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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  May 2, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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lou: the status quo with the same players, not what it's about. thanks for being here. thank you for being with us. pat buchanan, congressman ted poe, good night. kennedy: think the gop healthcare plan is a done deal? think again. pl the nsa reports it's ending one of it most controversial surveillance programs. the judge is here to explain why that's still not good enough. the united ceo is grilled on capitol hill. time to take off. if you love freedom you should hate the very idea of single-pair insurance. but sadly that's where we are head and it's sick. single payer is all about total
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control of the most personal thing in your possession, your beautiful body. who make the best decisions. you do of course. who makes those decisions when healthcare is a centralized fully socialized enterprise? the government? the problem with single pair. it's -- single payer, it's too much concentration of money and power in places where the sun don't shine and big government doesn't belong. itifics costs, limits care and decide all the parameters. the consumer doesn't see any real bills, has no means of comparing services and has no incentive to improve or amended the vessel. why are we continuing to have conversations with government-run healthcare when we have seen the rotting fruits of its failure. obamacare sold healthcare as a right.
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now you are obligate to pay for the bad decisions. it suffers from the malady of creeping status quo. too. people in power accept that we are morally obligated to extend the safety net from those in need to those who breathe. what if other bodies don't take care of themselves at all. no one has sisctorily explained why i am obligated to pay forther people's bad choices, fan i don't, i'm breaking the law. if i make a bad choice, are you obligate to pay? subject thoct whims of the free market. look at venezuela. price control lead to shortages which lead to riots, then death.
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frankly, i would much rather live free than die. i'm kennedy. >> mark meadows said the gop does not have the votes to pass their healthcare bill. so why can't republicans agree on a plan. let me ask peter suderman. welcome back. heat's talk about this. i think the problem is the gop isn't bold enough to say, let's take healthcare away from the government. what's really going on? >> i think that's part of the problem. another way to put it might be republicans say they want to repeal obamacare but it turns out they don't really want to repeal obamacare. you see this with some of the holdouts who said they are not
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going to be able to vote for this bill. they are saying this bill doesn't protect preexisting conditions in the same way obamacare does. even president trump said it will protect preexisting conditions as well as obamacare. republicans say they want to repeal obamacare, but a lot of them don't want to repeal the core parts of obamacare, the subjects does, regulations and medicaid expansions. kennedy: we talked about it's times. they are renaming the individual mandate. and the subsidies for medicaid are still there. and it will still see some expansion. and that perhaps has been deferred by a little bit. these are issues by the gop which used to be a cost-cutting organization. but not anymore. i'm curious. where do republicans go from here? are they on the road to failure?
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>> it's unclear right now. the vote is close. it's possible we could see a vote by the end of this week. it's also possible this vote will never come in the house. republican senators like rand paul recently said the house freedom caucus meade this bill less bad. that's not much of a ringing endorsement. that's what we are seeing in the senate. in addition you have republicans saying even if they do get this bill and take a look at it. they will rewrite the thing. if they rewrite the bill, then it has to go back for another vote in the house. the way the senate will rewrite the bill will probably cost votes in the house. there is not a zone of overlap where you can get enough republican and house members to agree.
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and that in large part is because republicans have spent 7 years saying they want to repeal obamacare and not situation they want to replace it with. kennedy: they have to make bold moves. the government is what's screwing up insurance and healthcare in this country. i recognize those are two different things. look at the fda. look at the number of people who die every year waiting for drugs to receive approval from the food and drug administration. it's unconscionable how bureaucratic that element alone is. then you have people if they are fired, it's difficult for them to get insurance and more government and more complexity doesn't fix or answer any of these questions the way the free market actually could. and i think if obamacare has been a failed wading into the
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pool of socialized medicine, we need to pull back and go in the opposite direction and investigate. i understand it's going to take some fortitude and a spine. but we need to investigate some of those free market solutions. >> the history is very clear that so many of the problems in the american health system go back to government intrusion. the tax carve-out that was put in place after world war ii. the price controls. and what we have done is we created a fragmented system that works pretty well for people who have employer-sponsored insurance. but medicare distorts the rest of the market. and you have medicaid which has a lot of problems on its own. you weave out the folks in the individual market which is what obamacare tried to fix, but in a
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lot of ways the ahda is trying to fix this problem in the same way obamacare did by adding new layers of subsidy and regulation on top of the old layers rather than stripping await old stuff. kennedy: they are adding more of what they know is problematic. it's this healthcare vote fails and obamacare goes into a death spiral. are we going to see free market health insurance or single payer insurance. >> it's likely the democrats will step up. democrats will want something that looks like single payer for sure. kennedy: thank you very much, peter. we'll all be subject to the va.
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democratic leaders have settled on a new strategy, resist everything in the trump administration. we see it at play in the healthcare fight. that's what they saw republicans do with obamacare and look where we are now, still fighting after healthcare, and still in afghanistan. democrats realize resistance is not way to run a government? let me ask tonight temperatures party familiar. rich lowry joined by jimmy failla. and chris barrett. founder of lgbt for trump. a man panel. jim, i fear we are on the road to single payer. what's the solution here? >> it would have been nice if a lot of republicans meant what
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they said about obamacare. i think some of them overpromised season tearily. but some of them overpromised insincerely. fred upton sponsored obamacare reveal bills. studies about how obama ware regulations were distorting the markets and need to go. now he says i can't vote for even a partial repeal of obamacare. certain conditions to get out for obamacare regulations. it's embarrassing and a debacle. kennedy: we are on a fast track to disaster. but you see why republicans can't give that resistance. it's so much more fun to be the opposition party. but now that the democrats have gotten a taste of that sweet, sweet nectar. >> the democrats are tanking on purpose to win the lottery.
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it's a disgusting strategy. the republicans employed this, too. they put the interests of the people second to their need to be in power. if trump passed a measure tomorrow called save the puppies, they are not voting. dead puppies everywhere. kennedy: if he put up $20 million to cure childhood cancer, the democrats would find a way. >> there are no draft picks to be had. they take the country. they have no alternatives. they are trotting out senior citizens. hillary clinton is back toda saying she is part of the resistance. we might as well it on life support. this is taking the tank. >> chuck schumer is like a
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simpsons villain. nancy pelosi, every picture she takes looks liking a school bus driver who just failed the field sobriety test. but that's the party. kennedy: you just pointed it out with healthcare. but it's not we are bert than them because we are not them. >> this is the republican strategy against obama. you try everything you can do to deny the president or the other party accomplishments and drag his approval rating down, then win big in mid-term elections. democrats are trying to do it now. on healthcare and fairness to both sides there is a huge philosophical difference on what direction we should be taking the system. most republicans want to take it in a free market direction. >> they want power and control
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and they want to tell you what to do with your body and what to put in it and how to go about it. it's immoral. president trump has floated a new idea for how to pay for infrastructure. a gas tax. currently the gas tax is 18.4 cents a gallon it's bent same since 1993. because of inflation that money doesn't go as far as it did then. and people are getting better fuel economy. but fills raising the gas tax the way to pay for better roads? >> i don't like raising the gas tax. to be honest, i don't think he said he's for raising the gas tax it's one of the options out there. we need to have a serious conversation about how we are going to pay for infrastructure.
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we have infrastructure needs that need to be addressed. we talked about it on this show before. there are free market ways to do this. it's not just we can raise the gas tax. a lot of work has been done talking about tolling, public-private partnerships. but lots of thing we can do. but we have to be honest that somebody has to pay. kennedy: they are going to cut taxes, but you have to make up for it somewhere, which means you have to punish poor people by raising the gas tax. >> imagine what it's going to be to the beef jerky industry?
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kennedy: so, rich, too many taxes, too much spending. >> this reads like one of these things, a journalist brings up something to trump, he says yeah, we could do that. he's going to raise taxes on his own voters in rural areas that drive more than folks in the urban areas, i don't see it. kennedy: the money never goes where it's intended. >> the worst part of that is he said he got the idea because he met with the truckers. they said the highway is really bad. he said i'll pass a gas tax. kennedy: well, -- when he was around.
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>> i shouldn't have asked. kennedy: the therapy returns with the panel a little bit later. lady liberty standing a little taller after the nsa announced it will stop warrantless incidental collection of digital communications of americans. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit
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kennedy: score one for freedom. thnsa announced it will no longer collect the emails of americans who mentioned or discussed the foreign surveillance targets. now they will tomorrow collect the emails sent to or from americans from foreign targets. do the changes go far enough? joining me is fox news senior judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano. so this is a little bit complicated. judge napolitano: i would say the nsa is no longer using section 702 of the fisa act to collect additional information
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of americans casually mentioned in koftions. it allows the nsa to listen to conversations verbal, text or email of americans talking to foreign persons without a warrant. the nsa persuaded the fisa court that if a third fern american is mentioned by name, the nsa can surveil that person without a warrant. they have taken that person to a fourth person and a fifth within the sixth. so you can do the math. it comes out to nearly the whole country. why would the nsa be pulling back on this? kennedy: this is self reporting on their part which i'm sceptical about that. judge napolitano: before i answer the question directly. 702 is not the only spying authority on which the nsa relies.
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it relies on a ronald reagan executive order famously called 12333. which vaguely authorized all spying on everyone all the time. it's hard to manage reagan intend that. but the language is ambivalent. the nsa uses 702 as a mask and claims it is involved with fisa. but it's using the reagan order. why did they pull back on 702? because it expires in december of this year. kennedy: that's why we have been hearing about it. judge napolitano: when it expires, congress will debate it and the president will weigh in. what did the nsa do with 702?
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spy on mr. and then president-elect donald trump. he told the cbs news it's the number one priority in the united states today to get a handle on domestic spying. so in order to appear softer and more reasonable nsa is pulling back on 702 because they think it will influence the debate. i think the debate will be influenced by donald trump's personal experience of being a victim of spying and the scepticism of mass surveillance. kennedy: that could be the most positive aspect of his presidency. that's something you and i even couraged him to do, take on these surveillance program. it exes. let it expire. americans will be safe. judge napolitano: the nsa has too much information. it had phone calls and text
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messages involving the boston marathon killing and san bernardino and orlando. it didn't examine them until after the kiing. it has too much information on too many people. sow it fails to focus on the people that are dangerous. kennedy: there are people who like trey gowdy who have gotten upset with the directors of the cia and f.b.i. because they know they have misused and abuses some of these privileges and hopefully the american people will stand up with the president. judge napolitano: i wish they would express anger in public to the head of the f.b.i. and the nsa. do we work for them or do they work for us? kennedy: you would think we work for them unfortunately. this is some interesting news, and keep an eye on it. judge napolitano: there should
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be a debate in the fall about the nature and extent of spying. kennedy: i know you met with the president on several owecation. if one othose occasions presents themselves in the future, i hope this is the topic of conversation. kennedy: p.c. punks invade college campuses across the country. what is the percentage of college freshmen who consider themselves to be liberal? the answer and the polarization of college campuses after the break. whether it's connecting one of the world's most innovative campuses. or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. at angie's list, we believe there are certain things you can count on, like what goes down doesn't always come back up.
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with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. kennedy: we are all lost. aren't we? before the break i asked what percentage of college freshmen consider themselves to be liberal. look at that. the answer is 35% according to a survey by my beautiful alma matre. ucla found 42% characterize themselves as middle of the road. the political polarization of freshmen on college campuses is
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the highest it's been in decades. what does this survey tell you? >> first, in every presidential cycle they see an uptick in the polarization and shrinking moderates. they note this was the most polarized. study's authors concluded that part of that was they saw this election as being among the most contentious. we had a large group of republicans going hard eight. we had a real battle between the bernie sanders wing and the clinton wing, then it was hard fought through the end. and it influence the youngsters. kennedy: for most them, this is their first presidential election.
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how is voter participation? >> for that 18-29-year-old, less than average. it didn't motivate them to turn out. but you did see the highest levels feeling like they needed to do something to influence politics in their lives. >> there are a lot of pearl clutching angst worrywarts in college. clidges way too expensive. college, administration costs just keep going up and so do their bills. >> worry about not going the school that was their first choice because they couldn't afford it. but we saw super high levels of people -- below average levels of people who rated themselves not as well adjusted as their peers. people coming into college not
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feeling confident. kennedy: helicopter parenting. stay out of your kids' lives. we'll put it on our facebook page. the nation's airlinesceos are on notice. shape or face a bunch of new government regulations. lawmakers grilled the ceos and representatives after a series of high-profile p.r. disasters. a delta pilot slapped a woman and a flight attend damage on you american hit a woman with a stroller. >> this person was seated in a seat. and the person who they were trying to get on did not have to purchase a seat. so how do you make that criteria.
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>> it was a mistake of epic proportions in hindsight clearly and our policies broke down in that regard. kennedy: the airlines are facing the proposition of the government forcing them to treat customers better. good idea or more party nonsense? rich lowry, jimmy failla, and chris barron. i see all this stuff, people are waiting fo ient to go ral. maybe they will get a little money from the nightly news. maybe flying is bad for everyone all around. if i feel bad for the flight a10 danlts and the jerk faces they have to put up with. >> i don't see why the ceos have to be brought up to capitol hill for a beating. customers can chief sighted whether they want to flyeau night.
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they are perfectly free to use another airline. united has responded to the consumer pressure. that's the way a marker is supposed to work. but this is a classic case where congress wants to grand stand fan pretend to be on the side of every consumer who might have a bad experience. kennedy: they fly a lot. and if there is one fun thing they get to do, it's poke the eyeballs of the airlines ceos. let's talk about the united bunny. she sent a giant bunny and one of the baggage handlers put the bunny in the freezer. >> they finally found one people they hate more than them. the airline industry -- they
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have so many fights now they are seen by weight class. we have a flight attendant who is back. it's like nothing is going to happen. they make these guys look bad. but that's all they do. congress sat around. who should we bring in and give up our time to. what's so ironic is the airlines have benshoofing money into members of congress for decades and decades and decades. there is no bigger crony capitalist in this entire country than the airlines. they used government regulation to their advantage in every aspect. it's kabuki theater. when you leave, can you hands me the check? it's been fun. kennedy: can you think of an industry that's more regulated
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than the airline industry? >> it's become a mass consumer experience. we have seen the wonderful pictures from the 1960s where every seat looked like first class. but now it's like a bus it's cheaper, more consumer friendly, and everybody can use it. >> the's the part getting -- that's the part getting lost in this. the people are animals. there was a guy sitting in the aisle clipping his toenails, and that was the pilot. kennedy: the nation's opioid addiction crisis has forced them to think outside the box. my name is pam. i'm 51 years old. when i was diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. she just started to decline rapidly.
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kennedy: dozens die every day from opioid addictions. scientists have been conducting studies that show a medically super advised trip on
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psychedelic drugs can reset the brain. take a look. >> we wanted to pick up on this question whether psychedelics could help with addiction. addiction is a constricted sense of consciousness. it takes something dramatic to make inroads. i think that's where psychedelics come in. kennedy: the new season of "breakthrough" premiered tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. to discuss his research, dr. matthew johnson. welcome to the show. this is such a fascinating area. unfortunately psychedelic drug research halted in the 50s and 60s with drug hysteria. where did you pick up the mantel.
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>> i was an undergraduate in college that was buried at that point. promising therapeutic potentials for psychedelic drugs, and lsd. it had taken a few decades for the hysteria to blow over and other research to be allowed again. kennedy: it has taken a lot of lobbying to allow these studies to go forward. but you found profound effects. and it's not people just dropping acid and hanging out at grateful dead shows. >> we found a high success rate in people trying to quit smoking. we are at the earlier phase of research. by the was promising enough for us to move forward with a larger
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study comparing it specifically in a randomized trial with a nicotine patch treatment. it is a medicine and enhanced therapeutic approach. kennedy: they are very careful about the setting and as you pointed out, the therapy starts before you actually take the psychedelic and continues afterward. but it seems to have some profound change on the brain, and also the psychological context. explain what happens. >> people crib thes -- people describe these events as a major life event it's like going to a different culture, having a child, getting married. people typically rate these as the most personal meaningful and spiritually significant events of their lives. these are not atypical of people who used recreational drugs.
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if we harness that and put in place the right therapeutic approaches to enhance that and have monitoring to avoid the real risks involved. then we can get some good outcomes. kennedy: is this the future of treating addiction and ptsd as you see it? >> i think it's a major component of that treatment. we have hit the wall with treating depression and pt $sd. so the psychedelic drugs broadly defined represent a powerful way to manipulate the brain that have some risks involved. but we haven't been able to get back into these resrch for decade. so it's an exciting time. kennedy: i can't wait to watch tonight's episode and find out more about your work. mcdonald's is tired of waiting
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on congress to solve our biggest problems, so they have taken matters into their own hand. "topical storm" is next. online u.s. equity trades... ♪ realize the smartest investing idea, isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with.
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kennedy: last night was the gala in new york city.
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it cost half as much as usual. hollywood a-listers spend thousands on pricey duds. another day, another hollywood reboot. this is the "topical storm." topic number one. well, we have to start with the mets gala. fog police needed riot gear for that red carpet. instead of protesting trump, celebrities are protesting their good taste. here is fo pharrell williams and his wife. she looks like the little kid in christmas story. rhianna got her outfoot from a wtf collection. she is so pretty.
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lala anthony looking hot in a sexy see-through number. her husband was taping the maury povich show this week. p. diddy found out he was the love child of zorro and no one will ever forget katy perry's outfit. no matter how hard they try, the twittersphere is trashing katie calling it the most embarrassing moment of her life. topic number two. they got married in india. if you can't wait until saturday to bet the 3-year-olds in the kentucky derby, head over to finland to bet the 10-year-olds running in the hobby horse
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championships. it's not a monti python sketch. this is a real event. 200 people competing this week. you buy one those toy stick horses. you inhale some of the lsd the good doctor was talking about. the sport is viewed as an expression of girl power because it forces competitors to have a do-it-yourself attitude. they are in charge of crying themselves to sleep when all the guys tell them they are too weird to date. most americans can't believe how ridiculous this looks. if you think scandinavian horse races are weird, you should see their adult video. i never have, that's true.
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topic number three. michael moore is coming to broadway. that means starting in july flash daners won't be the only place to see breasts in times square. this guy really put the ham in hamilton. moore signed on to do a 12-week run where he will perform a one-woman show aimed at stopping donald trump. moore says quote liberals need to embrace comedy as a way to halt any trump momentum. i agree. look how well that worked during the election when every single late-night show on television aimed 90% of their jokes at president trump. moore's play isn't the only political show coming up this summer. there is another trump-themed play called "building a wall," and one out hillary clinton
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called "the phantom of the emails." she looks good there. topic number four. no need to mask you. need further proof that we are finished as a country? macdonald's unveiled a new utensil it's designed to pick up the topping that fell off your burger when you bit into it. >> the topping dropping. is this a real problem? probably not. but good news, we solved it anyway with the flavor focus -- kennedy: you stick your french fries in there. the company trotted out the infomercial anthony sullivan to address this problem.
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for far too long many americans have had to scoop them with a spoon or lick them off the wrapper. but i love the fork. i have been trying to text the girls about it since 9:00 this morning but i can't get past auto correct. these two men were flying japan's airlines when they gone it to a fistfight. witnesses said the argument started when one of them took the last foreign. naturally the other man tried to dip his face into the burger drippings. michael moore was able to save the day base had an extra fork in one of his folds.
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i just want you to know, somewhere inside the lefty may day madness, there was a sign of hope and freedom. we'll tell you all about it next.
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kennedy: it's time for the f block. the f is for freedom. for many of you, freedom is everything. all the i am tbholts this country are being erode every
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day. thanks colin kaepernick. look at this brave soul. for one brief moment at a may day marxist march held up the american flag before he was tackled and probably beaten. for him it expresses a longing base lives the every day hellish existence of come anything. but he knows somewhere not too far away, freedom is so plentiful it's almost taken for granted. he may be floght prison for years because of his defines. and maybe you can defy all the turds who want to take a stand for liberty. to you he may just be a me merks. of --
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be a m meme, but for him friems everything. tomorrow john stossel, matt welch and tom shillue. >> two eccentrics from new york's disco days. >> if you were on baird's list, your social life was assured. >> two oddball art collections. >> all right. >> mel brooks, david bowie, art carney, muhammad ali. >> but the weirdest thing about this story... >> and it's really solid. nothing's going to fall off. >> how the square from the burbs ends up with both. >> i can only imagine this driving around the streets of new york. >> will this two-for-one strange inheritance -- >> i've got $150, can get a $175? once, twice. first piece sold. >> ...ultimately add up? [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ]


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