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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 4, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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chars: tight, they celebrate 75 anniversary of the battle of coral sea. thank you very much, we appreciate it when you watch the show, catch us of night 6 p.m. or dvr it, lou dobbs is next. keep it right here on fox business. lou: good evening, it is trump time and more winning, president trump today scoring a major legislative victory, when the house passed new republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare. a close vote. winning by one vote more than the republicans needed, 217 republicans backing it after a dramatic week of negotiations, deal making, arm twisting, and some out right bribery. 213 folks voted again it now the bill goes to the -- against it now it goes to the senate where a tough battle
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away wvlt-tv8s, sense -- awaits, senate passed a trillion dollar spending bill, spending it to president for his signature avoiding a government shut down for a time dems seem to preorville redenbacher -- prefer overpassage. and issuing an executive order to reridgou rereligious freedom. with full voices, we'll take up that tonight, we're joined by pastor robert jeffers, christian adams, kimberly guilfoyle and ed rollins. president trump is not done yet, later in this hour, he will give a speech at the intrepid news museum in new york city. joining him australia prime
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minister turnbull. we'll bring you the prident's remarks live when he takes the stage. but first mike emmanuel with our report on the president's hard fought healthcare victory. reporter: the vote was 217-213, 20 republicans voted against the bill, it was just enough on pass, house speaker paul ryan put everything on the line to keep the promise of scrapping obamacare. >> let's put the patients, not the bureaucrats at the center of this the system. reporter: ryan's top lieutenant, said congress is obligated to take action. >> doing nothing leaves too many morning out in the cold. mr. speaker, we will not stand for that. >> we tried the obamacare way, it is failing remarkably. reporter: republican plan would give state more flex
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bill feibility to go after premium costs, it would include refundic tax credits for those who den don't receive the insurance from their employer. and it would defund planned parenthood for one year, blocking more than 500 million federal dollars. >> our bill rescues families by focusing on lower premiums and putting people back in charge of their healthcare decisions. >> michigan congressman upton offered an amendment yesterday that would provide 8 billion for people with preexisting conditions. >> now i have to say to my friends on the other side, you soldout cheap. as we say in new jersey. upton amendment is an admission after 7 years, you came up with this? you got to be kidding me. >> others called out their republican colleagues.
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>> it takes real cajones to stand and vote on this bill. >> brian a double amputee, noted he is someone with a preexisting condition. >> a responsibility for me to be the advocate for people out there with preexisting conditions, that is why i am such ap ardent is up supporter of this bill. >> you vote for this bill, you have walked the plank. for a bill that will not be accepted by u.s. senate. reporter: now it goes to senate where republicans have a slim majority. >> i hope if this bill passes that senate won't mimic the house, and try to rush a bill
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through. without hearings or debates or analysis. >> i don't think that the house bill nearly pricts what is in the senate bill. we have only 52 senators. reporter: 20 republican nos mostly from moderates, some from swing district won by hillary clinton. clearly concerned about the impact of the political vote. lou: here to discuss the latest victory of the president, day filled with wins, our first guest, veteran of 10 presidential campaigns. leading national republican strategist, ed rollins. >> thank you. lou: what a day for the president? >> a tremendous day, this was very hard fought, he made every effort, white house worked very well with the leadership in the house, they won a narrow victory. but they won a victory, the game continues.
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the bill in senate will be changed i assume, there will be time to do that. i think that the end of the day it has to come back again after senate finishes and reconciliation takes make, to the house, i think this was a very important day for the president. lou: two reacts on health care passage, first let's start with nancy pelosi. f and democratic party, this -- nonsense of moving from moderates to radicals. this is the woman who remembers, said you will have to pass it p to find out what is in it. this is bizarre, for this woman making these statements as if she will be taken seously. lou: what she discovered when she passed last time is she lost 63 democrats in 2010 election. i think that this will be a good bill, it is what country wants clarity on the bill, it will come, not all the way
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there. lou: a good thing, some of the republicans, senators are talking about we' something different, we want to move beyond this bill. what is wrong with the republican party right now on capitol hill? first the house was recalcitrant to point of being obnoxious then they fell in line with the president, now the senate is exercising its you know sort of bizarre i don't know, attitude? >> reality is that president abkated his change due the his campaign, he won the presidency. and i take nothing away from efoo effort they made. i was contribute com critical
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earlier. lou: the house. >> and the president did a lot to twist arms and make it happen. as i have said, the best thing that i seen this president, he is willing to learn and move forward with his agenda. and i think he did it have well today. lou: that picture of president standing there with leadership of house, it was a very important image to get out. because it showed the man who had engaged who had power and% -- persuasive skills to bring the recalcitrants members to vote to pass the legislation. and the house leadership, ryan started out, i am going to give paul ryan credit, he started out today saying and acknowledging, giving thanks to the president and acknowledging his leadership in moving this legislation forward.
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>> he did, a very -- effective job. that was important. lou: and important to see congressman mark meadows to the president's right, and throughout that entire gathering of the republican leaders. >> the moderates did not come onboard. that is a great statement. lou: yeah. >> there he is to ryan's right. this has been a journey. >> 20 people who voted against the bill were not invited to the white house, not that they would have come, but they were not invited. lou: i bit some might have come. >> i don't think so. lou: my guess, is we won't find out soon. >> no. lou: ed rollins thank you. >> thank you. lou: good to see you. >> we're awaiting the president's remarks at the intrepid museum in new york city, we'll bring it to you live from aboard the
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uss intrepid. we're coming right back, an action-packed day filled with news, we can't wvlt-tv -- wait to share it with you. >> remember if we shut down their economy, they can't go forward with the program. >> talking about effort to cripple nok next's economy and to stop nuclear ambitions general jack keane will join us. >> and russia engaging in more provocative behavior, flying two of the bear bombers, with two fighter jets off of the coast of alaska, u.s. air force intercepted them, what is next? we take up russia's aggression next, stay with us, we'll be right back with much more. so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice
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four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now.
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hey you've gotta see this. cno.n. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it's going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i'm gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. lou: another victory for the president, the house of representatives voting to impose new sanctions on north korea, the vote 419-1. the one? libertarian congressman thomas massi. of kentucky. it now heads to senate, bill targets north korea shipping
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industry, and use of slave labor and requires state department to determine whether north korea will be designated as a state sponsor of terrorism. lou: air force, forced to scramble out 22 stealth fighter jets yesterday to intercepts russian bear bombers outside of alaska. escorted by jet fighters 50 miles off of the coast of alaska. last month russia bombers flew near alaska for 4 consecutive days. this is first time since. joining me now to discuss north korean sanction, russian provocation, and more, retired four-star general, fox news military analyst, general jack keane. north korea sanctions, is there any reason to think that
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the sanctions will be more successful than previous? >> well, you put your finger on it, they have not had any impact on this regime in the past. the sanctions because they are so limited, in terms of north korean shipp united states, force labor issue -- force labor in north korea, they sell the goods, that is goods to united states. it is not significant, slave labor issue, they have people who they mandate to work in other countries, they take most of their money. not all. and return that home. and we'll slap a sanction on those countries those goods coming out of those country. i doubt if it will change the equation one bit. what could change the equation is what china is doing. that significant, they stopped coal imports out of north
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korea, a major source of revenue, they are toying with the idea of shutting off oil. if they do that, this is china to north korea oil, they will be a significant economic impact. they made up their mind to put sanctions on north korea, but they don't want to collapse the regime they want to preserve the regime for obvious reasons. we have to see how much they do. and i think that congress doing this makes some sense, they should. but, this is a country that does not trade a lot. this is a country that is closed off and isolated from the world los angeles, they don't have any -- world already, they dean have any money in our banks. lou: turn to these again near passes of the russian bear bombers, this time they were accompanied by two advance fighter jet fighters. what are we to make of this?
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just as the president and putin seem to be and secretary of state, rex tillerson, talking about greater stablization in the relationship, here comes putin with his bombers and two jet fighters. >> yeah, most of this is dealing with putin's problem he has a home. he had a humiliates setback as a result of what assad did, in using sarin gas on his own people, that was an issue for the whole world. a huge criticism of putin because he is enabling assad. putin is obsessed with russian public opinion. he is afraid of people being in the streets and forcing an over throw where he has to put his guys with guns in the streets like other leaders, thi. this playing at home, he casts united states as agressor and opressure in the world, russia
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is only country that stands up on united states, he is trying to contain us. the truth is, we don't care much about this. he is not violating our airspace. we spy off of the coast of russia, we spy off of the coast of china and north korea with our planes, well beyond any limits certainly invading their airspace. we make a big deal out of it and putin loves fact he gets world ac attention for reason that i stated. lou: next time we'll just make a brief mention of putin a ovocations and move it, thank you general. we appreciate your insight and perspective. >> good talking to you, lou. lou: vote in our poll do you think that house leadership, now understands that president trump is showing them how to win?
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cast your vote on twitter @lou dobbs, follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, follow he on instagram. on wall street stocks closed little changed. volume on the big board, heavy trading pou 4.3 billion shares, and deficit up 7% from a year ago, small business continues to create jobs, that according to a new survey that shows small business owners are optimistic about trump administration policies with taxes, healthcare and regulations. and a reminder to listen to my report three times a day, coast-to-coast, on the salem radio network. >> up next, president trump hosting australian prime minister at an important event on the intrepid museum. we'll be bringing you the president's remarking live,
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when he takes the stage. >> what sus rice hiding? she says she won't testify on the obama spy a spying scandal. will we ever get answers? we take that up next. stay with us. introducing new parodontax. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪
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lou: president trump today, tweeting out. refusing to testify next week on allegations of unmasking trump transition officials. not good. sources last month told fox news, rice requested to unmask trump transition, officials, and joining us now to discuss rice's refusal to testify, as well as again, james comey, fbi director, back explaining himself to congress, christian adams former u.s. department
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of justice attorney, under presidents bush and obama, we start with susan rice. what in the world? are we evegoing to know what this woman was up to. >> you are not going to get the truth from her, she is sort of the designated liar, she will say anything, she went out after benghazi and threw this lie out there, think about this they took intelligence information from agency and identified person that u.s. person general flynn they disemmated that attack the government it got leaked. they hated mike flynn because he wanted to undo the iran deal, they targeted flynn, they killed flynn off through the use of intelligence information. lou: and got away with it. to this point, at least, we
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know that the unmasking activities were not random, neaor nextal and they were -- or accidental they were rising. over the course of the last three to 4 years of the administration. what began as modest unmasking of american citizens became a worl whirlwind of activity, and tens of thousandsly the obama administration. without comment, without objection, and without the knowledge of american people. >> that is right, that is why congress realm needs to get the bottom of this -- really needs too get to the bottom of this, a dire threat to what america circumstance yo is. you can't use that information against them. that is what susan rice was involved in. that is what other obama administration officials did.
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lou: everyone, listening to our voices to think back to national left wing media and firestorm that insued when president trump said, that his white house, his officials were being quote, unquote, wiretapped, his quotes, surveilled, by the obama administration. and here we are, we had no idea. no one imagined the degree to which the obama administration had simply invaded the privacy of and broken the law and surveilled tens of thousands of american citizens whom they then unmasked. i want to ask you quickly, director james comey, what in the world are we doing here? before an oversight committee he said to senator grassley. chair of senate judiciary commit i, that he simply cannot justify the fact that he can givemen information to
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a private citizen but refuses to give to the commit or chairman of the judiciary committee, what is wrong with this month. >> look, comey is the whipping boy for senators like feinstein also, comey did not cost hillary the election, what cost hillary the election of her serial diso dis-- dishonesty. he was doing his job, and i think if he had not done when he did he would have been criticized. lou: what i care about it whether or not heoir obeys the law, and exercising good judgment, i agree with senator grassley who finds it strange that diane feinstein is worried about his more recent activities than she is about fact that cia and the
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intelligence community were surveilling this senate intelligence committee. absurdities compound themselves. christian adams great to have you here. >> thanks lou. lou: what a time. >> president trump set to speak shortly aboard uss intrepid, we'll have that for you and much more as we continue right here. don't miss a second. it -- it has been a fascinating day. >> republicans emerging victorious on capitol hill and the health care battle, while dems say good-bye to obamacare . we take up the president's ledg -- legislative victory
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with kimberly guilfoyle. and this ride takes a scary turn, the video coming up here next. that and much more. straight ahead. stay with us.
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lou: texas governor greg abbott is getting ready to sign.
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>> bill banning sanctuary cities. it would impose fines and jail time on texas officials who don't comply with federal immigration laws. the legislation would take effect in september. he's expected to sign the bill tomorrow. joining us now to discuss stink wary cities, particularly in the house on healthcare, the co-host of "the five," kimberly guilfoyle. >> it was a little bit getting adjusted. but it seems to be working well. we have great chemistry. people are excited about it. now it's prime time punch. lou: new time, eastern. kimberly, this is a victory for the president. he persevered. he told everybody after the first attempt failed led by the house leadership that he wanted
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this done and he got personally involved and led on this. he's a born leader. it took him to be able to shepherd this and get it done. he tried to let the other handle it because they promised they could effectuate a positive outcome. that's when you need a true team leader and a general to get it done. >> it's going to be a battle there for sure. you know, they have got this. now they have to get to work to make sure they get it through in the senate. it won't be easy. >> despite all the noise now he will be proved wrong. i believe the senate has watched the house process. the house has learned and i believe the senate is learning
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vicariously that the senate is a man who is leading. and the individual agendas are not going to amount to anything. they won't be in power if they don't follow this president's lead. >> there better be a reckoning for those that don't. he was put in office and many of them have him to thank for the seats he will occupy. the people that go in there that are spineless and tell the president, if you don't have the votes, then okay i'll step forward. but otherwise i want to take a pass so i can go back to my constituent. i can't stand people like that. they are unbelievable. the president had to step up or step out. >> passing the funding bill to move ahead, the senate after the house approved it, moving a $1.7 trillion spending bill to get us
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through to october 1. that was another win for the president. the democrats were making a lot of noitses like they wanted to shut down. demonize the republican party, conservatives and this president. if they don't know how to lead, they are unbelievably jealous of him and his achievements. they want to have some finger pointing to do. look at what he has accomplished in the first 100 days. a man of business. he dramatically changed our rip with foreign policy. people should give him credit for that as well. i'll throw that in. lou: also the president today said it correctly that this victory particularly speaking of the healthcare legislation is bringing the republican party together in washington where it's difficult to get anybody together
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but it appears that's exactly what is done. you see the dissidents in some of the disaaffects within his own team participating? kimberly: it was a good example if you come together as a team and you are all running the same play, you will get something done. they should learn how to win from this president and learn how to win and show leadership. he's trying to get something done for the american people. if you are not helping the president, you will know who you are. lou: i have to give paul ryan credit. he actually today acknowledged the president's leadership and credited the president with this victory. that was a major step forward. and more of the same on the way, we hope. kimberly: deliver the rest. lou: thanks so much, have a great show tonight. please roll the video.
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we'll show you a skier who put this skills to the test under severe pressure. what would you say, a 50 degree slope? nick mcnutt was skiing on the slopes in washington. the snow a little sensitive to the string theory of physics. the skier remained calm and out running the avalanche. he knew this was going to happen. had to. then to outrun it is amazing. up next. president trump takes steps to protect religious freedom. >> we'll not allow people of faith to be targeted or silenced anymore. and we'll never ever stand for religious discrimination. never ever.
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lou: pastor robert jeffress was a supporter of the candidacy of donald j. trump. we are awaiting the president's speech at the u.s.s. intrepid. we'll have that and more straight ahead. stay with us. i love to eat. i love hanging out with my friends. i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well fitting dentures let in food particles just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more
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lou: president trump signed an executive order that promotes free speech and religious liberties. pulling back on the enforcement of the johnson amendment. it protects if the freedom of organizations to engage in religious and political speech and promises regulatory relief for companies that object to the obamacare mandate for contraception. my next guest was at the white house when president trump signed the historic executive order. pastor, great to have you with us.
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let me congratulate you. this is one of the issues that you have been talking about from the very beginning of the strum candidacy. many people doubt it, if you will, the prospects for him to ever get to this point. and here you are, and he has delivered on his campaign promise to all evangelicals and all americans. >> what he has done is historic. today marks the beginning of the end of government's 60-year-old war against religious libber i. if anybody doubts the reality of that war, look at the atlanta fire chief who lost his job because he published a book suorting tditional marriage. or president obama's assault on the little sisters of the poor. they were with us today in the rose garden. president trump realizes this is not right, it goes against the fabric of what mayor case all about.
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he's all about protecting our first freedom, the free exercise of religion. lou: how significant is it, the johnson amendment from which sprang somewhat say and i think justifiably, real why it oppression of religion in the public square and prohibition. to what degree does this nullify or at least significantly mitigate the impact of the johnson amendment? >> it deals a serious blow to it. i had the privilege of being in the oval office with the president yesterday before we had a dinner with religious leaders, and he asked if i would explain why it's important. the bottom line is government should not be in the business of policing the speech that comes from pulpits, whatever that speech is. they have no business doing that. back in the city of houston a couple years ago, the sitting government required pastors to
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turn in sermons if they talked about transgender bathroom bills. that's ludicrous, anti-american, and this is putting an end to that sort of nonsense. lou: i had forgotten about that in houston where the mayor got so beyond reason and law that it was -- that may actually be the apex of this political correctness and mindlessness on the part of govement i hope so. i think that president trump assures that we are moving far, far away from that dark period in our history. >> it was always pass towards who were at the pass towards of change in america. pastors led the way in the american revolution. they led the way in the abolition of slavery and the civil rights movement.
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just think if these pastors could not engage in politics. we have a right and responsibility to call out for moral and spiritual change in the country. good to have you. a group of lib central states urging president trump to keep the united states in the paris climate agreement. 12 governors, all democrats. writing to mr. trump they said this, quote given the progress our states have made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we are convinced our goal is readily achievable. they say the 12 states stand to bear the brunt much climate change that's causing forest fires, water shortage and
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extreme weather patterns. they are ex-ignoring the economic costs of this bizarre new aaffiliation for a world government. and overall average shortfall of 400,000 jobs would result from the paris climate non-binding agreement. a total income loss of $20,000 for every family of four in the country. an aggregate gross domestic product loss. increases in household, electricity expenditures between 13% and 20%. 39 * who is leaning towards an exit is scheduled to meet with his top industriesors tuesday -- his tomorrow advisors. one of the issues is whether the paris agreement is legally binding. in article 411 of the paris
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agreement, it's important, so stay with me. please. a party may at any time adjust its contribution with a view to enhancing its level of ambition in accordance with guidance adopted by the conference of the parties serving as the meeting of the parties to this agreement. whenever you get involved with something that reads like that, you are making a mistake no heart in what it is. did the airlines not learn anything from united? delta is under national criticism and a firestorm of backlash after they told a couple they could be jailed and lose their children if their 2-year-old son doesn't give you have his seat. -- doesn't give up his seat.
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lou: we are awaiting the president's speech at the u.s.s. intrepid. we'll have that and much more coming up here next. so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now.
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lou: in our online poll last night we asked you, do you believe the democratic rank and file are going to grudgingly give credit to president trump for his leadership. 79% say no they are not, and you are probably right. late night talk show host stephen colbert doesn't know what's right. he doubled down on his vile, venomous attack on the president of the united states. >> i believe he can take care of himself. i have jokes, he has the launch codes. it's a fair fight. so while i would do it again, i would change a few word that were cruder than they needed to be.
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lou: such a delicate touch by a person so caught up in the rapture of his venal nature? dell today a the latest airline under fire after kicking a california family off their flight last month. brian sheer and his wife, they purchased the seat for their older son hoanldsed up going home on another flight. so they planned to use the seat for their younger son. >> they can remove me off the seat. >> i bought that seat. >> the family ended up getting off the flight. delta hasn't commented or
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apologized. and the u.s. senate just said to all of the air carriers, start treating your passengers with respect. pretty impressive you have to have the united states senate insist a company serving the public respect the public. but there we are. joining me now, rachel campos-duffy, and charlie hurt. good to see you. rachel, it seems to me that you were suggesting that the healthcare bill might make it through the house, and it turned out you were right. rachel: and you told me you would eat crow. i nearly fell off my chair. i heard you say in the last segment with kimberly that paul ryan deserves credit? i never thought it would hear those words from your lips. lou: i didn't say i would eat
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crow only with you. i had to do it at the top of the show and the latter part of the show. i give him credit because in large measure he credited the president of the united states for his leadership in moving the legislation through. rachel: if you recall in another interview you and i had together, i told you they were like peanut butter and jelly. donald trump couldn't do what he did without paul and the work he did in the house to get everyone together. and paul couldn't do it without donald trump putting pressure. i happened to be in d.c. today and i was walking near the speaker's office in the capitol. lou: just happened to be going by the speaker's office? rachel: yes. i saw members of congress lined up outside of his office, he was having meetings all day long. he was doing his job. and so was donald trump.
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this is what a team looks like. this is a great day for republicans. this is a great day for our country, and lou dobbs, you owe it to paul ryan. lou: i have eaten all the crow i'm going to have tonight. i have to say that if this continues at this level, it is delicious. >> we are going to get sick of winning. lou: we are. the president of the united states shows paul ryan how it's done. charlie, let's turn to you. i expect greater magnanimity, if you will. what do you make of the day? it was as the president said, a day when the party came together, i thought. your thoughts? >> i think it many an absolute victory for donald trump and a victory for ya


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