tv Kennedy FOX Business February 11, 2017 8:00am-9:01am EST
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ack tonight jefferson beauregard sessions officially are nations attorney general. what. what will that mean for law enforcement and personal are but a quick stand up raneau is here plus could mean the promise of tax cuts? brain ranford is here to tell us how hose cuts could fatten our wallets and get the economy humming. huge new report with chilling statistics. grab a megaphone. jeff sessions has been sworn in as her our new attorney general and all i can say is at least he's not chris christie. sessions was the first senator to come out publicly to endorse
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president trump long before conventional thought he stood chance to nab the nomination let alone the presidency processions to don the red and guided the pseudo-president to dissent and disloyalty has been rewarded with one of the lummis polston administration. the two see eye-to-eye on immigration including sanctuary cities. sessions new role requires them to be far more politically agnostic to the new a.g. has plenty of challenges ahead as the law enforcement immigration holdover from the eric holder and loretta lynch justice department have yet to be settled. i would like to give our nation's top attorney a little at ice. let the drug war go. it failed. it was deadly and expensive and as a result of decades of misguided policy the united states has more people in cages than they do in china and europe combined almost subjectively criminal. through votes over the air sessions has shown a fervent desire to continue to the drug war and this is concerning not
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only for civil libertarians are required equal application of the law but also for people in the 29 states who voted time and time again to legalize medical or recreational marijuana. sessions seize marijuana as a drug in a disruptive force instead of last year good people don't smoke marijuana. you are right sir, good people consume edibles which is a far classier way to enjoy their preferred plan. blank eyed statement sent to rather bring the entrepreneurs in the budding marijuana industry which is providing a healthy and welcome tax base for places like oregon and colorado an industry that willbe worth over $20 billion in th net three years which in colorado goes to things like funding schools. don't have to smoke weed to understand that map and with the majority of americans now in favor of marijuana legalization sessions has the ability to turn for the future and humbly reject is long outdated votes and logic
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to the drug war has given the selective forfeiture something we discussed last night where the government comes in and takes your stuff before you been convicted of a crime all in the name of keeping us safe in this fake war. attorney jeff sessions has my permission to get real and move beyond this flimsy moralism and make their own choices for marginally better or worse without law and order drug warrior choking their freedom to finances. i m. kennedy. jeff sessions officially became our 84th attorney general this morning and promised a swift crackdown on violent crime. >> we have a crime problem. i wish the rights we are seeing in crime in america today was some sort of aberration or a
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blip. my best judgment having been involved in criminal law enforcement for many years is that this is a dangerous permanent trend. kennedy: should america breathe easier with the new sheriff on the block click here to wind is former white house press secretary dana perino. welcome back. this is going to be a curious relationship between the president and the attorney general. it always is an interesting band but more so now because sessions was so politically and personally involved when trump throughout the nomination process and election. hymn eric holder was definitely good friend of president obama and loretta lynch didn't know him as personally. george w. bush with ashcroft respected each other because they were both governors. jeff sessions was there at the very beginning for donald trump
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so there was a lot of affection and their mutual affection and respect. these hearings i think jeff sessions said he would be the kind of attorney general that people would want someone who would be an independent person follow the rules and a lot of the united states but this issue of marijuana will be very interesting because there are many different opinions and then you have these crosscurrents of state law verses federal law. you have employers who are manufacturing defense aircraft in colorado with federal contracts, employees that live in colorado under state law that also have to be federally approved under that kind of loss and is tricky. kennedy: is certainly a complicated issue in my theory from a libertarian point of view he's on the wrong side of it and is not on the side of the voters because oftentimes in the states marijuana is legalized by referendum and that needs there is a critical mass shift in thinking towards legalization
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and i think you to shut the whole thing down you are going to have to fight colorado washington and oregon who have recreational marijuana and the thriving industry. seneca colorado from whence i come there are contrary opinions about how well it's working out. people in colorado on the other side of it saying a terrible experiment has worked out for us and the u.s. attorney and the federal government trying to tap the brakes. kennedy: they can shut it down but that should go to the voters. i would be very surprised if you have the federalovernment completely tried to squash. >> i don't think they have enough time or resources. kennedy: actually one of the things that libertarians democrats or republicans all agree on is the need for prison reform and some sort of criminal reform because of the problem you are talking about too many people being caught up and put
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in jail who act we need drug treatment are something that could not run their lives forever. also he will be an asset asset to the month at a piece on the right side of the issue. kennedy: meaningful criminal justice reform. seneca makes a shift from being a criminal issue to a health issue. especially younger people. kennedy: we are putting a lot of pressure on jeff sessions. latta comes from the very top. what is president trump going to do and i don't know that's a fully formed opinion. that's one of the questions i asked sean spicer and he said this has to do with the president is not going to be the various cabinet members who impose their will. does come from the president he and he has said he doesn't think marijuana should be illegal on the state level -- stateside. that was one of the statements. how do you see this playing outcome of this relationship? >> i actually think it's not
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easy to say no to somebody like your boss but i think judge sessions has been able to explain positions about the laws of the united states to donald trump that might have seemed counterintuitive from the business world or when you been on the federal government cited now you have a different role in the world. i think he will be a good counselor and i also think the democrats who were so but he matt lee against jeff sessions nomination i think they will be pleasantly surprised to find he's a good attorney general and a good manager that department. kennedy: we will give him a shot and see how he does. there is advice all the way around but now he has been sworn in. dana perino, thank you. and now on to the party panel night founder of the chris kyle crossfit edition of "fox news" contributor evan sig freed a senior g.o.p. strategist and author of g.o.p. media.
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also a writer at the washington washington -- welcome everyone great to see you. let us discuss the rift between president trump and arizona republican senator john mccain said that when seems to be growing and why does the grand canyon but last week's deadly forces. in yemen he called the. which killed a u.s. navy s.e.a.l. a failure. white house press secretary sean spicer went after mccain instead suggesting is that failure did it disservice to ryan owens. senator mccain was a p.o.w. for six years in vietnam struck back arguing that calling it a failure did not diminish the heroic spirit if you were called in the campaign president trump said mccain was not a war hero because he was was captured in two-day trump tweeted quote senator mccain should not be talking about the success or failure of the mission to a media rate only emboldened the enemy. he's been losing so long he doesn't know how to win anymore.
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the question now is president trump taking a risk here? i will start with you. why are we bound to call this mission a success? why can't you take a look at something like this critically and say maybe there are some things that should have been done differently? >> there a few things. one thing that the problem is when senator mccain talks about ryan owens dying and the measure of -- a casualty does not measure the success or failure of an option. my friend brian bergdahl said it stayed measure the cost. having said that i talked to some of my friends. it is horrifying because it was a successful operation. they got 14 high-value targets. they got intel that will save even morelives to say that it's
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a failure is not factual. if you want to say they could done things better and don't think anybody would argue with that. if you go to war you can predict the outcome of everything. some people act as if this is sanitary surgical thing we are doing there should never be a casualty on our side are never be a plane that goes down. it's war. kennedy: i don't think it's a case of volleys than never. some incursions like this are more successful than others and to say that every single one is wildly successful i think is also disingenuous and dishonest. you side with mccain on this. >> i side with mccain on being able to criticize and say we could have been more successful because there are degrees of success. senator met kaine has the chair of the senate armed services committee nps oversight power so he has to go and look at what works and what does and then make recommendations to the president going out and saying that it was inappropriate for
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him to call it a failure i think the president needs to go back and look at how he crit two frus because it he held that same standard to him during the campaign than he should have said a thing about it. kennedy: maybe we shouldn't be talking about the details of the mission at all. maybe we should know about the high-value targets set for capture and the intelligence. maybe that emboldened the enemy but you say this is bad. >> it's a continuation of what trump is saint in the campaign and he brought up the tweeted has been going after mccain. this is a guy who got five draft deferments in the vietnam war compared having disease to his own personal vietnam in going after a decorated veteran who spent six years in a prison camp. doesn't look good for him but will it hurt him? it hasn'tbefore so i kind of took offense to that. apparently it's not something
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that most voters care about. kennedy: i don't think it ultimately hurt him. i think what they have to do is figure out a way to get along. they have to figure out a way to go forward with there are vestiges without attacking each other. they worry about emboldening the enemy the enemy for both of them right now is democrats. >> all is going to take is one successful operation and john mccain praises him publicly and they are great friends. kennedy: i get way. democrats are still their wounds from november. trying to figure out a way to recover. how did they win back badly needed seats in the 20 midterms? you would think it would involve rolling out common sense solutions to the nation's problems but it doesn't. instead the plan is to call president trump names. according to house minority leader nancy pelosi quote the white house's income parents and
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dangerous. we have to protect children and other living things from him. we will do it. what a hero, man. good luck with that. what should democrats really do? i will start with you. nancy pelosi wants to go to that tired old playbook of just demonizing donald trump but we saw throughout the election cycle in november that that's actually really bad play and. >> i think it's insulting to democrats who think you can say he's a bad man in kills all living things around him. who is going to believe that? and said would be better to talk about the policies you don't like and what you think should be done statin we are in danger of just saying this is horrible and by god that's it instead of i didn't like abc and this. instead it would then better to do t. e. and f. kennedy: a little bit of critical thinking from her would be great and people are open to solutions right now.
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all you are doing is being polemic that is so short-sighted and basic. they just want to exploit their assistance. >> nancy pelosi is like we are not him so we will be great and 20 team to do would be great if they put out policies and candidates who resonate with people. in 2015 time at rats tried having a presidential candidate who said i'm not donald trump and look where she is now. kennedy: never do that because those candidates went completely counter to philosophy and comportment. she can't endorse people like that it does she saying everything that is the opposite of me will work which is actually true. >> she also said this morning she doesn't see democrats to break ranks and side with trump on issues as the targets of primaries come 2018 so for the moderate democrats from rust belt states or the southwest or parts of new england that puts them in a tight spot and if
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there is not a threat of the party apparatus coming after them they would have no reason to not break ranks and especially in states with trump one. i think she doesn't want that to happen. i think she recognizes that having a moderate democrat is better than her republican. kennedy: also is a total control and she wants everyone to be one of her crafty minions. >> she wants to be speaker again. kennedy: now with this nonsense and hopefully they will be smart enough not to elect her speaker of democrats to gain a majority in the house. she is awful. >> she is bad for the party and she's bad for the country. she has lost her mind. the party panel is coming back. coming up a promised tax cut. promise and no action is not good according to brian who breaks down what republicans must do to avoid catastrophe. that's when the panel group
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turns. president trump's crackdown on illegal immigrants just got personal and phoenix. personal and phoenix. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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mainstay of his campaign. if he doesn't deliver it might sink republicans in the midterm election in 20 team paid a big part of that promise was tax reform including plans to lower the corporate and income tax rates and also raise taxes o american consumers on imported goods. the president says he will double gdp growth to 4% and create 25 million new american jobs. if you cut taxes for not spending it's possible he could increase the deficit and that's boring and tariffs would spark a trade war so what is his best course of action and how can republicans follow through on their promise to reform those blasted taxes? brian is a professor of economics at king's college. let's tackle some of this. do you think that the presidents administration will be a failure of republicans in congress do not raise taxes? >> this was the centerpiece him when he ran on.
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if they don't get that growth there's no way he gets reelected. he has to get this done. he was right to run on it but if he doesn't get it done forget about it. he has to deliver economic growth. pete. people want jobs and wage growth. kennedy: as you pointed out we haven't had that kind of a massive overhaul and i'm wondering what's more complex trying to repeal and replace aba or this next it's very tax reform? >> they are both incredibly complex. there's a lot of on congress's plate and they need the president to not complicate that anymore. right now they are at dealing with the obamacare retail and the supreme court and tariff issues. we will be talking about funding the government and raising the debt ceiling. it's going to be incredibly difficult so it's going to be hard either way and congress needs a president to stop putting things on their plate that they don't have to address right now.
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and to use the power he has to get focus on tax reform. today started talks -- talking about tax reform. kennedy: before he said he can pass these reforms are the end of the year and make them retroactive. >> peope have to feel likethey are going to get done because look at the stock market run u it wasn't based on anything except expectations. if he doesn't look from ozar people feel like it's not going to you'll see the market to move move down and you'll see business get nervous so it has to get done this year. has to be retroactive and if he can make that promise credible to think people give him time to get that done. kennedy: we will see but i think you are right about the political capital. there are so many issues going on and not to mention some of the legislative items that republicans have to cross off in congress. they have democrats who are so willing to be obstructionist at every turn so that political capitol capital is going to run dry. quick.
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>> it's not going to be bipartisan. they are not going to get any democrats on board i don't think so what's going to end up happening is something is going to cook with or without democrats support it may mean this thing gets sunsetted which is not ideal but that's a reality. the problem is something has to get done because in 2018 you run the risk of a democrat-controlled in congress and you know what they are talking about. has nothing to do -- that's what sanders ran on and he got a lot of support but that's the alternative which is why something has to get done this year. kennedy: s. white elizabeth warren is barking as loudly as she is because she wants to run for president and she wants to be in the position in four years she's not talking about a 30%. >> alternative is not where we are right now. weather was hillary clinton's plan that's where the democrats are going so you have to
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understand get something good done because if you don't you are talking about a worse alternative. kennedy: that will certainly say that's the one thing that absolutely boosted short and long-term. >> the markets wanted to be the centerpiece. kennedy: we will see of the president takes brian's advice. good to see you. as always coming up free speech growing on college campuses across the country. it's a program that urges students to report on each other over disagreements. find out how widespread the threat to free speech really is an so-called higher learning institutions. that's next. [vo] quickbooks introduces rodney.
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he has a new business teaching lessons. rodney wanted to know how his business was doing... he got quickbooks. it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands. ahhh...that's a profit. way to grow, rodney! visit kennedy: you are not going to believe this college campuses may not do george orwell but drifting towards 1984 and the thought control they impede the foundation for individual rights in education just released a report. 232 universities have i asked response teams for students to anonymously report professors and other students guilty of bias to the administrator's foreign educational conversation. it's political correct is now the farm and our campus is suffocating from free speech
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speech. joining me to discuss is robert shively of the foundation for individual rights in education. robert welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me on kennedy. kennedy: this is crazy and they really are not only squashing free speech they are violating students and professors first amendment rights. >> that's right we have seats impaneled personally and many include police and student conduct administrators and their entire job as members of these panels are to go to these bias teams and report usually on a web site sometes anonymously and sometimes not and go through and decide whether or not something is biased and then decide what to do aut it and almost all of them explicitly include in fact it was either call the bias response team or included protected speech. if you say something that is protected by the constitution they don't care.
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they are still looking into it. kennedy: they actually are and northern colorado professor was helping his students craft their arguments so they could make their case better for their personal belief. one student was in favor of defending transgendered individuals and the professor and a class exercise was pushing back on that and the professor, because he was teaching one of the students how to think logically and critically was reported. >> exactly. there is a bias response team that put itself to train the professor and his class doing something that is very much within what we can expect. all of us have gone to college, i hope and experiences just like that and the bias response team got involved. they said you know maybe you should stay away from that topic so we don't have more of these kinds of investigations. they really killed that from happening in class.
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kennedy: you can play devils advocate with your own students anymore and there were some students at ohio state were make some fun of hillary hitler meme said they were shut down. >> we saw people given an educational conversation over hillary hitler. at appalachian state anti-trump talking's were considered to be bias. nor can they had a discussion with a school newspaper there because there wasn't enough coverage of transgender issues. there is really no limit to the amount of the ability for them to get into your business. thank you so much robert i appreciate your time. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: the party panel returns. what happens when the president's crackdown goes from
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of two. the woman has reportedly been in the country for years but she has a felony record for forging documents in 2008 presents and she said she has checked in with immigration officials every year to update your status and when she did so last week they could detain turn under the new rules from the president's executive order she has been deported. here's where it gets a little messy and via their protest printer printer husband and son are u.s. citizens of the family could be torn in half so should she get a break or should the new rules be enforced strictly and equally for everyone. the party panel is back. evan and i will start with you. i actually feel bad for this one because i think the immigration laws in our country, it's hard to get in and it's hard to stay and she made a mistake in 2008. it was a felony conviction but this is not a criminal alien who committed some violent acts.
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>> this was not a violent crime and immigration laws are broken but remember how democrats were protesting president obama's deportation? they weren't. now they are because president trump has the deportation order and it happened under his watch watch. they joke that this is the orator and guidance used to deport this woman was set forth in may 2013 and finalize them so they are protesting an obama policy and blaming president trump for that. that's not accurate. kennedy: of course we have this bureaucracy and with exit -- executive orders without immigration reform its only going to add layers in way to that bureaucracy. you pointed out you can't really tell on a case-by-case basis who should he here and who should be when you have brought guidelines. >> to do it in such an ad hoc way that you would determine this person is a felon but they are nonviolent and they don't pose a risk to society but these felons over here are such
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high-risk they need to e deported. going through it with a fine-tooth comb would overwhelm a bureaucracy that's already have a monumental challenge in front of it. when it comes to something like a felony conviction i think that the to be arrested line and there will probably be people caught up in that who are taken on a case-by-case basis. i think bureaucratic challenge that would present itself massive that is not feasible. kennedy: this is one of the cases where people agree. people come to the country and hurt other people shouldn't be misconstrued at every right to kick people out who are going to do bad things but they also look at this and they say whoa this is a mother to and she -- her husband is a u.s. citizen and people have more compassion. that's why she has become the face of this issue. >> a mother of two is a great face to have and what is getting glossed over as she had the
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opportunity to get herself legal and she is and then appeared she's had eight years since they identified her with a felony conviction of fraudulent papers. that's where i think concerns me is this lazy attitude. citizenship is a provision i have friends to -- they had to do a lot of work to get citizenship in those countries and they did it. that's the process. there are laws that you have to follow. when you say mother to my heart rate; the minute i know mothers who have dual citizenship and they are working to get legal -- legal status ship. kennedy: i agree citizenship is special but you can't kick her out of the country. >> sometimes there's a line in my point is she had an opportunity to do it and what bothers me issue didn't do what she was supposed to do. rest and by the way could have filed for a stay of deportation. there is a good than within a law that they are not doing and they are complaining aut it.
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keedy: youare heartless. >> i feel bad but the same time. kennedy: you really have to express compassion and i do know where people are coming from. evan and pay a great panel, thanks so much. coming up i'm going to talk to a fitness expert about how dieters should tailor what they e and how they work it out with their personality besides these phony baloney food regimes. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite?
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kennedy: no it's not just another story. you've heard this story a million times. toss out all those sweet potato chips. the scale says you are a little too heavy. don't be yourself. it could be your diet isn't the best for your personality type. believe it or not in order to get the most out of a workout in the healthiest dietary decisions it may be best to cater to your needs and lifestyle. that's the theory behind a brand-new book called diet right for your personality type. to tell me what i should be doing for my personality type is author of the book diet right
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for your personality type jen weiters trim. how did you develop it? >> by the way please follow me everywhere. kennedy: consider it done. >> here's what happened. over years of training with people and you see people trying and failing. kennedy: for regular gym goers january. >> i'm hoping to change that because the differences catering and programming for you. why would i program something for you with that in mind? people are trying to fit into a box of source of what they should be doing versus the program suiting them. kennedy: if a diet and fitness plan works for somebody doesn't
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mean they will work for everyone and that's what's so frustrating. >> oh god if i could just get more organized. it's like a teacher with a group of students. they're not going to teach every student the same way because with her differently. the coaching needs to be different and we have to change the default personality. that's going to be where we arrive. kennedy: that you have a personality test in your book and i am an organized tour. what does that mean? >> i love this actually. organize dewars are people that are results-oriented. you thrive on routine. there are two things you like more than writing lists and crossing them off. you are probably not very coming you are probably hard on yourself than you struggle to meet benchmarks and maybe you have hit a certain benchmark in your workout and you say maybe i should go further.
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what starts to happen is you do push so hard you will -- kennedy: what's a good fitness and diet plan for someone like me? >> it's exactly what i give in the book. you were going to listed, logged check it and it's done. what i'm doing is mitigating the white noise in keeping you from living downstream. someone like you will be working out five times a week or doing nothing for switching to chain smoking. my job is to -- kennedy: you smoking and working out. that's a comprehensive plan. >> i want to teach you to celebrate the successes and get herself that opportunity to be patient with yourself. often like i said it's a consistent forward movement. kennedy: what's a good exercise? >> to me a lunch for you is the
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same as a lunch for an everyday hero. we are all doing lunges. kennedy: if it's not tight, it's not all right. >> i have those shoes i love them. the exercise, it's not so much what you do but the way in which he do it. are you in a regular routine right now? for you to go into your weekend say i don't know when i'm working out or i don't have a place where good results at you won't do well. if you know where you're going and have it in your schedule the same time every day, and you are doing it. kennedy: authority of success. >> is because you have paid attention to who you are and you are very self-aware. kennedy: you can help people be successful through the entire
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year. >> i'm not doing my job if that's what i'm doing. kennedy: thank you so much for coming in your continued success but i hope the book is a wildly successful seller. already is it's going well. you are changing people's minds. coming up why does this dog suddenly have a reflection and the rain of vampire dog is the rain of vampire dog is finally come to an end. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. does your mouthg prescripoften feel dry?s,
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kennedy: is worried keep my sharpie during the break. hi all right campers rise and shine. it's going to be cold out there but it's always warm in here because this is the tropical storm. topic number one. how do you know you have a good motorcycle? once built so well you are a functionally or hood ornament. you don't need a human to drive him. and it got away. run motorcycle, run for freedom. race your cruel owner until you reach the great plains. you can spend your day frolicking with wild horses. run and don't look back. this is merely as bad as the
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time my lawnmower got loose. this is why we can't have nice things. topic two, this one was sent to us by happy camper who very bravely used the hashtag topical storm on twitter. yesterday we had cats in the studio. i didn't like it. i felt dirty and soiled afterwards and we had to have the navajo shaman and an orthodox priest exercise the cat demons from the studio. it was that intense. but it got me wondering if i
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were to actually get a cat how would i take care of it? thank goodness uncle rob has an instructional video showing me how to clean a catsa litter box. >> just threw it away. we are not going to need that. filled a litter box with gasoline and tie a string to his screwdriver stabbed in the ground and run it through your letterbox and attach your string to your car board, then duck tape the bottle rocket to the string and then light it up. then get a dog. cats [bleep]. >> they certainly are. he's absolutely right to worse. more of our rockets, please. topic number three. maybe you have never heard of donald lau but you have certainly read his work. he is the poetlaureate of
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fortu cookies employed as the chief fortune writer at wanton foods. he's stepping down because of writer's block. after a laudable career of scribbling platitudes on the inside of dried card word he is in fact retiring. they should hire me because i write my own fortunes. every time he orders chinese food which is thrice weekly here are some of them. that wasn't chicken. you are adopted. topic number four. if you are like most americans you are and you usurer mirror primarily to make sure you have been turned into a vampire but did you know you can also use it to make sure your dog isn't
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undone. watch this. that puppy does understand he is looking into a mirror. it's funny because the dog lacks the competence skills necessary for self recognition and a reflective object. what's that dog doing in the room? how do the room get twice as big he's so adorable. dogs are pretty great. let's watch the same thing with a cat. it sounds like david lee roth. topic number five. it is thursday. on days like this i wrestle the mailman. sometimes i they win and sometimes they have to read what the internet things of me. strap on your bifocals. it's time for viewer mail. talk nerdy to me said hey
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candidate nation how about you shut your pie hole? yesterday on the show like i said stop by in feline form. t. ex-im says i love your show but the cats were frightening to think for making me laugh through my horror. that one wrinkled hairless one. martha rights did not appreciate the segment. that was awful. my jaw dropped. i'm so glad some others out there don't like cats. here's a thought for message from d who tells me you are gross. a stupid name. you are named after a letter. in closing jack, your glasses are kind of like mr. keith's chain. they are actually matching set it as we are married. thank you for watching. follow me on kennedy an instagram at kennedy nation.
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e-mail kennedy fbn fbna "fox business".com. use hashtag topical storm. goodbye, goodnight adoringly always. good night from new york. >> announcer: from fox business headquarters in new york city, the new "wall street week." gary: welcome to "wall street week." the show of record for long-term investing. i'm gary kaminsky. trish: i'm trish regan. here are some of the rally aftereffects from donald trump. scaling back the dodd-frank banking bill. banking sector is the big gain sense donald trump won the election. gary: bob diamond the former barclays ceo. an excellent tweak review everything that happened in
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