tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 8, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EST
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they are pushing for this. they had 3000 protesters at chuck schumer's house that night the gorsuch was nominated. charles: if we stop listening to new york city leftist and found some middle in the country. we have got to get it to lou. lou: the trump administration in serious talks about whether to designate iran's revolutionary guard a terrorist organization. president trump making it clear he will no longer tolerate iran's provocations. tonight they have total disregard for our country. they are the number one terrorist state. they are sending money all over the place and weapons and we can do that. charles: such a move and its representations with john bolden and also tonight circuit court of appeals weighing president trump's executive order calling for extreme setting.
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the president says the order is straightforward only common sense. >> yarn have to be a lawyer. if you are a good student in high school or a bad student in high school you could understand this. lou: we will discuss the appeals process, the fate of the order and america's leftist judiciary with attorneys josh blackmon and david rifkin. and another big win for our economy. >> we have been working on it for several years. lou: and tell us a corporate friend of president trump sunamerica but there are corporate detractors as well. we will call a few of them out here tonight. good evening everybody, we begin tonight with breaking news out of iran ready u.s. official telling "fox news" iran has launched a short-range surface-to-air missile just about 12 hours ago.
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the missile launched from iran the same launch pad where iran conducted a ballistic missile test on january 29. "fox news" is told the missile hit 35 miles away. this latest launch as i said coming about 12 hours ago comes on the same day a new report says the trump administration is now considering new executive actions to designate iran's revolutionary guard and the muslim brotherhood as terrorist organizations. white house press secretary sean spicer was specifically asked about the muslim brotherhood during today's white house briefing. >> there is no one i can question the president's commitment to fully attacking and addressing the threat we face by radical islamic terrorists. he has made it very clear on the campaign in the first step is understanding knowing and proclaiming to the enemy is and he's going to do whatever it takes.
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that being said i'm not going to get ahead of any announcements we may or may not have coming in the future but make no mistake the person understands the threat that our nation faces and he's doing everything he can to attack it, rooted out and strike lou: the governments of egypt saudi arabia and the united arab emirates already designate the muslim brotherhood as a terrorist organization. the revolutionary guard is iran's elite illiterate unit and reports directly to supreme leader ayatollah. u.s. officials estimate iran's revolutionary guards and controls half of iran's economy so declaring the revolutionary guard to be a terrorist organization would have a significant impact on both iran and its trading partners. new concerns tonight as u.s. officials tell "fox news" that russia has delivered its largest shipment to date of missiles to syria, 50 surface to surface missiles with a range of about
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100 isles delivered to the syrian port live in the past two days. u.s. officials also tell fox this delivery could change the stakes in the middle east and perhaps u.s. strategy as well. an update on some breaking news that we are following. the senate right now is voting to confirm senator jeff sessions as attorney general. that vote is expected to run 20 to 30 minutes. we will be updating you when session -- sessums has a final vote and is expected is finally and officially confirmed as attorney attorney general. we will be going to that live and we are watching it very carefully. joining me to discuss all of this and the white house consideration of labeling iran's revolutionary guard in the muslim brotherhood and terrorist groups former ambassador to the united nations "fox news" contributor ambassador john bolton. john it's great to have you with
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us. let's begin with first the vote that is underway now for senator jeff sessions held in such high regard within the republican party and being attacked mercilessly and many suggest capriciously by the left in this country. your thoughts about his prospects of confirmation. >> i'm delighted and i hope he gets a substantial number of democratic votes. i'm sure he will. he deserves them. i was with him in 1986 when he went through really the character assassination by democrats on the senate judiciary committee on the occasion of the nomination of the district court. he is a decent honest man and he will be a great attorney general. i hope this does wrap up and it will be cause for celebration. lou: turning to the muslim brotherhood the iranian revolutionary guard that would be quite some step on the part
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of this administration for the first time for the united states to designate both as terrorist organizations. >> absolutely. i'm having trouble processing all this happiness with thousands -- sessions. the revolutionary guard should have been put on the list years ago. they are the vehicle that funds and arms many terrorist groups including hamas, hezbollah. they are the people who put together explosively formed project tiles that were used against american troops in iraq when we still have substantial forces there and i think it would be a crippling move against the revolutionary guard. the muslim brotherhood as you pointed out and a number of muslim countries are to describe them as terrorists. they are different group, the smiling face of terrorism in
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western europe and the united states. there are some people who are part of the brotherhood who are not terrorists themselves. vladimir lenin described them as useful idiots. they provide cover for the real terrorist activities so if these designations happen if a very significant step. lou: and it will have implications as well toward c.a.r.e. and other organizations in this country who embrace the muslim brotherhood. >> right and i think it's a recognition. we saw during the campaign and its now working its way through the governmental process to identify the threat of terrorism is an ideological threat. it's not an isolated incident lone wolves are homegrown terrorists were just people who are economically dissatisfied and give them a job and they'd be okay with this ideological threat. it's a wet ideological threat
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within islam and jordan calling it a civil war within islam so getting up united states on board in that conflict and clearly labeling these groups for what they are, terrorist threats is a significant step forward. it will have legal implications in this country and in western europe as well. lou: within the last 12 hours iran firing another missile, a short-range missile surface to surface missile but nonetheless plotting if you will its position in the region and the notice given by the trump white house. your reaction and what do you think should be the u.s. response? >> well i think one response would be to designate the revolutionary guard corps organization that i think there is no doubt that iran is testing the new administration. i do think they understand this is not barack obama but they
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still want to see how far they can go. the russians are doing the same thing. they report that you mentioned about russian missiles coming in to syria at the russian naval facility they are all seeing what they can get so the trump administration responds to eliminating its differences with the obama administration that are very important here. i think it's critical that therd unambiguous and tough because this will establish this administration that will allow the united states to be taken advantage of. not by iran and not by russia and not by anybody else. lou: in the national security concerns and vulnerabilities to the united states right now exacerbated the coast the democratic party in which the president is not being given his nominees to cabinet posts well behind what historically has been given and a new president
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complicating what is already a very complex world. ambassador thanks for being with us as always in sorting it out for us. we appreciate it. >> thank you lou glad to do it. lou: we are coming right back much more here tonight. stay with us. the white house has made it clear to the judiciary the president wants his executive order in order to protect all americans. >> what we may not face an imminent threat today we don't know when the next that comes. the american people understand that he's doing everything he can to protect them. lou: the dean of republican strategist ed rollins is our guest here next. a group of retailers going political dropping ivanka ivanka trumps clothing line from their stores. the president and her father not happy about that. we will take that up and much more straight ahead. we will be right back. stay with us. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines,
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cartoons. wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] lou: breaking news tonight supreme court nominee judge neil gorsuch has apparently criticized the man who appointed him to the supreme court. president trump of course for pointing neil gorsuch. gorsuch in a closed-door meeting with democratic senator richard blumenthal and this is what the senator says judge gorsuch told him.
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>> certainly expressed to me that he is disheartened by the demoralizing and poor comments made by president trump about the judiciary. lou: a personal note if i may judge to you, judge i'm disheartened a man as smart as you would say something as as senator blumenthal says you said in front of him, and man know to be your ideological and highly partisan enemy. i am dismayed that you would allow yourself to be so disloyal to our president, the man who appointed you and to whom you when my judgment a personal and public apology. that's just my opinion. joining me now veteran and presidential campaign ed rollins. i swear to you, that swamp down there eats the people of their
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principles at their core. >> i share you opinion there and i have great respect for judge gorsuch and i think what he needs to understand is it's not his job to comment on anybody. basically they can share and explore his judicial philosophy not he will rule but he certainly shouldn't be making comments about anyone who serves under the president of united states. lou: even senator blumenthal has to think less of him tonight for what he did. >> blumenthal wasn't going to vote for him anyway so i'm not sure i'd waste my time but that's all part of the process. lou: indication of judge gorsuch it is deeply troubling. sea mate he's only been there three days. lou: he had better make the most of the rest of his days there. senator elizabeth warren been
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silenced by majority leader mitch mcconnell. she is running for president, she's trying to fund raise and she is acting just irresponsibly with her discourtesy to senator sessions. >> the bottom line is senator sessions is a great man and will be confirmed a few minutes as attorney general. lou: 37 yes votes and 44 we are told as he approaches what we expect to be and certainly hop will be his confirmation tonight >> this is an extraordinary man. i was on the selection panel in the white house and he was not confirmed at that time by a lot of very savage things that turned out to be dishonest. he went back and got elected attorney general became a very effective attorney general and came back to the united states senate where he has been very respected by his colleagues. at the end of the day you know this is partisan politics.
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it's worse to attack a man for the kinds of things they are attacking saying he's a racist when he is a long courageous career of being a significant supporter of civil rights and representing a state very well. lou: the ninth circuit court of appeals, we listen to it last night and we are going to be talking to a number of highly respected guest on the broadcast but i want your opinion with all that you have seen and experienced. i listened a short while to the arguments last night. i was dismayed at the justice department attorney and the way in which he appeared both unprepared and frankly not very animated before those judges that i was dismayed by the three judges because to a person they did not seem to have exact weight the constitution next to their chest and instead are talking nonsense, at least two
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of them. >> don't forget those two are devoted on this issue. lou: i couldn't forget. >> they threw a republican in the mix to make it 2-1. my sense the only positive thing out of this is the president has the opportunity over the last couple of days to explain to the american public he did this and yet the power to do this and they did this because there's a timeframe that had to take place here to re-examine the vetting process and in the meantime one of these people got into this process at this point in time and certainly the other side is trying to push people through the process. that would be a terrible part on this so i think he's fighting hard and i think it's going to gain great respect and at the end of the day he will win this whether it's short-term or long-term but in the short term term -- lou: senator jeff sessions has just been confirmed by the u.s. senate as our next attorney general. the vote at 51 as i'm relaying
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this to you 51 votes and that is a very important vote and a very important man to be in the role of attorney general in the trump administration. >> also one of the first borders of president trump and someone who guided very effectively a lot of policies early on and certainly told him all the stakes that have been going on for the last year and the justice department will. i think he will be a great leader of that department which needs a gray shakeup. lou: this is a man who has a senator i have known throughout his career to be a man who doesn't take shortcuts. he stands on his principles. he is not swayed by well, by politics or expediency at any point. they were marketable man in my opinion. ed rollins, great to have you here. speaking of remarkable men. and they're sure to vote in our
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poll tonight. do you believe the fate of the nation now depend largely on how quickly president trump can art moving conservative judges into what is a judicial system dominated by left-wing jurists? cast your vote on twitter @lou dobbs. follow me on twitter @lou dobbs alike and facebook follow me on instagram @lou dobbs tonight. wall street stocks closing mixed, the dow down 40 points the s&p up the nasdaq rose eight a new record high. volume on the big board 3.6 million shares and before you listen to any of those negative naysaying nincompoops in the business press to say that this is about something called concern over trump policies, well remember 2.1 gillian dollars added to the market just since he was elected. listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network to republican senators say
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democratic constructionism -- obstructionism has gone far too far. >> the democrats are angry and they are out of their minds. they are foaming at the mouth practically and really where their anger is directed is not republicans. their anger is dreck that the american people. lou: the democrats delay to the subject of my commentary up next. we are coming right back. el a c? zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam.
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lou: a few thoughts on democrats. democrats furious about the election of 2016. the base pushing senate dems to fight on everything, they say. senator elizabeth warren. the liberal left-wing progressive senator from massachusetts trying to derail colleague senator jeff session nomination for attorney general. that's been spoiled.
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he has been confirmed as attorney general. but was silenced after quoting the late senator ted kennedy and a 30-year-old letter from coretta scott king. but senator warren is already fundraising off her stunt last night. this is the same senator who came out against neil gorsuch within moments of his nomination. accu the fundamental under pinnings of our democracy. president trump tweeted back it's a disgrace my cabinet i will still not in place. longest in the history of obstruction by democrats.
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they are performing worse this time around because the radical eat ellison is their frontrunner to be chairman of the dnc and he's backed by senators schumer and warren. this is what happens when democrats become liberals, liberals become progressives, and progssives become leftists. that's not good for any of us. the quotation of the evening is one from albert einstein. great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. we are coming right back. stay with us. president trump says the justice system has made the right choice to insure america's protection and americans' security.
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>> it would be so great for a justice system if they would be able to read a statement and do what's right. and that has to do with the security our country, which is so important. i think tour security is at risk today. lou: we take up the fate of the president's executive order. and this professional writer to take us through an exhilarating ride along rooftops in the canary islands. the video and much more up next. stay with us. th every and paycheck... you've earned your medicare. it was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. thankfully, president trump does too. "i am going to protect and save your social security and your medicare. you made a deal a long time ago." now, it's congress' turn. tell them to protect medicare.
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lou: president trump using a washington law enforcement speech to defend his extreme vetting executive order. 9 president read out parts of the federal law outlining presidential powers on the matter. here it is. >> suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the president. now, this isn't just me, this is for obama, for ronald reagan. for the president. this was done very importantly for security. something you people know more about than all of us. it was done for the security our nation. for the security our citizens. so that people come in who aren't going 0 do us harm. and that's why it was done. and it couldn't have been
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written any more precisely. >> the president's order is now facing more than 50 legal challenges from various groups. attorneys yearn, residents and others across the country, and joining me now to sort this out, josh blackman at southwest college of law. and the cato institute. he served in both president reagan and george h.w. bush's administrations. it's good to have you both with us. listening to those arguments last night i wondered if the justice department attorney who seemed utterly unprepared, unenergized and utterly unaware of his opportunities to set the factual record straight. your view of the performance 69 attorneys. >> i would hate to criticize
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counsel. i can tell you from what i understand because of disqualification of the lawyer who was supposed to argue his case, he did not have much time to prepare. but the government has a strong case and overwhelming case. if the law was the only issue in place it would win on the merits and standing. i would say that all three branches of government in our system have constitutional limitations. the judiciary is supposed to hear cases of controversies. that meanshearties have standing. the states have no standing. the important thing is the both congress and the president acting in iewn stop, congress and president trump, congress includes any and all aliens if
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he deems it in the national interest. then he has all of his own constitutional powers on foreign affairs. in that situation the judiciary has almost no role to play. on the four corners of its document's a reason to suspend entry on the list of countries choans by dmongt previous administration. lou: josh, to that point, this an extraordinary time. 70% of the country's 13 appellate circuits are primarily led by liberals appointed by liberal presidents. we have some people saying president trump is politicizing the process by cite sizes those judges directly, whether they be district court judges or the appellate court judges, in this case the 9th circuit.
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if we listen to these judges on the 9tcircuit st night, they are pretty politicized already. your views on how severe is that politicization and why in the world should the american people not take account of the truth and reality about the process by which those judges got to those positions in terms of the politics that are played? >> well, the appoint of judges was something president trump took very seriously. in 2013, areh used what's called the nuclear option to eliminate the filibuster for appointments. what comes around goes around. now there are 100 vacancies in the federal court that president trump can fill and appoint judges with contextualism and
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originalism to bring the judiciary back in line with where it ought to be. lou: those who are the most left wing of all the circuits is the 9th district. >> i listened to the argument yesterday and at least two of the judges seemed sceptical. judge live on seemed somewhat more sympathetic to the judge's position. and the trump administration has a difficult choice of whether to go to the supreme court or let the process ride out and go back. a very difficult decision. >> if i can add to this. if law is driving this, this case should be dismissed in its entirety because of the foundational infirmities.
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i agree with josh in all likelihood that would not happen. going to substantially narrow the scope of relief entered by judge robart at the district court level. while legally symbolically it would bew a practical matter that would make the state -- injunction more pal thattable for the -- for palatable for the administration. do they allow this to go back to judge robart and the supreme court. when there are nine in place. lou: even among left-wing media in this country wbtd district court in washington, mass gone
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well beyond what he should have done on this based on the constitutional -- as you pointed out, the foundation for this ruling. it's basically nonexistent. and the language very clear in the statute. perhaps -- ways the recourse for the admin -- what is the resource for the administration. the president seems to be winning in the court of public opinion. what should be the politics? josh, you first. >> i think the problem with judge robart's decision is there was no analysis. he issued a nationwide injunction with literally two paragraphs. and if you read the two paragraphs, he doesn't give a reason why. we have no idea. and if the judge had taken an hour with his law clerk to actually written an opinion. i could criticize it. but i have no idea what the
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opinion was. it's embarrassing and a shame the court didn't explain his reasoning. >>it is an awful decision. i have never seen a decision like this. the judge also did not point out why despite the supreme court precedent the 8 of warn has standing. i think the 9th circuit is going to clean it up. i think the judgn the d understood what goinon here. i'm cautiously optimistic. lou: thanks for being with us. please roll the video and we'll show you a stuntman who turns the canary islands into a personal playground. watch this as he is flying through a maze of colorful rooftops. he ride count narrow ledge of one roof, hoisting his front wheel into the air, spinning his
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way on to the next, doing it from rooftop to rooftop. up next, more amazing. the speaker of the british house of commons if he does come to london, isn't welcome to address the british parliament. when a cold calls... achoo! ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals.
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lou: britain's house of commons approving a bill to debate brexit. british prime minister theresa may has vowed to trigger article 50 of the lisbon treaty, the legal mechanism that begins the withdrawal of the u.k. from the european union by the end of march. joining me, the man who started it all. nigel farage, and also a fox news contributor. first all, congratulations to you. an extraordinary moment in u.k. history. >> i never thought i would live
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to see the day when the house of commons by an overwhelming majority passed a piece legislation enabling the prime minister to get my country out of this failing political union. i was a voice dplieght wilderness for years. many said i might become the patron saint of lost cause. tonight it's law. we are leaving the european union, i could not be happier. lou: you and millions of your countrymen, it's a remarkable period. i want to turn to a few trains in the relationship, theresa may with president trump. they were hand in hand and seemed united on creating an even more special relationship between the two countries, then your prime minister saying that, well, the president's ban and extreme vetting executive order was divisive and wrong.
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she did so in the u.k. had nothing to do with anything pertinent or relative to her or the u.k. an extraordinarily unfortunate remark on her part. >> you must not underestimate the fact that virtually the entire media and almost everybody in politics with a handful of exceptions including me, are opposed to trump, appear 0 hate trump, are demonizing trump in the most astonishing way. i think water reesea may was doing here was bowing to the tide of polite cool correctness to avoid having a fight. lou: to do what? >> i'm saying there i a tide, and she is going with political correctness by making these comment.
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and people -- look at what trump has done. analyze it and realize that -- lou: your prime minister also in a fundraiser made fun of donald trump's hands. she wants to play the role of margaret thatcher and she is acting the fool. and it's an extraordinarily i would say without question, unprime ministerial of her to do so. >> it's funny, isn't it. lou: it' not a bit funny. it may be ludicrous. >> i bite it's ludicrous. but they think they can say one thing in one country, and another thing when they are back at home and get away with it without appearing to be contradictory. she should have stood up a bit
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more strongly for trump. it's not a ban it's a temporary travel suspension for 90 days while they work out the right policy. there are 60 countries in the world that totally ban israeli jews from entering their territories and we don't speak out against them. the whole thing is hypocritical. lou: your speaker refusing to allow should the president make a visit to the u.k., refusing to invite him to speak. i understand about politicians and small personalities, but that speaker is in one-person competition with himself for disparagement and disgusting behaver. >> and worse than that,
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overturning 700 years of parliamentary tradition, whereby the speaker of the house of commons remains neutral. to make sure this forum works. this was disgusting and devalued the mother of parliaments and was insulting to donald trump. i'm going to be campaigning for him to be removed from that post. howie: it was attempted in 2015 and failed. i know you have a better track record than those fellas who tried. nigel farage. breaking news now. a federal judge block a merger between health insurers anthem
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and cigna. the judge blocking the $48 billion deal on anti-trust ground. last month a merger was blocked on the same grounds. a quick programming note. i'll be joining bill o'reilly on the o'reilly factor to discuss the greatest threat to america. please with with us. we are coming right back. busine.
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lou: joining us, gail trotter, and mark simone. let me start with you. the president reacting with a tweet as nordstrom dropped ivanka's clothing line, a furious father. your thoughts. >> nordstrom has joined the list of retailers that decided to engage in virtue signaling. they have taken the easier path of deciding to dump this product gh pressure and avoid punitive actions of trump's opponents. but trump's supporters can respond in kind. they can take account of which
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retailers are doing that and they can decide which ones they will support. lou: a boycott? are we going to see battling boycott. >> it's a terrible thing. it's provocative on nordstrom's part. can you imagine if a company said we don't want to do business with the obama family. it 7 just terrible. we can't start boy together each other. i'm boy together the boycott. lou: that's also american. let's turn to the fake news pieces that are running. the "new york times" seems to have a few of creative and inventive mind working for it. your thoughts within gayle? >> yes, they do. the trump administration has to keep pushing back.
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you look at story after story and there is no credibility left on behalf of these journalists and the trump administration is right to continue to call them out and republicans should echo the call. they spend all night coming up with this, it's two pages long. trump writes one sentence. he responds to everything because he's detail oriented. the response takes 0 seconds. lou: the bannon bath robe nonsense. where is this coming from? >> on twitter he actually does wear a bath robe. here are five pictures of him wearing a bath robe. does anyone nets' 25 years old in these pictures? there are a lot of stories
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coming about bannon. but that's what happens. one side leaks about the other group. lou: gayle, do you want to name names? who do you think would be releasing stories like this to the press? >> i wouldn't want to know their names because i think people should go after them and make sure they are held to account for leaking confidential information about americans -- people trying keep americans safe. look at the cover picture of bannon on "time" magazine. it's disgraceful to put someone in such a high level our government in such a bad light on purpose. lou: it comes wrath -- it becomes rather obvious which players are going which way. mark simone, constrained as always.
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glad to have you with us. gayle trotter, thanks for being with us. please be with us tomorrow. good night from new york. kennedy: the left is praising elizabeth warren for standing up against jeff sessions. the government's awful policy about asset forfeiture. and could cats one day invade the westminster dog show? the american kennel club is here to explain that horrible idea. all the reasons you have mate
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