tv Bulls Bears FOX Business February 12, 2017 2:00am-2:31am EST
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day. theirs is war story that deserves to be told! from mexico city, i'm oliver north, good night. you can log on for after the show show. pete: stick around. >> fox on top of obstruction over the top. antitrump protesters briefly blocking secretary betsy devos from visiting a public middle school on friday after democrats unsuccessfully tried blocking her nomination for days. now they're blocking other nominees. forcing the senate to hold late nights and all nighters is all of this wasting time and money that could be spent helping middle class americans? hi, everybody i'm dagen mcdo you in for brenda. this is bulls and bears. the bulls and bears this
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week. gary b smith, john, along with denene and jessica. welcome to everybody. john, you say cut out the delay game and get working for the working-class americans. >> yeah. get working for the american people. because i don't think they're working for the american people. they're working for themselves. look what has gone on for the last 16 years in this country. the democrats blocking everything from president bush. and then you have the republicans blocking everything from president obama. i saw recent poll that said congress' approval generating was at 28%, the high for the last eight years. i find that hard to believe until i saw that there was another poll that said 29% of americans believe in bigfoot and 36% believe that a ufo has landed. so apparently there's enough crazies out there to believe that this congress is competent. i don't believe that. look what has happened historically when congress worked with the president. from teddy red bloo roosevelt to reagan to clinton.
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things get done on a massive level. that is what we need right now in the united states. this divisiveness. i don't care who's to blame. it's driving america and me absolutely nuts. >> well, when it comes to senate confirmations, the democrats are to blame. they don't have the votes to defeat anybody, but they've slowed confirmations to at least the slowest pace since eisenhower. you might have to go back to the 19th century by some measures. >> well, sure all the senate democrats can do right now is block and stall. and you're right. you can't stop donald trump's nominees picks to move forward. and so what they were doing, i think is, is a really misleading their followers as well. because they are filling in with false promises and false hopes. think about the thousands of people protesting on chuck schumer's property. they were filling followers with false hopes and what they need to do is get out of the way.
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the ratings are down, and they're going to do anything they can to keep donald trump there from moving forward. dagen: and, ember, rather than moving forward and filling their pockets with money, getting this economy growing at 3%, which we haven't seen in eight years. >> exactly. i take issue with one thing, though, dagen. everyone is always, like, congress has to get working. normally when congress gets working on either side, by the way, they actually inhibit the growth of the average citizen out there. look, i do hope that the current administration, congress, gets through stuff done on repeal and replace obamacare. hopefully with something better, which shouldn't be hard. and tax reform. other than that, the real benefit to the average citizen out there is not laws passed by congress. it's the things trump already has control of. it's the rules and regulations that go into the federal register.
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that's controlled by the betsy devoss of the world, the commerce secretary. it's those things, the epa that are not laws but just regulations out there of which we have, like, 80,000 pages of federal register that are slowing it down. so on the one hand, yeah, i want congress to get working but what you know? i think we're going to be in this muck for a long time, as long as we have two parties. trump can do a lot of things now once he gets his cabinet secretaries in place and as denene pointed out, it will be a little bit slower than other administrations, but it will get done. that's why i'm optimistic. dagen: but donald trump, the president has had to do things without those cabinet secretaries being in place maybe to the administration's detriment, the country's detriment. whether it's the iranian sanctions with no treasury secretary. moving ahead with are he peel and replace obamacare. the travel ban put in place before jeff sessions was even confirmed. >> i don't think we can blame the travel ban on the fact that jeff sessions.
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dagen: i'm not doing that but i'm saying the fact that these positions have not -- the people had not been confirmed with to the country's detriment. >> maybe donald trump should have slowed down a little bit. i actually like what the democrats are doing here. and i would also like to add there are two gop senators who voted against betsy devos. so it wasn't just something we did. there were concerns across the aisle as well her ability to lead the education department there. but, yes, absolutely. democrats obstructed here. chuck schumer made it perfectly clear that he had a number of questions that he wanted to ask these nominees, and he was going to wait as long as he could to do that. donald trump will get his cabinet. but frankly, i don't think that this is a waste of taxpayer time or money. i don't think that we're getting false hope. the democrats never once said these guys aren't going to get confirmed. but making this a worthwhile exercise and questioning and getting the root to all of them and understand what rex tillerson really think so about vladimir putin, to understand that jeff sessions is going to uphold the rights act. if betsy devos actually has an
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understanding of the public school system in this country. dagen: if you look back, ajonas of how many of these secretaries have been approved in previous secretaries, it's appalling how slow it has been going now. tim was even one of the 11 out of 15 under president obama, and he didn't even pay all of his taxes, and he was confirmed to run the irs. >> well, it was definitely going on on both sides. now, look, i think people should know when they've been conquered. i watched that watching the movie gladiator and if you don't have the votes, you should get out of the way because ultimately they're hurting themselves. you want to see the actual policies that happen because there may not be any planned, and then it's a mess, and then you're going to get your way in two years when you get a vote. but dragging things out who's right politically, you're getting away from the -- where the attention might need to be, which is where are these policies fix obamacare and how is that going to work? because i think ultimately that's how you get reelected or not showing up asking
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questions and dragging out a process. dagen: yeah, john, it just speaks to the lack of relationship with the american people. that these democrats. that's why they lost. because they're not listening to what the people want. >> i agree with that. but i also agree kind of what jonas has said as well. it's why the republicans lost a couple of times the last 16 years as well. they weren't listening to the american people either. look at this. you had two things done by the last two presidents. you had tax cuts by president bush resented by democratic congress, and you had obamacare by president obama that is going to be repealed by a republican congress so very little is done. and to jessica's point it's not the speed. it's the priorities. if you were to come forward with regulations being cut, a good repeal for obamacare, that would have been approved by both sides of the aisle instead of you're going after things that are very controversial first that's not
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the way politically to get things done. dagen: gary b. final word. >> well, i want to come back to something jessica said. she said maybe -- >> be nice, gary. be nice. >> i think, look, i know that's your opinion but we've had eight years of slowing down. donald trump for all his work showing he's in a hurry to make america great again. slow down? i want him to speed up and do more things. not slow down with the glacial pace that we've been going at. >> i understand and i think we can separate the bigger items, i don't even know what i was going to call it. big-ticket items i understand why you want to do corporate tax reform right away and things like that. i think by moving so quickly with this travel ban complicated all of it. and obviously democrats were going to push back on various parts of his agenda. but by doing this controversial thing so quickly, especially when jeff sessions wasn't confirmed right away and when he didn't really go through general kelly or through general mattis.
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i mean, it was just a confusing roll out there. i think he hurt himself in the administration. dagen: cory booker testified against jeff sessions, something that hasn't ever happened since it was formed in 1786. but who were they thinking about? themselves? the political game. not the american people. about 20 minutes from now charles payne is in for neil. charles, what have you got? >> hey, dagen. tax cut getting even louder and that has wall street and job creators perking up. but one of our guests says if we want to keep this up, we've got to bring them down now. plus president trump vowing to fight crime by taking down gangs. can that help build up our struggling inner cities? we're going to debate it at the bottom of the hour. dagen: charles, thank you. we can't wait. but up here first, they're out in force chanting death to america and iran.
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dagen: uns of thousands in iran shouting death to america and burning the american flag, and it happened just one day after a federal appeals court blocked the executive order. the administration says they will continue this legal fight but, gary b, iran was one of the seven countries covered by this order. you say it was a dangerous move to block it. >> exactly. the seven countries, by the way, that the obama administration came up with. yes, i think it's very dangerous. look, the job of the president, again, where you love him or loath him is to protect the safety of this country. he was elected. that's one of his main responsibilities. he used his judgment to put immigration bans in place that would protect us. the court is substituting their judgment over the president's. that's not their job. look, let's stipulate that the majority of people in iran one piece. that's great. but the majority of people at
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prison won't come out and murder you. we still have walls around it to protect the very few that would. that's what donald trump is trying to do. why the court stepped in? i have no idea. dagen: denene. >> i totally agree with gary b. president trump has the authority and right to do what he did. this is about the safety and security of americans and all one has to do is look at the video clip and look at these individuals who are in the street shouting death to america. this is what donald trump was talking about. he wants to protect us. protect property, and it is his role to do so. dagen: and, jess, that list put together by the obama administration because there were 60 individuals born in those seven countries that have been convicted of domestic-related terror since 9/11. >> it certainly was an obama list, but it wasn't a obama ban list. it was a list to look into further. if we wanted to protect the
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safety of americans, let's ban tanesha, let's talk about saudi arabia, i know it's a great ally and donald trump has a lot of business interest there. this is incredibly complicated, obviously. but if we're looking at the case of iran, they chant death to america no matter what we do. we sign a nuclear deal with them, they still chant it. so we can debate the merits of the deal itself another time, obviously. but this isn't surprising to me, i don't think it's because of the order. this is what goes on between these two countries. dagen: the travel ban and the extreme vetting would be a way to protect us from the number one state sponsor of terrorism, which iran still is who just received $1.7 billion from us in cash in part because of a ransom payment. >> yeah. and the $1.7 billion in cash and the deal that john kerry made i think have got to be separate. it was a horrible deal. one of the worst deals possibly made. when you talk about iran, i agree with jessica. they had been chanting death
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to america since the 1970s. so it doesn't matter about this ban. they do not like us as a country. at least politically and overtly they don't like us. i think we need a vetting ban. you can't put a countrywide ban i don't believe. if we cannot vet somebody regardless of their religion or their geography, we should not allow them into our country until we can vet them. but i don't think we can just put a blanket travel ban on a entire region. there are some people there that are friends of america that we can vet that should be allowed to travel freely. dagen: jonas, the ban was temporary. >> i feel bad for the iranians who aren't brain washed. we had a court love it or not who stopped the decree from a president. when has that happened to a supreme leader. people are, like, wait a minute. that never happens here. you would think they would do that but they don't.
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they're brain washed. you don't just -- you want a free flow -- i don't know if it's legal or not. i'm not a constitutional scholar. all i know is you want a free flow of labor and capitol between countries whenever possible, and it better be temporary because anything. dagen: unless, gary b, those individuals are bringing terrorism to american shores. >> i don't know what jonas is talking about. when there's an outbreak of e. coli in somebody's chicken, the manufacturer pulls all the chicken. they don't say send most of the chicken. we'll see what's going on. you bring up a important point. this is temporary. trump put this in place to figure out what we need to do. it's ant a permanent ban against iran forever. so i disagree with that. let's make the border safe. that's all anyone is looking for. and i tell you what they may be shouting it forever, and they're shouting it certainly louder than they were even
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back in 1979. that's where the terrorists are going to come from. i think trump is right in this case. dagen: thank you, guys. cashing in just over an hour from now. what have you got coming up? >> hitting a new loaded and suggested anchor journalist will be physically harmed over this administration. we'll play the tape. you decide. plus a new warning about the sad state of our senate from the very own senators. we'll see you at 11:30. dagen: thank you, eric, we'll be watching. but up here first, the show me state may be showing the rest of the country how to help create jobs. but i don't think big unions are going to like how that state's doing it. rodney and his new business. he teaches lessons to stanley... and that's kind of it right now.
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dagen: missouri republican governor signing a bill this week making the show me state the 28 right to work state. that means workers there will no longer be forced to join or pay union do you see. labor groups promising they will fight it. but, denene, you say we need it. and we need it nationwide. >> absolutely. this is a business show. so the trend is your friend; right? the momentum is going in the direction with many more states that are coming onboard for right to work states. and so think about how the union demands for many, many years have made manufacturing less competitive. a lot of manufacturing is in the southern states. and so to make it more competitive and more incentive right to work, i think is a right way to go. especially for economy and for job growth. dagen: john, what do you say? >> i think this is america.
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when you're talking about somebody who is being forced to join something, i think that's wrong. look, there's nothing wrong with unionizing. i think the unions have a right -- employees have a right to get together and form a union. but there's nothing wrong within the joining a union either. these aren't the days of the detector agency anymore where people are strong arming each other and states have the right to be able to do this and be more competitive if they feel it's a right to work state, which the trend. dagen: and, jonas, places are losing jobs to places like arkansas and oklahoma. >> well, that's the problem with some states. you can't have environmental laws one state and then some places none. so there has to be a federal standard. speaking of federal standard if we're going to do right to work, then let's get rid of the act and do full on like it used to be writs not going to be to john's point they're going to start beating up the strikers. that said, they also need to have the right to strike. right now they can't just walk out on a job.
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the whole deal is to keep the economy humming. so if we're going to get rid of some of the roles, let's get rid of the roles power worker too. dagen: jeff, let me suggest. >> i would like to say everyone argues that this is better for the economy but the statistics don't bear it out. workers and right to work states earn 12% less than those in other states. median household income. 13% less. they invest 32 less in education. poverty is higher. lower rates of health insurance. i could go on, but it's probably annoying people. dagen: gary b, i think you might want to counter that. >> well, adjusted for cost of living, they don't actually make less. so that's -- as far as jobs, you look at a place like michigan that went to right to work and may of 2013, they added jobs right next door in illinois they're losing jobs. so, look, is right to work better for the economy? absolutely. all it's doing is giving the people as john points out a
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choice to join the union. just not making it mandatory. who wouldn't want that? if unions are so great, people would be volunteering to join them. but they're not. that's why union membership has been declining for the last 40 years. dagen: gary b, imagine that. making a decision about your own life and not being forced into it by some state law. what's. >> what's the fun in that? dagen: thank you. thanks so much, guys. ladies. after a winter storm blankets the northeast, how all of that white will have you see green, no matter where you live. looking sharp, len. who's the lucky lady? i'm going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. this is how i dress to get a mortgage. i just go to lendingtree. i calculate how much home i can afford. i get multiple offers to compare side by side. and the best part is... the banks come crawling to me. everything you need to get a better mortgage. clothing optional. lendingtree. when banks compete, you win. okay!
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>> trump had a warm phone call with china and now golf with the prime minister of japan. i think up 15%-- >> do you understand that, john? >> thank you for joining us. charles in for neil. >> we're going to be announcing something, i would say over the next two or three weeks that will be phenomenal in terms of text. >> i'll let him make that news. >> what will echo what you've been doing? >> we're going in the direction in a good way. for businesses that want to know, this is going to happen this year, this is important. the president and lawmaker who will spearhead any tax cut bill, both saying it's coming. hello, everyone, i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. the same week president trump and g.o.p. lawmakers promised tax cuts will happen soon,
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