tv Kennedy FOX Business March 20, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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that will be an easy one, folks. since chinajoined -- that's another beauty -- the world trade organization in 2001, the united states has lost many more than 60,000 factories. we sacrificed our own middle class to finance the growth of foreign countries. but those days,ladies and yes of kentucky, are over. is that okay? those days are over. it's crazy. you know what that is? much more than 60,000 factories. it's like -- if you have a map, how do you put that's dots on the map? more than 60,000 track tries. -0
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factories. car companies, they are saying because of trump we are going to build in michigan, ohio and kentucky. they are saying it loud and true. from now on it's going to be america first. america first. [cheers and applause] we'll be, i promise you, a rich nation once again. and we'll do what we have to do, and we'll not allow other countries to take advantage of us like they have been doing to a level that's hard to believe. it's not going to happen anymore kentucky. remember that. okay? you just worry about your basketball team, i'll take care of the rest.
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but to be a rich nation, we must also be a safe nation. that is why i am following through on my promise to secure, protect and defend the borders of the united states. [cheers and applause] we'll build -- that's right -- a great, great border wall. and you know, it's already out to bid. tremendous numbers of bidders. what does that mean when you have a lot of bidders? it means we'll get it for the right price. believe me.
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and we'll stop the drugs that are pouring into our country and poisoning our youth and plenty others. to stop the drugs. a lot of them are coming in from the southern border. since the day of my election, we have already cut illegal immigration at the southern border by 61%. think of that. 61%, and we haven't started. and the courts are not making it easy, folks. they are not making it easy. [crowd boos] during the campaign as i traveled across this great country, i met with many american families whose loved
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ones were viciously killed by illegal immigrants. incredible. incredible. these amazing american lives were stolen because our government refused to enforce our already existing laws. these american victims and their families were ignored by the media. the media doesn't want to talk about them. they don't want to talk about it. they were ignored by the consultants, they were ignored by washington. but these americans were not ignored by me, they were not ignored by you, you showed that on november 8. they were not ignored by you and nell never be ignored by any of us -- and they will never be ignored by any of us.
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as we speak tonight, we are finding the drug dealers, robbers, thieves, gang members, presented towardsmembers -- pres preying on our citizens. one by one they are being tracked down and thrown the hell out of our country and we'll not let them back in. [cheers and applause] [crowd chants "usa!" ] we are also working to protect
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our citizens from terrorism. we have seen the devastation from 9/11 to boston to san bernardino and many, many other places. we have seen attacks overseas in france, in germany, in belgium. it's time for intelligence and common sense to be used. the single best way to protect -- and you have to do this -- you have to do this -- and to keep foreign terrorists from attack our country, is to keep these foreign terrorists from entering our country in if the first place. [cheers and applause]
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and we'll stop radical islamic terrorist. we are not going to let it happen. finally we want a very big tax cut. but cannot do that until we keep our promise to repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare. and we are going to be working very closely with our leader, mitch mcconnell, to get that job done. paul ryan, everybody, they will be working very hard. and congressman andy barr, jamie comer, wee i have to thank you for their support as we move
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towards the crucial house vote thursday. the 7th anniversary of obamacare's painful passage. this our long-awaited chance to finally get rid of obamacare. long awaited chance. we are going to do it. we are going to do it. what's the alternative in the alternative is what you have. what you have is nothing. the worst it's the big lie. remember this. so true i happen to like a lot senator rand paul. i do. [cheers and applause] i do. i like them. he's a good guy. and i look forward to working with him so we can get this bill passed in some form so that we can pass massive ta tax reform
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which we can't do until this happens. so we have to get there is done before we dock the other. we have to know what this is before we can do the big tax cuts. we have got to get it done for a lot of reasons. but that's one of them. and it's important to realize how we got to obamacare in the first place. back in 2009 and 2010, house and senate democrats forced through a 2,700 page healthcare bill that no one read and no one understood. by the way, today it's nowstles pages more. it's not even understandable. they ignored the public, they ignored the voters, and jammed a massive failed healthcare takeover right through congress.
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and this what we have. it's time for democrat leaders in washington to take responsibility for the disaster they and they alone created. [cheers and applause] remember when president obama said if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor? nobody brings that stuff up, do they? do they ever bring that up? matt, i don't think so. notice how they forget about that? or when the architect of obamacare said the law was passed because of the stupidity of the american voter. or bill clinton on the campaign trail -- he must have had a tough night when he went home that night -- called obama car it craziest thing in the world
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where people wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. bill clinton said that. the craziest anything world. der minnesota who said the affordable care act nois d -- ae care act is no longer affordable it's one broken promise after another. people have been kicked off their plans and their premiums increased by double and triple digits. arizona up 116%. insurance companies in a great state known as kentucky -- have you ever heard of it? are in tremendous trouble, will be fleeing and we are going to save it all. we are going to save it all. tremendous trouble it's a disaster.
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in fact, to counter my speech two weeks ago in congress -- did anybody see that speech? they used the former governor of kentucky. and the plan doesn't work in kentucky. but matt will save us. many of our best and brightest are leaving the medical profession because of obamacare. it has been a complete and total catastrophe and it's getting worse and worse by the day. yet you watch the fake media and fake news and they try to build it up. it's a disaster. it's a disaster. it would be great if they told the truth about obamacare, it would be so wonderful for the people of this country because it would just sail right
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through. our plan would sail right through. 1/3 of the counties in the united states now have only one obamacare insurer left. some have none. and in your state it's worse. in a recent interview your governor matt berks ven said obamacare was a disaster in kentucky, is that right? i'm quoting that so accurately. and it is. it's been an absolute disaster. half our counties only have a single provider right now it's a financial disaster waiting to happen right here in your own state. thursday is our chance to end obamacare and the obamacare catastrophe and begin delivering the refoarmds our people deserve.
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then we getted the tax cuts. and remember we are going to negotiate and it will go to the senate and back and forth. the end result will be wonderful and it will work great. once this is done, we are also going to work on bringing down the cost of medicine by having a fair and competitive bidding process. [cheers and applause] some people think that's just as important as healthcare. the cost of medicine in this country is outrageous. many times higher than in some countries in europe and elsewhere. why? same pill, same manufacturer, identical, and it's many times higher in the united states. you know why? campaign contributions, who knows. but somebody is getting very rich.
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we are going to bring it down and have a great competitive bidding process. medicine prices will be coming way down, and that's going to happen fast. we have got to add that to the bill. if we can't, we'll have it right after. we have some crazy, arcane laws, in case you haven't heard. if we empower the american people, we'll accomplish incredible things for our country not just on healthcare, but all across our government. the second amendment is very, very safe right now. i promise. i said we are going to save the second amendment. i promised you. we are going to save the second amendment.
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it's very, very safe. we would not be in good shape if a certain other person won this election. you would not be happy. and if they came to make a speech, 250 people would have showed up. a new spirit of optimism is sweeping across our land and a new national pride is swelling our hearts and stirring our souls. so true. just imagine what we could accomplish if we stand together as a united american people. our economy will be unleashed, and millions will be lifted from welfare to work. you are going to love it. they are going to love it. from welfare to work.
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our children will grow up in safe community, and they will be educated in schools that teach them to love our country and its values. our inner cities are find a rebirth of hope, safety, and opportunity. and, you know, your san francisco quarterback -- i'm sure nobody ever heard of him -- i'm just reporting the news -- there was an article today -- i love to report the news, then they say i made a mistake. the people reporting the news made a mistake if it's wrong -- but there was an article today reported that nfl owners don't want to pick him up because they don't want to get a nasty tweet from donald trump.
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do you believe that? [cheers and applause] i just saw that. if i remember that one, i'm going to report it to the people of kentucky. they like it when people actually stand for the american flag. right? [cheers and applause] our struggling industries are going to be revitalized. and our dying factories will come roaring back to life. it's already happening. and in our dealing with other nations we'll find a new era of security, cooperation and peace. and we won't be played for the fool and we won't be played for the suckers any longer.
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this is the future that awaits us if we embrace our destiny as americans, which we did. this is one of the greatest things, one of the biggest events ever to map in our country. and we are going to make it even better than anybody ever thought possible. that's happening already. we are one people, and we share one faith. whether we are black or brown tore white, we all bleed the same red blood. we all salute the same great american flag. and we are all made by the same almighty god.
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[cheers and applause] as long as we remember these truths, we will not fail. nobody, nobody can beat us. nobody. we are americans and the future belongs to us. the future belongs to you. this is your moment, this your time, and this the united states of america is your country again. [cheers and applause]
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so with hope in our souls and patriotism in our hearts, let us now recite these words. are you ready? together we will make america strong again. we'll make america wealthy again. we'll make america proud again. we'll make america safe again. and we'll make america great again. thank you, thank you, kentucky. god bless you. thank you. [♪] lou: president trump enjoying himself and as was the overflow crowd there in louisville, kentucky.
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we are told a lot of people outside who couldn't get in. and in some cases sitting room eye available only on the floor. so something like 19,000 people showing up for a campaign rally -- it felt like a campaign rally for most of his speech. joining me now, rnc national committee man, former chair of the republicans lawyers association, randy evans. attorney barbara smith, she served as a law clerk to justice samuel alito. your reaction to the speech. first he didn't deal with the hearings on capitol hill, did he? >> not at all. but i think it average person in washington has to be wondering what they just saw. lou: what do you think they just saw. >> they have no idea. they don't understand it. what they saw was the american people saying can you hear me
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now? we have a president who is going to do what he promised to do. he's opposite been in a little more than 50 days and he dramatically changed the trajectory of the country whether it's cutting immigration on the southern border to the growth of the economy to literally changing obamacare and getting rid of it starting with a vote next thursday. lou: president trump's accomplishments from very real. they are measurable, and they are surprising even if you are one of his most frenetic supporters like many in the crowd in louisville it's an impressive beginning to any administration in this country's history. >> it certainly is, lou. some of the biggest after he [applause] lines were when he mentioned judge gorsuch's nomination.
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i think a lot of people voted for president trump foe miss selection to the supreme court. those are issues pending sphwft judiciary committee that people care about. lou: he made it clear he's frustrated with the court syste, attorneys like yourselves, people, members of the public, it is very frustrating because even laymen like me can understand if you are going to be a judge, you have to apply the law to the case. and two federal judges, actually three, did not do that. that's very frustrating and it's also fringely a cautionary tale for america trite now.
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when we have a judicious system of -- when we have a judicial system that's basically out of control. >> when you have to go to the state of hawaii to find a different judge other than the one in washington because you want to judge shop. even those new immigration order was tailored to raise all the concerns raised by the 9th circuit. when this makes its way to the supreme court and they see the degree to which this particular order was so carefully tailored and the degree top which you had a sitting federal judge who has not been briefed on any security threat decide to supplant his view for the president's, it's embarrassing. lou: judge watson was a classmate of president obama at harvard slaw school.
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the president just happened to be in hon will you live the very day judge watson was putting down that remarkable ruling. >> you are right, lou. when you compare some of the orders we have seen in the recent days to someone like judge gorsuch. the differences couldn't be starker. judge gorsuch talked about judicial humility and being a faithful servants of the law and constitution. i wish we had more that at all levels of the federal court. lou: other part of the story, a big part, is to have the director of the federal bureau of investigation sitting next to the head of the nsa, that is admiral mike rogers, basically just sort of talk their way through the day but trying to say as little as possible. it is really stunning to hear
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the f.b.i. director say, you know, investigate some things, but leaks which he says he takes steer yulsly, he was pretty doggone clear when he didn't even know if the number of people whom would have access to that information to like the, that he doesn't even have an investigation underway in all likelihood. what do you think? >> i finds hard to take him serious live at this point. he starts with i can't con flirms an investigation. but let me confirm there is an investigation. i can't correct false statements made in the media but let me respond to the president's tweet. he says it's our poll i have not top respond to false statements made by leakers who don't know what they are talking about but let me respond to this particular thing from the white house. it becomes more about comey and
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people endangering american citizens by leaking classified information and unmasking people's names. >> i wish we could keep the march madness on the basketball court and out of the u.s. congress. but it doesn't seem like what the happening these days. lou: as we examine judge gorsuch and senator blumenthal and senator huma -- and senator sch. to say as senator blumenthal did that he will use every too many at his disposal who stop a man who just about everyone i have heard say he's a great just and remarkable man. is there not a price to be paid? >> the conference got together
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and decided to designate senator blumenthal as the attack dog. they will try their best to find a chink in the armor. i don't think it exists. i think you have probably got one of the finest nominees in the country. i think they will avoid the risk that the nuclear option gets played. they will want to save the for the summer. lou: the american people have to be growing increasingly frustrated with the democratic party. it's the party of no, it's effectively an irrational and dysfunctional organization of constituencies. and it never know who is going to try to be the most convenien.
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adam schiff kept attacking and attacking. the fact of the matter is he didn't have much other than a constructed timeline that could or could not have been accurate. >> i hope the american people are watching judge gorsuch's nomination. senate democrats tried to come pout swinging in their opening statements. they had a swing and a miss. they had two chief criticisms, one was that he wasn't judge garland. and two's out of the mainstream because he sides with corporate interests against individual plaintiffs. that falls flat on its face. 97% of the cases that were
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decide when he was on the panel were decided unanimously. lou: al franken found a nominee who will laugh at his jokes. lawmakers grilling james comey about the leaks of classified information. f.b.i. director refusing to answer whether those leaks are being investigated. >> people watching know how seriously we take leaks of classified information. but i don't want to say if we are investigating it. that's the right way to be. lou: stay with us.
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lou: president trump just moments ago talking about his nominee for the supreme court to an overflow crowd in louisville. here he is talk about judge neil gorsuch. >> judge neil gorsuch's hearing is now under way in the senate. and i urge members of both parties to swiftly approve his nomination. he is an outstanding man. lou: joining us, tom dupre,
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great to have you hear. tom, neil gorsuch is being assailed by the left despite the fact just about everybody says he does everything but just bring bolts down from the heavens. is there going to be a delay here? are we going to seat process frustrated? when do you expect him to be confirmed? >> i think he will be confirmed in april. i'm optimistic that this confirmation process has been well managed. it will make it through to a successful confirmation of neil gorsuch. a lot of the criticism is all very stale. it's the same old playbook. it's the big guy versus the little guy. even the ideological opponents of neil gorsuch will be forced
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to admit that he's incredibly qualified and would make an incredible justice on the supreme court. judge ginsburg declined to answer 30 questions during her hearings 34 years ago. what do you think the odds are? >> i hope we won't get to that point. my sense is there are be a lot of pointed questions put to judge gorsuch over the next few days, including how did you rule on this case. will you overreturn roe versus wade. i suspect judge gorsuch knows he shouldn't opine on particular case. lou: you and i know he won't do that no matter how pressed by the dems. what is the point of this kabuki theater? it's mind-numbering.
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it's dull it's repetitious. and the fact is there is no reason why judge gorsuch shouldn't be confirmed this week. >> i agree. if i were in the senate i would vote to confirm him today. there is a strong element of kabuki kneer going on today. a lot of the judge's critics are up there to score political points by giving an unrebutted speech on their view of the law and politics. they are just up there to score their points. lou: speak of points to score, the director of the f.b.i., james comey, today said there is an investigation under way, the allegations that some members of
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the trump team could have had improper relationships with the russians. i mean, this is getting to be really something. yet he wouldn't talk about the leaks as to whether there is an investigation under way. >> it's a fine line that director comey was trying to walk today. i'm not sure i'm clear on when it's appropriate for the f.b.i. director to disclose the existence of an f.b.i. investigation and when he has to decline to answer that question. i think it's a nine line. but i was struck by the number of times said i'll confirm this but i won't confirm that. lou: there is a capriciousness to the man. i don't see if he's still in that job.
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why wouldn't the president just fire him? >> he has the power to do it. i'll say a few word on comey's behalf. it seems that every few months the parties reverse their positions on whether director comey is good or bad. the republicans like him on the clinton investigation, then the democrats don't and they switch around. i think he's doing his best to keep the line true and balanced. i think he's loyal to the f.b.i. i think he views his role as defending the rank and file. lou: that's all well and good to defend him. there is just one problem. i don't know of any prosecutions, do you? of the leakers of any of the information that's appeared in all these publiccation the past six months? we have every reason to believe president trump got most of his
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information that under lay the statement he made. that information was in the "new york times" and the national review. this is a claim -- in point of fact, the obama administration surveilled the senate indell jones committee. he's ringing his hands. trying to be so pure. and i don't see where there is an aggressive f.b.i. bringing forward leak hers and having perp walks to a federal prison. this is nasty business and he's acting like it's just another day in a federal office. >> that was one of the questions put to him, whether he could confirm the existence of the leak investigation. i hope they do a thorough investigation.
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i think if there were people within the intelligence community leaking information. lou: we know that's happening. >> it certainly appears. but i go into their motive. lou: i don't care what their motive is. they are breaking the law. it's his job to enforce the law. >> they are breaking the law. i'm saying in my view it's even more pernicious if the reason they were doing it was to score political points. >> he just took out about half of that town. be sure to vote in our poll today. after today's hearing do you have more or less confidence in director comey.
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a selfie in an avalanche. that's a peculiar perspective. he emerged from his adventure unscathed. president trump urging support for ryancare it faces a critical test thursday. >> thursday is our chance to end obamacare and the obamacare catastrophe and begin delivering the reforms our people deserve. lou: mercedes schlapp and mike gallagher join me next. i'll be with you. dear predictable,
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no, i'm scheduling time to go oto the bank to get a mortgage. ugh, you're using a vacation day to go to the bank? i know, right? just go to get up to five loan offers to compare side by side for free. wow, that's great. wait, how did you get in my kitchen? oh, i followed a raccoon in through your doggie door. [chittering] [gasps] get a better mortgage on your schedule. not the bank's. lendingtree. when banks compete, you win. just think of him as a big cat. [chittering] with rabies.
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lou: one of the ryancare's chief critics is senator rand paul. he doesn't believe republicans have the votes to pass the legislation. >> i have been having discussion with the house freedom caucus, and i think they have the 21 votes to stop this. if you try to stick ryan's replacement on repeal. we are not for it. we are for repeal, but not for obamacare light bill. lou: president trump said he's looking forward to working with senator paul to get ryancare passed. mercedes schlapp and mike gallagher.
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the's great to have you both on the broadcast. mercedes, rand paul says no, and president trump says get with him and take the legislation forward. >> that's a tough call. i'll have to go with president trump. but i think they will ends up passing this in the house. we have seen the freedom caucus said they are not going to vote as a block. mark me doze said you congressmen go out and represent your constituents. so that allowed president trump and speaker ryan that leverage to get this repeal and replace done in the house. the senate is going to be the obstacle. we saw this meeting that happened with the conservative senators and trump. the trump administration and they were disappointed with how it's moving forward. unless there is going to be significant changes or amendments to the bill that
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could come along on the senate side. it will be a tough battle. if anyone can negotiate the bill, it's president trump. >> despite this clown show today and this three-ring circus, the legislative process is continuing along. lou: are you talking about the rogers and comey hearing? >> despite that,. lou:le hill has a lot of targets. >> the president will get his pick for the supreme court. i believe the president will negotiate -- you call it ryancare. but the american healthcare act. lou: it used to be obamacare, that's dying. we are take to it ryancare. as soon as the president has it moving forward we can talk about it being trumpcare. >> there are two parallel course.
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the media hyperventilating over russia and real stuff being done in washington, d.c. lou: if you are vladimir putin, you have taken crimea, i annexed the -- you annexed the thing, you are doing exactly what you want in syria, and you turn on american television and what is the discussion? about whether there was collusion between a candidate who by the way wasn't inspected to win the race, and russia. i mean the russians have got to think all of america has lost its mind. >> putin must think he's the most popular man in reality tv. i any it's become so difficult to try to decipher the facts from the non-facts. and i think f.b.i. james comey, i know has this investigation going on.
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but there has to come to a point where has to be conclusions to this. i think comey is so disliked by both sides of the aisle that it's hard -- almost becoming unbelievable. >> the f.b.i. director said i'm allowed to tell youeer we are investigating wet there is collusion between the russians and the collusion with the trump campaign, but i'm not aloud tell you until we are investigating a leak. lou: at the same time he admitted there is no evidence of collusion between russia and the trump campaign. >> the few moments i turned away from fox business network -- i watched a network reporter look into the camera. anchor said why would the director of the f.b.i. make that distinction. guy looked into the camera and
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said there is some public interest in the trump-russia story. like there is no public interest in felony threeks that are punishable by 10 years in prison. >> you most clinton campaign, many of these democrat campaign deen donors have close links to the russians. you want to talk about the clinton foundation receiving millions of dollars from russian officials. lou: you are watching a square million dollars change hands. >> hillary clinton's brother who is a registered russian lobbyist. lou: how much did bubba make on those speeches while his wife was secretary of state? we can take fun of it. the fact of the matter is, none
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of the relevant agencies can rationalize their conduct or misconduct during the whole episode. except perhaps the leader of the f.b.i. who is james comey an has an instincts about when things should be investigated and when they shouldn't. it's all good. mike gallagher, mercedes schlapp. president trump congratulating his son eric and wife laura. the couple tweeting they are expecting a boy in september. the first child for eric and lara. congratulations to the whole trump family and of course to the president of the united states. principle among them. the mystery overall brady's stolen super bowl injuriesy has been involved. it took the f.b.i. and they did the on foreign soil.
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fox sports 1 exclusively reporting. it's the man high night this video. the former director a mexican tabloid newspaper, and what a clever-handled fellow he is. police in houston labeled the theft a fell nip considering the estimated value of half a million dollars. up next. what do the viewers think of the ppts agenda and the prospect of ryancare? we'll share that with you and much more. stay with us. we are coming right back. onboard cameras and radar detect danger all around you. driver assist systems pull you back into your lane if drifting. bye chief. bye bobby. and will even help you brake, if necessary. it makes driving less of a production.
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lou: in our online poll last week we asked, do you believe the republican house and senate will deliver the repeal and replacement bill. 68% of you said yes you do. sherry tweeted us, quote. we finally have some real leadership in this country and the leftists are trying to tear them down. and p.m. commented president trump has to drain the swamp quickly. politicians are only good for polluting the truth.
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and this is obamacare on steroids. this bill must not be passed. we don't 10 know what replace pen means. babies... >> she would get them to do the craziest things. >> ...becomes a celebrity herself. >> people knew her by name. she was a pin-up. >> there were definitely stories of skiing with the kennedys, definitely a lavish lifestyle for sure. >> what was her secret? >> isn't she adorable? >> what a winner shot. >> is it still gold today? >> is this collection potentially worth six figures, seven figures? [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪ >> i'm jamie colby, and today i'm in littleton, colorado. it's a suburb of denver that,
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