tv Wall Street Week FOX Business January 21, 2017 9:00am-9:31am EST
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tonight, expected to address the crowd, and he's expected to dance with his wife. we'll be watching for that. it could happen momentarily. we have been talking about how theen divided. the question is, and i brought this up earlier, talk about are we that divide? you look at this map right now. there is a whole sea of red which means there is a whole sea of donald trump support. you hear a lot from the protesters in other parts of the country today, including here in washington, d.c. you hear a lot from them. you hear a lot of the noise. you hear the noise from hollywood. but what about when you get out into the rest of the country? are we as divided as hollywood would like to you believe? i don't believe so. joining me, republican strategist ford connell.
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i get, 70 lawmakers choosing to skip what is a phenomenal tradition. a tradition that gives me goose bumps he time it happens. that's their own business and potentially they may pay the price for that. but, ford, are we as divided as they want us to think? >> no. we are not. donald trump won 31 states and 2,600 counties. i think the problem is donald trump is speaking to the american people. and those who feel forgotten by the elitist government of the last 8 years. he will come through the first 100 days like a sledgehammer. trish: toda what did you think,a democr yourself, those 0
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people who basically said we don't want to be there for the tradition today. >> i personally think it is wrong. i would tell my member of congress friend whom i know that i disagree with the decision they made today. i understand people have strong feeling, that they may not share the vision for the nation with now president trump. but at the end of the day we have to rub that we are all americans. these members of congress are going to have to wake up tomorrow and work with president trump. that's no way to get this done. it start things off on the wrong foot. when i was minority leader at the ohio senate, i got blowback for attending governor kasich's inauguration.
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you better work with them. he's got some authority. >> regardless of whether we are democrats or republicans. this is about the office of the presidency and transition of which we are privileged as americans to have, and something a lot of countries around this world do not have. when people do this, it send the wrong message. whether we are republicans or democrats, we have to put america first and have people understand this is how this works. >> you know whateople are going to say. there are members of the left who will say they don't like that agenda. wee they don't like the nationalism that it represents. we have heard members of the media keeping in find you have to work with the team that's in if you want to get anything done. how do you reconcile that.
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for them to be so angry. what is so wrong with that? >> i can tell you my former constituents in theio senate who voted for donald trump, even though my district was predominantly democratic said they had been waiting for some time. there is a way to put america first without sending a message of being divisive or not being inclusive. putting america first can also mean being inclusive, lifting all boats economically and bringing people together. i really hope for the sake of this nation, there are a lot of thing i disagree with donald trump about. i don't want to be acrimonious on a day like today. this is about the nation, this is about president trump. tomorrow we need to come together and have a civil discussion about our disagreements on policy. you can guarantee you are not
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going to get anything done if you alienate people. if you have a civil kfg. maybe what you get isn't perfect, but maybe it's better than getting zero. trish: i think you are one of the few that has been calling them to wake up. but ford a lot of them wouldn't. they will dig in their heels. they will day protesting and stay angry and they won't get anything done. here's what i'm asking you. is this an opportunity for your party, if donald trump is successful and he tart to get stuff done that's meaningful to people that puts money in their pockets that gives them a job and gives them away to take care of their families. i wonder, might he be able to bring in a whole new group of voters? and i'm talking about minority voters that have been disenfranchised by their leaders year after year after year with
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a lousy policy that keeps them dependent. >> to your point, success breed bandwagon jumping. in the first 100 days, if donald trump has to tell washington there is a new sheriff is in town, if he can get enough done through executive order or through congress that helps the average american person, it will open up people's eyes. when donald trump is a success, america wins and people will give him a second chance. trish: if he can start to give the inner city better schools and provide a path to economic success, what would that mean for your party. >> i think he has an opportunity. and this is what's going to be interesting. i think it is gog to be about performance the next four years. donald trump may actually have more of a challenge getting his
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agenda through congress because of a divided republican party. he has an opportunity to work with democrats on the trans-pacific partnership and infrastructure and what the replacement for the affordable care act obamacare look like. if there is a way for democrats to say we work together on this. we want to be able to share in that success politically. it's also good politically for democrats and republicans. >> when you talk about infrastructure prongs, i have to think that some politicians will want to have their hand out for a little money. don't go anywhere. stay with me. i want to go to chicago. we have been watching protesters block michigan avenue. we are talking about noisy folks on the left. you ran into a few on the left yourself tonight. >> no question about that.
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they are in big numbers. i have gout if you have got me. this is michigan avenue. and this is the largest protest i have seen in chicago since i think it's fair to say -- can you hear me okay? >> i gotcha. reporter: this is the largest protest i have seen in chicago. trish: how many would you estimate? reporter: i think it's in the thousands. i would say in the thousands. this is michigan avenue completely blocked off with marchers. as much as you see there. you can't see up at the other end it's the biggest protest i have seen in chicago since the day after thanksgiving, the black friday protest after the laquan mcdonald shooting.
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this is a big group of people. this is a democratic town. but there are a lot of people who didn't vote for donald trump. these are people, many of them potentially would be able to be won over. but there are a lot of people i don't think-be won over. there are a lot of people out there, i'll tell you. >> it will be hard for him to change some preconceived notions. someone said to me, success is being underestimated. we'll keep checking in. republican strategist. i think of the expectations that greeted president obama when he came to office. there was none of the protest in the street. there was none of the noise from hollywood.
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people went, everyone went to the inauguration. and yet being that the bar was so high, it mit have made it incredibly difficult for him to live up to. i on contrast that with donald trump who as you explained, the bear is very high for donald trump. i think for those who voted for him, the bar is very high. for those of you in chicago tonight, was he pleasantly surprised? >> they could be pleasantly surprised. the expectations were way too high. i think what donald trump understands, if you can basically under sell and overdeliver you can turn a lot of head. if you listen to the average protester or average person on the left, they will tell you donald trump is the spawn of satan. if donald trump can get this economy moving he will turn a lot of head because a lot of
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people won't know where else to go. i don't know another man who has overcop the odd in politics like donald trump. but it will be important for him to get things done in that first 100 days. it's a mental marker of where the nation is head the next four years. trish: many members of the democratic party said there is on one president at a type. he was having a lot of meetings, meeting with ceos. they didn't like it. but this isn't a guy who is goingf to sit around and do nothing. you don't build a successful business lining that by sitting around and doing nothing. so he's a man of action. how is that impatience which i think is one of his strengths. how is that going to gel with how this town works? >> it will be hard. i think president trump will get very frustrated. he may be able to do a lot
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through the executive branch and administrative agencies. congress takes a long time to get things done, even when they take action for the federal fiscal year. the continuing resolutions because they can't make up their mind, they want to continue to pass the buck. that's not going to fly i think for the trump administration. it will be interesting to see president trump and his campaign broke the mold on everything. we all know about campaigns, those of us who have been in politics, or political observers. now i think it will do the same for government. and it will be interesting to see. people elected donald trump because they wanted something different. they wanted to turn government on its head because they felt was not working. the question is, will it be a success? >> the number one thing you will
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trish: we are at the liberty ball it's a big night in washington, d.c. any minute, donald trump and his wife melania trump will be taking their first dance. they are at the liberty ball. i'm at the armed services ball. wire honoring members of our military. donald trump expected to address the crowd. they are waiting enthusiastically. connell? reporter: i heard you referencing the first dance for the first couple. first type as president and first lady that we'll see mr. and mrs. trump at the liberty ball. as they do that and make their way through this city, they may see some of the protesters that gathered earlier outside that location at the washington convention center where the first two balls are being held.
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i don't think they will do much to obstruct the president and the first lady as they make their way in there. it's a $1,500 a ticket affair. and it's invitation only for members of the military, honoring the first responders. earlier this evening the work of this brand-new administration started to get under way even before the festivity of the evening as we were covering got under way. we saw the president in the oval office. we saw him putting pen to paper signing his first executive order as president it's related to obamacare. administration officials tell us it eases the burden on federal agencies and gets the ball rolling in determining what's the best way to move forward with repeal and replace of the healthcare law. we also saw the vice president,
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mike pence. when we saw him earlier this evening, he was swearing in the new defense secretary, james mattis. mattis was confirmed by the senate 98-1. it was only kirsten gillibrand that voted against him. john kelly taking over at the department of homeland security. business being done by the senate, working together with the new administration as the festivities get under way. we'll see the first dance, we'll see the gowns before they make their way over to us. trish: joining me right now, dan morgan, national spokesperson
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for citizens for trump. right, jen? >> i'm having a great time. i don't think washington, d.c. has even seen more deplorable the in one place at one time than it saw today. it was an amazing day. i'll tell you what, you could have heard deplorables all across america jumping up and down and yelling when donald trump delivered that blistering admonishment to our misrepresenting representatives that we have been fusion at and complain being so long. he put the word out today that the gravy train ends now. the american people, the deplorables, the forgotten people recovered the party back and we are taking the white house back and we are take our country back. trish: i it wasn't just -- it wasn't just about taking the republican party back.
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there was an opportunity he could expand upon where he brought blue collar democrats into the fold. if he's successful in his economic agenda he can expand the party. the party is changing. many of his platforms are not platforms embraced by conservatives years ago. i don't want to fully call it protectionist. but this priority of putting america first in terms of hiring and buying american, that's not necessarily what you want to hear from the likes of mitt romney. >> if you had been in that crowd and i got to spend a lot of time with the crowd today. i promise you there were people in that crowd who never participated in an election before. and would neverth their wildest dreams think they have would be making a trip to washington, d.c. to take our country back. there were people who couldn't
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afford to be here and who had made tremendous financial sacrifices. and staying in a hotel during this event is a hardship. i talked to some people who were camping in order to participate today. it was the most unusual crowd for a presidential inauguration. just like this president will be the most unconventional. guess what's going to happen? if they don't get on board and do what the people want, what worse place to be than on the other end of a negative tweet from president trump. trish: he's not giving up that twitter account, no way. it's not going to happen. it's something that emboldens him. it causes companies, corporations, politicians to pave attention.
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because the people are behind him. and if the people are begins, that's the power he has by going directly to the people in a way we haven't seen politicians previously do. thank you so much. good to see you, my friend. awaiting donald trump, everyone pech's going to go to the liberty ball. he will dance with his wife in that very special, very important first dance. we are back with all of it. don't go anywhere. our live special coverage of the inaugural ball. when a cold calls... achoo! ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back.
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gathering outside the convention center where donald trump will be momentarily. there are two festivities going on at the convention center, the liberty ball and the freedom ball. the third ball is the armed services ball. you can see some protesters gathered. you have seen this throughout the day in washington, d.c. and other parts of the country. we'll keep an eye on this as they continue their march towards the convention center. but right now i want to get back to the party. joining me is the star of the sitcom "last man standing," tim allen. what are you doing here? >> i thought it was a football game. we were protesting a minute ago and then we came in here. i'm a big protester. i have a black five so i add an
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element of class to it. i'm here to support the army, navy, air force. i love the military. there was some sort of event here in washington today. trish: something like that. i probably can count on one hand the members of hollywood. you are it. one and only. >> i won't be work after this, that's for sure. >> we took one of our kids to washington a few months ago, and kevin mccarthy took her on the house floor. it was an amazing experience. if you see how this things works. this an amazing day. it celebrates the possibilities and big change for us. i really appreciate people protesting, i appreciate the people who vote it was exciting day just to see america, it's ugly and messy and grindy. but this is the day we transfer power. trish require what's we are known for.
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i believe donald trump is arriving at the convention center. do we have a picture we can show people? he is arriving at the convention center and video of will be coming in momentarily. he will be dancing and speaking. >> he's twerking. his vp is a huge twerker. trish: i don't know how that will go over with melania. >> i think it works in every relationship. most people don't know that he's -- trish: you learn something new every day. tim, do you think you take a risk by being here? just the fact that you are sitting here with me tonight and you are celebrating something that so many of your colleagues really despise. is that a risk?
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>> being bullied about having an opinion, i don't like it. i have been a standup comedian for 30 years. i like to say what i think. there is a lot of these candidates i like. i put a checklist together of what i think -- of what i want for the people around me. and at one point trump said things that made sense to me. you want big government, take the government, you want small government. this change is remarkable. it's not perfect. i think he should take twitter lessons. trish: he has done well by it thus far. granted he has gotten himself into hot water along the way. but every single time he he mornings almost stronger.
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