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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 15, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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bartiromo will be interviewing speake good night from new york. kennedy: tonight the white house pushing back against the cbo report on their healthcare plan. they need to start from scratch or should the haters relax. the number of so-called socialists skyrocketing in just last year. who is to blame for that. legendary comedian and actor chief marin is here to talk about his book and the assault on the so-called drug war. the new president has some new fans and they are not just hillbilly at ride nationalists. this time it's small business owners more overwhelmingly
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excited about this administration. you a new index showed enthusiasm shot up 20 points since november. the highest on display since 2007. business owners are reporting a increase in cash flow and better temperature he growth because they see the government getting out of the way so they can create something the old way with their sexy bare hands. they did build that, yeah. business owners are confident the rotting financial leftovers will be popped from the fridge. the biggest impediment to growth, government policies by 28%. so when the president said this. >> we think we can cut regulations by 75%, maybe more. kennedy: it's something your
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future boss takes seriously, that translates to more jobs, and that to the mitchell means economic torque. another sigh of relief from businesses employing between 50-100 people is you are aring of the job killing mandate in obamacare with a punitive gun to their head tax between $2,000 to $3,000 per employee. that was no incentive to grow a company and hire new workers. it's like sprinkling miracle grow on the economic chia head.
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ment for the individual insurance market. kennedy: an even bigger part of that is medicaid expansion.
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that was a necessary part of obamacare and a big sticking points. how do conservative house republicans and moderate senate republicans square medicaid expansion at this point? >> that's a good question. right now there is not an awful lot of agreement amongst rum cans. what the house bill does is starting in 2020 it converts medicaid into a per capita block grant. it typically is a set amount of money given to states. it would make the set amount of money based on the number of people in the program. so there is folks in the senate who want medicaid to continue. maybe even to be more generous. there are folks in the house who want to see medicaid reform part of this plan kick in earlier because they are worried it is delayed until 2020.
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basically he year it will get kicked down the road. kennedy: itment interesting, off -- it's interesting. you have a different audience for medicaid than you do for immediatformedicare. what is the assumption we should be putting more people on medicaid? is it that the program already existed and it's a convenient way to shove uninsured people under a larger umbrella. >> it doesn't put more people on in the long run. it basically allows states to continue to expand the program if they want up until 2020. after that, people who are already in the expansion, the obamacare's medicaid expansion, a big part of obamacare was expanding medicaid. people already in it get to stay in it so long as they don't go off the program. it slowly rolls people off the
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program provided it actually goes into effect. kennedy: maybe just push them out. so inhumane. paul ryan says he's even couraged by the cbo report. the white house is pushing back on it. who do you think has the more genuine reaction. >> paul ryan is saying he's encouraged that premiums will go down, but they on go down after 2020 when there is an implementation of a federal back stop that will bring opinions premiums down relative to where they should have been. in the short term premiums would go up and people would drop out of the program and it would create a somewhat sicker insurance pool. the white house, politico reported there was an internal estimate from the white house that showed even larger coverage declines than those showed by the cbo.
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i'm in the sure everybody is really in the right place. kennedy: we'll see how this whole thing fleshes itself out. i bit after quagmire. thank you very much, peter suderman. let me bring in the snowbound party panel. but they made it. michael malice is here. he got through waist-high snow earlier this afternoon. andy levy co-host of "red eye" on the fox news channel. so the battle over healthcare helped fuel the current partisan bickering dominating d.c. if you need more proof the nation is drifting further to the left and right. membership in the nation's largest socialist organization. the democratic socialists of
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america has reportedly tripled. and we are told they only have 19 dues-paying members. it doesn't sounds like a lot. but it's the most they have had since 1982 when they were formed. what do you think the big incentive is to join the democratic socialists who are neither democratic nor socialist? >> this comes from the defeat of bernie sanders. and so many young democrats were very unhappy with hillary clinton. and then of course the pendulum swing after donald trump was elected. people feeling like they wanted to do something to stay sane. which is a little bit of an exaggeration. you see a lot of young people view socialism very favorably. even if they are not card carrying democratic socialist members, they think this is economically feasible. that's terrifying.
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kennedy: they are sympathetic to the cause. they haven't seen the real fallout from socialism or communism. but you think that the democratic socialists are more sane than actual democrats? >> they are consistent in their ideology. they are very anti-corporate and they view war and corporatism hand in hand. 19,000 democratic socialists isn't th it's the 3 million employees who are all socialists. we have to get that number down. kennedy: we are paying for those people. we had this conversation last night. jonathan hoenig wants to liberate federal employees so they are not under the shackles anymore. >> they tripled to 19,000 which is not even a sellout of a knicks game.
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i think this is great. i prefer my democrats to be bernie sanders less hillary clinton less andrew cuomo or whatever shill they are going to put up next. the grassroots dsa people are much better on civil liberties and foreign policy issues. and they honestly seem like better people than the political hacks that are usually associated with the clintons. i will take those people over the new york. >> they are trying to concentrate power and fool dumb people into voting for them and giving them their money. >> as you see the very loud groups, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
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you have the democratic socialists and the bernie groups push be the groups to the left. but most americans are in the middle. we live in a center-right country. it's not that they have no principles. it's that they are not political junkies like the four us@sitting at this table. they have lives to live and families to raise. >> i honestly think -- >> they are taxpayers. they are paying taxes in this country. >> they don't have to. they don't have to. to me the same thing is fueling both tea party and the trumpists and the democratic socialists. it's all fueled by crony capitalism. we see the deals being cut.
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and the feeling. it's the feeling most people have that the game is rigged and they are not one of the riggers. they are being rigged. >> how is crony capitalism not a problem. >> all the intellectual momentum is the alt-right and the democratic socialists. >> they are very heavily informed in history, pat buchanan and anne coulter. it's the crony capitalists who are running the show in washington are their enemy on both sides. >> twhament we just said. >> this is a rear-guard action. >> i'm saying crony capitalism is fueling all of this. kennedy: fueling a movement on many different fronts, though the fronts are disparate and agree to -- appear to disagree
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with each other. first up, remember when democrats were up in arms every time republicans threatened to shut down the government during the obama years? take a wild guess what their senate leader is contemplating senate leader is contemplating to fight trump's agenda.a.a.a.a.
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kennedy: in the dictionary next to the word hypocrite, feel free to take a photo of democratic senator chuck schumer. he has threatened a government shutdown in the gop includes what he calls poison pills in the infrastructure fund. it includes a bored wall, defunding planned parenthood, and rolling back pentagon spending. so how short is what the chuck's memory? let me welcome back, tim carney,
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and visiting fellow at the american enterprise institute. welcome back. $1 trillion isn't enough for chuck schumer? >> as you said, this is turn-about as hypocrisy. probably hypocrisy on both sides. usually that's the way washington hypocrisy stories go. but my theory is chuck schumer saw republicans do stuff that he thought was completely crazy from the moment obama got elected. slowly they took over the house, then they took over the senate and the white house. so he thinks maybe i need to be as crazy as ted cruz and donald trump to get the democrats back in office. many commentators say maybe the republicans were rewarded for blowing stuff up. kennedy: maybe they have to come up with a strategy that works
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for them instead of replicating the ideas of the opposing party. democrats love government. the more government the better. it doesn't make sense for them to try to shut it down. who are they appeasing with this tactic? >> if the most important aspect of it politically for them. not the border wall. but as far as who they are appeasing. planned parenthood and the abortion lobby is the heart of the democratic party. i looked into all their top fundraisers and it's all around abortion. about half of the people who are the top fundraisers for obama and hillary clinton are people active in planned parenthood. so that'sed the single most important issue for their donor base. that's rallying the donor base right there.
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kennedy: it almost seems like if you defund planned parenthood, it's a favorite to democrats because then it goes from a huge fundraising tool to a massive fundraising tool. they can make even more money. >> what happens when government subsidies to plan the parenthood goes down, and this won't shock you. state subjects does and private donations to planned parenthood go up. so maybe now they are worried that all their rich donors will be spending their money on abortions instead of spending on donate together democrats. federal subsidies to planned parenthood free up money. to then donate to andrew cuomo's presidential race in four years. kennedy: they are asking for a halt to all of these things. maybe it hinges on planned parenthood. i can't imagine they will shut it down over pentagon spending.
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there are a lot of moderate democrats who live in military-heavy districts who want to at least seem like they support the military. and that seems to be in washington the best way to do it, just writing a blank check. but do you have think they will ask for this entire list and if they don't get every box checked, they will go for a shutdown? >> the border wall -- different polls all all over the place. but independent are 50-50. donald trump did not hide that he wanted a border wall. he won running primarily on this issue. that doesn't mean democrats have to support him. but it's out of the ordinary to go to the mat and oppose it. schumer could be making a bluff on that point. i don't think he's bluffing on the planned parenthood thing. kennedy: i think both parties and the extreme members in each want to see that come to a head so they can claim victory.
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a programming note. catch house speaker paul ryan on "mornings with maria." he will have all the ratest in the battle to repeal and replace obamacare. president trump obsess swd china. how will his upcoming meting with xi jinping go? this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help.
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kennedy: the white house announced president trump will meet with the leader of -- >> china china china china. kennedy: china is our biggest rival in much ways. the president in january canceled the trans-pacific partnership and accused china of a lot of shady business practices. also on the agenda, nuclear armed north korea and they warned of merciless attacks on u.s. forces. welcome back, am balances doer bolton. what should president tackle first in this meeting? where does he go? does he go to north korea? not literally. but figuratively.
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or dose get all over xi jinping on trade? >> i would be in a hurry if i re the presidento rush into any agreements or deals with xi nping. i think this is a time for the president to size the chinese leader up. cover a wide variety of topics. there is no need to have an earth hearting communique after the next meeting. kennedy: rex tillerson heading to beijing. how should the president address the issue of north korea with the chinese. there has been a fish nauert trim between north korea and china. how does the president take advantage of that? >> you have to talk to the chinese about their ownself-interest.
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i think that's explaining why we believe the way to solve the north korean's weapons problem is to you've night the two koreas. as long as north korea exists as a separate state ruled by a communist dictatorship, we'll have an unstable region now and around the world. ken very seal team six is actively seeking to take out kim jong-un. do you believe this report and is it legal? >> we have had plans with the south korean military since the korean war that if there were an envision we were prepared to resist and this time finish the job. the motto is first pyongyang.
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kennedy: is that our first objective? >> sure. what we would want to do if the regime collapsed or looked like the was engage in aggression, to get and seize control of their chemical and biological weapons and ballistic missiles. this regime is a threat to everybody. it's a hitler in the bunker mentality. kennedy: it's not rational and that's one of my questions. when they talk about merciless attacks on the u.s., and they are getting desperate because china is ghosting them in this tenuous relationship. when do you take those north korean threats seriously? >> i don't take the rhetoric seriously. they have a notebook they pull out every year and dust it off. i don't believe the chinese are assisting them.
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i think the chinese believe they have have to stand behind. but younger chinese understand this is an ugly piece of baggage. you have got to start persuading that threat north korea poses is an ultimate threat to china because of the instability it creates in the region. kennedy: does the instability come from the united states or from south korea? who shakes it up in pyongyang. >> we didn't start the korean war in 1950. we didn't have any desire to be there. that's why it was drawn outside our defense perimeter. north korea, those nuclear weapons and technology which they would sell to anybody with the hard currency to buy it like iran, is a threat worldwide. kennedy: so what do we do now?
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>> i think better late than never. though we are running out of time given how close north korea is getting to miniaturizing a nuclear weapon. i think i hope secretary tillerson is talking about why it's in china's interest to reunify the peninsula to acknowledge the north korea is a failure. kennedy: is that ultimately one-state solution for the united states and south korea? >> it should be. as long as this regime exists with its bizarre patterns of behavior, it will be a threat worldwide. it won't reform self. people talked about that over and over. sit just gets worse. kennedy: city want stability at slat hotel because the rooms are so expensive. coming up. just weeks after folks at one college campus covered up all the dorm mirrors to protect
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precious snowflakes and their shadows. now another school removing the scales from a a a a a you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. ( ♪ ) i moved upstate because i was interested in building a career.
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kennedy: welcome back. another day, another college
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doing something ridiculous in the name our precious millennial snowflakes. this time we are taking it up to carlton university. like the dance. where administrators removed a scale from the school's gym because the university feared students will obsess over their weight. some students are said to be outraged. others say they are happy about the move because quote scales are triggering. and people who don't understand are insensitive. body issues and eating disorders are very, very serious set of concerns, not just for young people. and i understand that university want to be responsible and doesn't want to fort an environment. but, my god, people can't even be confront with a scale in a gym. really?
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>> there is two elements of this. part of recovery from an eating disorder is saying there are tons of triggering things out in the world. how do you go out into the world and not break down at the sign of a scale or an advertisement of a model. the diet industry has made billions of dollars convincing people that weight means health. so long as they can continue to make people feel bad about their weight, we all -- kennedy: we still have scales. >> i have a full-blown eating disorder. but the scale is just one metric of this. there are all sorts of things
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that go into this. there are lots of numbers to accept. kennedy: what triggers you? >> i use it -- i'm comfortable with this. i like to be con front with food i shouldn't be eating and look at it and not eat it. i'm fine with that because it works for me and i'm down to a 25-inch waist. but the funniest eating disorders and boyd issues have gone through the roof. so much, much it is based on female concern. kennedy: that's an interesting points. >> i don't like that the gym has weights because people can lift more than me and it makes me feel bad about myself. and you don't have to check your weight at the gym. kennedy: when you go in the
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sauna for 5 minutes and sweat, it's the recommended amount of customer size obese people need to stay healthy. >> housework and walking around. do you consider yourself a nice person? no, you are not. researchers found 98% of people who think they are big oh rays of sunshine. when asked if they perform basic acts of human decency like giving blood or helping and old lady across the street, a large percentage of them said no. do we think we are nicer than we are? michael, you are a sweetheart lamp of god. >> there is someone at this network named andrew tells everyone what they got wrong and what they missed.
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i have been told everything i said was insane. and i have had about enough of judge napolitano and his attitude and how he talks down to people. he's going to get a piece of my mind. kennedy: you are genuinely a nice person. do you consider yourself -- obviously kirsten just turned to hijack this. >> ego. >> i consider myself to be a work in progress. the moment you say i'm a nice person proves you are not a nice person. like i am so humble. though humility is one of my best attributes. but the funny thing is -- kindness is kindness when you are nice to people and they are nice to you. that's not actual kindness.
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it's when you are kind to people who aren't nice to you. >> i think people aren't as nice as they think. i think it' basically true for people except me. i violate all the rules. they say dealing with rude people can make you less nice. kennedy: i'm sorry to cut you off. >> unbelievable. kennedy: coming up, cheech marin will be here to talk about turning back the clock on the drug war.
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comeech marin rose to fame in the 1980s. son of a couples not only a comedian and actor, for many he's a leader in the recreational use of marijuana legalization. marijuana was central to your themes in the 70s and 80s. and it was a vastly different time. now we are seeing recreational marijuana legalized in certain states. are you surprised the transformation, it has taken? cheech: not at all. i said that's what was going to happen all along. we characterized ourselves as middle-of-the-road dopers. kennedy: did you get political pushback from drug warriors, especially during the reagan era?
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just say no? cheech: we just said yo. kennedy: you may single handedly be responsible for bringing legal marijuana to california. i just finished watching o.j. maid in america. it took a harsh look at the l.a.p.d. how did you feel about that? > cheech: i saw the l.a.p.d. up close and personal every day. there are the cops that are edgy and the cops that are just doing their jobs. i saw both. so you don't call the cops one of the good guys are around, you call the cops when the bad guys are around. kennedy: they have their view of the world tainted by the bad they see in people every single day. cheech: what they put up with is
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surprising they don't go crazy sooner because it's every day. kennedy: our named after pork rind. cheech: crackling pork rinds. so when i came home from the hospital, i was a couple days old. my uncle looked in the crib and said he looks like a little cheechano. we were coming up for a name for our duo. we were part of an improv group. richard and tommy. chong and marin. i said cheech is my nickname. then we were always cheech and chong. kennedy: one thing that worried me about this administration is jeff sessions.
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he said good people don't smoke pot. cheech: he must not be a good people then. mr. peanut. he's backing off of that position now. kennedy: i are hope so. -- i hope so. cheech: he's smart. he doesn't want to go against 34 states. kennedy: thank you so much. it's so nice to see you and talk to you. i love the book. "cheech is not my real name." cheech: you can't get it until you buy four or five copies. kennedy: then you start to understand the layers. did you make the cover out of rolling papers? >> i hope so. that was my instructions. ed the people in the graphics department said you have to be able to see it across the airport.
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love that cheech. coming up. has the entire nhl been turned into dogs because of a curse from an evil ancient witch?
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this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month.
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get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent,
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heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. kennedy: you braved the ice and wind and made it to the summit of the show.
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this is the "topical storm." i am the ryan sea crest of fox business. topic number one. say what you want. the talthey make natural goalie. everybody knows they make the best goalies on earth. watch a russo in action at the net. that won't fake him out. watch this. watch the tech. get that, c rurks soe. maybe it rangers would be in better shape if henrik would start catching pucks with his pretty swede i mouth. i admit it, i do weird stuff at the gym. and not just in the steam room.
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lord knows when it comes to gyms, i'm not one to judge. but this fella takes training to a new level as he practices shadow battling in the mirror. this so strange. that's table tennis, not ping-pong. maybe he's not a ping-pong player that all. maybe he's warming up his smacking muscles. topic number three. the famous old rild, how did the -- old riddle. how did the goat get to the hospital? today we'll answer that. he drove there in a car. look at this picture. posted on the canadian website. ottawa citizen. they had quite a few laughs over the thought of a goat driving himself to the hospital.
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but then one user, ryan sell he can, he left a comment stating that goat is his. and chancy is his name. look how close they are. that's ryan hugging him. and they are sharing a spaghetti dinner together. this is them transferring an evil spirit into ch around, ncey into a man who was trying to decapitate him. i will bite you goat. greatest all times. topic number 4. sometimes it's good to take the path less traveled and go against the grain, unless the grains going against you. no, no. no, there she is. it's like a fancy staircase
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treadmill going down. she skipped school the day they caught escalator 101. and she didn't bother to copy notes from her friends. just lie back and let all your decisions be made by someone else. life can knock stu upsidedown, then what would you do then? go up the case later on your head. that takes so much core strength and fearlessness of concussions. topic number five. last month we talked about how rapper rock star country musician kid rock's name was being bandsied about for a senate run in 2018 in michigan. he's selling his own line of american made grills.
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[♪] >> in your face, china. kennedy: in rock was so moved after shooting bash kiewts out of the sky. he announced he will be taking his target practice hobby on the road for his new tour. it's starting to catch on. here is his opening act. [♪] why didn't he shoot that poor sound tech. thank you for watching the show tonight. you can follow me and twitter and instagram. people
1:00 am tomorrow night throwf dobbs will have special coverage of president trump's rally in nashville from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. eastern. and i will be back here a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ there are artists we'll always remember... ♪ mona lisa, mona lisa ♪ men have named you there are beautiful songs, words and memories that will always touch our hearts... ♪ it's impossible ♪ to tell the sun to leave the sky ♪ ♪ it's just impossible this is the music of your life.


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