tv Kennedy FOX Business April 18, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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lou: that's it for us tonight. tomorrow night we are joined by general jack keane. randy evans among our guests. we hope you will join us as you did tonight for which we are grateful. good night from new york. kennedy: the white house says their patience with north korea is spent. are we headed towards a hot war? what does that mean for 2018. an nbc sports reporter says pro baseball should ditch the u.s. flag. did he forget temperatures our national pastime? time to catch the fever. frustrated taxpayers in places like mar-a-lago hard in homes of
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change the tax code in favor of the indidu. it was free-wheeling leftists waving signs with the single narrow focus of hastening the president's failure. they busted out signs like ching and thief, and we care, show your taxes. they can't grasp the election is past. they are not even fighting for a worthy cause like drastically change the taxation state. instead they are asking the president to whip out his tax returns. expect the country to change with the release of president trump's taxes is like expecting to get pregnant by watching porn. but all americans who claim to adore freedom should turn their attention to the simple truth
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that taxation is theft. your rational mind knows all this proliferation was achieved by force as your tax dollars were reluctantly taken from you to fund stuff you don't need and stuff you will never see or use. that's wrong and that's theft. do i suggest you stop paying your taxes? hell, no, you will get arrested and thrown in jail and you will still have to pay tax, lawyers' fees and a juicy after bill. now is not time to pick petty fights the left will not admit to losing. overhauling the tax code is a wonderful way to start. so a lower corporate tax rate, and slightly left in thievery
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can get the economy going. waving neat phrases may make you feel better for a second. but while you were patting yourself on the back, the government was robbing you blind. i'm kennedy. it should be obvious to anybody who has ever paid taxes that the system needs to be fixes. is there any chance of that happening with this congress? and where should she start? nick gillespie joins me to talk tax on the eve of the tax bill coming due. do you think people clamoring for the president's tax returns, are they looking in the wrong place? >> the real question about taxes, we need to start getting back to the idea that taxes is the revenue that's supposed to pay for all government services
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that we want. we have been borrowing so much money, we are only collect 75 do 80 cents for every dollar the government spends. we are getting a dollar's worth of spending for every 75 cents. if the price of government went up we would demand less of it. most of the services we get we don't really need or their substandard. kennedy: you have two parties in power that share the love of spending. they just want to spend more. no one is talking about that idea. what if you paid for the work of government? what would you expect from it? >> that would be if we said okay, we have had record years for tax revenue. but we are spending $4 trillion
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a year. and, you know, if you say we only have the limit -- there are people who do balance budget amendments. justin amash has proposed this, rand paul, mike lie. so you would he to eat it. you can only spend what you bring in. it's more important than donald trump's tax returns. kennedy: that goes hand in hand with the debt ceiling. they keep jacking up every year like a flat tire on a car. it gives them license to spend more money. the idea of tax reform. >> we haven't had a real budget in years. at the end they are we'll carry it over and we'll continue doing it with add-ons. donald trump talked about a skinny budget. he spent the same amount or a little bit more than last year, but it only covered 25% of the budget.
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entitlements and interest on the debt. that's on auto pilot. we should be talking about this, especially at tax time. taxes -- i don't agree with you that taxes are theft. but taxes should be focused on paying for the services we agree on. kennedy: people should have the ability on their tax returns to decide where that money goes. >> that might be something interest where conservatives would say i don't want to fund planned parenthood, libertarians would say i don't want to fund overseas wars, liberals would say something else, and that would at least start the conversation. this is the size scope and funding of government we all agree on. if we are a representative democracy that should be it. >> but the fake budget doesn't represent what the government spend.
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it is a for of coercion. >> wesley snipes could tell you all about that. by the same token. it's so comply kited. i have to admit i haven't finished my taxes yet because i'm look for a little piece of paper that will keep me from being audited by the i.r.s. the 529 plan. it comes that ohio state university on the receipt. kennedy: that's how you do it. nick gillespie. in the flesh. rowdy town halls across the country, healthcare has by far been the biggest topic at the town halls. [crowd chanting shame on you]
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kennedy: healthcare has been the biggest topic at town halls. liberals angry republicans are trying to dismantle it, and they have another full week to go before returning to washington. will republicans be able to regain their mojo? party panel, can you believe, guy, welcome, by the way, to a monday he can traamoan. are people in the crowd vocal liberals or has it reached critical mass.
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>> i think those people chanting were probably organized liberals changtd shame on you at jeff flake in arizona. for anything, shame on him perhaps for talking about repealing, replacing obamacare, something republicans ran on for four elections and won three of them in the process. there is some worry, and there ought to be, some concern from the trite flank of the electorate. if you promise over and over again you are going to uproot a failing law and you promise your voters that's your intent. trying once and swinging and mission and walking away just isn't acceptable. that's apparently not what they are doing. they are still in talks. but the conservative base wants to see actual results where the left is extremely energized about everything right now. kennedy: i think shouting has replaced talking as the normal
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means of communication for both parties. >> you have to feel for republicans in the sentence they did only have 8 years to get it together and come through for their constituents. it's hard to get anything done in 8 years. kennedy: do you think it's only liberals out there who are being so ld inheir opposition to the president and his entire agenda, or is there something else happening with healthcare being an emotional issue. >> i was surprised by how many populist conservatives who were responsible for donald trump winning the primary. a lot of those people are not happy with the current healthcare plan. but of course they want a solution and what they see as political gains happening in washington. the organized left. the party that can't handle the
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primary and can't show up in wisconsin or michigan and suddenly organized for these protests? we can't agree with each other on anything. kennedy: i don't think you need an organization. there is enough to tap into with this issue. i think it one thing you have seen with the opposition from progressives. but add to that the fact that everyone is affected by healthcare laws. they are giant, they have unintended consequences. and when you start screwing around with people's doctors and insurance they get freaked out. >> there was some organizations -- the tea party protests. some groups got involved. but to your point. one of our recent fox news polls asked about the republican healthcare bill. you had a plurality oppose but a part of that was conservatives
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saying it doesn't go far enough. take it from both angles. >> if the freedom caucus. kennedy: we'll see how the president and paul ryan work together to appease the group that are in direct opposition to one another. some of it appears to go against previous statements by attorney general jeff sessions. on an interview on nbc's meet the press. kelly stead pot is not a top focus of his agency. >> meth am get means almost all produced in mexico. heroin, virtually all produced in mexico and cocaine that comes up from further south. those three results ended up with the deaths of 52,000 people, to include opiates.
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it's a massive problem. kennedy: he went on to say we can't arrest our way out of the drug problems we have in this country. is the administration using logic on the war on drugs? there is a bit of a chasm on this issue and some who realize the amount of money you would have to put into law enforcement to once again combat marijuana as an illegal and dangerous drug takes away from the resources that a lot of law enforcement once used to combat amphetamines and heroin. >> let's just be real here. there are racial elements to this. the opioid epidemic affects white americans. would you use law enforcement to target white americans? it's a much more difficult
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situation to target community the republican party is dependent upon versus what's the strategy has glen the past is marijuana is used by whites as much as african-americans. kennedy: the drug war failed because they targeted supply for so long and it doesn't work. general kelly says they will work on demands. but i don't know they will change demand. but he talks about bombing poppy fields and coca plant manufacturers. gu>> i'm ambivalent on some of this drug stuff. but if you look atd true focus, to have the government focused on pot seems like a gigantic waste of time and money. we have limited resources and
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time and effort for the federal government to be recontinue forcing stuff. gateway drug, i don't buy it. kennedy: our attorney general has been confronted with evidence. it has shown in several cases wet were it's recreational oral medicinal. opioid use dropped by 25%. there seems to be a connection between having available marijuana and ingredients listed and servings and everything else. and putting something in your body that's illegal that could get arrested and could kill you. >> it seems now that marijuana's use at least for medicinal purposes is legal in many parts of this country where it was not up until a few years ago. i live in washington, d.c., it's one of those places, from a
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political angle i have no iron in the fire. i'm more interested in prioritization and what will ultimately save american lives. if the focus is to combat the opioid crisis, i'm all for it. kennedy: marijuana is less of a problem since i it's legal. perhaps the government should look at legalizing these other drugs and we can turn this into a public health issue as opposed to a law enforcement issue. the trump administration hitting back in north korea's latest sign aggreion. finally. hey ron! they're finally taking down that schwab billboard. oh, not so fast, carl. ♪
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and our allies have stood together for a denuclearized korean agenda. kennedy: they are calling for china to step up to the plate. how would that change the north korean threat in buck, welcome back. let's talk about china. how do you get china engaged where they are a much more important actor. they know the north koreans better than we ever will. it's in their best interest to figure this out. why are we inserting ourselves so much. >> there are places where we have common interests with china and places that we don't even on north korea. they don't want a total implosion on north korea. they don't want to deal with millions of refugees if the
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state did implode. kennedy: they are going to kill them all. >> there is that possibility in terms of the military complex. but they don't want an implosion of the north korean state. but they also don't want a democratic free, western-allied south korea to expands all at way up to their border. they want a buffer state there. they will work -- it's also a massive threat to china. kennedy: it's not a stable state. what is the worst case scenario? toot worst case scenario is there will be a lot of talk and rhetoric and nothing changes. kennedy: wouldn't a nuclear conflict be the worst case scenario? >> i thought you meant realistically.
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everyone looks at the north korean and how it maintains domestic control and thinks it's crazy. but it's been very rational in regard to how it acted in terms of international sanctions, diplomacy, getting without giving. they have been marching along with this problem all along in without crossing a red line. pop. they are rational. kennedy: what else the best case scenario? >> the best case scenario is there is an i am flowing from within north korea because of international pressure cutting them off from banking more effectively than we have. containing them so is there not if the proliferation.
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and you have regime change. this will sounds familiar other people when it has not ended up very well. let's contain and have regime change. if you are going to pick a country that would be likely to have orgieng regime change, north korea would be at the top of the list. that's the best case scenario in five to ten years. the reports from nbc saying the u.s. is considering a first strike is crazy. unless there is some reason top beach there north korea was about to fire chemical weapons into seoul or japan, you are talking about not just north korean population being held hostage by a maniac, but the south korean population, too.
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there is no fun, happy way to talk about this. kennedy: somehow your twinkling blue eyes do it such justice. i'm just saying. the house republicans in greenwich, connecticut. a good time. kennedy: former ww super star throwing his hat into the political ring. he will be bashing heads. that's next. y paususususus ♪ whoa that's amazing... hey, i'm the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you're doing...
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urinary tract infection, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness and headache. okay, time to do this! don't let your bladder always take the lead. ask your doctor if myrbetriq is right for you. and visit to learn more. kennedy: the gloves are coming off in georgia, a newcomer could win a big seat there. onossoff is a complete unknown, but he's running to fill the seat tom price filled.
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the race is being seen as a referendum on the president. is politics getting more cut throat? let me bring in glenn jacobs. he is now a male candidate. he's the candidate. welcome back, kane. this is a crazy time to run for office. do you think republicans are in trouble in 2018 because of the political climate now and does this race in georgia illustrate that? >> i don't know if the race in georgia is indicative of that. the big story from the left has been donald trump's tax returns. but a bigger question is what happened to those emails from lois lerner from the irs. if you were ever audited by the
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irs and said i lost these emails that prove my innocence, they wouldn't say that's okay, have a nice day. kennedy: it's not the same set of standards. you are running as a republican in your home state of tennessee. you said you have been all over the world and yod your family havchen to live in that part of country. >> tennessee is the fourth best place to do business in the country. the general assembly has done a good job of making tennessee a favorable environment for business. but for our local economic development we see national doing very well. chattanooga is doing well. we are in intense competition with our neighbor cities to attract business.
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i think one of the keys is having a world class workforce, and i believe what's happened with all these overreach with the department of education and washington. it's really damaged the ability of our local school board and our wonderful teachers, and administrators to do what they do best. kennedy: mike rowe was on the show talking about that same thing. if you don't want student dead debt and you want to get out of school and make good money, how can you get government out of the way so people can thrive? >> we have a pretty good ct program. i would like the private sector more involved with apprenticeships. if a kid want to go to college, that's awesome.
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there is also nothing wrong with being a plummer or mechanic or carpenter. frankly getting into robotics which are huge opportunities in the future. i think one of the keys is to get the private sector involved with thing like apprenticeships. things like training centers where you can supplement what goes on in schools. >> what is the most influential thing you read that helped you develop your political voice or the most influential or political person. >> ron paul and rand paul it's wonderful to see the emergence of senator rand paul. thomas massie, mike lee, those guys pulling the republican party in the direction of liberty and free markets. kennedy: we'll see how you are doing in your runup to the mayoral race. please continue to check in with
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us. >> thank you. kennedy: he's so gentle. he was worried you would snuff the life out of him. around thoughtful and liberty-minded human. the panel returns next. is there anything more american than baseball? one knucklehead baseball writer has an issue with this. after the show, stay tuned for two new episodes of "training
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kennedy: should major league baseball do away with american flags and "the national anthem." the lead sports writer at abc sports thinks so. he wrote, do will you keep politics out of sport, please. many point out that love of country was never suppose to be political. is he right or should he make like colin kaepernick and sit this one out. when did the flag become an offensive symbol to people? >> when did the flag come to
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symbolize, and i don't mean this in a condescending or judgmental way. but the flag -- even if you believe love of country has no place at a sporting event, the flag doesn't represent love of country. the flag represents the country. you don't have to love the country. you can be an america or foreigner at a sporting event. it doesn't necessarily have an emotional connotation. kennedy: if i were have iting another cub triand they had the italian flag, i would say sweet. >> you can appreciate cultural imply causing. it doesn't mean that you have to love america. kennedy: i don't expect this guy to put his hand on his heart when they play the national anthem, though everyone should.
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but i do think when you try and take away every expression, he nuance of religion and politics, you wear it away so it no longer has any meaning. it essentially is a sphere, a blob. and no one is encouraged to stand for anything. >> that tweet says more about him. if you polled sports fans. the vast majority would say plate anthem, pull out the flag. if you are a very political person, when you are out of tour, you lost, you start seeing the flag as a symbol of the ruling party and there are you are less cool with it. all these flags, it must mean
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trump or bush or obama. kennedyobama. kennedy: the display of the flag beforehand is a way of bringing people together. >> i agree with you. >> i love the flag. i have one in my window. i think this guy was being stupid in his tweet, and i say that as a liberal. maybe you should give defense to the people who feel out of power. the flag has been exploited. we use the flag, it's transformed from patriotism to a form nationalism. kennedy: do you think that having enormous flags which have been on display more lately. do you think that's a direct reaction to colin kaepernick and other athletes who have chosen
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to take a knee during national anthem? >> i think the military air force jets streaming above the stadium. you want to support the troops? have some veterans walk out there and talk about ptsd. >> they dent drop missiles on the flyover. kennedy: coming up, how would president trump react if he were getting dragged off a plane. would his predecessor barack obama have a hard time figuring obama have a hard time figuring out his tax returns.
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cook is with us. he's going to give you a sample of some of his i am taitions. i assumes you were one of those people who started doing impressions as a kid as a survival mhanism. what else the necessary component evy impressionist must have? >> it's an ear. you hear singers can do a lot. part of it is kind of hook into what you figure out like i have a thing where i have to listen to multiple clips of somebody. then i cue in. you have to develop your own way to learn them. i know some people who can hear you once and do them. for some people it takes a year. kennedy: who is your favorite celebrity impression? >> probably kevin spacey.
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he gets their essence down so well. he does a lot of them. an does the chino and walk-in and he's worked with both of them, and he knows something we don't know about them. like his walk-in, that's a personal story. kennedy: donald trump getting dragged off a plane. >> listen, rinse, first believe me, if you drag me off this plane you are not going to get a single bite of this amazing chocolate cake. it's fantastic. can i ask you, are you fleeing off this plane? kennedy: former president barack obama doing his taxes. >> hey, michelle, how many of these jet ski tours can we write off? kennedy: tom hanks emseeing an easter egg hunts.
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>> welcome to jesus 2.0 day. now first of all if my movies have taught us anything, it's that i know about chocolate. life is like a box of it. how about christian bale dition to pay dick cheney in a movie. >> i think i have got this whole character down. but i don't have the puppeteering skill done yet. what am i going to play? i just need to know if i need to wear a darth vader mask. kennedy: what about christian bale with his american accent. >> alfred, choose the words. alfred, listen, i can't let rachel die.
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then if the suit is too tight. listen. i'm going to get him a medium. this is a small. >> that's a little better. kennedy: they measured him when he was a machinist. kennedy: the bat suit is so tight they have to give him a trickotomy and he still smokes. >> dose still it smoke? kennedy: no. everyone should watch the season 6 finale. kennedy: thank you, i feel more alive than ever. >> i wish we could go to that prom we talked about off camera.
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kennedy: we are going right now. what do bernie sanders and this swirl have in common? odds makers give them the same can i give it to you straight? that airline credit card you have... it could be better. shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee? well yeah... but also to catch-up. what's in your wallet?
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[vo] quickbooks introduces he teaches lessons to stanley... and that's kind of it right now. but rodney knew just what to do...he got quickbooks. it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands in an instant. ahhh...that's a profit. which gave him the idea to spend a little cash on some brilliant marketing! ha, clever.
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this is the "topical storm." topic number one. don't you hate it when you are standing in line 59 the ice cream place and the squirrel in front you have is taking forever to order? i know i did until i stopped smoking silly string and noticed it was a person. but in north carolina you see a squirrel place an order, you are not imagining things. she is a female squirrel visiting the score twice a day for the last year. the owners feed her a vanilla cone in the morning.
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