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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  March 19, 2017 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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>> they are the good news. but the bad news is in there and state capitols everywhere they keep adding more red tape. they should stop, butit. >> had to create real stress. >> thanks for joining us. >> the battle over the budget the white house proposes cut after cut, democrats are hoping to get the fear to sit in. >> this budget whiteout $3 million for the meals on wheels program. >> billions of dollars acting america's investment of jobs, innovation, clean energy and life-saving medical research. >> if you screw this up which this budget will do, you will raise the cost of food substantially. >> this is a slap in the face of the future.
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dagen: these scare tactics will scare taxpayers. i am dagen: mcdowell, this is bolton bears. the bulls and bears this week, gary smith, john layfield, here with everybody. >> scare tactics getting in the way, especially when it comes to spending. and you can reform entitlements, slow the growth of government spending, just the growth rate in government spending below growth in the private sector, on our way to balancing the budget so we got to get beyond these scare tactics and stop talking like the sky is falling. dagen: what do you think of these scare tactics? democrats full of you fill in the blank? >> i tell you what. i admire the democrats, they have always had a very strong
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brand. part of their brand is wheeling out the people that are going to be deprived of money or trotting out firefighters who are defunded. it is a great strategy, it has worked for years and years. regardless what you think about cutting some of the funding like meals on wheels which is a great cause but of that is only a fraction of the total meals on wheels budget most of which comes from donations and private citizens. the point is we are out of money. in a few years alone just the interest payments on the debt will be over $1 trillion. people say how can you cut? it is like any other family. we can't afford these programs any longer. we will have interest payments alone, by 2030, the biggest part of the budget expenditure, and it is the overall thing to do,
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hard -- whatever demrats trot out, it needs to be because we can't fund all these programs. dagen: a lot of republicans don't like what they see in this budget either. they don't like it when the money gets taken away from them. >> exactly. that is why we have such a bloated government and bloated deficit. when interest rates go up, we are servicing something like $1 trillion in debt, whatever is projected to happen think about spending $1 trillion on education, total waste of money by reckless politicians since andrew jackson, last time we didn't have a deficit. the problem right now, you have mandatory spending, you take out 100% of discretionary spending other than defense you still have a deficit right now so you are cutting pennies when we need to deal with dollars. the problems we have right now are entitlements, go after discretionary spending may look
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good but doesn't accomplish much of anything. dagen: why aren't democrats afraid when our defense spending fell to 3% of our economy under president obama from 5% in 2010? that is our national defense and security but this doesn't bother them but cutting public broadcasting does. >> it is more than public broadcasting. we were spending eight times than any country on our defense funding. i am someone from the left side who think there are places we can cut. there is extra fat in every department. donald trump did not put out a budget that touched defense, homeland security, printable issues. i do understand that but that doesn't mean he isn't taking away from key programs. not just meals on wheels, we can stand around and say what about seniors, community block grants, and international affairs budget is getting marcoubio upset, a lot of gop hawks as well.
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when you have republicans and democrats saying this is dead on arrival you better listen. dagen: the program since the mid-70s, $150 billion on it, and targeted communities. if you don't start cutting somewhere you will never cut. >> since lyndon johnson, bottom line is we are getting the minutia of things, not a lot of cuts because the budget is the same budget spending in total amounts as under obama. the fact is even this little a cut is amazing because of the heat from both sides. republicans using scare tactics, the defense budget one of the few parts that doesn't -- isn't going up enough to humor some people who think we are not safe either so with all this pressure from both sides we are going to see final budget that isn't going to be a reduction from last year at spending at all, it
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will be an increase again because it the end of the day we are never going to see discretionary spending going lower than it is now. it is not that high relative to historical levels. we have to direct the problem towards lack of revenue to cover these programs and entitlement spending. look at the heat over a small change in the grand scheme of discretionary spending. dagen: people on the left and liberals lost their minds this week because the national endowment of the arts and national endowment of the humanities were eliminated. maybe we don't funds -- nobody could afford to go see in the first place. >> why is there never a national endowment for athletics or sports? just wondered about that. should that be a place of their? the point is any time you make a cut in this budget this is more a problem with what goes on in dc someone is going to scream and yell. you have what should have been a
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unanimous cheer from the right saying we are finally cutting the budget, getting back to reagan's principles, everyone, as jessica pointed out to rubio, everyone on the right if it affected their backyard they were having a fit because the currency in dc's power and it is money. you can't cut from my budget that you got to cut from somebody else's but someone else's saying the same thing. we need to restructure government somehow so this doesn't become a power-play every year or four years. it is all academic until we start tackling entlementand trump and everyone else is so far away from that it is scary. dagen: i want to point out there trying to tackle the entitlement of medicaid. if you can prioritize and decide the role of the federal government, you might tackle the
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big picture problem. >> absolutely right. we can't accept the premise that if the federal government, that thing will cease to exist, entertainment and the arts and cultural programs and community programs should be left to the private sector and states should have a big role and that is the case with medicaid so states take back their authority and regulatory oversight. dagen: i will give the final word, in his first budget ronald reagan went after school lunch programs and arts funding and i don't think people remember him as darth vader. >> no they don't. anytime you cut billions of dollars you will hurt somebody. there is no other way around it. we talk about state and medicaid, 3 $70 billion out of medicaid for passing that to the states and states can't afford that. they are shoveling the deck chairs. they are capping it and passing
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the burden to the states. we are right now. >> if we stick the status quo way of thinking of things specially when it comes to healthcare programs from the government we can't continue on this path. dagen: we can look for the granny off the cliff ads. >> you won't have to wait long. dagen: neil cavuto 20 minutes from now, charles payne, what have you got? >> the fed hiking rates again and promising more hikes are coming. throwing cold water on president trump's plan to ease the economy. to cut federal funds in sanctuary cities. we find out the us has 500 of them. time to make good on that threat. we will debate it at the bottom of the hour. dagen: we can't wait. forget president trump's leaked
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north. now back to pools and bears. dagen: immediate frenzy over president trump's leaked tax returns, hard-working americans want to know what lies ahead. >> hard-working americans have to show up to work. get a lot of stuff done if you show up to work and choose to work. the house will work eight days, the senate will work ten. they take five weeks off starting in august. of these bozos would quit arguing over stupid stuff and get something done, nothing big has been done by this congress in the last eight years since obamacare past, corporate tax reform on the table needs to be on the president's desk, the market is up right now, that is what american this are expecting, to for the first time do something a go to work.
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dagen: a new fox news poll shows americans are more interested in creating jobs and getting their taxes cut than in repealing and replacing obamacare. >> the fact is, the affordable care act, 20 tax increases in that law or the employer mandate that affects the labor markets on supply and demand, healthcare is an economic issue in addition to being a personal issue for millions of americans. i hope people consider those things because a lot of health insurance problems in this country have to do with the tax advantage for employer-sponsored interest plans, not an effective way to talk about healthcare but related to taxes. dagen: if republicans had cut people taxes and rolled back to the beginning of the year they could have done anything because you get to keep more money, everybody is happy. >> there is just overwhelming evidence, just reading current
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study out of jazz, the same darn thing every time i read one of these, lowering marginal rates, positively impacts gdp and cuts unemployment. study after study after study. show me one academic study that shows the opposite, raising marginal rates, and people think out there even anecdotally that giving our money to the government to spend the bloated and efficient government, would be better than keeping ourselves, why should a politician in dc be the steward of our money when we know it is wasted. we have academic studies, anecdotal studies, common sense to get this country running, that is what congress and trump should be focusing on. dagen: the american people don't care about trump's tax return this. he got elected to the presidency
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and they haven't seen them. >> they wouldn't have elected him, most americans don't care billionaires pay lower tax rate than they do or obama would have fixed that when he had more power and the bottom line is they care about other issues but i will say i don't think tax reform is the number one issue or even the number 2 issue, there are border issues and obamacare and tax cut is not a tax cut for most people, it is a serious tax-cut for a lot of people and doing that is important to voters and tax reform has to come after other issues, trump is not going to push it aside, he got elected on the mend focus on tax reform. dagen: president trump ran on a specific taxcutting and tax reform plan. >> he absolutely did and the economy needs it right now. it will grow at less than 1% in the first quarter according to
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the atlantic that. >> i don't think donald trump has a chance of getting reelected unless the economy performs, that is what elections are won and lost on but if he can perform he is on his way to a eight years in office and i wish him great success. i don't think the plans he laid out independent assessment are going to work out that well for the average american, they will work out for people with a lot of money but getting the economy going, it is a top priority. i would like to add there's recent polling americans care about donald trump's tax returns, 61% got as high as 74%. i was not a huge fan of what happened on rachel maddow's show this week, i would say americans do care about this issue. arthel: if they didn't care they wouldn't have voted him as president of the united states. give you the final word on this. all politicians are worried about getting reelected. to the republicans know they run the risk of being defeated
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unless they push through the tax cuts? >> i don't think they do. they are going to their base. if they would go ahead and pass tax reform and get the economy rolling they will have the political capital not only to be reelected but get other stuff done. if they do it backwards and get caught in repealing obamacare it will be a long role for them. dagen: cashing in over an hour from now, what do you have coming up? >> going bad, all the media hype, the tax return put it to rest and new call to boycott rapper snoop dogg after his new video shows this. why this may cost the wrapper dearly. dagen: we will be watching. planning your next get away? there is something in the
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this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh!
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