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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  March 2, 2017 5:00am-6:01am EST

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him and he is in a double jump and optimism of the global economy start to monster rally on wall street and it could going higher today. the new treasury secretary also giving up his stocks. features have been higher overnight. good morning. i am nicole petallides. >> iming for lauren simonetti. big focus today is that chat. snap was public at the new york stock exchange in the face of a lot of a lot of questions by the social media giants future. nicole: the dow started the day for the very first time checking
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them in the stock market returns. the dow is down just a few points. s&p futures down repeated lea: in japan and make up almost .9%. shanghai composite down half%. nicole: donald trump has the rest of pushes ambitious agenda for tax reform, health care overhaul and infrastructure spending. marissa mayer paying the price, giving millions of dollars in pay a massive security breaches at yahoo!. train to the boston celtics had the biggest win of the season. number eight, louisville. we will have all the highlights for you. lea: 5:01 a.m. your first look at today's markets in the latest breaking news. nicole: good morning, welcome. trading on the new york stock exchange under the symbol snapped following third of december tech ipo.
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the snapchat act is known for disappearing messages get about 160 million daily active cheryl casone in venice beach comment with more. reporter: nicole and we have good morning. the second-largest technology ipo in u.s. history behind facebook back to 2012, snap going public is $17 a share. valuation of $24 billion. a few things that have been somewhat controversial as the agent of ours the voting power the founders now have. evan spiegel 26 years old. bobby murphy 28 years old started this in 2011. they were stanford roommate spirit they will now have basically complete control of this company. for those of us to let it go of snap, you will not have any voting power. a lot of questions leading up to the ipo. the fact that the headquarters space no-space out.
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standing in front of two main buildings in venice beach. snapshot has nearly 30 buildings right now and of course a lot of protesters have been out here over the last several days because they feel a technology company like snap has no business being in venice beach. maybe it's a bit of a disturbance to the community. you say think you were very angry that snap is here. why are you angry snap is in venice beach? >> the main concern is the interaction between their employees in the rest of the community. they don't do anything without reach for the community. they take parking spaces. they have fans taking people to their different locations like you said before, over 30 locations spread out through the venice community. it's very small, family orientated. it's their own culture they are
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coming in, not providing for the culture, basically hiding behind these clear painted windows and doing theirs secretive work. reporter: there you go. here's one of the protesters. several protesters have been out here every single day leading up to the ipo. we are hearing snapchat saying in response to the protest is they feel they are part of the community but that is certainly controversy surrounding the apo -- ipo. lea: cheryl casone in venice beach. thank you. nicole: the talk about the major market rally. senior managing partner at meridian equity partners is joining us this morning. we are happy to have you. this is a monumental time. we've been soaring since the election. can this momentum continue?
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>> investor sentiment is clearly in this arcade and liking what they are seen in the economic data is showing us our economy has gotten better. whether they invest in the markets are home prices or using their capital to spend on other things. i think the market has reason to move higher. like i said, economic data, earnings season and the other side is a patent no real headlines. nothing has stopped the market for moving higher. until we get a negative headline, the market will move higher. i would like to see more participation in this bradley. people feel like they've missed their set some point. when it gets to that area come investors that they have to wait for it to fall back. the market will move higher. lea: do you see them this more room to run?
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>> clearly when you look at financial stock is up 25% in the election, which is an astonishing number. overall the financial sector has been in the spotlight for quite some time. some significant pressure since 2008, 2009. president chavez has proposed to the hope the financial sector be much more profitable and also when you get to infrastructure spending in the financial sector will be able to lend money much easier. trying to lay the groundwork for further most of the upside. your firmness on the floor of the new york talk exchange. who better to tell us what's going to happen. snap ipo. what do you expect for this morning? >> very exciting time for the industry and new york stock exchange to have an ipo like that. it's going to be a real historical event today. something we've been waiting for
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a while. it's going to be a large ipo. we will see significant volume, whether they are investors. they make sure everything goes off without a hitch. the ipo pricing mechanism is what we do every day. every time stock opens, we see what the buyers and sellers are. no different. this is something we are very accustomed to doing on a daily basis. they expect from investors like voting rights. >> investor's field where they don't have a say. you want to be an owner. you wonder how the voice and participate. also comparing snap to other social media but there is
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facebook or twitter. they first came public in that concert will be there. lea: we've had so many successful openings. we are waiting for great win today. thank you for breaking down and snap in this market rally. we'll talk to in a day. president trying to speak before the uss gerald ford as he pushes his agenda. they need the super carrier under construction in virginia. , mcshane in washington with more. reporter: good morning to both of you. the president has a lot to do on capitol hill that today he will take his message to the people. he has to stop at newport news, virginia delegate and a plan to increase military spending and make the case for the economic benefit. he will be at a catholic school in orlando. a chance to talk about education reform. especially schools choice. eventually the real sale of the
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agenda will have to happen in these halls and at least part of that is likely to have to include democrats. >> he's not governing well. he's not governing down the middle. he's not governing in a way that lends itself to compromise. we democrats will continue to hold the president accountable. that is our job. >> or democratic friends have different ideas on many things. the far left is pressuring them to burn the place down because they can't accept the results of last year's election. everyone does that won't get us anywhere at all. >> white house is hopeful of getting two of its biggest agenda item, health care repeal and replace in a tax reform package done by the end of this summer. back to you guys in new york. lea: treasury secretary steve mnuchin is optimistic about the tax plan. mnuchin told neil cavuto that a reform package could come in the next few months.
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>> our objective is to pass tax reform by the august recess. i think that's a very aggressive timetable, but realistic and something the president did i are committed to doing. >> by august, voted amid done a great. >> and signed. turn to president trump said his economic team is working on in historic tax reform. lea: neil cavuto's interview could also help the sox yesterday. let's get you caught up on global market action overnight reaching a composite down half of 1%. gq japan up nine tenths of 1%. hang seng in hong kong than two tenths of 1%. nicole: in europe, somewhat muted the london ftse down two points. cacm france down two-point and chirpy dax down 13 points. lea: look at u.s. stock market futures ahead of the opening bell.
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dow futures are up by two, nasdaq futures lower by three as well. nicole: watching oil and gold both under little pressure here. oil down 44 cents at 53.39 a barrel. five dollars at this phone after being down two sessions. trade to the big security breach at yahoo! has made it proved costly marissa mayer. because of the breach, 500 million accounts, meyer will not get annual bonus or stock awards. yahoo! investigation found her management team reacted too slowly to the breach in 2014. yahoo!'s top lawyer resigned. the annual target bonuses 2 million a year and her annual southward is no less than 12 million each year. they lure the sale price to verizon by $350 million. the shares are up 15% in the past year. both snap stocks fly like
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facebook? certainly a lot of questions. >> a lot of concern and skepticism about whether snap can grow. with facebook, people understood it when they went public. investors got it because adults were on it. trying to woo a look inside that. how does that work? will it always be just her millennialist? you are watching "fbn:am" after a record close on wall street. your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ when you have $4.95 online u.s. equity trades... lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and e-trade... you realize the smartest investing idea, isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with. ♪
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at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed and-ta-dah-paid twice as fast for free. visit quickbooks-dot-com. lea: 5:15 a.m. here in new york. snap take its eagerly awaited debut on the new york stock exchange today. the owner is coming out to the biggest tech ipo ever pictures of $17 given in about 24 billion years the author's best known for disappearing messages. the live for the optimism feeling wall street. here's a look at futures now. i'll flip to the green side up by five. as in the lower by two. nasdaq lower by 1.5. new controversy about the trump administration ties to russia
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appeared attorney general jeff sessions during the campaign while serving as advisor. allegations fueling calls for a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate the charge. he never got within a russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign called the allegation false. president trump will visit the shipbuilding yard in newport news virginia. the uss gerald ford. they will be commissioned later this year. two days after the increasing defense spending by 54 billion. that's what's happening now. trying to snap as i was away from going public on the new york stock exchange this morning. some investors to question whether the company can grow past its colonial users. how exactly does that chopper and will it be able to move her the older users, bolder than a millennium. carly shimkus, fox news headline
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given us a look inside snapshot. an exciting morning. >> absolutely. it is an exciting day. with all the hype, there the app itself. it sends pictures to friends that disappear in a short period of time. the concept was initially taken your essay, it's become anything but a flash in the pan. snapchat has 301 million active users with snappers and in about half hour a day on it. twitter comes in at 218 million. 845 million users per month. people who use snap just say the appeal is the same gratification, kind of like a text message. also some unique features to change the sound of your voice. the company faces challenges. 85% of users are younger than
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35. the biggest concern is user growth. some believe the company will expand as the younger users grow up and younger people take place at the pass. >> a number of users were right before they went public. it really shows that 301 million for snap, 845 for facebook. we have to be clear and has the spectacles. >> the interesting thing about snapchat is specifically money. evan spiegel seems that the company has a camera service and that the prohibition of this articles were by the high-end camera deal. it appeals to more affluent users. the people using akbar.
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they can also talk about advertising dollars, who's advertising on it. in an interesting way, the biggest name that snapchat beaux-arts filters. advertisers who use it are the companies to make money off of it is gatorade during the superbowl specifically you could take a stealthy and gatorade has a filter where it looks like a bike is gatorade was being dumped in your head. they also have other things that the discovery section when media companies, best media, can post articles were users can read. although one of focus. nicole: i'm so upset we didn't see any pictures of you using snapshot or in that report. >> eyelet are decoded as a puppy. >> the question i think this can snap shot, will they be using -- >> i don't use snapchat but had three teenage daughters. the thing that i find
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interesting is that initially i thought it was the pictures going back and forth. the push of newsfeed that my children get is very interesting whether it's sports, entertainers and what they are doing or whether it's travel information or other staff. they get pushed a lot of information and that's important, too. fundamental filters and they might have to change that to attract an older audience. >> with better figure out what john looked at. nicole: carly shimkus, thank you for joining us. breaking it down to the beautiful and any filter. the boston celtics had the biggest win of the season over lebron james. we will tell you why it matters and college hoops. lake forest center number one louisville. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news.
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stay with us.
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nicole: looks like recent troubles for uber have been paid off by lift. a lawsuit from rival alphabet over stolen trade secrets. an embarrassing video tv take it yelling. at the same time, reportedly pitching investors on new funding round. it hopes that the funding will bring in his $500 million in evaluation of the train $6,000,000,007,000,000,000. investors including alibaba group and general motors. >> based the nicole: dumps untreated jumpstart sales. sales of the device have been
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slow so dropping the price by $100 straight costs $499. 99 down from $199 shipping delays in the price that impact that the launch of the red back in april. nicole: now for some stocks to watch. stay poster person for the open today struggling to keep up its sales or profits in the jails with growing online competition. staples completed the sale of a controlling interest in its european operations to an affiliate of server capital management. shares down 3% in the past year. cosco scheduled to announce results for the company reported first-quarter revenue and earnings missed estimates. cosco may announce an increase in membership rate on its conference call today. cosco shares at 28% in the past
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year. is the one abercrombie and fitch out of gas or the retail reports first-quarter earnings today before the opening bell. investors fear the turnaround effort including possibles are closures and retail sales figures futures are down 60% in the past year. the big debut for snapchat on wall street, but not everyone is happy about the country in its hometown of california. >> main concern is the interaction between employees and the rest of the community. they don't do any type of outreach for the community. they take parking spaces. >> we will take a look at whether snap will pass or not. donald chow pushing the agenda. the speech started a monster rally on wall street. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets
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and breaking news. ♪ imate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance
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nicole: donald trump optimism of the economist spark a monster rally. neil cavuto's interview also given a boost to stock. futures have been higher, lower, hovering right around the unchanged line. good morning. i am nicole petallides. lea: good morning. i am tranfive and for lauren simonetti. in the face of a lot of questions by the social media giant future. >> the dallas starting today with a a 21,000 mark for the very first time. checking in on stock market
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futures. gallup six, s&p futures down to. lea: asia stocks follow wall street lead. nikkei up about .9% and in china to shanghai to pass it down half of 1%. nicole: donald trump is about to push his ambitious agenda for tax reform, health care overhaul in infrastructure spending. >> yahoo! ceo marissa mayer in hot water after massive security of reach is that yahoo!. boston celtics has the biggest win of the season and a college hoops, wake forest topples number at louisville. new-line about the highlights for you. lea: by the one and the new york beard and his 5:31 a.m. in new york. welcome to "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. breaking news this morning. snap to start trading on the new york stock exchange after it raised $3.1 billion in its ipo. the app is best known for
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disappeared messages. a 10,060,000,000 daily active users. cheryl casone in venice beach with more. >> nicole and leah, good morning. the second largest technology ipo u.s. history behind facebook since 2012. snap, the parent company of snapchat going public. a valuation of $24 billion. a few things about the company had been somewhat controversial. the age of the voting power that the founders of the company now has. evan spiegel 26 years old, bobby murphy 28 results started this in 2011 in california. they were stanford remains that they now have basically complete control of the company. for those investors that want to buy shares, you'll not have any voting power. a lot of questions on the road show in the fall they do not do the ipo there so spaced out.
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two main buildings in venice beach. nearly 30 buildings right now and of course a lot of protesters have been a hero for the last several days because they feel a technology company like snap, one-sided $24 billion has no business being in venice beach. maybe a bit of a disturbance. i want to bring in the protesters. you are very angry at is here. why are you angry in venice beach? >> remained concerned is the interaction between employees and the rest of the communities. they don't do any type of outreach for the community. they take people to their different locations. over 30 locations spread out through the whole community. the community of 40,000 people. very small, family oriented. some quotes are coming and, not providing anything for that
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culture. basically hiding behind these clear painted windows and doing their secretive work. reporter: there you go. one of the protesters here. several protesters have been out here every single day leading up to the ipo. more expected into the weekend. we are hearing snapchat say that they feel they are part of the community but that is certainly a controversy that surrounds the ipo here in venice beach, california. ladies back to you. nicole: before we talk about snapchat, we'll talk about the major market rally. meridian equity partners joining us right here this morning. usually on the floor of the new york stock exchange. monster rally 21,000. we soared since inauguration day pretty quickly at that. >> we have good investor confidence back into the market. economic data finally getting for earnings season right now.
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all the numbers have supported this rally. the rally offers a conversation of how high can we go. what would be the catalyst to start the selloff. do i wait to get into the market and wait for a pullback to put my money back in. it's interesting to see how this all plays out. with the market has been rolling as there's nothing nothing in this way to stop it from going higher. >> looking like the fed might have an interest rate hike and mark. >> it's going to be very interesting. it will be very data dependent of making that decision. we waited out through 2015 to make a move. they did not react very positively to it. we got a great hike and the market has reacted positively to it. the market is welcoming. they want to see this rate hike. >> everybody's excited and talking about ceo.
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he is very tepid and private. where will they see him today on the floor of the stock exchange? >> there is speculation and i do expect that to happen. the ipo process takes time. i don't think you will be there. they will probably take the same format twitter token put big users out there which is very nice. for the stocks to open in the pricing mechanisms, it takes time. i don't think it will open before 11:00 we won't see him on the floor until then. lea: is snapchat the next facebook or the next twitter? talk about the different business models had >> absolutely. when facebook went public, they were clearly making money. everyone is able to understand their product and where they went down the road. twitter was quite different. twitter is out there and if one didn't understand how users would use and how they would build up moving forward.
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with snap, it'll be interesting to see how they move forward and say this out clearly while revenue is coming from advertising. this is going to be a large media presence for them and this might help in their advertising revenue. nicole: thanks, john. lea: president tried to speak about your sister afford as he pushes his agenda. a navy super carrier under construction in virginia. connell mcshane in washington with more. >> good morning to both of you. the president has a lot of selling to do on capitol hill, but today he'll take his message to the people. he has a staff in newport, virginia and delicate and a chance to increase military spending and make the case for the economic benefits of that. tomorrow he's back down to florida. he'll be at a catholic school in orlando. he'll have a chance to talk about education reform, especially school choice. eventually, the real sale of the agenda will have to happen in
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the salsa and at least part of that is likely to include democrats. >> he's not governing well. he's not coming down the middle. he is not governing in a way that lends itself to compromise. we democrats will continue to hold the president accountable. that's our job. >> and our democratic trends have different ideas on many of these things. the far left is pressuring them to build the place down because they can't accept the results of last year's election. but everyone get us anywhere at all. >> the white house is hopeful of getting two of its biggest agenda items that help you repeal and replace in a tax reform package done by the end of the summer. back to you guys in new york. lea: thank you, connell. attorney general jeff sessions accused of having discussions with the russian ambassador during the presidential campaign while he was serving as advisor. house minority leader nancy
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pelosi issued a statement saying after lying under oath to congress about his own communications with the russians, the attorney general must resign. sessions is not fit to serve as the top law enforcement officer of our country must resign. in a statement, attorney general sessions thing quote, i never met with russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. i have no idea what the allegation is about. it is false. treasury secretary stephen mnuchin is optimistic about president trump's tax plan. mnuchin told neil cavuto that reform package could come in the next few months. >> or object is to pass tax reform by the august recess. that's a very aggressive timetable, but realistic and something the president and i are committed to doing. >> i august, voted, done, agreed. >> and signed. nicole: president trump said his economic hand is working on
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historic tax reform. nicole: that interview is helping the less stuff yesterday. maybe that will continue today. let's get too caught up in the global market action. the nikkei in japan have not there were at the composite index came under pressure. we've also been seeing europe with the paris this morning and can generate to watch the dow futures just hovering around the unchanged line at the 1000 mark. lea: u.s. stock market futures rather flat this morning after a huge rally yesterday. dow futures higher by eight. s&p higher by almost two nsa feature fractionally lower. oil and gold this morning. right now we've been seeing for that 5340 a barrel. down 43 cents. call down five bucks in the sense that 1244 troy ounce. coming up, there's certainly a lot of questions.
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>> there'll be a lot of concern and skepticism about whether snapchat can grow. with facebook on the people understood it when they went public. investors got it because adults were on it. >> would always be just for the millennialist? oiler found or 4 cents. we see futures hovering around the unchanged line, waiting on some earnings as well including dollar tree and monster beverage and speed go just to name a few. >> the ipo for us not chat launched the ceremony. we will see some of the leaders of the company they are at the opening bell. another look at u.s. stock futures. s&p lower by almost two. nasdaq lower fractionally. staples autodesk, kroger, cosco. you are watching "fbn:am." lea: your first look at morning
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markets and breaking news. stay with us, guys. ♪
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nicole: 5:35 a.m. in new york real estate too caught up on what's happening now. snap takes its eagerly awaited debut. the owner as comment its third-biggest tech ipo ever. the price shares $17 donated by the $24 billion. the snapchat app is best known for disappearing messages. the stock could get a lift from the optimism feeling wall street paper market poised to continue yesterdays rally seemed to have features now up five. president trump will visit the ship of a narrative nuke port virginia. he will address the crowd from
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the deck of the uss gerald ford. the ship will be commissioned later this year. the visit comes two days after trump proposed increase spending by $54 billion. >> snap is hours away from going public on the new york stock exchange. some investors question whether they can grow past their millennial users. how exactly does the work above disappearing messages bluer older users. curly shimkus is here to give us a look inside snapchat. >> excited to be here. an exciting day for snap as well. with all the hype surrounding ipo, some still wonder what it's all about. it lets users send pictures to friends that disappeared in a short period of time. although the concept wasn't initially taken seriously, it's become anything but a flash in the pan. snapchat has 301 month play active users spending a half-hour a day.
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twitter comes in at 218 million posted 845 million users per month. people say the appeal against a gratification. the app has unique features like filters, geo tags and modulators that change the sound of your voice. the company faces challenges. the big concern here for investors is user growth. some believe the company will ask band as those young users grow out. you will have to wait and see about that. nicole: evan spiegel, the founder and ceo is calling it a camera can't do rather than a social media company. why do you think he's doing that? >> is calling it a camera company because the app opens up to a camera and he wants to focus on bag this is a camera app more than any other social media platform out there. it's a social media company though. you share pictures and chat with
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your friends or that's the definition of what social media is. and it's confusing at. >> when you think social media you think this can twitter. he's thinking more sense than google. he wants to be compared to a different type of company. there are some out there that have to invest in certain sectors. he might be separated himself from the social media area. lea: are part of the user group is a millennial this made them successful. do you think snapchat will succeed in the long run? >> specifically with how the young users are. at the same time, the question is do older users really need to use it for it to be successful specifically because like i said earlier, users spend about a half hour audit per day which means that they are seeing an ad and they are selling kaisha they are so engaged in the accusers on twitter. if they keep that young idea is so engaged.
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>> two points here, advertisers would rather advertise to a millennial. so let's call a spade a spade. the other key point is the company is not profitable. >> big question is what's next. we've seen the product park, the spectacles. what are they going to do next? how are there other areas to grow? it is forcing investors to make about whether they want to invest in this country. >> what are the key points today? >> will have to see significant volume and make sure pricing doesn't open too far out of range. sometimes large ipos when the stock opened so high up people get somewhat scared of the pricing and it comes right back in. we did see that on facebook but we need to make sure pricing is right. >> we have an exciting day ahead good curly shimkus, 237. thank you for joining us. and thanks to john for cana commemorative equity partners did see on the floor of the
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stock exchange. in sports, boston celtics had the biggest win of the season over lebron james and cleveland cavaliers. we will tell you why it matters. in college hoops, a big win over number eight louisville. we'll have all the highlights for you. the show is over for two accountants. we will explain. let's check in on u.s. stock market futures. dow 21 passing yesterday 22,000 next. dow futures of seven, s&p futures down one. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ the future of business in new york state is already in motion. companies across the state are growing the economy,
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with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today at lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and e-trade... you realize the smartest investing idea, isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with. ♪
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nicole: that follow from this that type a letter wonder if starting as the price waterhouse accountant has been banned from working the show ever again. brian colin and his colleague, mark the movies. handed warren beatty of the montebello. conan was distracted because he was busy tweeting. the academy awards organization says it is reviewing its relationship with price waterhouse cooper as well. lea: let's take a look at the latest from the world of sports. limbs make a debut versus the celtics in boston. he picked a good game. lebron james nearly takes out sitting courtside.
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that's raised that when when you win the super bowl. later, james shows off with a dunk that gave the lead. isaiah thomas goes to a triple to put it up by two. the final seconds down to. newcomer williams for three. no good. go on to win 103-99. taking on the first half. he drives down the lane. wake forest down one of the great. they dominate the second half. the show will be -- became his three pointer with the upstate and 88-81. check out this hail mary. northwestern 1.7 seconds left. first the prayer who catches it and scores.
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unbelievable. that puts northwestern tournament for the first time watching the celebrations. there he goes. looks like aaron rodgers with that low. coming up, as democrats best hope for 2020 a former talk show host? we'll explain that one for you. it is "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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nicole: how does president oprah winfrey sound to you? she apparently is not ruling it out. and a. and a recent review, oprah winfrey said she never seriously considered the idea until donald trump is selected. what's unclear is how serious opera spirit she campaigned for president obama in both elections and was on the trail for hillary clinton. lea: well, we can expect anything right now. thanks for joining us here in "fbn:am." it's nice to be with you. maria: thanks for being with us. we will turn out right over to maria bartiromo. morning said murray begins now. maria: good morning. i maria bartiromo. thanks for joining us. thursday, march 2nd. top stories examined the east coast. two days after president tribes
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address was praised. cap been under fire this morning. attorney general jeff sessions denied reports that he spoke twice with russia's ambassador during president reagan's campaign. attorney general sessions denied any during his senate confirmation hearing. >> senator franken, i'm not aware of any of those that did the days. i have been called a surrogate egg timer to in that campaign and i did not have communications with the russians. and i'm unable to comment. trade to the right is fighting back on the claims colin at the latest attack against the trump administration by partisan democrats. as questions around attorney general sessions for all, confirmations for the cap mentors to not complete. ryan think he has been concerned his next secretary of the interior wall about on housing and urban development is expected later this morning. move over capitol hill.


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