tv Kennedy FOX Business March 30, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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bolton among our guests. please join us. we thank you for being with us tonight. good night from new york. ♪ ♪ kennedy: tonight, another big twist in the battle to repeal and replace obamacare. president trump calling out members of his own party for last week's failure, but will they listen? ed henry breaks it down. plus, democrats in disarray. two of the party's most visible members at odds over its future. can they get it back together? juan williams is here. and bizarre foods host andrew zimmer joins kennedy to explain how food can help bring us all together. ♪ ♪ dagen: i'm dagen mcdowell, trying to substitute for the very fabulous kennedy.
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first up tonight, president trump has a warning for the republicans who threw a monkey wrench in his plan to repeal and replace obamacare, and he's threatening to fight those opponents in next year's midterm election. this morning the president tweeted this: the freedom caucus will hurt the entire republican agenda if they don't get on the team and fast. we must fight them and dems in 2018. exclamation point. as you to know, the key freedom caucus prevented fellow republicans from getting the number of votes they needed to pass their health care bill. the president said this week he still plans to get it passed. democrats have largely sat this one out and met the republicans fight amongst themselves, but members of the freedom caucus are are pushing back against the president. in fact, michigan congressman justin amash responded to the president, warning: it didn't take long for the swamp to drain, no shame, mr. president, almost everyone succumbs to the d.c. establishment.
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so who will ultimately come out on top? fox news' ed henry is here now. >> good to see you. dagen: good to see you, ed. i was waiting for donald trump to tweet about the freedom caucus -- >> just a matter of time. dagen: it took him almost a week, and he didn't call out anybody individually by name, which was surprising. >> not yet, but closer to the midterms you could see him calling people out. this is maybe a preface to actually getting down and hammering individual conservative lawmakers if they don't come to his cause. i see this as a big short-term political problem for him, though, because antagonizing others is not what he needs right now. we had heard from some of our reporting that before the health care failure a couple weeks back steve bannon had called these freedom caucus members in and said, look, this is not a conversation, basically. this is the bill, this is what we're doing, you get on or else, and a lot of them went, or else. so i don't see how doubling down on that in the short term is going to help them on health
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care, tax reform or the rest of his agenda. however, when you say who's going to come out on top, donald trump's been counted out time and time again dating back to the campaign and has prevailed, number one. and number two, he does have a point that these freedom caucus members at some point have to realize republicans have the keys to the whole kingdom. they've got to get something done. dagen: well, i looked at that bill and what the freedom caucus wanted that wasn't in it initially. but broadly speaking, it reforms medicaid, it gets rid of the individual mandate, the employer mandate, it cut taxes by a trillion dollars, it cut spending by roughly a trillion dollars. broadly speaking, what's not to like? >> well, there were a lot of other reform that is the freedom caucus wanted in there. i think the point that donald trump is trying to make, and maybe it's a little inartful in the form of a tweet, in only 140 characters, of course -- dagen: that was an artful tweet, ed, come on. [laughter] >> don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. i think that is what the message
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should be, which is like was this a flawed health care bill? yes. was it perfect? no. but i think what the white house was trying to do was get something through the house, since they spoke in front of the house and they have a majority at least on paper and get it to the senate. because, of course, it's going to change in the senate. and you know what? it's going to change again when they go into conference committee. that is the process. dagen: well, and the freedom caucus has been lambasted by "the wall street journal" editorial page, dan henninger wrote about it today, and karl rove had an op-ed, said bad excuses for republican fratricide, was the headline. >> and the other thing is, look, in terms of donald trump trying to bring the freedom caucus in -- like i say, in the short term this might be be doubling down on beating them up -- but what's the alternative? this idea of working with democrats,? look at nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, they want to stop health care reform at all costs. they want to leave obamacare in
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place, they don't want to give him a victory on tax cuts. so if the alternative to the freedom caucus is nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, i've got news for you, it ain't gonna work, so he is going to have to come back to the freedom caucus. maybe split 'em in half, split 'em in pieces, he's got to work with them. dagen: real quick, do you think they get health care done and infrastructure spending done this year? >> highly unlikely. at least a trillion dollars for infrastructure, where's that going to come from? some of the cuts that the president wants in order to pay for his budget are already being called dead on arrival on the hill. that's tough, and in terms of tax reform, i still think they can get tax reform, but in this tight window when you're also trying to avoid a government shutdown and all these over things, i don't see them getting things done by the summer, and that means a president without a short-term victory. dagen: you brought me a book? >> yeah, the problem is how but for a secret meeting that branch ricky had with the minister that helped push him over the
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temperature to pick jackie robinson, the problem is it's signed to kennedy. no, just kidding. it's signed to dagen. dagen: i'll still read it. she gets nothing. [laughter] thank you so much. the senate intelligence committee today started hearings on whether russia melded in the 2016 -- meddled in the 2016 election, but president vladimir putin strongly rejected those claims. as you know, the white house has been trying to shake allegations that russia did everything it could to get trump to win and hillary clinton to lose. the hearings today trying to determine to what extent russia spread propaganda and so-called fake news to achieve that, and senators say they're trying to prevent this from turning into a political quagmire. >> russia deployed this deluge of disinformation in a broader attempt to undermine america's strength and leadership throughout the world. the chairman and i agree it is vitally important that we do this as a credible, bipartisan and transparent manner as
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possible. dagen: so will this investigation yield any resultss the president has alleged? let's bring in the spring-loaded party panel, political reporter for the young turks, editor at town hall and fox news contributor and cowboy boot lady, katie pavlich. and lincoln's top hat podcast, ben brenberg. if we're going to get a true bipartisan look-see into what happened during the election, we're going to get it from senators burr and warner. is that right -- >> yeah. yesterday when they announced what they're going to do with this investigation, they made it very clear they trust each other. there wasn't a a lot of partisan back and forth. they started by saying we trust each other, we also trust the members here. they've dedicated seven full-time staffers the looking through what they said an
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unprecedented amount of information. and so they're calming it down. the house is always, you know, no to have yously a little crazier than the senate is, and i'm glad to see they're moving forward in a nonpolitical way because the bottom line is there has been a lot of political talk around russia. but russia attacks everyone. marco rubio came out today and said, and said, look, my office was also attacked during the summer of 2016 by the russians, and so this is a bipartisan earth. it wasn't just targeted -- effort. it wasn't just targeted toward one political party or the other. one suffered more than the other, i would say, but this was an attack on the system, and that should be taken seriously by republicans and democrats. dagen: catherine herridge was reporting we found out the cyber campaign has continued to this day, in fact, attacks on paul ryan even after the health care bill went down last week. and it doesn't look like this is going to be den. there were no government officials at this hearing, and it doesn't look like this is going to be conducted in public
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at all which, given everything that's going on in the house, a good thing. >> i wouldn't be surprised if there were leaks in this environment right now. it's complicated because i think there's a lot of distrust over this issue from the far right and the far left right now and those more towards the center are more engaged with their party, including the republican party, by the russia story. but there's distrust because -- [audio difficulty] that russia's been pushing out through multiple different outlets. it should be a transparent process, but russia's looking at every single thing that we do and say and tapping into paul ryan who's in a weak spot right now politically as well and is the enemy of steve bannon. all this stuff plays together and is complicated, and for once it's -- dagen: but we do need answers. we need answers whether the intelligence collection finish do intelligence agencies were abuse by that outgoing administration.
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not just alleged collusion. >> well, i mean, obviously, the russians, they had their hands in the 2016 election. the chinese also had their hands in the 2016 election. this isn't like particularly new. i don't think it swayed the election in donald trump's favor. i mean, at the end of the day the only thing we know for sure is that the dnc was colluding with the hillary clinton campaign to derail bernie sanders -- [laughter] dagen: john podesta called bernie a dufus, by the way. >> oh, i remember. i was there. [laughter] >> you know, this is exactly what putin wanted to do, he wanted to destable us and make us question our democracy, and every single news story about it makes putin feel stronger and better than before. dagen: instead of talking about cutting our taxes, we're talking about vladimir putin and russia. the federal judge in hawaii who ordered a halt on president trump's revised travel ban has now upped the ante and indefinitely extended that halt, and the white house is not at all happy about it. as you might recall, the revised
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ban was not as strict as the original. it was changed quite handsomely. it exempted green cardholders and temporarily barred travelers from six predominantly-muslim nations from entering the u.s. iraq no longer on the list. but the judge in hawaii ruled that the intent was the same as the original, calling it a neon sign flashing "muslim ban." in a statement today the justice department said, quote: the president's executive order falls squarely within his lawful authority in seeking to protect our nation's security, and the department will continue to defend this executive order in the courts. so where is this going next? katie. they changed it even, too, because the original order gave an exemption to religious minorities -- >> right. dagen: they even took that out -- >> right. >> -- so it does not read like a muslim ban. >> right, right. it wasn't in the first place, but even christians and yazidis who were under genocide in a lot of these countries by isis were
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not given an exception to come here as refugees. they changed it, they did what the court said they should do, and here we have liberals fighting this. i take severe issue with this context of putting this as banned from majority-muslim countries. no, we're banning people from failed states. we're banning people from governments that don't exist. we're banning people from systems that don't have any kind of vetting or paperwork or process at all. and so for this judge to extend this continually is a problem, and this idea that we're just going to allow people from countries that have no systems at all into our country is absurd considering we've seen the consequences of that in europe. dagen: i just want to point out, though, the fact that this judge goes back to things that president trump says on the campaign trail -- >> yeah. dagen: that is judicial overreach, to say the least. he ought to -- i said he ought to doff the robe and show us the "i'm with her" k -- t-shirt.
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>> when the president campaigns on promises and moves forward on those promises and wants to adjust them with language that i completely disagree with you on this, katie. number one, you need to have a visa to come from half of these, and there's an extraordinary -- >> no, there's not. where's the government in yemen? in somalia? >> it's not you're just letting in yemeni citizens unless they're refugees, and that's when they go through the vetting. >> there's no vetting right now. >> there is -- >> for people to come in places like libya. maybe because barack obama had a foreign policy that allowed all these countries on the list to fall apart and have no -- >> and how many terrorist attacks occurred by yemeni citizens in the united states? >> what about, what about -- >> i don't like that argument because you have to preempt them -- >> right. dagen: it's about tomorrow and -- >> wait until nothing happens to have a plan. >> donald trump calls himself a master brander, he's even convinced people his steaks are good, but he really messed up in the beginning -- >> i would agree.
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>> the obama administration had put forward with the seven nations. it's only around 13.5% population of the muslim -- of the muslim population, so it's not a ban. i think we should privatize it and have small individuals be able to take care of immigrants when they come to this country, watch them, secure them, allow them to assimilate -- >> that's not a refugee program -- >> i wrote a story about how the government under george w. bush let in to brothers who were iraqi refugees who lied on an immigration form, and they happened to come here, and we find out in 2014 that they are connected and brothers of a guy in iraq who held an american citizen along with a number of other hostages in a bunker for a year under hostile and torturous conditions, and yet they were in the united states. and, by the way, they're also being charged with immigration fraud. the idea that we are allowing people just to come into the country from countries that are failed states with no central government, without any paperwork, the fbi and all the other intelligence agencies say
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they cannot track or keep -- you know, they don't -- >> that's absolutely false. that is not true. [inaudible conversations] >> james cey and admiral rogers both said they do not have the ability to vet these people, and yet we're still letting them in -- >> they're not the ones vetting. the the state department vets -- >> and they're failing at it. dagen: i'll give the final word. they have no information on these people from these failed states, that's the central issue. >> none. dagen: this judge in hawaii gives it a thumbs up, it's a-okay if these individuals keep coming into the country. >> i think we do have to stress assimilation in a -- >> it's not so much about this ban. what president trump is doing right now, he is giving the authority to officials to determine who is coming in and who is not. there was a -- [inaudible] dagen: i really want to wrap and just say it's his authority in the constitution of the united states to basically set foreign policy and protect the homeland.
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i'll see you guys in a little while. everybody, the city council of a famously liberal city has now voted for the impeachment of the president. take a wild guess which city i'm talking about. but first, as president trump and republicans make their push for tax reform, you'll be surprised to hear how many americans don't mind paying what they're already paying to uncle sam. brian brenberg joins me to crunch some numbers.
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dagen: after last week's failure in repealing obamacare, republicans in washington are hoping they get a better outcome on their next priority, tax reform. and according to a new fox news poll, most americans are onboard with an overhaul. 55% of registered voters think they pay too much in taxes while 40% think that their tax bill is just about right. when asked if tax reform should happen this year, 73% said, yeah, while 21% said, no. so when do those 21% -- [laughter] of the people think is right, the right time to make changes, and who are the 40% who think that they pay uncle sam just the right amount, let me ask brian brenberg. i'm very perplexed by this, 40% think they pay just about the right amount of taxes. >> you're not in that 40%?
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dagen: if you pay a dime, that's too much. but i guess therein lies the problem. >> 45% of americans don't have a federal income tax liability, if you don't pay federal income tax, you're probably not concerned about where the rates are, and that helps explain some of that 40% number. yeah, i agree, i think, you know, the other side of that is the people who do pay taxes and do care are probably intensely concerned about the rate of taxes that they're paying, and they want to see that come down. you don't get that intensity number -- dagen: 73% of people think the u.s. tax system should be reformed this year, but reformed could mean that people who don't pay any net federal income tax actually wind up paying a little bit of something if you get rid of some of the perks and handouts to industry and special interests. >> i think what people tend to lump a lot, when you say taxes to people, they lump some of the benefit payments they get from the government. so when they see a republican in the house and a republican in congress and they say, oh, what's going to happen to our taxes and benefits, i think
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they're going to be cut, i think the republicans are going to want to cut spending. people have a sense their taxes are going to go up under trump because their benefits might be cut because of a republican congress or president. dagen: if you look at the list of these priorities in the fox news poll, the first one, the top one, is creating jobs, 33%, then destroying the islamic state. cutting taxes was third. it did get double digits, 10% at the very bottom was repealing and replacing obamacare, and i'm like that is cutting taxes and creating jobs. all three of them are intertwined. >> it is. although it is interesting to see three times more people believe creating jobs is more important than cutting taxes. if you think job creation's very important and you think that cutting taxes helps to create more jobs, you're going to be in the very favor of -- very in favor of cutting taxes. but a lot of people don't think that's going to be the primary way we create jobs, so they're
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not as interested in cutting taxes. dagen: whatever happened to being worried about the national debt and the deficit? >> yeah. dagen: right? where does this figure into the equation, because that's what conservatives at their core think -- worry about. >> i do think that's rattling around in the back of people's minds. they know the national debt has skyrocketed, it's going to continue to rise -- dagen: really the last eight especially. >> even if you go back to bush, you saw it increase pretty significantly. look, if we cut taxes but we don't do anything about spending, deficits continue to go up, and debt goes way up, and that means our kids, whether they like it or not, they're going to have to pay huge tax bills or default on a debt. that's a very bad outcome. dagen: but president trump has vowed he's not going to cut medicare, he's not going to touch social security, and that is roughly half of government spending every year. >> the truth is you can't really do anything about debt long term
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unless you do something about medicare, medicaid and social security. yes, he said he's not going to touch it. you can grow all you want, you can grow faster than the united states has ever grown before, you're not going to grow out of that debt. dagen: do they get tax reform done, tax cuts or neither? >> i think it's going to be tax cuts. they want a quick win, tax cuts are with -- are the quick win. dagen: you change corporate taxes, get a little money, spend it on infrastructure, and then the democrats like it too maybe. >> yeah, you can get a little bipartisan help. dagen: from your to their ears. brian brenberg, good to see you. coming up, democrats in disarray as bernie sanders calls for a complete makeover of the party, but debbie wasserman schultz says everything's just fine. do the dems have any hope? i'll ask juan williams next. how can we say that this spring guests can earn a free night when they book direct on and stay with us just two times? spring time. badda book. badda boom.
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♪ ♪ dagen: color me shocked, but the democrats are having an identity crisis. vermont's socialist senator, bernie sanders -- who almost secured the democratic nomination for president -- say that is the democratic national committee needs to reform to, quote, a top-down overhaul and go grassroots if they have any chance of regaining power. but coming together in any form doesn't seem to be on the horizon for the party considering they can't even agree on who they are. here's former dnc chair debbie
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wasserman schultz saying the complete opposite of what sanders said just hours earlier. [laughter] >> respectfully to senator sanders, we are already a grassroots party. we all agree that we should be and we are a grassroots party that focuses on making sure that we can help people reach the middle class. dagen: so how are democrats going to win back anything if they can't even agree on the state of their party? let me ask juan williams, fox news political analyst and a columnist for the hill. juan, there's nothing grassroots about the party that debbie wasserman schultz was running where they stacked the deck against bernie sanders and were all in on hillary clinton, a candidate who everybody -- even democrats -- knew couldn't win. >> we have to define grassroots, because in american politics today, it's the anti-establishment type of populism, right?
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yes, indeed. everybody wants that because he's the winner, he's the president, right? but for the democrats, you've got to isolate it, and i think what you come down to is people who voted for president obama who then switched and votes for president trump. they're democrats, often in key states -- wisconsin comes to mind, but you could also extend that to michigan, north carolina, florida. and, you know what? you find out they're white, blue collar folks. and the question is if that's grassroots, bernie is right, because bernie appealed to those voters. dagen: but debbie wasserman schultz, what has she been imbibing since she stepped down from the dnc, because that's not the party she was running, and that's not how she viewed the voters out there. and is des moines perez any different -- tom perez any different than her? >> i think this is what came up in the battle for chair of the dnc, is how do you go at it and
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are they really appealing to the grassroots. now, the reason i said to you off the top grass roots is how we define it, guess what, there's a grassroots of the democratic party that's really more black, latino, asian, educated, whites, especially women who are strongly anti-trump, do not share the value of that blue collar voter who switched from obama to trump. so the question is, well, can the party expand its reach and stop dealing in what some people call identity politics, right? and start talking to that white, blue collar -- dagen: you've got to get away, and bernie sanders really pulled hillary clinton onboard with the $15 minimum wage. >> and tpp. remember trade deals? bernie said, no way. dagen: i get how that trade position -- >> yes. dagen: -- would resonate, but i don't understand how $15 minimum wage resonates with individuals who don't want to just make $15 an hour, they want opportunity -- >> correct. dagen: they want safety, they
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want a long-term career, and i still think that position on minimum wage is going to get 'em nowhere. >> remember, as i said, it's broader than just that single element which is to so critical because, obviously, it swung the election to trump. but people do want, i think, some social safety net, and i think a minimum wage that guarantees you some would call a living wage is part of that. dagen: but how is the new dnc leadership with keith ellison in the deputy role who is as left-wing as they come, that's not reaching out to that trump voter, by any stretch of the imagination. >> well, i don't know about that, but perez, perez was labor secretary, and i think he understands the importance of jobs. you know, you look back, i don't know about you, but i would say why didn't hillary clinton talk more about jobs? i think that really worked for donald trump. with that key base that we're talking about that you would identify as grassroots and i i say it's part of -- dagen: but tom perez i think on his first day on the job or one of his first days he's talking about the rigged election and how the russians and trump rigged the election. >> well --
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dagen: and if you're singing that song this many months into trump's term, then you've got bigger problems. >> do you think? i'm listening to you, because i think that's an interesting analysis. dagen: talk about -- >> much of the democratic base is so angry over the russia issue, still angry over the fbi -- dagen: you know what? you know why hillary lost though? they're angry over their own personal financial situation and their health care, that's what they're angry about. >> i think jobs, that's what i think. if we, if the democrats especially now that you've got perez there, former labor secretary, can start talking jobs, i think that will satisfy bernie's desire to have the democrats reorient themselves to the grassroots. dagen: juan williams -- >> you're a pleasure to do business with, thank you. dagen: always good to see you. >> nice to see you. dagen: coming up, what u.s. senator just called kim jong un a crazy fat kid? the communist nation is fuming. the panel returns to explain, next. ♪th ♪
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♪ ♪ dagen: the cradle of liberal nonsense, berkeley, california, has passed a resolution to impeach donald trump. and you know what that means? a whole lot of nothing! absolutely nada, niente. [laughter] berkeley is the third bay-area city to call for trump's impeachment. the town's mayor says trump has
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violated the e moll you meants clause which bars lawmakers from profiting off foreign governments. my panel's back, kno meek key, katie and brian. please explain this to me. >> i think it's great! all great trends start at berkeley. [laughter] >> oh, gosh. >> birkenstocks? >> i can't think of one. dagen: patty hearst getting kidnapped? >> that's kind of fun. >> she didn't start that there. i think, you know what? you've got to take a stand, and if they're on the right side of history, they'll look back and say berkeley was on, you know, knew what was happening. >> so did hillary. would they want to impeach hillary -- >> if you could have done it, you probably would have. dagen: how does this make them feel better though? >> if this was coming from farr
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go, north dakota -- fargo, go ahead, i think it would have a lot more weight. the fact that it's coming from we berkeley, the e leastist west coast will never understand the average person in the middle of the country. this is par for the course. >> i just want california to secede, southern california, and then we can build a wall along arizona, nevada, and up through northern california, and they can just have their own crazy country with their own president who doesn't violate the clause -- dagen: should we just saw it off and kick it into the pacific and let hawaii catch it and that judge? >> lovely. >> california's good -- whether oh, come on. great mexican food, great people. >> liberals have ruined california. it is such a beautiful, beautiful state with so many resources, and it has the largest population of -- or discrepancy, no, the largest discrepancy between rich and poor resides in california. >> i was in san francisco doing some -- [inaudible] i got exercise for the first
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time in my life, it's so hilly. [laughter] my goodness, the homeless population has taken over that entire city -- >> california's more poverty than -- dagen: they're great at preaching intolerance in the name of tolerance. i love that. north korean dictator kim jong un is this close to unfriending john mccain on facebook. [laughter] the problem started after mccain referred to the communist leader as a crazy fat kid. [laughter] state-controlled media said that the senator's actions are manifestations of the, quote, worst hostility towards north korea's ideologying social system and its people and a grave provocation little short of a declaration of war against it causing mccain to respond with an equally tweet: what was i supposed to call him, crazy skinny kid? [laughter] can they patch things up, or do we need to send ambassador rodman back over there?
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i call him that squat little refrigerator. >> oh, that's good. dagen: he's kind of shaped like that. >> this is the political discourse of, call him a fat little kid and we're going to war. what is happening here? these are nuclear powers. >> they have nukes, it's a little scary. >> i'm a little worried though -- dagen: worried about what? >> we need john mccain to impeach donald trump, and you know what he does, you you know what kim jong un does to his enemies and his brother -- >> he compete eats them. >> he's going to disappear. [laughter] dagen: do you think senator mccain is getting his mojo on twitter in preparation of really trolling -- >> well, i don't think it has anything to do with donald trump. in all seriousness, i do think that north korea is an emerging, larger threat than they already are. we just recently found out they launched a missile that could eventually become capable of hitting the west coast. they are a very serious nuclear threat to the united states and,
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of course, to south korea and japan. and korea's having some pretty serious political problems with their government, so there's a lot of instability. but i'm glad to see that john mccain has a sense of humor. >> squat little refrigerator. >> i like it. it almost reminds me of the waning days of a cult where the people are starving, the government knows they've lost control. they're extremely fatalistic. it's very dangerous stuff, but he is a squat, little fat man. >> good to see you all. dagen: coming up, celebrity chef andrew zimmer has circled the globe eating some of the most outrageous foods you can imagine. what's on the show for his next season? he tells kennedy, next. i accept i don't race down
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♪ ♪ >> hiding in that shell are edible loaveses of swollen reproductive organs that make up 90% of the animal's body. this is what all the fuss is about. not sampling them at the peak of freshness would be criminal. of the four or five we've just tried, that's the one. >> yes. >> creamy, sweet, it's got that beautiful livery taste that's associated with really primo urchin. this is what i imagine kissing a mermaid is hike. dagen: that's legendary tv chef andrew zimmer eating a sea urchin on "bay czar foods."
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from grubs to brains to shark, he's chewed on just about every food under the sun and in the ground. the new season of his spin-off show, bizarre foods: delicious destinations, starts april 18th on the travel channel. but andrew says life is not just about eating, it's about bringing people together in this crazy, mixed-up world. kennedy recently talked to chef, writer, teacher and host of "bizarre foods." kennedy: so you have an incredible job because you are, in a sense, a gastronominal ambassador. >> slash traveler, interloper and self-exiled cultural meme. [laughter] i think i have the best job in the whole world, and it certainly gets better and better and better for me. kennedy: so how important is food as a gate to culture? is it the most important? >> i think it's the most important. if you consider math, music and food, if you take away someone's
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boom box, i'd punch them in the face. if you take away their quadratic equation, but if i do one less problem at work, i'll be fine. but historically, when you look back at the history of human evolution, if you take away rice or bread, there's blood in the streets. that's the stuff revolution is made of. and, quite frankly, when you look at the developing world over the last 500 years, people travel with their food, and their food is then discovered by people in the 17th and 16th centuries during the colonial movement. and that was the beginning of what i call this global food train that sort of just kept chugging around and chugging around, leaving parts of itself all over. and i think most importantly, especially when you look at the refugee crisis in the world, new immigrants into our country or other countries, when people go somewhere, what excites them is taking their food with them. and what cheers them up when they come from a situation that is horrific is to be welcomed in a community of their own people by their own food. kennedy: well, and you talked
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about that particularly with syria and cuba, maybe people would have a better understanding and a greater desire to embrace other cultures -- [audio difficulty] >> probably the greatest of my professional life. parmeer -- pal meara is no longer with us -- kennedy: isn't that almost the saddest part though? >> i mean, that, in a sense, is so -- >> it's symbolic. if they'll destroy pal myrrh or rah, it gives you an idea how many p lives are lois. and i know what you mean by that. i think the human tragedy by far the greater one. the symbolism of it, it's hard for people to get their minds around a million dead, half the country dead -- kennedy: yeah. it's almost like your brain and your feelings shut off because you can't process it. >> can't compute it. but aleppo which was written as being a thousand years old in
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the bible, and i've met vendors who trace their family's history selling olives or honey in that market back predating the bible to think of them as all being gone and that market being rubble is one of the great losses. i have a little bit of honey -- kennedy: you can't replace that. it's literally an irreplaceable thing. >> it's amazing you do that word, i was doing an interview this morning with a print journalist, and everyone talks about our natural resource as being irreplaceable, and they are, but also our cultural resources. there is such a thing as the last bottle of water in the desert, and when someone drinks it, it's gone -- kennedy: all right, i want to talk about this food. as you are cutting boo this brisket and this pastrami bacon and the jamaican jerk spare ribs? >> no, these are the full spare ribs, salted, pepper and oak, and this is from my folks at hometown barbecue -- kennedy: this may not be the
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most exotic, but it sure looks delicious. >> here's the thing, fors exotic to some people -- it's exotic to some people who have never seen it before. so imagine the spanish explorers -- kennedy: i do. >> concern you know, coming into st. augustine, florida, at the beginning of the 16th century and see -- >> mind if i use your knife? >> no, go ahead. and seeing local indians cooking whole animals on greenwood suspended 6, 8 feet over an open fire covered with palm fronds -- kennedy: the brisket melts in your mouth! >> i think, i think -- kennedy: so delicious! >> not even close, you know. what the folks at hometown are doing puts them into a category -- kennedy: people should come to brooklyn. they should travel as the travel channel instructs them, come to brooklyn, have this, it will change your life. last question. why do so many cultures have weird food? are they showing off? is it the rarest things? what is the unifying element of
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that? >> because that's the way the whole world ate 500 years ago, and those cultures haven't been buried under modern culturallist rubble as we have in the united states in a rushed society based on convenience. this is the food that takes time. 18 hours to make some of these meats -- kennedy: yes, it does. pickled onions. andrew, thank you so much. >> thank, kennedy. dagen: was that barbecue? barbecue is pork, and none of it ever comes from brooklyn. just saying. coming up, somebody found a man eating a shark on a road 5 miles from the ocean. is the sci-fi channel filming another shark maid doe sequel? the topical storm is next. ♪ ♪ feels like anything is possible here in upstate new york. ( ♪ ) at corning, i test smart glass that goes all over the world. but there's no place like home. there's always something different to do like skiing in the winter,
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dagen: every day the staff on this show has a meeting where they choose the five best videos on the whole internet. they usually do it in a boardroom with big chairs, but judging by these stories, i'm guessing they had today's meeting in a bar. s this is the topical storm. topic number one, does size matter? the short answer is, yes. but you can't be choosy if you're a crook who needs a getaway car. a california man was caught on camera trying to outrun the cops on a minibike. the man was wanted for robbing the keebler elves, and it turns out he stole the tiny book from little marco rubio.
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by the way, i want the thank randy for sending this to us on twitter using hashtag topical storm. nice job, randy. we're all very proud of you. topic number two, a monster truck driver has done the impossible. no, he didn't get a woman to come to a monster truck rally. lee o'donnell executed the first-ever front flip in a monster truck. the crowd, of course, went nuts, but his uber passengers were kick. one guy spilled his drink, one liberal chick stabbed herself with her safety pin. and the staff on this show thinks i am a total redneck. there's some truth the that, but they've never had a monitor truck in the history of kennedy, and the minute i show up, it's all minibikes and front flips. so why not hang up a big mouth billy bass and pour a few glasses of moonshine and give me a story about mayonnaise, you bunch of self-ists. topic number three.
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a japanese man has apparently done the impossible and mastered the claw machine at the arcade. you know what i'm talking about, you put in your quarters, and then when you go to pick up the stuffed animal, the hand gets arthritis9 and can't grab anything. it gets you so mad that you want to beat somebody with a can of paint. this japanese dude has won 15,000 stuffed animals off the claw in the last year. personally, i'm happy for the guy if that's what he's into, but don't get fooled by this, kids, because that game is totally rigged. the only folks who ever beat the claw are this dude and the aliens at the end of "toy story 3." >> the claw. [laughter] dagen: topic number four. get a load of this. a bull shark washes up onto the streets of a coastal australian town after cyclone debbie blasted through the region. witnesses say it was just like those sharknado movies, but with
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a washed-up shark instead of washed-up actors. ♪ >> god bless america. dagen: and like all sharknados, nobody is hoping for a sequel. topic number five, an 82-year-old japanese grandmother has become the world's oldest club deejay. the woman spent most of her life working for her family's food business, but she quit a few years back and is spinning the wheels of steel at a popular tokyo nightclub. first there was the late great dj am, and now there is tylenol pm. she's not on all the time, but she has been known to drink a red bull and ensure. she's gotten so popular, she now has a rival deejay here in the states. ♪ ♪ [laughter] dagen: thanks for watching the show tonight.
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you can follow kennedy on twitter, instagram @kennedy nation, on facebook, kennedy fbn, e-mail us at love that girl. good night. ♪ ♪ >> she would get them to do the craziest things. >> ...becomes a celebrity herself. >> people knew her by name. she was a pin-up. >> there were definitely stories of skiing with the kennedys, definitely a lavish lifestyle for sure. >> what was her secret? >> isn't she adorable? >> what a winner shot. >> is it still gold today? >> is this collection potentially worth six figures, seven figures? [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪ >> i'm jamie colby, and today i'm in littleton, colorado. it's a suburb of denver that,
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