tv Kennedy FOX Business April 27, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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thank you for being with us. tomorrow treasury department assistant secretary tony sayegh, and ambassador john bolton. kennedy: the white house unveiled the big tax reform proposal. but what does that mean for you and your wallet? republican congressman thomas massie is here. should the military use its secret mission to topple the regime in north korea? grab your gear, we are going in. we are on the straightaway of the sweaty sprint and the first 100 days of this young presidency. the president has released details of his tax plan.
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what's being build as the biggest tax overhaul in history will crush the corporate tax rate from 38 to 15%. cutting taxes grows the economy and increases revenue. but with the military spending and no cuts in sight for social security or medicare it will add to our national debt. and a $500 billion childcare tax credit and structure spending packet that could spell disaster if all the dine knight might explodes at once. trump has to lure the democrats in. both side are hell bent on playing chicken with seat belts on. while we are on even annoyingly partisan collision course.
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no one wants to pull the pin out of the political grenade. no one wants to piss off voters. and the desire to make everyone happy is the ultimate recipe for a stagnant to you. i hope you are hungry for a bowl full of empty promises because his tax plan is full of it. i'm kennedy. speaking of cutting costs. thomas massie, he's got an armful of freedom and a fistful of liberty dollars. congressman massie, what did you think of the unveiling of the tax proposal today? >> i like trump's plan better than the house republican plan. the house republican plains what they call revenue neutral which means when you cut somebody's
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taxes you are going to raise somebody else's taxes the exact same amount. trump's tax plan decreases taxes. i think it's got a lot of good ideas in it. kennedy: i agree with you on revenue neutrality. i think that's a false prophet. we need to stop worshipping at that altar. if you chained them together, it make the whole thing much less effective. let's talk about some of these taxes. one of the things i like, the idea of repealing the death tax. this is something libertarians and conservative republicans have talked about for a long time. will this get done? >> democrats will say that's a tax cut for the rich. one thing i like in there is he raises the standard deduction. what that means is people will care less about all these tiny
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little deductions here and there because they won't be able to claim them because they claimed the standard deduction which is bigger than all that other crap added up. once people care less about the little deductions because they have a big standard deduction, then you can get rid of them. kennedy: i love the idea of cutting taxes and growing the economy. i think the government takes way too much money, i think the government spend too much money. though all of us will be excited at the thought of paying less in business and income taxes at the end of the day, we are still paying for a lot of stuff we can't afford. how does this administration and how did congress reconcile that. >> some republicans say trust us, we'll make it up in growth. but i think the responsible thing to do is what you are saying, cut spending. and there are places we could cut spending.
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if we roll back the medicaid expansion obama did, i am not talking about obamacare. i'm talking about the biggest increase in the welfare state we have ever seen. if we roll back that medicaid expansion without putting in our own version of obamacare. we can save $800 billion. and you can use that for tax cuts to stimulate the economy without increasing the deficit. instead of talking about revenue neutral, we should talk about deficit neutral. kennedy: that's a good point and important distinction. i wish more of your colleagues would discuss that. there are plenty of people on the left who will attack this plan. do you think having the childcare tax credit which is really subsidies, does that lure democrats and at the same time does it make you nervous? >> at what cost does it lure the democrats? it's spending in the tax code
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it's a social program that will be paid for through the tax code it's dangerous to do that. i haven't seen the infrastructure inside the framework for this tax plan. but it is troubling. i hope we cut costs, cut spending somewhere. let me give an example of something i have been screaming about here in congress. we spent $100 billion in afghanistan rebuilding their infrastructure. and we are on schedule to spend another $10 billion in afghanistan. i pleaded to mick mulvaney last night to go take that money out of the spending. because it's hard to vilify republicans or democrats that want to take out money used overseas. let's use the overseas infrastructure spending to pay for our own infrastructure spending. kennedy: i think democrats would be hard pressed to say we need
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to make that kind of investment in places where we have actively been fighting wars, particularly in the middle east. i'll talk with rob o'neill, "the man who killed usama bin laden." and talk about the different between political and military solutions. it's antithetical to the message the president ran on. >> the mess and the president ran on was put america first. this would be a good down payment. if we take the afghan infrastructure spending and bring it back to the youth and spend it here. senator rand palms idea made it into trump's plan. lower the repatriation tax and allow $2 trillion of money to flow back into the country. and senator paul has a great idea for taking that
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repatriation tax money that will increase and put that toward our transportation. there are ways to pay for this. we just have to do the responsible thing and take some tough votes. kennedy: as long as repatriation isn't by force. and i like the fact that's border adjustment tax is not in there. because that affects lower and middle income earners and consumers who are going to have to pay more for groceries and stuff. congressman massie, thanks for coming back, i appreciate it. vermont's favorite socialist senator bernie sanders pitched a proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. a lot of democratic lawmakers said they support the idea. many business leaders have also pushed back on similar proposals saying it would stymie growth and kill jobs.
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would it help workers or hasten the robot takeover. let me bring in the party familiar, harris faulkner and scott martin. we are til on regulation time. comedian and host of the abe lincoln top hat podcast. welcome, everyone. great to have you. there are a lot of moral arguments to be made for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. it has immoral consequences. xing people out of the job market who need the jobs most. harris: small businesses are struggling at the 29-49 level to
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avoid obamacare. if they don't want to pay obamacare. so they are dealing with that number. now you are going to put another number on them that keeps them in contact with how many people they can employ. they may have to do with 23. that means the prices go up for everybody else. kennedy: that's the bottom line. scott, i want to go to you. i think trying to raise the minimum wage is like drinking sea water when you are trapped on a boat. you are really thirsty and it seems like a good idea. by the has unintended consequences including death. >> it will be the death of a lot of small businesses. it's more government force. we know what's best for you mr. and mrs. business.
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so we'll tell you you have to pay everyone. wham funny about this, if you look where this is most prevalent. you saw small businesses go pout of business, you saw them lose workers because they couldn't afford the $15 an hour minimum wage. you are seeing businesses close and workers laid off. kennedy: when somebody makes it in an expensive city like san francisco, it doesn't make sense for a small business struggling. >> both side are complicit in this with donald trump's make america first policies. it will make policies sky rocket. we won't be able to have free trade. free trade is the on reason you have the walmarts of the world. harris: you think with this president we won't have think free trade. >> his policy of free trade is
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disabling trade. harris: some is different than none. >> i want to say this about the democratic party. they can go with the nancy pelosi establishment wing, tom perez or bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. $15 minimum wage that will help them get back the middle of the country that they lost sow dramatically. harris: i never hear anybody invoke bernie sanders's socialist policies. that never happens. >> we don't like swearing. harris: kennedy, you talk so eloquently on this. the superlatives i hear from the right and the left don't get the ball rolling.
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when you say no free trade, nothing nothing nothing, doesn't that bring us back to the zone of where we were in the last 8 years, that nothing gets done? kennedy: when you use a lot of hyperbole and fewer facts, when you fan the flames of emotion. the ultimate goal in saying this president doesn't like to free trade, it should be encouraging him to trade as much as possible. >> hyperbole analyze comes from the president. does anybody believe this man? >> there is -- many people believe bernie sanders would have done much better than hillary clinton in 2016 had he received the nomination from the corrupt dnc state. kennedy: they are corrupt. now he's going to vacation in venezuela. bernie paradise.
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kennedy: house republicans reportedly close to an agreement on healthcare. if the freedom caucus scuttled the last plan. causing embairms for republicans and the white house. but this new plan would include treatment for people with preexisting conditions. is this version destined for glory or head back to the scrap heap? joining me now is peter suderman. let's crunch some of the information. was the freedom caucus that seemed to be most opposed to some of the obamacareish provisions in the ahca, what has changed this time that has gone the them on board? >> this a new amendment
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negotiated between the freedom caucus and one member of the tuesday group which represents moderate republicans in the house, and what it would do is allow states the option to apply for a waiver that would let them opt out of certain provisions of obamacare. so the essential health benefits and the preexisting conditions. so states would be allowed to ask the federal government for permission to opt out, and probably under a republican administration states would be given permission to do so. but there are a couple of chinks in this. state governors including republican governors have not said they want to apply for waivers. kennedy: which states are most likely to apply for these waivers? >> so far no governor has said would like to apply for these waivers.
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partly that may be because in many states, in some states, governors have to get per anything in their legislatures. they can't do this unilaterally. the other issue is the language as we see it right now allows for wiggle room. you can imagine a situation in which a democrat became president and denies these waivers in the future. it would be up to the federal government whether states would get permission to opt out. what you are looking at is at least possibly a symbolic waiver situation. kennedy: it seems like republicans are doing something, it seems like the freedom caucus is doing something. but all of the hallmarks of obamacare are still intact. >> this would leave the default option at the federal level. the regulations built into
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obamacare would take away the obamacare system of subjects does and set up a different set of subjects does. the biggest change the would make would be to medicaid. but the medicaid rollback that would start in 2020 is one of the controversies that remains. a bunch of the moderate republicans who come from states that expanded medicaid are saying that provision might keep them from being able to support this version. it's not clear this can get out of the house at all with if the freedom caucus's support. it has a better chance than the repeal and replace laws we have seen so far. however, fun it gets out of the house. there is a lot of wariness for what we are seeing in the senate. it's not clear that a bill that looks like this or anything close to it could get out of the senate.
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kennedy: they make minor subtle changes that have a giant ripple effect. we'll check in with you and see how this whole thing is moving along and if we are going to have a slightly different healthcare system. coming if you, the president is quickly approaching his 100th day in office. tonight's trivia question, which u.s. president coined the term "f"f"f"f"f when you have something you love, you want to protect it. at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom.
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kennedy: before the break i asked which president coined the term first 100 days. the answer is franklin delano roosevelt. president trump's first 100 days in office are up on saturday. and his agenda has had its ups and downs. though he has had success getting neil gorsuch on firmed. and the whole russia thing is not quite going away. but the new tax plan could steer the needle in his direction. how did the first 100 days rank in america's eyes? here is chris stirewalt.
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so let us discuss in context with other presidents. let's go back as far as ronald reagan. how do you think president trump's first 100 days stacked up come fired his predecessors in the modern era. chris: what roosevelt was talking about was make congress act to put my agenda into place. 100 days isn't just when your quarterly review is due. this is our time to work on this mandate. and roosevelt managed to push through big chunks of his new deal agenda. he got works legislation and the civilian conservation corps. for trump by that metric he stumped. but i would want to put it a different way. donald trump didn't think he was
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going to win the election. he hadn't done any meaningful transition. he hadn't thought in terms of what the government is and what the president does. he hadn't put the thinking into that. kennedy: especially professional politicians who have been thinking about ascending to the job from within the d.c. bubble. chris: saying these are the policies i have been working on my entire career. if rand paul had won the presidency, he would know. trump just entered a phase of oh, my gosh, we are the dog that caught the car, now we have to govern, what do you want to do. this 100 days is more about trump figuring out who is as president. the aborted effort on trump care was a joke. now he turns to taxes and what
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his governance will be like. it will be some bare knuckle stuff, but only now we are starting to see him in the real phase of his presidency. kennedy: i think oftentimes presidents feel present sthiewrd make the first 1 -- pressured ts productive. this president has lower poll numbers so he has to work harder to get people to like him. i think he's got a longer time and at very different thresholds than past presidents, and he can use the tense environment to his advantage because he can work with people in different ways not only being a washington outsider, because he doesn't have a natural coalition in washington, so he can use this unnatural coalition that changes and you can intermix and match, and maybe get some things done
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in a a different way on a didn't timeline. chris: not brudenned with high expectations. that's a way to look at it. now for trump the question is, what can you deliver on? the gorsuch nomination was successful. that takes him a long way in the eyes of his base. for those voters it goes a long way. i think this tax plan, he's going huge. he's not going for what a lot of suspected he would do and go for a marginal play that he could be sure would succeed. he's going for overhaul planting simplification. changing things in a dramatic way. kennedy: he's going big and taking more time on taxes. i think he understands it more than healthcare. tax reform is also complicated and loaded with political land mines.
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i just think it' a more natural place for him to be. and fact that he has an extra dose of patience will help i am. chris: what will help him most if it's a cogent plan they can sell. if they get a plan together that reflects the priorities laid out today, and they sell it hard, people will forget about keeping obamacare. you know what americans love in they love tax cuts. kennedy: they love money. chris stirewalt, thank you very much for your time. coming up, julian assange has a bone to pick with cia director mike pompeo. mike pompeo. saying the agency is waging war
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attorney general jeff sessions described assange's arrest as very high on his list. what comes next for pamela anderson's latest boy toy? scott martin and ben kissel. jewel yawn assange is an odd duck. he's a hack more collects things and difficult accept naits them in this post modern robinhoodian spring. he's just living in a dream going against the establishment. he gets a date with pamela anderson. if he's close to the end, the ecuadorian presidential elections turned out in his fave. but it will be interesting to see what sessions does with him. kennedy: and it will be
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interesting to see what pamela anderson does with him. >> he's also got great stuff, too. a lot of the stuff he dropped out over the years has been pretty good. kennedy: now we know our toasters are spying on us. i think they are sassy. watch your language. harris, what do you make of julian assange? harris: i guess he's a necessary evil in some ways. i remember the current president calling on wikileaks to come forward with information on hillary clinton's deleted emails. you fast forward and hear some of the rhetoric out of the administration that he's an enemy, basically. i'm not sure if he's not a necessary evil. but i'm sure this administration is not talking on the same page. what changed between now and
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before the election. why is julian assange a much worse guy. kennedy: you also see the administration's reaction to during the syrian bombing campaign. if they are a tool of moscow they are going about working with their puppet master in a strange way. >> donald trump when he was running in 2016 embraced this wing of the republican party that loves julian yo assanges. harris: i didn't say all of that. i said called upon them to get information on a woman we knew was operating a secret server while at the state department. harris: kennedy, every type this
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guy goes live. we know where he is. i have to turn off the location devices on my phone. you know you can find him. what do we want to do with julian assange. is it something different than what we want to do with edward snowden? kennedy: i see a clear difference between edward snowden and julian assange. i think julian assange is more of a destructive mental patient and i think there is something heroic and important about what edward snowden did. kennedy: if he's a nutter he would lie through his teeth. he wouldn't care. >> the other thing about snowden and assange. they will never bring these guys to justice. assange will hide out. snowden is where he is.
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they are playing games with the u.s. government. kennedy: edward snowden, there were very valuable things about what he did. everyone is a russian spy. if you don't have an he can explanation for things, it's the ibs of politics. thank you so much. bring in the floral happy spring bouquet for everyone. coming up, tensions mount between the u.s. and north korea. are we nearing a nuclear war or are there other options we should be looking into. rob o'neill here to talk it ovov
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south korea. could thereby a secret military strike with kim jong-un ala the strike on usama bin laden. rob o'neill, the author of the book county operator." great book. interesting read. i was interested that you didn't come from a military background. >> it was all on a whim. i came to the military because of a girl. i got dumped, heartbroken. i tried to joint marine corps because that was the fastest way to get away from her. the marine guy wants there. but the navy was. i found out what the training
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was, learned how to swim. for the key recruiter i was for a quota more than he cared about me. i met the guys, and we started operating before 9/11. we did stuff with the persian gulf, parts of southern europe. kennedy: do you think the public and lawmakers were lied to heavily on special operators? >> at this point they lied quite a bit, we'll need special operations to get to insert spots. everything from gathering human intelligence and certain other types of intelligence. special operators did the same thing with saddam hussein. special operators were involved.
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but we need them for people that aren't fighting a fair war if there is such a thing. kennedy: it's so different. we were all raised to think there are good guys and bad guys. we kill as many bad guys pass possible it's a very different age. in north korea, there is no comparison to where we are at now. south korean press said there is a u.s. plan for special operators to take out kim jong-un. >> i think it many a good idea to take out kim jong-un. there were self different plans. i think it will be more difficult with kim jong-un to do a raid like that because his layers of defense around him. he hihe hip know hypnotized peoe
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they are god. it would take a coups to get him out of there. kennedy: how do you communicate with those military leaders who are scared for their lives and probably they want change, by the's impossible. they will kill their families. >> they stray nerve agents in their faces. killing his own uncles with anti-aircraft weapons. it's a hermit society and it's hard to get in. there has to be something going on that would involve the south korean special forces. kennedy: you would have a hard time blending in. there is a difference between a ginger and a leprechaun and you and i both know it. the operator. but you weren't suppose to be on
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the inside of that compound. >> i was suppose to be on the outside. there was a group of women who found bin laden. one group of women said he's going to be on the third floor. she told me that personally. i said the snipers outside can handle -- i requested -- we call ourselves the martyrs brigade. it was a heck of a night. kennedy: you shot him in the head three times. the first two you knew you got him. did you acknowledge the enormity of that moment? >> not for 7 to 8 second. the wife was in the room and the 2-year-old kid was in the room. i remember thinking this kid has nothing to do with there is. i had a guy couple and say are you okay.
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he said yeah, bro, you just killed been laden. sometimes justice is served and it's not pretty to look at. i presiewsmed he was a sioux side bomb. quickest way to get rid after suicide bomb toys shoot him in if the face. the team was sow great, we working to for so long. nobody wants to most classified stuff. they want to know what did it smell like. what did your buddy act like when he knew of he was going to die and he jumped on the suicide bombers. kennedy: the government maybe shutting down, but the internet is wide open and it's full of flying scientists. finally. hey ron! they're finally taking down that schwab billboard. oh, not so fast, carl. ♪
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have you ever wanted to tell a restaurant how much you loved their food but you were too drunk to fill out a comment card? >> i love you! kennedy: the tuned up texan was so impressed he walked bank side to personally thank the chef shouting who made the burger? but due to a recent increase in minimum wage, the chef was replaced by a robot ainlt ended up in a drunken fistfight between the man and the burger bot. i'm kidding. now the man eats there every day. the manager gave him a fee shirt to wear. topic number two. we don't normally cover serious
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subjects but we are make an exception. loch ness monster has gone missing. the loch ness monster sightings. marine biologists she could be shiegd where that no one would ever want to go, like an elizabeth warren rally or shia labeouf movie. she was righted twice in 2015. topic number three. a madonna story. she is mad at hollywood. the material mom took to
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instagram to express herself. she said i am the only one that can tell my story. anyone here would try to distort it. well said, imagine. take a vow. she navigates her love life in scene industry that treats women as disposables it was originally called blond ambition but since it focuses on her love life, they changed the title to get tests. that way you can live to tell. topic number four. he's still alive. don't tell harrison ford that hollywood is ageist because disney pushed back the indiana
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jones movie to 2020. instead of look for the lost arc, he's look for lost change on a beach. there he is. waiting until 2020 is a huge gamble by disney. not because of his age, but because of his piloting skills. he flies like he gets paid by the casualty. he crashed on a golf course and buzzed a commercial jet. and his co-pilot brings the weirdest cargo. topic number five. here we are. remember those flying cars in the jetsons. they are here.
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not really. earlier this week the google co-founder unveiled his concept for a flying car and everybody went bananas. there is only one small problem. it's not a flying car. we have been watching this ridiculous farce all week long. this is a flying pontoon boat. maybe a flying jet ski. but the entirety of the internet is watching a guy in a helmet flying fence over a pond. it doesn't make it a car. it was designed by google. so whatever you put on the gps, it's going to take to you porn. thank you for watching the show tonight. it's been lovely. you can follow me on twitter and
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instagram. email tomorrow is a huge night on the show. ed henry, buck sexton, and brian >> announcer: the following paid presentation is proudly sponsored by samsung, delivering you innovation and technology and quality connected home electronics, appliances, televisions, computers, and tablets. samsung -- bring it home. how would you like to come home to a house that is fresh and clean? it just feels brighter and fresher. how would you feel about your home if it always seemed housekeeping just left? happy? relaxed? how about if your carpet and floors were vacuumed automatically or even on-demand? the future is here. >> as a mom and as a woman who's in charge of keeping her house clean and tidy, you definitely need one of these. i mean, you can turn it on, you can leave the house, and you can return home, and your house is clean. anyo
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