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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  January 23, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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we'll thank you, jim frischling of new oak. thank you very much. [closing bell rings] s&p lower by five on this first day of trump deals, it has been a busy one. david asman and melissa francis pick it up here for "after the bell." lots of earnings, guys, take it away. melissa: business front and center on donald trump's first official day in office but the dow remains in the red. the s&p 500 ending the day lower as well. the nasdaq managing to eke out, well, not anymore, seem like it was eking out gains. couldn't quite get there at close. i'm melissa francis. david: i'm david asman. glad you could join us this is "after the bell." this is what we have for you in a very busy hour, particularly inside the beltway, president trump hitting groundunning meeting with the heads of major americanompanies this morning to talk taxes and jobs in america. then a slew of executive orders, chief among them, dumping president obama's trans-pacific
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partnership trade deal, a big blow to some asian nations but teamsters and other union officials inside of the white house are cheering. right now he is meeting with union leaders and workers at the white house. meanwhile on capitol hill, the confirmation showdown continues. the senate is now debating president trump's pick to head the cia, and a crucial committee vote on secretary of state rex tillerson is expected in the hour. we have breaking news from washington and more. melissa: back to the markets. dow was down about 25 points. they were down 95 at the low. adam shapiro on the floor of the new york stock exchange watching today's biggest movers. lay it out for us, adam. reporter: look what happened to some of the auto parts suppliers after amazon said it entered into contracts to sell auto parts at autozone, advanced auto parts took a hit, actually down about 3%.
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autozone was down about 4%. genuine parts down almost 3 1/2 parts. o'reilly automotive down 3.2%. almost 3.3%. look what happened with qualcomm. we got news last week that the u.s. government was investigating them for anti-competitive practices. on friday, apple filed a one billion dollar lawsuit against them. it has to do with nuances and $1 billion they were owed and qualcomm didn't pay them, something to do going on in korea. what you need to know qualcomm in the cross-hairs of apple to the tune of one billion. that stock down 12%. this news, kate spade, will try to sell itself. who might buy? coach as well as michael kors, kate spade was up 3.6% today. michael kors was up barely, a quarter of a percent. coach was up almost half a percent. back to you. melissa: adam, thank you. david: president trump wasting no time in the first day in office meeting with big business
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leaders and scharrenning his focus buying american and hiring american. blake burman, who was in the contentious white house press scrum joining us with the very latest on that. blake, very interesting new relationship with the press developing. reporter: it is indeed. i'm in the press briefing room, some members of the media gathering to go into the oval office. it was the first press briefing here from the new white house press secretary sean spicer. you used the word contentious, it was that, when there was discussion about the inauguration crowd sizes but for the most part mr. spicer went around the room and took questions from many different members of the media. earlier today, there was this big ceo summit i guess or a big meeting among ceos here at the white house with president trump. some big names included elon musk, michael dell, mark fields among them, and it was during that meeting when mr. trump said the corporate tax rate would be lowered to 15 to 20%. as you know, david, during the
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campaign the president talked about a 15% corporate tax rate. so i asked mr. spicer if the new administration is moving the goalpost. he pushed back a little bit on that saying that the president will work with congress on corporate tax rates and negotiate a good deal for the american people said spicer. also at that meeting with the ceo's, the president said he was going to slash regulations. listen. >> we'll be cutting regulation massively. we'll have regulation and it will be just as strong and just as good and just as protective of the people as the regulation we have right now. the problem with the regulation right now is you can't do anything. reporter: right now, david, the president is meeting with another part of the business community here, that being union leaders. on the first day, union leaders and ceos and a pretty interesting press briefing. david: by the way you asked the president -- asked sean spicer, you got the first question there, so congrats on that. >> one of the first.
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david: one of the first but you al asked him about spending. and we're ing to play that a little later on. i'm teasing you because we have more blake burman to come. >> i'll take it. david: thank you. melissa: here to react to all of that liz peek of "the financial times," jonathan hoenig of capitalist pig hedge fund. fox news contributor. finally numbers we're getting here, i like it. liz talk about the corporate tax rate, if he says 15 to 20, i'm hearing negotiation in there. he had said 15 along the way. blake asked the question. my interpretation of sean spicer's answer, hey it is a work in progress. where do you think it will end, and is that okay? is 20 still good? >> 20 is still great. this is vintage donald trump. melissa: it is. >> his entire career in real estate mogul, he sets goalpost very high or very low, depending what you're talking about, and then he is frequentsable. that is how you get get dealings
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done -- flexible. dealing with congress you have to have flexibility. you've heard push back from deficits and where the money will come from, et cetera. look the corporate community would be delighted with 20% tax rate. any significant reduction will be terrific. the other number came out i thought was kind of wonderful, regulations will be cut 75%. melissa: oh, yeah. >> well, how do you even measure that? people have to get used to idea trump is full of bombast and excitement and enthusiasm and you really shouldn't take these numbers totally seriously. melissa: jonathan, 75% is a target. my thought too, how do you quantify the amount of regulation you but that's okay. 75% is a goal, if you cut it by 3/4, wow, that would be great. >> you don't have to quantify it, melissa. numbers don't matter. facts don't matter anymore. he will make it up. i think is unfortunately a day
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that lives in infamy. melissa: you don't want less regulation? >> well, i think it is disingenuous to say you want less regulation when you give the entire matter of trade for example, up to government's caprice or antitrust for that matter. i got to tell you, melissa, this is day will live in infamy, the gop sanctioned my opinion control over the economist. they will negotiate a trade deal. this is terrible first step for the trump administration of the moves us away from global trade and moves us away from prosperity in my opinion. melissa: liz peek, you're shaking your head. >> i disagree entirely. what we've seen not once, several times, trade agreements crafted that really hurt americans, most recent one by the way which is never talked about is during the obama administration the south korean trade program which was supposed to create 75,000 jobs. instead lost 75,000 jobs for americans. the tpp is a several thousand page monstrosity, and the world
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bank in looking at it has concluded the big winners are japan, vietnam, and malaysia. the united states barely gains from it at all. why would we enter into that? tresemme comes here -- theresa may comes here on friday. donald trump will talk about bilateral agreement. as they leave the eu they will look at such agreements there. is nothing wrong with one-on-one trade agreements. wilbur ross and other people in the trump administration are committed to that. it is committed to free trade only if it is sensible trade. david: let's hope so. senate is debating congressman mike pompeo's nomination to head the cia as we're awaiting senate foreign relations committee vote on rex tillerson. peter barnes is keeping track of both in washington. peter, i can't help but think back to the first day of the obama administration and they had seven approvals right away, the first day, right? reporter: that's right, but back
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then they had, filibuster issues, david, as you know, a lot of folks have been making an issue out of this, but the fact is we have acting people in charge at a lot of these departments. they can still go ahead, they have the authority to do whatever president trump and his team wants them to do. they will get there, they will get their nominees approved. in fact we could see two of them approved today, mike pompeo is ing debated right now for cia director. we expect a vote on that a little bit later this evening from around 7:00 hour. the senate foreign relations committee is going to vote approve rex tillerson as the next secretary of state. that meeting is set to convene in another 20 minutes. then that will be formally sent to the floor as well. so they still need to agree on the time of debate but that is going to get done. republicans have the votes to do that. probably, by tomorrow or wednesday depending how much
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debate time they agree to. this was put over the top at the committee level when today, this morning, senator marco rubio, who had been critical in his questions of tillerson, particularly in his relationships with russia said that despite his concerns about tillerson and russia, he was going to vote for, the final vote needed to get tillerson out. for rip relations committee and on to the floor. rubio said he would do that and said in a statement quote, given uncertainty home and abroad about our foreign policy it would be against our national interest to have this confirmation unnecessarily delayed or embroiled in controversy. therefore despite my reservations i will support mr. tillerson's nomination and in the full committee and the senate. at least both of them will get done this week. david: lindsey graham and senator mccape came out in support. we'll have updates about rex tillerson nomination.
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melissa: chuck schumer may not able to stop cabinet nomination, but he can stall them. how long we have the president has full team working for him. david: he is not doing so bad on day one, getting down on making good on campaign promises. reversing president obama signature proposals, starting with dumping the tpp former governor mike huckabee weighing in what more we can expect coming next. melissa: the first official white house press briefing gets heated this afternoon with press secretary sean spicer calling media coverage demoralizing for the president and what his administration is trying to accomplish. >> constantly told no, no, no, and watch him go, yes, yes, every time and come up to the next hurdle and see someone put a block up gets a little frustrating. he teaches lessons to stanley... and that's kind of it right now. but rodney knew just what to do...he got quickbooks.
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it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands in an instant. ahhh...that's a profit. which gave him the idea to spend a little cash on some brilliant marketing! ha, clever. wow, look at all these new students! way to grow, rodney! know where you stand instantly. visit this is one gorgeous truck. special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? (laughter) come home with me! trade up to the silverado all star edition and get an average total value of eight thousand one hundred fifty dollars when you find your tag. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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david: here is trump you will trump. let's go right to him. this is video just happened. [cameras clicking] melissa: those are union leaders sitting there meeting with the president -- >> what is happening in our country, and i think they're very happy with the meeting we just had. what do you think? >> excellent. >> excellent.
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>> they haven't been here many, many years in this particular house. we'll get them working again, right? >> yes, sir. [cameras clicking] >> come to conclusion where to go with free trade? >> we'll be discussing it. >> thank you. >> thank you, everybody. you get in trouble at all before? [laughter] melissa: that was a little awkward. they're still working out the smoothness of these things, chitchat while taking pictures. you heard him say did you get in trouble at all, i want to know who he was talking to. we'll figure out that in a bit. meantime first 100 days, president trump diving into his first full week, signing three executive orders promising to move the u.s. from the trans-pacific partnership deal. what can we expect going forward?
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here is former arkansas governor, mike huckabee, former republican presidential can date and fox news contributor. boy, what is your take so far? give me your spin what you've been watching. i know you have something pithy waiting. >> well, this is a pretty big day, he starts out with business executives and manufacturing leaders and talks to union people. he covered the full spectrum of business in his first day in office. i think donald trump is off to a great start. the press may hate it and protesters on saturday my cry testimonyselves to sleep for months and that's their right to do but donald trump is showing he is trying to bring this country together from the people who lead the companies and people who work on factory floors. i think it's a great start. melissa: so within the business community, one of the articles getting so much play today was this trump administration is looking to cut $10.5 trillion in spending. i can't tell you how many people emailed me or tweeted me, could that possibly berue? when you look down at the
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details, he wants to privatize the corporation for public broadcasting, eliminate the national endowment for the hearts, national endowment for the humanities, target corporate welfare in the commerce department. he has a whole list in the justice department. all the way down to 10.5 trillion over the next ten years. governor, what do you think about that? can he achieve that, too much, too little? >> i think you have to give him until at least thursday to get that done. he won't be able to get all of that done today. look, he has a battle on his hands to do many of these things. he has to go through congress, there will be enormous pushback not just from democrats but a lot from republicans. everybody has their pet projects ands and that is by design, it goes slow so you don't get to do things without thoughtful conversation of the impact but
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one thing donald trump shown us on even on day one, this man came with a set of promises and he is dead serious about keeping them. i think we'll see a lot of extraordinary action. melissa, the biggest thing he will do bringing business climate into focus, he will us something better than just a tax break and certainly better than spending cuts, he will put americans to work. it is double-whammy, people getting paychecks, not having to take a welfare check. melissa: it is amazing, i was in d.c. over the weekend, when you look around, part of his speech people here have gotten wealthy while others have been left in the wake. that certainly, something that crowds seemed to respond to. meantime celebrities against donald trump, a-listers joining millions of people around the nation protesting president trump. some might take it a little too far. >> yes, i am angry. yes, i am outraged.
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yes, i have ought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. melissa: is she dressed up like the cat burglar there? what is the little ears? talking about the blowing up the white house, i mean, i don't know. >> i don't know what i'm even respond to with that, other than i think there was a knock on her door early this morning and it was the secret service and they would like to talk to her about making threats of blowing up the white house. melissa, can you imagine, what would have happened to someone if they had been let's say a conservative and at tea party rally talked about blowing up the white house when barack obama was there? we would never hear the end of it not only on media but law enforcement action taken. people have a right to protest. i fully respect that. one of the things i love about america. people have a right to be loud and obnoxious and be stupid. they don't have a right to threaten other people and don't have the right to go and create anarchy, and one of the things
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that struck me about the saturday protest, sure there were a lot of sense sear people but i couldn't figure out exactly what it was they wanted. only seem they wanted to they would like to vote again. they do that in four years. the election is over, we have to live with the results every time we have an election. and they don't seem to understand that. melissa: interesting. governor huckabee, thank you. david: we have breaking news on yahoo!, they're reporting their fourth quarter results. ashley webster in the newsroom with numbers. >> david, earnings per share, estimate 20 one cents. adjustment coming in at 25. so a nice pete on revenue. the revenue at 1.47 billion, beating revenue estimate of 1.8 billion. those are headline numbers. what is more important, what about the verizon deals? we know verizon agreed to pay $4.8 billion for yahoo!'s core internet business. we're told according to this
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latest report, that it is still ongoing, expected to close as yahoo!, in the second quarter of this year. so they're saying that the delay has been because they're trying to meet closing conditions but they are working expeditiously to close the verizon deal as soon as is practical in the second quarter. the question is, are they still going to sell it for 4.8 billion, based on the fact that we now know the hacking at yahoo!, two separate massive attacks, a billion people had their accounts hacked in 2013. half a billion people in 2014. the yahoo! itself under investigation by the sec, and other agencies on whether they were acted accordingly or acted appropriately in notifying investors of those hacks. so all sorts of things going on, but bottom line verizon deal still on. hope to close by the end of the next quarter this year, second quarter of this year. david: i think it is safe to
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assume one thing slowing up that deal is the sec investigation. we'll wit to see -- wait to seew that works out. ashley, thank you very much. in after-hours heating up little bit. melissa: nor'easter hammering the east as win pick up. we'll let you know if you're in the path of the storm. president trump might be shaking up his tax plan. we're getting david stockman's thoughts on that next. >> i just want to tell you, all you have to do is stay, don't leave, don't fire your people in the united states. we're the greatest people. david: yeah, here we are. these are some of the union leaders talking to president trump. let's listen in. >> mark mcmahon news, some of our members, rank-and-file members. we had probably the most incredible meeting of our careers with the president, and the vice president and the senior staff. when the president laid out his plans about how he is going to handle trade, how he is going to invest in our infrastructure and
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level the playing field for construction workers and all americans across this country and then took the time to take everyone into the oval office and show them the seat of power in the world. the respect that the president of the united states just showed us, when shows it to us, shows it to 3 million of our members in the united states. it was nothing short of incredible. and we will work with him and his administration to help him implemens plans on infrastructure, trade, and energy policy so that we really do put america back to work in the middle class jobs that our members and all americans are demanding. thank you very much. >> [inaudible]. david: all right. once again, those were people, those were union officials, not, not usually as cordial to a republican president as they were in this case, saying that this is the most incredible meeting of their careers in dealing with donald trump. it was nothing short of incredible, using that word
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twice. david stockman, former budget director for president reagan, he joins us now to weigh in on all this. well, it is enough to make your mind explode unless you're david stockman, you remember a time back in the early stages of the reagan administration, when he also had a good relationship with the teamsters union. that blew a lot of people's mind back then as well, didn't it? david? >> well, yes it did, but i think, i wouldn't make overly much about this. essentially these were the building trades here today and they're looking for construction and a big infrastructure, trillion dollar program and so forth that is not going to happen. the u.s. government is broke today. we have 20 trillion debt. the debt ceiling will expire -- david: the president says that he is going to do it, he is going to do it with private funding. he will not spend taxpayer money to do it. so the deficit might be beside the point.
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>> i don't think that is remotely realistic. without big tax credits and some kind of federal infusion of capital, there is not going to be unusual infrastructure program. beyond that, we don't have a serious infrastructure problem in this country. federal government should take interstate highways. most are in good shape. they could raise the gas tax by a couple of cents, take care of any problem. the rest of it, hospital schools, airports, local sewer systems and so forth, that is not washington's business. if you want to drain the swamp, you don't want to get washington deeper into that. you want local and state -- david: here, again, david, this is what president obama has said and some of his advisors agreed with him on, particularly people like steve moore, who we had sitting where you're sitting right now, saying what in fact will happen the federal government will be turning a lot
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of responsibilities that the feds used during the obama administration to the local governments. so what you're say something exactly what a lot of people working for donald trump are saying. >> well, i don't quite follow. i don't see that there is any big fiscal stimulus. within weeks they will be in a fiscal bloodbath when they talk about some huge tax cut. this isn't 1980. this isn't ronald reagan born again. this is a time when we have 20 trillion of debt, 106% of gdp, the opposite of what reagan -- david: we should remind our viewers, forgive me, david, when president reagan announced his huge tax cuts, he had to take you to the woodshed for his words that the fact you didn't buy into the supply side deal tax cuts back then? >> that is pretty much a mythological version of what happened. of course i bought into the supply-side tax cuts.
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i was one of the initial authors with jack kemp and a few others but i also did not believe in a free lunch. i believe we had to match it with huge domestic spending cuts, reform of entitlements and balancing the budget within a reasonable period of time. none of that happened. the defense build-up got totally out of control. the tax cut was 6% of gdp, far beyond anything we could afford. neil: revenues came in whole hog during the 1980s. let me switch to one thing you may agree with donald trump on, and that is when it is talking about the way the taxpayer money is spent. sean spicer was talking to that point earlier. let me play a clip of him and see what you think about it. play the clip. >> there is frankly lack of respect for taxpayer dollars in this town for a long time and what the president is showing through the hiring freeze, first and foremost today, we have to respect the american taxpayer. they're sending us a ton of money. working real hard.
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some people working two, three jobs to by. to see money wasted in washington on a job that is duplicative is insulting the hard work they pay for their taxes. david: as former budget director, that must be music to your ears, no. >> i agree with the sentiment. on day one as budget director, we froze federal hiring. one year is it worked. the federal payroll went down 100,000 from 2.2 million. it rebuilt and grew and grew until when ronald reagan left office in december 1988, the federal payroll was 2.3 million. it was bigger than when he inherited from big government jimmy carter. so the point is, the problem is social security, it's medicare, it is the massive defense budget we have. trump already said again today, nothing on social security. we're not going to touch medicare. we're going to rebuild defense. i don't know what these people are talking about. david: let me ask a final
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question, david, we have to run. if ronald reagan couldn't do it, drain the swamp, if you don't think trump can do it, do you think anyone can do it? >> i'm not sure it can be done. someone with massive pay cuts and more defense we don't need it. david: he thinks as ronald reagan they will pay for themselves because there is so much more economic activity you will have more tax revenues. >> david, that turned out to be wrong. david: a lot of people would argue with you, david, that in fact we did increase our revenues during the 1980s by 40% as a result of more economic activity but we could get into this. we'll talk it in the green room after the show. we have to run. david stockman thank you very much. melissa. melissa: taking on the press. white house press secretary sean spicerring the mainstream media, while he says their narrative is always negative. big day on capitol hill but trump says democrats are still
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playing political games. liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. relieve heartburn with fast- acting, long-lasting gaviscon.
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and helps keep acid down for hours. so what else is new? humm..she's doing good. she needs more care though. she wants to stay in her house. i don't know even where to start with that. first, let's take a look at your financial plan and see what we can do. ok, so we've got... we'll listen. we'll talk. we'll plan. baird. melissa: breaking news right now. we have an update from president bush's spokesperson and new photo of him and former first lady tweeting just now. president and mrs. george h.w. bush thank the friends and people around the world for their prayers and good wishes. david: they both look good.
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melissa: good stuff. david: senate foreign relations committee is voting for rex tillerson for secretary of state. peter barnes is not the secretary of state. he is reporting about this. melissa: he might become one one day. david: by the way, senate foreign relations if they approve goes for full senate vote, correct? >> that's correct. we expect the senate foreign relations committee will approve rex tillerson along a party-line vote. a few democrats haven't weighed in yet how they will vote. but, he will get out of the committee here shortly. the committee just convening at 4:30 at the bottom of the hour eastern time. waiting on senator corker to get all that going. this is actually, they call this a business session when they're dealing with a nomination, confirmation vote. when they have witnesses, that is technically a hearing. that we expect to be done tonight. then rex tillerson's tom nation
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will be sent to the senate floor later tonight. not sure, they haven't announced how much debate time they will have around that. could be, might get approved tonight, more likely tomorrow, maybe wednesday but the senate is expected to just in a few hours from now, a couple hours from now, 7:00 eastern time to approve mike pompeo, the kansas congressman, as the next cia director. that is what they're debating right now. david: heads look like they're spinning inside of the committee room. a lot going on. >> since you just nominated me as secretary of state. >> i second it. david: you would be a good backup, you would be a good backup for rex tillerson. thanks, peter. melissa: with only two cabinet spots in the trump administration confirmed press secretary sean spicer says he has had enough of these political games. >> at this point in 2009 president obama had seven of his nominees confirmed on day one, and five more in the first week. as it stands today, we have two. it's time for senate democrats
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to stop playing political games with the core functions of government and to allow president trump's unquestionably qualified and talented group of cabinet nominees to get to work on behalf of the american people. melissa: here to react is brad blakeman, former bush 43 senior staffer. julie roginsky, democratic strategist and fox news contributor. let's put up the scorecard. we're big on numbers and meuring inizes all those kind of things. cabinet confirmed by inauguration day, barack obama six, george w. bush, seven. his father, zero. reagan one. carter eight. are the democrats slow walking or going as planned? >> i don't know if they're slow walking. a lot of people haven't given requisite information for quite a long time at least since their nominations were announced. secondly i think everybody wants a fair hearing. frankly rex tillerson just got done with his last week.
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betsy devos certainly had some rough patches. i don't know when she will be held up for a vote. we are having vote. at least secretary of state being voted on and cia director being voted on today or tomorrow. melissa: brad, it doesn't seem like it is slowing him down though. he is firing things off. he is meeting with people. i don't know if he notices what is happening with -- i mean, i don't mean that insulting way, he is sort of i'm going ahead whether you like it or not sort of thing? >> there is no doubt. he can't let any grass grow under his feet. the president has too much on his plate and i can guarranty if they haven't learned anything, this president has a long memory. if you deal with him unfairly, don't act out of good faith he will take it out some other way when perhaps you need something but they're not doing any favors to the country. let's face it, these nominees are the most qualified nominees, probably in the history of our nation. these are professional people who have not been on the government dole their entire lives. that is the good thing. they're bottom line transactional people.
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you know what? they have enough of their paperwork to get a fair hearing today if the senate wanted it. melissa: i was waiting to go on. i heard every minute of the sean spicer presser early today. trying to set things straight with the media, voicing his constant frustration. listen. >> it is about a constant theme. it is about sitting here every time being told, no. we don't think he can do that. he will never accomplish that. he can't win that. it won't be the biggest. it inot going to be that good. the crowds are not that big. he is not that successful. default narrative is always negative. and it is demoralizing. melissa: brad, i mean call me conspiracy theorist but i think this is sort of a contrived fight where it is sort of like when they were comparing the size of the crowd, that was such a stupid discussion, in my mind it was thrown out there like the shiny rattle for the media and it distracted from the million woman march. instead all the headlines were about how many people were or
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weren't at inauguration. i think this whole fight with the media is intentional distraction maybe on the part of the trump team. what do you think of my theory? >> no, i don't believe that. look, i've been around the washington press corps and they're debbie and donnie downers. everything is a downer. everything is defeatist. what donald trump is trying to say in his actions to date and what he propose in the future, we can do all things. stop, lead or get out of the way. help me or at least report fairly. and that is what we're not getting out of the media. they're defeatist on everything. america can do anything we put our mind to. melissa: on one hand, julie the press is supposed to oppositional, and they are supposed to be doubters and hold his feet to the fire and say no, no, but on the other hand what brad is saying trump administration, some people on the right feel they were super negative on trump and super fawning on obama. >> first to correct something brad said, they're not supposed to help the president.
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they don't work for him. hoe february fully work for the public -- hopefully work for the public. what is this i hear about sean spicer, does he sound, dare i say it like a snowflake? are his feelings a little hurt because it is demoralizing. i was press secretary in washington and out of washington. the biggest mistake you make pick a fight with the press corps, you are not going to win. you punish the press corps. you leak what you want to leak. melissa: that is their whole narrative? don't you understand. that works with his whole brand. >> works with base. doesn't work with anybody else. if he wants to govern for his base, congratulations. melissa: i don't know -- >> if you want to be president for all americans, stop -- melissa: my 10-year-old said in the taxi to me yesterday the dishonest media. i went what? what? >> he is 10-year-olds exactly. melissa: dishonest media. he is not voting. not in trump's face. he heard it so many times in the
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ether, the dishonest media it worked. he branded media. >> look at their poll numbers are the lowest of even congress i dare say. >> my own son, the dishonest media. >> my 4-year-old -- melissa: there you go, we have conversation for some cocktails at another time, julie my friend. >> i will be at the bar down the street. david: how old is your son and he is 10 and said the dishonest media. what? melissa: where are you hearing this? not on this channel. david: not everything is going on inside of the beltway. millions of americans are in the danger zone. dozens of deadly tornadoes hitting southeast. the powerful storm making its way up the east coast. >> where is the president? >> mercy, look like a war zone. >> never in my lifetime. i have been in bad hurricanes but nothing as bad as this. ha. the classes, the friends,
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the independence. and since we planned for it, that student debt is the one experience, i'm glad she'll miss when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. ameriprise
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melissa: this is live look at the senate foreign relations committee.
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we're awaiting a vote any moment for confirmation of rex tillerson for secretary of state. maryland democrat and ranking member ben cardin is making the case against him right now. that is what you're looking at. we're keeping an eye on this for you. we'll bring results as soon as you look at them. david: i like response of that one congressman to ben cardin. total devastation and destruction in the south, dozens of tornadoes, killing at least 19 people in georgia, mississippi, alabama and florida. president trump speaking speakih georgia's governor expressing condolences for the lives taken and pledging support for the region. melissa: rain in southern california, powerful storm dropping four inches of rain and flooding freeways and raising concerns about possible mudslides. that storm is making its way to the rockies as more than 20 million people are in the path of a significant nor'easter on the east coast. fox news meteorologist adam
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klotz in the weather center with the latest. adam, what can we expect? >> ts is a bigystem, continuing as we speak. here what we're talking about, running its way up the east coast. this is the east coast system. west coast system out there as well, more on that in a minute. rain is leaving the southeast, the same one produced all the tornadoes running up into the east coast. no concern for tornadoes farther north but this is still a major weather system. as this works from d.c., philadelphia, several major cities, getting up towards new york as well, temperatures warmer than freezing. we're talking about heavy rain, little farther inland, temps get colder. that is where we see snow beginning to accumulate. this is how it works out for us, at least a couple inches for coastal communities. you start to see a couple of inches, that could be ponding on the roadways. snow accumulating a little farther inland. larger concern is win. these are recent wind gusts. we've seen gusting wins easily up to 40 miles an hour and at
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times getting up to 50 miles an hour. as a result we have a whole bunch of wind advisories for wind gusts that could get up to 60 mile-an-hour from now through the evening hours this is something we pay attention to. yes, we see the west coast continue get battered. snow will stay in the forecast at least through tomorrow. very busy couple days in the weather center. melissa: adam, we'll keel an eye on it thank you. david: president trump not waisting a minute to get to work but how is the negotiator stacking up against the best presidents in american history?
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david: his term is only just begun and executive orders are pouring in. president trump signed three executive orders. we have a executive with president george h.w. bush. you're a great historian, doug. i'm sure our happy h.w. bush is making a good recovery and his wife barbara. >> they're looking good, dade. david: he has good color in his cheeks. the executive orders so far, mostly reversals of previous executive orders. that is not at all unusual. he puts together a list of them. president obama had 19 executive orders and nine were reversal in the first one one days that is. president gw bush had 11 executive orders in the first 100 days. four of them were reversed. this happens quite frequently. >> it does, it does. this is still striking me as one of the most energetic and
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ambitious first 100 days i think i have ever seen, and i think it is because it is not idealogical. this is not left or right. this is business. this is somebody's building a building here, they're going at it. that could be huge. china has been built by the clintons and the dnc since those years, 1992, 1996, the clinton re-election campaign whether all the chinese money poured into it they got into wto which changed the world. changed the world. david: world trade organization. >> tremendous shift of wealth in the world. and donald trump is taking that on immediately. david: he is also taking on individual businesses. of course, apple, ford, toyota, i remember, the jfk case, jfk, john f. kennedy went against u.s. steel. other than that i don't remember presidents picking on individual companies asking them to do something different.
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>> no, but kennedy also, you'll remember, took on the federal reserve. there was a little bit of that trump populism kennedy's plans as well. here trump is taking on corporate media. i don't think people fully understand that a lot of corporations that finance the corporate media and sponsors these shows get money direct from the federal government. david: that's right. >> here is trump on tv we're going to lowest bidder. you come in on time with a good bid, you get government money. david: i love night you about it is not guaranteed. david: i love it when competition is brought into the workforce inside of the beltway. now the press, we talked about that so far, a lot of interest how he deals with the press. richard nixon fought the press and he lost. that a lot of people say it led directly to his impeachment but donald trump is not richard nixon. how do you think this will end up? >> this is a different set of circumstances. i would say if we were still in nixon's time, trump's strategy
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would fail miserably. he would lose again just as predictably as richard nixon lost. i would prefer he take the route of ronald reagan just smile and wave, let them say whatever they want to say and go directly to the hearts american people. because of the internet, because of twitter, new openings, the corporate media is losing some of its power and some of its hold and they sense that. that is where some anger comes from. they are losing some of the power they have to shape public opinion. david: always a pleasure, doug. don't be a stranger. appreciate it. >> thank you, david. melissa: coming up next a fresh season much "strange inheritance" kicks office. we have a sneak-peek what brand new episodes have in store. don't want to miss it. ooh.
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>> strange inheritance is back
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tonight kicking off a whole new season with episodes starting tonight. >> yeah, and stuartist from golden age who leaves her ancient beads that she gathered on all of her journeys. take a look. >> what do you think naomi's fascination with beads was? >> she liked that the beads put you in touch with culture, that you admire or are interested in. >> in some cultures, their money. in others, magical charm. for naomi, they slide easily into a suitcase and through customs. >> there are mankind's oldest formable art form. >> host of strange inheritance jamie colby joins us now. by the way, jamie, you probably realize this, but you have one of the best jobs in television. >> oh, without question. >> you get to travel everywhere, get to do these incredible stories, i mean, it's quite a good gig you got there. >> no doubt about it. and carrying three 80-pound
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suitcases at months at a time is my favorite part. >> tell us about the beads. >> well, let me tell you that no doubt about it meeting american families and even going global this season and finding jane austin's ring and seeing these magnificent beads that have so much spiritual meaning and historical meaning, and it turns out financial reward. and learning about this stuartous who was savvy enough instead of collecting some of the stuff that we do on vacation, spending her $10 per diem on her job collecting these beads. it turned out to be the most beautiful windfall. and just learning about the collections, the history of the family, and what the heck that you do with tens of thousands of beads when all is said and done is an experience that i wouldn't trade for anything. so you're right. i do have the best job in television, but i'm meeting the best families. and our team has expanded, 28
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new episodes are coming viewers' way, they've waited ten months to finish this journey. and there will be two tonight but also an interesting one about a era coin made by the u.s. minute, held by a family member who worked for the minute imint in denver in 1974 when they had run out of copper or about to, they were thinking about going aluminum. they didn't for reasons you'll hear tonight. but this coin in and of itself could be worth 1- $2 million. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah, a penny. but it was sitting in a ziploc bag in a drawer because when this man's dad died, he didn't think of any of the coins. and, by the way, when he decided to check them out, he got the shock of the life. >> amazing. i used to collect pennies. >> that's one of the things you dream of. you have the things sitting around and hope it's worth an incredible fortune. that's all of these people's stories. >> thank you, jamie. >> all right. don't forget to
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watch a whole new episode, two of them of strange inheritance of jamie colby tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern only right here on fox business. i love that. >> i do too. i do too. absolutely. and, again, for the next -- for the rest of the year, we're going to be following every tick inside the beltway. >> risk and reward now. liz: it's action monday, president trump signing a number of executive actions making good on his campaign promises on obamacare, jobs, trade, and reducing government. the question is are executive orders on border security? are they coming next? welcome to risk and award i'm liz macdonald in for deirdre bolton. happening right now, hosting a congressional leadership direction at the white house. both democrats and republicans are there. we're on it. we're monitoring it. we will bring you any details as they come out. and to the next hour, the president plans to meet one-on-one with house speaker paul ryan. last friday


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