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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 23, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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lou: that's two deflections. one more. we'll take that up next time. john hannah, thanks for being with us. good night from new york charles: i feel fantastic that he's there. lou: in the first few days of his presidency mr. trump is demonstrating his administration is in the business of keeping promises. president trump's focusing much of his day on job creation, trade and the economy. sinning we want bring manufacturing back to her country. lou: establishment elites are panicking. senator chuck schumer is losing on policy in votes and he's making a desperate pitch to oppose everything president trump proposes. >> it's a different cabinet than we have ever seen. we call it a swonk cabinet of billionaires and bankers and there are so many of them with potential conflicts of interest.
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lou: tonight we examined whether u.s. multinationals are using their media assets to extort the trump administration. it's although the left-wing bias really a corporate order? we will take that up tonight. the new white house press secretary says the left-wing national media isn't being honest. >> over and over again there's this attempt to go after this president and say that can't be true and that's not right and the numbers weren't there and a rush to judgment every time. lou: we are joined by some of our political analyst and ed rollins in michael goodwin. good evening everybody president trump today taking good on one of his key campaign promises signing an executive action that withdraws the united states from the transpacific partnership trade deal. he also has signed two other directives one putting a freeze on all federal hiring except for the military and the other
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reinstating a ban on funding for international groups that reform abortion. president trump also today met with business leaders including spacex ceo elon musk ford ceo mark fields and lockheed-martin ceo. mr. trump promised to roll back regulations to impose major order tax on companies that move jobs outside of this country and to seek to lower the top corporate tax rate. >> we are trying to get it down to anywhere from 15 to 20% and it's now 35% so that's probably more 38% that it is 35 what do you say? will be cutting regulation. we have regulation and it will be just as strong and just as protective of the people as the regulation we have right now. the regulation right now the problem is you can't do anything. lou: the president met with only
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only -- union leaders to talk about his vision for negotiating those trade deals. >> tpp wasn't the right way so we are going back to those countries one-on-one but will we will have a lot of plant expansion. lou: in his first white house briefing president trump's press secretary sean spicer defended his attack on the news media vowing to tell the truth during an exchange with abc news jonathan carl. >> it's an honor to do this and yes i believe we have to be honest with the american people. think sometimes we can disagree the facts. there are certain things that we may not fully understand for me, but our intention is never to divide. lou: spicer went back and forthwith carl clearly putting into context his previous remarks about the inauguration
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crowd size. >> do you stand by your statement that was the most-watched in our growth? >> it was the most-watched and a girl. >> more than reagan? >> i'm pretty sure that reagan didn't have youtube and facebook and the internet. let's take the nielsen ratings which are 31 million add it to 16.9 million. that's a little higher. lou: he was being very generous there. it's a lot higher in joining us now to talk about the national left-wing media as well as trump's immediate action on dismantling the president obama's devastating legacy presidential campaigns ed rollins pulitzer prize winning columnist for the "new york post" michael goodwin. good to have you both here. you don't seem to be as exuberant as i would imagine.
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>> i thought he showed great leadership when he made his and my girl address and reinforce the issues he talked about in the campaign and today he basically could start implementing those. he visualized him on the campaign trail and he looked the part today. lou: once a strategist buys a strategist. >> he looks the part and the sound of the part in the one thing about him this is the guy who is basically tough and is going to show his leadership. lou: to see them talking with business leaders and ceos we have seen him talking with union leaders as he did today. we haven't seen that if he was giving both equal and high-class top-drawer treatment. this is a very good sign if only symbolic it's an important gn is it not michael?
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>> absolutely. he is keeping s campaig promises. he is starting right out of the gate doing the things he the things he talked about to the minute he got an opportunity to do them he did them. we saw that with carrier. you know with cohen struck in the fact that everything he has done so far barack obama could have done and didn't. two job on these companies and to try to keep them in america. lou: some in the national liberal media many saying that would be an intervention. these left-wing hacks are sitting here and suddenly they are protectors of the private sector and if this president dares. >> look, this is the other america that hired trump and that's the american. >> it's called leadership and the most shocked group as i watched today was the leadership of congress walked in and it was sort of like he is really here.
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this is the guy we have to deal with and they all piled in comparison. lou: shimmer looks like a wanted man. he's a fugitive. he is hiding in plain sight in and saying some of the silliest things one could imagine both the senate minority leader saying even after the experience of harry reid. >> the most important and you talk about draining the swamp with the members of congress and generals. they are successful businessmen but it's not full of leaders. full of very successful people. lou: wait a minute are you crawling charles schumer out for uttering a misstatement? >> let me say he's misinformed. he ought to look at my resumes before he votes. lou: did you see how pleased he was with his wordsmithing? where did he ever get that concept, swamp?
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he's a plagiarist for crying out loud. >> as long as trump his doing what he said he would do in producing results schumer is going to be flopping around looking for an angle there isn't going to one of trump is doing the people's business. lou: he isdoing the people's business in what i call trump time. i mean he is moving and he's got the parts in place even though he has an administration. he doesn't give a dam about having a contest of words and semantics. he doesn't have time for that nonsense. i'm so proud of sean spicer. he stood up today and he handled a motley crew of white house press corps. i mean they went from the trivial to stating the obvious and the previously stated. he was patient. i've -- well i would have imagined a lesser man would have had his thumbs around somebody's
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throat because they were absolutely asinine, superior, condescending and wrong. i mean. >> he is going to get to do this every day. he had a great day today. two things are very important the president has a brand-new tie on. it's not one of his red and blue trump ties. a very stylish type and sean has gotten a haircut so it's a brand-new day moving forward here. >> i would like to blow a horn for the "new york post." the first question the sean spicer at -- asked in the formal briefing, the "new york post" through a chief in washington, this is a big break because of size got to be the "associated press." lou: if you were donald trump would you ever call one of his press secretaries, would you ever call on the "associated press" again honestly? i mean would you for any reason in the world? >> but i think the big point is here we don't have to follow your rules anymore.
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we are making our rules. this is our building. we are going to make these decisions, not you. lou: what i love is sean spicer was right that we were treated to two days of nonsense. he has had the largest audience, his words. not the crowd, not the national mall, audice. it's just aggravating. good job john spicer. good job ed rollins at michael goodwin. grading on the curve today. >> everybody gets an a today. lou: we are coming right back with much more. i'll tell you what a day. you don't want to miss any of it. we will be right back. stay with us. president trump's and his white house team up to fight the national left-wing media's attempts to delegitimize our commander-in-chief. >> i think over and over get theirs is constant attempts to undermine his credibility and
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the movement that represents and it's frustrating. lou: byron york joins me next and it's a new day for america. president trump's promises massive tax cuts for the middle class and business. we will talk about the president's efforts to restore prosperity to all americans my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
11:12 pm
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lou: you are looking at live pictures of the senate vote. they are voting on the nomination of congressman mike pompeo to become cia director. he would become the third, the third trump nominee to be confirmed if indeed that is what occurs here tonight in the senate. we will be updating you as the vote moves forward as we expect he is finally confirmed. turning now to another nominate rex tillerson for secretary of state. the senate foreign relations committee earlier today approved tillerson as the country's next secretary of state. the committee did split along party lines as close as it can be. he was an 11-10 vote of approval. up next a full senate confirmation vote is expected to take place possibly next week.
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some had hoped and still think the vote might come as early as wednesday. that vote came shortly after senator marco rubio declared his support for tillerson. he backed off from work earlier had been an outright challenge to president trump. he said that it was a near thing in his decision to support tillerson. joining me now "washington examiner" chief political correspondent byron york. it's great to have you with us this evening. let us turn first to pompeo moving ahead. earlier schumer had said they there would be no vote. something happened. your guess, your estimate, your knowledge as to what happened to change all that? >> while it's generally a practice in the senate to confirm the national security positions first. if already done houma security. john kelly and they have done the department of defense john mattis and it actually is a
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question of why they didn't do my pompeo at the same time. i went to the confirmation hearing last week and everything went pretty well. there was never any question. lou: is schumer just being a scot? >> look democrats are trying to slow down as much as they can. lou: to what purpose because they are going to get the votes. >> exactly to throw sand in the works. schumer is known to have been attacking harry reid's decision to get rid of the filibuster for executive nominations because believe you me if they have the filibuster now. lou: we have just received word that might pompeo will be the next director of the cia on the vote right now confirming 56 votes in favor. so doing very well for the
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democrats at least have joined. we don't have the exact votes allocation but there are now three president trump's nominees who have been confirmed by the senate. byron complete your puppet i apologize. >> seven barack obama got on this first day. i do think it was a significant day as far as tillerson nomination is concerned. as you noted a razor thin margin. if just one republican had gone the other way it would have gotten negative recommendations from the committee and mitch mcconnell could have used parliament terry devices to get it out of the committee and to the floor. but he didn't have to so now we have marco rubio coming out saying people support this. earlier we had john mccain and lindsey graham say they would vote for tillerson. lou: baird venture was byron why
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would they even start with the business of we don't like this idea. what was the mccain said, he supported barely. this is an odd that if content first theater on the part of the graham mccain do well. >> probably a shot across the bow. they clearly have concerns about donald trump and russia. they are very very hard line on that. they want to make sure he doesn't essentially cross them. i think they ought her question was what was going on with rubio. he questioned tillerson in the foreign relations committee like a man who wasn't going to vote for rex tillerson. lou: unless he declared vladimir putin as a war criminal. >> a war criminal right there on the spot and now rubio has come around and said he is going to vote for him. don't know if his mind actually
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changed or via his plan to vote for him but these three what you are saying you are seeing with the three senators mccain and graham and rubio is kind of a warning shot to trump saying we have 52 republicans in the senate. there are three of us. do the math. we are not with you you might have trouble confirming people. lou: i have a feeling there are a few things, few advantages held also by the executive in this case as well as the senate majority leader. if they were to play it at that level, to stoop to that as republicans and particularly the chair the committee i mean it would be hell to pay byron, right? >> you would think there would be and remember there's one thing i left out of that calculation which is democrats voting for some of trump's nominees and we know right now at least four, you just reported
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at least four democrats have gone for mike pompeo. i believe joe manchin has said that he will vote for rex llerson possibly others will so that gives mitch mcconnell a little pad in doing that so even if some of his republicans decided they want to make some sort of point against the trump nominee mcconnell can probably still get them through the senate and indeed mcconnell said he is expected to confirm every single trump nominee. lou: real quick may want to ask a question because it's becoming something more seems to me than coincidence that the left-wing media continues to embarrass itself purposely. these attacks, relentless attacks on the trump administration almost four days into it and as you look at their corporate masters, the u.s. multinationals that owned them it starts to look like the
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establishment has moved into retaliation now against trump and this is more than i left-wing national bias. could it be that they are operating on corporate orders? >> look, i can tell you that. it is clear. lou: i'm asking you for an informed judgment. >> actually i don't even know how to guess on that because i do think that a lot of journalists are perfectly capable of group think on their own and some news organizations organizations -- lou: they are capable of much else if you want to know the truth. see the tape date clearly got someone hysterical about bad and we should say today's white house briefing was a remarkable session in which sean spicer comes out, the first question he gives us to the "new york post" and the next question is the broadcasting network and then he gives one to "fox business" and
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then he gives one radio in a completely ignores for a while that group in the front who would be the most likely to talk about the crowd size issues and others and we got toquestions on real substantive -- lou: i agree with sean, that's important because it's about truth and the audience was the biggest ever for donald j. trump and all you have to do is look as they pointed out on the streaming numbers of almost 17 million from "cnn," 31 million on television and you went, we won. byron york u. r. one or we thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you lou. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight. the question is less than four days into trump's presidency do you have even greater confidence that donald trump will succeed in making america great again? it's never too early to test the waters. cast your vote on twitter @lou dobbs elements with her @lou dobbs like nan facebook follow
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me at instagram @lou dobbs tonight. on wall street stocks did fall slower the dow down 4027 points the s&p down six the nasdaq up two through the volume on the big board like trade 3.1 billion shares, the shares of aetna closing lower and after a federal judge blocked the insurers 34 billion-dollar acquisition of humana, a tough day for mna pitter minded to listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. up next the trump white house still battling the left-wing national media in his very first days in office. the escalation is the subject of my commentary next. stay with us, we are coming right back with that and much right back with that and much more.
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after he took the media to thanks for their distorted depiction of the global audience globally. sean spicer proved he's the right man for the job in his first official white house briefing. spicer declared his boss had the biggest audience ever seen by 31 million viewers across 12 networks according to neilson, by doesn't include online viewing by brings the total to 48 million people. those are among those who reported their statistics. spicer took the media to task for constantly trying to under nine trump. >> when you are constantly being
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told it can't be done. he defied the odds over and over and over again. an keeps getting told we want do by this narrative out there and he sees it every single time. lou: who gave it left-wing media to become left in wing activists anyway. could it be their corporate globalist establishment owners? there is no doubt president trump threatens those powerful he athletes. mclatchy announced it's shipping jobs oversea. disney under fire for make fired employees train their foreign replacements. "washington post" owner jeff bedose has been a target of? trump was of tax issues and anti-trust problems.
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and jeff zucker directly threatening president trump saying his actions could influence global coverage of president trump by cnn's global network. corporate america appears to have deployed some of its media assets to attack the president. the trump white house now on a battle with the corporate stabment and the left wing activism of their media assets, the establishment has obviously unleashed. it's air began and abuse of media power that they control. it may lead to highly damaging unintended consequences. consequences unintended at least to those, those corporatists, those globalists who are being reckless with their media assets maybe.
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my counsel to them would be if that is the case, it would be certainly to constrain such activism and return to perhaps something called journalism. if it's not already too late. now the quotation of the evening. on winning. that's what sean spicer did today. our quotation appropriately from bear bryant. show class, have pride and display character. if you do, winning takes care of itself. sean spicer won today. the flailing left hollywood he let can't accept donald trump's presidency and madonna real write doesn't like him. >> you have an emerging left wing fastism. we have to reflect ourselves. the truth is she ought to be arrested. lou: madonna said she thought about blowing up the white house.
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this is one gorgeous truck. special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh!ahh!! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? (laughter) come home with me! trade up to the silverado all star edition and get an average total value of eight thousand one hundred fifty dollars when you find your tag. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. lou: growing calls for madonna's arrest after she alluded to
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president's assassination in washington, d.c. >> yes, i'm angry. yes, i'm outraged. yes, i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. lou: madonna yesterday said the speech was taken wildly out of context. i guess we are not to believe our lying ears. your thoughts on this. we were in washington, watched these women and men descend on washington, d.c. but some of the stars -- and for the most part there were exceptions. but for the most part they were reasonably orderly, then the stars get up and start talking. your reaction. >> first of all, lou, it's a great day in america.
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donald trump is our president. as relates to madonna, she is an aging over the university of north carolina at chapel hill performer. newer generations are newing at new stars. she wasn't taken out of context. we all heard it. she did that for shock value, now she is trying to walk it back. she should at ast get a visit from f.b.i. agents or the secret service for questioning to at least send a message to her that that kind of stuff will not go on during the donald trump administration, not just his, but any president's administration. lou: i have got to say we were for a brief time talking to a crowd of lgbt activists down there who were basically they were menacing, chasing, whatever, pat mccrory, the
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former governor of north carolina. about 30 of them. they were loud and noisy. but the d.c. police, two officers stepped in after a few minutes and just simply moved them out away. this is me saying thank you to the d.c. police, all the law enforcement officers there handling a crowd that was for two days they had large crowds to manage. and for the most pair it was so orderly and so terrific, despite the fact there were arrests the previous day. but we want to say thanks to law enforcement officers, my wife and i and my colleagues hereby who were on the streets at a time different was good for the former governor because we got him to shelter, but a bad time for us because we had to stand in the middle of the activities. >> i want to give a shout-out to the law enforcement officers during the inauguration, during
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most of the week in d.c. as well. i was there. they did an exceptional job. it was a joint evident. pulling off something like that is difficult to do. they did it during the rnc and dnc conventions. if those idiots would have come after me the way they did the former governor north carolina. the cops would have moved in to pull me off of them. lou: i have to tell you i stood up like you would expect me to do and i asked my female executive producer and my wife to go after them and take care of the governor. i'm just kidding. they were very brave and saved the governor's life. i had nothing to do with it. i want to turn to where we are right now. there is a known the country. i don't care what anybody says, three, four days, of what you
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want to mark this as. there is a better tone and a lot of positive spirit in the country and has been since his election. where do you think we are headed? how important is this to law enforcement? and do you think that they -- let me first ask, are you sensing the change, and do you think your colleagues and law enforcement across the country are already responding to a difference in tone and atmosphere. >> sure. i was excited when i heard donald trump during this inaugural address point out the fact that there will be a new respect for veterans and active military personnel, an also said law enforcement. that's what we want to hear, a new narrative for america. the overwhelming majority of law-abiding people in america comply with lawful command and they know the importance of law enforcement officers. the obama administration was an echo chamber for the anti-police
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sentiment. i'm sensing this much from the law enforcement officers i talked to all last week and will continue to talk to. they are sensing it as well, that there is a new sheriff in town, and from there will come a new spirit of respect. not just for law enforcement, but for authority all across america. >> on this broadcast you can use any word you like. we appreciate and any expression you like. sheriff clark, thank you. lou: president george hcht w. bush has been moved out of intensive care after a bout with pneumonia. his wife is back at home after suffering from bronchitis. a bush spokesperson tweeted this photo out saying they thank
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their fellow americans for their prayers and good wishes. doctors say he could be released from the hospital as early as this coming friday. roll the video. watch this stunt driver -- whoa! see what he did there? from one semi truck trailer to. >> the. i like it. the volkswagen beetlele. obviously not a diesel. the ex-game gold medalist sometimes stunt doubles in hollywood films. that does look like a hoot -- for hip. up next -- for him. president trump vows to bring back manufacturing to america. >> we want to start making our product here again. that doesn't mean we don't trade because we do trade. but we want to make our product here.
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lou: how well is the president doing?
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he's promising tax cuts and a lot less red tape. >> we are going to be cutting taxes massively for both the middle class and for companies. that's massively. we'll be cutting regulation massively. we'll have regulation and it will be just as strong and just as good and protective of the people as the regulation we have right now. lou: mr. trump said he's work on clearing the corporate tax rate to 15-20%. he's also moving those numbers a little bit. 15-20. he said 15. ryan says 20. will that massive tax cut do what it says. >> i think it will help considerably and i wouldn't be surprised if that's passed before the end of this year. that will happen along with
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cuts -- >> this is trump time. do you think it will take this long? >> these business leaders, he's not talking about increased regulation or trying to punish the banks. and he wants to see what need to be done in order to grow this economy more rapidly. >> loweraxesertainly help new, now what else is needed. when saw that by the way. we are talking empirically the early 2000s with charge tax cuts did not produce the kind of job creation that any economist had proclaimed at that point. >> he perhaps needs some assurances from these business leaders that they will go ahead and put these tax savings to good work. they increase production capacity where it's feasible. don't go ahead and november jobs offshore. >> they have $ 2.12 trillion.
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he put in focus the impact of these job-killing deals offshoring of production, the outsourcing of middle class jobs. that hem age of the great american wealth and potential, he's going to stop. >> we have loaf rates of resource utilization. 73%. lou: those word just confuse me. >> there is a lot of up side which the economy can grow without risking a high rate of inflation. but you have to get people to spend. and how do you do that? >> you get them money and jobs and certainty and security. he said make american safe, make america great again, make america wealthy again. i think he's got a handle on this.
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>> you have to have confidence in the future. that 3% to 4% growth he talks about may not be out of reach. lou: i was hoping you would say that. i'm tired of naysayers. i want positive thinking here. you are here because you are not only a positive thinker, but you are a great thinker. >> that's very kind of you. >> i wasn't st being kind. i wabeing factual. foreign policy at the t of president trump's agenda. >> he met with canada and mexico. he talked to prime minister netanyahu yesterday, the el-sisi today. there is a tremendous excitement in the diplomatic core and the world leader level. people excited that the * and this administration want to engage. lou: john hannah joins me here
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since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help.
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lou: i want to -- we are a little crowd on time but i want to go through a list of issues we need to deal with. one is protecting u.s. interests around the world. the administration make it clear that china is not going to be
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building artificial islands in the south china sea. is it too early for that kind of straightforward declaration. >> i think that president and the administration have got to be crystal clear in the start with regards to our adversaries, in particular with china, that the united states has clear red lines and real interests in this part of the world, particularly in the free flow of navigation and ships and planes and we are going to defend those. lou: we have an upcoming meeting between the montana and theresa may, the -- between the prime minister theresa may. is this simply an introduction to a special ally. >> this an affirmation of the u.s.-britain partnership that has been at the center of just
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about every good positive development in international affairs since world war ii. the president said he will do everything he can to insure britain after brexit remains one of the most powerful and prosperous countries in the world, and we have every interest in doing that. lou: how tricky the telephone call with vladimir putin? >> i don't think it will be that tricky. both of these guys have to have a basic interest pulling us back from the brink. we are the two most powerful new jar powers in the world. both of these guys have an interest in managing these differences bert and looking for real areas of cooperation, particularly against isis and is ram lick radicalism. lou: unwould could see readily what could be gained bilateral or multi lateral to fight and
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destroy the islamic state. it becomes more ski difficult when you look at crimea and still vigorous interjettic threats toward eastern ukraine and the baltic states. that has to stop. and can that be done quickly? i don't know how quickly it can be done. but through finally at long last real american resolve, drawing clear red lines. understanding russian red lines and living up to those, i think we can reach an understanding with the russians regarding ukraine, lou, that will allow to us move on and pursue more cooperative relations in places that matter to both of us. lou: the neocons are choking on
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themselves in that axis between new york and washington, d.c. are they a relic of history or are they going to continue to insinuate themselves into a trumreign policy? >> i don't know. a lot of my best friends are knee so cons. these are serious people with a lot of experience in government. i hope everybody will pull behind the president and this administration to do everything they can whether inside or outside -- lou: there is no room for knee over conservatism in what has been described by donald trump as a rational self-interest. and modest foreign policy, is there? >> there may not be room for a great american effort to transform the world. but for american leadership and power and resolve to play our role in the world, that's always in season.
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lou: that's two deflections. one more. we'll take that up next time. john hannah, thanks for being with us. good we'll see you tomorrow. kennedy: president trump leaping out the starting gate with a bunch of executive orders and a load agenda. the new administration's feud with the media heating up again. is there a limit how hard they can push before reporters start to push back. do all the antitrump protests around the world really accomplish anything? i hard alongside those vocal d.c. protesters saturday who broadcast their discontent with clever signs, oversized. you ets and a series of causes that the


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