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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  February 17, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EST

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about today. tom: but here is the thing. we are talking about everything but that. but we've have to leave it there. bre peyton and tony sayegh. thank you. kennedy: is president obama heading for his own watergate scandal or is the left-wing media about to collapse under the waste its own hysteria. a new repo says the intelligence community is withholding information from the president out of fighter will turn up in russia's hands. strap yourself in, time to light this candle. donald trump has only been president for 28 days and already the sharkey watters are
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a sign of the end of his young empire. there are screams about the force parallels about watergate and trump's russian roulette. michael flynn's graceless rest is nation and andy puzder's labor pains don't point to a stellar week. but just because people hate him doesn't mean unrelated events all lead to a dramatic ending in a john grisham novel. >> the parallels to watergate are eastwardy. i have to say. -- are eerie, i have to say. >> you couldn't deliver your gal
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the siespolitical lay-up in history. they have dug up dan rather and poked him with a stick and he had this to say. on a 10 scale of arm getten from our form of god, i would put watergate at a 9. this russia scandal is around a 5 or 6. but it's cascading in intensity seemingly by the hour. there are more nefarious concrete connections made between main street and russia. why and how someone in the intelligence community decided to leak information instead of going through proper channels. kennedy: i told you i trust no
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one in the administration and now i add media licks. i'm kennedy. >> after all the parallels to the nixon white house, dan henin ever wrote in an ope an op-ed pd in the "journal." is this trump's watergate? are we that close to watergate? aren't we putting the cart 15 miles ahead of the horse? >> i would say so. the democrats are throwing the "i" word. we are a throng way with impeachment. but it's back watergate-like atmosphere.
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anyone around during the time of watergate remember there was story after story in the newspapers, all sourced to deep throat, anonymous sources. this caused a lot of other anonymous sources to talk to the press. it creates a crazy political atmosphere. all of these anonymous stories. you could have spent all day wednesday reading stories that are grimly exhilarating about dissention and the intelligence community being upset. 90% of it are sourced to people with no names. i think it has a negative effect on the president and what he's trying to accomplish. kennedy: i think you can argue it was watergate that ushered in the modern political age. the difference is, you had to
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wait until the morning for the washington post. but now news is constant on social media. so there is a what rang of information, and -- there is a barrage of information. you say it's not necessarily a scandal that's going to bring him down or the facts of a scandal. but that the presint has what you called an understaffed and dangerously diffused white house. is it understaffed because it's obstructionism or because of mayor nowa over leaks? >> part of it is obstructionism. the democrats have been slow walking the confirmation of his nominees. we have no undersecretaries, none of them have been confirmed yet. this is a white house operating on a short set of people who have authority to speak for the president. and you end up with the president having to take the
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spears and arrows for everything that happens. i don't think you want to be in a situation where the president himself is the focal point of all of this negative incoming. kennedy: the president did make himself the focal point today during the unpress debited press conference. -- this unprecedented press conference. was this a way of distracting from michael flynn and andy buz- andy puzder and a couple of losses. >> maybe that's what he has to do. decompress the tension between him and the press. doing this sort of thing would help with that. but that's not going to make these questions go away. somehow that is going to have to be resolved. you made a good point out it being different om 1974 when the washington post showed up on your steps in the morning.
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why are we talking about dan rather? dan rather raises watergate. social media sends it out. within hours we are reading stories on the web saying what did president trump know and when did he know it. it's an entirely different environment. to think donald trump can take on all the forces, all the social media inside the bureaucracy, inside washington, is almost a little bit too much to expect of one person. kennedy: when you talk about the intelligence community, clearly there is a rift there. both side openly admit that. not to mention people in his own party who never got on board. so it will and curious political feat. so i honestly think he does that by improving the economy.
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>> we are talking about politic. but he has a terrific agenda. a big tax reform bill. regulatory reform. infrastructure bill. all of these things have to move forward into the congress, go into the committees, there will be politicking. everyone will have a say about the final outcome of that. thesident need a lot of political capital to bring that agenda across the goal line. unless he lift the economy, just as he suggests over the course of this year, his presidency will be in trouble. that is much more important than fighting with the media or intelligence community. kennedy: let's go to our radioactive party panel. meghan mccain is here, she is the co-host on "outnumbered." it's comedian dave smith and
12:09 am editor. must sh see tv at at highest order that all the comedy writers at snl could lampoon. he made the media look like. >> bunch of bow zoas. >> excuse me. when did it happen? >> where are you from? >> bbc. >> there is another beauty. he said he would ask a simple, easy question, and it's not. kennedy: will this battle with the media continue? who is going to come out on top? megyn, i will start with you. how can he get the media back and does this sort of joyful confrontation help him in that quest? >> he's living out every fantasy
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i ever had about screaming at a journalist who said something nasty about me or my family. i think his base loves it. we were talking during the break before we came out saying i'm fine with the combativeness with the press. but he you are talking about how you won by a larger margin than ronald reagan and it's inaccurate. i have a problem with that. kennedy: you see the press should be the opposition party. this is the job of the press. before it seems as though they are selective on their opposition depending on who is in the white house. >> absolutely. the freebie con put out a piece on the softball questions direct at barack obama. the press should keep them honest and keep them on their toes.
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president trump will probably do terrible things with freedom of the press. but being rude to people at a press conference is low on the came of outrage. kennedy: let's look at the president addressing media dishonesty. >> the press has become so dishonest that if we don't talk about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the american people. tremendous disservice. we have to talk about it, to find out what's going on. the press is out of control. the level of dnesty is out of control. kennedy: should he stop talking to the press all together? >> i think that color in back of him does not work with donald trump's hair. nobody has ever run a more anti-media campaign and won. he ran on the media are the most dishonest people. so it's surprising, and to be
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fair, i am no trump supporter, but they are the most dishonest people on the planet oh i'm enjoying this. kennedy: in light of the week that he's had and all of the news in this watergate critical mass the left is trying to drum up. >> whether he answers their question does nothing. it's not like the press illuminates the important issues of our time. to take questions from a progressive journalist, then we would start talking about the longest wars in american history. kennedy: president trump would bore people to death. he would go on a 17-minute yarn. at least -- he's got a problem with the facts often times and he backs himself into a corner. he was asked directly.
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5 totally would have. >> he's all over the place. >> he said something like nuclear holocaust would be like nothing else. not more substantive information comes out of any press conference than that. kennedy: we've almost don't have the context for it. we almost don't have enough space in between the inauguration and what happened today to really figure out what this is going to be like going forward and if this is going to be normal. as you are watching it, -- it's like the first time i saw pulp fiction. i never had seen anything like that. >> it many a new era for press conferences. i think this is the chickens coming home to roost with the press. they have gone the away with a lot for a long time. i could go down a list of coverage they have did with
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republican candidates and how they covered obama. the press on my dad's health when he was running for president, was he was on life support and was going to die. but when hillary clinton fainted they are saying it's out of bounds. so when the american public sees blatant examples. that one i remembered because it had to do with my father dying. when the american public sees this, i don't trust the mainstream media. people like us, you know when you to washington, d.c. and it's off the record. you see how they talk and see how much they love obama, and i think the american public has finally caught up to it. kennedy: i think there is very little difference between some of that bias coverage and
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members of hillary clinton's former campaign staff. >> and it came out cnn had their questions leaked to hillary clinton. this should have been such a big scandal. you would think if cnn wasn't fake news their reaction would have of been some profound we dropped the bill. so would be we like donna brazile and she is moving on. kennedy: donald trump is having a rally in florida this weekend. press reports say intelligence officials are with polling information from the white housa mole in the white house.
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this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? come home with me! it's truck month! find your tag for an average total value over $11,000 on chevy silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. itorked better than plavix. don't stopaking brilinta thout talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding,
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like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help.
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kennedy: there is a shocking new report from the "wall street journal" saying that intelligence officials are withholding information from the president because they are
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afraid it could end up in the kremlin. according to the director of the office of national intelligence quote, any suggestion the intelligence community is not no riding the best possible intelligence to the president and his national security team is not true. buck were welcome back. you actually know how this stuff happens. how is the president traditionally briefed? >> i wrote for the president's daily brief. kennedy: which is the gold standard. >> that's mr. president here is everything you have need to know to be the leader of the free world this morning. i used to write that and presented it two times to president bush.
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there are a lot of different hands involved in this and people are presenting the president with the most important and insightful analysis that they possibly can. the idea that people would with hold any intelligence from the president, it's a, it's an anat. it's almost impossible to disprove. because a couple of rogue elements within the intelligence community. i keep saying yes there are a few individuals or group. but this is have very small contingent. kennedy: as hillary clinton points out, there are 17 intelligence agencies. who is the editor? you get all the information from the cia. the nsa. and house the person that breaks everything down to give to the president?
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>> final say so is the dni. director national intelligence. it wasn't even suppose to be an agency. it was suppose to be the coordinator within the agency. once you give a bureaucrat room they build up a bigger role for themselves. kennedy: what role was flynn playing in gathering that information and gichght to the president. >> it's really hard to know what's true and what's not about the disarray within the nfc, all those news reports saying i'm not there anymore. a lot of this is based on leaks. also having sharp elbows and being rejected from his role in d.i.a. kennedy: under president obama.
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>> the intelligence presented. people would be sphrietds know. the president says i'm a visual -- i am a visual learner. i would like more maps. a president may have said that. inch. kennedy: everyone lerns and after he simulates information differently. kennedy: steve bannon with a new national security advisor coming in, about bannon have his permanent role on the nfc taken away? >> i don't think he's going anywhere. kennedy: thanks so much. buck sexton. brian brenberg explains what a
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kennedy: donald trump's new secretary of labor pick is alex acosta. no relation to the acosta from cnn. ecnn.
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>> he has a slaw degree from harvard slaw school pap great student. former clerk for injuries is samuel alito. and he has had a tremendous career. kennedy: that sounds pretty good. but what does the labor secretary do? for that we turn to brian brenberg associate proaf fessor economics at kings college in new york city. i looked at what the labor secretary is suppose t do, mediate labor disputes? no. create new regulations? no, not necessary. we don't need a labor secretary. >> i think a lot of skeptics will say if you want to improve the condition of workers in this
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country, grow the economy. when they have the opportunity to take other jobs, you will see wages rise and conditions get better. we should be sceptical about what the labor department does, period. i don't think it is going to go away so we should talk about what the labor secretary can do. kennedy: now we have alex an determine acosta to look forward to. but he's got a legal background. this guy is a lawyer who held a lot of governmental jobs. how could that be good for a labor secretary. >> i think it's a shame that we lost someone with puzder's background. he understands the fundamental die ma'am knick our country. technical automation is moving people out of jobs. so he understands why the
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minimum wage is pushing people out of jobs because it causes employers to automate. my concern about acomes a, he doesn't bring that background. will he be able to shake you have the labor depth the way we need it shaken up? he's a technocrat. we don't need more bureaucrats. kennedy: people who don't have background in politics get consumed by the bureaucracies they run. if you don't have a passion for business, i worry that won't be his guiding light. >> the labor department has 17,000 employees and a $12 billion budget it's a regulation factory. that makes thing so hard for businesses. puzder had the opportunity to blow it up fan free things up
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for businesses and workers. acosta brings a lawyer's background. in four years will we've see of any real difference? or will it still be a regulatory factory? if it is, that's bad for workers. i hope the president isn't just aiming for an easy confirmation here. i hope he's looking to make change to the the department. kennedy: this isn't the one nominee they thought would get turfed. you would think with betsy devos, that she was going to be the sacrificial cabinet lamb. >> puzder was a free market voice in the administration, and more important, free trade. that's what's looking there. i was optimistic about puzder. i don't know what kinds of noise he's going toll have there. that's another bad for the administration.
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i'm holding better things on him. but he doesn't have the same profile puzder had and i think that's a shame. kennedy: i think he already disappointed you. >> this one is not as exciting as the puzder one was. kennedy: we have to hope the lack of regulations will create the right environment. >> i wish him well and he hope that he could. kennedy: the panel returns in just a bit. hell just froze over base completely agree with lena dunham on something she said. fan it involves taylor swift. ♪ when you have $7.95 online u.s. equity trades, you realize the smartest investing idea isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with.
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kennedy: welcome back. president trump will not be taking the weekend off. instead he will do what he loves doing best. campaigning. first rally since his inauguration will be held in florida this saturday. ad for the event reads. we are going to put america back to work. we are going to put people before government.
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is this a good old-fashioned rally to divert attention from some of the disasters in the white house this week? or is he campaigning for 2020. megyn, you cover this every day on "outnumbered." you have to look at this and say do we need a rally right now? >> i think his supporters will love it. they will cheer the make america great again flag. i didn't like it when obama did the. i think the time for campaigning is during election season it's been four weeks almost since he habeen elected it's not the advice i would give him. but he hasn't listened to anything i have said so far. kennedy: you had one of the best lines when you said he was the best president-elect. >> i wish he could have bent
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best president-elect forever. it's the same thing that happened with obama. i'm good at whipping people. you and chanting lock her up. he was doing a thank you tour a week and a half ago. he hasn't taken a break. kennedy: there was something different about it. every cycle of the campaign starts earlier. he is already going into the next campaign. >> 9 adulation with the big rallies was always the jewels for trump. ultimately he liked winning. the job is boring. the job is gruesome. it involves a lot of handshake which he hates. it involves a lot of hosting which he hates. it ages you when he does it.
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obama and bush were healthy people. kennedy: he already on sleeps 3 or 4 hours a night. you go into the oval office. one person who will more than likely be and isn't from saturday many rally is lena dunham. in a recent interview with "rolling stone" she was questioned on what if any effect she had on hillary clinton's convention. hillary lost because lena dunham is such a bad example of liberalism. dunham said everyone has to do it their way. should dunham take a page out of
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taylor's book? megyn, you and i can talk about girls. the show is well acted. >> it makes me happy to be conservative and it make me happy that i'm in a monogamous relationship. it's a good example why being conservative is good for millennials. i'm 32 and i definitely watch the show. >> she says everyone has to do it their own way. lena could you start doing it another way? your way is terrible. kennedy: is there any worth to lena dunn happen's political upon iifications? >> sure. you have got a right to express yourself.
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some of her own allies said that with the ridiculous i wish i had an abortion because i would be. >> better advocate. no matter what your position on reproductive rights. hillary clinton sending lena dunham to campaign in north carolina while keeping bill clinton on the sidelines has some merit. kennedy: when the lead kept going back and forth by a point. also joe biden who could have been one of the most effective people was kept off the stage. >> she was hysterically crying on election tonight. now, you know what it feels like to be a conservative when the iran deal went through.
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kennedy: every day, he elect on every level. >> i don't understany someone elected a candate i don't like >> we lose he second. kennedy: president trump is a big fan of space exploration and big fan of space exploration and want to make nasa great again. the future of business in new york state is already in motion.
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kennedy: president trump is hoping to make space great again, and nasa maybe getting a rocket full of cash to do just that. the president is considering another manned missing out of earth's orbit. is that what the space agency should be focusing on? let me welcome back theoretical physicist dr. michio kaku. i'm going to defer to you. let's say this is the most excited administration about space exploration that we have seen in decades.
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where should we put our resources. >> nasa has been criticized as being the agency to nowhere. it boldly goes where everyone has gone before. here comes donald trump. he wants to fast track the moon and mars program. if we are going to the moon anyway by 2021. why not go in his first term and in his potential second term, on to mars. kennedy: i took a class in college, science and technology. should we go for things that are interesting or go for things that are important? >> i think we should do both. look at the space program. all the electronics we see around us. the microchips weren't lasers, the internet, it's because of
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the space program that made possible microchips, made possible the internet, satellite telecommunications. kenned the private sector, that's really where the innovation is, especially when there is a market that's asking enforce these solutions. >> that's right. look at elon musk. he comes in from nowhere and injects energy, vitality and vision. he wants to go to mars by 2024. kennedy: if you were to sit down with the president and he asked, what do we need to spends our money on, what would you tell him? >> i would go to the stars. we looked at the numbers.
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we have a bank of laser beams that carry a small pry crow chip to near the speed light. and we reach the nearest stars in 20 years. that's doable in today's technology. it won't be the enterprise, it will be a chip this big. but you have to start somewhere. kennedy: scientists invented a way to pull human becomes behind a boat. a boat. they a a a a a i'm worried i can't find a safe used car. a boat. they a a a a a you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax? now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find.
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show me used minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car se and get free carfax reports at the all-new this is one gorgeous truck. special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? come home with me! it's truck month! find your tag for an average total value over $11,000 on chevy silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack.
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i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help.
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kennedy: it's like a slap in the face with a live trout. this is "topical storm." topic number one. if you are a genetically superior, it is incumbent pound to prove your greatness in every way, especially when you are barefoot skiing behind a speed boat. then you have to chug a beer to celebrate, because that's going to end well.
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i love that drunk and aging kablg. good lord. there he goes. face first. dismembered in the process. what do you call a man with no arms and no legs behind a boat? skip. topic number two. you note story of the tore toys- tortoise and the hare. now we can see what happens in real life. there is the more is to and -- s the tortoise and there is the hare. flash forward. the torthe torethe tortoise is s
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astro tough. the tortoise is victorious. proven supreme again. i just won $4,000. i trained my own turtle to race. dr. liz art helmet. so fun. no one was harmed in the making of that video. i did train him to race. i did not train him to attack cats on-site. grandpa with his den tiewrs out
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in a roomful of longshoremen in a sauna. i'm sorry. thank you. topic number three. there is nothing sweeter than a dad taking his daughter to her first ballet recital except when the dads get talked into dancing, too, and it goes viral on the internet. it's so sweet. it's the dance of the sugar daddies. they are so graceful. which incidentally, the plot to almost every wagner opera. the greatest dance recital of all time. shia labeouf.
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there is a turtle on the side waiting for shia in his dressing room. in the back of the book segment, the dogs are better than cat files. dogs are human like. and some are so peopley they don't even bark. they scream. >> cody? >> ahhhhh. kennedy: i think i heard that scream somewhere before.
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topic number 5. grab your top hat. as unwanted as a hobo drifter that wanders into a stately gala and french kisses the host. this is viewer mail. dottie says this woman sucks, really. i tried to like her. i just can't. john writes, you are exactly rachael maddow except with dog videos. hey, kennedynation, how about you wear some contact lenses sometime. >> you have know why? because of this. is that what you want to see every night? mr. murdoch doesn't.
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monica wants to know -- this is news coverage. how is she getting paid for her opinion and not reporting factual occurrences. on the other hand jake wrifs, i feel like i should watch your show sitting between what constitution and a bald eagle in the background. hashtag liberty. ♪ america america ♪ >> i keep waiting for a shot of the you half your handle put you back in your straight jackets. kennedy: they don't do that after the show. first they give me a sedative. thank you for watching the show. especially you, dottie's mom. email may glory surround you.
1:00 am
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