tv Kennedy FOX Business April 28, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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legislation on healthcare, avert a shutdown, that crow will be absolutely delicious. rachel, thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. >> it looks like republicans have finally reached an agreement. how will it affect you. plus, free speech snuffed out at uc berkeley after and coulter was supposed to cancel our trip. another passenger yanked off a flight. this time it was delta. we will show you why. kennedy: they are ready to take the latest version of healthcare even though the freedom caucus had given their blessing to the new version of diet obamacare. it still government run, heavily
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subsidized, socialized healthcare that lets people wave out of cert certain provisions. no one knows what states might exercise this waiver or how many people it affects, but moderate house made a deal with the devilish freedom caucus that gets the conservatives on board. all side of the republican campaigned on repealing obamacare because the law is complex. something happens on the role road, they become paralyzed and they are incapable of making big necessary moves. these were if they were principled public servants they would find a solution that
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wasn't just obamacare with dilution. instead republicans who used to be the limited government party get cold feet when thinking about the meeting medicaid expansion. they are splitting hairs on which shade of socialism to dive a new bill. should be like like light pink or full commie red. mitt romney first his party to keep his party fed. it will only go to an annoyed senate that will really euthanize it for sport. no one wants to own the bill. no one side is committed to it. that means no one for life, health or insurance will meaningful meaningfully benefit from the watered-down version. let's start the show. i'm kennedy. kennedy: what happened to repeal and replace.
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arizona congressman and freedom caucus member david schweikert joins me. welcome. i've got some questions because i was not a big fan of the first version of the aa hca. i spoke with your counterpart who happens to be a conservative from california. he said he had problems with it but he was ready to support the first draft. why are you in favor of something that is so similar to obamacare. >> you have this world we now live in and there is a thing called math. the problem is as soon as we said, hey, guaranteed issue, people with pre-existing condition have an issue, you've already created the box. now the debate is who pays for it. we've already created the limitation. that is to say we are now a country that has guaranteed
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issue. we've had it for business, medicare, medicaid, tribal healthcare, va for many years. now it's for the timing tiny sliver of the population that buys in the individual market. now they have guaranteed issue.ç now it's all about how do you pay for it. kennedy: so you accept the status quo unprincipled without questioning why we might have something and teed like that in the first place. >> here's your problem kennedy, if you've already decided that someone who walks in the emergency room is going to get healthcare, the cost is already in the society. unless we are willing to say you show up for cancer, you're not getting services. you show up with the bullet wound, you're not getting services, the cost was already being paid for. it was being hid it in other people's insurance and taxes but it's been part of this society for decades and decades. kennedy: i agree.
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the system is so deeply flawed. i agree that costs have been offset into various programs and taxes and may have been hidden and coded within the medical system and that is absolutely egregious. you can use some sunlight to show how ineffective that system is. you have the powerto change that system as a lawmaker but the argument you are givi is this is already happening so we will let it happen. >> that's exactly not what i'm saying. kennedy: it's like giving someone the keys at the bar assuming he's going to drive anyway. >> that's exactly not what i'm saying. we might as well be honest that they are there. there's only three things that drive down the cost.
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transparency, and knowing what things cost, and technology. we are weaving those things into this legislation. kennedy: i will tell you this. obamacare is a lead blanket. no sunlight will get through. this version of the aa hca, you only removed about a millimeter of lead. it still several inches thick. there is no transparency. the government run system. you shifted the subsidies and they are paying insurance companies. the competition has been stifled therefore there won't be technology and innovation. >> you are absolutely wrong. back to the first part of the conversation, do you believe the cost box is the cost box whether it's being paid for insurance or
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losses at hospitals or doctors not getting compensated, the cost was in society. you agree to that? >> yes, when systems are compromised, i agree there was fraud within the system. i do not accept the mechanism that delivers fraud. >> okay, now the next phase we have to engage in is the transparency. , the competition and the emplacement of new technology. kennedy: i agree with you mpletely. i don't see it in this bill. i share your optimism. i agree that is how we will move forward. if we get the government out of healthcare we could flourish. hopefully the next step that you take will be with our best interest. thank you. in the meantime the new tax plan
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is putting a few people in a bit of a pickle. it could add $7 trillion to the deficit. the government needs money to operate because they are ready spend too much. the white house plan to offset the difference is very ambitious we would need economic growth of at least four and a half% to fill the gap. that's pretty much double one at that. what are the budget hawks to do? let's talk about it with the brass finished party panel. she is a correspondent for the greg gutfeld show and a national review reporter. you will see a lot of her. we are joined by an army veteran and a fox news contributor and fox news anchor julie banderas who was the secret to my thanksgiving weight loss and i will always love her for it. welcome back everyone. >> you've kept it off.
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i'm proud. kennedy: julie, let's talk about this. the thing that concerns me, i do not like the idea of revenue neutrality. it's actually a very edition disingenuous term. if you are spending money and cutting income and giving massive tax cuts it's a recipe for disaster. >> it is. no one would say i wish i paid more taxes. kennedy: there are some people who say that. >> yes but they're billionaires. in the past tax cuts under reagan and president bush, it was a much different economy. in order toç say that we will
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boost our economy by foreign a half percent, that's impossible. although, do people trust donald trump can do that? the best way to do that is to take a look at how he iran his businesses. a lot of people trusted he was such a successful businessman and if anyone could do it would be him. that's where the tax returns come into play. if we saw how successful he iran his is this. kennedy: thanks rachel. >> comparatively speaking, we don't really know over the course of 20 years what he paid. if he did really well maybe he would be trusted that he could do that. kennedy: there are some philosophical issues but one of the biggest we have aassive debt that doubled under president obama and taxes went up and it didn't spur gdp growth and that's what we have to see. i am one of those people that thanks you have to talk cut taxes across the board in order to see some nice juicy growth.
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we can't rely on growth to get rid of the deficits. >> i agree you have to have those cuts and reductions to open the opportunity for the 3 d that's what republicans are counting on. washington doesn't have a taxing problem, it has a spending problem. they been spending too much forever. this administration probably won't take that on but i would rather have tax cuts and the willingness to open up the opportunity for businesses to flourish than nothing at all. if we can get this done, what can republicans get done. you have to fight things like cbo scoring which doesn't score dynamically. if you lose taxes you lose revenue. it doesn't count growth. kennedy: that's true it doesn't track the change in economy overtime. it is disconcerting that you say
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you want the economy to grow and your cutting taxes, when will they tackle spending. what will it take. >> they want. they spend money on different things. the other once more on defense and preemptive. [inaudible] this is only temporary. kennedy: that is what the tax overhaul needs is tax cuts that will last longer than four years or longer than a decade. they won a big victory against free speech. and coulter was supposed to give a speech at uc berkeley tonight but she has been forced to cancel.
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in a statement she said, it's a sad day for free speech. everyone who should believe in free speech fought against it and iran away. you may recall recall she exploded in violence back in february when another speaker made it trip to campus. he never got a chance to speak either. on one hand berkeley has done a pair poor job instructing their police department, the university of california police department to protect the students and arrest people who arencitng violence. >> they said they did not this invite her or cancel her event we merely asked her to change the date. what is the point? >> that makes no sense. if they are concerned about safety, i get it, but inviting her and say they didn't on invite her but they want to change the date seems like a copout. the aclu is also defending and coulter. obviously uc berkeley --
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>> i will say the calling out of safety is the last refuge of the scoundrel. tell your police force to enforce the laws on the book if they know throwing bricks and setting stuff on fire and pushing people and punching people, that works and that will silence people so they will keep doing it. it's an appeasing factor. >> they are winning, they push her aside, those who believe in free speech need to fight back at every step. you need to demand that it doesn't matter if you like it or love it, your job is to defend speech and the school chickened out. >> i had a piece on opinion talking about this very thing in attacking the ny you professor who is a comparative literature teacher who is basically saying there are limits on free speech, especially if it hurts a group
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of people. if you have to read it so you gotta take the time to read it. i just don't understand these kids if their biggest problem is that they're freaking out about having to be living in a building where there's another building whereç someone you dot like might be saying some stuff they don't like and that's their biggest problem. th are incredibly privileged and they should be very grateful that's the biggest problem may have to deal with. >> elizabeth warren was right. don't show up. if you don't like and coulter don't show up, but the drama queen is looking for a reason to fight with people they disagree with and throw things and that is not okay. first up, president trump has been a big critic of nafta. he now wants to renegotiate to the
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through, taking to twitter saying i received calls from the president of mexico and the prime minister of canada asking to renegotiate nafta rather than terminate. i agreed subject to the fact that if we don't reach a fair deal for all, we will then terminate nafta. relationships are good, deal very possible. is he making the right move. what's going on. for clarity i turn to associate professor of economics. this is brian nymex. we were going to tear up nafta, but now the president has agreed to renegotiate the entire thing because it is somehow going to protect american jobs. what is the truthç. >> i don't know what they're going to renegotiate. it sounds like we have to get this in on the first 100 days to make good on the campaign
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promises so in terms of what they're going to renegotiate i don't know. it's good not to tear it up, but i hope what he doesn't do is continue to make the promise that renegotiating nafta will create this new renaissance in manufacturing jobs in the united states. we are asking too much of the nafta refill to create these jobs. they cannot do that. jobs from 50 years ago, 40 years ago aren't coming back. we have to create new jobs. kennedy: is there any way we could use trade to bring back or create a new series of jobs. >> there is room to improve nafta. there's no question about that. there are still barriers in place. mexico makes us think about electrical pieces coming into the country. you could make improvements. if were looking at nafta reform, were looking to really move the economy forward, it's simply not going to happen because there are bigger forces at play.
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we've talked about them on the show. automation is the thing that is transforming manufacturing. even if you scrap nafta is not going to bring the jobs back. u.s. companies have to compete internationally. if the labor costs are hi, they will automate the work. kennedy: that is the point you make, american companies have to compete for foreign companies for foreign customers. it's very difficult to do that. >> the growth in the world is happening overseas in terms of consumer basin where you will sell your product. it's not just u.s. companies competing for those companies. it's companies in china and india. if our companies can't compete on cost with those companies it won't happen. they won't grow, they will decline. they have to be up to do that. innovation helps us to do that. we have to have a workforce that's able to work in that economy. we are talking so much about trade. we should be talking much more about labor rules that make it difficult to start and grow a
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business. we need to make sure our workers are able to compete to work in these high-tech industries. kennedy: and adaptation. obviously the world is changing and you don't have to be a global us to recognize that, but you certainly should want americans to compete and you want us to have an administration, and lawmakers who are forward-looking. >> all of this stems, people want to have a livelihood. they care about that. someone has come along and said to them nafta is the reason you can't do that anymore. i understand that inclination. we have to look at the data and reality and say what's driving job loss and opportunity. it's not really these trade agreements. it's other forces. if we can be clear about the problem we can be clear about the solution. the turn back the clock economy doesn't work.
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you don't have to look far. you look at venezuela and you see examples of an economy where the government steps in and says we will protect things in the results is nothing is protected. kennedy: that is a good point. i will talk about venezuela in a little bit and look at the natural progression of socialism and protectionism. coming up, those that think socialism is a great idea should look down south at venezuela where all hell is breaking loose can the u.s. do anything to stop the chaos. are there lessons that can be learned. that's next fees? what did you have in mind? i don't know. $4.95 per trade? uhhh. and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee? guarantee? where we can get our fees and commissions back if we're not happy. so can you offer me what schwab is offering? what's with all the questions? ask your broker if they're offering $4.95 online equity
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kennedy: if you need more proof that socialism doesn't work, look at what's happening in venezuela. they are rapidly slipping into anarchy as groups battle each other and police on a daily basis. scores of people have died. food is scarce. now the government has decided to quit the organization of american states which will further isolate the nation and increase the suffering of the people. with the prospect of a failed state 1200 miles away, what is the u.s. to do. joining me now is former cia officer, and host of the radio show, the one and only buck
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sexton. here you go bernie sanders fans, this is what happens when the government starts with price control. where does it end. >> this is important because it shows the textbook case of everything people who are opposed to a statist command control economy, everything they say will happen if the policies are not good is happening in venezuela. this has been happening for ars. the violence level in venezuela was through the roof and the inflation was eight 100%. kennedy: it will be 2000% next year. >> this is full-blown crisis time. there's no making concessions, there's no way they can mollify people or come together in an agreement. they have to go to new elections you need to look at a reset
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which is a tariff tech terrifying thing of the venezuelan economy. it started with the social justice rhetoric that people in this country are often times very fond of. we need to make things cheaper for the poor can afford afford it. kennedy: he inherited it and made it worse and took it to its end. >> he doubled down on chavez freedom economic policy. when he came in it was already a mess. the problems with the idea that chavez had put into place, the problem was in fact that the yankees were causing problems in the business owners were becoming leeches on the economy.
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this is a replay on what we've seen before. i will say, i do not want to allow many people in this country, and they are on the left who are writing in support of chavez and madero saying we shouldn't interfere or get involved. they were complicit and cheering it on and saying this would not happen. we can name these places. you can look for these articles. kennedy: take responsibility for what your philosophy gets you. seriously. don't put it off and say it's because of a campaign contributionç to donald trump d all of a sudden venezuela is magically bad after 100 days. that's not the case.
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take responsibility of what happened when the state runs everything. when the state controls everything. then when they fear their losing power, they try to control more and more and more. that is what's happening in venezuela. >> did you see the protest because of the trump, it was one of the stupidest things. in a year where there has been a lot of stupid things, the simple side of it is that this was inevitable. there are some ironclad laws of economics that people of the bernie sanders crowd in this country refuse to accept and believe. just because you say something is the price it is not the price we can pretend all day and say this will even out, but also, turning a blind eye to the obvious corruption of chavez and maduro and all their enablers, they have motorcycle gangs that are beating up protesters and people in this country's are saying occupy wall street and black lives matter. they're working things out there
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way. kennedy: that's not social justice, they're not working things out and you're right, the solution is so much more difficult when the patterns have committed over and over again. when you try to over simplify socialism and make it rosy and wonderful, it's not. it's bad and deadly and here's proof. coming up. delta airlines has joined united for treating people badly by kicking a passenger off the flight and delight delaying everyone else. we have reaction. tonight's trivia question, what tonight's trivia question, what is the average flight delay ind? the u.s.? the answer, after theti break does your bed do that? only at a sleep number store find final clearance prices on the cse bed, save $600.
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sweepstakes after they threw a man off the plane w wanted to use the restroom before takeoff. we've all been there. kennedy: according to witnesses, the plane had been waiting on the tarmac for 30 minutes and was third in line for takeoff when a man said he needed to tingle. a crew member ordered him to sit down but he refused. the pilot took the plane back to the gate and forced all the passengers off the plane and they reported again without that guy. this caused ten times the delay it would have if they had just let the guy go to the bathroom. i have to ask. , i feel for the guy.
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>> little airplanes are like little tiny police states flying through the sky the whole time. you can't do anything for the hope purpose of throwing people off the plane is if they disobey the crew they could be a security threat. a guy going to the bathroom, what are you supposed to do. kennedy: when i was pregnant they said ma'am, you need to sit down. i said i'm going to sit down on the toilet. i won't hold anyone liable if i hurt myself. today we just heard that united reached a settlement for the guy that was hurt when he was forcibly taken off the plane. >> this is a result of common sense lacking.
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they were third in line butn they waited for 30 minutes. he had to go. they've done it in other examples where pilot will say we will wait, it's actually not that hard. kennedy: it was you know that it wasn't like he was in there for 45 minutes. >> i don't care what it was. he had to wait an extra 45 minutes before they took off. when you get on the plane, you are not supposed to move when the plane is about to taxi. did he tell a stewardess, did he push the button. >> they would have come up and said no, you can't. >> i understand, but if you stand up and walk when you're not supposed to, you are breaking the rules. >> i've done it. >> i accept the risk.
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i say go ahead, this is informed consent. kennedy: thank you so much. that was fantastic. thank you. i'm going to bundle you altogether and sell you in some sort of security backed insurance mortgage. this weekend marks 25 years since the l.a. riots. the new documentary tells the story using never be said seen before footage. i will talk to the director coming up next.
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>> the state of emergency for los angeles city. >> we have no police support whatsoever. >> i will use whatever force is necessary to restore order. kennedy: that the clip from the brand-new documentary l.a. 92. i was the riot that rocked the u.s. in the wake of the rodney king beating. it relied on never seen before footage shot by people who experience the mayhem firsthand. it just premiered at the film festival and premieres april 30 at 9:00 p.m. eastern. i asked the directors what they found in the raw footage. >> i think the most surprising
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thing was potentially not surprising and that is the specificity of these cycles of the same behavior you can find in 65 watts, 92 l.a., and some of the things that are happening now. we wanted to take a unique approach approach to only using raw footage to remind audiences that people and communities went through this a not filr it through a lens of someone who's an academic, deconstructing the material and wrapping it up with the bow. kennedy: it's more work for you but you touched on the similarities between some of the riots that happened recently in this country and certainly what happened in l.a. in 1982.
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you described it as a merry-go-round rather than learning from history. these things continue to happen. >> i think that was something i said to tj, it was watching the tv news anchors and elected officials say the exact same thing that i was hearing on the nightly news while we were editing the film. kennedy: did we learn anything from the l.a. riots. >> the thing with america is we tend to make progress and then we tend to take a step back in other ways. it creates this cognitive dissonance about what our country is. i think that was something we are really interested in exploring that.
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kennedy: the thing i felt living in l.a., you could feel the tension spoiling in the way it exploded, it almost gave people an opportunity to talk about things in an honest way when they were able to before. but we've gotten away from that a little bit. >> that is the primary intention of the film, to create a piece of work that inspires a greater dialogue, and hopefully gives people's tools to engage and in terms of eathy, that can inspire. >> speaking of empathy, it really takes you into thoseç moments. there are people who were losing businesses in their homes and just screaming and crying.
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this was a city that people loved and they see it being destroyed. the number of reactions you show, unfiltered, it's so poignant. >> thank you. wwe appreciate that. the film is structured in a way where you yourself is challenged every time you feel like you're writing a conclusion or bringing your own conclusions and, it's challenged. you get a new perspective from someone else. i think one of the big takeaways is, if we collectively don't take the opportunity to talk about and have an informed dialogue, the ripple effect is that we all suffer and that's exemplified what happened in l.a. kennedy: there is no more honest view of something that then something that is unmediated. thank you for creating a documentary that's thought-provoking. it takes people into the moment even if they wanted to experience it.
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you can check out l.a. 92 this weekend. and this inventor found the answer to one of the hottest questions of all time. new roads and bridges. new mass transit. new business friendly environment. new lower taxes. and new university partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. learn more at
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i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. kennedy: today was take your child's workday which was established in 1992 so children
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could see why daddy comes home smelling like whiskey and white castle with glitter on his face have you ever wondered who would win in a race between the scooby-doo mystery machine and the delorean from back to the future and the kid from the writer? if so, get help with your smoking problem and then get help with this track. a 37-year-old inventor put the iconic cars in an epic race that has them drying through swimming pools and sidewalks. it's basically like taking in new york city taxi during rush hour without the smell of caliban and failure. over 2 million people have watched the video. a lot of people don't know this but scientists actually have a word for 37-year-old men who play with hot wills. they are called virgins.
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topic number two. another day, another participation trophy for chelsea clinton. one week after variety gave the human hammock lifetime achievement award for her undying commitment to chai tea and pedicures, she found her self back at the podium given another acceptance speech. oh there she is. they honored her for her work to fight hunger in new york city. she walked around and gives hobos luna bars. now her victory was not an error. she won it fair and square because she spent one entire day packing grapefruits with other members of her family foundation, and by one day, they mean she posted three instagram photos of herself packing boxes and then she stormed out of the
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warehouse because a regular person made eye contact with her, in clear violation of her rider. a lot of people are mocking her and saying packing grapefruits doesn't do much for hungry people. let's not forget, she also donated 4000 pounds of catering ordered for hillary's victory party. they wanted entertainment while they ate and put some weight on their hungry it'll skeletons. topic number three. if you are ordering lunch at a food truck in sydney australia this week, to be surprised to see jeff goldblum making your sandwich. the jurassic park actor told customers he's researching a roll about a man in his 50s who ends up running a food truck. he will play the lead in this. gentlemen, start your twitter.
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>> i'm doing research for project. kennedy: that's what pete townsend said. doing a little research. that's the last thing on earth you want to hear from a guy making your sandwich. that's right up there with, you got a tissue, i think this wart is sneezing, and, chicken is supposed to be pink in the middle, out just poke it with my pinky. regardless of how this project goes, giving away food for three hours, he is now qualified to win and award from city harvest. yay. topic number four. chipolte is throwing its guacamole hat into the desert ring. they announced in may they will be serving deep fried tortillas
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tossed in cinnamon and sugar and topped with honey. the treat is called. [inaudible] according for a spokesman they also came up with the caramel apple dipping sauce. topic number five. the government may be preparing for a shutdown but the internet is up and running and the filibusters are aimed at my mailbag. it's time for viewer mail. i am already exhausted. mary begins with, i like her less and less. she's not funny and certainly not even witty. lame. george writes, your show is a deplorable exercise in juvenile
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yeah. that's why i find it so riveting. it's like a freeway crash with slightly more casualties. chad says, you're annoying, but your cute. it's a conundrum big word, 4-year-old. last night, i wore this dress and everybody loved it except for a few thousand people like kenneth who said get rid of tonight's dress. burn it, give it to your church bazaar, but loose that rag. i needed to be tight. why would i loosen it. he thanks whoever stole that trait for kennedy should be shot. thank you for watching the show. follow me on twitter an instagram at kennedy nation on facebook.ç e-mail you bunch of prudes.
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next week we have third-grade news featuring nine -year-olds who are smarter than congress. music collection. (soft music) ♪ (narrator) these are songs that can relax and soothe you. (ray conniff) ♪ somewhere my love ♪ there will be songs to sing (narrator) songs that make you feel good. (frankie valli) ♪ you're just too good to be true ♪ ♪ can't take my eyes off of you ♪ ♪ you'd be like heaven to touch ♪ (narrator) songs that take you to wonderful places. (the 5th dimension) ♪ up-up and awa ♪ in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon ♪
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