tv After the Bell FOX Business March 6, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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and there is a lot of margin debt. so people are really betting on the market rising. [closing bell rings] the ides of march on the 15th. that what we have to watch for. liz: bewe the ides of mch. great to see you, barry james. today is the the dow has gone without a 1% drop. narrow trading range. david and melissa with breaking news. david: good stuff, thanks. melissa: the dow ending about 40 points off session lows. a rocky ride for s&p 500 and nasdaq as well also closing lower. i'm melissa francis. david: i'm david asman. glad you could join us today. this is "after the bell." we have you covered on the big market movers. here is what else we have for you at this hour. the president meeting with his economic council behind closed doors, getting back to business after a wild weekend and a very busy day at the white house. we'll bring you the headlines as we get them live. earlier president trump signing a new executive order on
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his revised immigration plan. we've got the fallout surrounding what's in it and what's not. the house gop is set to release anxiously-awaited and somewhat mysterious details of their obamacare replacement plan. sources telling fox business, it could come as early as this afternoon. more on what we can expect. melissa: back to the markets. the dow couldn't make it back to 21,000 today, closing down about the 50 points below it now. travelers, jpmorgan, intel, coca-cola among the biggest drags. it is airlines who are the accidenting slammed today on the heels of the president as new executive order. adam shapiro joins us from the floor of the new york stock exchange. they made up their minds quick there, adam. >> they did. part of this has to do with a report that international travel to the united states off 6.5% since january when the first travel restrictions were announced. of course we got the new travel restrictions today. jetblue was off today.
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american airlines down a little over 3%. united was off about 3%. delta down about 2 1/2%. take a look at southwest though. southwest down almost 2%. so there is concern that americans won't be traveling within our borders quite that much. now take a look what happened with snap. we've been watching snap all day because it broke below $24. it is approaching that level, $23.54 and change which is the problem. that is the low when it ipo'd. snap was off a little over 10% today. the same day facebook hit a new all-time high. facebook with instagram, whatsapp, competitors to snap. those of you who bought snap, get out the pepto bismol. of the tysons the chicken maker, had to destroy0,000 birds at one of -- 70,000 birds of one of their farms in tennessee, avian flu being found there. that stock down 2%. melissa: adam, thank you. david: president trump meeting with members of his economic
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council at the white house. stocks sank initially today as weekend charges and countercharges worried investors that the president's economic agenda was getting side track by too much politics but stocks refusing to stay too low for long, recovering a little bit at day's end. joining me liz peek of the "fiscal times," steve cortes, bcg partners chief strategist. steve, to you. seems at first the market said we'll have a 100 point drop today. it looked like that would be happening. then the market came up a little bit. it ended down about 50 points which is way off its lows. still a down day. it have been a lot worse. what causes the market to continue to recover today? >> david, i think, it is a great question. i think we have competing forces here. we see at times political tumult. we certainly saw that over the weekend, right? the president kicked off that saturday morning with his tweets. for the entire weekend saturday
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and sunday saw a news cycle which was very tumultuous. that caused stocks to open in poor fashion. what happened, investors we've seen this time and again since he was elected, wait a second we'll get past the political firestorms. what really matters long term is growth and deregulation and tax reform this president is promising have investors so emboldened we see a lot of what we see today, which is steady buying throughout the day even when we don't open strong. david: liz, i sense what happened to the markets it is affected by immediate headlines from the mainstream media, they're so anti-trump, they're sort of knee-jerk anti-trump. they begin to digest the news, gee, his complaint are more reasonable than we thought at first. and that is what turns the market around. am i wrong? >> no. i think that is exactly right. let's face it, the market has been one of the very few hard and fast indicators there is good news in the land. certainly wouldn't glean that
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from reading "the new york times" or even "the washington post" or any other mainstream president organs. in fact what did he do today? with all this tumult going on he met with his business council. david: meeting with them right now. >> which is keep of a remind are that this is his number one job. "rasmussen poll" came out today showing that voters above all else want trump to create jobs. that is what he is working on. i think it's a tremendous reminder too of difference between this administration and his predecessor. obama had couple of meetings with a business council that he assembled after being criticized for having no private sector people in the white house and then it was disbanded. this is real. we've seen him meet over and over with business executives. he wants to hear what they want, what they need to get this economy moving. and that is the priority. melissa: meanwhile dismantling obamacare, republicans planning to roll out their plan to replace former president obama's
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signature health care law. sources are now saying that tax credits will be included. gerri willis is standing by in the newsroom with details on this. break it down for us, gerri. >> melissa, that's right. we're lashing for chapter and verse on obamacare replacement plan. we're not getting it. maybe tonight. maybe tomorrow. still looking for it. but the assumption working here we'll have tax credits as part of this. as you know, melissa, this is highly, highly controversial. tax credits reduce your tax obligation dollar for dollar but a reversible tax credit like is in this legislation, means you could get a refund if you didn't owe taxes that is the controversial part of it. senator rand paul said i don't like this. we're now seeing just the house freedom caucus and republican study committee saying no, but also conservative groups like heritage action, the club for growth, freedom partners which
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is the koch brothers as you well know. other things that could appear in this bill and what has been talked about for months and months and month now, the medicaid expansion would wind down. there would be a state innovation grant to allow states to figure out what to do with that mid-cade money. -- medicaid money. obama care exchanges would probably go away in all likelihood. big, big changes coming. a lot to look forward to. but i have to tell you this is going to be just the start. the kickoff of what could be a very contentious debate over obamacare as we know. the republican party is self-divided. conservatives divided on this very issue. melissa. melissa: gerri, thank you for that report. david: here is a freedom partners vice president of policy nathan, great to see you. i understand if you're giving out tax credits to people who don't pay taxes that is a subsidy, but, if i'm a taxpayer and i've got one of these high deductibles becae these insurance plans because of obamacare, i want the first dollar that i pay for health
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care to be deductible if i can. i asked rand paul about that he was critical of the tax credits but i asked him about that last week. here is what he responded. >> there are different types of tax credits. if you get back your own money i'm fine with that. if you get back someone else's money, that is an entitlement program. david: your bill would have proviso. tax credit is just fine as long as you're a taxpayer. that is you don't want it to become another welfare program? >> exactly. david: nathan, is that okay, tax credits are god as long as you're a taxpayer? >> no, creates entirely new entitlement system on backs just like obamacare did. david: wait a minute. entitlement is something i get for nothing. this is getting some of my own money back that i pay for taxes. when i think entitlements i think of government welfare. it is not welfare to get some of my tax earnings back, right? >> but here's the problem. everything we've seen thus far has been about increasing taxes
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or keeping obamacare taxes in place. whether we're talking about the new leakerring draft that might be coming out this week or whether we're talking about the draft that was leaked out last couple weeks, the idea is that it still keeps the same taxes either by including a cap on the exclusion or keeps the obamacare taxes leak we're hearing right now in place. so that's still creating a new entitlement on spending. david: when i heard tax credits, frankly i want every single dollar i spent to be able to deduct it in some way. i'm paying a lot of money in taxes, my deductible is so high i might as well not have insurance. so i want every penny that i pay to be tax deductible, there is nothing wrong with that. >> that will not help everybody that needs help that will help people that pay taxes. on top of that bedy, hold on a second, that is what ronald reagan used to call a safety net. it is okay to have a safety net for some people absolutely stuck at the bottom of the ladder. that is fine. as far as people now getting
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stuck with huge deductibles particularly in the middle class who are paying taxes don't they deserve a break? >> but these tax credits will not help the huge deductions, sure it will. the first dollar -- hold on. if i have a 12,000-dollar deductible, which is what you have if you're in the bronze plan right now. >> sure. david: that means that i get no break at all for the first $12,000 that i'm putting out in health care. whereas if i get a tax credit, every dollar that i pay for health care i get a little bonus. >> david, i understand what you're saying but the problem is that these underlying costs, these costs for providers whether we're talking about the doctor visits, whether we're talking about prescription drugs, whether we're talking about emergency room visits, these tax credits aren't going to fix that you will still have high out-of-pocket costs. and these deductibles will be eaten up very, very quickly but and not solve underlying problem. david: giving customers of health care more control over the money they spend. i think that is a good thing.
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i do have to very quickly, one last point, president obama said tacuts come r obamacare. that is the thg that ccerns me most about all this tie-up on obamacare. we may not get tax cuts until 2018? >> but washington is the problem. in the headlight care debate -- david: that's for sure. >> that continues to be the centerpiece. david: nathan, thanks for coming in, appreciate it. >> thank you. melissa: a little less than an hour 1/2 from now president trump will hold a dinner meeting with omb head mick mulvaney and tom price. they will discuss the obamacare plans. liz and steve are back with us. interesting to bring two people together and scuttlebutt what is left over handled to the omb director. if you heard him speak he is numbers guy. it is down to how we will pay for this, right? >> that is what the argument is about. all the divisions of opinion in
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republican party have not disappeared. you do have fiscal hawks very concerned about a rising entitlement requirement but look, what was lost in that entire last conversation is that a lot of what ryan's program is designed to do is make health care insurance more affordable. we act like insurance is out there via obamacare is actually insurance. it is not, if your deductibles are so high you never go to the doctor. part of the program is to make it more competitive, get rid of owner russ mandate that make insurance so incredibly expensive particularly in some states like new york where the mandates are the worst in the nation. melissa: yeah. >> and bring the price tag down but yes, it will have to be paid for and they really need to look at the high-risk pools. some 5% -- melissa: let's pick up on that. i like that point, steve because there are a lot of people, there are some people who consume a lot of health care because they have these preexisting conditions. >> right. melissa: they don't want to pay for it. healthy people don't want to pay for it. if the government pays for it,
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that is you paying for it, the taxpayer. how do you deal with those people with preexisting conditions? one idea in the risk pool, not just targeting federal dollars there, maybe you do reinsurance on that, on those people? that is an interesting idea. >> melissa, thankfully that group of people is not very large, right? the people mo have truly chronic conditions. thankfully for human reasons but also for financial reasons. so it is not that expensive in the scope of our government spending to take care of those people. once we've taken care of them, then we can allow government, excuse me, market forces not government forces, market forces to work. i'm sympathetic to what nathan is talking about. i love the koch brothers and what they do. what they miss the tax credit is many powering individual the same way school choice empowers a parent. we'll create a marketplace. and it is going to work. i think they're being a bit too doctrinaire right now. we can't throw people out of the cold.
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we can't go from practically socialized medicine to what obamacare is to nothing, no safety net. it is polically nopossible. it is ethilly not feasible right now. so what makesense in the interim and what gets us more importantly to the real holy grail which is tax reform? melissa: yeah. >> we have to get through obama carefirst and quickly. i think we will. i'm very confident in my discussions with people in the white house tell me we're very, very close. melissa: we'll see. i hope you're right. thanks to both of you. david: violence breaking out at a rally over the weekend. trump supporters under attack beaten by a liberal protester, this is berkeley the birthplace of free speech so-called. melissa: right. the white house unveiling the president's new travel plan of the will the new executive order stand up to court challenges the second time around? the latest details and responses from both sides of the aisle. david: we're getting disturbing new reports from the fbi. hundreds of refugees admitted into the united states, now they're subjects of a counterterrorism investigation involving isis, including some
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from countries cited on president trump's revised immigration order. >> executive order signed by the president earlier today protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the united states is a vital measure for strengthening our national security. what if technology gave us the power to turn this enemy into an ally? microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. there are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. with the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever befor if we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin. companies across the state are york sgrowing the economy,otion. with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce,
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david: it is a busy day inside the beltway as president trump signing a revised executive order on immigration. the administration hoping this revised order will not be blocked by the courts. blake burman is live from the white house. hi, blake. reporter: hi, david, this is major news. there was very little fanfare as the president signed this behind closed doors. no cameras present as we often see at executive order signing,
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except one picture that was tweeted out as it happened. three big changes in this one versus the last one. first off there will be a delayed phase-in this takes place 10 days from now, march 16th. as it relates to refugees, syrian refugees will not be singled out. they will be put into the whole group involves 120-day, a four-month halt to the refugee resettlement program. third, as you know, there were initially seven countries in which you were a citizen of one of those countries but did not have status into the u.s. you would not be allowed into the united states for the next 90 days. iraq has been since dropped off the list, down from seven to six. listen to secretary of state rex tillerson explain why basically saying iraq has improved its vetting process. >> this intense review over the past month identified multiple security measures that the state department and the government of iraq will be implementing to
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achieve our shared objective of preventing those with criminal or tariffsic intent from reaching the united states. i want to express my appreciate to prime minister al-abadi of iraq for his positive engagement and support for implementing these actions. reporter: many democrats are calling this is a muslim ban part two. take a look here, to the head of the dnc, thomas perez, newly installed, a statement after the executive order was, trump's obsession with religious discrimination is disgusting, un-american and outright dangerous. he goes on to write, this second muslim ban is as unconstitutional as the last one and isn't making us any safer. end quote. david, when you talk to those throughout the administration. they push back on that hard. in no means is this a muslim ban. david: thank you very much. melissa. melissa: as expected the revised
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executive order is receiving criticism. aclu says only with to fix the muslim ban, not to have a muslim ban. instead president trump recommitted himself to religious discrimination. he can expect disapproval from both courts and people. here to react, arkansas attorney general, leslie rutledge. what do you think, is it a muslim ban? >> there is no religious test to enter this country. so to even state that is 100% inaccurate. the president is focused on protecting americans that is something he talked about throughout his campaign. he made a priorityhrouout his administration. the sick countries part of this travel pause, is what it is are six countries identified as having been compromised by terrorism not only by this administration, by congress, by the previous administration. so the statements made it's a muslim ban are 100% inaccurate and disgusting quite frankly. melissa: i think it is interesting, if you, on some hand, i have heard people say
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that he is caved on the things that he promised and that he was criticized for doing in the first place. on the other hand if you look at the details of it, a lot of it is semantics, saying, you know, syria will not be singled out for indefinite halt. they're at 120-day halt. for example after 120 days, i don't think things are much better. syria on the slow-down halt list. saying that iraq is not part of that list, on the temporary halt, still doesn't mean they will necessarily let in people pro it iraq. they mean we're not totally opposed to the idea. we'll consider them. the softening in a lot of ways is just word choice. where am i going wrong there? >> well, it is not necessarily a softening. it is using more precise language. melissa: okay. >> that is the difference in this executive order and previous one, using precise language, individuals even in our court as we saw who misconstrued the language, misinterpreted language, for
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example, with regard to green cardholders, these travel pause does not apply to green cardholders. it does not apply to refugees who are scheduled for transit already by the state department. so it used that precise language which i think is so important. that is why they went back, instead of having this fought out and continued litigation to use precise language so the court, it is clear to the courts, it is clear to individuals that who this applies to, and who it does not apply to. melissa: you talk about using precise language, and when people say it's a muslim ban you want to point to all the countries like saudi arabia who are not impacted by this change and many more places arod the world, only impact as 15% of the world's muslim population. do you think by virtue of the opposition to it, continuing to say it's a muslim ban, do they undermine their credibility or cement that in with people that already think that? what is your opinion. >> whether it is the chair of the democratic national committee or the leader of aclu,
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using that sort of language that is so inflammatory, stating it is a muslim ban, knowing it is in fact not. there is no religious test involved. this is only a fraction of the countrys who are predominantly muslim. these are countries that have been compromised by terrorism, which had been identified by not only this administration but the previous administration of barack obama as well as congress. melissa: okay. leslie, thank you so much. we appreciate your time. >> you bet, thank you. david: trying to convince irs workers to commit a felony. that actually appears to be what one journalist is doing in an effort to sabotage the president. president trump is not backing down on his claims that former president obama wiretapped him. the very latest on the fallout coming next. >> we know that there was a lot of political motivation, a lot of politically motivated investigations and stories during the campaign. he would like this to be incorporated as part of the
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david: president trump turning up the heat on his allegation gas of wiretapping at trump tower during the election he claims president obama and justice department were behind it. one former attorney general agrees with the president there was some form of surveillance at the trump to youer. >> i think the president was not correct certainly saying president obama ordered a tap on a server in trump tower. however, i think he's right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general, of the justice department. david: joining us now, former cia field operator scott ulinger. when the tweets first came out saturday morning, 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., the press was saying this is outrageous. how can you possibly charge this was done.
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you look at evidence, it is beginning to mount up perhaps he is not crazy for making these charges. >> it is true. when i was cia station chief in europe this was commonplace in eastern europe of the head of state will use the powers at his disposal to derail potential opposition. david: this is not eastern europe. this is the united states of america. we have clear rules. it would violate a cardinal rule. >> absolutely. david: we saw president obama interfering in justice department operations all the time, whether fast and furious. >> irs gate. david: hillary investigation. remember the famous meeting with bill clinton and head of the justice department on the darling mack. there have been occasions when president obama interfered with investigation. >> that's right. the. david: it was, it has to be assumed. >> that's right. and fact that president obama did not order it, i would certainly not expect him to have done that, however his people in the justice department or elsewhere to curry favor with him perhaps initiated this investigation on their own. they perhaps initiate it without
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his permission or knowledge but certainly did it hoping to gain favor with him. david: there was wiretapping going on. a lot of stuff leaked out, even the new york city times saying there was no wiretap, well, january 20th, the day of the inauguration, came out with a story wiretap data used in inquiry of trump aides. may not be that the trump tower itself was wiretapped but perhaps conversations from or going to the trump tower were involved in these wiretaps. >> it all bears serious investigation. nancy pelosi said this was ridiculous and distracted americans from the ties of the trump administration to the russians, when in fact my reaction to th was, no, accusations of russians with the trump administration is the part that is ridiculous. this is something that needs to be seriously looked at. david: now the mainstream media is calling on, they had an interview with jim clapper over the weekend. he was on "meet the press." jim clapper, former head of, he was the dni. >> right.
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david: he was in charge of intelligence of the united states but cia and military intelligence, not the fbi. he said if there was a warrant to tap donald's phones in the trump tower i would have known about it and i didn't know about it, so it didn't exist. but this guy carries a lot of baggage, right. >> that is true. david: there was stuff saying about nsa that turned out not to be true. >> also the way the fisa system works there is that component and a criminal and counterintelligence component that may have been controlled by the fbi. so possibly it could have been done external of the dni. and he wouldn't have known about it. david: good to see you, scott. thank you very much. melissa. melissa: waging a war against the president. why one columnist are fueling media's plan to destroy donald trump. michael goodwin of "new york post" sounding off. david: violence at a pro-trump rally. why a leading democratic voice
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en, chairman of the house energy and commerce senior producer to quote, stay tuned. >> [bleep]. [bleep] [shouting. david: melissa: pro-trump rally turns violent in berkeley, california, as former attorney general loretta lynch encourages protesters to help get the president out of the white house >> individuals who have banded together, ordinary people, who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. they marched. they bledded. yes, some of them have died. this is hard. every good thing is. melissa: amazing. here is noelle nikpour, gop fund-raiser, neil sjorka democracy for america communications director. noelle, a former attorney general advocating violence, amazing. >> beyond amazing, melissa. what she needed to say, i approve of free liberal speech. if you have a difference of
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opinion, keep it to yourself. i think, one of the things the democrats are very angry about is the sheer fact that the trump organization, or the trump campaign actually managed to capture the union vote, or the workinman vote. and i think that you know, these protests, everything that they're trying to do, literally worked against, unifying the party, and making them come together as one. by encouraging more of these protests. melissa: neil, i imagine you have a difference of opinion there? >> yes, i have a difference of opinion to say the least. i think that millions of people across this country are upset that we got a president in the white house right now who did not secure the support of the majority of americans, let alone the majority of the vote. and i think, partly because of voter suppression tactics were engaged -- melissa: if you feel that way, do you feel violence is the answer? >> of course vie ends isn't the answer. loretta lynch was not saying so.
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what she was saying a point of fact, people have bled and died for access to civil right in this country. we have a member of congress right now who bled on the edmund pettus bridge for voting rights in a lot of ways people are continuing to fight for today. melissa: i'm not sure -- brawl to the left of you is what that is. moving on to our second topic, urging the irs to illegally leak trump tax returns. "new york times" columnist, nicholas kristof taking to twitter saying if you're in the irs and have a certain president's tax return you would like to leak, here is my address. noelle, i think the left comes back and says, well, donald trump got out there and said, hey, russians if you have hillary clinton's 33,000 emails how ishat not the same thing as this? >> well, one thing i think, melissa, donald trump said that off-the-cuff. literally no wonder donald trump hates "new york times." i mean this is one of the worst things he could do.
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and you they, putting that out there, putting that out there on social media, it is a little bit disgusting. and what does he expecting from this? i mean -- jeez all new low. melissa: neil, on one hand i would say reporters get stuff leaked to them all the time. that is how they get stories. >> yeah. melissa: if he says you're in the irs and you have a certain president's tax return, that is a felony, if you're in the irs and you leak those returns, you can go to jail for five years. i mean he is encouraging someone to break the law. >> well, in this case you may need someone to break the law in order to understand that the president is breaking the law or broke the law when he was running for president in the first place. there are real legitimate concerns about what are in donald trump's tax returns, what connections he has to business outside of this country and to the extent to which his campaign and the administration follows is working with governments as a result of those business connections which we don't know about.
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unfortunately yeah, this could all be solved by the way, donald trump doing what every modern president has done in releasing his tax returns. melissa: noelle, whole idea of release tax returns, has same refrain as vast right-wing conspiracy, if only this smoking gun would be released but everything else gets leaked. if there was something in these tax returns i feel like we would have seen it one way or the other by now. >> it is no secret they're out to get donald trump. they're looking for anything they can. so if there was a smoking gun i think it would have found its way into the media, number one. number two, the sheer fact erybody knows that trump organization, the whole trump deal, they have got, they have projects all over the world. so it is not really highly unusual that he would have businesses, or different ventures outside of the country. melissa: buys, thanks to both of you. appreciate your time. david: imagine, if there was half as much of an effort to distort president obama's agenda
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eight years ago as there is for trump, imagine the reaction we would get in the press. melissa: forces both sides deeper into their camps. everybody is so convinced of their way of thinking now. david: meanwhile we have another provocation from iran. islamic republic launching two more ballistic missiles. question, has iran crossed administration's red line? ringing the alarm. fbi talking about domestic terrorists. why the bureau has its sight set on refugees. >> we can not allow a beachhead of terrorists to form inside of america. we can not allow our nation to become a sanctuary for extremists. (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar.
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potential terrorism-related activities. david: okay. we're going to go on that in a second this is sean spicer speaking right now. let's listen in. >> i think one of the things we discussed at the time that that happened was there was an element of surprise that benefited our country's safety. we lost that after the ninth circuit ruled the way that it did and i think our goal was to make sure that we used that time to insure the most effective implementation which i think you're seeing by all accounts today. it was extremely well-received. the departments that are primarily responsible, state, justice, homeland security, have done a phenomenal job both briefing their staff, briefing members of congress, briefing outside stakeholders and briefing the media. when you look at rollout how it was done, it was done extremely effectively. there is 10-day window to make sure it goes into effect march 16th, down government if you will. agencies and employees have the
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opportunity to make sure they know what is expected of them to implement it effectively. obviously we continue to believe the way it was done the first time would have secured the country to its greatest possible -- >> you said during the gaggle saturday night, phase two, this is gaggle. >> revoked the initial order and not to challenge it in courtney more. is that when the president gave final signed-off on language? >> yeah. >> can you talk about an area which the congressional consultation was reflected in the final order which -- >> that is a good question. so saturday night, yes, he met with his team. secretary of homeland security, attorney he general, senior members of the white house legal staff, his policy team, where they hashed out the final details of what it would look like and how it would be rolled out. the president gave rest of the staff here the go-ahead to move forward. and then, i think there were several contacts with members of the congress and other outside stakeholders taken into
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consideration since the ninth circuit ruled but i will not get into specific. >> he often made last-minute ans to the language. was there changes he mad saturday night you're aware of. >> not just language but the strategy we pure sigh and how we rolled it out. >> on the exxon tweet, that the investments began in 2013 and expected to last through 2022. is white house taking credit for a ex-upon expansion that began under president obama. >> exxon became clear to the white house and president because of his policies they continue to expand their investment. that is information provided to us from exxon that it is about the number of jobs and invests they will make in america that we go off. so -- >> began -- >> i'm telling you to answer your question, on information that exxon provided us that they believe, based on what they see as a favorable business climate
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from the president and commitment to help manufacturing grow here and commitment to american workers they want to grow their investment here in the country but it is based on them telling us that they will continue to expand based on the president's vision and philosophy to help keep jobs here in america, obtain a more regulatory and tax business environment that will help them hire more and invest more and grow more here in america. >> sean, aca, how great are the legislative challenges for the administration on aca -- [inaudible] >> yeah. >> is the easter recess fair estimate when you think you can get that to -- [inaudible] >> i think that is probably a target. obviously not just, there is obviously a lot of concern right now. obamacare is failing on its own. premiums are going sky-high. people are paying more and more getting fewer and fewer choices. the plans that they may have belonged to a few years ago are no longer available. doctors part of those plans are no longer part of them. and premiums they're paying
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continue to rise by a lot more than anybody ever expected. so this isn't just an area that is important to us getting through. is important for every american family, every american worker, who their health care is obviously an important part but also the cost of their health care and their families or individuals budget. that is something that the president made clear. he didn't have to, he didn't have to do this. politically the smart move might have been just to let it go but he obviously recognized that this is the right thing to do for the country. it is the right thing to do for the american people. for some people that health care piece of their daily budget, their monthly budget is growing so big, making very hard to make key choices what is important for their lives. that is where it has to go. thank you very much. hold on. >> talk about who inside of the west wing was involved in addressing implementation? on the investigation of congressman -- white house
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request about the obama administration, if asked to testify would the president consider testifying? >> that hasn't happened. we want the senate intelligence committee to look into this. we haven't had that request yet. i wouldn't even dare to suggest i know the answer to that one at this point. on the first part, as i mentioned before there is a lot of obviously involvement with the domestic policy council. a lot of involvement with the department of homeland security and their supporting agencies, department of state, secretary tillerson on down. there is input from the department of defense and obviously the department of justice were all intimately involved -- >> quarterbacking -- >> the domestic policy team the quarterback on this issue was the department of homeland security but it was a lot of inneragency work and between those folks, secretary kelly, secretary tillerson, attorney general sessions with input from secretary mattis and other department heads and agency
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heads to help craft this in coordination with the domestic policy council here at white house. thank you very much. david: white house spokesperson sean spicer talking about a lot of things. obamacare.talking about the new immigration order that the president has. this in light of information we just got today from the department of homeland security that in fact of the 1000 cases of counterterrorism that are now being investigated by the fbi, a third of those, 300, involve individuals who came here as refugees. here to react to that is peter brookes, heritage foundation national security affairs senior fellow. that fact alone, peter, certainly strengthens the president's case for a new executive order on refugees, doesn't it? >> it does. david, i think there is important, there is a lot of conflation of these numbers. i have seen it 300 people as part of 1000 cases. we don't know how many people are there. then i've also seen it that 300 of those 1,000 cases have individuals who are refugees. david: right.
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>> but in either case it is important that they provide as substantiation and certainly strengthens their case. many of us are interested knowing a little bit more about this which they haven't provided so far. david: besides the numbers which you mentioned are important, we would also like to know where these people are from. >> right. david: do they involve the six countries affected by order? >> they implied the six countries and other countries. they don't know how long they have been here as refugees. i'm comfortable what they have done for a national security standpoint. the rollout was more professional and done and sitting aside and looking at it and i think it will improve our national security. the certain elements of our national security in terms of this. david: peter, thank you very much for joining us. we would like more time. we had breaking news. we appreciate you coming here. melissa. melissa: fishing for a bombshell. commenting on recent uproar over the white house and russia, michael goodwin says leaks and
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unnamed sources fuel the media's plan to destroy trump. "new york post" columnist and fox news contributor joins me now. you wrote a piece in reaction to what the president said on saturday about the idea that he thought the obama administration was wiretapping his conversations or some of the communications within trump tower and you laid out a bunch of things we've read, specifically in the "new york times." there is kind of, scratch your head, how would we know these things if somebody warrant listening in on the phone, right? lay that out for us. >> thank you, melissa. the trail of stories go back months now talking about officials say, and it is all about surveillance and it's clearly secret information that has been gathered by the government. i mean the fact that the justice department knew that general mike flynn had lied when he said he had not discussed sanctions with a russian ambassador. they clearly listened to the phone call and there was a
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transcript apparently they showed the white house. we have a report in the "washington post" that jeff sessions lied when he said that, told congress he had never met with the russian ambassador. "the washington post" got from somewhere in the government that he had met twice with the russian ambassador. melissa: although, there were other people present with the meeting w that one somebody could have leaked it. with the phone conversations you bring up the point hillary clinton said during the campaign that they knew there was a direct link between the computers an trump tower and russia. it was, right? explain that one to us. >> she tweeted on october 301st that computer scientists as she said discover ad link between trump tower and bank in trump tower. she put out a statement, this was secret link with vladmir putin. there were newspaper reports talking about this kind of issue. clearly secrets gathered by our
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government, then leaked to anti-trump media. melissa: that is the interesting part. some people would say, you know, it is one thing for our government to be listening in on phone calls between the u.s. and russian officials. that's normal. they wobbliesenning to the ambassador. they don't have the right to spy on private citizens but they can listen to foreign officials. so then the question becomes, if they get on the line and they're listening to either flynn and the ambassador or trump and, president trump and somebody from russia or inside of the wires, then who is leaking it? so maybe they could be doing it but then to use it and leak it to the media as a way to hurt him. that is something else. >> well look, i think there is probably no other explanation, certainly no obvious one. go back to the flynn situation for a second. where the justice department tells the white house counsel he lied when he said he didn't discuss the russian sanctions, the sanctions with the russian ambassador. and then they tell the
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white house counsel, and nothing, president trump does not discipline or fire flynn within a period of a week or 10 days or something like that. then it is leaked by someone in the justice department, presumably, to "the washington post." melissa: yeah. >> so then because, and explanation came out, well, they were afraid trump wasn't going to fire him and he was subject -- wait, so now the intelligence community is making personnel decisions for the white house because they don't like the person the president has there. melissa: we got to go. goes back to the thing chuck schumer said they will fine six ways from sunday to get back at you, intelligence community. michael, thank you very much. we have to go. david: barbra streisand found a cure for deer range syndrome, who is now eating her way out of a trump-induced depression.
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>> barbra streisand tweeting donald trump is making me gain weight. i start the day with liquids but in afternoon i eat pancakes smothered in maple syrup. >> there's a lot of anxiety that needs to be absorbed by the liberal community. >> there you go. that does it for us. risk and reward starts now. >> it is the president' the president's solemn duty to protect the american people. and president trump is exercising his rightful authority to keep our people safe. as security continues to evolve and change, commence dictates that we continue to evaluate and change the systems that we rely upon to protect our country. >> more than 300 people according to the fbi who came here as refues are under an fbi investigation today for potential terrorism-related activity. we cannot compromise our
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