tv After the Bell FOX Business March 29, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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first to call you, liz, we're back. liz: be sure to let our viewers know j.c. parets. >> i sure will. [closing bell rings] >> liz: dow back in the red. off the lows. after breaking a losing streak yesterday. s&p and nasdaq look good. david, melissa, back to you. david: thank you very much. the dow back in the reddening down 40 points. we had been down 76 point at low. it improved since then. s&p 500 is higher for second straight day. nasdaq is in the green for the fourth straight day. it ain't all bad. i'm david asman. melissa: i'm melissa francis. this is "after the bell." we have you covered on thbig market movers. here is what else we have for you this hour. president trump floating a possibility of a new bipartisan deal, that his new strategist steve bannon quietly restarted
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talks with republican lawmakers. house intel chairman devin nunes is standing firm as calls grow louder for him to step down. he is vowing to continue the investigation into russia's election interference, with or without democrats he says. the senate committee taking questions on what they found from their investigation. more on all of this from washington. cracking down on sanctuary cities. the white house threatening to cut federal funding as liberal mayors remain defiant. maybe lawsuits ahead. david: the market ending down 41 point on uncertainty over health care and tax reform. unitedhealthcare, travelers and cisco among the biggest drags. lori rothman on the floor of new york stock exchange with other major movers. high, lori. >> we had major movers have, david despite little changed action. big name stocks with facebook. second consecutive trading session for a record for facebook.
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so this is the 14th record close this year. shares closing up .6 of one point. the news associated with this, facebook is introducing new products that will offer similar service via snapchat. snapchat is struggling of late. oh, the competition continues. vertex pharmaceuticals with great news. its cystic fibrosis treatment succeeds in late-stages trials. that is 21% gain for the drug developer. restoration hardware, shares had a nice day up about 15% there. they were doing a lot of promotions. more of a membership model for restoration hardware. back to you. david: thank you, lori. melissa. melissa: oil thanks to a smaller than expected build in the
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weekly supply. gasoline futures up 2 1/2% on bigger than expected draw down last week. there is crude oil for you. david? david: not giving up on a plan to replace obamacare, the white house and house republicans currently working towards a new deal on health care. fox business's peter barnes in d.c. with the latest. on friday we thought it was all gone, peter. reporter: that's right, david. white house had a bipartisan he reception for leaders. he seemed to try to jump-start obamacare repeal and replace. listen. >> i know we'll all make a deal on health care. that is such an easy one. i have no doubt it will happen he very quickly. i think it is going to happen because we've all been promising, democrat, republican, we've been promising that to the the american people. i think a lot of good things will happen there. reporter: the president's press secretary sounded a bit more measured about the prospects today. >> the president from the early days of his campaign talked
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about repealing and replacing. it is a commitment that he made. i think he would like to get it done but he also understands that in order to get to 216 we have to make sure it does what he says it is going to do. it achieves the goals of lowering costs and creating more options. we'll not create a deal for the sake of creating a deal that end you up not in the best interests of the american people. reporter: some republicans like speaker ryan sounding optimistic about moving health care legislation forward. even the head of the conservative house republican freedom caucus, mark meadows whose opposition to the bill last friday helped to kill it says he wants to work out a compromise but senate majority leader mitch mcconnell did not sound optimistic rebooting legislation. that obamacare is here to stay and the opportunity to the house bill has itself passed. david. david: amazing how many people are saying let's make a deal
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again. peter, thank you. melissa. melissa: joining to react jonathan hoenig capitalist pig hedge fund, fox news contributor and former federal reserve advisor, danielle demarch teen know booth. what do you think? do they have a shot. >> we're starting to ponder whether or not congress has the ability to multitask. melissa: or single task. >> when you think of all the things they're pondering. let's not make one deal but let's make three deals at the same time. i do actually sense there has been a shift of the balance in the negotiations. i sense that the administration is calizg on that rit now. melissa: jonathan, what do you think? >> well the market is waiting for it, melissa. melissa: yeah. >> we had the huge trump run-up. now just as they were during the obama administration, a lot ofpeople waiting to see what happens with health care. so the advance has become more and more broad, more and more
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narrow, excuse me. stocks like facebook and amazon doing well but retailers and leveraged owned are doing very poorly. it is wait and see on taxes especially but health care as well. melissa: danielle, tax reform, now they're saying they are moving on to that, you hope maybe the administration learned where they could find some room and where there were brick walls on this last one and that they would have more luck in terms of -- supposed to be the let's make a deal president and would see his way around it and focus on tax reform. >> you would hope that would be the case but the only problem i potentially he see with health care, you are dealing with one set of lobbyists and interest groups if you will. with tax reform you're dealing with a whole spectrum of industries and interests. there is a lot more cooks in the kitchen when it comes to tax reform. it will be a much more complicated deal. melissa: yeah. jonathan, although they say there is more, other than the border tax which is, you know, really one to get over, there's,
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they're more aligned what to do with the tax code in terms of lowering and simplifying. that is more straightforward. >> what a godsend that would be to american businesses? melissa: wouldn't it? >> american individuals who are scrambling to put together their taxes. melissa: yeah. >> we don't want to see one tax repealed and another enacted. businesses with billions and billions dollars overseas would-be hoofed with more efficient tax plan. melissa: amen to that. later this hour we'll talk to republican congressman mike bishop. he is a member of the house ways and means committee. he has a big say in this. david: where they write the taxes. britain's moment of truth has arrived. they are holding nothing back. take a look. >> in accordance with the wishes of the british people, the united kingdom is leaving the european union. this is an historic moment which there can be no turning back.
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we'll make our own decisions and our own laws. david: danielle, a lot of people looking what is happening over there, wondering how it will affect me over here. what is the answer? >> absolutely. the focus needs to shift out further on the time horizon if you will. seems like the situation in france really calmed down. i think merkel and her party will do fine in germany as well but there is a disruptor out there called italy. people should be looking further down the path. if you look how the bond market is behaving in some peripheral european countries we're starting to see red flags rising from those countries. i would look a little further down. david: okay, but jonathan, it is clear, is it not, that the globalist ideal, this idea that borders disappear and bureaucrats somewhere else decide how i am going to live my life, that that model is dying, is it not? >> will certainly it is, david. we're seeing decades worth of as you said authoritative economic
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regulations ll apart in europe. all the nanny states, all the entitlement states repped that economy. one of the years the euro is at multi, multiyear low. one way it affects our viewers, it's a great time to go to europe. a lot of european stocks will hold up despite the eurozone troubles. the european etf is up double from the s&p this year. david: even though there are establishment figures like angela merkel, who look like they will stay on, even they have been persuaded they have to change this globalist message they were singing for the past 10 years. it is not working anymore. >> i hope their ears are wide open and they're listening. the economic implications for your average working european, they're just gigantic. it is costing the countries and coting the citizens of countries tremendous amounts money and they're angry and i think any politician worth their salt will pay attention to an angry he
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electorate. david: mad as hell. melissa: largest asset manager in the world with $5 trillion in assets under management is overhauling their strategy, shifting away from portfolio managers instead trusting data and computers to offer clients lower costs and higher returns. jonathan hoenig, we're talking about blackrock here. i don't know if you heard last hour charlie gasparino talking about john paulsen allegedly handing out goose eggs to some senior partners at bonus time. active managers are having tough times. >> when market is up, active managers underperform, often times underperform quite dramatically. you said same type of thing in late 1990s. what do i need active management or hedge fund? i can buy the nasdaq or zap. this robot in asset managements has been around a long time. it is smart beta.
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it is terrific. it brings advanced portfolio type strategies to everyday investors. i'm a fan. melissa: jonathan, danielle, thanks to both of you. david. david: a lot of mixed messages to the media. donald trump issuing a new war against "the new york times" days after giving them a scoop. howard kurtz is here to weigh in. melissa: some republicans are not willing to change the rules to get neil gorsuch on the supreme court. what we know about the effort to keep him off the bench. david: new details in the investigation into russian involvement in our election. and the leakage process as the pressure is growing for the head of the house intel committee to step down, at least from the democrats and some republicans are pushing in that direction. but the former head of the intel committee, pete hoekstra has very interesting advice for the white house. >> we're damned if we do and damned if we don't on this stuff. on one hand you want certain
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david: breaking news. president trump making an appearance at a women's empowerment panel at the white house. let's listen in. >> done incredible job at business. administrator burma, secretary betsy devos, of course my good friend from south carolina, who is a very tough competitor, i want to tell you, nikki haley, ambassador. she is doing fantastically well. we're joined of course by florida attorney general, highly respected, pam bondi. i want to thank you, pam. [applause]
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elaine chao, our secretary of transportation, who is a real expert. you know she was secretary of labor but she said i really wanted to be secretary of transportation. that's a real expertise. she is doing incredibly. she would have been here but she is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the department of transportation right now as we speak, and we're going to work on infrastructure and we're going to put up one of the big and great infrastructure bills of all time. [applause] we're going to get our infrastructure fixed in our country. and we're going to rebuild our country. that's what we need. lots of jobs also. i want to thank ford. you saw their big announcement yesterday and some others are announcing tremendous numbers of jobs. [applause] they're not leaving our country anymore, folks, they're not leaving. they're staying and they're building right here. so we really have these incredibly strong and dedicated leaders and with me and they're with us and i'm very happy about
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it. i want to thank you as being representative very much of our group. thank you all, very much, thank you. [applause] and i'm so proud that the white house and our administration is filled with so many women of such incredible talent. this week as we conclude women's history month, we honor a great woman of american history. since the very beginning women have driven and, i mean, each generation, of americans toward a more free and more prosperous future. among these patriots are women like the legendary abigail adams. [applause] right? who during the founding urged her husband to remember the rights of women. she was very much a pioneer in that way. we've been blessed with
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courageous heroes like harriet tubman, who escaped slavery. [applause] and went on to deliver hundreds of others to freedom, first in the underground railroad, and then as a spy for the union army. she was very, very courageous, believe me. [applause] and we've had leaders like susan b. anthony. have you heard of susan b. anthony? i'm shocked that you heard of her. who dreamed of a much more equal and fair future. an america where women themselves, as she said, helped to make laws and elect the lawmakers. that is what's happening more and more. tough competition out there, i want to tell you. from the untamed frontiers of the western plains to the skyscrapers of manhattan american women in every
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generation have shown extraordinary grit, courage and devotion. our present generation stands on the shoulders of these titans, and that's what they were and are, titans, only by enlisting the full potential of women in our society will we be truly able to, you have not heard this expression before, make america great again. [cheers and applause] good expression. [applause] thank you. thank you, everybody, thank you. it has been a lot of fun. [laughter] and we didn't get that one from madison avenue, right?
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my administration will work every day to insure that our economy is a place where women can work, succeed and thrive like never before. that includes fighting to make sure that all mothers and all families have access to affordable child care. [applause] we want every daughter in america to grow up in a country where she can believe in herself, believe in her future it, and follow her heart and realize her dreams. [applause] and we want a country that celebrates family. that celebrates community, and that creates a safe and loving home for every child, every child. that is what we want. [applause] early this year i met with a
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remarkable group of leaders. they were women entrepreneurs from all across the country. they started their businesses from absolutely nothing, and today have grown them into successful enterprises that employ hundreds and in certain cases even thousands of people. just think of what our country could achieve if we unleashed the power of women entrepreneurs nationwide. [applause] think of that. so as a man i stand before you as president, but if i weren't president, i wouldn't be happy to hear that statement. that would be a very scary statement to me. [laughter]. because there is no way we can compete with you. so i would not be happy. [applause] i just wouldn't be happy. one of the business owners i
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met, lisa phillips, used to be homeless. she's now the owner of an event-plan company and trns homeless yout baltimore for od-payg jobs. lisa had a message for all of us. as she put it, this is a country of chances. if you're willing to work hard, you'll get the chance. and she means it and she has become very successful. she's terrific. lisa is right but we have to fight to insure more people have the chance to succeed. to do that, we must believe in each other, and we must dare to dream of a better, brighter, and more prosperous future for all of our citizens. we have no choice, that's what we have to do. to be honest, whether you're a woman or a man, you have that same dream. you want to be able to dream. you just have a big advantage over us. you know why? right there. [laughter] [applause]
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a lot of truth to that mike, right? that's what i want for each and everyone. and each and everyone of our daughters, and our granddaughters, and i know together, we will get there. i want every young person in the audience today, and watching from home, and they're all over the place. those cameras are all over -- [laughter]. to know that the future truly belongs to you. we are americans. and we will not stop until we have achieved our dreams. i want to thank you very much for being here. it is my great honor. i will tell you, to be here. in fact melania said, this is something i have to be at. she feels so strongly about it. she feels so strongly about it. [applause] so thank you, god bless you and god bless america. thank you very much. thank you. [cheers and applause]
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david: president trump with a lot of powerful women there at the white house. betsy devos, linda mcmahon, nikki haley, pam bondi. a lot of women getting together for the women's empowerment panel. as he suggested melania wanted to be there. her numbers going up according to the president as well. we'll hear about that in a second. another very powerful woman, melissa. melissa: herman cain, former presidential candidate, fox news contributor. before we move on to something else, let me ask you your reaction to scenes like this. i can already hear democrats sniping in the background, can't you? >> yes, i can. [laughter]. the president's remarks, melissa underscores the fact that he is dedicated to all of the people, women, blacks, whites, all americans. that is what is so great about him. the only way that the democrats know to try and bring him down or slow him down, is to attack
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him on every little molehill they can find. melissa: yeah. >> i think his remarks were absolutely right on. he could have given that same speech in front of a different audience, maybe changed some of the names. he mentioned harriet tubman. he mentioned abigail adams. that was great but the fact he is talking about achieving your american dream -- melissa: personal empowerment. >> yes. melissa: his message was, about personal empowerment. he brought up a woman we have on our show yesterday who lifted herself up from being homeless, with a great business and did it on her own. it is the great message, not what can the government do for these people, but what are people doing for themselves? the inspiration of people who lifted tmselves up. anyway, let me turn to you homeland security. >> the think about it, what other country, what other country do you have this kind of opportunity other than the united states? melissa: right. >> i think that was fantastic. >> absolutely. let me ask you about homeland security.
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that is what we were supposed to talk about today. >> yes. melissa: secretary john kelly is meeting with the u.s. conference of mayors today, after many mayors remain outraged they could he see funding cut if they remain sanctuary city. l.a. mayor garcetti spoke just outside of the conference room. listen. >> we want to get beyond caricatures what quote, unquote is sanctuary city. how we comply getting dangerous criminals off our streets. every mayor and chief wants that. we want to be focused on criminals or grandmother over stayed their welcome or too many parking tickets. she is felony. melissa: that is the binary choice. obviously the trump administration is focused on grandmothers with a parking ticket. he is saying no. sanctuary cities, we're still good citizens, we only want i.c.e. to pursue real criminals. do you believe him? >> no, i do not. here is the thing he doesn't
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talk about, nor does anyone else talk about. if you do not comply with federal law, you are breaking the law. they basically want it both ways. the trump administration hasn't gone after grandmother, yanking kids out of their homes. that is a scare tactic that some of these people are using to try to continue what has been, looked beyond for the last eight years. since for the last eight years the obama administration gave them a pass on the whole idea of sanctuary cities. they think it should continue, and this administration is saying, we want to enforce the laws. not go after grandmothers and kids. melissa: right. or we'll keep the money. and according to reports, the 10 most populist cities where leaders shield immigrants from federal laws, it could be 2.2billion in federal funds. >> right. melissa: maybe president trump should put that towards the wall? >> he could put it toward the wall. here is what some of these
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mayors don't understand. to defund these cities is just a first step. i'm, i don't know if they know that the department of justice has the authority to indict these mayors if they wanted to. it is in the law. anytime you break a federal law, if the mayor is the one promoting it, or the chief of police, they could be indicted. but the administration is not trying to go that far. they are just saying, work with us, to enforce the laws that are on the books so we can screen out criminals. look at all the americans that have been hurt because illegals have been here? that is what this is all about. they keep trying to shift the subject to grandmothers and kids being yanked out of homes. melissa: yeah. herman cain, thank you. thanks for your time today. david. a great american woman. melissa: thank you. [laughter] david: two guys agree on that. melissa: okay. i'll take it. david: house intel committee chairman devin nunes refusing to recuse himself from the russian
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investigation despite mounting pressure from democrats. this as the white house pushing back against allegations that it tried to block former acting attorney general salary yates from testifying. our own blake burman standing by at white house with latest in all this. blake? reporter: on top of that remarkable press conference with two leaders of the senate intelligence committee who shea their investigation into potential connections between russia and 2016 election is the single biggest investigation of their senate career but both richard burr, republican, mark warner, democrat, would not say at this point if they had seen any connection between russia and the trump campaign. their first public hearings begin on capitol hill tomorrow. they say, third conducting their investigation not just for the interests of the american people first and foremost, but also other democracies worldwide as they believe russia is currently meddling in other elections as well. >> worried about being able to work with mr. schiff?
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>> we're always concerned about this. -- by partisan. at end of the day we'll do an investigation with or without them. and if they want to participate, that is fine. reporter: wrong sound bite there. what you were listening to devin nunes the chairman of the house intelligence committee. he was asked today whether or not he could work along his counterpart adam schiff in the house. it is completely different scene what you saw on the senate side. and house members of house intelligence committee, democrats calling on devin nunes to resign of the as you heard him say there hopes he can work with democrats. either way at the white house, secretary sean spicer was standing by nunes's side, at this point they do not feel nunes has been acting out of step. david, bacto you. david: blake, thank you very much. of course right now the senate is getting along with each other in the intel committee. that may change. here is former republican congressman pete hoekstra. he is the former chairman of the house intel committee, now
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chaired by mr. nunes. talk for a moment what happened today. senate intel committee chairman and co-chairman, the republican and democrat coming out. a lot of people said they looked much more than adults than the house committee on intel. that they were getting along. let me play sound bite from the democratic head, senator warner. play that. >> outside foreign adversary effectively sought to hijack our most critical democratic process, the election of a president, in that process decided to favor one candidate over another. david: favor one candidate over another. of course the big question that democrats have alluded to time and again, is whether there was any cooperation with trump administration officials when they were campaigning for the presidency. do you think eventually the rancor we now see in the house intel committee is going to
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happen in the senate intel committee? >> well, sounds like the senator has already reached a conclusion before the investigation is even started. david: it does. >> but i know richard burr very well. i ran into him and talked to him earlier this week. he does want to be the adult in the room. he wants to run this in bipartisan way. the committee over there runs in a bipartisan way. the two committees are different. they're different because the house and the senate are two very, very different creatures, a different culture, but there is no, in my mind there is no doubt that both committees could run and will run successful investigations. david: let us talk about your successor, mr. nunes, because a lot of calls from democrats. also of course people in the media saying that he needs to step down because he should not have gone to the president with the intel information he had last week before he went to his own committee members, to which you say what? >> well, i hooey.
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he is the chairman. i don't know exactly what information he had. he felt compelled to share that information with the president. the president is running the nsa he runs the fbi. he runs the intelligence community. that is a call that the chairman has to make. he decided that is where he needed to go. he is the chairman. he will be the chairman. he will run this investigation. that is not going to change. david: now unmasking of u.s. individuals who were caught up in this intel, these wiretaps of foreign individuals, whether they were by name or you could figure out who they were by what the foreign individuals were saying, first of all, still legal for the intel services to unmask that information knowing that some of might leak out to the public? >> well, if it leaks out to the public that is an illegal activity? if they're unmasking these names and identities americans, for
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non-intelligence, non-national security reasons, that is clearly breaking the law. this is the most sensitive information that the intelligence community holds. it is information on americans, which by law they do not have any authority to collect on. sometimes they collect it accidentally. then there are strict procedures. david: right. >> if they are unmasking and sharing it, they are breaking the law but most importantly they're breaking their trust with the american people. david: well the reason why it is masked in the first places because it is mostly rumor and innuendo in those situations and mccarthyism that is what that is all about. when you convict somebody on basis of rumors and indwend dough. you don't want to do that, quickly. >> it is unmasked when it has real national security purpose. here all the information leads tothey were unmasked for gossip and innuendo. david: former conessman hoekstra, thank you very much. >> thank you. melissa: president trump versus the mainstream media. why "the new york times" is in
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thank millions of subscribers supporting our journalism. joining me howard kurtz, "mediabuzz" host and fox news media analyst. "new york times," th were saying like when you need the truth, when a paper has to emphasize the and advertise that they swear they're telling the truth, i don't know we've gotten to like a new point. what do you think? >> i think what this reflects is that the "new york times" is saying with donald trump as president, you need us for the truth. there has been a lot of that kind of sloganeering. fascinating that the president is still going after "the times" on twitter regularly. i don't know what particularly set him off on this instance. at the same time when they decided to pull health care bill, president got on phone with reporter from "new york times," "washington post," derides as fake news. he tries to use the publications when it is in his interest. but he is still punching away of purveyors of -- melissa: sometimes i wonder, i
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feel like it's a big risk to say this, i wonder how real his animus is, in the sense it plays to his character so well, the character he is playing? i'm the outside guy. i hate the media. the establishment is against me. he is certainly knows how to, like you said, use the media to his advantage when the time comes along. so i don't know which part's real and which party's an act that has been very beneficial? >> well there is no quon t president's attacks quote on the dishonest media plays well to his base. having interviewed him half a dozen times on this and related subjects and talking to him cam doctor. melissa: this is real? >> hatred. hate my be strong. he thinks the press hates him. he used that word several times. melissa: do you think so. >> he strongly resents as negative coverage of him and his administration.
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presidents all have a beef with the press but i think it is personal. i do think so. melissa: you do think they have gone over the top. the relationship between, has it gotten better or worse? this is a recent poll out of monmouth university, compared to other administration, between the press and media, better, 4%. i don't know who that 4% was. they must not have understood the question. worse, 81%. the other 15% i guess were laughing so hard at the question that they couldn't come up with an answer. i think, it is unprecedented to see just hopes stilt. it made the spicer news conference, are very spicy. they become something to tune into because of the constant back and forth, no. >> must-see tv, that's true. why everybody carries them live. look, some stories published by "the new york times" and "washington post" and others are legitimate. white house may not like them. stories about mike flynn and previous contacts and not being candid about his contas with the russian ambassador led to
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his firing. lissa: yeah. >> to me, justing on. there are so many negative stories and they don't seem to be balanced very much by stories of a more neutral nature. melissa: no. >> at least so far in this administration. melissa: they know it and own that territory. i've had "the new york times" and canceled three different times. when i cancel it your reporting is biased. yes, we have a box for that. people cancel enough because reporters are biased that is printed category. so they know. >> at the same time web traffic and subscriptions from "the new york times" is up because attracting people who don't like the president. melissa: working for everybody. it is working for everybody, howard. everybody is benefiting. you're right about that. great stuff. we love you. "mediabuzz." absolutely. david: he is helping us all. melissa: everyone is doing better. david: the next hurdle for the white house tax reform is on the horizon after the republican health care defeat. can we expect the same fate for taxes? congressman mike bishop, member
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of the ways and means committee to weigh in next. anything worth pursuing requires knowledge, hard work and a plan. at baird, we approach your wealth management strategy the same way to create a financial plan built to last from generation to generation. we'll listen. we'll talk. we'll plan. baird. at angie's list, we believe there are certain things you can count on, like what goes down doesn't always come back up. [ toilet flushes ] so when you need a plumber, you can count on us to help you find the right person for the job. discover all the ways we can help at angie's list. gave us the power to turn this enemy into an ally? microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. there are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. with the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever before. if we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday preve outea before they begin.
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melissa: breaking news for you now. bank of america merrill lynch is cutting someits execut ranks. according to "theall street journal" merrilwill cut its divisions from 10 to six in an effort to quote, operate more efficiently. hmmm. there you go. david? david: meanwhile facing a real deadly crisis here in america, president trump hosting an opioid and drug abuse listening session to put an end to heroin overdoses and drug abuse. attorney general sessions talking about that today. >> more availability, lower price, and much higher purity. that creates more addiction quicker i think, and very dangerous situations t took 20 years, we reduced drug abuse, america and addiction deaths dramatically. it has he begun now to start back up.
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david: it is more than starting it is skyrocketing. dr. marc siegel, fox news medical correspondent, professor of medicine at nyu langone. doctor, some of these states, i was amazed. 52,000 lethal drug overdoses in 2015. i'm sure it is up in 2016 by the way. opioid addiction driving epidemic. 20,000 deaths due to prescription pain relievers. 13,000 overdose deaths related to heroin in 2015. why? >> you described the fluidity there. the prescription drug heroin, it bed. we, primary care doctors are starting people on opioids that may not need it. four out of five heroin abusers, four out of the five started with prescription drugs. so we're giving a painkiller. maybe somebody comes in with back pain or dental pain. look they're in pain. people are really in pain but we're so focused on alleviating that pain.
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patients are pushing us -- david: you say we, doctors, your own profession. >> i'm not just talking about doctors. almost 50% of the opioid prescriptions are written by family practitioners or internists like me. i don't believe we're experts in pain or back pain. i don't think we got that training. i know we didn't get that training. david: once people get addicted to opioids, get used to them, they find out it is cheaper to use heroin, is that right? >> not exactly that. i put it a little differently. a lot of time you start taking it you need more and more. you get a sense euphoria, and need more and more. maybe you cut off, your doctor panickings. you don't need it anymore, i'm not comfortable. the state is clamping down on me. they go to the streets. david: another element, doctor, i know it is not hip to say because everybody wants marijuana to be legalized, a lot of states are doing it, you keep hearing over and over. how did you start? marijuana.
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it was always marijuana was the gateway drug that led to other drugs. with all these calls for legalization around the united states, marijuana is much easier to get to. is that driving in in any way? >> i think it is driving it. i think there is confluence there also. i will add there is probably a role for medical marijuana for chronic pain. however, we got physical therapy. we've got heat. we've got acupuncture. we have advil. we have muscle relaxants. we have many things. how about diagnosing problem in first place. do you know how many people throw opioids at a problem? david: easy solution for a doctor or patient. both parties are to blame. we have to leave it at that. a lot of breaking news. >> good to see you. david: melissa. melissa: the next big fight. the white house shifting focus to taxes but will lawmakers get on board? we'll ask congressman mike bishop next. at old dominion, we see freight... a combination of products
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melissa: the white house is shifting focus. president trump setting his sights on tax reform after republicans withdrew their obamacare replacement plan. will the gop unite behind him? here is ways and means committee member, mike bishop, republican congressman from michigan. you're the man that has to come up with the plan and get all the rules in shape. do you think this is more difficult to find consensus and common ground? or do you think it's easier? >> i think we're in a good position now. it was a good learning experience for us to go through what we went through. members know we have the obligation to right this economy and get it back up and running again. there is consensus we have to get this done. we will get it done. melissa: you said you learned a lot. like what? >> we learned we have to come
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together as the song goes, make sure we do what we can to work as a team. this is more than factions as a party. this is about the american people. we'll have to do what we can to bring the team together to pass worth while legislation. we have a chance to change the entire dynamic of country and get it up and running again. it is sluggish past eight years. we have not only responsibility but duty to our constituents. melissa: i don't mean to rush you but we don't have a lot of time. the fear among us, we're looking for tax reform. we are a business channel so we're all for it. so many business groups lobbying for things in the tax code, you will be deluged by all the people that want all little things and all special interests. everybody has something in their state. that will make it even worse and even harder. how do you battle back specifically against all tiny
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interests who want tax loophole? >> you bring down dramatically the tax rate and simplify the code. that touches everybody in every single district and every single american. that is how you address it. you don't talk about individual districts. you talk about how to impact america and the american economy. melissa: do you think everyone is on board with that? how much do you think the border tax will become an issue? >> all these issues will be issues. we'll have a chance to take it up and have public debate on it. my concern is, that, the committee has not had a chance to take that border adjustment tax up. we will. but i think we'll overcome this. i think we see as a group, the immediacy of this, this concern. getting this issue done. we'll come together, rise above it and pass something good for the american people. melissa: the thing people heard about health care. we can't do this because of rules. you guys make the rules. that is very frustrating. you will not hear about that, are we? >> you won't hear issues of
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rules again because we'll not be in reconciliation again. this is about going to now, the economy, pivoting away from health care. melissa: congressman bishop from your lips to god's ears. we want tax reform, my friend. get it done. we do. we need tax reform. david: nobody wants to pay more taxes. >> no. only crazy people. david: offering awe chance to score free coffee. there is one catch. you will have to talk to somebody you don't agree with. we'll tell you about it. melissa: [laughter] the come together, right now, over me ♪
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together with someone you disagree with for your free cup of joe. melissa: that sounds so annoying. david: it is un-american. the best thing about america, is you don't have to be political if you don't want to be. it is unamerican. >> this is about people who entered the country, illegally, that is breaking the law. and further more. the mayors, i don't believe one of you criticized president obama who said the same thing a year ago. now everyone has a problem? you are talking about entering illegal entering, this is a crime. if you don't want to do th the time then don't do the crime. this is our law, it was law
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