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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  May 10, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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rod rosenstein's credentials. he is someone who was confirmed 94-6 and one of the longest-serving u.s. attorneys. his position should be welcomed by democrats even chuck who lost confidence in direct your call me. lou: thank you, sir. good night. kennedy: republicans want to tackle tax reform. should they knock out the tax bearing man within knockout it? a game plan to fight off a potential elizabeth warren challenge in 2020. chris tells us that they are getting ahead of themselves plus is self-driving technology good or bad for uber? we will debate. hop on in. we are going for ride. with the republican party in disarray who needs democrats to oppose new ideas and legislation? republicans still have a very tough road ahead on health care which at this point is starting to resemble a funeral procession.
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the elephants are stumbling on repeal and replace and after all insurance is very personal. it should be better suited for the cold hard facts of tax reform. well, not so fast. there are so many plans floating around the capital you think it was a -- firm. the question seems shouldn't republicans use this moment to go big? some cautious optimists are happy to settle with a minor victory and go for tax cuts which any ordinary party on any given year can pass. the thing that stinks about that tax plan is a small minded unambitious and attached with the loser mindset that a small window boost morale. the country doesn't need a hallmark car and the backpack, we need revolutionary thinking. we need these law jockeys to go big or go home. tax reform is scary and risky and necessary so what if we haven't seen the likes of it since the gipper waist deep in the republican term?
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republicans can end once and for all the silly whimsy talking points of wealth inequality by abolishing the income tax in favor of a flat consumption tax. there, simplified. he creates transparency and we are all equal. happy bernie? lowering corporate tax rates to 15% could have a much slower rate than the one now and requires doing away with delicious detections but that's a price use pay for saving money and stick starting the economy. you read that they tripled dipping estate tax. doesn't punish rich people. they cough up the estate planning industry and create foundations as the ultimate internal loophole. it's wrong for the government to rob your grave and sticky finger status who have punished the disease while creating a new class of wealthy hoarders. so ditch the revenue neutrality nonsse, roll up yourleeves and make some serious moves.
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or risk making yourselves scarce in 2018. glad you're here. i am kennedy. can republicans, but tax form to make sense and does something? join me former texas congressman two-time presidential candidate ron paul, welcome back dr. paul. let's talk about about tax a little bit. this is something you has been awful lot of time thinking about in your estimation what is the most egregious current tax violation that you have seen? >> i would say there are two that are equal because both attack your income. one is the income tax directly and the corporate tax cuts aren't income tax to but also the inflation tax. i see the problem is a spending problem. sometimes they tax us and sometimes that aren't sometimes they print the money paid to talk on taxes very important we
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should do we can to lower it but the truth is that taxes the spending as a tax on the system. is revenue-neutral stuff is a bunch of distortion and distraction but how much will really serious thought to have you heard recently there is no talk of that and how do you pay for a? why do i have to pay for a? kennedy: one thing i don't understand why does that money up to be shifted to spending programs? is so incredibly insulting because the burden not only goes to taxpayers but as you said it goes on worker shoulders who don't see where that money is going. there are all sorts of hidden taxes that rob people. >> right, and i think that is on the spending to the people of
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responsibility because they vote against all of this they are going to get thrown out. there's an addiction but also this misconception of the economist that deficits really aren't all that bad. even the supply-siders admit to some of this notion too. what you have is dynamic scoring. you cut here and all of a sudden the economy is going to boom. if the economy booms and the government gets more revenue that's not an excuse for more revenue, that's an excuse for more of a. kennedy: they can take that money-maker and choices and invest in their own companies and businesses as they see fit. you are actually right about that and that is one area where the supply-siders go into a bit of the deficit when they talk about tax cuts are great they are not great to get the feed government. they are great in and of themselves so people have more money more choice and more freedom. >> i think it goes back to the libertarian principle which i know you understand and that as
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we own our lives and we should own the fruits of our labor pretty soon as they introduce this notion that everything belongs to the government and they will permit us to keep a certain percentage under certain circumstances all this management that is revenue-neutral is still mischief because they want to support one group versus another. it's economic planning. the whole notion that we as individuals have a right to our life and liberty and that is a real chore for us to overcome that because it's so ingrained. i predict that things will get much worse. spending will continue in deficits will get worse until finally we as a people will have to decide if you want to live in a more libertarian society or more of torah terry and society and that's where the battle is right now. washington it's usually a battle between two different types of authoritarianism. you only hear the real message outside of washington k maybe governmenthouldn't be doing
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this. maybe we shouldn't run a warfare state. maybe we have teeth and check on the constitution for guidance but we are not quite there yet. i believe we are making progress along that line. kennedy: i share your optimism and you talking about this and sharing your message goes a long way. thank you very much a doctor paul. >> thank you. size review. can't eat liberals beside themselves over republican efforts to kill off their beloved obamacare. so well-intentioned and they are going to extremes to stop republicans while some congressional hopefuls are taking a more conventional approach of airing tv ads. progressive groups have been staging die-ins across the country while some activists are telling those who die without health care just shipped their ashes to republican representatives. meantime new york democratic congressman sean patrick maloney is troubling republican john
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faso by holding a town hall last night. let's talk about with my die-hard party panel the "fox news" specialist cohost thames and correspondent for "the greg gutfeld show" joined by jonathan hoenig the founder of capital hedge fund of the "fox news" contributor and the young political reporter nikki come. welcome everyone. cat, this is interesting because the health care debate is getting insane. >> absolutely. i feel like we are talking about what you want to do with your dad and wait and see what's going to happen before you send your dad body after somebody before it happens. it's an alarmist tactic to make it impossible to find market solutions. just because you were not common i don't like the republicans current bill at all but just because you were not going to
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get somethin from the government doesn't make it true you can't get it anywhere. kennedy: i prefer people who are going to send nana's ashes to paul ryan. >> a die and? what's so bad about it diane? >> they are coming together to die. >> air winning the moral argument to the democrats are saying republicans want to take away your health care and that's wrong. americans have a right to health care that they are winning the argument and that's why it's so disappointing. kennedy: it's an immoral argument. talk about winning the argument but it's not moral, it's not right and more people will suffer because of it. either the law will continue or will completely fail if republicans aren't capable of intercepting at the last moment. >> republicans don't have a stake in this at this point.
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this is more their argument because they have been messaging on this and they want to go back to their districts to win. this point which i'm sure we'll discuss more it doesn't have a pass -- path forward. democrats are under attack from the left and using this is their opportunity to go up there and say see look at me i am fighting the bad guys. kennedy: i hear too much glee from the left and because we are talking about people's health and because we are talking about very important decisions that the government has completely muddled you shouldn't be gleeful. when i say you i'm talking about progressives and talking about democrats and the left in general. people would appreciate if there were some democrats who said let's figure this out. >> you are right actually bigger group of moderate democrats who failed the democratic party.
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when we controlled all the houses and we have the president there to raise money they didn't spend money on down ballot races and as result we don't tual have to do the work on the democratic party. kennedy: a lot of money is going into town halls. that's actually kind of fun. it's like being a college republican at berkeley. >> there's no pressure on them to say you know you were all going to die. >> dancers single-payer. there are some good democrats out there fighting for single-payer right now. they are called communists. >> look how the republicans have moved. the democrats should be dancing in the streets because the republicans have gone from repeal in 2082 repeal and replace. the democrats got their wish and republicans are worse off because they are fueling
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anti-cats point coming up with no market solution. >> no marker solution and no message and not defending the free market at all. it's just become a political fight when we are talking about people's health care. health care and health insurance are not the same thing. >> when someone says if we don't have this, that person is going to die. we have to get used to saying that is not my problem is that individual. kennedy: why the g.o.p.'s health care plan is in the senate now but when senator kentucky's rand paul is part of the party panel tonight has his mind on other things. senator paul spends most of his time ensuring the americans right to be left alone and now he's worried about the privacy of his fellow politicians. here he is on hannity last night. >> we have been hearing rumors and anonymous sources have been telling us for a couple of months now that they believe the
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obama administration was spying on the other presidential candidates other than trump and it may be politically tivate kennedy: of course it's politically movated. last saturday senator bostoner letter to letter to the white house asl as the house and senate intelligence committees and asked them to disclose whether the intel community did collect and and match the names on the presidential campaign last year. the a man seen direct evidence that this happened that the nsa did unmask the names of nearly 2000 americans who were incidentally collected in 2016. should senator paul be worried? what do you think about this jonathan? is he onto something? >> are raw for him. before 9/11 there was no home insecurity and homeland surveillance. senator paul has made this an issue and i applaud his efforts to protect american's privacy. kennedy: do you think every president does this because president obama was horrible and
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surveillance and civil liberties he only bloated that state so wouldn't surprise me if it's politically motivated. >> nixon did. he was notorious for doing that. presidents have quite a bit of preparation to separate a semi-they were targeting rand paul? i look at the politics of this. donald trump's been using this as an argument against barack obama. kennedy: also the permit --. >> even when it's bollocks -- bad politics makes it issue. in the hearing watching people like lindsey graham who are upset about susan rice and not realizing they have created this culture if you are not doing anything than why do you care? the standards being set as it provides potential benefit in terms of foreign intelligence. that's how you got into this situation the first place. he is one of very few who can
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consistently saying hey at the problem. kennedy: now we see it's both parties propping up this whole freedom versus security dichotomy and it is wrong on every level. my oneope is that the president has been so outspoken about this that hopefully people like rand paul will be able to get into his year and say it's got to go. >> i don't think i will happen. i think he's being used by the president right now. rand paul's political positions are being propped up. that's the president's narrative kennedy: he has figured out a way to get a present to listen to him and if that's the case. as always corn and popcorn. that's a. the party panel returns later but the white house is keeping tabs on liz boren. passes are available target and getting ahead starts to bite off her potential challenge in 2020. chris joins me to weigh in on
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kennedy, want to hear bummer? i-4 months into the trump presidency republicans and democrats alike are looking ahead four years in the future. reports saying the administration is keeping a close eye and one of the loudest critics of the president progressive person as elizabeth warren thinking she's most like one of his challengers in next election. according to the white house teaming up with guaranteed to amp up the research on the massachusetts senator and lavoro firebrand who herself has not spoken about her 2820 and tensions that like the white house many on the right in betsy uris as central canada out of the very large swollen and growing democratic field. is it too early to be thinking that far ahead? yes it is and i will ask someone far wiser box editor chris firewalls. a man who i call the handsomest workshop.
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welcome back. >> i dig it. kennedy: indeed anywhere toolmaker of the highest order. i can't believe it's starting already and i have to pepper you with these questions. do you think, we have to talk about 2020. weove politics and we left discussing politics and weove the horse race but the ponies need to rest in the barn for a little bit, don't they? >> you have to get them position and build a movement. you got to start something that takes a long time. donald trump declared for president later than some but his movement and what he was doing take years to put together in the same is true for most successful candidates especially if you don't have national name recognition so if you want to start you have to give people an iowa and new hampshire south carolina. you get to know them and think about them and put your ideas together. kennedy: i'm never one of those they do it there, we should do it here. i'm not one of those people, never happened however i look at
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some of the elections in the uk and france i'm like they have a two-week run-up. that's how you do it. >> well they are small countries, no offense to them. they are super but they are small. we are big and we have a lot, the united states has seven or eight different countries within one. we have got a lot to sort out over here. kennedy: we need seven or eight walls. speaking of someone who needs national name recognition amy klobuchar very popular senator from minnesota and she's also talking about a run. what makes her different? what is unique to her that separates her from someone like elizabeth warren? >> so there are three this week, there are three women in the senate, democrats in the senate who are making moves are making noise or getting attention. one is warren and the other is klobuchar and the other one is kamala harris freshman senator from california.
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kennedy: she was just elected. >> that's what they said about barack obama and ted cruz. in truth i would say warren who has a 2018 re-election in massachusetts to think about i would say warren has a problem and that is she is too widely down. it's not like klobuchar or harris that she has to get her name. she's too well-known into well brded as an ultraliberal is the goal for democrats in 2020 is college-educated affluence server and suburbanites to come over to their site and book of them against trump yet to find a candidate who can appeal to those voters. kennedy: i have to say with that as a criterion there is much more that amy klobuchar has to offer to people like that particularly and why think she's being smart about this. it's an economic message and that's something a lot of mainstream well-known democrhav.
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>> that's right but kamala harris will do wonders with the democratic base if she really wants to win. her bio as the attorney general of california's uber liberal dropping the f-bomb about raw labrador talking health care. for all of these people can you walk and chew gum at the same time? can you unified disk -- disproportionately based to get ahead? elizabeth warren is pigeonholed. i think klobuchar and harris are senators who could make moves. kennedy: there are a lot of people who are looking at the parties in completely different ways and those are some of the fresh faces that independents would be interested in investigating. i agree with you about elizabeth warren. she can certainly energize the base that was left out in the cold when sanders was shafted
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but is that enough to get the nomination? for her i think the time is not on her side door and her personal history. >> democracy will have to make a decision about how hungry they are to win. sometimes parties have to take a couple of beatings before they get ready to compromise to put forward candidates that have broader appeal. democrats may, one beating may not be enough for democrats to decide. kennedy: chris stirewalt thank you so much. coming up liberals supposedly still open-minded and accepting of others opinions. not really. reach across america shows exact opposites of those on the left have an argument when they say they are more tolerant. i will ask juan
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kennedy: the left like spread itself on being more tolerant to my diametrically challenge belief. an article titled why liberals aren't at toned as you think because liberals demonstte on tolerance by using political correctness as a weapon of oppression. is it time for progressives to stop self righteously patting themselves on the back? juan williams joins me of "fox news" analyst and columnist for
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the hill. look around and people on the left, i was raised to believe that they were more tolerant and open-minded but when it comes to having disparate beliefs especially on college campuses they can be downright fascist if the disagreement is violent enough. >> violence, stop that word. i was with you until you guess the word violent that in my experience and i am 63 years old. i'm a senior, kennedy that when i grew up i thought our cheap ankar was a right-winger and tolerance was the province of the archie bunkers of the world. i tell you now in this long toothed age that i am in fact i have found that the left is in fact more intolerant. i got fired from npr for simply
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saying i get a little anxious after 9/11 when i see people in muslim garb getting on a plane but when you look at what's happening in college campuses today you can see people are being driven into position of you agree with me or you're not welcome here. kennedy: if you disagree with me you are the enemy and were actively with intent and contempt trying to silence me. that's the difference. that's where the disconnect is. you can't have disagreement anymore without being a bad person. >> that's the most rigid this thing i've ever heard. i read people of different political persuasions refuse to go out together what that suggests is lack of willingness to have so one potentially have a different point of view and enlighten and challenge your way of thinking. to me this is corruption. this is corruption of the basic idea that if you are a smart person y should a curious
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person. kennedy: absoluteland it's interesting because there was one college newspaper that received a letter and there were groups of people refused to be named said the search for truth is a tool of white supremacy. so you are no longer allowed to search for the truth. >> that is ridiculous. so let's give credit though. the most i can say in defense of this kind of thinking is do you want to give a platform to the kkk? do you want to give a platform to people who are hateful in terms of women and minorities and the like? the instinct is to say no but if you look at history they defend the rights of everybody. and the main. kennedy: even though they may disagree that they defended. ann coulter come you may disagree with her and you may find flaws in their arguments but she's been completed with the kkk and that's problematic.
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>> it's been extended to yannopoulos. the question becomes if someone is engaged in meeting demonizing and in that case pornographic stuff that you find untenable at what point do you go from ann coulter two -- and there is a conversation to be had about this. kennedy: there were brierton fires and that's where the ridiculousness is. you can have a question. how far is too far and where does the disagreement stop and where do i have to loudly disagree with you unfortunately can't have a conversation on the college campus. thank you for coming back. >> i think they are chickens. i look forward to it. kennedy: donald trump breaking up pillories blue wall on election night and he also broke up a bunch of relationships.
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according to a new study done by wakefield research it turns out one in 10 couples have had a -- called it quits over political disagreements and 24% for persons donald was elected they and their partner disagreed or ared aut politics more than ever. the president becoming a homewrecker? the party panel is back to discuss timpf jonathan hoenig and call mickey. 24% of people argue more than they ever have because of donald trump. does that surprise you? >> if you are breaking up because of donald trump you are really breaking up because your relationship was the joke. you should be able to disagree about stuff like that. someone may have left something
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in the microwave and that would have done u.n.. >> you are wrong. what's more important than people's politics and their philosophy? that's the basic of who they are. >> is a donald trump's fault? kennedy: what is the impetus for this? >> people's politics reveal everything. i knew there would be fighting it tonight. i brought a preemptive offering. kennedy: what is? holy cow. >> i wanted kennedy to have it to ward off any bad fighting that might come up. kennedy: you are outnumbered here and you are flanked by two single ladies so maybe this is the impetus for future marriage. >> the way to my heart is there a heart-shaped cheesecake. >> if you were dating a guy that you really liked and everything else about him was simpatico and
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you find out a red makes america great again hacked --. >> i think it reveals who you are and what type of person you are but a few over somebody who does such egregious things on camera and egregious thing about won that shows how they respect women. kennedy: no cheesecake for kennedy. you can argue about it. arguing can be hot. kennedy: would you date someone with a different political bent? >> i have a political bent so i would be out of a lot of options if i said no. >> you always felt like they believed in something that is revealed to them that they are not the person that they thought they were. >> are you breaching on your diet right now? >> nobody tell dr. atkins. kennedy: there is so much protein in there.
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>> we were fighting about politics and now we are all laughing over cheesecake. kennedy: we can bring people of different points of view onto the show. i can imagine if the wiki said i can't come out tonight because she's too much of an objectivist. >> you don't talk about politics at the table. thankfully they take it passionately. kennedy: passionate like cheesecake. thank y'all so much. know me jonathan and cat. he did it right by bringing cheesecake. uber is an race against south driving cars. some argue that technology could mean they end of the ride hailing company and industry as we know it. we will explain in tonight's trivia question which is how much money is it worth i'm worried i can't find a safe used car. you could start your search at the all-new that might help.
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show me the carfax? now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the all-new
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kennedy: before the break i asked how the break i asked how much is uber worth 860 million, 12 billion, 34 billion or 60 going dollars. according to "the wall street journal" the answer is $68 billion. could all of that money be wiped out very soon? wsj published an article spec during the self-driving cars to be the downfall of uber and the company is feeling the heat. oprah ceo travis -- reportedly called self-driving cars in
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excess until threat to a company which relies on human drivers to transport vehicles and actors. uber is involved in a 40 billion-dollar lawsuit with google's apparent company signing the former head of self-driving technology. they sold their secret. google's rather from the parent company and oprah is destined to die. if so will the self-driving hers taken to the gve. joining me now is the ceo of asset management "fox news" contributor scott martin. welcome back. >> miss you. kennedy: thank you so much. wish you were here. we only see each other as and not digitally. i didn't even know what that means. let me ask you this "the wall street journal" as saying driverless technology is a text disruption for uber that could
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potentially be fatal for the brand. >> i agree with it actually. think about one of our favorite movies total recall when the driverless car and a robot drives around arnold schwarzenegger takes american lawyer. he mentioned with respect to what they maybe stole from google as far as the technology which is their self-driving car apparatus they are talking about a huge industry. in 2020 and beyond you are talking about self-driving cars all over the road. this is a company that made $20 billion in revenue last year but on the bottom line and wish to lose 3 billion because they are paying people to drive their cars. kennedy: that's absolute right but at some point they are going to have to make a platform shift and i point to netflix. netflix is to be a company that delivered dvds to your door
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and now they are essentially a vertically integrated content providing studio and so much more. can uber make the same kind of transition and did not shift will they be able to make the same kind of money? >> they need to and that's how the prophets will come along. what's interesting about the situation is this is a company that has been growing in revenues and die waste over the last several years but they have never become public. you have travis kelen and a lot of the executives who left the company. fewer investors with early stages on the private side it's kind of scary. is it as scary as sporting a spirit airlines flight and realizing harrison ford is your pilot? probably not that he can't help but see the problems arra is having now verses years ago. kennedy: i personally can't get enough pierson ford flying references.
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i think uber is just fine. i think they are going to go public and invest into these driverless cars and we will embrace the future. in four years they will have them. the chechens are a most here. we have been waiting quite a while. >> it seems like it's going to come back around in the thing is this court case. for early -- 40 billion when the company is worth 66 billion so seeing out the court case works out that could impact the company and how they are evaluating goes in the money they will race to make the self-driving cars. kennedy: thank you for being here. good seeing you. >> see you. kennedy: spirit airlines has found a new way to -- and they are fighting mad.
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kennedy: i enjoyed the following five story so much i decided to give the entire staff a race. effective immediately you are all getting too instead of one. don't mention it come you aren't it. this is the topical storm. topic number one, speaking of people who get paid spirit
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airlines pilots staged a work slowdown that cost 150 canceled twice the past two days. the passengers are taking it great. i love a good airport melee. this is not footage from the real housewives of atlanta reunion. the passengers with that after learning their flight from fort lauderdale to detroit was a. ♪ without a plane to fly them home passengers were forced to give them -- get the medicine we everyone else does a series of bad luck. my only question is how do we know this was caused by a caused by canceled why? people are always mad on spirit as they charge you for everything. you were boarding a plane and the ight attendant says good morning, on spirit that cost six bucks, 20 if you don't pay at a time. all i'm saying is let's not be quick to blame the flight may
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lay on the planet. for all we know the fight started when the copilot asked people to chip in for gas. i forgot my easy pass. oh well. let's take a look at it. topic number two, joe biden is getting his own ice cream flavor from cornell university. ice cream you scream, we all scream for joe biden's creepy clavicle massages. but not the students at cornell. they will honor former vice president biden with a special flavor when he speaks at the graduation. students are being asked to vote for one of three flavors it on her biden's career. plagiarer jim praline groping grape and doesn't offering called vice president that those that say nothing when you bite into per the nice thing about eating the joe biden ice cream cone it won't run if hillary is around. topic number three, and as a
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responsible parent of two young girls have been warning them for years that they should never bet they'd money on cycling. football particularly college football and dogfights, fine. dear prongs i get it but cycling is too unpredictable because you never know when a drone is going to fly on the course in up in your team. oh boy. here we go. this poor guy was riding the pants off of his bike. when a drone pilot went all harrison ford and crashed into a tree. luckily the guy was okay. we even have footage of the drone pilot apologizing afterward. it doesn't look it -- like you went too wel topic number for best-selling authors writing a new book that imagines what hillary clinton
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life would be like if she never married bill. the book is called working at denny's. i wrote that because the author hasn't been able to come up with a title yet. he is blaming misogyny, james comey and of course the russians what we do know is that the book is scheduled to hit shelves in 2019 just in time for hillary to force herself on the democratic party again and launch another bid for the white house and make no mistake about it she is running in 2020. in fact she so serious they are working on her concession speech i know all too well. apparently she is planning on courting the dog vote. you couldn't go any worse than it did with humans. topic number five people are so convinced that hillary will run again that one concern filmed in instructional video to show democrats how to handle her dances. watch this.
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the is the emc. hey man there's an election coming up. can i get your super pac money? the is like twice was enough. go hike in the woods or something, woman. nevertheless she persisted and she finally had that hillary out of the way. boom. thanks for coming. she then endorsed a cat named bernie sanders who raised taxes on luxury wall causing a sharp decline in sales which ultimate caused all the to starve to death. she thing ain't easy, you know that. coming up is maragh one of the key to boosting senior citizens memories? one german study says yeah. one german study says yeah. that's next.
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tonight's nightcap is more of a toast. there's no doubt marijuana should be legal and people should be free to make their own questionable decisions but if we are being honest reefer is a mixed dime bag per person people cannabis helps seizures sues anxiety and keeps chemo symptoms at bay. for others is a key motivator that robs them of joy and a work ethic and promotes the annoying
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giggle fits. also has a profound and opposite impact on memory and young and old partakers according to a german research duo. adolescence performed work on morynd attention tests so the green is making them blue beat if they can't remember. for some of their old and american -- the opposite happens thc is according to this research a perverse aging effect on geriatric brains that barack is fully restores learning and memory at least in mice. this is bittersweet news for nana and grandpa because it's great to kickstart the old mellow but it's sad to find remember all the mistakes of your youth only to find you are bound to repeat them. thank you for watching the show tonight. follow me on twitter instagram @ kennedy nation facebook at kennedy espn and kennedy fbn at "fox business".com. tomorrow night mollie hemingway
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and former u.s. army green beret officer captain ben collins. he is going to be here hopefully you will be too. see you on the "fox news" a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ there are artists we'll always remember... ♪ mona lisa, mona lisa ♪ men have named you there are beautiful songs, words and memories that will always touch our hearts... ♪ it's impossible ♪ to tell the sun to leave the sky ♪ ♪ it's just impossible this is the music of your life.


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