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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 4, 2017 8:00am-9:01am EST

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dissident minority idea into a majority idea is if a society has the space to think. >> the space to think. joins us tomorrow. we'll talk about voter fraud. yes, it's real. kennedy: did the obama administration leave secret clues for investigators for alleged ties between trump's white house and russia? robots could take half our jobs in the country. what could that do to tour economy? brian brenberg has the bad news. did you hear about the billionaire who ran for president and won? oprah could run in 2020. attorney general jeff sessions will step aside for any investigation into russia. >> my staff recommended recusal.
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they said that since i had involvement with the campaign, i could not be involved in any campaign investigation. kennedy: he has if the quote total confidence of donald trump but for many he has always been the problem child of this administration. and i railed against the senator for his anti-pot stance. they seem to have had the same benign conversation loretta lynch had with bill clinton. he claimed the two old hoes didn't talk about the election at all. >> i have not met with any rugs at any time to discuss a
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political campaign and those remarks are unbelievable to me. and i don't have anything else to say about that. kennedy: unbelievable? you can't e the term unbelievable. pull your head out, forrest gump. you met with the same guy who sent general flynn back to his couch. at least have the wherewithal to acknowledge that russia has been a giant per accep perceptual prr this administration. not only can you not be believed, but you might be hiding something. when al franken and sessions.
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the left would be exposed for falling victim to their own phobia. instead nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have decapitated a high horse where sessions slept because hypocritical enemies think you are guilty, doesn't make you innocent. but recusal was the first step in this process. if sessions can step back and get over his outrage, maybe we can get some answers. jeff sessions recused himself. the president said he shouldn't recuse himself and sessions was probably truthful during his testimony on russia. but apparently that wasn't
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enough. katherine mangu-ward, michael malice, and town hall political editor and fox news contributor, guyenson. what does this recusal mean for the justice department? >> i think it's the right move from sessions. a lot of democrats are calling on him to resign, which seemed like major overreach. there is a discrepancy on what sessions said during this confirmation hearings and what we now know to be the case. but there are reasonable explanations that fall far short of deliberate perjury. but there were enough doubts kicked up in this cloud of doubt.
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that cast doubt on whether he can as attorney gin preside over this investigation about the larger russia question of without the result of that investigation being tainted in a lot of americans' minds. this is the ultimate solution to there is. i step back and the investigation moves forward. kennedy: how much does this weaken him? >> jeff sessions is an idea throg when it -- is an idealogue. i think it took them a day or two because this such a non-issue. he had a meeting that nothing much was discussed and it probably slipped his minds. appearance is important when it comes to law. so he had no other choice.
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>> how is it that michael flynn lose his job but sessions keeps it? >> sessions has a lot more political capitol built up on the hill. i am incredibly disappointed we are ending the two-day festival of national sessions hate. there is something i like to see. there are lots of great reasons to hate sessions. this is not one of them. i wish we could say let's return to hating jeff sessions for the right reasons. by think we'll return to hating jeff sessions. kennedy: he descronlts to resign, but what does a recusal do? does city create a dark cloud over the justice department and give democrats an entre? >> this is something human
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brains do, it will be a talking point going forward. sessions part of a shadowy russian conspiracy. it doesn't really matter whether it is true. it will be the kind of thing that goes on the pile of windsling for people always in the mood to be angry and conspiratorial. they are always going to be seeking reasons for him to resign bause i think he's a terrible attorney general. >> policy disagreements is separate from actionable reasons to force someone to resign or demands a resignation. >> he should look into his heart and say i'm awful. >> separate question out of opinion. but it wasn't just back-benchers and the elizabeth washens of the world it was the leadership.
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though the base controls their party. they are saying he must resign. based on what? >> they not it was a win that the people they want to appeal to would be convinced by their relatively weak reasoning. what they want to do is less about what jeff sessions does today and more about sowing doubt. kennedy: they are appeal together base and see there is no way for them to lose here. either jeff sessions is going to resign or calling for it makes angry people really happy for just a moment. but it's so much crying woiflt's exhausting. >> if they had their way they would have every one rrl resign. kennedy: it is fantasy. >> there is a reason this is
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cliche' that the most dangerous place in washington is between chuck schumer and a camera. nancy pelosi gives him more gravitas, but -- >> more gravitas? kennedy: they are the lenny and squiggy of a bad sitcom. it involves all of warn. it was hyper focused on russia. now they have more damage control than they woonlts. meantime the "new york times" reporting the obama administration left one heck of a house warming gift for the incoming trump administration. staffers did their darntsest to keep stories in the headlines. leaving a secret cookie trail
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for investigators. all the bawms got in return was a tiffany slate. was this ou sour grapes? what do you have make of that. >> we were worried the incoming administration wouldn't take it seriously. the uncharitable explanation is they want to undermine this guy they lost to and they are bitter about it. during the campaign itself, russia was being litigated as a campaign issue. the obama white house was pretty mum on it because they thought hillary was going to win. now they are saying oh, damn it. that was their political calculation and it's transparent. kennedy: everything is political now.
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every action by every agency and every person is so politicized, it's impossible to know who to believe. >> i disagree with the intro because i think they were doing a tightrope. they didn't want to make a huge mess for her to clean up. so how do you square that circle? now it's too little too late and they are out of power. and he's in control of all these agencies. it will be hard for the deep state that bill kristol is so in love with to fight this. kennedy: they also defend the deep state when it comes to someone like edward snoafden. the lack of transparency in the ama administration? >> this is what mueller called the most transparent administration in thrift 8 years
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ago. -- in history 8 years ago. is that what we mean by transparency, then journalists should give up because we apparently can't email our foia requests. kennedy: fax machines are the wave of the future. we are told the white house is weighing strategy including regime change and possible military action to prevent north korea from building a missile capable of hitting the u.s. take out their leader or going to war could be messy. in other words we don't have a lot of options.
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authorities say he orchestrated the assassination of his half brother. but now they are saying he only had a heart attack. >> the head lines were minneapolis leading. she sat down and said let's see what the options. are. they said strum considers military strike in north korea. we have 200,000 to 300,000 people in north korea. they are told if the u.s. invades we'll kill you all and wipe these camps cleaned. so day one we'll have genocide. kennedy: do you have think china steps in front of the moving train? >> china already started. they are refusing the coal shipments.
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malaysia today rescind the right of north korea and malaysia to have visaless travel between the two nations. so the coalition is coming together. >> if you leave north korea your family has to be left behind as hostages to make sure you stay in line. >> that's sick. >> we are screwed. i agree the headlines are exaggerated. they could have said strum considers doing nothing about north korea. the reason we are seeing the headlines the way they are is that plays to people's worst fears, crazy man negotiates with crazy man. kennedy: what if dennis rodman
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emerges as the best man in this scenario. >> he already has. kennedy: has donald trump set a trend for billionaire celebrities to run for office? will robots be taking half our jobs? what will it do to the economy. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!!
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comcast business. built for speed. built for business. kennedy: president trump taking credit for therd-breaking activity since he won office. but can some dark clouds be forming on the horizon. the stock market hosted $2.3 trillion in gains. the labor department reported first-time jobless claims tumbled to a 44-year low. but according to a shocking new bank of england report, economists have underestimated the effect robots can have on jobs on our economy.
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robots could steal half of our workforce. brian brenberg is here, associate professor of economics at king's college. i know you are not a techno pessimist. >> no. technology is advancing at a rapid rate and it will displace a lot of jobs. mckenzie did a study that said 35% of jobs could disappear with proven technology today. the economy is change and automation is change it more than anything else. i'm a pessimist about politicians because they have their head in the stand. they are totally ignores what's really reshaping the economy, and that's technology. kennedy: there is a big push to bring back ming to the united states. but a lot of companies say
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great, we'll have giant warehouseshey will be almost fully automated. they won't be staffed with humans. >> it's the employment that has gone away. companies come back. they won't come back and say let's hire all these people again. they will automate the work. it will be fewer skilled workers producing a heck of a lot of stuff. kennedy: you compared it to education. i said this for a long time. that our education system is so outdated. and you say three things we need to focus on and this is brilliant from view. creativity. flexibility, and cognition. the cognitive aspect of working. >> that's the kind of work people are doing in a 21st century economy.
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our education system is based on a highehierarchyial model. that's not what companies are looking for. but we are still putting students through that process. we have to move to a point where schools are helping students creatively. acquire skills over my entire career. not just before i go to work. how am i learning and changes and shape so i can continue to add value. kennedy: that flexibility is critical. brian brenberg, thank you so much for being here. it gives people a lot to think about. >> we have to be creative. kennedy: liberals don't have the numbers to fight the republicans and the president on immigration. should they try to cut a deal
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with the negotiator-in-chief? we'll discuss that. hey y y y y ♪ across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, creative business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today at
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kennedy: during the obama administration liberal activists insisted any part for reform include a path to citizenship for those living illegally in
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the united states. reformers are look at striking a deal. should progressives take the bait and lock in a deal? let me ask richard fowler, host of the richard fowler show. >> happy march? kennedy: richard, it seems watching the democratic reaction to the president's joint address to congress. it seeped like they were sitting down a lot. i was reading from the body language that we have a room full of obstructionists in do you think that's the best way for them to work through this trump presidency? >> i think he had a lot of side eyes to the president of the united states.
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we need -- our immigration system is broken. we are work on 1980s immigration laws to enforce them in 2017. kennedy: let me ask you what democrats are looking for. the gang of 8 bill failed. and that included a huge helping of amnesty for the immigration tray. i don't think this president will be so willing and generous with something like citizenship for so many people. so what does a deal look like? is a path for citizenship for dreamers enough for democrats or will they double down on sitting down? >> i think it's hard to say until we see the writing. but a pathway to citizenship is a must in any immigration reform bill. there has to be not a short pathway.
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not instant amnesty where you wake up tomorrow. but a long pathway to citizenship. kennedy: our immigration system is so broken, people have to wait in line for years. those who come from other parts of the world and going through the process and trying to get a permanent visa, it's very unfair to them to see an entire group of people say screw it, i went over the border and had a great time. so how do you create parity for different groups? >> i think you are right there. i think because system is so broke. we have 11 million individuals living in the country in the shadows and we can't wake up tomorrow and deport them all. deportation ain't cheap. deportation is really expensive. kennedy: this may be one area where you and i agree.
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kennedy: walls are expensive, too. >> i'm not for the wall because it's part of the bored where there are:mountains and hills where the wall can't go. and people will build ladders to get over the wall. but the truth of the matter is we have to find a way to deal with the 11 million individuals who are here. you can start with the daca * students, then whose holds where mom might be undocumented but dad is documented. when you deport those households it costs us billions as well. those kids backwards of the state. richard, thank you so much for coming.
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>> i'm bubbling with confidence. kennedy: you are like a casserole fresh out of the oven. the party panel returns next. conventional wisdom says obese
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what if technology gave us the power to turn this enemy into an ally? microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. there are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. with the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever before. if we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin.
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kennedy: the election of donald trump as president of the united states shocked many and convinced others it doesn't take much to get the top seat. oprah winfrey joked about her ability to run for president. >> i never considered the question even a possibility. i just thought, oh, oh. >> it's fair, you don't need government experience to be like the president of the united states. i thought i don't have the experience, i don't know enough. now i'm thinking, oh? >> could we see a president winfrey in 2020 sharing an
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office with vp kanye west? is oprah at a disadvantage here seeking the highest office in the lands? people just love her. >> she is perfect. she combines all of the recognition and media savvy of donald trump with the milestone breaking barack obama stuff. she is as if they made a presidential candidate in a lab and brought her to us for 2020. but i like to have my celebrity billionaires in the private sector where they can do good things and i can interact with them voluntarily. kennedy: i don't believe she has never thought about running for president. i think she is meeting with her staff every day. i think it's a standing meeting,
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should i run for president. >> having an african-american of dubious gender and sexuality -- the person i would want to see running for the montana i. in watergate a drunken betty ford brought it together. and chelsea clinton, the drinken crone. >> what america deserves is a trump-mark cuban race. then at some point in the future i have reluctantly gone the on the band wagon that duane the rock johnson. i don't know if he's a billionaire yet. but he will be one day. kennedy: they love being loved. and half the people hate you if
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you run for president. i'm ask katherine mangu-ward. i say we electma kmele foster. just because you haven't been able to look down and see your toes for a few years doesn't mean you aren't healthy. overweight and obese people are found to be at no great risk for a stroke or heart attack. as long as they do 4 hours of physical activity a day. but will it be difficult to multitask four hours of movement while dipping your chubby hot dog fingers in handsful of french fries. who do you think -- >> i have never been serenade
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with body shaming before. >> don't you listen to the radio? >> not on national television. i want to immediately leave the set and perch. i want to know -- i saw the headline, the headline said you can be fat and healthy. most people said awesome, and did not read the article. four hours? >> it's like cleaning your house. kennedy: you are not at your desk. >> as a fat-skinny person. you can be fit and bad but you can be skinny and big k inside.t only indicator of health.
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kennedy: and you can survive them. john mellencamp did, and so did dick cheney. guy, michael and mary katharine. i want to praim you all and put you on my wall. >> when does chris christie join the panel? you could get a fat head sticker of me. kennedy: president trump wants to spend $54 billion more in rebuilding the military. how much is enough? i'll ask pete hegseth next.
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this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month.
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get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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kennedy: president trump is calling for a $54 billion increase in the military program. democrats say the defense budget is already bloated and doesn't need anymore money. one lawmaker says $54 billion? that's not nearly enough.
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max thornberry wants a budget increase of $190 billion. so, should we slim down the military or beef up the cash stash? here to weigh in is pete hegseth. army veteran from iraq and afghanistan. welcome back, pete. it's our favorite subject. i just think the military is a hungry beast and we just keep feeding it. >> i believe we can do both. i'm with mac thornberry and john mccain. i think the increase should be larger because of how gut our military has been. the way that pentagon spends money is abysmal it's a dysfunctional bureaucracy in so many ways. there is a lot of money that goes down rat holes.
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>> money goes and never comes back. but it has to be hawks like mccain and thornberry that will do that kind of reform. both chairmen said they are committed to acquisitions and reforms industries won't like to make sure we modernize. >> i agree, we have to modernize military. we talked about on this program a lot of times. we are fighting this sort of outdated precold war model that helped us to victory in world war ii. but it's ininefficient in this day and age. i also agree with senator mccain that the f-35 program is going tos could a lot more than the $400 billion budget. but you have the raytheon gps
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missile system over budget and five years late. not to mention the $125 billion that the pentagon says after their own intern inquiry completely wasted. >> we could go on and on and on. you are not going to get any disagreement here. but what president obama did to this military over years, he truly hollowed it out and decimated. rebuilding requires a down payment so you can restart the building of ships and provide the maintenance to aircraft not being properly maintained. you can provide the training that hasn't been happening. the flight hours that have not been happening. and you have got to chip away at the inefficiencies and utter waste. that's not just a tag line to viewers.
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there is red tape that can be slashed putting accountability into the service chiefs in ways you can save a lot of money and make sure the dollars we are using go to right place. kennedy: why aren't you shifting the money because you are feeding the beast at that point. you are appeasing a system that we know is broken. what we need is military readiness and technology. close some of the bases, sorry, and make the ships so we have the fin finest readiest, handsomest military in the world. >> look at tri-care premiums so healthcare is unsustainable? the pentagon is going to be a healthcare provider that also fights wars. the world is even more chaotic
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than it was when barack obama left office and that's a result of weak policy. you have got to find and fix it at the same time. president trump's number is only 3% above what actually occurred. what mccain and thornberry are talking about is a 10% increase. if you do reforms properly you can find savings. kennedy: you want to buy the fat person who became slim a new wardrobe. i'm saying take it old dress and pare it down and use the rest of the dress to make mittens and scarves. >> we need to make sure our guys have mittens and scarves and machine guns. kennedy: is the grandma hustle
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i realize that ah, that $100k is not exactly a fortune. well, a 103 yeah, 103. well, let me ask you guys. how long did it take you two to save that? a long time. then it's a fortune. well, i'm sure you talk to people all the time who think $100k is just pocket change. right now we're just talking to you. i told you we had a fortune. yes, you did. getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today.
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kennedy: grab your still its ane going to a rave. this is the "topical storm." pizza hut is a popular american
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food chain that nation cheese flavored bread and it got easier to order them. you don't even have to pick up a phone or even have a phone. >> when i want a $7.99 large pizza, i can order with this and this. easy as pie. kennedy: unfortunately i can't capitalize on that service because pizza hut won't deliver to my apartment anymore ever since the incident. it scares the tinkle out of them every time thesee it. the worst thing is after my haunted painting killed that poor delivery boy and drug a
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screaming corpse to holy hell, they gave me sausage when i clearly ordered pepperoni. topic number two. tom brady can try all he likes. he can win his five dumb super bowls. whatever. but he will never be cool. he posted a photo of himself on instagram from high school as a mushroom-headed but noon with the hashtag hair gold. there he is. not much has changed. i think it concussion has made him smarter. topic number three.
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that's so dumb and awful. the internet went nuts when two heartthrobs wore kilts and learned yoga in a for rest. -- in a forest. scientists determines these hunks are super photo shopped. while technically they were performing yoga, they have been significantly altered by c girks and we uncovered the original footage. these gentlemen are slightly less toned than the official release footage, and we can see
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their feats are less spectacular. scotland is a highly edge logically advanced country. look at that. in fact they are currently working on a scottish car to compete with the tesla. topic number 4. what would happen if yoda and president obama had a 100 baby girl? watch. -- 100-year-old baby girl. just kidding. that's an adorable great grandma at her 100th birthday party showing she has skills to go another century.
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and to show it she danced with 100 sailors free of charge. something for all of us to aspire to. even you. there was a time when people rode horses through harsh terrain. topic number 5. unforgiving trails for miles on end simply to deliver a handwritten note. now it takes one finger. it takes this one to post a message drunkenly at 2:00 a.m. and that's how viewer mail was formed. car bow climber paved the way with show is awful. making my eyes and ears bleed. turn the channel. oh, yeah? go get some ear tampons. get some for me so i don't have to hear you any more.
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jerry asks, do you think the public imairs your opinions. >> this is the difference between belief and knowledge. i have know they care about my opinio jerry. moaf zilla says show sucks again. on tuesday i wore this dress. and opinions were formed and shared. very unflattering. ugly dress tonight. mary asks, honey, you are so cute and smart, but what the hell are you wearing? lastly, joe looks beyond the dress and says, you are horrible. retire. thank you for watching the show tonight.
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you can fiebleds find me on facebook and instagram on kennedyfbn. email at as always, i love the good ones with you. good night from new york. >> announcer: from fox business headquarters in new york city, "wall street week." gary: welcome to "wall street week," i'm gary kaminsky. trish rsh -- trish: i'm trish regan. >> to accomplish our goaments ao accomplish our goals we have to make it easier for businesses to do business in the united states. i'm asking all members of congress to join min


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