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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  March 16, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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department of justice statement speaks for itself when it comes to that last night. the, the federal law that i read out clearly gives the president the authority. this is what we argued during the first one. i think for a judge to ignore that statute and talk about tweet and or interpreting something that happened during the campaign trail is not in keeping with how they're supposed to interpret the law. i'm not going to continue to comment. we tailored that additional, that second executive order to comply with the judge's order. to go back, say, based on how the first order was conceived makes absolutely no sense. i will let the department of justice litigate that, how they do it. but the second order literally was tailored to the concerns that were rendered by the ninth circuit in the first executive order. so for them to then turn around and make arguments that are non-germane seems kind of odd. but i will let the department of justice do that sikh.
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reporter: one quick follow-up on the yesterday, is the president concerns comment made by his staff came up in the, in the lawsuit womanments by stephen miller that being second travel ban would have basically the same policy as the first. used by the judge in that case [inaudible] get that tro yesterday, is he concerned that the there is mixed messaging coming out of the west wing? >> no he's not. i think the department of justice will be pursuing avenues that will seek to remedy this. i think when you read through the, the court's ruling in hawaii in particular it just doesn't seem to make sense. as i mentioned to gabby. the executive or, the second executive ordered was tailoreds, statements made well before the first one seems not to be an
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accurate reading of the law, i let the department of justice, you know be the ones that argue this and make the appropriate legal argument. hunter. olivia, sorry. report: long list of news reports you mentioned accusation that gchq was involved. did the president ever raise this with conversation with theresa may? if that were to pan out would that imperil the special relationship between -- >> these are just, that happened i think two days ago. something reported on air, no, no it has not been raised. we're not, i'm just, awl we're doing is literally reading off what other stations and people have reported. i think that casts a concern of some of the activities that may have occurred during the '16 election. we're not casting judgment on that the idea is to say if these organizations and individuals came to these conclusions they merit looking into.
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olivier. >> sean a couple. news report about the president's meeting with the sad did i defense minister/crown prince. says the defense minister told the president about a terrorist plot against the united states. did that happen? what is the nature of that? how worried should americans be? >> we'll obviously never comment on any specific threats to the homeland. we're committed to insuring safety of every american. we share intelligence amongst a variety of countries. we would never could not meant on potential threat or not that existed but we appreciate several countries we work with closely, to insure we do what we >> one more.cthe homeland. secretary tillerson, 20 years of diplomatic efforts failed to get north korea to denuclearize. that is plainly through but i guess the yes that comes up, does the president plan a break from diplomacy all together?
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are we looking only use of force or some other coercive measures? >> i'm not going to comment. the president never takes anything off the table. that is something he has been very clear about. and, blake? reporter: over the course of the campaign the president made a couple different, many comment about the budget and the deficit. at one point he said he thought he could get rid of the national debt over the course of eight years. at another point he said he would insist on a balanced budget relatively soon. now the baseline that the administration is giving us, well at least we're not adding on to the deficit which is nearly half a trillion dollars. i'm curious how we got from that point to now where he was talking at one point eliminating a bunch. now it is adding on? >> i think director mulvaney addressed that. look, a couple things, the senate dragged its feet getting director mulvaney confirmed and in office. we were behind the curve having a director of omb.
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we got in here. i think we produced a blueprint consistent with the president's principles and priorities but he already made it very clear we'll have a budget probably some time in may will outline more specifics of revenue piece, entitlement piece and full details of all this. but that's eliminating a $20 trillion debt and tacklings the current deficit something will take a little time and something president committed to producing and we talked exclusively about president's commitment to protect taxpayer dollars. this budget and a lot of action the president took on other projects including the f-18, next generation of air force one, show that the president's committed on very, very personal basis to getting involved in programs and and policies to reduce the deficit and respect taxpayer money. so this is step one. it's a down payment on that goal. reporter: as for future cut
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anyone can tell you you have to get to entitlements. >> i understand. reporter: is that on the table potentially, yes or no? >> director mulvaney put it he was chosen for this job because of his commitment to fiscal austerity and respect of taxpayer dollars and budgeting skills. i think that we've got to get past today. let us get down to that and we'll have more for you. this budget is huge down payment on president's goal showing his commitment to fiscal responsibility and respecting taxpayer. eamon? reporter: a lot of americans are putting together their tax returns. when the president put together his tax return will he release it publicly? he is not under audit? >> st. patrick's day is tomorrow. what i'm more focused on. >> presumably his 2016 returns are not under audit yet. >> we'll cross that bridge. the president has been very clear about his position on his tax returns. and we'll have to see where it goes from there. the president has been very clear and campaign he is under
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routine audit. john. reporter: thank you, sean. reading the draft of the budget and listening to director mulvaney's comments yesterday and day, it would appear the national endowment for the arts would be phased out entirely in two years. can you name any other government programs or even cabinet departments such as housing and urban development and education, in which its entire function may be phased out or he reduced to another agency in government or even the state? >> john, who is here from omb is appropriate person to ask. i know they have done several briefings on the budget. we could have omb definitely get back to you on this, if you can, if you can contact him after this.
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wiretapping. few minutes ago it was communications swept up. can you definitely say he feels like barack obama wiretapped trump tower or was broadly surveiled, which is it? >> he was very clear about this last night. he talked about as you said. he was. he meant it. put it in quotes. it was very broad. so that is what he meant by theg or -- >> it was surveilance. we covered this 10 times. reporter: no specific answer what it was. >> i understand that but that is the point of them looking into this, caitlyn. i think the idea is to look into this. have this house and senate intelligence committees look into this and report back. reporter: follow up on that. ifll this comes out and there is no proof that president obama had any role in any wiretapping there was no wiretapping will president trump offer apology? >> three times this weekend.
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the answer we're not going to prejudge where the outcome of this is. we have to let the process works it will. when there is report comes out conclusive from there we'll be able to comment, but to jump ahead of process would be appropriate. brian crabtree, salem radio in georgia. reporter: sean, thank you for taking questions from a talk radio show host in georgia and -- [inaudible]. i have two questions. president's tax returns and classified information. president trump campaigned on draining the swamp. the american people then want to know why the -- [inaudible] and commissioner koskinen has not yet been fired by the trump administration? my second question is regard, there are many conservatives are really concerned that all time speaker of the house is leading president trump down a very -- path on health care. how do you react to that? >> on the first one there is no
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personnel updates with respect, with the exception of ones i mentioned today. on the second, donald trump is not one to be led down a path by anyone. i think he talked today at the lunch with the taoiseach and speaker ryan and working hand-in-glove with the speaker. he talked about it last night. this is a commitment that he has to enacting health care. this is a process that he is committed to, wants to see through because of a goal that he wants to achieve ich is making a more patient-centric health care system that lowers the costs and increases the options but he doesn't get led down any paths. he leads very clearly. if you listen to speaker ryan today he's in agreement there has been a strong partnership between the house and the administration and i think the senate so far to make sure that we get this bill done. that is what our goal is going to be. and that's, i would argue we have done a pretty good job getting that done. jonathan?
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reporter: [inaudible]. cut the national institutes of health budget by 19%. it is very important part of the government funding medical research. >> yeah. reporter: budget director mulvaney yesterday acknowledged that the private sector can't fill that gap when there are rare diseases, we need a really robust government presence. invited patient to congress talk about medical innovation and new cures. how do you square those things cutting nih by 19% of the many many conservatives want to increase budget? >> director mulvaney someone asked him during the q&a period -- reporter: my outtake listening to him yesterday it wouldn't be cut. >> assumption in washington, jonathan, if you get less money it's a cut. reality there is efficiencies, duplicity, ways to spend money bert f you're wasting a lot of
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money, that is not a true dollar spent. i think when you look at the way that director mulvaney and president approach this budget. it was, can we ask, can we get more with the same dollars? can we find duplicity, can we fine efficiencies? can we combine facilityies in some cases at nih to enhance a better experience whereby we have an outcome reduced savings. but to assume because you spend a ton of dollars you will get a better outcome, with all due respect look at district of columbia. they spend by far more per capita than any other city in the country on education. and i think they have, you know, tremendous issues that are constantly being dealt with in their education system. to assume because you throw money at a problem it somehow is magically solved is washington way of looking at a budget problem. reporter: i think -- >> i understand that. part. issue we're working as director
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outlined during the past process work with them and talk to each agencies and departments how to walk through their budget in a way insures they continue to do the core functions if they want, finding ways to reduce waste, get enhanced efficiencies and get rid of duplicity but that is very washington way of looking at a problem when you say, let's just look how much we spend as a measure of how much we care or how much we're going to get done. i think that the president has been very clear what his priorities on this budget are, and outcomes we expect from every dollar that we spend. so for being in office for 55 days, or 50 some odd days whatever it has been we had unique ability to go forward so far and make a very strong commitment to enhancing our national security, to protect the country and keep america safe and our citizens safe while at the same time making re we don't did for people to work harder, spend more to washington, send more to washington that gets ultimately wasted. i don't see how that is showing
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respect to the american people or american taxpayer especially so many people are working two, sometimes he three jobs, or both parent are working just to get by, pay the mortgage. we're saying don't worry, keep sending more money to washington and we'll not take the time. there should be review of all agencies. director mulvaney pointing out how many unauthorized agencies and departments and programs we have throughout the government. if we do that, at some point there should be a debate whether or not these agencies and programs are achieving their mission. and if they are, then great, fund them. but if they're not, we shouldn't be asking hard-working american taxpayers to send more money to washington and doesn't further those goals. thank you, guys. take care. reporter: put to rest, sean? melissa: see ya. i'm out of here. i'm done. david day
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melissa: mick mull vape any drilled down on the -- mick mulvaney. he said, those programs are not going away. we're saying they're not being fued in th specific way. talkedbout duplicity and duplication, both of those things toughout the whole government and how fund are al advocated. said again and again, my favorite quote. we consider that a waste of your money. david: no apologies whatsoever. they kept trying to get squeeze on him. what about poor people here? when money is wasted, money is wasted. that is not good for anybody. melissa: we were obviously riveted of i'm melissa francis. david: i'm david asman. this is "after the bell." we have diana furchtgott-roth
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and former advisor to president george w. bush and ronald reagan. steve bell, bipolicy center senior advisor and budget policy staff. die anya, everybody in the media, this is donald trump's what they call skinny budget. that is phrase i hadn't her, the president's first year he comes out with a budget nobody expects will pass. but won't this at least have a an effect what does pass? won't this kind of move the momentum towards where the president wants to go defunding some of what washington is doing? >> i think it will, yes. and, i think that he is fulfilling president trump's what he said he would do during his campaign. so i don't think anyone should be surprised. he said he would cut government waste. i can assure you know one between the east coast and california cares at all about
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this. they probably say that they're tired of seeing their money go to washington and washington it. plus i think it is not right that if a function is taken off the budget like corporation for public broadcasting, then it won't exist. look, we have so many hundreds of thousands of even of radio and tv stations why do we need one funded by the government? david: not to mention, steve, the fact you listen to pbs. i listen to npr in the morning i think they make cnn look like a pro-trump organization. they are about as far to the left as anything can get. that's my taxpayer money, and a lot of other people may not agree with them have to pay for that. there is that as well. is there not? >> even if it were further to the right, even if they were far to the right there isn't a reason for the government to be funding them. david: steve, go ahead. >> that is a good point. what we wanted originally from the public broadcasting corporation was diversity of thought. remember we only had he three
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channels and three major networks. it brought a diversity of thought. whether it should exist i think congress will continue itit still does things other institutions won't do. what i think mulvaney made very clear was this. yes, we don't want to eliminate programs. we want to eliminate waste. there is a fundamental difference between eliminating programs and eliminating waste. david: right. >> so far, and i want to be careful here because we only have a skinny budget, we don't have the economic forecast yet. we don't have what he may do to entitlements. we should wait before we draw final judgment. right now, based upon what we know, i am disappointed he did not take on the large entitlements which are driving the debt and deficit. that would be -- david: that is the question we mentioned. we'll see if that happens
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eventually. but for now, diana, steve, thank you for your analysis and hanging with us. ashley: we'll be right back with more. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision,
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david: as you just saw white house press secretary sean spicer he getting grilled during the white house press briefing. blake burman asked a question. the that was hottest i have ever seen. have you seen a hotter one? reporter: started off hot. you he knew it was going to be because of the whole trump tower wiretapping story. you knew he would have to get into it and he did get into it with jonathan karl, jim acosta, cnn and others. story of the day. but also, the budget, david. that was focus for trump administration as they unveiled this skinny budget.
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almost every agency and every department here in washington, d.c. would have proposed cuts. epa leads a 31% cut if the administration gets its way behind them. labor department, agriculture departments all in the 20% range as well. the administration says this is budget proposal reflects president's priorities. because of that the department of defense leading the way with 10% increase. only two other agencies to have increases, department of homeland security, veterans affairs, 6% range as he well. before sean spicer got to the podium it was mick mulvaney said this basically reflects the president's priorities. listen. >> this is the message the president wanted to send to the public, press, to capitol hill. he wants more money for defense. more money for border enforcement. more money for law enforcement generally. more money for vets and school choice and to offset the money
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with savings elsewhere. reporter: mulvaney saying they will continue on the $488 billion deficit from fiscal '17 into '18. this is not a balanced budget. when i got up to the podium, i said will entitlements be touched, david and melissa, they are nowilling to go there. melissa: but you asked. david: good for you. appreciate it. melissa: preventing the president from keeping americans safe. how the judicial halt on the president's immigration order could impact national security next. ambassador john bolton responds. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select
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melissa: breaking news just moments ago. the white house announcing its plans to legally change the hold on president's travel ban. here is jordan sekulow, american center for law and justice executive director. thanks for joining us. when you look at the language
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the judge used here on the travel ban, talking about contemporaneous public statements how he is judging the president's intent with this in order to discriminate based on religion. does that make sense to you? is that part of the law? >> it should not be. this is analysis that goes way outside of the mainstream of judicial philosophies, both liberal and conservative. you have clearly here text of an executive order. an executive order that hasn't gone into effect yet. that is a facial challenge to the text. you don't then go look to comment made during a campaign. there is debate even amongst jurists looking at legislative history around legislative debate. that is far history from what you say in the heat of the moment on the campaign trail. that is not what happened here. melissa: i don't want to rush you, we have only minute left. it happened twice with this. what do you think will happen going forward? >> i think for the trump team, this is much more solid executive order. get it to the supreme court.
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the ninth circuit will not be your friend. the fourth circuit, that is up in the air, depends on the panel it comes together there. get this on its way to the united states supreme court like president trump said. i think ultimately, you're going to succeed there, this is a constitutional executive order -- melissa: even with the court the way it is with the justices there right now? >> yeah, even with the four-four split. it is not perfect okay obviously with tie send it back to the lower court. justice kennedy could remove the temporary reap straining order. probably broader than that. it would go to the full court to eight justice would weigh in. even the liberal members they're not quite as liberal as some of these newly appointed circuit court judges. these were both obama appointees. melissa: i apologize. we don't have as much time as we wanted because of breaking news. david: what a subject that is. go back to the president's new budget proposal.
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office of management budget director mick mulvaney speaking about spending cuts in foreign policy in the 18 budge budget saying the following. >> we're reducing funding to the u.n. and foreign aid programs and run by u.n. and other agencies. that should come as no surprise to anyone that watched campaign. the president said hundreds of times, you covered him, i will spend less money on people overseas and more money on people at home. that is what we're doing with this budget. vid: a surprise to the former u.n. ambassador to the united nations anjohn bolton heoins us to weigh in. i have to ask but the u.n. going to mick mulvaney rationale for what president is doing, how do we convince hard-working americans whether they're in detroit or alabama or new york or wherever, that it's worth spending money at the united nations which you know very well, when for all the decades of billions of dollars that
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we've spent on the u.n., they hate us, they really literally hate us at the united nations? that doesn't seem to be doing any good? >> right. look i think massive budget cuts in a number of u.n. programs are entirely correct. i think withdrawing from a number of u.n. agencies also makes sense. i'd like to see this in the context of a much more important reform, to move the united states to making all of its contributions to the u.n. system completely voluntary, not through, what is called the assessed mechanism where we automatically pay 22% of the budget of the agency in question. i think this will be an important step here. david: but i used to hear you when you were u.n. ambassador, i would go to lunches and dinners where you would be speaking you were absolutely clear how horribly the united states was being treated at the united nations despite the fact that reason we spend billions in the united nations is to improve our image in the world. and it is failing miserably to do that.
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when something fails, you change policy, right? >> right. and i think the only thing that really gets attention for the united states at the u.n. is one we're about to pull our money out. so i think this is a real, a real opportunity. people will say we're going to lose our vote in the general assembly, our vet in the general assembly doesn't make any difference anyway. i would pull it out of multilateral development banks part of 150 account. if we cut foreign assistance and foreign spending i would preserve as much of bilateral program as we could and cut the multilateral program severely. david: it is getting back to the roots, the root of the state department, it is diplomacy, not getting involved in climate change and things that may not be properly placed in the state department if anywhere in the federal budget. >> well, there is a lot of that certainly in the u.n. and in the multilateral development banks and aid. and i'm alumnus of aid.
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david: agency for international development. >> exactly. i once said if you lost 10 stories at u.n. building in new york it wouldn't make any difference. i was castigated for that. there is no government bureaucracy on earth or no international organization bureaucracy that can not be cut. david: let's move on. you have a particular interest in this. we're getting a lot of heat in the press briefing with sean spicer getting grilled whether or not there was evidence to support the president's claims of surveillance when he was running for president. the senate intel committee saying they found no evidence. let's play a sound bite. >> we talked about wiretapping. he meant surveillance. there have been incidents have occurred. devin nunes couldn't stay it more beautifully you choose not to cover that part. you chose not to cover when come tom cotton went out, richard burr and chairman went out i understand that jonathan. where was your passion and yr concern when they all said there was no connection to russia? where was it then? david: ambassador bolton, there
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are a lot of back channel ways a government can gather information. one of those was suggested by our own judge andrew napolitano right here earlier in the week who said that he heard from three intel sources that the united states could have made some arrangement with the british intelligence services to get information about donald trump or the trump campaign and any connections they may have had with russia. could there have been a back channel like like that. >> it is possible but i remember reading during the campaign in the "new york times" and elsewhere stories about investigations of trump associates for their connections with russia. maybe there's something there. maybe there's something not but people were looking at that issue or else it was just fix that they were publishing in the newspapers. did trump say it precisely the right way in the famous tweet? i guess not but were there efforts by law enforcement and others to find out things? it looks like there were. we'll hear from fbi director comey on that shortly.
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we'll see what he has to say. david: we sure will. ambassador john bolton. thank you for being hire. we appreciate it. >> thank you, david. melissa: we'll be right back. as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment fore? so i asked my doctor. anhe recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. both made me turn around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve
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david: president trump throwing his support behind paul ryan's phased-in replacement of obamacare last night. >> the house has put forward a plan to repeal and replace obamacare based on the principles i outlined in my joint address. we'll arbitrate and get together and get something don't.
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we're doing it a different way, complex way, it's fine of the end result when you have phase one, phase two, phase three, it is going to be great. david: so what happens to the freedom caucus objections to the ryan plan now? joining us is a member of the congressional freedom caucus, congressman brian babin from texas. congressman, thanks so much for being here. the president throwing his support behind the ryan three-phased program behind obamacare,eplacing it. are you willing to fight the president on this? >> great to be with you, david. i think the key word in his announcement was arbitration because i think this is still a work in progress. and we're getting word that we are going to be able to get a few changes in this thing. i'm trying to get to yes on it. i'm optimistic. you know, i'm a health care practitioner myself. david: right. >> i campaigned to get rid of obamacare which is an utter disaster, costing people their jobs and, you know, it just has
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to be a repeal. we have to do that. david: what would the president have to give to you guys in order for you to sign on to it? >> let me just say personally, there are a few things. the conversation has been, i think, in the discussions, how many people are we covering on our new, on our new program rather than bringing premiums down. i have five kids. i have a lot of constituents. i think we need to start remembering those families out there, working class families with children who are paying astronomical premiums the size of home mortgages, and pricing themselves out of the market, are having deductions that are astronomical as well. so they can't use, they can't use the policies. david: let me force you if i could, congressman, to make a decision on at least one item the freedom caucus has been
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specific b could you accept the fact that selling insurance across state lines would have to wait until phase one andhase o come in? >> you knowhat? l i can tell you is that if we can, if we could, excuse me, purchase insurance across state lines it will help bring that price down. david: i understood. could you wait? >> well you know, i'm going to wait and see. like i said i'm very optimistic, david. we're going to wait and see what can be added to this bill to sweeten up the pot. it is going to have to be a meeting of the minds. again the key word the president used was arbitrate. david: i this you're right. >> he is deal-maker. so i'm optimistic we'll get to a deal and we're going to be able to send the senate something that will be good for the american people. david: that's a hopeful sign. thank you very much. congressman babin. great to see you. thank you very much for coming in. >> thank you very much, david. david: president trump's taxes didn't contain any block bus per
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information but charlie gasparino but msnbc ace big reveal could have created problems for the cable channel in court. he will join us next. america's beverage companies have come together to bring you more ways to help reduce calories from sugar. with more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all, smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and signs reminding everyone to think balance before choosing their beverages. we know you care about reducing the sugar in your family's diet, and we're working to support your efforts. more beverage choices. smaller portions. less sugar.
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melissa: msnbc's rachel maddow and pulitzer prize winner david johnston released two pages, two pages of president trump as 2005 tax returns on tuesday night. now we're hearing that trump's personal attorney is looking into any laws that might have been broken. fox news senior correspondent charlie gasparino has the exclusive details. >> by the way i watched that broadcast. melissa: i did too. it was really funny. >> 45 minutes i will never get back in my life. sorry to say that. melissa: that is true. 18-mine windup that went to break, i couldn't even -- >> full disclosure. i love rachel. i know her. david k. johnston is a good reporter. let's get to the story. sources are telling the fox business network, sources close
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to president trump that his private legal team is weighing some sort of a legal case against msnbc and johnston over the publicatof those 2005 tax returns. they're looking at from what i understand, violations of federal privacy law. when johnston put the tax returns, it was two pages, i think 1040s, didn't show much but how much money he paid except for how much money he made which is a lot, taxes he paid which is a lot. i understand he is incensed. it was private information. it was given to them illegally. what i hear they're weighing some sort of a lawsuit. should point out that johnston is a former "new york times" reporter, expert attacks law. won a pulitzer prize for tax reporting. he published these tax returns on something called dc that is his website. he is private journalist.
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rachel maddow has fairly popular, particularly on the left, television news program on msnbc. i will say this, guys, legal experts say if trump wants to bo this route it will be a very difficult road to go. you just have to look at court precedent, precedent, including the 1971-72 pentagon papers case, and you will know courts have been, unless you're a journalist where you somehow stole the information or were part of stealing the information, david k. johnston who received this said he got it anonymously, this is a very difficult road. from what i understand trump is serious, his lawyers led by a guy named michael cohen. they're pretty serious. what they're looking at about this, and i guess they are worried about a constant leak of these documents. "new york times" published his
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state tax returns in 1919. -- 1999. the left used that to say he is hiding stuff. i will say this, in these documents, there was no evidence of hiding but i will say this, full reporting on this done by my producer brian schwartz and myself on right now so you can get the whole sordid controversy which is now starting to pick up some steam. we're getting pickup on this story. melissa: charlie gasparino, thank you. >> thank you, guys. david: we have some breaking news. somali pirates that hijacked an oil tanker near the coast somalia on monday, released tanker and those on board from their control. this coming after families of the eight sri lanka crew members on board pleaded for their release. pirates demanded ransom. the hijacking was first seizure of large commercial vessel by somalia since 2012.
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melissa: president trump is looking to drain the swamp. we'll look at wasteful -- that is my favorite slim. david: we paid for that. melissa: yeah. dearthere's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced. our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say...if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia wheyou wantve somto protect it.e, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along wityou inand your family. a living trust legalzoom. legal help is here.
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remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ melissa: waste not want not. president trump's budget cuts aimed at shrinking massive increases in the agency spending of bloated obama government. joining me now to break it all down, the president of citizens against government waste tom schatz. tom, you know one of the great stats out there, they're talking about the cuts to agriculture. if you bother r birth to go back look how much president obama expanded government. all donald trump did was wipe out the expansion they were back where they started but not actually down in any sense. what do you think about that?
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do a lot of cuts follow the pattern? >> a lot of these proposals were around many years. they were in president bush's budget. some cases both president bushes. a lot goes back to 2008 levels of spending which seemed perfectly fiber-optic at time. there is explosion of spending under president obama. and everybody is getting hysterical that some of these programs are under the gun. they need to be because they are wasteful and wasteful for many years. melissa: they were unapologetic at press conference. mick mulvaney they're saying cutting community development brock grants and things like meals on wheels is going away. meals on wheels is not federal program. it is funded by someone else. this is additive money. at the same time your group found within that group, for example there is tons of waste within the community development block grants in los angeles they handed out $24 million to a dairy that immediately went bust over a year.
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>> it is not targeted. even in this case president obama said the outcomes are not measured well. the money is being wasted. he didn't say get rid of the whole thing. he said cut it back. this is time, right time to start getting rid of these programs. republicans had them in their budget proposals many years. they have control of house, senate around white house. time to get rid of this stuff. melissa: do you think it really goes away? i feel like every year we see a report about the shrimp on the treadmill and all the waste. there is the shrimp. president trump is somebody who would never ever put up with that in his own business. when you heard from the omb director he seemed to have the same no none since attitude. hehehe said, i almost started to weep, he said we view this as waste of taxpayer money. do you feel like this is time we start cutting some of this ridiculousness? >> it is not a shrimppy budget but not a thin budget. appalachian regional commission. $95 million.
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national endowment for the arts and humanities, 355 million. economic development commission, president reagan tried to get rid of. $221 million. essential air service. $125 million. few examples of dozens and dozens of programs in citizens against government waste and congressional "pig book." i know it is time to get get rid of it. melissa: it doesn't make a difference, until you go after entitlements. it is small by comparison. it is all a waste. thanks for bringing to lht. we appreciate whatou d tom scha. >> thank you. david: as you pointed out if not now when? melissa: when. can't take it. david: waiting for a punch line that never came. charlie gasparino was talking about this. late night is treating rachel maddow's reveal of the president's tax return in a whole new light. we'll tell you how it changed we'll tell you how it changed after this break. the middle of the night,
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. >> i hold in my hand something very significant. it is a joke. a joke that we have confirmed has been heard by donald trump. >> why did the chicken cross the road? okay, what are roads? why do we need them? and where is the road-crossing chicken going? mar-a-lago? is it going to russia to be chicken kiev. it ought to give you pause after all of this buildup, i haven't gotten to the punch line. so without further ado, why did the chicken cross the road? the answer right after this break. [laughter] . >> that was good! i hadn't seen that. >> that was hilarious. >> kind ofe melissa
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mccarthy pretending to be sean sper. this is reverse, they're going after the media. that was pretty good. >> that's pretty much what it was like. they're like great producing because you waited through the break. no, no, we're all really bitter. >> thank goodness it's over. >> thank goodness it's over. "risk & reward" starts now. >> my contract with the american voter begins with a plan to end government corruption and to take back our country, and to take it back swiftly from the special interests who i know so well. i want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear the words we all are about to say. when we win tomorrow, we are going to drain the swamp. liz: the push is now on for the president to drain the swamp, but now top democrats, even republicans are gearing up to fight them and fight him hard.


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