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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 1, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EST

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thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. kennedy: house minority leader nancy pelosi, a new cause to try to impeach president trump, is that possible? attorney general jeff sessions back on the offensive against legal marijuana. wait until you hear why he wants to cro crackdown. political correctness on campus, hitting a new low, they don't want students to look in the mirror. time to me melt some snow flake. >> i knew pantsuit paratroopers
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were still devastated that hillary lost the election, but fancy nancy pelosi does not just want to pout, she wants to set a trap to impeach president trump. >> break the law, that is when you have grounds for impeachme impeachment. kennedy: oh, nancy, she is sure sexist and ageist for an old birds, she is blaming the voters who denied hillary the throne. >> many of president's supporters are not ready to accept the fact that their judgment might not have been so great, and voting for him. >> so passive aggressive. nancy! she lost, hillary is the cancer patient who died and you still want to give her chemo. where is she dead set on impeaching the republican president? because she blew it is bush,
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this is her mulligan. >> when i was speaker after we won, people wanted me impeach presidt bush because of the war in iraq. i have never recovered. kennedy: max reaso maxine waters spewing the same soup. >> he was in collusion with kremlin, and russia. kennedy: those are serious charges, and it sounds like mts. waters has intel so share it sister. i wonder if we have reached consensus on the president's sins, we ask devon nunez.
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>> we have not seen any evidence of anyone communicated with the russian government. kennedy: oh, no, i'm really confused. this impeachment talk is being tossed around like a hackey sack at a fish concert. and it stinks just as bad. when and if the time warrants make sure your gripe is more van sour grapes, this chatter is so bad for democrats, almost like they are getting marching orders and talking points from steve bannon, who is probably getting them from russia, we have to impeach nancy pelosi for collusion. some democrats openly pondering how to impeach our new president, what would it take.
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we ask the one man fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano, now everyone is a constitutional scholar. >> i was quite surprised to see this, we went through this not long ago when mrs. pelosi of in the house, she is well aware of standard. bill clinton he argued for a narrow interpretation of following phrase in constitution, treason, bribery or other eye crime high crimes and misdemeanors, the courts have never de fined that. but we do know from historical references that and from terminology articulated in floor of senate during bill clinton's trial, and same of trial of andrew johnson it would be, behavior akin on treason or bribery. something that adversely affected the security, the sovereignty of the united states of america. kennedy: does not seem we have
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reached that threshold, just over a month into this -- >> we're nowhere near, this is a kannard. there is a clause in constitution that prohibit president from saeb accepting gs from foreign leaders, over a certain amount of money. the statue defines, that. mrs. pelosi said because he owns a hotel in washington, d.c. where foreigners stay this is with bribery. he does not own the hotel, he is a shareholder, this is no more of a violation if he owns share of stac stock in at&t. kennedy: interesting 59 interes, people like ellison trying to bridge gap between him and his children who are now running his corporation, saying somehow, they are acting as president of united states and they are
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subject to same ethics rule. >> this such a stretch, only thing that i could think that mrs. pelosi would do it, this is doomed to failure, with republicans controlling the house, other argument, against him is that just because there was some friendly relationship or unwillingness to be critical much other between president elect trump of u.s. and president of russia, there was a collusion? the fbi has been investigating for months, and mrs. pelosi leaps to the conclusion that donald trump is an agent of the russian government and therefore must be kicked out of the white house. she can say what are she wants but without substance jaiting st she says, no one will believe her, it makes her look to be more of a luna -- lunatic than
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she already appears to be. kennedy: which you know may be is a great case for why we need more than two parties. >> is there any occupation that you can think of where nonsense is stock and trade of that occupation beside politicians, in particular the minority party, you are right, i fully agree. i agree with you so much i wish mrs. pelosi were not the leader of the democrats and house, i wish someone like tim ryan was, a ble blue collar guy from ohioa democrat that presents a broader away of democrats. liberty is more secure when there is a strong mineority to challenge the majority, i would argue for divided government. kennedy: this does not keep the president in check it keeps electorate divided in most worse way possible this shows that democrats have to go back to
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ideas, they have go to people to providing jobs, and the basic items if they want to regain power. >> mrs. pelosi is not going to do it for them, this may be her grasp at a straw to stay in power, tim ryan can challenge her any time he thinks he has enough votes to beat her, that is the good news, but bad news, she bet him threez t 3 to 1. >> they are just as loonie as she is. kennedy: and she is a tyrant. >> this mng on fox and friends, president trump gave an eye opening answer when he thought who was behind all of the leaks in his administration. >> i think that president obama is behind it, his people are. some of the leaks, possibly come from that group, you know some of the leaks they are serious leaks because they are bad in terms of national security.
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kennedy: as is the case, president offered up no evidence, he went on to talk about errors he may have made since taking office. >> can you give me an example of a time someone was critical you thought to yourself, i deserve that hit or column. >> i could never do that. kennedy: such modestez. regardless. president is president right tokinright tosuggest his predecs behind the leaks? anthony, is here. welcome. >> thank you. kennedy: harris with you. do you think that president really believes that he has made no mistakes, so far in his young administration. >> he was joking if you look at transcript, brian asked do you
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think to yourself, wow i screwed up, he said, yeah, sure. if i do that and that does happen, pl blah blah how much me troop do you need. kennedy: his communication he when he was asked to grade person aspects. >> my question is, is the president allowed to have a sense of humor, wrap his mistakes in humor, is that what we do. >> he should have picked a funny mistake. >> he answers honestly. kennedy: i love too much i work too hard. >> i am messy. that works. >> i read 6 of trump's books. >> have you? >> i have. a theme over 30-years is that he will say, out of side of his s specific, ande mistakes, he
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equivkate it when possible. >> i am not in role of defending anyone, i am jump point just points to facts, he took it head on, he joked and talked about the mistakes that were communication related, you could argue he was some who throwing his pr team under the bus. he might be messaging person who does it best. >> and the job of -- >> it is fair to say he answered the question. >> problem is some of his most hard-core supporters really believe he never made any mistakes, if you say anything about trump, they say fake news and they call you names that i can't say on television. kennedy: wow, it is true, a passionate bunch. >> paul ryan may be in for biggest month of his career, big
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bad or big good, we don't know. republican in congress eyeball a bunch of major reforms. >> this is a once in a generation moment, opportunity. we have the opportunity to finally tackle big problems that have held us back for so long. we're well on our way to reforming inentitlement by repealing and replacing obamacare, so i think that is pretty darn goodstart, thank you very much. kennedy: where should they start, and does speaker ryan have a shot. this is a massive agenda for either party, it could be great for libertarians if they reform the tax code. and repeal and replace obamacare. >> yeah i'm not holding my breath, even some times that seem to be wasteful and track eling the economy -- strangling the economy are still popular
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with the republican base. kennedy: and the president, he has talked about maintaining social security and medicare. >> increase defense budget by more and more. >> on these particular entitlements she to lift of the republican congressional base, so paul ryan is that dog sitting in the burning house saying this is fine. he has an embarrassment of riches, republicans control all 3 branches of government but they are not going to be able to accomplishing everything, usually the speaker of the house takes the blame. >> how does the conversation go with the seconde it jen nairian. -- >> i think that president wins that, one of his campaign promises. speaker paul ryan will have to figure that out, you may not top argue with a 70s-year-old man about social security. you can bet on the campaign trail he heard a lot, don't let this fall. and he promised hig he would no. kennedy: they always do, and the
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aarp is running commercial with president trump's word, saying i am maintaining social security. >> aarp with hip new hair styles by the way. kennedy: you treat it different for people in 60, 7s and 80s, then those in 20sand 30s, for those people you have to raise the retirement age. >> they ago vote. kennedy: that is something president was gambling ocan paul ryan maintain power he has that some argue is way too much and put himself in a better position to run -- -- >> trump won is all criticism of the teaestablishment is not getg anything done. everyone looks at paul ryan, they don't say, woe that is a
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strong powerful dude. >> i think they are waiting for him to fail. >> i think they are waiting for him to look like he did campaign mode. >> pick something that is -- has mass appeal, like lowering taxes. trump started with super controversial stuff, like ban and immigration and increasing budget, how about lower taxes. >> everyone loves that. >> i love lower taxes and i love the panel. we'll see them later. >> a growing number of states see the light in legalizing marijuana, attorney general jeff sessions tells voters he knows more about pot than you do. peter suderman will join me to knock sense into him. >> we may know the oscar folks messed up the best winner.
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12:17 am
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kennedy: welcome back, attorney general jeff sessions war on personal liberty and states rights going full steam ahead, amid new signal he plans to crackdown on legal marijuana. in a interview with reporters, sessions trotted out boiler
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plate anti-pot argument that it is hurting the nation's children. most of you know i don't think that america will be a better place when more people of all ages and particularly young people start smoking pot. he tried to sell us on the myth that because weed is stronger now it is somehow worse. i believe that very high. he claimed there has been an increase in violence because of legal pot? wait, what? he did not cite evidence, when is the attorney general going to wake up and realize more than half of u.s., is okay with legal pot. close to 60%, and more swing in that direct every year, of all ages, peter suderman is joining me now. let's bric break down some nonns that attorney sessions used with his big anti-pot argument, this
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is one of my biggest fears, what say you? >> this is driven by jeff sessions as much or a lot more than by president trump. sessions is an old school drug warrior, he said, that you know he does not think that good people smoke pot, this is a moralistic crusade for him, this is not driven by evidence, if you look at justice department memo from 2013, obama administration put out, it was specifically focused on fighting violence and interstate drug dealing, this stuff that jeff sessions says he wants to prevent. if they prevent that stuff that should be focus not cracking down on legal pot that has been vote intoed place, put into place by states, with the support of citizens and politicians there, they should be allowed to do what they want.
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kennedy: state, and ballot initiatives from sea to green shining sea, let's talk about research, one thing he said, this claim that people who don't use marijuana and don't have any evidence to back their claim make, there more thc in marijuana now than years ago, they don't say how many years and how much thc. >> is one research facility that uses marijuana without that thc content to begin with, it seems if the attorney general wants to be better informed, should they not allow for more marijuana research? >> absolutely, they should. a lot of this is just boomer pot nostalgia, not -- these kids thesmoke crazy stuff, not like t i was smoking in good old days, a lot is driven by parental fears, and a lot of parents who
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smoked pot. i think we need to see is a respect for states rights legal norms for democratic governmenting choosing to sell stuff legally and set up safe systems, systems are so much safer, like the end of alcohol prprohibition, do you see your local craft brewers, you know the guys with crazy beards and nose ridges, ther rings, there o shootouts any more. kennedy: more younger people in colorado are smoking marijuana and ingesting it at lower levels than they were 5 years ago, studies bear that ot, not an deckic total evidence.
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when there are black markets that is where you see violent. -- violence, it people have to operate in the shadow. >> this is safe either way, and more democratically accountable. public is shifting in states where it is legalized. one issue where public said that does not seem so bad, we have seen a radical transformation in last 10 or 15 years in terms of public opinion, and trump administration should respect that. >> respect that and reflect that. it means more freedom, peter suderman thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, wilbur ross has been confirmed as our newcomers secretary. will he help president create all those jobs he promised. or a new head of another useless government bar boo barr bureauc i ask jonathan hoenig.
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or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. ok. sure. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed? wealth management, at charles schwab.
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kennedy: wihoenig. -- wilbur ross is our secretary of commerce. do we need a department of commerce? let's ask jonathan hoenig.
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do we need a department of commerce? >> our most successful years came before the department of commerce, it was put place in 1904, specifically to punish business. a perfect example how a successful businessman is a terrible lebl leblg late legislr in this case, he is against free trade, he talks about managing it, fair trade, this what john edwards and bernie sanders talking about. kennedy: was he more of a free trader? i got a sense he was morepen to the idea before he was infected with toxic populism. >> like on president he has been on both sides of many issues. kennedy: woo. >> used a loot of bankruptcy laws, taking advantage of government largess.
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he does not understand and neither does the president that all trade is good, they see a system of winner and losers, they don't see the morality of it. free trade is how people interact, not through force, through trade. wilbur ross does not get that. kennedy: people who rail, rightly so against obama administration, for over regulates so many aspects oficic economy and culture, and our daily life, they employee same obamaian logic with trade. i don't understand, too much government over here is bad but over here in this narrow zone is fine. >> it is double speak on many levels, they say we're for free
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trade but it has to be managed trade, you can't do that, they can't discount importance of freedom, that means free trade, obama administration wanted to control healthcare, trump administration talk about deregulates, it is regulating you. and we have been better off through free trade. i am afraid wilbur ross could launch a trade war that would sink the economy just like after the great depression. kennedy: thank you, jonathan. >> thank you. kennedy: they are being silenced by a country in far east, frontmaname's react to being sensored it might surprise and nauseate you coming up.
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kennedy: this year's academy awards featured its greatest blunder in its 89 year history, when "la la land" was announced at winner instead of "moonlight." because, he was in charge of the en lope, -- envelopes, 3 minutes before he handed the envelope,
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he was tweeting out pictures with emma stone. did beatty get the wrong envelope because of a star struck accountant. that seems plausible. party panel is back, he was not very good at multitasking. >> he should have been able to handle that, i am tweeting all day of day, in the shower, and walking across the street. never been hit by a bus, you should be tweeting back there. very exciting. multitasking not good. >> two questions, should he have not been using social media during the broadcast, and should he be fired? >> you can't fire the partner of
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the firm. if we pop up his picture, i call him heavyweight matt damon, matt damon with extra food. the big bean counters cannot colate paper, they give the talent, presenters the winning envelope. his side was busy. he cannot do the simple thing of i am done with this page, let me pick up this page. now, baity and dunaway fighting back stage. >> they have not worked in years, they had to act like they were excited to be there. >> i can also tweet while fighting. >> president trump blamed it on
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politics, show was t fused on politics. >> i don't know if the accountant was focused on politics as looking at celebrities. >> you had one job. kennedy: that is all you had to do. when a band travels overseas to play a show in china, their lyrics must be submitted. met -- metallica was forbidden from playing a couple of sons, the lead singer said he was okay to reportoto -- respect their ca contrast to a show he did on howard stern a few years ago, saying that china's regime is scary. >> i think he did not respect my culture of downloading songs
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from napster for free, we were 12-year-old doing that, he said give me your 12-year-old money. kennedy: one of the dumbest acts of music his history metallica g after their biggest fans. >> suing them, suing 12-year-olds, master of puppets and a classic, antiwar for that song to be singled out for him to rollover about it is sad. >> he is ebaying his master -- obeying his master. >> i had not heard of metallica in a while, i did not know difference between het field and hatfield, one of a interview his wife, had kicked him out of the house, to go get his drug habit dealt with, they have had huge money problems. so i think that whether you need money, and you want to convent your wife you will be clean, do
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all great things you need to be working. >> how can they need money. >> they saw -- >> i am with that, album came out i in in '. >> >> they lost money. kennedy: people bought it. >> they have been losing more money than they are making. >> they have been still selling out. >> they make more money than any other band. >> i did my home work. >> i do not forgive you. fiery. kennedy: before i let party panel go, a shout out to my friend anthony fisher who codirected and directed, cowrote and directed his first feature film, sidewalk traffic, for rent
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or purchase today on i-tunes and amazon. features tom shah lou and curt loader. >> sorry it did not work out. >> they didn't tell me. >> tell me what? >> what are you going to do? i'd rather be a stay at home dad. >> it's not easy. >> trick is, pass the time away. >> ignoring the kid. >> i couldn't do what you do, i am scared. >> come on. they suck the life out of you. >> right out of you, awful. >> no more late nights on town. >> i miss most watching movies. >> that is done. >> congrat. >> and on impending little one. >> right, anthony harris, and cat. >> thank you. >> thank you kennedy. >> coming up, they are paid to teach, college process or have'sn new -- have a new job
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kennedy: do you need any more proof that campus pc nonsense is out of control. >> what a flurry of snow flakes,
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bucknell in pennsylvania, mirrors in a residents hall was covered up for mirrorless monday, it is supposed to promote body positively, it is preventing our friends from dealing with the real world. college faculty members are worried about offending their students for fear of ruining their open careers, they can't teach entire topics some liberal students might freak out, and complain, how can we reverse there. lenore is author of free range kid, a incredible movement you must investigate. investigate. >> thank you. kennedy: how do we combat this.
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>> i think what happened to younger kids they have no time when they are unsupervised now, into the car, soccer, mandarin, and homework, repeat with school, kids get used to being supervised and having an adult, if there was like we fall off a bike you have an argument with our friend, instead you have an adult there, intervening, we have taken that basic problem solving skill out of our kids lives, they are not just used to every day interacting with people. kennedy: and not just a question of over scheduling, a reliance on this framework that translates to government, i think that is what ultra left wants is for government to solve all your problem and direct your
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daily life, it gets younger and younger, and as you component out -- point out there is a sign that says there is no such thing at play fighting. >> of course there is, dogs play fight, all animals to ill, idea --s to -- we see our kids as so fragile, we imagine they are fighting they will be frustrated because they did not win, my kids went to public school, when they fell, on the play ground, during recess, you could only run on perimeters. you could not play with your friends, only like jogging, if they fell, nurse was required to send us a letter, your child fell, everything is a bigger deal. if you cannot just pick yourself up and play, you don't think that anything is safe enough, when you get to college and you expected to deal with adversity,
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a roommate you don't like. >> one film professor won't show birth of a nation because it deals with racism or tootsie because of gender identity questions. and you have to wonder, are these people so unchallenged they are incapable of running into anything that remotely resembles stress. >> i was thinking of that coming over that kid at a school, i think 7 years old, a pop-tart for breakfast he bit it to shape of a gun, he got suspended. to me, if you go to a school where everyone pretends something it dangerous when it is not, you get used to over reacted, the kid was suspended, a principle sent a letter home, yesterday was a incident in cafeteria, it was seen that it is dangerous, your kids can't handling any they are fragile,
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adults must intervene, it is not surprising that kids get to campus. kennedy: then when they are in charge of us we'll have to go too robot over lords. >> i'm getting a pop-tart gun. >> thank you. >> coming up, wolverines razors are expensive. but most show them out, we'll show you how it clean and sharpen your blades, on toppal storm.
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this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? come home with me! it's truck month! find your tag for an average total value over $11,000 on chevy silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. companies across the state are york sgrowing the economy,otion. with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company's tomorrow -
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today at
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kennedy: you have waited all day for it now sweet slap in the face, this is the to topical st. number one. your granddad was right, no matter what you do, do did with total passion. a naughty noodler. in china, he serves up a passionate noodle at a time, just a single one, he loses himself in the noodle dance, as he whips you upside the head. he is on fire.
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i asked myself the same thing, is he chinese genuine -- let us compare. >> topic two. here is a pro tip for you, idiots looking to jack around with fireworks, don't set off a roman candle in your car, if you do, point it in the right direction, first. you ding dong. the whole car bursts into flam
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flames. i had paul launch a single roman cand frel candle from a safe di, paul. "when in rome." right, paul? good thing his step uncle is a volunteer firefighter, 3 counties away. >> topic 3, this story from jon stewart, all of his free time, texas pastor fred thomas loves his favorite breakfast food so much, he serenaded the world about his beloved honey butter chicken biscuit, that is not a
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filthy nick nicki minaj cover. he just love his biscuit. >> ♪ every time i pass whataburger, i hear it call my name ♪ hear it call my name ♪ kennedy: i wrote a song similar. jesus loves me, this i know ♪ for the biscuit tells me show ♪ a work in progress. i think it sounds good. topic 4. to celebrate "x-men" film. hidhydraulic press channel madea model of what it would likely to smash the claws.
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look at this. woe, those claws, they are slicing through that chunk of metal, like razors through a cake. in marvel universe. little bits of metal. i am looking forward to seeing that new film, logan. i really like the wolverines. but it does not hold a can cando the japanese version. >> don't worry, i'll protect you. >> you're too late. kennedy: how did penelope cruz lose her accent. >> topic 5. >> everyone knows that eye of tiger it the thrill of the fight, but what about the eye of the drone. tigers don't take too kindly to
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that one, watch. here is footage of siberian tigers that are not in see sibea but in snowy northeast of china. some caretakers flew a drone overhead, the tigers promptly swatted it down, and naturally they began to eat it, horrifyi horrifying. they have formed a super breed of tiger, half robot, on the prowl a as we speak. they will be murder at time, thank you for watching, you can follow me on twitter and instagram. on facebook it and e-mail. good news, tomorrow night on the
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show, greg gutfeld, megan mccain, dave smith all stopping by for a night of freedom and frolicking, good night -- good morning! good-bye. (country music) (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ he's got the whole world in his hands ♪ ♪ he's got the whole wide world in his hands ♪ (bill cody) country music is about life. ♪ one day at a time, sweet jesus ♪ ♪ that's all i'm asking from you ♪ (bill cody) it's songs about faith and hope. ♪ i hope you dance ♪ i hope you dance (bill cody) songs that uplift and inspire. ♪ then sings my soul


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