tv Kennedy FOX Business April 19, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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that's it for us tonight. we hope you will join us tomorrow evening. we promise to make it worth your while. kennedy: president trump making a new push for the nation to hire american and buy american. can the u.s. legally go to war with syria and north korea? judge napolitano with the surprising answers. and it starts with making trouble. you want the truth, and it not that you can't handle it, but searching for it makes you racist. agey protesters were outraged
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over a speaker whose words offended them. after mcdonald's speech which was relocated and truncated, a group of 20 emotion alley challenged students wrote in their cream that truth is an expression of white supremacy, but also the idea that the truth is an entity for which we much search in matters that endanger ourbility to exist in open spaces is an attempt to silence and oppress people. students at a liberal arts college said the idea that we must on our selves routinely to the hate speech of fascists who
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want for us not to exist. and want black people to be impervious to pain and apathetic to the brutal and violent conditions of white supremacy. if you believe in an objective truth, you are a racist. so you have ever done a math problem, proposed a science experiment or dialed a phone number, you are racist, you love slavery and you hate black people. the brookings institute crunched the numbers and found 90 speaker dissertations have come from wealthy schools. a liberal professor ended up in a neck brace. at middlebury college the
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tuition is $60,000 a year. they are feigning oppression because their wealthy parent didn't love them enough. juan williams was also disinvited from a commencement speech. rumor has it they were going to reanimate che guevarra but even he was deemed the too right wing. some of these fascists in training will run the world with an enormous level of irrional force. god help us when they have real wer you are you and i'm kennedy. welcome to us. the kids on liberal campuses complain about nothing, and the rest of the country is dealing with actual problems. the number of anxious insurance
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executives met at the white house looking for details in president trump's plan. the amount many americans pay for coverage might go up by quite a bit. there is uncertainty about the future of the affordable air act. that has millions of americans with and without insurance very nervous. there is on one man to ask, bret baier, host of special report. welcome back, bret. bret: even juan williams couldn't get on campus? kennedy: that conservative fire brand juan williams. he's nothing but hatred and animosity toward the oppressed. how panicked are the insurers at the state of flux with these healthcare laws that may or may not go? bret: they rely on the payment from the department of health and human service to the cover the cost of subsidies.
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you remember 60% of those who enrolled in obamacare qualified for subsidies. and the trump administration threatened if they don't figure out obamacare and a repeal and replace, that they are going to somehow draw back or stop or slow the payment of the subsidies. that has the insurers' hair on fire, and they have met at the white house. basically administration is saying, we are going to try this again. we have, we believe, the votes on the freedom caucus side and the tuesday group which is the moderate republicans, and we think we can get it across the finish line and this is how they plan to fix it. kennedy: what kind of pressure does this put on republican
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lawmakers? i imagine that the health insurance lobby is quite powerful in washington. >> it is. and you have these states that are delaying the dates by which insurers have to say what their rates for 2018 will be. so you have a number of states seeing the uncertainty and saying you have until mid june. that's just a little breathing room before you say how much it's going to cost. if costs go u sigficantly they are left holding the bag. >> that's a good question and great point you bring. i'm sure republicans would love to blame this hastened death spiral on democrats for passing a law that was designed to fail. you could make argument we are seeing the product of that failure with this uncertainty on rates for insurance companies. but republicans had a long time
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to figure out an alternative. if this turns into a death spiral and hurts the millions of americans who have the potential to biographically wound, who gets the blame for it. bret: i heard the president say this is the democrats' deal. they didn't help with the first effort to get it across the finish line so they would be holding the bag. but that's not the case in reality. if you control the white house, senate and house, and you control power in washington. if something happens that is negative, you are the one who has to answer for that negativity. why didn't you fix it and get all the people together on the republican side and come up with a solution? the problem is, it's complex. it's really hard. they think they will have a vote sometime early next week. they are starting to write new legislation. between you, me and the rest of
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our viewers, i think it will rely heavily on health and human services. >> of course that's phase two. maybe they take some of the pressure off the first phase of healthcare legislation which has the most political land mines. >> there are friel questions as we talked about before about phrase 3 which includes tort reformnd having health insurance across state lines. but you have to tie that to something the democrats want because you will need 60 votes in the senate as opposed to 61 for reconciliation. kennedy: that can is being kicked to phase 3. i i think everyone will be
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surprised if that sees the light of day. i think juan is the loneliest number of and we need to remedy that. it looks like the healthcare fiasco is gumming up tax reform. the treasury secretary says the august deadline to get it done is not realistic at this point. last month steve mnuchin said the tax reform bill would be on the president's desk by august. secretary mnuchin telling london's financial times the delay will allow republicans to cutters mall and corporate tax rates in the same legislation. but will the delay hurt the gop? let me bring in my sugar coated party panel. kristen tate. comedian jimmy failla, and fox news analyst and my personal
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power animal, andy levy. you are disappointed in republicans over the healthcare debacle. it seems like tax reform is on a rockier road than we thought. who gets the blame 1234? >> republicans. they should deal with healthcare reform before they get to tax reform. obamacare is expensive bits many like a monster with all its tents cals in the tax code. -- with all its tentacles in the tax code.we have the highese tax rate in the industrialized world. kennedy: it's known once you cut taxes you increase government revenue because the economy tends to blossom. secretary mnuchin says across
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may be a little bit optimistic. he was quite confident about it a few weeks ago. >> he don't think it will happen by august because he doesn't think there will be a world left in august. the only people left to collect taxes from will be will smith and his dog. i'm ledge end. toodown legend. the bio pique. >> this is fourth square with andy levy. kennedy: and andy taxes seems so much easier. >> set aside the dysfunction and
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incompetence we have seen so far. you can look at their own words from not that throng ago in gary cohn said i don't know if it's august or not. so they were telegraphing this was not going to happen in august. so this is not in the least bit a surprise. kennedy: i don't know what's going on with theresident. who survived and who flounders here? >> i believe when all is said and done sean spicer will be the last man standing. kennedy: i think he's the tortoise here and everyone is the hare. you know what they say, drive for show, putt for dough. the new dnc chairman tom perez joined bernie sanders at the
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first stop on the party's contact fight back tour which deserves a comma somewhere. the party in maine booed the new head of the dnc. >> maybe you came because you are curious about the new dnc chairman and the future of the democratic policy [booing] kennedy: democrats like to say opposition to donald trump is uniting the party. but is booing your new party chairman a sign of unity? what does this say about the bernie sanders supporters in the room? is there still a schism within the donkey party? >> absolutely. all of us have been talking about this civil war in the gop, but no one wanted to talk about the massive division in the dnc.
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i'm friends with a lot of bernie sanders supporters. they are not over it. the populist socialist wing of the party wants nothing do with the establishment wing. now the dnc is paying for the way they treated bernie sanders it was unfair. kennedy: bernie sanders is going to iowa and getting injections. >> after jerry garcia died ty have the further festival. but we do have to hold him accountable to what kristen said. we are suppose to be the divide party. event was called "come together." and they booed the chairman. if we threw and intervention for andy and showed up drunk.
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>> they sort of have two different bases right now. it's the bernie breeze for lack of a better term. and the hillary bots. i said on the show before i'll take the bernie breeze over the hillary bots any day of the week. i agree. i thought the gop had a similar problem. but most people who call themselves republicans or kons are fine with pane authoritarian crack pot. kennedy: when i was at the dnc this summer everyone was saying there is no rift. and bernie sanders supporters were holding up their no tpp signs and they were completely cast aside.
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president trump is not enough of a unifying force for not only the party, but for the country. they want to reach people who were disenfranchised. the party panel will return a little bit later. but first up the world is waiting to see what president obama will do in hotpots like north korea and syria. judge napolitano says one of those areas is looking sharp len. who's the lucky lady? i'm going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. this is how i dress to get a mortgage. i just go to lendingtree. i calculate how much home i can afford.
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kennedy: welcome back. there are two highly flammable situations hearing from up on opposite sides of the world. north korea. officials declaring a thermal nuclear war may break out at any moment as they vow to test missiles on a weekly basis. some lawmakers are preparing for an emergency attack on our own soil. and sources say bashar al-assad attacked his own people killing 10 people in an air strike today. the president said we'll see
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what happens the next time north korea tests a missile. my next guest says if the president is ready to take action in one of these countries, he's not legal are you able to do so. it's great to have your advice and clarity in these a situations. a lot of people have questions. we have spoken about the legal challenges in syria. you are saying our country and theirs are signatory to the same treaty. so fit makes it problematic for a preemptive strike. judge napolitano: there is almost no circumstance under which he could legally attack syria short of getting a resolution from the u.n. and
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russia has veto power. we are both signatories to the same treaty, and syria presence no credible threat to the united states of america whatsoever. the same cannot be said for north korea. kennedy: there are a lot o people watching who would be curious to see there is a difference. judge napolitano: north korea has threatened the united states and intelligence sources, american intelligence sources believe north korea could reach los angeles with certain times of missiles. they have would reach south korea and japan and probably reach hawaii. if north korea continues to threaten the united states and test fires rockets which manifest ability to carry out that threat. that triggers a legal right on the part of the president of the united states to conducts a preemptive attack, not to kill civilians, not even to kill soldiers. but to destroy their ability to
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carry out that attack. which is better? that korea attacks us or an ally, then we attack them or we've stop them before they have attack us or an ally? kennedy: does that violate the president's non-interventionist policy that he voiced when he was running for office? he why it does, as did his bombing of syria and a number of other things he has done. but he's either change his mind or has seen things which would cause him to reevaluate what he said in the campaign. but he has no legal grounds for syria but strong legal grounds for korea, north korea. you can always defend yourself. and you can always pull the trigger before the other -- before the other side does west's near think certain they
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are ready to pull it. you don't have to wait for the other side to suffer. i just hope he has good solid sounds intelligence, not a false flag, not a diversion. kennedy: or emotional reaction. judge around and tino there are a lot of serious people in this country who said this thing with assad and the gags of the kids didn't happen. he said they attacked a warehouse that had the chemicals tonight. the president has to be careful about jumping the gun, making a decision before all intelligence of information is before him. part of that is not his fault. part of it is an intelligence community he inherited which believes they can selective live conceal and reveal in order to manipulate the recipient of the information, the president.
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kennedy: that's quite terrifying considering how threatening north korea had been. their disdain for human life as they have shown with the millions of people in that country who are suffering or have died. you know, the fact that some of the facts may not be in yet. that perhaps was the sails with syria. we need a little bit more patience. judge napolitano: while he has the law on his side, i hope he waits nell has the facts -- until he has the facts as well. kennedy: president bush makes the case to hire and buy american. been brenberg is next. horns on their helmets. ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. and a real john deere is actually real affordable.
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used the program to hire cheap labor from overseas. le me welcome back bian brenberg. so, i think there could be some unintended consequences here. it seems like if you are going to let people into the country, let the smart brainy ones in with the h-1b visas. brian: the idea is to let the smart brainy ones in. you know any time you put a quota, you know people are going to cheat. the market for high-tech stem labor is global, it's not national. there are great people all over the world. that's a testament to development over the 20th and 1th century. there are really smart capable people all over the world. u.s. companies want to hire them because they are competing all
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over the world. kennedy: you've merging masses of middle class booms in chain today and india. but we have stem program and postgraduate perhaps in this country. for years politicians complained about a brain drain. we we educate them and they go back to their countries. but if you you have a them visas after their ph.d isn't that a win-win? brian: you want them here. if you don't allow u.s. companies to hire them here, they aren't going to give, they will find another way. they will go to other countries where they can employ that talent. or they will say let's take human labor out of the equation and try to automate this work. we have the capability today to do historically what smart human
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beings have done through automation. you have to think about the unintended consequences when you are making policy like this. i appreciate the president wants to help u.s. workers. they need help. but the question is, is this the way to do it? the answer is no. there is no substitute for growing the economy. this is window dressing if we don't grow the economy. kennedy: the as many competitive cools as possible. and sometimes that means extracting big brains from other pools. brian: you want great talent here. but you have got to help americans compete for these jobs. we haven't talked about the education system here. the flat lining of test scores in science and math.
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if you don't fiction that, americans aren't going to be able to compete in a world where people in china and eastern europe, they are improving at a faster rate than we are. if they don't come here to work they will start companies in those countries. it's a competitive world. that's a good thing. we have far fewer people mired in poverty. kennedy: brian brenberg, always great to talk to you. a bigger economy make everyone happy and rich. coming up, the end of the world as we know it. but if you are a billionaire you are probably feeling just fine. the super rich building bomb shelters.
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rising s company says sales have risen by 300% since the november election. billionaires, are they right to go bonkers for bunkers? the party panel is back. andy, i love survivalism, but i don't think these people are being thermal nuclear war pragmatists. i think they are terrified automation and robotics will create a nation of people who are hungry and they will come for their stuff first. >> the apocalypse -- kennedy: the pork sign. >> the on problem seems to be the other people. there is one of you that has 5,000 people. you goin a bunker to get away from oer people.
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there is one in kansas called the survival condo. and the rules are set by the condo association. you mean after the post-apocalyptic world there will still be condo boards? kennedy: there will be key parties. how long before someone impressive comes to display these expensive multi million dollar bunkers? >> this isn't about protection, it's about status. we are going to have a reality show. it will become the new vacation home. kennedy: the russian billionaires -- >> this is a ping-pong contest. let's say there is a nuclear fallout and this doesn't work. who do you call?
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is there any receipt. restitution? it's hard to get a human on the phone now. if there is nuclear fallout -- kennedy: i had to read one of those apocalyptic books in high school. it was a bummer. that guy with the patchy hair dog -- >> they are praying on stupid rich people. once they sell you your nuclear shelter. it's nuclear proof. let's talk next week about doing something with aliens. you don't want to be the rich guy at the party who doesn't have alien proofing. this is so embarrassing. put that alien protect away. >> i can't believe you people are joking about this serious
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issue. >> i don't get this. who would want to live underground like a glorified worm. i would rather die. i think the question isn't what if the apocalypse happens. i think it's what if it doesn't. then they spent all this money and they have an expensive hole in the ground. >> that's why it's the apocalypse. most of these things are nicer than the places we live in now. so it's like okay, you have got another -- you have got a vacation home. kennedy: the ceo from red red i.
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kennedy: i talked earlier on the show about how political correctness and censorship is holding college campuses hostage. my next guest has real advice for these young snowflaked. yawn waters says the real world is about making trouble. he shares his success story at the rhode island school of design. that speech went viral and it has been turned into sage advice in a hot book. joining me, john waters. i love this book so much. it's like an updated version of all the places you will go. the dr. seuss book. >> i never graduated from
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anywhere. i got turned down from every school. kennedy: in the early part of your speech you said you didn't even graduate from high school. >> i had long hair. kennedy: you have got some great advice in here. what was the process like for writing a commencement speech? kid speech -- did you read other people's commencement speeches? >> i wrote it in a couple of days. it was the kind of advice i would give trouble makers i know. i have been advising people to be juvenile drink -- dling deli. >> i want to be startled by something youth comes up with. you shouldn't try to make your
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parents nervous. you need to make the person who is one year ahead of you and cooler, make them nervous and start a trend. kennedy: one of the parts of the book is about political opposition. listen to your political enemies, especially the smart ones and figure out a way to make them laugh. i'm against separatism. the first step is to make someone laugh. if you are preaching, people walk away. even if they agree with you. kennedy: that's happening in a lot of schools. it's so soap boxy there is no longer an introduction of opposing ideas. >> they are richids' schools. can you imagine a trigger warning in baltimore? i am saying it is ridiculous even though i believe i am
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politically correct in a weird way. my films don't judge people unless you know the whole story. kennedy: you talk about how hairspray is really a trojan horse. they don't notice, isn't that lovely. the same people that would be maybe against it. kennedy: 20 years ago certainly. you talk about your discipline. you talk about your schedule. and i always thought that the jobs you really want to do are the ones that take the most work and most worthy and require so much passion also require that kinds of discipline. here is one of the things that struck me. you said a career in the arts is like a hitchhiking trip. all you need is one person to get in and say go. >> ask 100 people for the money
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to make a movie. if one says yes, you have got a movie. >> you have to get over that fear of rejection. how do you stay so juicy? >> i have youth as everywhere. you have got to have youth spies. i hate people who say we had more fun when we were young. because they are having just as much fun shutting down the government on your computer. when i was young you stole hubcaps. or you find the porn files of every politician and you publish them. i think there is nothing wrong with being a delinquent as long as you aren't harming yourself or others. kennedy: i would love to read
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...awkward. kennedy: it's tax day. there is no sentence fighting it. benjamin franklin once wrote the only thing certain in life are death and taxes. he never hung out with martha stewart, but if he did he would probably spends the day watching silly video. topic number one. >> oh, the skinny girl dance, skinny jeans dance. suck it in. it's not a joke. that's not about this adorable
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little boy experiencing what girls go through every day unless you are an annoying skinny chick. his mom is in the background saying suck it in. chubby babies are the best. topic number two. first the south gave us kissing cousins. now they are kissing kias. a car dealership in south texas is holding a contest where 20 people compete to win a brand-new car by seeing who can kiss it the longest. contestants get a 10-minute break every hour so they can use the bathroom and check facebook. the winner gets to drive a kirks a optima every single day.
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topic number 3. suck it in. a toronto craft brewery is offering a new beverage called fake news beer. what will they think of next. the company will donate 5 per around of sales to charity. though they wouldn't expect to sell too many the beer sounds bitter. and they plan to salute bernie sanders with his own can of insure. and they are honoring hillary clinton with a beer called glass ceiling. the bottles are supposedly unbreakable. there she is. topic number 4. humans aren't the only ones
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upset on tax day. this crocodile snapped at a baby elephant at a national park in east::africa. the older elephants were able to stomp on it, using techniques they learned at the united airlines training center. apparently it's refreshing to see two women fighting on video. smothered, covered in your own blood. if you were the parent of a small child in the late 90s you probably spent hours fantasizing about destroying a furbie. the hydraulic press on youtube is make that dream come true. the killing of the popular 90s
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toy was so popular there are they are in talks about water boarding a beanie baby. i think that was my femoral artery. many adults were freaked out by the furbie crushing. but not their children. kids have more things to worry about like putting their pants on. thank you for watching the show tonight. you can follow me on twitter and instagram. email tomorrow on the show, a night of liberty awaits in ways you never dreamed of fantasy fetishes. john stossel, matt welch, and tom shillue.
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see you tomorrow night. ye. a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ there are artists we'll always remember... ♪ mona lisa, mona lisa ♪ men have named you there are beautiful songs, words and memories that will always touch our hearts... ♪ it's impossible ♪ to tell the sun to leave the sky ♪ ♪ it's just impossible this is the music of your life.
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