tv Cashin In FOX Business February 5, 2017 7:30am-8:01am EST
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tweeting before for the super bowl, especially for lady gaga. >> i'm not sure if you buy it, only goes down if it gets sold. david: a wonderful super bowl weekend. keep it here. the number one business block continues with eric bolling and cashin' in. eric: companies speaking out before or after our commander-in-chief. and in the wake of president trump's temporary ban from hot spots and tesla's cancelled order because they're on the president's business counciling. and isn't it time to relax so the companies don't get hurt? . this week, meed, rachel, richard, welcome, everybody. what do you think about the
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boycotts on both sides of the spectrum? >> i think that the political boycotts will pretty much fall flat. it only works when there's a lot of media attention on the companies. you've seen, for example, 55 out of 144 companies have conceded to their customers when there's a change, but when it comes to these political boycotts, it's different than a traditional boycott. what's becoming so strange, eric, the fact that you have the ceo's of the companies coming out and really being outright political, stating their opinions, instead of really just focusing on what products they want to sell and for customers, it's a turnoff. they want to say i like my latte, i want it buy it and move forward on it, so, i really find that it really-- it's short-lived these political boycott. eric: let's talk about about-- you're going to buy the tesla
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order? >> i was considering buying a tesla, but now that they're on the board, i'm reconsidering it. eric: why? >> i have problems with donald trump and anybody who is on that may be putting the country in the wrong direction. how long can you sustain a boycott, mercedes has to have a latte, how long is shoo he going to wait. eric: t m what mercedes brought up, the ceo's of becoming political and schultz at starbucks says we'll hire 10,000 refugees. on face value, okay, i understand where he's going with this, but, you know, there are a lot of unemployed americans and a lot of unemployed vets in america, maybe you should think about hiring them first? >> here is the thing, starbucks, i'm pretty sure they hire vets and a lot of folks and starbucks popping up on every corner across the country. the thing, these ceo's can do what they want to do, and it's up to consumers how they spend their money, if they don't want
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starbucks to hire refugees, if you don't want tesla to support donald trump, you have to get to their pocket book. >> for the record i can't stand boycotts, i hate the idea. >> the good news, there's much better places to get coffee than starbucks, thankfully. >> yeah, where? >> well, including mc donaldson, name the place, it's not very good. the black rifle coffee company is hiring 10,000 veterans. eric: name the company. >> the black rifle coffee company hiring 10,000 veterans. eric: rather than that point out companies that are doing actively and get behind them. >> to richard's point, wouldn't you want tesla to be involved in shaping the economic policies of the country? wouldn't that ultimately benefit your business if we had better business practices and getting regulation.
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>> i don't want donald trump shaping the business of our country. >> in regards to the actual boycotts, we do see sometimes it works, for instance, with target, it worked, sales dropped 7.2%, they lost, i think, $20 million in revenue. we've seen it back fire in the instance of chick-fil-a, and you have to know their customer base and what individuals were in an uproar over was actually in contradiction with a lot of what a lot of chick-fil-a customers believe. eric: let's get rachel in here. how about putting up the best product you can and keep the politics out of your product? >> well, obviously, that's a great idea, but i have to say, i believe in boycotts when the company is investing in something you're morally opposed to. starbucks, for example, does give money to planned parenthood who performs over 300,000 abortions a year, i don't go to starbucks, i go to mcdonald's.
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are the liberals going to boycott companies because the company talked to the president? boeing has, ford, tesla, apple, so are they going to throw away their phones, stop flying, stop driving? it gets really silly and by the way. >> wait a minute. >> conservatives didn't boycott wal-marts when they dealt with michelle obama on her health initiative. this is getting silly. we're a country, this is our president, get over it and move our country forward. eric: richard. >> i would argue that this idea of democrats needing to get over the fact that donald trump is president is ridiculous. republicans never got over the fact for eight years that president obama was president, they obstructed him. >> that's know the true. >> we didn't boycott. >> those are not protests, these are not paid protests. >> come on, richard. eric: you guys shut down the government for 19 days, mercedes you should the government down, hurting american people. >> let's get real. eric: bring in lisa.
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>> also, richard, we didn't have-- you have literally sitting members of congress saying to that the president of the united states is not legitimate. that's incredibly extreme and since the day that president obama won, we've had the left and mainstream media try to basically delegitimize him. look, you guys, literally, do you understand the precedence being set when the left calls for electors to defect or abolishment of the electoral college. that's dangerous to the system at large. >> you know what's dangerous, ted cruz shutting down the government for 19 da. >> and saying that the president is not gitimate? >> we're getting off topic, i'm bringing it back to topic. >> eric. eric: hold on, please, please, please. hear me out. president trump has also met with union leaders and had a very positive response from union leaders and i didn't hear conservatives getting crazy about that.
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>> conservatives are happy about that. >> mercedes, guys, mercedes. >> i think that president trump is making the effort to reach out to both sides, so the corporation side, the union leaders, his focus is on the american worker. when you look at these boycotts, these political boycotts do in fact, could impact these workers working for these corporations and i think that what these ceo's need to do is keep the politics out of it. customers just want to go and buy their products if that's what they want. when they start putting in their own moralistic approach, i think it really is-- it sends a negative message to consumers in america. eric: let's bring in rachel, your thoughts on president trump meeting with the union leaders and coming out with a positive response from them? >> yeah, they came out and they said it was incredible, quote, unquote. and i think that democrats are going to be nervous about that because we've already peeled away about 100,000 democrats who switched tickets in this election, and if he triangulates with the unions
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that's going to spell more trouble with democrats. mercedes makes a great point. we need to get back to the business of america, which is business and that said, i will this, eric, the fun boycott-- it wasn't a boycott, it was a fun prank that conservatives played on the snowflake baristas in starbucks when they kept saying their names from trump when the coffees came up they had to say trump and the snowflake baristas were traumatized and needed therapy after that. so, i think, you know, fun things like that, i'm for, but let's not do things that hurt the american richard. eric: richard, you want to boycott the people meeting with president trump. >> no, i-- >> it sounds exactly like what you said. >> that's not what i said at all. let's be clear. eric: boycott. >> the building trades meeting with the president and they're excited with this president he said he's going to withdraw
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from the trans-pacific trade partnership, i agree with that, i think tt pp was an awful thing. there were republicans, including on this show that agree that tpp is a great thing. eric: you're backing that rabbit hole again. you said you're thinking about not buying your tesla because elon musk met with the president. >> right, and. eric: the same animosity toward the union leaders that met with the president? >> no, the problem i have with elon musk and supporting the president and then you don't go like rachel-- >> so are the unions, richard. >> the unions are praising the president for the fact that he pulled out of the tpp. >> it's also the keystone pipeline. >> and the infrastructure. >> and this president hasn't sat down with the teachers who are trying to get america
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together and the teachers are the one-- >> you can't trash a business leader for meeting with the president and go ahead and hold your beloved unions up on a pedestal for meeting with the same president. i've got to leave it there. we've got a lot more show. president trump making politicians and gang leaders in chicago an offer they can't refuse. stop the violence or else. >> if they're not going to solve the problem and what you're d d d d d you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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i think the federal government should be in various things. it's in police officers deaths killed in the line of duty. and ambush style police killings as well so i think that's very important because how are you supposed to stop this crime if police officers feel like they can't do their jobs? >> and rachel. i think that bill o'riley would
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recommend national guard on corners, hot corners are where they're occurring. and your thought of donald trump sending some support to chicago? >> well, if he's invited by rahm emanuel. but, look, the crime problem, you're from chicago, eric, the crime problem at its root is a family problem, a spiritual problem and nothing that donald trump can do about that. i think that what is interesting here, this is an opportunity for president donald trump to engage citizen barack obama who right now is sitting on an island with richard branson and should probably get off that island and come over to his hometown and start doing the work he never did in his administration to help black families and earn city youth. the plight in the inner city has been a wasted opportunity over the last eight years with an african-american president who really could have done a lot more. this is a chance for donald trump to engage him and let's get to the root of the problem, which is family breakdown and spiritual breakdown.
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eric: richard, what about this? pastor darryl scott, i want to believe this is going on, that gang leaders contacted darryl scott, pastor darryl scott and said let's have a discussion. i just, i'm not sure. do you think it's for real? >> i don't think that happened, but here is the thing, i agree with rachel, president obama could have done more in america's inner cities, no question about that. you can't just talk-- i mean, police and families aren't the only problem in the inner city, why the families are broken up to begin with, both democrats and republicans agree we need some sort of criminal justice reform. the reason why many of the families are broken up, mom or dad is incarcerated for a drug crime. eric: that's what you're saying. >> rachel is saying there's a breakdown in the family. she's correct. the reason why-- >> i don't agree with your analysis why it happened. the government has a lot to do with it. lack of economic opportunity and choice and other problems.
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>> those are all platitudes. those are platitudes. eric: you can't talk at the same time. we can't hear you. and rachel finish the thought and then-- >> i don't agree with his analysis why there's a family breck breakdown, a lot has to do with lack of economic opportunity. eric: fair enough. >> government is the problem, the reason government is the problem because you have ridiculous drug laws that put people in jail for longer than they need and taken from their families. eric: i need mercedes ideas. >> president trump wants to be a fixer. it's how he functions. he believes by sending in the feds it would work to try to solve the problem in chicago. that's obviously not enough. you can send federal resources which is what mayor emanuel said send them in, but it's about integrating local law enforcement with federal help, with social programs in the inner cities. these are areas with very high profferty rates, low education achievement rates, so it's more
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of a fundamental problem than just sending in the feds. eric: i've got to go. donald trump taking to twitter even more now that he's president trump. is that the best way to get his message across, an agenda to the american people? this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? come home with me! it's truck month! find your tag for an average total value over $11,000 on chevy silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial.
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your thoughts? >> i love it, too. and everyone that tells him to put the twitter down, i think they're wrong and they have an ulterior motive. he's making it more transparent. by the way the media needs to take a look at itself. they need to look at themselves. they have to look at how unhinged and the more they are, he'll go over their head. eric: 40, 50 million people direct. >> fdr has the fireside chat and donald trump has the twitter. it's an effective way to reach to the american people. the authentic donald trump whether you like it or not. eric: your thoughts, lisa. >> they're changing the game, the way the white house, and the press briefing introduces skype reporters. eric: and i adore this, it makes the left heads explode when he's tweeting about all
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sorts of things. your thoughts on the potus as a twitter handle. >> i have no problem with the potus tweeting. when he tweets out policy, a lot of times it can't be brought out in 140 characters with the quote, unquote muslim bam. it wasn't-- >> it's not a muslim ban. no, it's not a muslim ban when 100% of the people. >> we can put that in 140 characters, no it's not. >> it's definitely a muslim ban. clearly, you guys. >> no, it's not. eric: okay. >> the response from the people-- >> i have a few seconds. >> you didn't read the tweet well. eric: every word of the 13 page actual executive order and never once does he mention a muslim ban. >> why don't you tweet it out. >> i'll tweet #muslimban and that's what it is. eric: you'll be tweeting inaccurately. my two cents 30, 40 million
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people get it and even if they don't have cable news, they can see what the president is thinking. i love this idea. quick, quick. >> a lot of folks who don't have internet, maybe the president should work on that. eric: wi-fi, national wi-fi. coming up, who needs actors coming up, who needs actors when we have politicians, we afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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be okay. best performance by an actor in a drama. democratic senate leader charles schumer. >> this executive order-- was mean-spirited and unameric unamerican. >> wow. powerful, emotional. look out denzel, ryan and ben affleck's brother. he actually looked like he was about to cry. great acting chuck, i'm sure you dug deep for the motivation. bottom line, the liberals are in panic mode, they don't know what to do with president trump, protests, scare tactics, crying on cue, academy worthy performances the guy in high school the pretty girl that liked him for a week and then didn't like him anymore, he made a fool out of himself trying to get her back. and that's where the dems are, the high school guy saying crazy things to try to get the
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girl back. got news for you, demes, she ain't coming back and you've got four years to think about it, hopefully eight. get up off your knees, you look ridiculous. have a great super >> i'm bob massi. for 34 years, i've been practicing law and living in las vegas, the center of the recent real-estate crisis. lives were destroyed from coast to coast as the economy tanked. now, well, it's a different story. the american dream is back. and nowhere is that more clear than the sunshine state of florida. so we headed from the strip to the beach to show you how to live the american dream. i'm gonna meet real people who are facing serious problems, take you behind the gates of properties you have to see to believe and give you the tips that everyone needs to navigate the new landscape because information is power. and the property man has got you covered. [ woman vocalizing ]
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