tv Kennedy FOX Business May 3, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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two great americans. you can catch fox news special on the fox news channel. good night from new york. kennedy: tonight f.b.i. director james comey on the hill testifying about russia and the presidential election. p.j. o'rourke is here. is north korea trying to blackmail the u.s. with its nuclear arsenal? are liberals turning on obama over his big money wall street speeches. like an unwelcome cold sore on prom night, hillary clinton reemerged.
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she is part of the resistance. mrs. clinton testified a new glitch which forces her to reexplain why she lost the election. >> it wasn't a perfect campaign in is no such thing. but i was on the way to winning until a combination of jim comey's letter on october 28, and russian wikileaks raised doubts in the mind of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off. kennedy: here is james comey before the senate judiciary committee. >> what they could see from the meta data there is were thousands of secretary clinton's emails on that device, qulawg they thought might be the missing email s from the her first three months as secretary of state. we never found any emails from
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her first three months. she was using a verizon blackberry then. that's important. because if there was evidence she was acti with bad intent, that's where it would be. kennedy: maybe if you could have stayed upright without fueling health conspiracy theories or referring to undecided voters as a basket of deplorables, you would have won them, too. but she never had a message. couldn't make up her mind. about that lack of a cohesive catch phrase -- >> he had one mess tanning your oh point, and it was a successful message, make america great again. where was your message? do you take any personal responsibility? >> of course, i was the candidate.
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i take personal responsibility. kennedy: it means you don't make any other excuses. her failing take up the smallest slice in the pie graph disappointment. did the russians have a hand in it? maybe. and her insistence to rehash the election just to save her shredded dignity is only in the offputting, it's bad for her party. she can use whatever cleverly crafted tom perez phrase she wants. but blaming it on comey and misogyny it's embarrassing. for that, her resistance is music to republican ears. i'm kennedy.
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kennedy: will history ultimately prove that hillary clinton is the on person to blame for her election collapse? welcome back, p.j. so you obviously have been writing about politics for years and years. this last election was so insane, what did your analysis and gut tell you about hillary's loss? >> people hated her. i are covered the campaign from way back when mammoths were roaming the earth. i met more people mow voted against hillary than people who voted for trump. kennedy: that's an interesting point. it's something both sides under estimated. >> it caught me by surprise. kennedy: but at some point she has to let it go. they are allowing her to be the
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face of the party and i don't understand why. >> democrats have mystified me since i was a small child. part of the resistance, black leather jackets. what are we talking about here? ultimate personal responsibility for something that was everybody's fault except mine is the message i just got from that. i spent a lot of time with trump voters. and i was not a trump supporter. but i like trump's voters. did they care about the emails between her and whoever? these are people confused about their own emails. i'm always hitting the wrong button and sending the f-you message to my boss. kennedy: what was it about her that they so didn't like? >> it was her as a shrill and
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unpleasant representative of a burgeoning out of control government at every level. i remember talking to this one guy whom i really liked. and he was on about -- he had a towing business and body shop, and he said, you know, regulations. i'm covered in regulations. the state, local, federal. town regulations, and i can't -- i can afford obamacare, we are doing well, every time some genius in washington gets a bright idea, this big stack of wrap land on my desk. i don't have a legal department or h.r. department. he says it's me and my wife. i'm a mechanic. i have this dump outside my gas station that's been a dump since the 1920s.
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now it's protected wetlands. sow i liked the guy and he was quite funny about this. so i went off post as a report are and said so you are voting for trump and you have got all these complaints. explain how electing a maniac fixes this. he laughed, i don't know, you are right. i wouldn't want the guy in my house. but i'm fed up. that was probably the mess and i took away from most of the trump voters. kennedy: it was the under estimation of that frustration. and the demonizing. you talk about liking trump voters. many on the left want to criticize people who pulled the lever for them without any curiosity. >> the other thing is, this like opposed to just doing anything you can do to oppose trump no matter what, he is the president of the united states.
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this is a serious matter. be cite wall by all means. if trump cured cancer, the headline in the "new york times" would be heart disease kills more people. kennedy: are republicans going to screw it up further? >> yes p. kennedy: fantastic. today on capitol hill f.b.i. director james comey testified that any suggestion he threw the election makes him sick. >> this is terribly. it makes me mildly nauseous to think we might have had some impact on the election, but honestly it doesn't change the decision. everybody who disagrees with me. tell me what you would do, would you speak or would you conceal? kennedy: comey says he had no
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tree gets about how he handled all this. tom shillue is here, a fox news contributor. and matt welch also here, reason * magazine. welcome, everyone. how do you think james comey did? is he doing the sort of executive version of a law enforcement version of hillary clinton's constant denial about the election rehashing his decision to make public and send that letter. >> i think he would be happy to never talk in public again. but he's dragged up there by lawmakers. the parts i was watching, he just kept saying i'm not going to answer that. i don't think he feels comfortable in that role.
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sure he doesn't want to be blamed for it. i don't think a single person can look out and say james comey did we solid last year. everybody has something to come plain about. kennedy: hillary clinton as you points out, warned the world what donald trump would do if he won the popular vote yet lost the electoral map. what do you think hillary clinton is doing now? >> that's what we were warned about. with hillary and all the democrats saying when he loses the election because they were very overconfident, he's going to fly in the face of democracy and complaint was rigged. then she is together same thing. she has been trumpeting it since the election. now she is part of the reeve is stance. you have to learn from al gore. you have to grow a beard and make a documentary. kennedy: comey came out three times.
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july 5 to say, you know, she is a horrible person but i'm not going to charger. october 20 he said there is some horrible stuff here maybe. then he came out before the election and he said she's completely cleared. >> if he had an effect on the election, so did so smg other things like that access hollywood tape that was played 24/. and the press being proaf hillary. -- being pro hillary. kennedy: the second debate we've saw in solution was all about the access hollywood tape. >> we are look at a woman who wanted to win so desperately, she can't come to terms with the fact that's she lost. she is looking back on the campaign trail.
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her blaming james comey and other influences makes her look like a big old baby because she was the only one that put that private server in her household. kennedy: she is a friends to many democrats. they want to move on and talk about the crown. and them he called me and texted me, and i knew what he was saying. it's the last thing wants to hear about. >> they spend last 24 hours on democratic twitter arguing about whose fault it was she lost. all late-breaking voters went trump because they wanted to fire the bums in charge. they left gary johnson to go to trump in the final week. kennedy: they left jill stein to go to trump.
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it's such an insane election. president trump said he plans to solver sphofl one of the most difficult issues on the planet. peace between the is railies and principles. watch. >> we want to create peace between israel and the palestinians. we'll get it done. we'll be work so hard to get it done. it's been a long time. but we'll be working diligently. i think there is a very, very good chance, and i think you feel the same way. kennedy: what if the actually does it? wouldn't that shall insane? despite the fact that peace deals failed for decades, the boss today said he has hope. can president trump succeed where other presidents have not. tom, this is a weak and wounded leader, i'm talking about the
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president of palestine, who is december pies ate pies --house s own party. he moves playing this dale thing. i don't think he should touch this at all. it's not going anywhere. you start with the map. the. that's kind of deal breaker. they haven't moved on that at all. >> confidence. it's all about confidence. kennedy:e invites leaders from various countries, the president of china or a man who has big parties for people who kill themselves tore wounds is reallies. >> making deals is obviously his strong points. i believe he thinks that he's going to solve this issue.
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maybe that's the first part to making possible tough progression in this obviously crazy issue that has never been solved before. kennedy: i hope he solves it. maybe it's so insane and he appeals to the insanity. and he could be the guy who does it. you have to bring the palestinians to the table. >> he spend the 100-day mark giving all these interests views to everybody. he stead i'm tbiedged out things -- i'm finds out things -- i'm finding out things are a little bit harder than i thought. i'm afraid it's going to bite him. kennedy: if it does, he can look back at administrations who had the same issue and say this unsolvable.
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we have thrown everything at the problem, so just go kill each other he's the fifth president in a row who ended up not doing anything, and they all thought they could. kennedy: it's the white whale. peace in the middle east. the only comfort they can take is yes they have all failed. the party panel will return little bit later. a white house official claims north korea could be developing nuclear weapons to blackmail the united states. gordon chang joins me to explain coming up.
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once that happens, he would roll his military might into south korea and take it over. is this a likely scenario? welcome back, gordon. what do you think this blackmail theory. the north isn't just amassing nuclear weapons and trying to get intercontinental missiles to harm us, by the many really blackmail so they can take over the north korean peninsula. >> i agree with that. north korea started its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs at a time when the u.s. was no threat to north korea. they got started with their nuclear program in the:50s. and there is a scenario that we need to work around. that is, yes the core ians could
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air mail a nuke four years or so down the road. but i worry they take apart a crude atomic device, smuggle it across our undefended borders and put it on a pickup truck. put it in a u.s. city and someone kawments up the president and says if you don't take your troops out of the south korea or something else, i'll detonate this. kennedy: what do you think it united states would do given that dooms day scenario? >> you would hope they wouldn't. but if the lives of 10 million americans are at risk, if they put it in new york city, the calculus changes. there could be all sorts of things that could happen. i don't know. but this is something u.s. government officials think about. this is not something i just made up.
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>> we have to run these scenarios without getting caught in hysteria. that's important, especially here. but what is a practical issue is another american hostage in north korea. as you point out, washington should no longer hold its north korea policy hostage to hostages. >> in the past when americans were detained in north korea, we would send bill clinton or jimmy carter or bill richardson. and the north koreans would use that as an opportunities to start negotiations and obtain something from the u.s. everyone wants to free americans who have been detained in north korea. kennedy: there are three that we know of. >> there is probably a fourth. someone snatched from china and brought into north korea. kennedy: but you know not to go to north korea.
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people know that. it's like kissing a growling pit bull and be surprised you got bitten in the face. >> a lot of these people have gone to north korea against stern state department advisories not to do so, and against common sense. north koreans could take him as a bargaining chip or take him as a human shield. so yes we should try to get them out, but let's not give concessions. if we do that, we are giving the north koreans incentives to take hostages in the future. so we have to put an end to this dynamic. kennedy: it incentivizes all sorts of bad things. it changes by the day. that you so much, gordon chang. kennedy: liberals are criticizing former president barack obama about the money
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he's making talking to wall street fat cats. debbie wasserman-schultz is defending him. and i'll tell you why she is right for once. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to.
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kennedy: it appears the trump administration is leaning towards pulling out of the paris environment agreement. but the issue is reported the administration in some interesting ways. check this out. the head of the environmental protection agency scott pruitt want to exit the deal. secretary of state and former ceo of exxonmobil, he wants to stay in. only in a trump white house could a dynamic like that be possible. let me ask fox business network john stossel. should we stay? in? john: no. price has a better argument. i can see why the secretary of state wants to be not in a position where these other countries will like hick less because it's pulling out of an agreement.
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but the agreement is just politicians pretending to do something. remember kyoto was going to solve global warming? we only met our goals because the market even kowrngd us to burn more natural gas and less coal. and they just make up a number. sweden says 40%. ireland 1%. but they are still asking to stall. the united states, obama promised 2% by 2025. but it's not binding. if everybody mitt, they admit it wouldn't make any skiing difference. so why do this? why make ourselves poor? maybe down the road and we have more science and we might be able to do something about it, let's have a strong economy so we can pay for that. kennedy: that's the best
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insurance, still having innovation. by the time we have the technology and the greater need, we can do something about it. but you are kneecapping nations imposing these restrictions. they are the ones who -- they don't have the opportunity to industrialize properly, and they are being hit with all these politically correct climate regulations. john: they are exempt the developing nations from all these rules. they are suppose to be giving the money. we are not really handicapping because it's all voluntary. it's just politician feel-good stuff. the p.c. lang wage about we want gender equity. good treatment of migrants, disabled persons. a just transition of the workforce. what does this stuff even mean?
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kennedy: a lot of it is vague and about feeling good. by the had nothing to do with science and climate change and come batting the part of it where human beings made an impact. it's strange but not unusual for liberal politicians to be pushing this stuff on a global scale. john: it's the intergovernmental panel. this is government science tests. -- scientists. kennedy: bernie sanders and elizabeth warren are mad at president obama. the pair criticized obama for taking a $400,000 speaking fee from the same wall street firm he frequently trashed as fat cat bankers.
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not you former democratic chairman debbie wasserman-schultz rode to obama's defense. what anyone earns in the private sector. it's none of your business. kennedy: now it's not, until a republican does it, hypocrite. the party panel is back. so carly, i agree with her. i think that his wife isn't secretary of state. they don't have a massive foundation. he's just trying to raise a little bit of money. if he can get $400,000 for a speak ebb gaijt, have at it. >> i think a little bit of criticism is the price he has to
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pay. i would have those would have made a couple free speeches before cashing in, especially at a bank in such a public way. kennedy: he did make that speech at the university of chicago. i had forgotten how long winded he is and low energy. >> we got it for free for 8 years. >> $400,000 is an obscene amount of money. you know what else is? the amount of money anyone famous gets to do anything. you are a politician, this is the time to cash in when it's all over. the problem is when you are a politician, secretary of state, and you are running around and you are giving speeches on filling your foundation money. that's when it's dad. >> do you think anyone cares. you go and vacation and cashing in. kennedy: debbie
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wasserman-schultz is right. don't criticize republicans for together same thing. and stop denonnizing people for -- stop demonizing people for making money. he waived campaign finance rules so he could raise record amounts of bootie. and the problem is that the presidency itself is too valuable. too much power accrues in that position so the goldman sax and anybody else in the world will see there is value in having proximity to these people. let's make the value of the office less so we care about it less. kennedy: that's where this kution corruption comes from. -- where this russian
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corruption comes from. if they have got that proximity they will find a way to it. >> which is why the clinton issue is so unseemly. they created that d sarks vos striving effect. kennedy: thank you so much. coming up, there may be hope in washington. colorado congressman gerald polk hosted an expo on the need for weed. i'll talk to him next. how much money was spent in legal marijuana sales last year? .
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into insights that transform their business and will enhance the game for players and fans. the microsoft cloud turns information into insight. kennedy: before the break i asked how much money was made in illegal marijuana sales last year? the answer is $6.7 billion. that includes medical and recreational marijuana. i know you done both kinds tonight. one of the latest groups
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strongly advocating for medical use of weed is current and former nfl players. they claim's a lot healthier than pills for post-game pain management. jared polis hosts an event on capitol hill on legalizing marijuana. cannabis instead an opioid. something those players are in favor of. what did you discuss at your medical expo, and did you touch on areas of pain management that some of the nfl players were talking about. >> $6 billion away from criminal cartels and gangs into legitimate businesses. but our country has a dangerous way of handling pain.
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there is very little in between the ibuprofens of the world and oweddoids which is the main cause of the heroin epidemic. for managing pain marijuana can work far safer and far better than opioids. >> they can leave the cbds in which allow for anti-inflap tory and pain management. if you think of the gulf between vicodin and advil. there is not much there. it's perfectly legal for nfl players to use oxycontin, but they cannot use marijuana. >> they have to go to a much more dangerous addictive compounds and by pass one that's far less addictive. states with medical marijuana
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have 25% less opioid overdose deaths. they should try something like marijuana first to see how it works. >> when you do get addicted to tils and those prescriptions one out. people can't afford it. they can't afford the pills in the planning market sow them go finds heroin on the street. but then that's laced with elephants tranl question liesers that can kill you and it's almost undetectable. you have thought about running for governor colorado. i spoke to one of the founders of sam saying colorado is a hell
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hole where there is so much weaved and they are drugged out zombies. and did are taken tomorrow the emergency room every day for mayor juan fa overuse. >> rather than dealing with marijuana as a criminal issue, we approach medical marijuana and americana abecause as a health issue. let's have a discussion in our community. but let's realize adults are competent to make their own decisions whether they want to use alcohol, tobacco or americana. i think that person who spoke to you probably hasn't been to colorado any time. kennedy: if you are going to put something into your body. it's better to walk into a dispensary and know the milligrams and the suggested use. it's much more dangerous to
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ken report following file stories were picked out by the producers on the show while i was buying bath salts taken in alley. i was only kidding. i buy them online. this is the "topical storm." topic number one. the brooklyn criteria is a race with women and bicycles that don't have brakes. which isn't a problem unless someone stops short. that's what your signing up to see. cycling official say this was
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the biggest fee hail crash since the clinton campaign. the massive pileup destroyed 36 unicycles and spilled gatorade. and there were smashed mason jars and someone's bet chicken wounds up cutting its foot. the big irony. everything tastes like chicken if you cook it right. i don't even know what that's supposed to mean. topic number two. the eagles are suing the owners of a members candle hotel called "the hotel california" creating an appearance the bands is associated with the hot spot.
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they claim they play eagles songs in their lobby. the hotel claims this is not true. but they can't hide their lyin' eyes. they filed an injunction demanding they stop using the name. the eagles used a picture of the beverly hills hotel on their album cover without getting permission. rest in peace, don henry. topic number three. new york may have the miracle on the hudson, but washington has the miracle on the highway. look at this. no passengers were hurt in this crash. look at that. it took place during yesterday's rush hour.
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according to witnesses it was the pilot's first flight since he graduated from the harrison ford school of aviation. one female passenger is outraged because her giant bunny died on the flight and then he was created without her permission. topic number four. prince william and his wife kate middleton, they are seeking $1.5 million euros in damages from a french magazine that's published the topless vacation photos of the duchess of cambridge in 2012. will and kate are so distracted with their anger they can hardly keep up their demanding schedule of high tea and croquet it's so bad kate had to cut back to two massages a day.
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mercy, amount in awful. will is no longer enjoying the model ships in the his study. this isn't the only lawsuit the royal family is involved in. the queen is reportedly suing the producers of "girls gone wild." topic number five. american airlines announced it is shrinking the amount of leg room in economy of class by 2 inches. what a great week to do this. it's not like the whole country is mad at airlines. economy is way to roomy. i flew economy just last week and there were several moments where my knees weren't even in my mouth. both my feet were flat on my
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seat and i collapsed a lung when the guy in front of me reclined his seat. pretty soon when i board, they will caulk you down the aisle on a dog leash. but only if you declare yourself as a therapy pet. airline said they made the change so they can add two more seats to their jump coming 737. that way they will have more people to beat with a baby stroller. school kids are cheering while former first lady michel obama is weeping. she is so sad. at angie's list, e
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learn more at your john deere dealer. [♪] kennedy: today's f blocks all about food and freedom. the federal government fuss budgets feel the need to tinker with your kid's diet. michelle obama act as the nutritional do-geared-in-chief while in the white house. some of her intentions are raw vegetables and fruits. banning spleangd sheens and bake
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sales. now with the pairing down -- paring down government regulations, should the government decide what your child eats? no. you should. ask your kid what they had for lunch. or better yet pack their lunch together. the notion the feds know best is offensive when it comes to math curriculum, but it's disgusting when it seeps into kitchens and bellies. don't let someone size fit all guideline be the end all when it comes to your child's waistline. is junior a portly skimmer? get him outside so the department of regulations doesn't arrest you for violating federal sensibility. tell the usda to eat a bag of fish sticks. thanks for watching the show tonight.
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you can follow me on twitter, or insta dram @kennedynation. email i will see you come. good-bye. >> i needed to know who i was, where our family came from. >> a fortune in precious art looted by the nazis. >> renoir, degas, botticelli... >> i'm sorry, the degas, the renoir? >> oh, yeah. we didn't know until we started to read through these documents and discover what he'd been looking for all his life. >> two sons vow to keep their father's search alive. >> it's about vindicating my father and my grandfather. >> we said, "you can't sell this painting. it's ours. it's stolen." [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ]
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