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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  March 8, 2017 12:00pm-2:01pm EST

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stuart: i bought a house in california years and years ago, right outside we thought was crystal lake, we found out it was the san andreas lake like the san andreas fault. we left. my time is up, niel, sir, it's yours. neil: thank you very much. we have a lot going on here. we are going to be hearing a little bit more on health care and aligning with the leadership on the measure that they say will be a big improvement over the affordable care act that we now know as obamacare. freedom caucus member jim jordan planning on introducing a different measure, though, not quite the leadership measure is the way to go. sir, very good to have you. >> good to be with you. neil: how big a gap and a difference is there between what you want to come up with, the alternative to what the republican leadership has already come up with?
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>> pretty big gap, niel, what we want to do is a clean repeal. what we want to do is tell the voters what we were going to do and sent us here to do and that's repeal obamacare and get in the debate about replacement. it should be a separate piece of legislation because frankly we don't agree on that yet. the leadership bill says, we are going to repeal obamacare but we are going to keep a bunch of the obamacare taxes. we are going to keep medicaid expansion and extend it out for several years. we are going to repeal obamacare but also start new it entitlement. that's not how it's supposed to work. so that's not what we told the voters we were going to do. we are going to introduce a clean repeal. let's do that much because that's what we told the voters we were going to do. neil: all right, now, you do have some agreement with the approach they want to take, not only with the affordable care act with what your republican
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leadership cover, keep kids on policy a little longer, till age 26, i believe. you should some big issues here, what isn't clear is how you pay for yours, to be fair, it isn't clear how the other side pays for it as well. but how do you pay for yours? >> niel, what i would argue is what we want to do is bring back affordable health insurance. that's the most important thing. understand where we are at today, fewer choices, higher costs, high premiums and high deductibles. for those families that can afford premiums, they can't afford deductibles. we forgot what a healthcare marketplace looks like. let's do this, repeal obamacare and put in place those policies that will bring back affordable insurance for working-class and middle-class families and getting rid of mandated regulations and mandated coveraged that are in obamacare and encouraging markets -- market principles like health savings account accounts, shopping for insurance.
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that's what has ha happen if we are going to bring down costs. if you look at the bill put forward by the leadership, i don't know how it does that. it's obamacare in a different form while slightly better than obamacare not enough to bring down costs, that has to be our focus. neil: have you guys talked with speaker ryan, the reason that i say congressman is he's still going full throttle maybe as soon as next week, getting a boat on that measure. they are in a rush but don't they risk doing what they criticize nancy pelosi for doing, you know, pas this thing and then read it, isn't that a rap that they had at the time? >> good point. i want to do it quickly and do it right. the bill introduced 36 hours ago and marking it up in committee right now. i don't think that's what the american people want. i think they want to see it. neil: but i think he's baiting you -- i could be wrong, i think he's baiting you, the leadership is.
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maybe president trump applies some pressure here, vote on this, we know it's not perfect but do this for the team. what would you say in response to that? >> do it right and do what we said. pretty simple principles, we made this job way too complicated. in my judgment, looking at the document and reading the document, this does not do what we told the voters to do and what they sent us here to do for goodness sake. we had an election in 2010, 2014, 2016 where this was the essential issue and every one of those times we said we were going to repeal it. let's do a clean repeal, a bill i'm introducing today, let's do a clean repeal and then let's focus on the things we talked about that you and i know will actually bring down costs. i don't think this bill does it that we have in front of us, let's change it. neil: you know, are you content with in the end seeing that whatever measure ultimately is approved that fewer people will have health insurance, that it might be a million fewer, it
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might be, you know, 10 million fewer but the way things are going with whatever republicans put ultimately decide on that we don't have as many people covered, not that that should exclusively be the goal but not as many people covered under your plan and their plan? >> no, what i'm focused on how bad it is now and let's improve that. people may have so-called coverage today but can they really get care. neil: i understand. i'm sorry for badgering the same silly point but it's not the issue of how many have coverage or don't have coverage, it's the quality of the coverage and whether it's affordable, right? >> of course. think about the typical family out there, what obamacare said to him, we are going to have all the mandates, tacks, regulations, drove up the cost of insurance, they said you have to buy it and if you don't you get penalized. that's the plan -- we were told all kinds of false statements when they passed this thing, keep your plan. i call them the nine lies of obamacare to pass this thing.
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jonathan lied to us. so the focus has to be getting rid of all of that. all that obamacare that made this a disaster and bringing back affordable insurance for all those hard-working families across this country who are looking at their premiums, looking at their deductible, how they are going to afford it. that's what we have to bring back as affordable health insurance. this in my judgment doesn't do it. neil: all right, if the measure speaker ryan came up with and go to vote in the house, congressman, how many republicans would join you in rejecting it? >> all i know is we had our caucus last night and there were strong opposition in that meeting. i don't think there's the votes for it now, but, look, this is a start. you have the legislative process. this is how american democracy is supposed to work. let's have amendments, discussions. let's hash out this in front of the american people with full amendment so we can get to a much better product that i hope in the end will actually bring down the cost of insurance.
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neil: congressman, great to see you again. >> you bet, thank you. neil: speaker is still trying to sell his version here and also addressing the conservative backlash earlier, take a look. >> i think what you're seeing is we are going through the inevitable growing pains of being in opposition party to becoming a governing party. so it's a new feel, it's a new system for people but it's all the more reason why we have to do what we said we would do and deliver for the american people and govern neil: all right. washington bureau chief daniel, what he seems to be saying, dan, this isn't perfect but this is the closest we have to it, let's everybody stay on board, let's get this agenda done, don't screw this up. >> yeah, that's their approach. they are saying this is going to be done in three phases, this is the first phase which gives them room to wiggle, a little room to say any sort of problems we can fix later on in phase two or phase three. the problem is they haven't done
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a very good job selling this at all. keep in mind yesterday, yesterday what happened they rolled out the bill, i guess they rolled out the bill earlier in the week but yesterday there was a press conference to oppose the bill led by conservatives like jim jordan who you just had on and press conference by conservatives and republican leaders, so they can't get ahead of the negative press conference to push this bill and make the convincing case for it. i think that's a huge problem and reflective of where they are in trying to convince people that this is it. neil: is there a thyme -- timeline, god bless them for goals, but is it doable right now that they can get a vote on it in the house and then to move quickly onto the tax package? >> it seems a little too aggressive. i haven't done the counts and i'm not sure that they have either. i think the problem is that he
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didn't lay the ground work for this. instead of saying here is the kind of thicks that we want in the bill, here is what the bill is going to be like and then rolling out the bill, they just kind of suddenly pushed out the bill and said this is going to be it. again, after years of talking about it, we knew that something was coming but there was no ground work being layed by the president, look, you have the white house, why didn't you use the white house to make the case for it ahead of time instead of waiting and waiting until finally there was a bill. neil: i'm not sure that they have the white house now. the president trump indicating that he's betting on this package that the leadership has come up but not loudly, not to the point where he's going to passionately be there like ronald reagan was there for tax cut. i don't know. you're closer to this than i am. >> that's a big mystery saying this is a wonderful bill and in the same tweet said it's up for
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review and negotiation. that doesn't full like a full throttle endorsement. he's worried that it's going to go down. he did put rand paul on notice. he will come around and maybe he can use phones to have republicans to come forward. he hasn't given a speech laying out the bill even in joint session of congress last week. he didn't say here is the bill that's going to come next week, here is what i want done with it, he talked about obamacare replacement broadly. he talked about some of the things that we want today replace it with and talked about the four principles and stuff, but he didn't lay the ground. neil: you're right about that. we just noticed elon musk walking into the white house, the west wing, i don't know if that's anything to do with health care or technology plans, infrastructure, could be. >> i think infrastructure is what he's there for. neil: i thought he wanted to sort of sell him a tesla. do you get a sense that
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republicans were just caught off guard with this whole new power thing, they're new with this and that that explains the fact that even after donald ump's election that they didn't seem to meet and iron out a lot of the stuff in that interim and i'm wondering if it's coming back to bite him now? >> there's a lot there and a lot to what you said. it's also the case that this is a very, very difficult issue and they've made huge promises that are going to be very hard to deliver on. as increase coverage, they want expanded coverage now that jim jordan admit that had might not be expanded, a lot of them want expanded coverage while also have been lower costs. i mean, what industry do you get more services and have more people being serviced and then it's cheaper for everybody. it's not usually the case that that -- specially you factor all the healthcare requirements, preexisting conditions, affect your ability to get covered and those sorts of things and makes
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it very hard to see how they can fulfill these promises. it makes you wonder, did they really realize the difficulties that president obama ran into by overpromising on his own legislation and are they running into some of the very similar problems and except in this time, they are going to be responsible rather than president obama being responsible. neil: i don't think they were prepared with the division within their own ranks. democrats were largely in lock step when this was all going together. single-payer, minimize that. >> yeah. neil: but nothing like that is existing with republicans. that could be a problem. >> look, there's a reason why you're having republicans on the show, because that's where the -- that's where there is -- in democrats we know they are going to universally oppose this. he needs -- neil: no hint of one or two getting picked up as democrats and getting along. >> maybe one or two. where does joe stand, i don't know at this point. it's a little too early.
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they have the fingers out in the wind to see where it's going to go at this point. it would be very easy for all democrats to say, look, we are not touching this because we don't want to be responsible. similarly by the way u how republicans did it in 2010. neil: good turnaround there. good seeing you again. >> yeah, like wise, niel. neil: 4:00 p.m. eastern time today. maybe we will get a sense from him how the administration moves forward here. keep in mind that there were many parts of this health plan that are opposite of what then congressman price was calling for, but, again, they can't get perfection as he pointed out, this is the close for now, is it? after this
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>> we are all for rolling back taxes on innovation and that's one of the principles we would like to see, a healthcare system that rewards innovation and encourages people not discourages them from using the newest medication and unfortunately, maria, in the affordable care act, medicines are very expensive for some of our poorest citizens, more expensive than other parts of the healthcare system. we are hoping that replacement will level the playing field for innovation. neil: of course, eli lily fail today say they were expensive before the healthcare act and remain and seems like the drug giants continue to do quite well through that prices.
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even donald trump has said now is the time to get the costs under control for the american people. democratic caucus chairman, joe crowely, democratic of the state of new york. what do you make of what the ceo of eli lily was saying? we can look at lower drug prices and i remember seem to remember whether through this healthcare law or previous attempts to rein in drug pricing, for example, drug prices have only gotten higher. >> it's interesting to here from any former executive suggest that the bottom line for them is to see lower prices when the bottom line we all know is about -- they are beholding to the bottom line to making money for the companies and for the shareholders. neil: as are insurance companies? >> as insurance companies as well.
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when i see a spark of hope maybe from president trump is that he has said that maybe the federal government and medicare and medicaid need to be be able directly negotiate the price of drugs just the same way the federal government does for other defense department, et cetera, to keep those prices in check. but i don't think there's any question that what we've done under the affordable care act is actually closed the hole created during the medicare expansion of medicare, i think that's a positive aspect of the affordable care act. neil: it might well be the case, sir, under this or under republican plan, i know you're a critic of that, the one we know about that it can't sustain itself right now, the existing law can't sustain itself right now and so either that's solved by cutting back on care or raising taxes and republicans are argued that the way we are going right now with implode of its own weight, do you buy that?
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>> well, i think that it's a self-full silling prophecy, what you see is lack of cooperation in the implementation of itself. a number of states, normally republican-controlled state that is didn't enroll or expand medicaid to capture more people and i think you have seen resistance that took place going out starting seven years ago, in '09 when we saw the number of town halls an disruption that's been caused. neil: you promised a good deal more than you can deliver, it's inevitable prices go up and premiums go up, right? >> it would have been help if they cooperated. we could have had more cooperation in terms of the pharmaceutical. neil: you might be right. i guess where i am now and you follow this closely. i see the crux of the problem getting young people to sign up. republicans think they can do it with tax credits, democrats subscribe to what credits
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subsidies, but the bottom line is for system reason, maybe indestructible young people who feel that they never will get sick and we are all there and they don't sign up and they don't feel embolden to sign up and a lot that changes. i don't see this changing republican or dem contract. >> i think there's way which we could have prepared and not repealed the bill. one of the things that we would have suggested is have open enrollment after april 15th after people paid taxes, tomorrow, you can sign up for healthcare bill that would have been a good way to auto enrolled and get more people involved but i also think under the present bill, by the way, niel, we are going through the bill as we see it right now it charges older people, sicker people more than it does the younger people. neil: so does the affordable care act. it charges a little less time. three times versus five times. >> now times time or more within --
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neil: versus three times or more. >> there's no question that that's true. now 70% increase for seniors, for those who are not yet in the medicare system itself. so the idea to get as many people as possible into that pool by mandate and therefore have them coverage as well. young people feel that they're not vulnerable to sickness or to accidents but it happens. neil: you're right. >> they need to be covered. so really the system works when everyone is in the pool. when people are left to their own devices and don't join us, that's when -- neil: what's unique in obamacare idea is you forced this mandate that you have to do it but a lot of them still don't do it. now republicans don't have a mandate but they will allow insurance companies to charge up to 30% more to get them covered so i don't know which is a lesser of the evils there. bottom line, people will pay more, right? >> the bottom line is that people will pay a little more and will get less under this new -- there's no question that
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people have insurance today, it would be ripped from them. they will not have them, medicaid is not expanded after 2019, people who are -- people will lose that. there's no question that there will be winners and losers when this bill passes, if it passes and i don't think it will quite frankly. senate is going to reject this bill. neil: well, might be rejected in the house. >> it may be rejected in the house, you're right, niel. thank you. neil: you probably heard that, you know, the cia has the ability to have your television spy on you when it is off? i'm watching you right now and i'm seeing you try to switch the channel. i don't think you want to do that after this. us the power ts enemy into an ally? microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their
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dna to fight disease. there are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. with the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever before. if we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin.
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neil: maybe this is a case of this stock snapping out of it. snap out. it is up at that, after days of losses following what had been an heady debut, appreciating over 50% from its offering, trying to claw its way back up 3 1/2 plus percent today, up 78 cents. its co-owners still worth billions. samsung smart tvs are getting hacked even when they are not on. hillary vaughn with the latest on the wikileaks revelations about your own appliances spying on you. hillary, what do we know about that? >> we believe this is be the biggest leak of cia documents in history and there is more. wikileaks says this is percentage of what they have. the data dump called vault 7, reveals the cia is exploring weaknesses in your personal tech. companies like microsoft, apple, samsung didn't even know it was
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happening. the program is called weeping angel. it turns the microphones into your smart tv into a surveillance bug. the s-8,000 series it can, track the browser history and make your tv appear off when it is on standby mode listening and waiting. samsung knew it was possible, couldn't do anything to stop it. they include ad warning to customers in 2015 that their tvs could capture background noise and conversations. but they didn't know the cia was listening. the best way to connect yourself to surveillance, not connect your smart tv to wi-fi ever. they were working on ghost switch for the wi-fi making you think you were off-line when you weren't. cia also can hack into your phone making end to end encrypted messaging apps like whatsapp useless. they are able to do this because they intercept the message before your phone sends it.
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they don't need to break the encryption code which is relatively possible. they used a advanced malware to record keystrokes on your device and bypass the encrypted programs. apple says the latest ios update fixes this. microsoft didn't say they found a fix for the security breach only telling me they are aware of at report and looking into it. the backdoor can create a place where other hackers can exploit. it con compromise your security. the fbi says they will vect the source of the leak but fbi director james comey said today there is not such thing as absolute privacy in america. neil. neil: hillary, thank you very, very much. back and forth as to whether donald trump is too paranoid with these wiretapping allegations and agencies out to get him. but we've been looking at this. sometimes when you're looking over your shoulder you really do see a lot of people gunning for you.
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♪ neil: all right. we're getting some news that senators lindsey graham, sheldon whitehouse are asking the just department for wiretapping claims. they want to get to the bottom whether there did any there there. the question on other leaks as cia.
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charlie gasparino, so many leaks, so little time. what do you make of all this? >> if you listen to donald trump, that former obama apranch chicks through government are the problem. i don't think that is the case. i talked to people -- neil: it was acting justice department official repudiated his first slap-down on vetting, right? >> sure. they will say stuff overtly, but the leaks, who is behind the leaks? neil: i gotcha. >> i've been talking with people close to the fbi, close to people in the cia, close to various members of the intelligence community, his biggest problem is with that bureaucracy which is much more difficult -- neil: with what? >> intelligence community bureaucracy. fbi -- neil: not copastetic. >> they don't like what he did for them. point-blank -- neil: tit-for-tat. >> they will keep him on his heels. neil: doesn't that unsettle you on that level alone?
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>> it does but there is a realpolitik here. you come out, these people whether you like them or dislike them, i like them, because they talk to me sometimes, they believe they're keeping our country safe. out and put information together -- neil: but he is the commander-in-chief. >> most of their job is to keep our country safe to prevent us getting attacked by terrorists. lo and behold you have the commander-in-chief coming out calling them a bunch of scoundrels, particularly when he first got into office. you know, just going, basically going to them and saying that they are the worst type of americans known to mankind. he basically said that he was really, really tough on them. a couple steps -- neil: i understand, because i heard that argument. they were they, you know -- >> what is good for goose -- neil: that is scary.
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>> they are powerful. if i were advising him i would go on a listening tour to with them, and you know, just go and not do what he did. remember, he went to the cia office somewhere and started talking about his crowd sizes. i would not do that. go to them saying this is why we need you. you people are powerful. we'll he not fire you tomorrow. we'll not look to decimate their ranks. they feel he will encroach on them. neil: he wants to cut the state department budget. so they get annoyed and try to zing him. where does that all go? it is not off to a great start. it takes a while to patch relations. i don't know if these things are patchable. >> if he has stuff to hide on issues -- neil: it will come out. >> it will come out f president obama did not order that wiretap on his phone at the, in trump towers, if it is something that differs from that, that is going to come out.
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neil: by the way we're getting reports that president obama is apoplectic about these charges. >> we heard some of that too. we put calls in over the weekend to his people. he was completely caught off guard. he was ready to have a regular saturday with his family and all of sudden he is being accused of a felony. neil: his people up and down deny it. but they deny it in legalese terms. >> neil, three ways donald trump's conversations can be recorded. one is if the head of the nsa does a fisa request. we talked about this that is the foreign intelligence surveillance ability. there is a whole court that decides whether you can prove it. there has been some court orders for that although the former head of the nsa -- mr. clapper was not aware. it didn't happen he would have seen that. title 3 that the justice department in conjunction with fbi on someone they think is violating the law. if they thought donald trump was
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violating the law as private citizen they can get that. comey told people that didn't happen. the third thing if he, his call with someone undersurveillance was intercepted. i think that is a possibility. who knows. maybe he spoke to -- neil: sort of like if you're screening the russian ambassador. >> right. neil: in the process of that screening you discover calls with michael flynn? >> right. that doesn't mean obama ordered it. we're screening -- neil: i understand. judge andrew napolitano, the judge saying the president still has the power unilaterally without going through fisa. i didn't understand the gist what he was saying. >> that the president could -- neil: yes. >> he knows more about this and i do. but i never heard that before. as a matter of fact that everybody -- neil: i can't do your homework for you. maybe you should talk to him. >> how did he say you could do that? get an act of congress? neil: i don't know. why remember that part. >> you forgot the substance.
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neil: exactly. i left out the substance of that. i got to talk to -- >> to the judge. i'll call him up. i had dinner with him last night. this did not come up. the judge and i had dinner at a wonderful italian restaurant on upper east side. neil: you always eschew the steakhouse. >> the judge has expensive tastes. neil: i'm sure. i'm sure. more ahead of the jobs report on friday. one is closely scrutinized the private sector jobs report. and that has a lot of folks saying, you know, those rate hikes, kind of a given, after this. ♪ and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision,
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neil: they're service sector jobs, but a lot stronger than they thought they would be. telegraph the big employment report due out on friday. 280,000, versus the 190,000 estimated.
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separately we're learning samsung plans a u.s. expansion that would shift a lot of manufacturing from mexico to the united states. again, this is coming from our friends at "the wall street journal." to market expert jeff saut, tr barton, nicole petallides what some folks on floor of new york stock exchange could mean for rate hikes. i it is deemed this could grease the skids for rate hikes, nicole. what are you hearing? >> right to the point. john corpina said exactly that. as you see what we saw today, the blowout numbers for adp, the private sector, get a good jobs number on friday. that could be indication of that. that in turn would give the fed all that they need to do this rate hike that everybody expects anyway. and then you continue to see the financials getting the pop because it is all about the financial coupled with trump. they have just been tearing it up, up over 30% since trump was elected. neil: jeff, let's say those rate
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hikes are given. but let's say in two weeks they don't happen. then what? what do the markets do? >> i think the markets are just going to tread water here for a few more sessions. i would point out the transportation average is down from the intraday all-time peak, but 3 1/2 the dow is only down 1 1/2%. the tranies could pave the way into the rate hike. i think you will get a rate hike because the underlying economy is stronger than the street expects. neil: normally as the transports go that heralds where the dow ultimately could go or confirm the direction we know. that dow theory generally holds true but i will ask you the same question. say the rate hike doesn't happen and in two weeks the fed meets and we don't see that happening what do the markets do? are they disappointed they don't see it read alarm the fact that
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the fed didn't hike, what? >> neil, could you do this by yourself. i think you hit both of the points there. i think if we don't get the rate hike that signals something very negative to the markets. dr. yellen and the whole fed has been hawkish over the comments the past couple weeks saying we would have to see something very different to not raise rates. the fed funds futures rate where traders are hedging their, hedging their portfolios versus a rate hike are showing 86% chance of a rate hike. so i think it would be a very big negative, especially on the tail of this big private jobs number that we got this morning. >> i got a guy, your friend, neil, ted weisberg, from seaport securities gives a little bit of a contrarian view to that actually saying rate hike, no rate hike, it is not as important. it is all sort of baked in, rather than monetary stimulus, looking for fiscal stimulus from the president and his administration going forward and that the markets may not, the
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may not be as focused on the rate hike as you think. i have to say most of the traders here are pretty optimistic for the long term because they believe trumps policies will go into effect over time and that will bring things along. neil: what if the over time is over a long time, jeff? in other words, it doesn't materialize, that is the tax cuts, that they will still going to happen but they might not happen so quickly? in fact they might not happen at all this year? then what? >> i think nicole make as good point and i would point out to you that the obamacare has a number of taxes involved with it. and. that is why repealing and replacing that is the first order for the administration. neil: jeff, i didn't mean to jump on you, my friend, but the taxes on that, at least in the latest plan do not take effect or taken away this year. does that concern me? >> no, that does not concern me.
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there is battle it royale going on in d.c. i was talking on the hill. yesterday was not a good day for the new health care folks. neil: you're right. >> that is first and foremost. then we'll see whether the rest of the trump agenda gets put in place. neil: we see these stories every few weeks, lent of bull market, eight years, all this week that it is getting long in the tooth. that we're due for very least a correction. we've always been due for that right? do you worry about that aspect of it? hey, it has been a while? >> you know, i do a lot of technical analysis in my work, neil. and we have been long in the tooth but i it will you what i do see that is more important. when we get up to the levels like we are now, with strong breadth. with participation from lots of different sectors, not just a few big stocks or one or two sectors pulling us, the markets do not correct easily from that position.
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so i'm looking, are we overdue for a pullback after really strong three or four weeks we've had? sure. but i don't see a 10% consideration in the offing -- correction in the offing. i see three, four, 5%er and getting back to the highs again. neil: nicole, ted weisberg says fiscal stimulus will decide this market's faith than potentially monetary stimulus. what do you make of that? >> i remember listening to ben bernanke. remember ben bernanke would give speeches and talk about monetary policy. neil: i never understood a word he said. >> i know you understood every word. he would say it all the time. he would throw in washington or fiscal policy wasn't on point and now you have the idea here that it will be. i will say there is a little bit of tone here. scott redler of t-3 trading,
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people are short a little bit and long at the same time. this is the 1101st neither the s&p or the dow has not fallen 1%. big deal or not big deal? you scent seen that 20 years. people talking about a little bit of a pullback, maybe it's due. neil: thank you, guys, very, very much. blake burman, elon musk. i want you to think about that. we connect, you decide. right after this.
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neil: continuing what is regular event the president meeting with more business leaders. this time to talk
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infrastructure. blake burman who is in attendance? reporter: hi, neil. it has been a grab bag of meetings here at white house and will continue throughout the day, all over the spectrum. it started earlier with the lorraine powell jobs, widow of steve jobs. she is a philanthropist. she was talking about education and immigration initiatives important to her. at this hour though, the focus o infrastructure as the president is meeting right now with leaders from that group. among them, elon musk, who walked into the white house here probably about 20, 30 minutes or so ago. the group, it includes several administration leaders, elaine chao, rick perry, scott pruitt, to name a few. also ceos that deal with development, private equity. but there is also a conservation leader among that group, including elon musk as i mentioned. so kind of folks in the infrastructure field but, from all over that field.
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later this afternoon the president will meet with congressman elijah cummings. the focus is on prescription drug prices that is an interesting duo, if you follow the narrative between those two, no doubt. later moves to conservative leaders on health care. that is how it is framed on the president's schedule. you know the backstory behind all of that and what the administration is facing. tonight, neil, i feel like every few days, we say to be a fly on the wall. the president and the first lady tonight will have dinner with mr. and mrs. ted cruz. that will cap off the day at the white house. neil: wow. he did with lindsey graham. i don't know what comes of these pow-wows. all of these business titan luncheons get together meetings. president holding these at a record pace. i heard someone describe it at the white house as a collective reach-out to the corporate world that people will see every day on tv. he is serious. whatever noise you're hearing
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for and against him, they want that to stick. that they want that impression that he is serious about jobs be jobs be, jobs. improving about improving manufacturing options and jobs and these meeting will reinforce it. reporter: along those lines, during these meetings, before, during, after, they usher media in to take video. the president will talk about. say who is here. sometimes after they make the ceos available to talk to us what was discussed in that session. it is a very public format here. sometimes it is done private behind the cameras. neil: right. reporter: many cases as it should be, but for the most part, yes, this is a very public push to say, hey, this is who is here. this is what the president is talking about and this is what he wants to get done. neil: everyone gets wowed, no matter their views on the president. they're wowed when they go to the white house, huh? reporter: no matter who you are, no matter how much you're worth
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when you walk through here it is the same. neil: humbling moment. we're getting separately reports coming out of reuters that a lot of intelligence agencies were aware of this breach that led to the latest wikileaks, your tv could spy on you even when it's off. apparently we knew about this since the end of last year which would cover the year barack obama was president. now how they got that, what they knew about that, how much we knew about that, anyone's guess. but, if that is the case, it raises a lot of questions, like, who else knew? also, what now to become of health care? remember 4:00 p.m. eastern time on "your world" on fox news channel, skip over there to the other pond, we look at the health care law and battle with tom price, health and human services secretary who has herculean task ahead of him. getting it sold and done in time to get the tax cuts signed and
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sealed and delivered, after this. ♪ ♪
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neil: congressman, there are 40 members in your house freedom caucus. how many of them as things stand right now would vote against this in the house? >> oh, a vast majority, plus the house study committee has 170 members. neil: that would be defeated in the house, let alone worrying about two or three republicans who might peel off in the senate, right? this is dead on arrival? >> right. neil: if the measure that speaker ryan and leadership came up with, were to go to a vote right now in the house, congressman, how many republicans do you think would join you in rejecting it? >> all i know we had our house freedom caucus meeting last night, and there was strong opposition in that meeting. i don't think there are the votes there for it now. neil: all right. you heard that, everyone is focused on three senators, republican senators who aren't too keen on the health care plan right now, what the leadership has largely cooked up.
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and that the trouble will be in the senate. will, these conservative members are right, the trouble could ironically start in the house where it would take 22 republican no votes to kill this thing before it has the opportunity to jump to the senate. gerri willis is focusing what increasingly now looks like an uphill fight. >> absolutely right, neil. republican mark meadows, chairman of the house freedom caucus, emerged as one of the chief critics of obamacare replacement bill. what is his beef? the refundable tax credit, according to an op-ed he wrote for leadership wants to keep obama-like subsidies to buy insurance but rename them refundable tax credits. did meadows feel that way two years ago when he pen ad bill by health and human services tom price to replace obamacare subsidies, with, you guessed it, refundable tax credits. challenged on this flip-flop,
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the north caroline congressman dodged question. >> he needs to look at section 2 and section 3 of the bill he endorsed. it repealed mandate. it repealed insurance mandates. it actually did what we're promising the american people. this is not tom price's bill. this is certainly not what we promised the american people. >> other freedom caucus board members who cosponsored the price bill, are congressman scott perry, stephen pierce and jeff duncan. we asked congressman what they think of the tax credit now? none except purery responded. he said the gop bill was a good starting point but didn't mention the, tax credits. regardless house speaker paul ryan is confident the bill will reget traction and pass the house. >> i have no doubt it will pass. i think every republican in congress, including the president of the united states made a promise to the american people. and the promise we made to the
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american people is we're going to repeal and replace obamacare. because we made that promise, i'm confident we'll make good on that promise. >> those credits are not the only sticking point for critics, many of whom are in the senate where leader mitch mcconnell can only lose two republicans to get the bill passed. four republican senators have issues with medicaid reform. two others say the replacement bill will save no money. defending planned parenthood is yet another sticking point. clearly the gop replacement bill is facing serious headwinds and much of the trouble coming from fellow republicans. neil, i'm told if it is not doa, welsh gosh it is certainly on the gurney on the way to the hospital. neil: i like that analogy. gerri willis, thank you very much. my next guest calls it obamacare 2.0. not toot keen republican congressman justin amash, house republican oversight member. great to have you you with us. >> thank you. neil: you're not a fan of this.
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if it were voted on today, you would say no. >> that's right. it doesn't have a constituency. republicans don't like it. democrats don't like it. seems like only people who like it are people in the washington and maybe the insurance lobby. neil: it seems to be kind of handled this way on the part of the hours leadership, senate leadership, this is the best we can do can, just do it. what do you say to that? >> that is not true. they haven't tried to work with democrats. we need to persuade democrats to come on board with repeal and with major reforms to the health care system. but seems like the past several years and i'm sure before that, the two parties decided they don't want to work with each other. they don't want to try to persuade people of new positions. they just want to run roughshod over each other. that is not what the american people want. they want us to work together. i think repeal is the right solution lear but we need to also reform the health care system, not just mask it over with this type of repackaging of obamacare.
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neil: the president apparently sides with the leadership on this measure, not crazily so but more so than any conservative criticism that has come up. now that could change, congressman. but are you worried that he puts the full weight and power of his office and personality and his ample persuasive powers into prying more congressman to go his way. >> i'm not worried about it. he would be making a mistake to do so because it is going to be a failure. it takes the obamacare framework and repackages it. it doesn't repeal. it doesn't replace. it is essentially obamacare 2.0. so if the president wants to actually fulfill campaign promises and actually put together a health care system that works, then we need to start over and he should make that clear to members of congress. neil: part of the measure that has been put out there right now by speaker ryan and others calls for all of these taxes associated with the affordable
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care act like the investment tax, 3.% surtax, the wage tax, the .9% surtax, that alone raises in excess of 30 billion bucks a year. the issue for them, not getting rid of it now but maybe next year. how do you feel about that? >> well i don't think that the tax issues are the main issues we need to resolve here. we need to make sure we have lower health care costs for the american people. that is what people are concerned about. they're concerned about the headlight care system. it is not working right now under obamacare. people at home are demanding that we do something else. when i go back home i talk to republicans and democrats. i hold lots of town halls. both sides say let's deal with health care costs. they understand the shortcomings of obamacare. i can assure you democrats at my town halls understand the shortcomings. there are aspects they might like about it but we need to work together to persuade people to take a different position. neil: but they don't want to work with you. >> that is not true. democrats will work with us.
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neil: really? >> you just have to make the effort. and our leadership team hasn't made the effort over the past six years. i'm sure democratic leaders in the past haven't made the effort. time for a different type of leadership where people work together, try to come to a common understanding of what the problem is and try to resolve it. we'll not get everything we like but i think we can convince our fellow democrats that obamacare is not working. we have to try to do so. neil: all right, sir, thank you very much. >> thanks so much, neil. neil: the read right now from senator bill cassidy, republican of louisiana, sits on energy and financial committee. senator, you might have heard what the good congressman was saying. this isn't the answer. this attempt isn't cutting it for him. what about you? >> first, i haven't made a position because we don't yet know the cbo score. say good things it does. american people want mandates and penalties repealed. it repeals the mandates and penalties t also effectively repeals the kind of statement
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that at 60-year-old woman has to buy obstetrical benefits. that upsets 60-year-old women. they don't want to pay more for that on obstetrics coverage. it allows come one to get the coverage they want as opposed that prescribed by the federal government. it makes some reforms to the medicaid program. i like justin alot. i totally agree we need to work with democrats to have sustainable solution but let's not underestimate the burberry model for the medicaid program. i do think that is significant reform. neil: senator, one thing that comes up here, i'm not talking about conservatives what they want to come up, but how similar this plan is to the affordable care act as it stands on a couple of key areas, both cover preexisting conditions. both let you keep your kids on your policy a little longer.
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both essentially give tax credits. the democratic one more subsidy form. both tax very generous employer plans, if you think about it. and both contain at least a basket, minimal benefits. so what's to stop a liberal or democrat from saying, heck, we want, i mean, whatever they're coming up with is smaller version of the government albatross we came up with? >> the differences may be subtle but they are important. first let's say when president trump ran for president he said he was going to make sure those covered did not lose their coverage and he would care for those with preexisting conditions. the american people voted for that. they liked that. so just because it is in obamacare doesn't mean it is necessarily bad an aim as a goal. just bad the way they did it. neil: right. >> the third thing you mentioned staying on a parent' policy to
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age 26. that was originally a republican proposal, one of the few that the obamacare legislation incorporated. that is universally popular. so, that is not a bad thing either. what is the different can recognize between a subsidy and a tax credit? a subsidy, here is your money, buy what we tell you to buy. the patient is a passive partner. when you give them a tax credit and you give them a policy that they own, and the cassidy-collins plan i proposed you prefund a health savings account, the person has their own money. it is their health savings account. they can do with it they wish. therefore they end up making wiser decisions. i think these differences are subtle. and that subtlety is all the difference in the world. neil: you could be right for all i know, but senator, one thing i do ask, i have this view that i think young people feel they're bulletproof. they feel like they're superman. that they will never get sick. i always remind guests we've all been there. i know you're a young guy
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yourself but i think it takes so much to get a young person to buy health insurance because they just don't think they need it. if they had to, they would walk into a emergency room to get coverage they want or the treatment they want. so i think you could give them, a 20,000-dollars credit and it wouldn't move the needle. i don't mean to be cynical about that but are we chasing the wrongdoing and sewelling he is still going to hunt? >> that is incredibly good, insightful question. in the cassidy-collins plan we allow states to auto enroll people. when you and i turn 65 we're automatically be on medicare unless we call and say we don't wish to be. in this way if you automatically enroll young immortals, they are in the pool begin to lower the cost. we have model by insurance company, auto enroll the young immortals with lower premiums in my state by 20%. in this plan the house put forward it appears they would
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give states the option to auto enroll. if you make the credits sufficient to pay your annual premium, then there is no reason for them to opt out. they are covered and they contribute to the actuarially soundness of the pool. neil: but unless they dillydallied, right? your plan would call for this plan they're kicking around right now would allow insurance companies to charge a 30% premium. >> that is if they fail to renew. neil: fail to renew. so, okay. >> if they stay renewed they stay at community rating for their age f they fail to renew, medicare both b and d, if someone fails to renew they pay a penalty. i guess that is a concept they borrowed from medicare. neil: senator, this is fascinating. do you think this will delay the tax cut thing, by the way. >> will it delay the tax cuts? health care has to happen before tax legislation if that is what you mean. neil: right. >> if you're speaking of the tax cuts within the legislation we need to see what the cbo score is.
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obviously we want fiscal soundness. so that will be important. neil: right now next year event under this. real quickly what i was asking, if this getting to be a long struggle, it could go into the summer and tax cut and that tax cut package gets to be, maybe not 2017 event at all what do you think? >> well, i would like to think there is enough out there through the cassidy-collins plan, the house plan we can come up with something that works. neil: all right. >> i would like to be optimistic about that. neil: senator, you're a good man. thank you for taking the time. senator bill cassidy of louisiana. >> thank you. neil: meantime, private sector hire something booming, really booming. we didn't think it was booming this much but it is. that is the great news. here is the bad news, because it is, your mortgage rates are going to start jumping. i'll explain. live-stream your favorite sport
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the all-new xfinity stream app. xfinity. the future of awesome. neil: all right. we're just learning now that walt disney ceo bob eiger says he decided it was in the best interests of the country for disney to join the trump advisory council. that he specifically will join that council. a who's who of corporate america advising the president on everything from manufacturing policy to stimulating u.s. job growth. he had been considered one of the sort of cool to the idea of doing anything with this administration. i don't think that was fair, even right, but that is not the case now. that he will be doing everything blind to political allegiances and to helping the president get things going in this country
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economically and for business. that does not appear to be a driving concern right now when you look at the service sector because things appear to be firing on all proverbial cylinders. in the latest period, service sector job growth 300,000. 100,000 we thought would be the case. home depot chairman and founder, anthony shea. anthony, a lot of people interpret this kind of good news a mix of good and bad news. interest rates go up on it. bad news for those shopping for mortgages but good news for the home industry that hopes people pounce and buy, right? >> yeah, interest rates are on is sale. they have been for many, many years. that was the benefit coming out of a slow economic situation. but interest rates today historically are still fantastic. we're in the mid 4 range. not as good as high 3s but -- neil: you were saying during the break, if you're young this is all you know.
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if you're an old fart like me you remember paying a heck of a lot re. perspective is everything. do they get antsy saying i got to move? >> absolutely. folks thinking about refinancing, taking cash out for home improvements and other matters, thinking about it. interest rates are moving up. cost of credit is moving up. they're taking advantage before it moves up any further. as far as home purchases, has direct correlation to your monthly payment. higher interest rates mean a higher debt load for a family. so there is absolutely some sort of sense of urgency when interest rates start to move up. neil: what if you want to buy something, refinance something, you can't get the money, are banks still being tight? >> yeah, it has been eight, nine years, post-financial crisis and we have dodd-frank and pcb and wonderful types of regulators that the industry become accustomed to. neil: consumer financial protect board. >> that's correct.
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but reality this year the mortgage industry is about expected to do 1.trillion, out of those fundings, 9% is backstopped by u.s. government, fannie, freddy. neil: is that right. >> so the liquidity has not yet returned to only levels. neil: banks will only lend if uncle sam is backing it up? >> that's correct. so the non-agency or non-government loans have not yet returned in a relevant way. neil: why? are they afraid lightning strikes twice or doesn't want anything to do with it? >> some of that is the scar tissue from the type of damage from 10 years ago and created by new regulation and complexity of the new laws in effect day, how do you feel when you hear president trump saying we got to untangle a lot of these laws that were caught up in regulations, caught up in dodd-frank, to encourage more lending? do you ever worry that it could go back to devil may care
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lending to people who just a pulse kind of thing, when it was crazy? >> absolutely. we're always concerned about it having not enough regulation. certainly we came from that place 10 years ago. neil: right. >> but if you look what is happening today, credit is returning to the consumer but not so much on the mortgage sector. we'll have to balance that out. hopefully the new administration understands that. neil: it is ultimately about jobs, right? if the economy is doing okay and jobs are returning and at the rate and salaries they were, that is dirty little secret on this recovery, that that is lacks that part, then all bets are off, right? whether 90% federal backstop lending, that will rule the day, right? >> we have very strong housing market. neil: where is it strong? >> really throughout the country. look at markets like arizona, it is hot.
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houses hit the market within 24 hours you get a dozen offers. neil: why is that. >> lack of housing formation and providing household formation last eight to 10 years. certain markets are starting to feel a little too good. but there is shortage of housing in this country today. the affordability is great. interest rates are still low as you and i talked about. incomes are strong, getting stronger. all of those factors is accounting for $1.2 trillion year in home purchases. it is pretty strong. neil: real quickly, very patient with my idiotic questions, talking to a realtor friend of mine, neil, the problem is appraisals. we have a devil of a time getting a appraiser to properly value a property. so,. probably overhang putting outlandish price from the go go
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days but the pen you dumb has swung and not swinging back, right? >> that is the age of smartphones. when it comes to appraisals you have to send an appraiser physically to the home. the appraiser workforce is aging workforce. not a growing workforce. as we went refinance, appraisals take 8 to 12 weeks on certain parts of the country. neil: are they erring on the side being conservative still? >> yes. they're looking at previous, rather than information from the future into the present. that continues to be a sticking point. certainly regulation has much of that, that they are going to have to figure out. neil: real quickly, young people, seeing that their parents were burned in a meltdown, are they still leery? >> not so much. not so much. neil: all right. anthony share -- shea, loan depot big cheese. people are wondering what our big spy chiefs are thinking about what is going on with all this technology that can spy on us.
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>> you're stuck with me for another six 1/2 years. so i would love to be invited back again. obviously any place called irish hall is a neat place to have this given my background. neil: controversial though he may be, if you think he is thinking of leaving anytime soon, the fbi director james comey saying he plans to serve out his term, he has six plus years to go, in a cybersecurity conference going on in massachusetts today. we have a lot of intelligence agencies focusing on contractors as likely source of leaks, wikileaks more to the point. to former national security
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staffer gillian turner how another batch of classified material got leaked out to the public especially now we're finding out a lot of this stuff was first coming to authorities attention late are part of last year, huh? >> yeah. something that makes this even more horrifying, as if the story couldn't get bad enough. you know in the wake of wikileaks coming on to the scene in 2006 and then the edward snowden revelations of a few years ago, the federal government has literally spent hundreds of millions of dollars to try to plug some of these holes to take care of insider threats. watching this as an american citizen, the story unfolds, it is infuriating an frankly depressing to see the fact this is still as much of a problem as it was 10 years ago. i don't know where we go from here? neil: it is under democratic, republican administrations. this latest, our charlie gasparino and we have white house briefing coming up minutes away here.
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part of this, not wikileaks, it might be vendetta on some of these agencies didn't like the way donald trump was questioning their intelligence. so they're going to leaker stuff out on him. that is very disturbing on so many levels. >> this will certainly compound the problem and make it about 100 times worse because this is a huge, massive prestige hit for the entire intelligence community. this is a cia that's already embroiled in a kind of head-to-head volatile relationship with the president of the united states. now you have them proven publicly capable of protecting their own secrets. and this is an agency by design is here to pull secrets from foreign adversaries around the world. if they can't keep their own secrets it, really calls into question their validity. so this is, this is really damaging. neil: how much can the bad guys take advantage of this, gillian? in other words, if you now know
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we might have the ability to spy on you in your home with any one of the devices in your home, and they become privy or aware of that, what the heck, what happens then? >> you know. the really bad part becomes public information through wikileaks. it is not just there for americans to peruse. it is literally there for the entire world. neil: right. >> according to cyber forensic experts looking at this material they're saying that people, cyber hackers can now literally get a play-by-play, kind of road map into what tools the u.s. government, the cia uses. they can adapt them their own purposes. they can take hundreds of millions of lines of code and jigger with them to make them applicable for their own purposes. so it is a worst-case scenario from that perspective. the other thing, neil, being a business guy, i'm sure you appreciate, this really pits the
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public and the private sector against one another. neil: absolutely. >> in a very unhealthy way. we have companies like apple and google saying look, the cia is weaponizing personal communications devices and they're right. so this really puts them head-to-head, when what they need to be doing on cybersecurity, if we want to become better on offense as a nation, is have them working together. this just makes that you know, more and more of a pipe-dream. neil: real quickly, these latest leaks, the wikileaks, when ever they did become available and however they did become available, do you think it was someone from the inside at these agencies, rather than sort of like a rogue snowden type? >> it could have been a contractor. people have been drawing comparisons to the snowden leaks all along for good reason. neil: right. >> put it this way, i doubt it is any kind of a foreign government because if you think about it logically, if they gained access to cachet of information of this value they wouldn't want it to be publicly
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known. neil: exactly. >> they want it keep it hidden as long as possible to subvert it their own purposes. likely an american and someone with major beef with the intelligence community. neil: to your point, not good. >> no. bad all around and very bad as the president would say, very, very bad. neil: particularly bad. gillian, thank you very much, speaking of the president, sean spicer moments away from conducting a white house briefing we might find out more what gillian outlined for us. it is worrisome, no matter if you're a republican or democrat, the fax this happens to the degree it happens, reminder we have no control over it happening, after this. ♪ (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes,
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neil: all right. waiting for the white house briefing. republican congressman buddy carter. they will probably bring up, congressman, a lot about the president's throwing his support behind this republican leadership health care plan. are you in that camp? >> oh, absolutely. this is a great plan. listen, what we intended to do through the better way was provide a more affordable, more accessible and more patient-centered headlight care plan. we have achieved that. it is not what everybody wants you but at the same time it does get us to our goal. neil: some of those conservatives don't like it, as you know, sir, sort of like obama care light, obamacare 2.0. you heard all the variations.
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they say it is still a government albatross and no clear way to pay for and with the tax credits you heard that, what do you say. >> respectfully i disagree. neil: you don't have to be respectsful. >> that is important to me never the less. i disagree. i feel like we're bringing market principles back into health care. that is the worst thing that obamacare did, it took the free market out of health care. we're trying to present more choices, more competition in the health care market. what that will do is drive cost down. we're providing stable transition for those people covered under obamacare, into the new, into the new plan that we're proposing. neil: all right. thank you, congressman. sean spicer is coming out right now. again we'll get an idea how much weight and support he will put behind what republican leaders are trying to put together in the house and the senate. >> leave it at that. good morning. first off i want to acknowledge
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as the president did this morning at today's international women's day, it is also women's history month. we'll be holding several events throughout the white house, how contributions to our society, our economy, and our families and businesses. president tweeted this morning about the surge in hiring in the two months he has been in office. linkedin workforce report states january and february were the strongest consecutive months for hiring in over a year-and-a-half. a new report from adp and moody's showed strong private job growth that is far exceeding market expectations. just this morning samsung confirmed it is planning, a quote, major investment in u.s. production facilities, directly citing the president's election as significant in their decision. the investment is expected to be around $300 million. the wave of optimism and growth in the wake of president's pledges to help american businesses continues to produce real results for people
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throughout our nation. yesterday i forgot to, there are a couple of things i didn't get to yesterday. let me mention a couple of those. yesterday afternoon the secretary of veterans affairs, dr. david shulkin and senior white house staff met with several veterans service organizations what is commonly referred to as the big six to discuss the president's commitment to helping our veterans and modernizing our va. the meeting represented another step in fulfilling the president's promise to the men and women who have served our nation so honorably. i know the president looks forward to personally following up on that meeting with the vsos. also last night the president named several individuals whom he intends to nominate or appoint to key administration posts. courtney el wood, central intelligence agency general counsel, noaa francisco, department of justice, deputy rosen, deputy secretary of transportation. john j. sullivan, general counsel, the department of defense.
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ajet pai, member of the federal communications and tony sayegh. expect further announcements as the week goes on. after receiving his daily intelligence briefing, the president met with the founder of emerson collective, an organization dedicated to removing barriers unfortunately prevent some in the world achieving their full potential. they discussed education and immigration policy which are two of the areas emerson collective focuses on. then the president held a strategic affairs lunch focused on infrastructure with leaders in the private sector. infrastructure used to be a point of american pried but overbearing, ineffective regulatory system can projects in limbo for years of the president already is removing regulatory roadblocks that kill projects before eeven begun, through executive action,
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streamlining permitting process and each agency to identify regulations that cause undue burden. as the president said many times, strong public/private partnerships will be key to revitalizing our country's ruined roads, crumbling bridges and outdated airports. the government wasted too much of the taxpayer's money on inefficient and misguided projects. looking at infrastructure from business person's perspective as these executives do, we restore respect for the taxpayer dollar an make the best investment the president was particularly pleased holding to the meeting now that secretary of transportation chao, and epa secretary pruitt and are confirmed and getting ready to work. as i mentioned secretary chao, secretary perry, secretary pruitt, and richard lafroc. josh harris, cofounder of apollo global management, bill ford, the ceo of general atlantic,
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lynn scarlets, managing director of nature conservancy, tyler due paul, and elon musk of spacex. the president will meet with congressman elijah campus mings to discuss rising prescription drugs prices. president looking forward to continuing dialogue they started a few weeks ago on the phone. at 4:00 the president will meet with interior secretary ryan zinke and senator sullivan and murkowski of alaska. they're set to discuss the priorities of department of interior it pertains to the government owned lands in alaska. the president will have a meeting on health care. we'll have details and participants on that meeting a little later this afternoon. the president and vice president continue to reiterate their support on the house bill obamacare repeal and replace. we look forward to working with congress to institute a new health care system. tonight the president will have dinner with senator and mrs. cruz. finally a you will couple of additional administration announcements.
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today the president and first lady announced details for 139th white house easter egg roll taking place on monday, april 17th. they are honored to create traditions past and creating new ones that play a lasting role in the fabric of our nation's history. tickets are free to the public and allotted through online lottery. further details on lottery and information on that day will be released later this month. keep an eye on for updates. i'm pleased to announce and proud, that kenny of ireland will visit ireland for the traditional st. patrick's day visit on march 17th. we'll have details and other foreign leader visit later this week. with that, some questions. david smith of "the guardian.." >> hi, sean. ask about the president's state visit to the u.k. is there timing for that? what was your reaction to some members of parliament in britain saying the president is not
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welcome. they actually used work like racist and sexist, that he should reconsider? >> the president, as you know accepted her majesty's invitation when the prime minister was here. he looks forward to going over and visiting the united kingdom. as we have details to share with you further we will but there is nothing further at this time. caitlyn? >> sean, white house have reaction to iranian vessels coming within 150-yard of a navy ship on weekend? aren't they on notice and will you offer anything beyond a verbal reaction and i have a follow-up question. >> the ship that was in close proximity is something the president was made aware of. the president has been very clear this provocative action is something that won't be tolerated. with that i would refer you to the department of defense who is, who is monitoring that situation and will talk about the appropriate actions they may take. your next one.
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>> secondly, does he have any plans to revamp the h 11 b visa program by the april 1 did line? >> i think we talked before about immigration as a whole. there is the legal part of immigration and the illegal part of immigration. president's actions in terms of executive order and other revamping of immigration policy focused on our border security, keeping our country safe our people safe. whether h1b visas or spousal visas, other areas of student visas there is a natural desire to have a full look at comprehensive look at that he discussed the ray is act with senators perdue and cotton. we'll have more coming forward. as the reed yacht mentioned he was very supportive of their efforts with respect how we view legal immigration. he mentioned in his joint address we're one of only handful of countries that doesn't use a merit-based system of immigration. that is something we need to
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look at in its totality. hunter? >> two quick questions. are you aware of any woman who work at the white house who are participating in the strike today? more generally, what is the administration's reaction to the protest? do you think it is an effective way, skipping work is an effective way for women to demonstrate their power and significance? >> on the first part i'm not aware of any that are not here. everyone i'm aware of has shown up and is working really hard to advance the president's agenda. they're committed to moving this country forward. those of us who have joined the president throughout government i think, but obviously as the president stated today, we want to recognize the contributions that women make to our businesses, to our families, to our economy, to our society and you know, it is a free country. people have the right to express themselves but i think we should on daily basis, not one day a year but 365 days a year
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appreciate the contributions that women make in all of those categories. so it shouldn't be a daily thing. hopefully we can fix that little bit more. john? >> sean, there seems to be groundswell of conservative opposition to bill offered up by the leadership of the house of reps. you mentioned the president will meet this evening with conservatives? what is his message to the individuals? are they members of the freedom caucus? will senator rand paul be there? do you have a sense what the president intends to do to turn around that opposition that was quite apparent yesterday? >> a few things on that. one we'll have a list of participant later. two, there has been a lot of, from business, and conservative groups, have been very supportive of this. americans for tax reform. american taxpayers union. american medical device assoation, u.s. chamber of commerce, one nation health,
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consumer health products association, the association of amac, national association ofsae american legislative exchange council and others there has been tremendous support for this. we have people throughout washington, d.c., going to different associations and groups throughout the day, last couple days talking about the benefits of this. we're going to continue to do outreach. we met as you know yesterday with the house whip team expressing his unwaivering support for the bill and the process it is about to encounter. he will work with these individuals today. and we're going to have a full-court press. our team throughout the administration on local radio and local television to get that message right to the american people, to talk about both the things we talked about yesterday, why we have a cries is in health care and why obamacare is failing. secondly why the solution that the president's worked on with the house is the right one to bring down costs and to reinstitute choice. so that message will continue to
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get delivered both today and for the next several weeks until passes the house and senate and comes back to his desk. again one of the important messages that i think those on the conservative side need to understand is right now there is an uneven playing field. if you get your insurance through medicaid, medicare, through the government, or, an employer behave health care you are untaxed your employer is untaxed. self-employed individuals, small businesses are paying penalty for this. that is where i think we have to remember, we talk so often on conservative side and republican side on the importance of entrepreneurship. the importance of small businesses to our economy. yet they are the ones who suffer right now with inequity in the tax system. i think that by leveling that playing field, by giving them more options and driving down costs, we're actually doing a very conservative thing here. by removing the mandate of a government mandated, you must buy this program or you will pay
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a penalty and eliminating choice. we are enacting very strong conservative values in health care that give all americans more choice at lower cost. so i think that should be a very positive message. john? >> yes, thank you. as a brand new federal employee -- >> welcome back. >> at the moment. >> thank you. >> i'm sure you and your family are aware office of personal management office has comprehensive is health care program called the federal employees health benefit program. >> yes. >> anyone in the building on the hill, their staff, family, not their friends, their family, maybe, who knows, very generous. it is state of the art. the individuals involved in the health care situation right now, debate, no matter how it plays out, can they really have the kind of sympathy and empathy for individuals who may not benefit nearly as much when they're negotiating this, all these plans, sean? >> in what respect?
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>> well, i mean, you're fine. you're covered. >> sure. but it is unfortunate -- first of all i'm not fine, because of obamacare, premiums on everybody has gone up. no, regardless what you pay, federal employees make contribution to their health care plan as well. i think that all premiums have increased over the last, whether you're in employer based system or not. up with of the pig issues with obamacare, to fix a problem that faced 15 or 20 million people, the entire system got shattered people on medicaid saw prices go up. the issue to solve a specified, defined group of people, we defined the entire health care market. whether you get from an employer or not. your question, that is part of the issue right now if you're federal employee cases in the
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state you open a book look what plan matters to you. what plan is best for you and your family. how much do you want to pay? how much coverage do you want to have? what is the co-pay? what services or benefits do you want as far as your plan, absolutely but the issue for so many americans they don't have that choice. for 1/3 of counties in this country they have one choice, one. in a lot of states they have none or, exchanges are becoming fewer and fewer. number of doctors an plans at that take medicaid fewer and fewer. so to your point i think actually we're in a uniques place because we get to understand what the average american should get. we shouldn't be limited to specified number of people. >> i appreciate your argument, very well-taken. >> thank you. >> however i am going to compare a gs-5 or gs-9 to senator or secretary of one of the agencies. the safety net on those individuals gives them a certain cushion. they're negotiating do they have that kind compassion or empathy
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for people who may be thrown off health care? i think because somebody has health care doesn't mean they can't empathize with somebody who doesn't. we all have family and friends are suffering. like saying because i have a job i can't be empathetic to somebody who doesn't have a job. we have family and friends, same thing. when we watch a friend or family member suffer through terminal disease, because we haven't suffered through it doesn't mean we can't have compassion with that person or be concerned how much that bill is costing them that is in some way, depending on the relationship you have with that person, you can even feel worse. you can feel guilty how much you have and how you're not able to help that person. in many cases that is what drives us. to know there are options available to some americans and not others. >> i appreciate your response. >> thank you. john. >> sean, we confirmed there is criminal investigation into this alleged theft of cyber tools
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from the cia by wikileaks. what can the white house tell us about the situation, particularly the fact that it seems like there is another leak for the intelligence community that is on a scale of edward snowden? can you assure the american people none of these tools have ever been used against them? >> well, there is a couple things in that. number one, for obvious reasons it is our policy at the government not to confirm the authenticity of any kind of disclosure or hack. that would be highly inappropriate for us. but you know, all of these occurred under the lasted a administration. that is important. all of the alleged issues. and i think it is interesting to have asked this way about the damage that could have occur or what tools could be used in light of what has been going on recently. we've had, your own network's correspondent james rosen had his phones, multiple phones tapped. what is, was that appropriate
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back then? i think there is a lot of concern out there about alleged leaks. there is two steps to this. and i think what you saw over the last week in terms of, this should be a major concern to people in terms of the leaks that are coming out and the desire to get to the bottom of them. whether or not, not specifically with respect to the disclosure that you're referring to, but i think the idea that we are having these ongoing disclosures of national security and classified information should be something that everybody is outraged in this country. this is the kind of disclose sure that undermines our country, our security and our well-being and you have seen over the last two years you know, depending on the leak, it depends on the outrage. it is interesting how whenever the leak occurred under the lasted a administration, you had member after member talking about disclosures that occurred during the lasted a administration, whether it was
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members of congress, a lie jaw jaw -- elijah cummings expressed concerns whether it dealt with hillary clinton, there was complete outrage about the leaks that occurred. members calling for investigations into leaks. it is interesting how there is sort of a double standard when the looks occur, how much outrage there is. and so i do think it is important, while i don't want to get into confirming or denying this particular thing i think it is interesting that how different subjects are approached. this one, everyone is immediately rushing to, there should be a lot more coverage of this, this alleged leak should concern every single american in terms of the impact it has on our national security. >> can i ask you something unrelated? >> of course you can. >> robin shaheen has been in prison in iran since last october collaborating with a hostile government, that government being united states of america. he is on a hunger strike and is
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the president aware of mr. shadii's plight and other americans held in iran and what is the president doing with it. >> we're aware of that particular situation. in that case i would refer you back to the state department. >> go back to earlier question, what is president personally doing to sell the health care bill and what will he do to have law makers come along like rand paul that don't like it? >> we're on day two. as i mentioned we've been out in local talk radio and local markets. the president yesterday met with the house deputy whips. today he is having a series of additional meetings conservative groups and others. we talked to the lead up with insurance executives and companies, various members the house and senate from both parties. he met with governor, attorneys general. i think there is a group of lieutenant governors coming in. we'll be aggressively going after you can, talking about the
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solution we have for health care. both the need to repeal the current obamacare system and need to replace it with something that gives patients the choices and costs that they need. as i mentioned yesterday, i can't overstate this, there is a difference between having a card and having care. being told you have coverage and not being able to use it is no good. and that is the thing that i think is really important. it's, when we get asked the question, so often, how many people will be covered, that is not the question should be asked. how many people should get care they need. having coverage with high deductible and in some cases or not having a plan that allows you to get coverage you need or afford it, is not real coverage. it's a card. that is the big difference the approach we're taking here. how do we get people more affordable care that they need and more doctors coming into the system than leaving. that is the difference in the
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approach. >> are you on the road to sell it? >> you will see a lot of travel and activity by the president and all the administration. it will not just be the president, the secretary, directors, key administration staff. vice president has been actively engaged in meetings on the hill, on talk radio, local radio, local television. you've seen a flury of meetings with outside interests. with op-eds explaining problem and engaging associations having interest in this and industry leaders but this is going to be a very, very aggressive comprehensive approach making sure every american understands that there is major problem and we're here to fix it .
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>> he is clear about the concern he has for leaks. again, cecilia, he is concerned about the allegations that are out there in terms of what may or may not happen. it is an allegation, it is something we're not going to confirm at this time, but as you can imagine from the president's previous comments, he is extremely concerned about this, about the allegations, about this about the potential that something, if this were true, would have on our national security. and make no mistake about it, i think the president has talked before, anybody who leaks classified information will be held to the highest degree of law. we will go after people who leak classified information, and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. playing with our nation's national security is not something taken lightly under this administration. >> reporter: when it came to the campaign and hillary clinton the president said, quote, i love wikileaks, does he feel that way today? >> there is a big difference


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