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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 13, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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give it to the passeng. molly, thanks so much for being with us. tomorrow john >> beauty's in the eye of the beholder. so meet the beholders. >> these paintings just did not appeal to me. and i don't think they appealed to my wife, either. >> i said, well, i guess the salvation army is as good as anyplace. we don't want them. >> but one man's trash... >> it just knocked my socks off. >> we have $50,000. >> within a few weeks, everybody knew about it. >> another's treasure. >> did you ever consider stopping? >> there is a point we all have to stop. but no. >> i'm jamie colby, and today, i'm in denver, colorado.
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i'm meeting a retired couple who relocated here to be close to family. it was that move, or rather the downsizing that preceded it, that brought this inheritance surprise to light. >> my name's don camp. i don't know a thing about art, and i doubt you'll disagree when you hear about the two paintings that sat in my basement for years. >> don, phyllis, i'm jamie. >> jamie, glad to meet you. >> you have a beautiful home. don and phyllis's story starts a few years back in 2011, when don retires from his job as an electrical engineer in upstate new york. oh, they have all sorts of plans. they want to downsize. they want to travel the world, see their daughter in taiwan and work with christian charities in africa. and they want to be closer to their grandchildren in denver. so don and phyllis sell their house. how long had you been in that house? >> about 20 years.
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we had accumulated a lot of stuff. >> with the move date looming, phyllis assigns don the unpleasant task of going through the basement. >> we had a path with boxes on both sides. it was a challenge. >> it's there that don rediscovers two paintings, draped under a bed sheet. >> both of them were probably the same vintage, probably 1920s, in their original frames. >> i knew about the paintings down there, because i'd covered them up with a sheet. >> did you know how you and your husband had obtained them? >> they came from don's parents, so that's all i knew. >> don inherited the paintings from his mother, lillian camp, who had died 21 years earlier in 1990. >> we weren't fond of them, and so they ended up in the basement. ♪ >> one of them is titled "arizona desert."
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>> one was a landscape scene from the southwest. >> it was a nice mountain scene. didn't have any particular meaning to us, though. >> eh. the other is titled "ruth." >> it's a woman standing by a doorway and a wall, and you can't make out her features very well. and in the foreground is a pillar with a vine running up the side of it. and that's about it. >> you wanted them out. >> i even mentioned throwing them in the dumpster. >> but phyllis figures a charity will take them. >> i said, "well, i guess the salvation army is as good as anyplace. we don't want them." >> don's about to give 'em away, but hesitates. did you think they were valuable? >> had no idea. so i wanted to contact our local auctioneer and get an opinion. >> that local auctioneer is david mapes, in vestal,
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new york, just west of binghamton. don sticks the paintings in the back of his van and calls david on his cell. >> what were you thinking? >> well, i see a lot of paintings come in on the back of cars, so i wasn't real excited. >> don's not getting his hopes up, either. if this doesn't pan out, his next stop -- the salvation army, that is, if he doesn't pass a dumpster along the way. then he opens the hatch to show the auctioneer. >> what happened? >> they were laid out in the back of my mini-van. and his mouth kind of dropped open. i remember his words. he said, "that's just a painting. this other one is art." >> but first, our "strange inheritance" quiz question. grant wood's "american gothic" is one of the most recognized paintings in the world. whom did wood use as his models? his plumber and the plumber's wife, his sister and his
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dentist, or his own parents? the answer after the break. hey, searching for a great used car? i don't want one that's had a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at
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>> so, whom did painter grant wood recruit as the models for his iconic painting, "american gothic"? it's b. wood chose his sister and his dentist to be the farmer and daughter depicted in the painting. >> retirees don and phyllis camp
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are busy packing for their move from upstate new york to denver, colorado, when they decide to get rid of two paintings don inherited from his mother decades ago. >> they were not our favorite. >> [ chuckles ] >> if we'd fallen in love with them, then i think it would have been a different story. >> on a lark, don takes them down the road to local estate appraiser david mapes. first, david eyeballs that southwestern landscape. >> it was a pleasant picture. >> pleasant? >> yeah. >> then the appraiser takes a good, long look at the woman in the red shawl. while the appraiser is staring at that painting, don is staring at the appraiser. >> and his mouth kind of dropped open. >> it just knocked my socks off. >> right in the parking lot? >> it just spoke to me. it's just one woman. you can't see her face. it's covered with a shawl. this simple, plain, exciting scene of this woman.
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>> they bring the paintings inside so david can look up the signatures on his computer database. first, he types in the signature on that "pleasant" western landscape. >> karl hoerman, a german artist. >> did he tell you what he thought that one was worth? >> maybe $800. >> nothing to sneeze at. then david examines the picture of the woman in the red shawl. in the lower left-hand corner, a signature -- victor higgins. >> victor higgins. how much did you know? >> i never heard of him before. >> turns out, the guy's work sells for big bucks. >> one of his paintings sold at sotheby's for over $400,000. >> he appeals to the modern aesthetics, not only back then, but specifically today. >> mark sublette, an authority on western painting, knows all about victor higgins.
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born on a farm in indiana in 1884, thartist leaves home as a teenager and studies painting at the art institute of chicago. in 1913, he's one of many american artists blown away by an international exhibition of modern art called the armory show. >> you had all these cubist and impressionistic paintings coming from europe. and it really shook up the entire art world. >> the staggered american artists, including higgins, resolve to develop their own modern styles. so several artists from around the country converge in taos, new mexico -- at the time, a sleepy southwestern pueblo. >> we have crystal-clear, blue skies with wonderful light penetration. it's a perfect setup for a colony, and that was exactly what happened. >> they establish the taos society of artists. higgins travels to taos and
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becomes a member. his southwest paintings are a hit with his wealthy, big-city patrons. >> higgins makes most of his money sending paintings from taos to chicago and new york. >> his work becomes even more popular after his death in 1949. back in upstate new york, appraiser david mapes shares the news with don camp. that painting he was ready to toss in a dumpster is a big deal. >> it's an unknown painting. it just popped up, and here it is. i said to him, "this is a very valuable painting," and he said, "how valuable?" i said, "well, it's going to sell for over $100,000." >> i was amazed. >> that's a good number. >> [ chuckles ] yes. >> what did you think would happen? >> i had no idea. i was just glad that they were out of the house. [ both laugh ] >> keep in mind, don and phyllis are busy clearing out their house for the move to denver.
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n esn't think twice about leaving both pntings wh his eager new acquaintance. >> he wasn't counting on it being worth anything, so it's gonna be christmas, whatever it brings. >> but before david can put a painting that he hopes is worth six figures on the market, discriminating buyers will need to know a lot more. >> they may be fakes or frauds. that's the first thing as a dealer -- is it real? 'cause often, they're not. >> here's another quiz question for you. what's the name of the desert in southern new mexico? is it the chihuahuan, coyote, or sonoran desert? the answer when we return.
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at crowne plaza we know business travel isn't just business. there's this. 'a bit of this. why not? your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. which is what we do. crowne plaza. we're all business, mostly.
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>> so, what's the name of the desert in southern new mexico?
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it's a, the chihuahuan desert, which extends into west texas. >> in upstate new york, don and phyllis camp learn from their local estate appraiser that one of two paintings inherited from don's mother might be worth 100,000 bucks or more. >> it was good news. >> it's this portrait of an elusive pueblo woman, signed by the prominent taos school artist victor higgins. >> it's a very good field to be selling into, because a lot of collectors love that type of painting. >> first, david mapes has to appraise and authenticate the painting for auction. there are three notations on the back, written in pencil -- the name "ruth," victor higgins, and $600. >> and if you think about it, that was quite a bit of money back then. >> after decades in a dusty basement, mapes has a name and a
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purchase price. but he still needs to know how "ruth" got into the hands of don's family. >> david asked me, "what's the story behind this painting?" i talked to my brother. we agreed that it must have come from our great uncle, curtis. >> why do you think he would have been interested in southwestern art? >> well, uncle curtis was a corporate attorney, as i understand, and he was on the board of the chicago art institute. >> where victor higgins studied. the appraiser concludes the painting is authentic and was likely painted in the 1920s. he knows he's about to stun the art world. you're like in the outskirts of new york. you're not in manhattan. you're not in the southwest. this is not your expertise. >> for the most part, we do estates. whenever somebody passes away, we go and take everything out that we can sell. we often find treasures in there, but not like this. it had everything going for it.
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>> and when he sharehisfindingse learns there's even more reason to love this painting. it turns out that ruth is a rather special lady. that's because after the 1920s, higgins switched his focus from painting human figures to landscapes. >> higgins quit doing paintings with figures. quite frankly, the pieces that are going to demand the most value in today's market are the ones with figures. >> for example, this higgins landscape sold for $130,000 in 2005. but a higgins similar to "ruth," entitled "four shawled women," sold at sotheby's for more than three times that amount, over 400 grand. that would be quite a payday. but remember, don and phyllis stuck the painting in their dusty basement for years. >> the canvas was a bit saggy, a little bit loose.
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there was quite a bit of cracking in the paint. >> i'm thinking, "well, okay, maybe it'll draw $100,000." >> little does he know, mapes gets a far bigger offer for "ruth" even before he advertises the auction. david's on the road when a top dealer reaches him on his cellphone. >> he said, "i want to make you an offer before the auction." i pulled over. i said, "what's your offer?" he said, "$300,000." >> impressive. >> [ chuckles ] exactly what i said. >> even a small auction house in the middle of new york countryside, within a few weeks, it was apparent that everybody knew about it. >> mark sublette isn't surprised that big-city dealers would circle around the small-town auction house. >> generally, a painting like that's gonna go to one of the major auction houses. and as dealers, we hope that we might be able to get a bargain, quite frankly. >> did you call don? >> no, but things are going through my mind. if he wants to pay $300,000, then other people are going to
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pay more. i thought about it for a short period of time, and i said, "no. >> that's risky, isn't it? >> it could be, but i was so confident in this picture and the market for it. >> next lot is the higgins. >> so, is the small-town auctioneer in over his head? >> okay. >> will savvy dealers paint him into a corner? or will ruth provide a windfall to a couple in their golden years? >> okay, we have $50,000 to start. who'll do $60,000? >> what's your "strange inheritance" story? we'd love to tell it. send me an e-mail or go to our website, finally. hey ron! they're finally taking down that schwab billboard. oh, not so fast, carl.
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♪ oh no. schwab, again? index investing for that low? that's three times less than fidelity... ...and four times less than vanguard. what's next, no minimums? minimums. schwab has lowered the cost of investing again. introducing the lowest cost index funds in the industry with no minimums. i bet they're calling about the schwab news. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management.
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>> now back to "strange inheritance." >> a victor higgins painting entitled "ruth" is headed for auction. art dealers are intrigued that a work by the famous taos society artist has turned up out of the blue, or, in this case, out of the basement.
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>> as a dealer, we love to get pieces that are one-owner, family. it makes it more special. >> it's don and phyllis camp's strange and rather ironic inheritance. in their own words, they never cared much for ruth. >> what is it you dn't like? >> the lady looked very sad, ke she was floundering. it left me with an empty feeling. >> listen, art is in the eye of the beholder. >> that's right. she's very lonely. i'm not a lonely person. >> but the lonely figure of ruth is precisely why an arizona art collector named ray harvey is so excited about the painting. >> the thing about higgins -- the figures are very rare, very hard to come by, and very much in demand. >> you were committed from the minute you saw the image? >> pretty much. >> you could say ray has a special interest in ruth. he purchased that similar higgins, entitled "four shawled women," from a private seller in 2008 for more than half a
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million bucks. was there extra intrigue because no one had seen "ruth"? >> definitely. it's just so nice when a painting like that comes up undiscovered. >> ray will be out of the country when ruth goes up on the block. he makes plans to watch the auction online from a hotel in positano, italy, and bid by phone. >> as it happens, don camp and his wife, phyllis, won't be there, either. they're visiting their daughter in taiwan. did you tell your daughter, "oh, by the way, while we're here, we're auctioning these two very ugly paintings we can't wait to unload"? >> [ laughs ] yes. >> we had 10 people on the telephones, fielding bids, and then we had a number of people in the audience. >> others are booting up their computers, like ray harvey in positano, where it's 1:00 a.m. >> you're always nervous about auctions, especially when you're buying something sight unseen. >> are you already logged onto
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the internet? >> well, tried to. couldn't get on. the connection was bad, and i'm thinking, "i sure hope they can get through to me." >> then, just before the bidding gets under way, ray connects by phone with the auction house in upstate new york. >> what if the phone hadn't gone through? >> it's unfortunate. you would just miss out. guys like myself, i guess the chase is a big part of it. >> the first one is the lot 97, the karl hoerman. >> first, a warm-up -- the other painting that don inherited, entitled "desert landscape." >> margaret buys it at $1,100, 161. >> it sells for a more-than-expected $1,100. is that an omen for "ruth," who don and phyllis considered donating to the salvation army, if they didn't just throw her out? >> everybody on the phones? >> i asked for an opening bid, and it opened at $50,000. >> okay. we have $50,000 to start. who'll do $60,000? >> the dealer who offered david mapes 300k a month before the auction is there and still
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eager to bid. so is ray harvey. >> $70,000. we have $80,000 in the back. now $90,000. $90,000. >> they had quite a bit of action on it. >> do you remember your first bid? >> it was $300,000. >> i have $300,000. >> okay, we have $300,000. >> that would have been a good price? >> that would have been a steal. >> can i get $310,000? >> no one's getting a steal today. >> $320,000. $330,000. >> it keeps on climbing, past 400k, $450,000. >> we get up to $500,000. >> anyone drop out at that point? >> oh, yeah, a lot of people did. it was down to ray harvey, plus the floor bidder. >> did you ever consider stopping? >> you know, there is a point we all have to stop. but no. >> $640,000's bid. $650,000. we have $650,000 on the phone from italy. >> going once, going twice... >> is the camera ready for this? [ laughter ] [ crowd cheering ] >> sold to the arizona art lover
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ray harvey. >> you want the total number? >> sure, why not? >> $650,000. >> i'm gonna fall off my chair. >> okay. [ both laugh ] that's about what i did. i had no concept, no concept, that it was worth that much. >> holy smokes. >>s of now, that's the third highest pricthat his paintings have ever sold for. >> victor higgins' enigmatic painting of ruth darn near ended up in a dumpster. >> well, i think the main thing i like about it is the color and the simplicity of the woman. >> ray will soon loan "ruth" to various museums, but today, she lives in his entryway, looking every bit the masterpiece. >> and the condition to this day after so many years in a basement, under a bed sheet. >> it's an amazing story. and i refer a lot to paintings that are collection-makers, you know? this would be considered a collection-maker. >> here's my wedding. >> as for don and phyllis, that unexpected windfall courtesy of
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"ruth," gives them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a charitable donation bigger than they ever imagined. they fund the completion of a well for a needy community in africa. >> we gave 1/4 of it to a christian mission in kenya so that that well could be completed. >> that's spectacular. what did you buy for yourself? >> we bought a new car. that was all. >> a ferrari? >> no. a honda odyssey. >> you're so sweet, phyllis. >> we were just grateful. >> turns out, don isn't the only one in the camp family who inherited a painting that once belonged to old uncle curtis. his big brother also got one by another prominent taos artist named walter ufer. the difference is don's brother actually liked his, so much so it's been hanging in his home for half a century. i'm jamie colby. thanks for watching
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"strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. >> you want thrills, you'll get them all at the roller derby. >> talk about hell on wheels! >> she's the paragon, the symbol for roller derby. >> i wear hot pants all the time. >> she was a star. i mean, there's no doubt about it. >> a star who leaves an attic full of roller derby history... >> let me see this. they're very, very, very small. >> her lifelong fan. >> this is ann's last jersey. >> why did she leave you her inheritance? >> the answer -- it's a little tricky. >> whoopsy. [ laughs ] [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪
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>> i'm jamie colby in san francisco today, home of the bay bombers. if you know that is the most storied franchise in roller derby, then you watch too much saturday morning tv. and if you don't know what i'm talking about, no worries! just strap on your helmet because you are in for a rollicking good time. >> my name is jim fitzpatrick, and when one of my childhood idols died in 2006, she left me hundreds of her mementos from her roller derby career. >> hi, i'm jamie. >> hi, jamie. nice to meet you. i'm jim. >> inside his house, jim fitzpatrick has arranged his strange inheritance into a shrine, to the woman who left it to him, annie calvello, the hottest star from his favorite sport's glory days. >> a lot of fans went for different reasons. some of them, it's obvious. they went to see girls. some went to see the fights. >> calvello keeps driving. and she's past four and hit in there, knocked down...
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>> it's back in the 1960s when the gutsy roller goddess makes a big impression on 8-year-old jim fitzpatrick. but let's not get ahead of ourselves. 1929 -- that's when we'll begin ann calvello's story, here in san francisco, where she grows up the oldest of six children. tony calvello is ann's younger brother. >> ann was a tough one. [ laughs ] i can remember getting in a ght in front of the house, and she came up and broke up the fight, then i was the one getting hit. >> as a teenager, ann takes to the latest craze -- roller skating. >> she might have been termed a "tomboy," and very often better and faster than the boys. >> around this time, a movie theatre chain owner named leo seltzer comes across a mind-blowing stat. 95% of americans have tried roller skating at one time or
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another, so he creates a new sport -- roller derby. >> my father came up with this idea -- "let's put the competitors on roller skates." >> jerry seltzer is leo's son. >> the women would skate for 12 minutes against the opposing team. then the men would come out and skate for 12 minutes against the opposing team. >> here is the pack now, a girl has broken away from the pack. she is called jamming skater. for each one of the opposing teams she passes, she'll get a point. >> calvello keeps driving. >> it catches on like wildfire. [ cheers and applause ] >> were the audiences co-ed? >> the audience got more and more co-ed, and that was one of the secrets of roller derby. the wives come, the girlfriends come, and their boyfriends and husbands become fans. >> in 1948, the seltzers send scouts to san francisco to look for skaters, and 18-year-old ann calvello sparkles at a tryout.
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>> ann calvello was a heck of a skater. >> later that year, roller derby makes its television debut in new york, and before long, stations across the country are picking up the game. suddenly, roller derby stars are household names. >> annie calvello, and calvello's on the move. >> it didn't take our skaters long to learn that the bigger personalities they became, the more attraction they had. >> down right, they just tore off the front half of gal is a little angry. and this uh-oh! she hit the referee and gets ruled out of the game. >> we actually had a rule how far could the women zip down their jerseys, and there's one who violated it all the time. that was ann calvello. >> she was very proud of what she termed her "tickets." that's what they referred to their breasts as -- tickets -- and she'd say "tickets up!" and she'd stand up real straight. she was really quite funny.
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>> every grudge match needs a villain. ann is happy to oblige. >> watch it! she's got more trouble! >> everybody wanted to come and see ann, primarily to boo her. >> were those real fights, or were they laying it on? >> let me tell you what i would say to the skaters. "we do not want fights. but if you're gonna fight, you better fight because there's nothing worse than a phony fight." >> judy arnold skated against ann calvello. >> annie loved being the villain. >> and now three shamrocks start to finish the job! >> most of the skaters off the track loved her. >> oh, there's bad blood here! >> on the track, things change 'cause you want to win. >> there she is, right behind the hammerlock. >> but ann's not just a roller derby queen. she's also a world-class packrat who saves every knee pad,
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jersey, and piece of fan mail from day 1. >> 1948, when she's a teenager, she's recruited to skate for the first time professionally, and this was her original skate case. >> this is her helmet? >> this is one of ann's helmets. she kind of decorated hers with scarves and she added her name to it. and she was a leo, very proud of it, so she -- >> that's pretty cool. >> yeah, engraved that into it. >> women born under the sign of leo are said to be difficult to resist, and a handsome roller derby referee named roy langley can't. they wed in 1951 and have a daughter named teri, but the marriage soon goes over the rail. >> roy was very jealous of any attention that ann got, especially from men. i believe he expected them to be settled, and that wasn't what ann wanted to do. >> what ann wants is to go back to roller derby, and she does.
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the couple divorce, roy's mother raises teri while ann tours the globe. >> when she was on the track, she wasn't only queen of the track. she was queen of the world. ♪ >> color tv allows ann to amp up her flamboyant style. >> annie would color her hair. >> when i come back, you're gonna be so sorry... >> she'd do part pink, part green, part blue, and in those days, that was not the thing to do, but annie did it. >> one of her nicknames -- demon of the derby. after a few broken schnauzes, the most famous is banana nose. >> banana nose! >> banana nose! >> then in the late 1960s, she grabs the attention of a certain 8-year-old boy. >> it was a saturday morning, and all of a sudden, i see this bizarre sport. >> tickets up!
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how jim becomes a superfan and then ann's heir. next... >> but first, our "strange inheritance" quiz question. real life roller derby star judy arnold was the stunt double for which actress in the 1972 film "kansas city bomber?" the answer after the break. hi i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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>> so, which actress used judy arnold for her stunt double in the 1972 film "kansas city bomber?" it's raquel welch. judy wore a brunette wig to do raquel's action scenes. >> by the late 1960s, ann calvello has been burning up the roller derby track for two decades. jim fitzpatrick is a young boy watching tv when he first sets eyes on the demon of the derby. >> it was 1968. >>those of us who loved him... >> bobby kennedy was assassinated, and it was a saturday morning, and they had the funeral procession, which was airing on all the channels. >> the only alternative for a sports-crazy kid... independent tv station airing a raucous battle. >> they were skating at this wild, blinding speed, hitting
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each other, banging each other. people are falling. >> he's hooked and unable to avert his eyes from the veteran vixen with the bod of a 25-year-old. his strange inheritance contains the proof. >> these are her shorts while she was on the midwest pioneers, and she was already at this point, 41 years of age. >> they're very, very, very small. >> "if you got it, flaunt it," the saying goes, and ann does. >> i wear hot pants. i mean, at 42 years old, people say you shouldn't wear hot pants. i say, "hey, look, when you're my age, you should look so good in hotants." >> as jim grows up, he doesn't outgrow his roller derby fascination. he takes up skating himself, and after high school scores a job on the track crew with the hometown bay bombers. it's a skate in the door. >> one night, i walk into the oakland auditorium, and the owner comes over to me and he goes, "you're skating tonight." that's when i went, "holy crap,
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am i ready for this?" >> jim goes on to skate with teams across the u.s., in bueno aires, and on a u.s. all star team in japan. >> i pursued my dream. >> you were too determined. >> yeah. >> but after 5 years, injuries forced jim to switch jobs to part-time ref. next thing he knows, he's facing off with ann calvello, now 56 years old and swinging a handbag. >> she grabbed the purse, took the straps, she swung it around, and she nailed me on the side of the head. >> in time, that lump on jim's head will get replaced with a soft spot in his heart for a battered and aging roller derby queen still busting chops but worried about fading away. that's next. >> i can't believe i'm doing this. >> here's another quiz question for you. ronnie robinson, one of the top
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roller derby stars of the '70s was related to what more famous figure? boxing champ sugar ray robinson, former first lady michelle robinson obama, or baseball great jackie robinson? the answer when we return.
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>> so, who was roller derby star ronnie robinson's famous relative? it's a. his dad was boxing champ sugar ray robinson. >> by the mid-1990s, jim fitzpatrick has left behind his days a pro roller derby skater. the profession, he says, isn't what it once was.
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>> the sport has gone through so many ups and downs. the traditional roller derby was a totally legitimate game, but there have been other people that have come along, and they've just taken it in a whole bizarre direction. >> just wait till you see these skaters take on the 14-foot high wall of death. >> i've seen some that have had a wall of death... >> he's getting him onto the rail! he's putting him in the pit! >> alligator pit... >> i can't believe what we're witnessing here tonight! >> i got to go! >> the changes don't seem to bother annie calvello. even as she nears 70, she's still selling those tickets. >> they want all the young girls, you know, with the nice figures, but i don't have a bad figure, and they're real! >> what's all too real -- the off-track life of an aging roller derby demon who never remarries, never saves money, and makes end meeting pushing carts and bagging groceries at the safeway. it's around this time that jim
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runs into ann at a roller derby reunion. he's compiling a book about the history of the sport. >> i kind of put it together for just some of the skaters as a keepsake. i started asking her questions for my book. >> over a string of long interviews and sharing stories, they become close friends. so close that jim's by her side when ann learns she has eye cancer, then it spreads to her liver. ann confides to jim her worry that she'll be totally forgotten when she's gone and her wish for one last night in the spotlight. >> she really wanted to skate, and she was 70 years old, and i really thought that this is not a good thing to do. >> in august 2000, ann calvello skates before cheering roller derby fans one last time. >> she doesn't take you know what! [ whistle blows ] >> and there they go! ann calvello puts him up into the rail, and look at her go!
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one lap to go. if she gets there first, she's gonna win this thing! she can get it... and she got it! she knocked him down with an old roller derby move! old banana nose is back, and what an outpouring of love for ann calvello. >> that red jersey is the last thing ann calvello places in her lifelong collection of roller derby memorabilia. >> i'm gonna miss all you guys! >> and then she delights jim by announcing she's leaving much of it to him when she dies. >> i go by my own rules! >> it's on march 14, 2006 ann calvello hangs up her skates for good, succumbing to cancer at age 76. >> i remember going over to her apartment, and it was a sad day. and when i saw what i had, i was blown away by it. >> jim gathers up his strange inheritance -- trophies,
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pennants, fan letters, skates, knee pads, jerseys, and more. >> this is the madison square garden's program for the first ali-frazier fight. they have a section in here on other great athletes that performed in the garden, and sure enough... >> it's ann! >> yeah, two pictures of ann. so she represented roller derby. and then this is after she had some real knee problems and she was starting to wear a special brace. this is touching. ann saved all of her fan mail. i even have a lot of her letters when people were wishing her to recover after the brain tumor surgery. >> stuff any roller derby fan would covet. >> jim, you ever have any of this stuff appraised? >> not really appraised, but what i have noticed over the years, i've seen people sell items on ebay. there was one jersey that was sold for about $3,000. i think ann is just as much if not more of a star, so... it might go for more. >> but as you're about to see, jim has another idea for his strange inheritance, one he'll
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try out in his new position as general manager of the storied san francisco bay bombers. coming up, how do you bring back roller derby's glory days? it won't be easy... >> i promised my mom i'd wear these. >> what's your "strange inheritance" story? we'd love to tell it. send me an e-mail or go to our website, i realize that ah, that $100k is not exactly a fortune. well, a 103 how long did it take you two to save that? a long time. then it's a fortune. i told you we had a fortune. get closer to your investment goals with a conversation.
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>> now back to "strange inheritance." >> roller derby legend ann calvello saves practically everything from her 50-year career -- skates, jerseys, programs, photos, pennants, trophies, and on and on and on. fellow derby legend judy arnold is glad she did. >> annie had a heart to preserve what she did. i think it's wise that she did that. i didn't think that way.
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>> when ann dies, she leaves all this to jim fitzpatrick, her lifelong fan whom she inspired to join the roller derby himself. he's sure it's worth many thousands of dollars, but knows ann had a plan for him. why did she leave you her inheritance? >> i love the sport, and she knew that i was doing the best i could trying to bring roller derby back to where it should be. >> jim now manages the san francisco bay bombers, one of the first teams calvello skated for. but if roller derby has a future, it's now in the hands of skaters like stacey blitsch. malibu stacey who skates for the l.a. firebirds is in town to face the bombers. >> oh, my goodness! hello! >> so she, jim fitzpatrick, and judy arnold teach me some tricks of the trade. >> so, jim, what are you gonna teach me today? >> we're gonna start out with a whip. and a whip is a way of propelling a skater or teammate down the track.
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it accelerates their speed. >> now it's my turn. i'm gonna do this. stand by. ♪ i promised my mom i'd wear these. >> whoopsy. [ laughs ] >> let's try that again. >> right, left. right, left. hey! >> she's got it! >> okay, i'm getting the hang of this. >> that's it? [ laughs ] no biggie. >> hey, if raquel welch can use a stunt double, so can i. thanks, stace. >> walking... >> it's clear i'm not gonna help jim reach his goal of returning
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roller derby to its former glory years, but he believes his strange inheritance might. see, jim understands that while some fans like him might get hooked on a sport after catching it on tv... >> bay bombers! >> ...usually fandom is passed down from a parent or grandparent. he figures it will only help if he can draw connection between today's skaters and those who raced around these banked tracks in generations past. >> today's game is dedicated to the original roller derby legend and former san francisco bay bomber ann calvello. >> that's where his strange inheritance comes in. >>e love this and we want to try and carry it on and cay the tradition on. >> yes, there are some emp seats, but jim sees a promising mix of kids, moms, and old-timers who take in ann calvello's treasures, fondly remembering old banana nose.
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>> i loved to see her, the way she used to fight and skate around. she was wonderful. >> come on, baby! take her out! take her out! >> so, can ann calvello's heir bring their sport back to the days of big ratings and sold-out stadiums? >> star of the night, annie calvello. [ whistle blows ] >> it sounds like a pipe dream. >> get in front, [bleep] get in front! fight! >> calvello's on the move. the fans are very excited about this, look at them stand up and watch. >> you never know. [ cheers and applause ] in fact, the federation of international roller sports has been lobbying for decades to get the derby into the olympics. skaters say they were almost a demonstration sport in 2016, but they lost out to rugby and golf. better luck next time, jammers. i'm jamie colby. thanks so much for watching
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