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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 31, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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i am happy that allegiance to the constitution and the law. charles: thank you very much, we'll know lou dobbs has special coverage that begins now, a two hour supreme court special. lou: there have been rising concerns for some time now that the democratic party and the left have been trying to delegitimize the president, but now they have gone beyond that. the question is, are they subverting the u.s. government, and trying to disentrance choice -- disenfranchize millions of trump voters, white house says, they will not succeed in anyway. >> i think we have proven so far, democrats can try to obstruct, but at the end of the day the will of the american people will overcome
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that. lou: we take up those issues here tonight. alto night -- -- will tonight, who will president trump choose? >> we'll be announcing a supreme court justice. lou: we'll have special coverage judge andrew napolitano will join us. we learn that iran conducting more missile tests than we were initially told. what is going on? general jack king joining us tonight. lou: good evening, a busy day for president trump. president is also set to announce his supreme court nominee in under an hour in the east room of the white house, at the time the moment the president is hosting a
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reception for top congressional leaders and members of the judiciary committees before his announcement. today the president met with pharmaceutical executives calling on them to cut prices to manufacture more of their drugs in this country, mr. trump vowed to speed the approval and ease of regulations. white house press secretary sean spicer today in a spirited exchange with a "new york times" reporter over fires of acting attorney general rally sally yates. >> the folks on the right and left, constitutional scholars this morning, say we may not agree on some policies or party of the president, but he was right to do this. >> why use the word betra betrayal. >> it is the department's job,
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the department of justice, if you have a legally executed order, and attorney general says could i am not going to execute it, that is a betrayal. i am not going to define the word. lou: on capitol hill, senate democrats boycotted a planned committee vote on two of president's cabinet nominee, steve mnuchin. and tom price. senator orrin hatch, called the dem's tactics shocks and offensive. >> i think they ought to stop posturing and acting like idiots, stop holding news conferences, and come here and express yourself here. and then vote one way or the other. i'd like to see someone with courage on that other side. lou: and perhaps manners. senate democrats using a
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procedural move to delay another committee vote on senator jeff sessions, mr. trump's nominee ar for attorney general. senate judiciary committee will reconvene 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. joining us now to discuss what is a intent on part of the dems on subvert, and trump supreme court announcement upcoming can randy evans former chairman of republican national lawyers association, and carrie sev reno, chief council and policy director for judicial crisis network, a former supreme court clerk for justice clearance thomas. terry we begin with you. do -- have you divined who the president will be announcing tonight?
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>> well, that is the president's preeing o -- prerogative. but this is someone who is incredibly well qualified. that is idea of this list in the first place. such a deep bench of judges that understand it is about the text of the law, and text and original understanding of ththe constitution, not personal politics. >> if you don't want to share with us, what you have divined. tell us this, who do you prefer? >> you know, i don't want to make a vote one way or the other, we're happy to support any of the great nominees. >> i got it, i know i will have no such trouble with randy. your thoughts on the two choices, before the president one of the two to be put up
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for senator -- excuse me, justice scalia's seat. >> well, i will say, i think that judge gorsuch is probably the favorite. everyone is afraid of suter effect. both of these have a lot of track records, but, i think that judge gorsuch has more in terms of kinds of issues that are important to the president. in fairness, judge hardiman does have as a colleague president trump's sister, he has been strong on second amendment. i would have to say, that in terms of comfort level, given numbers of opinions, and his track record, and publication, i think that judge gorsuch probably the favorite. lou: talk about process for it. irrespect of who the president puts forward, the confirmation
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process will be in all likelihood an historic one in which the senate may be called upon to change their rules and move to the so-called nuclear option as did senator harry reid when he was majority leader some 5 years ago carrie. what is it going to take to get either one of these men through the confirmation process, and have a seat on this court? >> either of those justices is so well qualified, so clearly fit for the job, that i think you would -- lou: i think this is where i say, so stipulated, how do we get them to point to get a seat. >> they have will -- they will have 51 votes for confirmation, getting past that filibuster. but it is a harder thing for a senator to filibuster, look at e-- alito's confirmation. it will be so clear.
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that this so many senators up for reelect in 2018 in red states that went for trump, they will have to pick between lining themselves up with obstruct for 4 more years or letting this come to a vote. lou: they don't seem to have any trouble what so every being obstructists right now across the board with the president's choices. this is an obstructionist democratic party, if you can call it a party, it is operating more like a gang. >> i think that they will have enough to keep either side from getting 60 votes, they will have enough votes to block, you know -- filibuster, and mitch mcconnell will have to evoke the nuclear option, at that moment, whether or not they vote to change the rules, to go
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nuclear, will be a big deal. because i think there are many senate democrats who say this nominee, is not worth giving up filibuster rule on future supreme court nominations. they are willing to replace a scalia, in not willing to give up thi filibuster, in the end, i think they will blink and back down but i think that nuclear option will have to be put on the table first. lou: they are reluctance, why? nothing could be more critical in president trump's administration, almost anything, than to seat the justices on the supreme court. >> you have a party that is an abstentia, they don't get it, they don't' what happened.
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they don't go to the inauguration, they don't go to senate meetings they don't show up. lou: on mcconnell? >> there are a lot of institutionalists who have been there a long time and feel that a filibuster is part of the senate. once harry reid blew up the fill bester it is hanging on by one vote. to have both parties play by same rules i am afraid it is going to have to go. either this time or democrats donor decide to -- don't filibuster all the way they don't want that nuclear option used, fine, but i think it is dead on arrival. lou: it is to me, astounding. almost as if the establishment republicans, particularly in leadership of both houses, i will end it with this, they don't understand democrats, the left, they are on without
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question, they are on war footing, they are carrying the battle to the republicans every day and everyone is trying to smile and to be 134 somewhat if you will polite. but this is a scorched earth policy as they declare, and senator schumer is living up to what he promised. >> there has to be a point where you recognize this is political guerrilla warfare, and you treat it like such, you don't stand in lines, you don't play by queeny marbury rules, you take the fight to them. >> all right, randy thank you, and carrie thank you, i hope you both get your way with which every justice the president announces tonight in coming up in about 48 minutes, we're coming right back with much more, trump to make that announcement on who he will choose to fill seat of justice
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scalia, we'll have it for you here live. stay with us, much more news to coff, that is coming up next. >> the white house takes on the lying, dishonest, left-wing national media. >> the president has talked about extreme vetting and the need to keep america safe for a long time, at the same time he has made very clear this is not a muslim ban, this is not a travel ban, this is a vetting system to keep america safe. lou: we take up the facts and more next. >> and tonight we learn who is the president's choice to join the supreme court. the dems on the left vowing to block his nominee, we cover that and more as our special coverage of the president's supreme court nomination continues, stay with us, we'll be right back.
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lou: there appears to be a real change in strategy with corporate america. when it comes to doing business with the trump administration, and lobbyists. some ceos, looking to operate on their own rather than kstreet, jeff bezos is
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considering a legal challenge on president trump's order on vetting. you go jeff! and ford ceo mor narc feels now said that immigration executive order goes against their corporate values, corporate values. check mark. >> let's not forget, bezos met with trump and other silicon valley executives in december, just a month after that meeting amazon agreed to create more than 100,000 new jobs in u.s., and then fields after meeting with trump decided to cancel plan for $1.6 billion plant in mexico and invest in michigan, and its plan there. and hire more americans. it used to be so friendly, joining me now, gail trodder, mike gallagher welcome to you both.
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let me turn, gail to you, this is a real beta bedeparture, these ceos are standing up, they are appealing to president trump to leave the borders open, leave their source of cheap labor accessible and let them have more cheap labor they can just bring into the country and exploit. >> that right. i think that they are surprised that president trump has not done what so many other politicians have done once they have ascended into oval office and pivot to lobbyists and swamp creatures in dc, and corporate, big corporate intrust trusts that -- interest so long 3 tried that play foot footsy with leaders in washingto washington d.c.
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major issues he campaigned on, we see reactions from past week show he will be able to take the heat. lou: mike. >> the crazier the reactions from these folks, the more normal the president's actions seem. i mean, they are screaming and howling, and these businesses -- lou: humor, fake bawling. >> and president comes back and says, i want to meet his acting coach, because i don't know him, and amy schumer said, my uncle does not know how on act. crazier they get the more normalize this appeared to president trump, president obama said something that sun forgettable,y -- is unforge unforgettable. he said that elections have consequences, i won get over it, but now the shoe is on the other foot, and these guys don't know how to handle it.
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lou: it appears that they are going far beyond, they are trying to subvert the government, and to break the government down, deny the basic traditions of giving a president his cabinet, look at ha happened with all of the protests about this executive order, this in large measure, if there was any confusion as some have contended around that order, perhaps also because, the department have not been staffed because they are holding up so many of the president's appointees. >> right, and left wing media is feeding into this narrative, trying to stoke this idea that there is inturnal disarray from trump administration, and trying to put out false information on policies like immigration pause, which theyin -- they have hash tagged muslim ban,
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it is not a ban, it is not about muslims it is a pause. >> evil george is out hiring protestors and democra demonstrators. >> do you think it is just a coincidents that those thousands of protestor showed up at airports in a short period of time, come on, there is so much fake nude goin news going on right now, look at what sean spicer goes through every day, he has to suit up, put on his armor and deal with that guy that looked look a hobo from new york times. lou: i want to show what everyone that spicer is putting up with, i said a day on the job, his first official news conference, spicer is doing a hell of a job, an amazing job, trac stress secretary under president trump has to be press secretary and tutor the
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uninformed and ignore ant, this is a astonishing and field the hostility. if we can roll this video. two or three questions, the way that left comes at it, give -- particular notice not only nastiness of the folks but the way they are cressed. dressed, they are in white house, addressing spokesman for president of the united states, they look like they are about to put together a secret meeting among left rin wing. oh, wait they are left wing. >> -- president himself called it a ban. >> i understand. >> are you confused? >> i think that words are that being used derive from media is calls this, they are the department of justice, if you have a legally executed order,
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and attorney general says i am not executing that is a betrayal. >> define. >> i'm not going to define the word. >> it the president willing to kill and target american citizens even minors because their family members are terrorist. >> now american citizen will be targeted. >> spicer may be up for saint hood if he persists in his patient, and a remarkable performance. gail, your reaction to those folks, who the hell do they think they are? >> right, and when president obama of putting american citizens on drone lists they could be evap ratted -- evaporated we didn't see protests in airports and marches in washington, seems that main stream left media as no holds barred. >> they should move the daily press briefings to primetime, let the world see what mia
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is do to this administration, become aware of what sean spicer is dealing with. >> it is just ignore an to dress like, that look like that and sound like, that you are spiking to an official of the this administration. >> they have no respect, you know that. lou: you know. i remember a time, in reagan administration they did not show respect that lasted one, one briefing, and the rules were set. this is nonsense. and i have to tell you, it should not be tolerated, i salute the trump administration for putting up with them. but i don't see the joy in it. or profit, gail trodder, mike gallagher thank you, both. >> on wall street today, stocks closing mixed, dow down 107, s&p down 2, nasdaq up a fraction, volume on big board
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up 4.1 billion shares, i heard a man today talk about that trump rally is just over. really? get a life people. i mean, the business press is now in -- it is unbelievable. the pharmaceutical companies jumping after top executives met with the president today, shares of apple higher, apple reports beck better than expected earnings, listen to my report, up next president trump knows globalization is bad for america and americans. >> globalization is made the financial elite who donate to politicians, very, very wealthy. i used to be one of them. hate to say it, but i used to be one. lou: well a good thing he reformed.
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thank you for that mr. from the, globalists are fighting back, this is subject of my comcommentary here next, stay with us, we'll be right back. ur. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro.
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lou: a few thoughts now as corporatists are broadening their assaults on trump and his policies to secure or borders and ports and control the flow of refugees into this country. the chamber of commerce and the business round table are the two biggest globalist organizations. traditionally few ceos have gone public with their politics. that's changing. those ceos for years feared they might alienate their customers.r some reason that tradition is being shattered, almost daily. one of the wealthiest men in
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this country is jeff bezos. he unleashed the post reporters and columnists in the fight against the trump white house, and he's publicly opposing the president's executive order causing refugee admissions and immigration from seven countries and instituting extreme vetting. joining bezos and amazon is expedia. microsoft says it's quoopght ag's office in washington on the order. bust assault against president trump's national security agenda extending to corporate leaders from apple to facebook and
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google and netflix, ford, goldman sachs, starbucks. and the list goes on. wall street, corporate america have chosen in my opinion poorly. they are for their reasons fighting a president who won the white house by challenging the status quo. challenging the establishment andport dock yet is that all of those companies represent that alowfd the globalists to cut jobs, cut pay, and marginalize the middle class and a generation of americans. the corporatists and the elites will soon learn they are on the wrong side of history and president trump on the right side. from here on it's america first and the american citizens have returned to be in charge of their government. now and quotation for the evening and partial explanation of what all the his area is about in our nation's capital
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and why the president's populism places him squarely with the american people and why the right, the left, the elites and ugly others hate his president and his policies. we turn to bill kristol for this words of wisdom. he once said this. among conservatives, there have been too much sued so populism. almost too much concern and atension for quote the people. after all, we conservatives are on the side of the lords and barrons. we are pulling you have the draw bridge against the peasants. i will illuminating. into wonder crystal and his ilk hate president trump and willingly sacrificed his
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traditions and values. that's a shame, before it doesn't have to be our shame. we await the president's announcement of his supreme court nominee.
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lou: we are just moments away from president obama's supreme
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court nomination. it will steer the court for some time, at least the court will have nine members for the first time in about a year. reports tonight indicating that the two finalists are thomas hardiman and neil gorsuch. both are appellate court judges. shannon bream has the latest for us. reporter: the official record on who the president has selected. it has been weeks of vetting and meetings and investigation. and the administration take into account what kind of nomination battle could be looming. his selection to fill this seat which has been vacant for nearly a year here at the supreme court. we are led to believe they include neil gorsuch out of the 10th circuit in denver.
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he wrote in favor of hobby lobby and the little sisters for the poor. and i clerked for byron white and anthony kennedy. he would be the only clerk to sit here with his fellow boss and be a fellow justice. in 2005 he wrote an essay for "national review" and talked about the politicalization of the judiciary. judges. on the other hands we have judge thomas hardiman. he's a personal connection to the president. he's the first person to graduate from college an got through by driving a taxi. he said i do not believe judges
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should seek to achieve the political, or philosophical goals of one's friends or a political party. the president is well aware he has to deliver for them. they expect it. more than one in five voters said when they went to the polls for the presidential election, their number onessue was the supreme court. 41% for mrs. clinton. generally conservatives are thrilled about these two potential picks. neither of them have the strong paper trail on that particular issue. it doesn't matter hot nominee is, democrats said they will make this tops. chuck schumer said he wants to keep this seat open. oregon senator jeff murphy said they believe this is a stolen seat and they are going to use every lever they have have to
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keep the nominee from getting confirmed. republicans will have to have democrats get upon board with them or so could go if the nuclear option which would change the senate's history with just a simple majority. that has not been done in the past. some of the senators who were there and didn't object like senators dianne feinstein and chuck schumer. they are still on the hill now. who knows if they will vote differently now that this is a trump nominee. lou: their defines of obstructionism is probably i amr probably immutable. but we can't wait. i know you are as anxious as anyone in the country save for a few people.
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the chairman of the american conservative union, matt schlapp. good to have you with us. are both of these folks -- these judges, are they exciting to you as a conservative? do you have a reference? >> maybe my preference is the younger guy, lou. we have watched the court color outside the bounds of the constitution and issue after issue. when i look at the full list that candidate donald trump came out with, and i'm not a lawyer, thank god. when i talk to all the people in the legal community that i trust. they told me it was a rock solid list. and the final three candidates, it makes everybody who is a conservative extremely pleased. lou: i should point out that list, two lists. one of 10 and another of 11 put together by the heritage
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foundation and the federalist society, so it's an impressive -- it's got stamp of approval of two of the leading conservative institutions in the country. now the issue is how -- however it is, the president has chosen, how will he get in on the seat into the seat that justice antonin scalia left open? any thoughts about how fast and how far the republicans are going to have to go specifically? senate majority leader mitch mcconnell to get them confirmed. >> when you mentioned the heritage foundation. it's ed these who took the lead. so that should make all conservatives take heart. second of all. remember that we have never had a supreme court nominee in modern times be filibustered.
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so it should take a 52 vote margin. lou: sorry to interrupt your thought. i just want to explain we are look at the east room of the white house in which the leadership of both the senate and the hoe are prest, as well as members of the judiciary committees of both houses. and it is here the president will make his historic announcement this evening. that coming up in just about 15 minute. matt, forgive me for having done so. continue, please. >> although this will take some type. both liberals and conservatives, x have had something like 56 5-4 or 4-5 decisions. and we have seen the president
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obama be overturned more times by the supreme court than any other president in history. we are look at donald trump, jr. it looks like it could be orrin hatch. for a moment i thought it was jeff sessions. eric trump to the left of donald trump, jr. matt, this is a juncture in history the likes of which we have never seen. schumer, senator schumer has announced a scorched earth policy from the democrats from here on. without the numbers they are going to obstruct, delay and deny. it's as bitter and nasty a democratic party as has ever been seen, at least in modern history. and there will be a price here
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for the republicans, though, they are going to have to command the moment, and mitch mcconnell and ryan will have to stand shoulder to shoulder with this president to make it work, and that is to restore the government to the people as president trump promised. >> this supreme court pick could be donald trump's biggest legacy. the people in the finals or in their late 40s or early 50s could be on this court for four decade or more. this will have a lasting impact on all of our lives. conservatives and independent who voted for donald trump, it's time to link arms. what he will do with this pick, it's not about picking an activist. it's about picking somebody who will read the word of the constitution and quit reinper threating into a 21st century mentality. it's destroying us.
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lou: so many republicans have per mid, if you will, that can't toward the interpretive liberal side of interpretation of the constitution on the part of justices throughout the judiciary from the district court on up to the supreme court. this will be an historic choice. it's likely more choices await president trump. >> oh, yeah. lou: we'll wait and see. do you have a sense as to who it will be? >> i think it's most likely neil gorsuch. but i will be very happy with mr. hardiman as well.
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lou: we are asking you to vote in our poll. do you believe the dems' scorched earth policy has crossed the line into subject version? new reports that the feds are considering bringing child pornography charges against former congressman anthony weiner. he could be sent to prison for at least 15 years according to the reporting of the new york post. he has been under investigation since a report last year revealed he exchanged lewd messages with an underaged girl in north carolina. again a prospect of child pornography charges against the former congressman. and that's just break now,
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brought to us by the "new york post." up next, general jack keane joins us to assess what's going on. his prime time address on his nomination to the supreme court. stay with us. we'll be right back. 12 minute away. why do some cash back cards make earning bonus cash back so complicated? they limit where you can earn bonus cash back to a few places... ...and those places keep changing every few months. the quicksilver card from capital one doesn't do any of that. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. leave complicated behind. what's in your wallet? this is one gorgeous truck. special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!!
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lou: pentagon officials telling fox news they believe an iranian attack on a saudi frigate was meant for a u.s. ship. it was packed with explosives. it ran the saudi ship -- a voice narrating this attack, death to america, death to israel, death to the jews as they attacked what turned out to be a saudi frigate. they thought they were strike an american warship or this was a dress rehearsal it's similar to the attack on the u.s.cole. you see extensive damage from
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the explosion for the saudi frigate. joining us is retired general jack keane. general, great to have you with us as wire about 6 minute away -- as we are about 6 minutes away from the president's announcement on who wants for the supreme court. let's see who is -- what is going on in the gulf and why are the houthi rebels attacking a frigate? >> for our viewers to understand, the houthis are iranian proxies who overthrew the government in yemen. this is part of iran's strategy to control and dominate the entire middle east. they are having some success at it. some control in iraq and yemen. this is about driving the united states out of the region so they can have their way with the
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sunni arabs. i'll tell you, lou, after the nuclear deal was done in the summer of 2015, the iranians have been absolutely emboldened. they are arrogant to a fault. they believe they are on the march. they have the money from the sanctions removal. they delayed getting nuclear weapons. they are likely cheating as we speak so we can get that nuclear weapon anyway. and they believe the youth is in a position of weakness and they are taking full advantage of it. >> there were at least three icbm tests by the iranians. one we learned about today in december. this is -- all of it without consequence under president trump. what in your judgment should be the response in contravention of
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the united nations resolution in the judgment of most of the members of the security council. it turns out russia doesn't believe so. what should be the response of this administration. >> i think this recent ballistic test is no accident in terms of the timing. this is the first foreign policy security test for the trump administration. iranians fired that ballistic missile and they want to see if they will get the same response from trump as they got from obama. obama rhetoric no action. the u.n. security council, the russians will probably side against us and veto any proposal to initiate sanctions. the united states must respond. this is a clear threat to destabilize in the region. if the u.n. is not going to put sanctions on the iranians, the
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u.s. and its allies should. when the iranians act boldly in the region, we must respond. lou: one other aspect of this, and that is how. we have very little military power in the region. as compared to previous years. what would be an appropriate proportionate response that would achieve the political purpose here? >> when it deals with ballistic missile firing we can impose sanctions. we know how to impose crippling sanctions on the iranians. they have threatened the obama administration. if you impose sanctions on us. this was after the deal was done. we'll terminate the nuclear deal. so obama becomes immediately paralyzed for that because he just spent three years achieving it. they have to get tough with the iranians.
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when they shoot at us, we shoot back. lou: we are minutes away from president obama's announcement of a supreme court nominee. peter barnes is at the white house. reporter: i'm standing bit teleprompter for president trump and it says "remarks for scotus announcement." we are seconds away. the signs seem to point towards neil gorsuch as the nominee. i say that upon because within the last 30 minutes a group of 15-20 people who could not be identified came across one of the driveways here at the white house. and someone yelled out gorsuch, and one of the men in the crowd pumped his fist in the air.
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lou: even with peter barnes on post near the teleprompter, you couldn't see more than just the -- reporter: they won't scroll it up for me. i don't know why. lou: keep your eye out. in a matter of moments we'll know every news bites worth its price. joining me, fox news judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. you have got to be excited. i don't know, do you know who has chosen? >> if i knew how it was, i would have told you so you could break the news to the world before the president does. i was involved in the process, but my involvement ended around the time of his inauguration. i tried to find out as recently as monday who it was, and my source said he hasn't told anybody.
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lou: a lot of the reporters at the white house, kinds of piqued a bit because there has been basically a disinformation campaign toying with the press, which i happen to amuse. >> the president is a showman. so i have a little bit of anxiety in me as to which one of the fellas it will be. i studied the records of both sow i can answer your questions. but i'm anxious to know. lou: he comes up at 8:02, we think. who between the two do you think best would best suit the court and the president's values? >> i think they both would. i think judge hardiman has a


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