of it all but i have a feeling that is going to melt away much faster than anyone can imagine. what do you think? >> i think it's exhilarating. we have seen in this country the more small businesses that are dying than businesses that are being created and he's going to be able to use the bully pulpit in a very effective way to move this congress to make it better for the american people. >> i think donald trump get something about politics than a lot of politicians never figured out. the opposition that can be your image and he's on offense all the time when they take him on. he takes them on double and i actually think that's going to serve him well in this town where people are afraid to bring up certain topics. they are afraid to talk about certain things. he goes there and i think he
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will be rewarded for it and he continues to be bold and brave. lou: all right, matt schlapp by the way mercedes must be pleased they look so splendid and your tie. >> when we are in the chamber commerce this is how we dress. [booing] lou: a good choice in any symbol of allegiance whatsoever in thanks so much, gayle. up next president trump saying today's inauguration is about much more than having a new leader in the white house. >> we are transferring power from washington d.c. and giving it back to you, the people. [applause] lou: the former leader of the uk independence party nigel farage joins me here next. we are coming to you live from our nation's capital as the people's federal government, well i'm sure it everyone
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lou: this is video of just moments ago vice president of the united states, vice president pence swearing and general james mattis as secretary of the department of defense. this was just moments ago the vice president also swearing in general john kelly as secretary of the department of homeland security to obviously an important secretaries of the national security sector being sworn into office tonight. joining me now the former leader of the uk independence party, the man who led rec said nigel farage now a fox news alert to bitter and nigel, good to have you with us tonight. what do you make of that des doing it? >> the whole thing was very
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impressive. in terms of the ceremony and the way it was done. and then trump took the stage and in the space of 14 minutes i think he said more than most people could say in several hours. he made it clear that when he campaigned on these issues he absolutely means it. the crowd is going mad with joy, delirious. what i saw on that dais was class. former president looking like they were lemons. there is a really big shock coming here. genuinely president trump represents not a change in a president, this is a revolution and you are seeing it already. lou: he declared from this day forward it would be america first. i could not quite believe some of the just take statements that
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fell from the mouths of the observers from the left-wing media in particular. how blunt and politically incorrect, how dark to recognize the many problems of working men and women in this country and the failures of policy when it came to manufacturing, when it came to leading this economy to 4% growth instead of one or 2%. barack obama today as president left without ever this economy during his two terms in office achieved 3% growth. donald trump makes it clear he is going to do everything he can for working men and women and their families, the middle class and for this nation, all americans to enjoy a return to prosperity. >> yeah and you know what, i think you will do it. i think his policies o energy, the reagan agenda and wanting to
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deregulated help small to medium-size businesses. all of that is going to help in the everything that we are talking about enough is the fact that $2.5 trillion of u.s. company profits are sitting in bank accounts around the world. stupidly america has to highest corporate tax rate in the world than what i expect to see is president trump cutting deals with the corporations who will bring back tens of billions of dollars into this country to invest in jobs and infrastructure. i think he has taken over the right time. he has got the right ideas and frankly i'm a little surprised the wall street has reacted in the past week the way that it has. when it comes to economics unlike obama he's got a clue as well. lou: that's more than we can say
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for many the prognosticators that said with the election of donald trump we will see markets crashed. it will be a time of immense justice despair instead of as you note the trump rally well underway. nigel, it was great to have you with us. go celebrate. we know that you have contributed much to the trump campaign and have been an example for us all across the pond with the success of brexit. good to have you with us. up next president trump breaking through politics and petty division as he begins the next chapter of american history. >> whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red load of patriots. [applause] we all enjoy the same glorious
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freedoms and we all salute the same great american flag. [applause] lou: nigel farage was right you know, in 14 minutes he said far more than most people could say in hours. after this, i will talk with national spokesperson for the congress on racial equality, he joins us next. stay with us. just like the people who own them, every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be help starting your business, vendor contracts or employment agreements. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you every step of the way so you can focus on what you do. we'll handle the legal stuff
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lou: joining me now is national spokesperson for the congress on racial equality and conservative commentator niger innis. great to see you here. >> thanks for having me on. lou: in the, well we used to call it the swamp. >> i think that's the draining of the swamp. lou: you are exactly right and i think there is a shared view that he's going to do exactly what he said and that is draining the swamp. he started eloquently i thought. some left-wing media types seem to think he was being overly blunt but i thought that speech served notice, here we go. >> short and sweet.
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14 minutes but even less. what struck me is that the theme america first, his theme of bringing jobs back and revitalizing the economy and revitalizing inner cities. he said consistently at the beginning of his campaign and in the debates when he got the nomination when he became president-elect and now as president of the united states. lou: it's going to be fascinating to see this president and the way in which he engages because he is so committed to everything he has said that the inner cities, it's going to be a contest with the left. the republican party has hardly a knowledge to in the course of time the cities and this man says it's going to be a different outcome than anyone expected. those who have given up all hope because of the benign neglect to use daniel thatcher moynahan's expression has been practiced by the democratic party for half a century.
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>> a monopoly is coming to a quick end of the inner cities. the blind loyalty to one particular ideology in one particular party for that matter. that's coming to come to a crashing hault and there's going to be a row competition for ideas in the inner-city and i'm looking forward to an exciting time. lou: i agree with you and what it is however and it's hard to contemplate and to accept as we have allowed to generations of americans and all of that potential loss because as donald trump has made clear the democratic party came to town every four years and asked for votes and then said thank you very much. we will see you and another for it. beauty of it lou, i think in of his new patriotism era that he is ushering in pcs revitalion of the inner cities and rural communities across this country is the
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cornerstone of the new patriotism. lou: you used the expression. there's none of that in anything he has done. he would have been very very angry with me for saying millionaire. he is connected with working men and women in the middle class in every part of this country. it's going to be wonderful. >> it's going to be fun. lou: niger innis it's always great to see you. thank you. we are going to go now if we may to the salute to the armed services ball. this is i think there are three underway right now including the freedom ball and another that is underway. tonight is opening up to the concluding festivities of what has been an extraordinary inaugural day. the president has been president
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now for just almost eight hours. can you imagine that? already, a third of the day he has been president of the united states. we thank you for being with us and good night from washington. kennedy: history is being made in history is being celebrated right here tonight. just a few moments melania and donald trump will take the stage for their very first appearance on a phenomenal day. it's time to celebrate right now. good evening i am trash and you are watching live from the armed services ball at the national the same in washington d.c. where tightly honored not just our new president that all members of our nation. people are mak
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