tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 10, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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counterterrorism or law enforcement are running one of the country's most prestigious agencies. mercedes schlaap and daniel horowitz thank you both for being with us. thanks for being with us. ed rollins and general jack keane circ here's the man himself. lou dobbs. keep it right here. fox business. lou: good evening, everybody. james comey's firing from the fbi was far from a sudden decision, it turns out. white house deputy press secretary sarah huckabee sanders revealed that president trump had considered firing com since the day he was elected. the president, however, made his final decision after learning that comey had lost the confidence of the people who defend this country and enforce our laws. fox news, chief white house correspondent john roberts with our report. >> lou, in this tangled web of claims and counterclaims about the former fbi director, we did learn something new today.
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james comey's firing had a lot more to do with what president trump was thinking about him than we were first led to believe. nearly 24 hours after firing james comey, the white house today dramatically shifted the narrative on how his departure came about. initially, officials insisted the deputy attorney general made the recommendation in recent days. today, the deputy press secretary said the president has been thinking about it for months. >> in regard to the termination of the former fbi director comey, the president over the last several months lost confidence in director comey. and frankly, he had been considering letting director comey go since the day he was elected. charles: on capitol hill, democrats labeled the firing as quote nixonian, accusing the president of trying to snuff out the investigation into russia's interference. >> were those investigations getting too close to home for the president? the dismissal of director comey establishes a very troubling pattern.
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>> meeting in the oval office with nixon secretary of state henry pridentrump firing his fbi director. >> wasn't doing a good job. >> white house officials from the vice president to the deputy insisted comey's firing was not about the russia investigation. >> has been stated previously and the president has been told he's not under investigation. >> one of the big catalyst that we saw last week on wednesday director comey made a pretty startling revelation that he had essentially taken a stick of dynamite and thrown it into the department of justice by going around a chain of command. >> with irony or defiance, president trump met in the oval office this morning with russia's foreign minister and ambassador who was at the center of the controversy surrounding former national security adviser michael flynn. >> is it just ironic or is this the president poking a
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finger at his critics' eye? >> these are meetings that had been on the books for a while. they didn't just happen this morning. there's not a strategy to go after the democrats on this. i think frankly, the saddest thing is that the democrats are trying to politicize and take away from something the president should be doing. >> if president trump was considering firing comey right after the election, it must have also been on his mind when he praised him for reopening the clinton e-mail investigation in late october. >> it took guts for director comey to make the move that he made. >> what change being elected president, according to the white house. >> once you take over leading the department of justice, that's very different than being a candidate in a campaign, as you guys all know there's a very clear distinction between those two things. i think also having a letter like the one that he received and having that conversation
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that outlines the basic atrocities in circumventing the chain of command in the department of justice. >> later today president trump ripped his democratic opponents on twitter, much of what he had been doing for the past 18 hours tweeting quote dems had been complaining for months and months about director comey. now that he has been fired, they pretend to be aggrieved. phony hypocrites. lou. lou: john roberts from the white house. thanks so much. as john reported, a day of diplomacy for president trump after he fired the former fbi director james comey. president trump meeting with russian foreign minister sergey lavrov and kislack. told reporters the two talked about the crisis in syria, had a quote very good meeting, and this as the president ahead of a separate meeting with former secretary of state henry kissinger.
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>> we're talking about syria, and i think that we're going to do very well with respect to syria. i think things are happening that are ry, really, really positive. we're going to stop the killing and the death. we had a very, very good meeting with lavrov, and it was -- i thought it was very, very good. what we want to do is we want to see the killing, the horrible killing and syria stop as soon as possible. and everybody's working toward that end. lou: and most especially of course the president himself. my first guest tonight says president trump did the right thing when he fired comey. now he says we need a new fbi director who will steer clear of the political ticket. and that's a big ticket in washington, d.c. of course. joining us now on the very latest in the comey firing and how it may affect u.s./russian relations, member of several
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key committees including foreign affairs, judiciary, and oversight, also a member of the freedom caucus. good to have you with us, congressman. >> good evening. lou: let's start with the president who i don't know as john roberts reported. i don't think any of us could surmise whether or not my was actually poking his finger in the eyes of his detractors or as a friend of mine used to say, every dog has flees. he found more of his. ambassador kislack, that's a wonderful moment of theater, don't you think? >> well, i tell you, lou, th media has been an absolute tizzy, t democrats are in a tizzy, and i wouldn't put it past the president to needle them a little bit. but, you know, at the end of the day i think what we're going to find out is i think they wanted to wait for the administration to be in place
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for the doj. the deputy was confirmed, like, two weeks ago, so i think a lot of people are trying to say the timing is nefarious. to me, that seems to make sense that you have the deputy in, and this is probably something on the president's mind for a while. but i think it's a good decision, and i think we can get somebody in there that's going to be free of some of these questions that have been hanging over comey since july 5th of last year. lou: yes, and those questions of course being asked by republicans and democrats alike. but i think it's also -- it would be a very positive thing for the national left-wing media to pull back and ask themselves. the fbi was investigating "fast and furious." where did that go? they were investigating benghazi and had agents on the ground. where did the report on that investigation ever go? why was there never a single
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major scandal in which the fbi was involved throughout the obama years that resulted in fbi repos? just reports. and then action. i can't think of one, can you? >> and i would add the irs scandal. lou: of course. >> that was a massive scandal. lou: the va scandal. the problem is we can keep going with those scandal. all of them. >> that's right. and here's the thing, lou, that bothers me. is you hear the media and the democrats talking about collusion between trump or his campaign and russian government officials. and that obviously if they -- if there was collusion to commit some type of offense, that obviously would be an issue. but even james clapper, even democrats who have looked at any of these intelligence, there's not one bit of evidence that there was any collusion. whereas all the other things you cite, we know that there were things that went wrong. there were va bureaucrats who were manipulating the wait list in order to deprive veterans of their care, and they outlined their pockets.
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the irs, obviously massive targeting scandal. so "fast and furious." all of those things, there was major fire there, and you still didn't have anything. here, the media will put up smoke and my view is, look, if you have evidence of collusion, put it forward. but so far, we have zero. lou: and we're talking about six months of investigation. we watched the hillary clinton so-called investigation. track on for 11 months without resolution simply disposal if you will by the fbi director stepping outside of his lawful role and surfing as the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein pointed out in his memorandum to the attorney general. i mean, this is an fbi out of control for nearly the entire riod of the obama presidency. >> and when comey did that on july 5th, it's important to point out that obviously we republicans were disappointed with his legal analysis.
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but what he did was earlier saved loretta lynch from having to make a decision. and remember, lynch had met with bill clinton on the plane the previous week. so if he would have done what the fbi director normally does, present the finding, present the evidence, and then let the ag make the call. lynch would not have prosecuted hillary. we all know that. but that would have been a firestorm times ten because you did have the relationship with bill clinton. so he actually saved hillary because i think that would have caused her way more grief than what he actually did on july 5th, even though it was improper for him to do it, there's no doubt about it. lou: congressman, a quick question.ective of whop chooses to lead the fbi. do you think the fbi can capture its respect on the part of the american public, the american people if they do not reopen the investigation into hillary clinton? >> you know, it's a good question, lou. i think there's going to be an
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ig report coming out soon that's going to document how comey and loretta lynch handled that case. and i think it's going to be very critical. and if that is the case, i think a new director is going to have to look at that report and make a judgment about whether that is satisfactory if they want to leave the record as is or correct the record. so i think it's going toe abissue one way or another. there's no doubt about that. . lou: you attorneys are correcting the record. for me, it's a matter of seeing justice done, and i know that you desire the same thing i do. and nearly every american. and that is to see justice done irrespective of the title of the person under suspicion and investigation. congressman, we've got so much we can talk about. please come back soon. great to talk with you tonight. by the way, do you have any interest in running the fbi? i think you would be a pretty good choice. >> you know, that would probably be a major hornet's nest.
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so hopefully we can find, like, a retired federal judge and go that route rather than take a sitting member of congress. i think that would be tough. lou: all right. i just wanted to hear what you might think. maybe later. maybe this is just too soon in your career. >> there you go. lou: thank you very much. we're coming right back. lou: vice president mike pence defending the president's decision to fire james comey. >> let me be very clear that the president's decision was based solely and exclusively on his commitment to the best interest of the american people. lou: now the search on for his replacement. coervative commentator best-selling authojoins me here next. and president trump calls out hypocritical dems for shedding crocodile tears at comey's removal. and president trump even gave senator schumer a new nickckckckck [vo] when it comes to investing,
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>> they're talking about the firing was nixonian, it has echoes of watergate with the saturday night massacre, stuff like that. for the people who are writing those headlines, what's your message to them? >> my message is suck it up and move on. lou: senator grassley is 83. he is one of the hardest working people on capitol hill, and he has got the greatest sense of humor and is a great american by any standard, and you've got to love the directness. suck it up. president trump has a new nickname for senator chuck schumer after schumer criticized the president's decision to fire the former fbi director. president trump tweeted this: quote crying chuck schumer stated recently quote i do not have confidence in him, james comey, any longer, end quote.
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#draintheswamp. there you go. crying chuck. our next guest says the democrats comey is sound and fury significant fuse nothing and joining us now, michelle, host of michelle investigates on you've got to love senator grassley, the head of the judiciary committee. i love it. who can say it better? other than perhaps you, michelle. >> that's right. well, i hope when i age that i age as sharply as chuck grassley put it and said it and has. all i can say is bravo. the entire cacophony as i said is sound and fury, signifying nothing. a big nothing burger doused in russian paranoia on the part of so many of these hypocritical democrats. i mean, this has to be a full
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employment act for chiropractors, lou, because the whiplash i'm experiencing on the rolle roller coasters of twists and turns of people like crying chuck schumer. funny. i used to call him chuck the clown schumer. lou: the president has put his label on him again. let's turn to, if we can, the president sitting there with ambassador kislack and the foreign minister of russia sergey lavrov on the day after he fires the head of the fbi. i don't know and never will be told, i'm sure. but i hope that the president organized that meeting as precisely that time for precisely the reason of putting it right in front of crying chuck's face.
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>> yeah. it would be delicious if, in fact, this is deliberate. and i agree with you. the theater here is just incredible to watch. and especially in light of how unhinged the antitrump machine has become, you know? whether we're talking about the schumers and the maxine waters on capitol hill, all their lapdogs in the press and of course all of those late night comedians, you know, completely become unwound. lou: yeah, unwound and frankly, they need to spool up into some kind of humor because that after all is the reason they have forgot, apparently they're there for comedy and laughter and provoking very little of it. what about governor greg signing his bill the house, the senate, the state legislature of texas is now through.
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it goes into effect in september. i mean, this is an impressive, impressive display of how to govern a state. >> yes. and he is the vanguard. if only every single one of the governors of our great nation would take a cue from it. and i have to say i've been following so much of the legal vanguards who were in gregg abbott's office when he was attorney general. and now as governor. and this is how it should be done. because when the federal government has fallen down as it had in the obama administration and so many ways under the open borders bush administration, it was left up to the states to fulfill article 4 of the constitution of protecting those states against quote invasion. lou: absolutely. michelle, great to have you with us. we want to hear also recognize the attorney general of texas
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ken paxton who has already begun suits to end -- to protect that sanctuary law just over the past week. michelle, again, always great to see you. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you believe senator schumer recognizes that fewer and fewer and fewer citizens, democrats and republicans alike, are paying less and less attention to anything he says? ca your vote on twitter at lou dobbs. follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. on wall street, stocks closed mixed. the dow down 33 points, the nasdaq gained 9, both closing at new record highs. volume on the big board, 3.6 billion shares. and aetna tonight announcing, the insurance company is pulling out of obamacare exchanges in delaware and
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nebraska next year. that will complete its total exit from obamacare. the insurance company expects losses to top $200 million this year. a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. up next, the trump administration fires back at democrats who -- well, they claim they're upset at director comey's firing. >> i think it's startling that democrats aren't celebrating this since they've been calling for it for so long. lou: and that is the subject of my commentary tonight. please stay with us. a lot more straight ahead. we'll be right back break through your allergies.
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lou: with the once comey critical dems lining up to pose as grief stricken at the firing of fbi director james comey, it's worth some examination. president trump today took aim at the small-minded mean-spirited left who fame the depth of their concern for the former fbi director. the president tweeting quote dems have been complaining for months and months about director comey and now that he y pretend to be aggrieved. phony hypocrites.
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well said, mr. president. well said. the man president trump wants dubbed head clown and now crying chuck senate minority leader chuck schumer calling the firing a cover up. but back in november, it was schumer who said he didn't have confidence in comey any longer. calling his october letter to congressppalling. nancy pelosi joins schumer in calling the firing of comey a cover-up after saying in november quote maybe he's not in the right job. hillary clinton just last week blamed comey for her loss in november. but now her campaign manager denounces the firing as quote terrifying. terrifying. challenger, senator bernie sanders, claim comey's firing raises serious questions about whether the trump administration is quote hiding. but it was only back in january that the good socialist senator said this:
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>> i think you should take a hard look at what he has done, and i think it would not be a bad thing for the american people if he did step down. lou: most americans, dems, or republicans or independent socialists who politicized further a once proud agency but who's agency understood that the public had simply no record for the agency for some time now. because it seldom brought big public cases to resolution or successfully investigated and prosecuted those responsible for the biggest scandals of the obama years. "fast and furious." the va scandal, benghazi, the irs targeting of conservative groups, and did i mention the hillary clinton e-mail scandal? the clinton foundation scanls? president trump was right to fire the former director.
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and his firing, in my opinion, was absolutely necessary because new leadership at the fbi is urgently critically required if that agency is to regain the public's respect and the confidence of the trump white house. our quotation of the evening. this one from tennessee williams. "the only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite" crying chuck. we're coming right back. lou: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has no sympathy for dems outraged over comey's removal. >> democratic colleague complaining about the removal of an fbi director whom they themselves repeatedly and sharply criticize. lou: we take up the dems awful hypocrisy with author pat buchanan here next. and this extreme athlete finding a thrilling way to
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dear predictable, there's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something... set it free. see you around, giulia ♪ our 18 year old wase army in an accident.'98. when i call usaa it was that voice asking me, "is your daughter ok?" that's where i felt relief. we're the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. ostriches don't really stick vitheir heads in the horns on their helmets. and a re john deere is actually real affordable.
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pat has just released this new book. let me show it. you see it there over his shoulder, or i can put it up a little bit handier. nixon white house wars, the battle that made and broke a president and divided america forever. congratulations on the book and welcome. >> thank you very much, lou. appreciate it. lou: let's start with -- this is such a wonderful piece of booking. i want to give my terrific staff credit because how did we know that the democrats, the first thing they would say about president trump firing james comey would be that it is nixonian? >> saturday night massacre. i talked to president trump and said hold up the comey firing until the book hit. lou: until we can bring in kissinger and lavrov. >> right there in the oval office. lou: by the way, doesn't that his good to see henry? i me, i love that. >> well, i do think -- russia, i think henry would give good advice.
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donald trump was right in the campaign. he's, like, we have to talk to the guys. maybe we won't like these folks. lou: and james clapper, who i think it's fair to say has been a controversial dni, he was straight forward enough to tell, to remind the senate that the russians, the soviets have been trying to interfere in our presidential election, we know for a fact since 1968. and we also tried to upend your boss at one point, ronald reagan and the '84 reelection. >> they really made a mistake. 49-1. lou: think about this. [laughter] but they didn't -- they at least got -- well, they were on the wrong side of history again, the russians. you would think they learn.
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>> you have ed rollins, my old buddy coming on as well. but let me say, look, it's not unheard of that the united states may have tried to influence certain elections, certain parts of the world, lou, and even in democratic elections. lou: yeah, i think that i'm sure because of the outrage that expressed by, famed by the former president obama, he forgot what he was doing a israel. he fort about a number of elections in which he was intervening. brexit where he was telling the british people what to do. >> exactly. lou: i mean, what in the world -- who makes these people up? >> the hi hypocrisy of it is really astounding. but the comey thing, you're right. people say, well, it brought back the saturday night, which was much more serious than the fbi director simply being told to go. lou: yeah, it's stunning stuff. most people think that archibald cox was fired by elliott, you know, abrams
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and -- >> richardson. lou: richardson, i mean. they forget the whole process. they have the vaguest idea. >> nixon went and chopped their heads off. the truth of it is can you tell a deal to turn over transcripts or some reason of his tapes, so they wouldn't have to put all the garbage in there as well. i'm talking about some unfortunate language by john and give it to everybody accepted it, so archibald cox said, no, we're not going to do it. we're going to subpoena all of these tapes. and richardson on friday night, i said al, is elliott aboard? he said, yes, the next day, elliot wasn't a board, and i sent nixon a memo, and i said you're going to have to fire elliott. and he said come on over. and i was in the oval office, lou. and i was sitting there, and he talked for an hour about it. the russia and all of that was going on. henry was in moscow. and nixon said after he said he's going to fire. he said if i have to go down
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to a gs7, i'm going to do it. and so he said you better go this way because elliott's coming through the door. so i went this way and there was elliott. saying, hi, elliott, how are you doing? and looked like he was leading to execution, which is sort of what he was doing isn't that i think the metaphor would have been apt. >> i think elliott bet on the future, he's betting on nixon's not the future. lou: yeah, well, turned out to be that. and alexander once again in control. at that point, you needed a turnstile in that white house. >> well, you're right. we lost -- we must have had six, eight guys going out of there and stuff and many of them spending time in minimum security facilities. lou: and you to prop it immensely. >> profiting from evil.
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lou: and well done too. i would like to if i may raise a suggestion that you purchase this book. pat buchanan has written splendidly, as he always have, of nixon white house years, a terrific read, a terrific dedication, and i happen to agree with you, by the way. >> thank you, my friend. lou: the book. >> my old colleague 35 years ago, was it lou? lou: 30 some years ago. [laughte i think it was closer to 40. >> could be. could be. lou: well, we're here to remember, that's pretty good. >> still here. yeah. lou: pat buchanan, thanks so much. great to have you here. >> thank you. lou: please roll the video, and we'll show you a stuntwoman getting an up close view of panama skyline. leaping from this helicopter, breaking through the cloud, soaring near the city's fnf tower, also known as the screw building. called it a beautiful fly by
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but doesn't think she would do it again. you know, it does look like a screw, and it does look like a good idea not to do it again. i think that everything is her moanious now. up next, vice president pence touting a strong and decisive leadership in firing james comey as fbi director. >> the president is in the process of evaluating individuals who will be able to fill that spot, lead the fbi, and restore the confidence in the american people. this was the right decision at the right time. lou: i love way the vice president says -- tucks his head in a reaganesque way. the right decision, and he was right. up next, the dean ed rollins joins me here to discuss the president's decisive leadership and who might replace comey? stay with us. much more straight ahead as soon as i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot, i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about?
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i won one or two big ones. but that's okay. lou: but one or two of those big ones happen to be for a how clever are we producing the show, you and pat buchanan back together again as you were. >> both in the 1985 to help don negotiate when he became the chief of staff, and we -- pat and i were called the mad bombers by george because we thought every single day we should be out there taking care of the terrorists. but he was a great friend, a great ally, and one of the great, great writers, makers. i'm so pleased. just started this book. lou: and i meant sincerely what i said. please go out and pick up pat's book. >> fascinating reading. lou: i cannot imagine the two of you -- how you had time to work. i mean, you guys both have such great senses of humor. >> well, we did laugh a lot.
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and we were sort of like --e had a lot ofxperience at that point in time. we came back the second term. we've been around a long time. lou: well, let's turn to this white house and, by the way, with henry kissinger front and center today, i love the fact that president trump brought him back to the white house where he belongs. i mean, that house is partly his, in my opinion. i know that's an unpopular position with some, but i think henry is one of the great gifts this country has ever seen. >> one of the great visionaries. i had the privilege of spending a lot of time with him. but we did a camp out in california. you know, the famous camp that all of these rich guys go to. and two of us were -- and he did the foreign policy, and i did the domestic. and about the third camp he goes of course catcher knows nothing about foreign policy. so i'll quickly take care of the domestic policy and more time for me to do foreign, so
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we don't need anymore. lou: well, that son of a gun. >> and i said henry knows everything about everything. lou: there's some truth with that. he walks around with that smashing 200-point iq of his. >> absolutely. and a great sense of humor. lou: absolutely. let's turn to this president. he made a decision and the democrats are acting about being hurt by the departure of mr. comey. >> i was one who thought mr. comey should go on january 20th. not because of anything that i think he didrong but just because of the morale of the agency and what have you, and he had become too controversial. lou: and not that he didn't do anything. >> well, that's right. and the evidence that they lay out is factual. but what's very important here is to not let this become a big distraction. this president has a big agenda ahead of himself, and he has a basically get on with health care and the senate, and you have to get the tax
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bill and obviously he has to point a good, top person. and what he should do is point the person -- >> okay. who is it? >> i don't know who it is. lou: do you know who i like? admiral rodgers over at nsa talking straight to the senate when all the other heads of agencies and ic were, you know, he's talking straight. i just find him highly, you know, highly attracted to run any part of the federal government. >> well, the critical thing is you need a strong leader who is going to get on the agenda, which is the justice and the fbi's agenda and the president's agenda. and, again, i think it's very important not to get distracted by this and not get the repeat. charles: i don't think this president gets distracted. >> he does not get distracted. not intimidated by firing anybody. charles: you know what did? >> it's a good thing. lou: what's he supposed to be timid about? the man's in command of a military. he is in command of the white house. and the government.
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i mean, this is so nice to see. you had to go looking for barack obama if you wanted to get a decision. nobody knew where he was or what he was doing half the time. >> you know, as i said on this ow, i think the bottom line is he has learned a lot. even with kissinger, learned a lot more and making this decision and living to this decision is going to be very important for this country and the fbi. lou: hallelujah. >> thank you, sir. lou: thank you. appreciate it. up next, democratic leaders anger and distress over the firing of james comey. they were once his fiercest critics. we'll talk about their politically calculated ♪ you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. relieve heartburn with fast- acting, long-lasting gaviscon.
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lou: in our on line poll we asked do you believe comey's firing was long overdue? 95% of you say yes, it was. not much of that democratic crocodile tears and moaning from the respondents to our poll last night. joining us now to discuss the late on the comey firing the hypocrisy of and from the left republican strategist "fox news" contributor and daniel horowitz senior editor and conservative review. in a great to see you. let me start gristedes, the firing of comey and crying chuck
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as the president has rebranded him. do you think he has any idea, that is schumer that people are simply dismissing them now? >> well that's a good question lou. i think what is disturbing as you are seeing the democrats really try to take this leads thing we got to move on a special prosecutor and aspiring aspiring -- and it's crazy because he was highly critical of comey back in july when the whole e-mail scandal was happening but what bothers me about the democrats is they are transforming this comey figure from being a felon to now being a martyr. lou: they are trying, there's no doubt. >> there's no doubt. lou: it's implausible daniel and frankly it's impossible because
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the man never did anything. he never investigated adequately or to a conclusion or resolution any of the examples of the obama years. why should anybody pay attention to them whatsoever? >> absolutely in the problem with comey is he was the john roberts of law enforcement that is to say is desired to be above politics, everything he did was a political consideration so he twisted himself into a pretzel. he had up there and say hillary clinton is as guilty as sin sin and what i'm doing is unprecedented but i'm not going to indict her. he did the same thing on top policy. talk about terrorism and how there's a terrorist diaspora in america but we are not going to support the president's agenda on refugees and immigration. he was so political he lost the support of both parties. anyone else with any other president that democrats would have nothing to say.
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lou: mercedes and daniel i want you both to answer this. mercedes first it seems to me it's an impossibility for even the best director possible and i'm certain that's a person of president trump will bring in for the directorship of the fbi but unless they bring back the investigation and make right that investigation of hillary clinton and the clinton foundation, the e-mail scandal how can the fbi regain its historic luster and command of the public trust and imagination? >> you know it's going to be interesting to see who president trump pics because i think he has got to go with someone who is a no name or someone we might not even know who he is but someone that is very much committed to ensuring that we have these spare investigations whether it be into the clinton foundation are continuing the investigation on the russian side which is going to happen.
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lou: i'm sorry mercedes we have a little less than a minute. daniel? >> i slightly disagree with that. i think the main locus of the up the eye should be -- lou: you just got 30 more seconds mercedes. just kidding. >> digitize the counterterrorism. i think lim need to move on from russia, from hillary on the e-mail scandal. we forget the job of the fbi is counterterrorism and he needs to appoint someone who would focus the up the ice job i'm catching terrorists pretty big part part of the fbi scandal is that they fell down on the orlando terrorist so we bring the discussion back to counterterrorism. a lot of the russia stuff will go by the wayside. lou: arguably preventable and should have been prevented and in the case of the other scandals investigated without resolution. not much to show for a career in
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counterterrorism or law enforcement are running one of the country's most prestigious agencies. mercedes schlaap and daniel horowitz thank you both for being with us. thanks for being with us. ed rollins and general jack keane news eric carter among our guests tomorrow. please be with us and thanks for joining us tonight. james comey with democrats public enemy number one to yesterday so why are they jumping to his defense and resident trump city fired tommy because he wasn't doing a good job. i will ask the judge if he was constitutional plus barack obama says steaks and burgers are to blame for climate change so will he go vegetarian to save the planet? grab a spatula. kennedy: james comey was a flawed and unpopular fbi and unpopular fbi director who would have been fired by either winning president of canada but his removal raises questions about constitutional crises through the constitutionality of aspiring depends on the act
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