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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 15, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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as you can see the press outside of the white house waiting for general h.r. mcmaster to come out. he will prepare a statement. thanks for joining us. continue with this don't want to miss a moment. riveting breaking news. lou dobbs will carry us through. keep it here on fox business. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. let's start with the facts. president trump is combating left-wing forces that are fiercely fighting to destroy him, his presidency, an all the weak-need republicans who by rights should be battling by his side who are instead trying to distance themselves from the leader who has shown them and their party how to win, how to restore prosperity and to assure this country's future. president trump is now engaged in what appears to be certainly a mortal contest for the nation's soul, for the american dream, our middle class, working men and women and their families.
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a full-on struggle for the american way. for the populist values that got him elected. president trump is the target of the left-wing judiciary as well. of the manufactured fears of the hysterical senate dems led by crying chuck as president calls him, all working to block the president, the millions who voted for him, and his agenda. the same obstructionists who stalled the confirmation of president trump's cab in -- cabt nominees, threaten to block and frustrate the pick for fbi director. to hell with the national security, the constitution, the dems say and decency. "the washington post" reports that president trump, charges leveled today that he lifted the veil on classified intelligence to the russians. in particular the russian foreign minister and ambassador
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who he met with in the oval office last week. the president, again, according to "the washington post" report shared information about the islamic state with lavrov and kislyak, unnamed current and former officials cited by the post, which in this highly-partisan era is hardly the best way to expand the body of public knowledge on any topic. secretary of state rex tillerson, national security advisor h.r. mcmaster, and deputy advisor dina powell attended that meeting. all of them say no intelligence methods or sources or military operations were revealed whatsoever. now, i'm joined by michael goodwin, pulitizer prize-winning columnist for "new york post." ed rollins, the dean we call him, veteran of 10 presidential campaigns, delightful to have you with us. >> thank you.
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lou: i have to start right here. we're talking about "the washington post" for crying out loud. they have been knocked down by the white house. >> right. lou: this is, this rises to the level of or to the depths of pure scurrilous conduct on the part of the post. >> well, look "the new york times" today had a off-lead of the newspaper saying republicans are moving away from trump. senate republicans. i read 3/4 of the story, no names were mentioned this is competition to see who can outscandallize each paper. it is between the papers in a way to be the most anti-trump of the day. lou: anti-trump is one thing. to call them fake news is another. this goes beyond fake news. this is subversion. this is a campaign of disinformation and this is also jeff bezos and his billions saying, he has got the budget for the post to say the hell with journalistic standards and ethics no matter what.
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>> the danger is the president has very important week. tomorrow he is meeting with the president of turkey, very important ally of ours who has some issues with us. leaves friday on the first foreign trip. this is story now he will spend the next three or four-days knock this story down. lou: i hope not. i not. >> you know what it will be. lou: i don't. >> i would argue that the people who are in the room, i know dina powell. i don't know tillerson, people with great integrity, they say it didn't happen, it didn't happen. critical thing if it did happen, who basically said to the post it happened we need to find out this is leakiest white house in my 50 years. lou: leakiest? >> maybe that is not a proper word. lou: a hell of a good word. >> accurate too. >> i've been around a long time. i have never seen one like this where so many people with an agenda inside, not just outside, inside the damage this president. lou: is there any reason, and i'm going to answer this question very quickly of ed,
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michael, is there any reason the white house wouldn't have the resources to chase down these leaks in this day and age? i mean this is, this -- >> no, absolutely not. lou: this is crazy being tolerated. >> i think the problem is that there have been traditionally don't think your top people will ever do these kinds of things to you. but they're doing it. my sense i would demand to jeff sessions who can't deal with other stuff, jeff sessions can certainly deal with this cia can get in there. you need to find out who is doing this. lou: that is the bottom line as far as the leaks. this appears to be created out of whole cloth. this is preposterous on the part of "the washington post." and this is the secretary of state's statement. let me quickly read that. during president trump's meeting with the foreign minister lavrov, a broad range of subjects were discussed among which were common efforts and threats regarding counterterrorism. the statement goes on, during
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that exchange, the nature of specific threats were discussed but they did not discuss sources, methods, or military operations that is from the secretary of state himself. >> i think mcmaster and as ed said, dina powell. were there other administration people in the room? because those three have all denied "the washington post" charge. so were there others in there saying something different? i think -- lou: they should be grabbed by the ear and brought out in front of cameras and microphones. >> that is the place to start. somebody is a source for this. maybe more than one source. lou: i don't know that is true anymore. this little habit that has grown up between "the times" and the post of unnamed sources i personally put no credence in it whatsoever. they are manufacturing what the president calls fake news. there are too many stories, day after day after day. why in the world does anybody pick up the post or --
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>> i would say a lot of these stories do cite people close to the president. lou: well they site it but also make charges about methods and sources. michael, the point neither has to be true. >> sources could be wrong but i think -- lou: there could be no sources. >> there are leaks, there are leaks from the administration. lou: yeah, well there are leaks. this is disgusting conduct and by the way, the national, i mean all of the journalism magazines, ethics organizations, not a word being said, not a word. >> the problem you and i can both say it is fake news don't believe it, a lot of people out there do. a lot of people want to take the president down, in town like washington, d.c., everybody reads the paper and start the chaos. unless they find them. need to make this a top target. lou: i don't think we have to make too much of this, i really don't. find leakers if there are leakers indeed. i don't think we have to accept even the post reporting or that
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of "the times" there are unnamed sources. i think could have easily as charges themselves be made up of whole cloth. what i am concerned about is a communications department in the white house that time after time, and we're now, that is the communications department permitting this. and this is h.r. mcmaster. national security advisor. >> brief statement for the record. there is nothing that the president takes more seriously than the security of the american people. the story that couple out tonight as reported is false. the president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries including threats to civil aviation at no time, at no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed. and the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly-known. two other senior officials who were present including the secretary of state remember the meeting the same way and have
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said so. they're on the record accounts should outweigh those of anonymous sources. i was in the room. it didn't happen. thanks, everybody. [shouting questions] lou: h.r. mcmaster putting a face on the statements that he, statement that he released earlier. i think that is interesting. there is an implication there were other people in that room, don't you you? >> yes. i think there may have been numerous people from the white house, from the security apparatus, maybe reason, you know, from the cia. lou: it is well past time. it seems to me that the president put up with this level of communications. the communications director of the white house has to be an -- i can't even imagine what he or she is doing here. it is one thing to behind the scenes and not to be -- >> behind the curve. lou: but to behind, to be putting the president in this position day after day, this
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president needs help and professionals, not the amateur-hour nonsense that we are witnessing here. somebody should be taking the post by the throat and "the times" by the throat and i mean, making certain that as we discussed, no more leaks, no more of this nonsense. this is pitiful and the "the post" and "the times," mortally as shamed. >> it is early in the administration. it is critical time. as the president leaves on foreign trip you don't want -- lou: you know what? we'll be friends with the turks no matter what happens. we're going to be friends with the saudis. the important thing this president and his staff take control of the communications of this presidency. >> i'm all for that. >> i think ed would no best, but seems to me this is the prime job of the chief of staff. >> absolutely. >> chief of staff has to be running the white house. if things are coming from the white house, it has to go back to the chief of staff to fix it. lou: what about this?
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move over to the senate where apparently, this may be fake news, we're putting this in quote, citing unnamed sources, mitch mcconnell wants to put merrick garland in as head of the fbi? has everybody in that town on capitol hill lost their mind? >> well his chief of staff said that yesterday on one of the talk shows. apparently he supports it. lou: well that is crazy. >> mike lee, one of the most conservative members says he supports it. lou: let me repeat it, that is crazier. >> absurd. at end of the day we have outstanding candidates interviewed, more to be interviewed. we don't need to have obama's nominee for the supreme court. >> that would be surrender. lou: a surrender? >> a surrender to the democrats. lou: that would be a transfer of power. good lord. and to look at this thing the way we're going right now, extreme vetting arguments before the appellate court, ninth circuit court of appeals, three-judge panel.
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news organizations are acting like this is a fair hearing. this is kangaroo court of clinton appointees, what are we doing in this country. >> get them out of there. there are still a bunch left there. we have our own senator, chairman of foreign relations committee, doesn't know the facts, corker. he is taking the "post"'s side. he has a big job next 24 hours to put to shut this thing down. lou: i can't imagine what the communications department of this white house thinking conjecturing. >> they're not functioning. >> they're all on their heels. lou: a president and a nation to serve. end the amateur hour. michael, thanks for being with us. appreciate it. ed, thank you. >> thank you. lou: coming right back with a lot more. i'm troubled to tell you. stay with us for all of that. the white house hitting the left-wing judiciary, defending the president's extreme vetting order. >> the measures that he took in
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that executive order are fallly lawful and fully compliant make it clear they seek to keep the country state. lou: judiciary taking out little more than pan toe mine of jurisprudence, we all know the likely decision, right? the heritage foundation joins me next. fry speech under attack. leftists targeting miss usa. she more than met their attack and challenge. we'll have that story and much more coming up. stay with us. i can't wait for her to have that college experience that i had. the classes, the friends, the independence. and since we planned for it, that student debt is the one experience, i'm glad she'll miss
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across all your locations. hello, mr. deets. every branch running like headquarters. that's how you outmaneuver. lou: trump administration defended revised order, in front after left-wings ninth circuit court of appeals, three-judge panel, all appointed by bill clinton giving a fair hearing to the issue. president trump says he is considering breaking up the ninth circuit, vowing to return conservatives to that circuit court. and i say, well, the sooner the better. republicans by the way currently control 32 state legislatures. they hold 33 governorships, controlling both the house and the senate. we're talking about historic republican control of state legislatures, statehouses and
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governorships. yeah, 67% of federal appellate court judges are appointed by democratic presidents, 2/3. joining me now, to talk about the left-wing judiciary and, well the deep state judiciary and in many cases and their attempts to block president trump and the supreme court decision from the to review north carolina's voter i.d. law, we have the senior legal fellow at heritage foundation for center for judicial studies. hanz, great to have you with us. this is preposterous to sit there and listen to as we did today, the arguments before the three-judge panel. it is, it is, it is a kangaroo court the ninth circuit court no matter how you can cut it, isn't it? >> 80% of the decisions that are appealed and accepted by the u.s. supreme court of the ninth circuit are overturned and often
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the court adopts the dissenting opinions written by the small number of conservative judges on the court. >> well, as we look at it what do you think will happen? automatic turn to the supreme court? are we just wasting time here at the ninth circuit court level? >> i'm afraid that's true. this case has already been to the ninth circuit with the original executive order. there the three judges totally ignored the law. if they followed the actual law and prior precedents including the supreme court, they would have thrown out the lawsuits against the trump administration. i'm afraid we'll get the same kind of result with this revised order. so it is going to end up in the supreme court. what i hope happens there, finally the supreme court, i hope will stop on all these lawsuits going on all over the country. lou: pure obstructionism on part
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of the dems and the left and left-wing judiciary, the deep state judiciary, trying to preserve the status quo. the decision by chief justice roberts waving his hand, saying we can't really figure out what the standing is to decide or to hear even the north carolina voter i.d. law, i have to say, don't know a thing about law but i got some acquaintanceship with common sentence, this is getting to be silly on the part of this court. >> well, yeah, although i got to say, with a little bit of defense of the chief justice that, actually what happened with this case was procedural chaos. what i mean by that is, you have a fight going on down in north carolina between the legislature, which filed the appeal, and yet. lou: assembly. >> the assembly, a november new democratic attorney general was elected and he went to the
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supreme court and said, oh, i am withdrawing the appeal. the legislature said, you can't do that. you're violating north carolina law, and north carolina ethics rules. so what the supreme court basically said today can, look, we're not going to accept this for review because it is unclear whether the case is really before us or not because of this fight down in the state. lou: yeah. it's really, it is sort of interesting that the chief justice has the sufficient intellect to decide that a fine is a tax as he did in the case of obamacare but can't figure out whether the assembly of north carolina or newly-elected democratic attorney general has standing. i'm thinking he can do better than this on both counts. >> well, look, i agree this decision by the lower fourth circuit was really a just terrible decision. it wasn't justified by the facts or the law. lou: are we, ever, getting voter
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i.d. and electoral integrity in this country or are we consigned forever this ridiculous absurd isist exercise in denying reality? >> i think as time goes by, things are going to get better. actually most of the challenges against voter i.d. laws have failed. just a few independence too the challengers win like in this north carolina case, that's when your favorite newspapers, "washington post," new york times give them tremendous publicity. they don't like publishing it when the challengers to voter i.d. laws lose, when it happens most of the time. lou: i hate it when it is treated like standing law. s that what we're looking hat. hands, -- hans. >> thank you, anytime, he is always educating us. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. do you believe it is impossible to get a fair trial in partisan
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age? you remember when partisanship didn't matter so much. it is everything now. follow me on twitter @loudobbs. like me on facebook and follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. wall street, record breaking day for stocks. man, isn't that interesting? donald trump's election and look what is happening in business and markets. the economy is moving, jobs are being created, but, i digress. the dow jones industrials up 85 points, s&p up very much len, nasdaq 28. both closing new all-time highs. volume 3.4 billion shares. confidence among homebuilders, as well, hitting the highest level since december. a reminder listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on salem radio network. i said i digress from the important things like chuck schumer and his heart-felt
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concerns and fears over firing of an fbi director. i want to take a moment and just a little silence. there, that's enough. up next former defense secretary gates endorsing trump's approach in government. >> disruptive nature, the tough talk on north korea, the military deployments, sending the missile defense system to south korea, i think these are all good things to have done. i think he has gotten china's attention to a degree that his predecessors have not. that this is a very serious matter. for the united states. lou: president trump defended by someone who was once, one of his fiercest critics. bob gates defending the president and his policies. i take that up in my commentary here next. stay with us. ♪ dentures are very different
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lou: few thoughts on dem as partisan hysteria and left-wing media in full attack mode after firing of james comey. former defense secretary above gates vigorously defended the comey matter on face the nation. he dismissed obviously silly, conceited concerns, con conducted and created by the left over whether mr. trump asked comey for a loyalty pledge. >> i think in the context of senior government positions, i think think i anecdote i told president-elect obama when we had the first meeting, you don't know me, why do you think you can trust me and so on? at the end i said, you can count on me to be loyal to you. i will not leak. i will keep my disagreements with you private. and if i can not be loyal, i'll leave. lou: a lot of integrity in that man.
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john dickerson was a little surprised. even pressed gates to join pure rile partisans who quiver at smiles on the faces of the president, the russian foreign minister and russian ambassador in the oval office. gates was having none of it. he brought dickerson up smartly on the difference between heart headed policy, consequences and smiling countenances. >> for a long time soviet foreign ministers would come in to see the president all the time, routinely. jimmy carter stopped that after the invasion of afghanistan. ronald reagan resumed it in 1984 i think. and so, the fact of them meeting like that i think is not that big a deal. lou: not that big a deal. when have you last heard those words about anything president trump does? gates rejected outright dickerson's overall characterization of the president as a quote, unpredictable leader.
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>> broadly, philosophically, i'm in agreement with his disruptive approach. so in government i'm a strong believer in the need for reform of government agencies and departments. they, they have gotten fat and sloppy and they're not user-friendly. they are inefficient. they cost too much. lou: quite an indictment of the status quo and the orthodox establishment, particularly in government. president trump is smashing this status quo with his agenda that puts america first. dickerson and "face the nation" folks must surely tonight still be in shock that somehow they found and then booked on their hyper-partisan show one of the establishment stars whose integrity survived his lengthy and valuable public service.
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our quotation of the evening this, from ronald reagan of the status quo you know, is latin for, the mess we're in. we're coming right back. computers, businesses all around the world babbling to recover from a massive cyberattack. >> it reached approximately 150 countries. it has infected more than 300,000 machines. u.s. infection rate is lower than many parts of the world but you say see significant impact. lou: lieutenant colonel tony shaffer warns that the attacks are threat to our national security. he joins me here next. of course there is video. this skydiver doesn't need a plane or wings to go airborne. we'll show you his incredible feat next in the video. stay with us. much more straight ahead. we'll be right back. yet some cards limit where you earn bonus cash back to a few places. and then, change those places every few months.
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at crowne plaza we know business travel isn't just business. there's this. 'a bit of this. why not? your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. which is what we do. crowne plaza. we're all business, mostly. lou: former president barack obama who has accepted millions of dollars per speech, making the clintons look pristine when it comes to the level of greed, accepted the jfk profile in courage award. the former president he declared in an interview that his decision not to follow his own red line and to refuse to bomb syria after assad used chemical weapons on his own people, quote, required the most political courage. the courage not to enforce his own red line, to follow through on his own threats.
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never have we heard such self-accredited heroism about one's own passivity. joining me now to discuss the former president's syria claims, cyber threat, much more, senior fellow with the london center for policy research, lieutenant colonel tony shaffer. >> hey, lou. lou: can you imagine a former president saying he was -- i don't know why we should be surprised. in that speech he was paid over $3 million for, he used first person singular reference 216 times. now he awards, he seems to award himself a profile in courage award. >> i think the courage is being completely separated from reality, lou. let's look at this for what it is. the very policy he speaks of, we know now failed. so, why on earth would you draw attention to a policy that you, you know, we wanted to make some time to get the weapons out of there. one thing, lou, if the weapons were actually removed but we
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know they weren't. and worst of all his administration knew that in the end. they blew it off. more importantly, the failure to follow through with that threat, with that -- lou: had its own consequence. >> had its own consequences. i talked to generals basically ended up being politically drawn to both sides. one of them is general tony zinni, president of central command for president clinton. general zinni said you can never as president draw a red line and not follow through, or else you will damage the prestige of that office, and more importantly, people will not take you seriously. that is exactly what happened from that moment forward. lou: let me just say that, tony shaffer, the colonel has had a long experience in cyber warfare. >> yes, sir. lou: that dates back decades in point of fact. and, what is your thinking when, you think about the obama administration, when the the
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opm, office of personal management in the federal government was hacked by the chinese, 30 million data files given up. then we were told that the incomes time it is going to be war. that was the clear implication. now here we are in 2017 in may, watching 150 countries hit by a cyberattack, and we know full well the united states government doesn't have the capacity to respond or forestall or defend even its own assets. >> let's break this down. my record was also compromised in that chinese hack. lou: right. >> and ironically, lou, look what happened during president obama's watch, all these great technologies, think about the billions of dollars that general alexander received as commander of cyber command in nsa to actually do nothing with. another thing i know for a fact, when they had the first wikileaks leaks, when they were disclosing -- we knew where that information was. they chose to let it get released anyway.
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it is insane we build the technology, we don't do anything with it. by the way, the response to the chinese hack, lou, was a strongly-worded memo to the chinese saying hey, don't do that again. lou: akin to strongly-worded memo to follow i believe. >> right. kind of like, why even have the cape if you choose not to use it? lou: although i'm not convinced we got the capability because we're not defending. we're not retaliating. i can only fine one reason why that would occur. that is because we're woefully inadequate and unprepared as a result the president who held office for the previous eight years. >> i'll say this. we have the best and brightest people who have great ideas but often those ideas are held back by the policy. lou: nothing is holding them back now. >> right. lou: tony, i got to tell you, i think most americans are sick and tired of watching us act like the buffoons in the face of this kind of assault. >> no doubt. no doubt. lou: the world is suffering as
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well as you well know. >> i agree. lou: i have got to call it here, tony. sorry, we're way over. come back soon. we'll continue the conversation. lieutenant colonel tony shaffer always welcome on this broadcast. please roll the video. extreme twist on skydiving, 28 propeller drone. that's a sight, wow!. 2propellers. look at lifting a daredevil 1100 feet in the air. he let go of the handlebar, that was a grand idea as he plunged toward the ground. if the manufacturer says that drone for rescue missions in the future. that is impressive drone as is the daredevil himself. the threat from north korea grows after a successful ballistic missile test. >> i think there is no question that north korea continues to threaten the united states, our
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allies, calling on all the folks in the region, particularly china and russia to do everything they can in terms of sanctions. lou: will that be enough? another korean missile not the only threat to the united states. dr. peter pride joins us. he acquainted us last week with the dangers from enp. how severe and completely deficitting such an attack would be, next. ♪ to folks everywhere whose diabetic... ...nerve pain shoots and burns its way into your day... ...i hear you. when that pain makes simple errands simply unbearable... ...i hear you. i hear you because my dad struggled with this pain. make sure your doctor hears you too. so folks, don't wait. step on up. and talk to your doctor. because you have places to go...
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north korea claiming it successfully tested a new medium-range ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. that is bad news a preliminary assessment by the u.s. military, said the kn-17 in the air for 30 minutes. it slashed down. it splashed down from russia's vladstock region. the potential of emechanic troh magnetic pulse or eemp attack on this country. we have the chief of staff of the congressional emp commission and it is great to have you with us, peter. this is deeply alarming because
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this now makes it pretty clear that north korea is almost within reach of japan and perhaps as well as, with some success the united states itself or at least some of our territories. >> thank you for having me, lou. yes, it does indicate that indeed. their current missiles can already reach japan and south korea. we talked last week they can pose a satellite threat to the united states. are we absolutely convinced that their working toward an emp attack? how certain are you? we talked last time about two satellites held by north korea, that have been put up by north korea, that are going around the globe at the perfect altitude to carry out an emp attack. how certain are you? what is your level of confidence? >> well, the emp commission has high confidence this is part of
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the north korean gameplan. in addition to this most recent test, which by the way it was launched on a trajectory consistent with practicing for emp because this missile was no. it was launched for altitude. lou: right. >> and they, so, emp attack you can burst -- lou: 1300 miles. it was quite a high trajectory. >> that's correct. the reason you do that is to gain altitude so the emp field can be as big as field as possible on the ground. the last missile test they did prior to this one, the japanese and south korean military both described it aspracticing for an emp attack because it was, it was burst on, deliberately by the north koreans when it was at an altitude of 71 kilometers. lou: we know the united states basically sun prepared. civilian america is basically unprepared for an emp attack.
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what would be the result in say new york city, chicago? >> not just in new york but across the country, potentially an emp attack with a single warhead could shut down the electric grid across the entire country. with a protracted blackout months or years. cars would be paralyzed. airplanes could fall out of the side. natural gas pipeline explosions, nuclear reactor overloads. worst of all, if you had a protracted blackout it, would be a serious threat to the survival of the american people. we have only enough food to feed people in this country, 30-days. lou: chicago, particularly as an example of big cities across the country that would be absolutely devastated because there is very little in the way of stored food, and resources. it would be a, an even worse disaster in the cities than it would be arguably in the suburbs and rural areas. >> it would. lou: we're about out of time. i have to ask you this.
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what are we going to do about your confidence and that of your commission in the fact that the north koreans are prepared for an emp attack? >> president trump already has taken one important step last week when he signed an executive order for cybersecurity. because emp is related to cyber attacks. the north koreans, russians, chinese, regard emp attack as part of cyber warfare. they're closely related. we hope that the president will next sign the congressional emp commission's draft executive order to protect the country from emp. an executive order which the obama administration refused to sign for eight years. lou: dr. peter pry, thanks for being with us. we appreciate it as always as we continue our conversation and learn more from but the emp threat from an in addition to all the other threats from north korea. thanks so much. >> thank you. lou: up next, the new miss usa ignited a firestorm of outrage from the left, you know, the
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left outrage, synonymous, really? it really is. left is always outrage. she dared to express conservative points of view. we take that up with katie freit. and mike gallagher here next. stay with us.
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♪ ♪ welcome to holiday inn! ♪ ♪ thank you! ♪ ♪ wait, i have something for you! ♪ ♪ making every stay a special stay. holiday inn, smiles ahead. whether for big meetings or little getaways, member always save more at ♪ lou: in our online poll we asked you do you believe the left-wing media will ever stop the
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campaign of disinformation against president trump? 96% of you say no, they won't. unless they have to. conservative, that is, if the markets work their will. conservative comments by the newly-crowned miss usa sparking a firestorm from the just manufactured outrage of the left. kara mccullough, a d.c. scientist works for the u.s. nuclear regulatory commission is the new miss usa. she drew criticism because she expressed her views on health care during the pageant last night. >> do you think affordable health care for all u.s. citizens is a right or a privilege and why? >> i'm definitely going to say it's a privilege. as a government employee, i am granted health care and i see first-hand for one to have health care, you need to have jobs. lou: joining us no to you discuss the left-wing attacks on the new miss usa, latest efforts
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to -- editor of "the daily caller," katie frietsa. good to have you with us. mike gallagher, host of the mike gallagher radio show. good to have you with us, mike. miss usa says it's a privilege and the left has a meltdown, katie. that is fun to engage with the rather primitive left. >> it is appalling only word you can stick on this. if you want to know liberals really think of minorities they say they're trying to protect, look what they said about her. she is black, she is an immigrant. she works for government, she is a scientist. they said essentially on twitter she was disqualified from being black because she thinks people shouldn't rely on the government for health care. health care is a privilege. that jobs are a bad thing. it was outrageous, the hate people directed upon her. instead of celebrating a
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minority winning miss usa, they hated her because they didn't proscribe to liberal beliefs. >> lou, if you don't mind i will look at the glass half-full. i'm stunned she won the thing. it is unbelievable the organizers allowed it to proceed to give her the victory. lou: being conservative, rather than a reference to being a minority? >> to be miss usa. i mean to, for this woman to even be allowed to, by now you would think there would be calls from the left not only as katie said to take aware letter ability to be black, take the crown from her. somehow dismantle her, say you're no longer qualified to be miss usa. but what a story she as, as you say, katie. an amazing achievement this lady, this young woman is representing the united states with such a remarkable story, it shouldn't be a big surprise. it is interesting to see the left take couple minutes away to try to stop president trump and try to stop miss usa.
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another shiny object. lou: let's get them back on point then. the dems, schumer crying chuck, saying he is going, the dems are going to stop the fbi director if they don't get their way. irrespective of national security, irrespective of the national interests. katie, schumer has lost his mind, hasn't he? >> that is the only thing he can do. he has no real power right now in the senate. all he can do is kick and scream. i find it funny they won't consider anyone from the fbi until they have a special prosecutor as if that stops the senate from vetting a potential fbi director to the full extent that it can. you would think they want to get someone in there as soon as possible. yet they will sit here and cry. >> you want to see a fascinating answer, lou. look at senator schumer's answer to the guilty of obstruction of
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justice. frankly they are up warned in their lack of standards. >> i'm just going to say look if you are according sources that weren't in the room that may not fully understand the various levels of security classifications and you are seconded by "buzzfeed," what does that tell people and the problem is you can't take that
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back. once it's out there you can convince all of these people that you are whipped into a hysteria over something that wasn't true. lou: thank you both. that's it for is great thanks for being with us. kimberly guilfoyle and matt schlapp amartya samara. kennedy: they twisted the james comey saga. "the wall street journal"'s dan hannah jersey or plus should president trump get rid of the white house daily press briefing at henry has more in a devastating cyber attack circling the globe but we are told -- what role does the nsa play? grab a flashlight, we are going in. the white palace is loaded with intrigue in the hunt for a new fbi or continues with the tire tracks soaking on james comey's back at least a few dozen names have been dropped. acting fbi director andrew mccabe is on the list


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