tv Stossel FOX Business February 12, 2017 5:00am-6:01am EST
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much better. lou: that's it for us tonight. we thank you for coming with us. michelle malkin among our guests. have a great weekend. . >> start taxing, goods coming from china. john: every day, politicians propose more rules. >> i'm very supportive of the mayor's proposal to tax sodas. john: unions love groups, they say they want, but are the protesters the real deal? >> i do not work for a fast-food restaurant. >> which fast-food restaurant do you work for? >> i don't work for fast food. john: bad rules give us warning labels. >> this may contain fish, warning. john: some bad rules rip
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children from the only families they've known, others with pointless red tape. >> 50 pages. >> bad rules. that's our show tonight. [applause] . john: this is what built america, the declaration of independence and the constitution. it's thin, yet these rules which put limits on government, created the most prosperous and successful country i history of the worldt ter the founders gave us this, someone said we need more rules. and now we did need some, this wasn't perfect. this allowed for slavery. founders never thought about pollution control, so good some rules were added and changed. but 164,000 of them? that's how many had accumulated by the time president obama
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took office. so the president said this -- >> i believe a thriving private sector is the life blood of our economy. i think there are outdated regulations that need to be changed. there is red tape that needs to be touched. [applause] >> there you go. yeah. john: yes, it's true, and everybody loves that, but then, what did the president actually do? he cut a couple of regulations, now salmon are no longer regulated by different bureaucracies depending whether they were caught in salt or fresh water and added 10,000 new pages, new rules. now we're stuck. this is just the amount the president added. now we have 178,000 pages of rules. rules all of us must obey, and not just 178,000 pages. state and local governments add
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more, and that's okay says radio host chris hahn, we all benefit greatly from regulation, but economist ed stringam said hahn doesn't get it. what doesn't he get? >> the cost of regulations are out of control. written by administrative bodies. john: so what, they're all well intended. >> i read the best book, war and peace, the number of pages associated with dodd-frank act is 25 times longer than this. mr. dodd or frank never read this book. >> i got to tellture, was the worst of times that led to dodd-frank, you should understand that, and we needed to do something about what was going on there. >> is that a useful thing, 25 times that many pages. >> when you are talking about the financial services industry and armies of lawyers, i would think dodd-frank might not be long enough. >> do you know bernanke could not refinance his home.
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>> bernanke had a very big home and working on a government salary. i think it was okay. john: chris, you worked five years for senator chuck schumer. >> almost six. john: almost six. >> [booing] >> i'm getting booed by people who waited in line to get tickets to see me. john: he holds a press conference just about every weekend, he figures he gets more air time on the weekends and proposes banning something. he's proposed banning bitcoins, energy drinks, assault weapons. high-frequency stock trading, caffeine drinks, powdered alcohol because somebody brought it on the airplane. >> one of the best senators new york is lucky to have him. john: he's the reason people suffer from lack of innovation. >> absolutely not true. john: why should bitcoins be banned? . >> i don't know, i didn't read
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it. john: it's the idea that if you don't understand something, the government needs to prevent it. john: how about laser pointers? >> i don't know, don't point them at planes. john: our likely next president, hillary, is a big fan of regulation, when philadelphia's mayor proposed a new tax on soda, ms. clinton was quick to praise it. >> i'm very supportive of the mayor's proposal to tax soda. john: should we tax soda? >> no! >> why not? people are fat. >> isn't there a cost to people overusing soda? >> the most bloated organization out there, you want managing our diet. terrible advice about don't eat fat, have carbs, go for high carbs, switch back, don't eat butter, it's margarine. >> i think health decisions should be left between a doctor and patient. that said, there are things that are going to make you fat.
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we know if you drink five sugary sodas a day, you're more likely to be fat than if you drink five waters a day. john: people know that, why can't they make their own decision. >> they can. why do i have to pay for their bad choices. this is a big argument for the banners. because we have socialized medicine, we have a right to control what they eat. >> right, once you get government involved with any of the decisions, it's like now we need to do that, need to do that, it's like, okay, restrict everything we do. let's have them decide what we're eating for breakfast or lunch, what time we go to bed. tax people who stay up late. let's tax all of our bad habits. [ applause ] >> it's not just the democratic nominee who wants to reg late. here's a rule proposed by donald trump. >> i would certainly start taxing goods that come in from china. >> people like this, this is helped him become popular among
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republicans, you both agree that this is nuts. >> terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible. bad for consumers, also bad for american manufacturers. look at ford. john: that is counterintuitive. keep the stuff out and american manufacturers will have them. >> ford designs cars here, up to 35% of mustang components are not here. we want to hobble them with the additional tariffs. this is a proposal that would make toyota great again. [laughter] >> this is something every economist, even the most left-wing friend i met. john: you're a friend now? >> we disagree, but come on. john: on social media, i asked you for examples of stupid fools. joe posted -- i agree with both of them. someone named rick tweeted --
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in new jersey also, what's that about? >> one of the best things about new jersey is i don't have to pump my own gas. the prices are low, and i don't have to pump it. >> no, it's cheaper because the tax is three cents in new jersey and 40 cents in new york. >> right, and i don't have to pump it there. john: it would cost ten cents less if you could pump it. this is what galls me about the left-wingers, the way you use the word have. >> i'm a moderate. [ laughter ] >> you don't have to pump your own gas. what about voluntary versus force? >> that's a state regulation. the people of new jersey elect representatives, if they don't like, it elect people who change the law. john: but the legislators are taking money from the service station lobiers. >> from the guy who pumps the
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gas, you think he's got his own lobby. john: yeah. >> somebody had a lobby that the only two states are the ones it's not allowed. the original argument is we're so stupid we'd blow ourselves up. in the 48 other states they don't and the two states hang on to it. >> it's up to the state. in a free market you have the full service, the self service and the free market outcompeted the way of doing things -- >> i believe in america where everybody should feel free to have gas-smelling hands all day long whether they want to or not. john: no, you don't. you say you're fine with new jersey, forbidden to have gas on your hands. >> if i lived in new jersey and had a problem with it, i would change that law. john: think about that. he would have to change the law, he would have to get 51% of the people to vote for something. in a free market. all of us can have what we want. isn't that better? >> there's no such thing as a free market. if there was, we wouldn't need
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so many regulations. [booing] . john: thank you, ed, chris. now covering regulation over the years, i've noticed that when a president's about to leave office, they do something called a regulation dump. president obama is no exception and one of his more costly new rules will force companies to give more workers overtime pay. >> that will ensure that the hardest working americans are paid fairly for overtime. john: fairness. before the rule was that workers who made less than $23,000 a year must be paid overtime. obama doubled that about $47,000. and this sounds good to people. you work longer, you make time and a half. that sound good to you, audience? they're nodding. my libertarian audience is nodding. this economist studies the hidden side effects of rules like that, and you say -- >> the whole issue with this reg slagz it doesn't look at
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effect of all various different sectors. john: meaning what? >> for example, the nonprofits have been vocal about the regulation, and the reason they've been vocal is it's a huge cost to them, they don't have the budget for that. nonprofits in higher education. >> i think in the nonprofit world or education, there are people who want to work long hours. >> they do. they believe in the vision of what they want to accomplish. the same thing is true for -- john: so now the government is saying if you want these people to work for you, you'll have to pay them 50% more, i guess if it's double time, 100% more and a lot of the people never get hired. >> that's right, they can't afford, it john. the same thing is true for tech start-ups. you have the young guys, four young guys, graduated from college, others that didn't graduate from college and don't have money, they get venture
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capital funding and don't have a lot of money in the beginning and you're imposing huge costs. they put in 80, 90 hours. john: they might make a lot of money down the road. >> exactly. i've been talking to the young start-ups, they had no idea this was a regulation because they're focused on building something. president obama is looking at you punch in a clock and apply it to a 21st century world. john: are you being sexist when you say four guys start it. >> i'm not. if you look at young tech entrepreneurs, they tend to be guys, sorry. john: i think the point that's missing among the pro regulators is workers are not slaves, it is a voluntary choice. some people want the long hour jobs. >> and they make the choice. i don't understand why we have to make the choice out away from them. i testified about this at the office of information and
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regulatory commission. john: you went to the white house? >> i went to the white house and i'm kind of angry, i testified, they liked what i said, they had no idea that the department of labor didn't analyze the impact on tech start-ups and other things but didn't take my advice. john: they went ahead with the rules. >> it's a sore subject and i cried when i heard about the regulation being tossed. >> thank you f tryin hd to convince the white houseo be sensible. next, did you know that this, a lightsaber, could not ever be used in an actual battle? stupid as that is. that's what that warning label says. so tonight our audience gets to award a thousand dollars to the person who admitted the worst, stupidest warning label.
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this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? come home with me! it's truck month! find your tag for an average total value over $11,000 on chevy silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. companies across the state are york sgrowing the economy,otion. with the help of the lowest taxes in decades,
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contest awarding a thousand bucks to the person who submits the stupidest warning label. like? >> how about a warning label on a "star wars" lightsaber that says for accessory use only, not to be used as a battle device. [ laughter ] >> we should say these are the five finalists you picked for our audience to vote on. another is the utility knife and it says, warning, blading are sharp. [ laughter ] >> it's a blade. >> probably be sued if it wasn't sharp. here's a warning label on a coffee pot. seen these all over. it says warning, do not hold over people. okay. right there on the label. [ laughter ] >> this bicycle bell. now, cycling can be dangerous, bicycle labels should be installed and serviced by a professional mechanic, that's a reasonable thing to put on a bicycle, but they put it on the bell.
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it's dangerous to install this yourself on the bell. you must get it to a licensed mechanic? >> right. john: and the fifth? . >> this is a party balloon, it says warning in california do not release outdoors or near electric power lines as it may cause power outages, so it won't do that if you release it in texas or michigan? [laughter] >> all right, you've done this 18 years now, why? >> we do this to point out how the rules we have in the courts and the legislatures in congress make favored litigation in america. we are the most litigious society on earth. if the level of litigation in the united states was simply at the level of countries competing for jobs, in asia and europe, we could save 589 billion dollars a year. we don't have to eliminate all lawsuits. we have to get to a reasonable level and save all the money that could be reinvested in our economy.
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john: and worse in america because in america, i can sue you, wreck your life, spend all your time defending yourself, and lose, and i can walk away, i don't have to say i'm sorry, and every other country in the world, i would have to pay your legal bills. >> yes, a very important point. every other country in the world. john: i call it the english rule but it's the rest of the world rule. >> exactly, if you sue and you lose, you're having to pay their legal bills. that's a big disincentive for file frivolous lawsuits. john: any evidence it makes us safer? >> no evidence at all. the lawsuits that lead to the long warning labels and absurd warning labels are make us less safe, as warning labels become so long, we tune them out. how many people read a pamphlet with a pen that has so many warning labels.
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john: a lawyer is cringing and saying this will protect us from a lawsuit, and it probably won't. we called the companies for all the products and you know what they said? nothing, they wouldn't talk to us. [laughter] >> and to be fair, they've spent tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars, the last thing they want to do is rehash us. this is a problem, they tell us. they want us to increase awareness how we pay if we're not directly sued but they don't want the copycat lawsuits so they don't have to fight it again. john: they're uptight and who can blame them. audience, bob has agreed to let you pick this year's winner. which of the five is the stupidest? the person who submitted that wins the thousand bucks. which is stupidest? the balloon? the lightsaber? the knife warning?
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the coffee pot? or the bicycle bell. i should say it's not just the companies who create bad rules, unions do, too. >> my campaign committee will collect in town. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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. >> when do we want it? >> now! >> unions have won big gains, $15 minimum wage movement spreading, unions continue to get rules passed that they say will protect their members. rick berman says they hurt most everyone. he runs a group called center for union facts. rules that say we have to employ people even though the job has disappeared. soul remember that you used to lubricate your car when you went to a garage over so many miles.
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the same thing with construction equipment. the cranes used for building tall buildings. those things are now self-lubricate bug have a job called an oiler, that guy has to be on the job, he stands around and polishes the crane. john: this is one of the reasons union work costs when they rebuilt the world trade center, part of the union deal was a master mechanic had to be there to make repairs but mechanics don't repair the equipment anymore. advanced machinery is repaired by the crane owner and manufacturer. they're still paid about $400,000 after guaranteed overtime. >> right. people don't understand that if you take all the unions in america today, annual cash flow is over $20 billion a year. that is coming from dues. you got to have more people on the job, you resist
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progression, you resist productivity and you say i need to keep the same people on the job i had before even though i don't need them anymore. it's the joke about how many electricians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? john: how many? >> three, one guy to hold the bulb, one to turn the bulb and one to hold the ladder. john: the $15 wage is successful? >> in a few places, but for the most part the country understands paying somebody $30,000 who doesn't have a high school degree is not the way to get the low-skilled people in the workforce. these are people who are going to be pushed out by technology, you're not going to be able to get the same number of jobs in a mcdonald's because they're going to kiosks. john: earlier i played a clip of a union protest that shut down a mcdonald's, demand the $15 wage for fast-food workers.
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i assumed the protesters were fast-food workers. then the reporter asked them. >> i do not work for a fast-food restaurant. >> which fast-food restaurant do you work for? >> i don't work for fast food. john: you call this rent a mob? >> yeah, they pay people to show up, to hold picket signs. they've don't same thing when they go after hospitals. they are trying to pressure companies rather than appealing to employees and in doing so, in pressuring companies, they try to get the companies to cave into some agreement that the employs haven't asked for. >> the big issue now is unintelligible to most people. card check, explain. >> if i want to create a union in a particular workplace, i ask people to sign a card. john: the majority say yes, i want the union, we hand them in, sounds like majority rules. >> right. these card signatures that have been signed in oftentimes intimidating circumstances
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don't really reflect what the individual would do in a secret ballot leck, and now what they're trying to do is pass a law saying there are no secret ballot elections. john: that's what you want is a secret ballot. and secrecy sounds bad for people. >> when you go for president, mayor, congressman, you vote in private. that's a secret ballot election. john: his group produced this film which explains why a secret ballot is a good thing as opposed to card check. >> what if labor bosses controlled class elections. >> thanks for your vote. >> want to show you to vote for me is best for you. miss hudgens has just agreed there isn't going to be any secret vote. sign these cards showing you who you like the best, my campaign committee will collect and count them. >> reason number five for the employee rights act. >> you sure about this? john: so the employee rights act which you're trying to get passed would require secret
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ballot. >> guarantee secret ballots. >> this isn't fair, most unions don't send thugs around to intimidate people. >> they send people to individuals' houses, put them in intimidating circumstances and the slaw -- law is filled with cases where this happened. john: we have an experiment for the effect of unions, some states are right-to-work states, explain? >> 26 states say if you don't want to join a union you don't have to. the union cannot negotiate a contract that forces you to join a union in order to keep your job. in the other 24 states, if you don't join the union -- john: i had to join a union at abc. >> and quite frankly, if you don't join the union, you keep your job. most people want the option to join a union because i want the job. john: the states are split close to 50-50. look at this graph.
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population growth was 13% in right-to-work states. 6.5% in the others. boeing built its new plant in south carolina because it's a right-to-work state. it left its own state, washington. >> and the union tried to stop them from leaving. john: five million americans have forced union states for right-to-work states. >> it's logical, it's logical, if you want a job where there are fewer restrictions, you're not going to be working in a state where you join a union. john: thank you, rick berman. next, bad rules that take these children from the only family they've ever known. as soon as i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot, i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again.
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right. consider the indian welfare child act, to protect indian taken from their tribes and placed in nonindian homes. white social workers took kids from the tribes and gave them to white families to make them american. the indian child welfare act made that illegal. but it wasn't happening anymore, and look what the law does now. lauren whiteshield was abandoned at birth by biological parents, a north dakota couple took care of her for three years and moved to adopt her. ce adoion was raisirth parents' tribe invoked icwa to stop them from adoption to send her to her biological grandfather and his wife hope. even though hope has a history of abusing her own kids! one month after lauren moved in
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with hope, the social worker says hope killed her. >> hope had taken the kids and threw them down an embankment. both kids got thrown down the rock embankment. the older kids were told not to say a word. she is going to be fine and bumped her head. and they took them back to the house, and lauren never regained consciousness. john: arizona's goldwater institute is challenging icwa in court. why would they give the kids to hope? the child spent three years with a family who loves her. >> this is the saddest thing about this law and why it is such a bad law, because it forces judges to subject indian children to different and lower standards than every other american child is subjected to when they are considered for adoption or foster care placement. if a child is native american,
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they say what does the tribe want? and the tribe gets to decide where the child goes. john: not up to them to say we want the child. >> not always. john: if the child has 1% drop of indian blood. >> we're seeing that in california with lexy page, she's 1.5% choctaw, her great, great, great, great grandfather was part choctaw indian. she's been living with namely for four years. john: foster family? >> for four years. they stepped into adopt her. the choctaw tribe stepped. in placed her with a separate family in utah who's not even indian. john: in another part of your video, you tell the story of a little girl whose indian mother gave her up for adoption and picked the family she wanted to have her. her tribal leader said fine and changed their mind saying we
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want the child. they spent $300,000 bucks in lawyers and court fees. they were finally allowed to keep the girl who lived with them for three years. >> somebody can interfere and say i'm sorry, your wrong. it seems insane. it really does. >> three years, $300,000. had to mortgage their house. i mean everything that they had went into trying to keep the little girl whose own mother chose this family. this is the family she wanted her daughter to be part of, and the tribe stepped in and tried to block it. we see this all over the country today. john: so we called the tribes. we tried to ask why would you take them from these families, but they wouldn't talk to us. you, however, did interview one tribal judge who says icwhat is a good law. >> any child that is native should have the opportunity to
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know his or her culture. john: they should have the opportunity to know their culture. >> but doesn't mean they should be forced into an environment that is unsafe. when you look at cases where children are taken away from the only families they've ever known after years of being raised by a family dropped off at another person's house and expected to just assimilate into a culture they've never had any background or information about is totally insane to think that those children are going to grow up and everything is going to be just fine. john: it's not. the law is an ass, thank you, starling. next, you get on choose winner of the whacky warning label contest. will it be that balloon that says may cause power outages? you get on vote next.
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this is one gorgeous truck. special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? come home with me! it's truck month! find your tag for an average total value over $11,000 on chevy silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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why don't you pick them up. the star wars lightsaber, the label says for accessory use only, not to be used as a battle device. folks? the utility knife. blades are sharp. okay? are some of you voting twice? i guess that's okay. the glass coffee pot, do not hold over people. all right, we have a clear nonwinner there. [ laughter ] >> bicycle bell, cycling can be dangerous, bicycle products should be installed and serviced by a professional mechanic. failure to heed the warnings may result in serious injury or death? [laughter] >> and last, the he'll yul party balloon which says in california, do not release outdoors or near electric power lines as it may cause power outages.
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no one said that. and i'm glad because none of the companies would talk to us. we did find a report from pacific gas & electric, bob, that says there are 100 to 150 power outages every year from these mylar balloons because they're not made out of plastic. >> i bet they're not all in california, though. john: the california part is weird. and the winners in third place, 250 bucks goes to conner dial in tyrone, georgia, who said the coffee pot. second place, the utility knife, blades are sharp. debbie from bentleyville, ohio, wins 500 bucks. and the star wars lightsaber won first prize according to you, suzanne from carmel, indiana gets a thousand bucks. [ applause ] >> i like giving out other people's money. so now we have time for a chat
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with a couple of our other guests. you can ask them questions or criticize them. chris hahn and starly coleman. who's first. >> i had questions about icwa if there are any current legislative sessions to appeal it, thank you? >> the goldwater institute filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of children who are subjected to lower standards under the law. we are also working in state legislatures to reform the law as well. john: will you succeed? >> we will not succeed through a legislative route. john: why won't the legislators change the law? >> the vast majority of people shake their head and say that is too bad. they run up. lawmakers run up against a powerful political interest in tribes. they have a lot of money, spend a lot on elections and nobody wants to be on the wrong side of what the tribes say they want. john: who else?
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who's next? >> you mention you support free trade, and in the cases where it's one sided, how would you approach that? >> i am in the minority of progressives where i am for free trade. quite frankly, i'd rather trade with a country than go to war with them. john: what's wrong with fellow progressives. are they dumb? >> i think because i've worked in government and had to govern, i understand it more. i think that everybody -- everybody running for president is anti-free trade, and every period, regardless of party supports free trade. that's the way it is. the reality of governing means that free trade is good for the country, good for our diplomacy, it stops worse things from happening. john: who's next? >> my question is for chris. you came out earlier in the show in support of the soda tax. would you also be in support of a fried food tax or candy tax? >> look, i believe in personal responsibility, and i don't
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like the fact there are a lot of people who do not take care of their bodies and health, they wind up paying for their health care weather now or later in life. john: is this a yes or no answer? >> i'll say i'm for taxes on things that kill you, slowly, that cost me more money. yeah, i'd be for it. john: yes, sir? >> you said yourself that you would have to foot the bill for somebody who isn't taking care of themselves. >> right. >> if we didn't have socialized medics, you wouldn't do, that they would take care of it on their own. >> we don't have socialized medicine, i pay insurance through my companies or through the government, and the cost of insurance rises because other people are less healthy than i am. >> but that's socialized medicine. the market of the medicine. >> i am paying for people who are eating five kit kats an hour or drinking ten sodas a day, or eating a couple of
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zeplys that you get around the corner. i have to pay for the guy through my private insurance now. the only thing that would stop that is single payer health care. john: why would you not have to pay for it? it's funded by taxes, so the fat smoker -- >> i guess i have to pay for it then, too. we need to all get in shape. john: thank you, chris, starlee, bob. next, my stupid bad rules.
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yeah, so mom's got this cold. hashtag "stuffy nose." hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right.
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. john: let's end the show with a couple of my experiences with bad rules, and one case, a rule discouraged me from doing the right thing. in another case, the rule encouraged me to do the wrong thing. first the wrong thing. years ago i built this beach house, that's younger me there. the house was on the edge of the atlantic ocean. a risky place to build but i build anyway because a federal program guaranteed my investment. >> protect your home with flood insurance. john: congress created government flood insurance to help foolish people who don't buy private flood insurance, and lose their homes when the water rises, eventually a storm swept away my first floor but i
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didn't lose a penny. thanks. i never invited you there but you paid for my new first floor. john: and next year the whole house washed away, government flood insurance covered my loss. this is insane, wrong. government so eager to compensate people hurt by floods creates a program that encourages us to build on the edge of oceans. if the insurance were left to the private market, companies with their own money on the line would price insurance properly. that would cover the real risk and discourage like me from building there. insurance policies would probably cost more, but that's smart it. discourages foolish risk taking. we don't have that because government destroyed the private insurance market by offering cheap taxpayer-funded insurance. the rule that discourages people including me from doing the right thing is new york city's gun law. the supreme court says we have a right to carry a gun for self protection, so new york city
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pretends to give out gun licenses. but i know that the licensing's a scam because i applied for a license. >> first you must fill out the 17 page forment the form says i must promise i know the definition of other weapons like switchblade knives, gravity knife, pillum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife. a kung fu star? >> when i travel around town, i like to have the option of protecting myself. >> this is 50 pages. who understands this? >> it took hours and hours to fill out forms. we had to call the police department six times to clarify what questions meant. finally, it was done. >> i have to get this notarized, sign here and i will fill in the rest. then you have to go in person
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to police headquarters. here they fingerprinted me. asked me to list reasons why i should be allowed to have a gun and charged me a $430 application fee. they said they'd get back to me. eight months later they sent me a letter rejecting my application. i was told you failed to demonstrate a special need. john: a special need? turns out that the special need i'd really failed to demonstrate was being willing to bribe the police. this spring we learned that the cops and the licensing division did give out permits to people who'd pay them off. >> bribing police officers to fast track gun permits. john: the corruption is a common bad effect of bad laws and too many laws subject to interpretation, it gives bureaucrats a chance to dole out favors to their favorite people. after the police rejected my gun permit application, a gun license specialist told me i'd
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play the wrong way. he didn't suggest i bribe the cops, he may not have known they were taking bribes. >> glen herman runs this website which advises people on navigating the regulations. >> if you're this expert i would think it is easy for you to get people guns. >> still an ordeal. friends of the ruling class, that's who gets it. john: donald trump got a permit to carry a gun, so did howard stern and robert de niro. maybe you've done work for someone who knows a senator, they will get you in front of a judge and within two to three days you will have a permit. john: connections, cronyism, bribes. bad rules hurt us? in so many ways. so i suggest one new rule, i call it the stossel rule. from now on every time a politician adds a rule, he must
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get rid of five old once. that would be a start. and that's our show. thanks for watching. you can log on for after the show show. pete: stick around. >> fox on top of obstruction over the top. antitrump protesters briefly blocking secretary betsy devos from visiting a public middle school on friday after democrats unsuccessfully tried blocking her nomination for days. now they're blocking other nominees. forcing the senate to hold late nights and all nighters is all of this wasting time and money that could be spent helping middle class americans? hi, everybody i'm dagen mcdo you in for brenda. this is bulls and bears.
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