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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 16, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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need more movement and energy on capitol hill, i think you need president trump to push these things. david: deroy and sarah thank you very much, thank you for joining us, lou dobbs is next right here on fox business, we'll see you. lou: good evening, white house communications team should move into the situation room the war room as president is under assault 360 degrees, his administration under ultra from all sides. the left wing national media, the deep state, you name it, it seems that president is targeted. tonight, unnamed sources, middlmost likely went highest sources on the fbi in my
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opinion, claims that president trump asked comey to end a investigation into michael glynn, the times reports that comey wrote a memo after meeting with the president in february. a memo that comey shared with some of his associates, writing that the president told him quote, i hope you can let this go. this according to an unnamed comey associate who read parts of that memo, to a times reporter. the white house tonight denying out right that story saying quote, president has never asked mr. comey or anyone else to end any investigation, include an investigation involving general flynn. as for general flynn, robert gates told "face the nation,"
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he thought it was a stretch to suggest as many dims have. >> to somebody, in the same building where they work, may be old intel guy, is a problem. and a problem like i just said, i would tell the president about. but, it is not the same as and it is hard for my, i don't know general flynn well, but hard for me to believe anyone would allow themselves to be blackmailed by the russians because they didn't tell the full story or truth to vice president of united states, who works 50 feet down the hall. you know, maybe he could have been blackmailed. i just think it is a different kind of situation than we would have thought of in the intelligence business.
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lou: a different kind of situation, but now a situation that has been investigated for 9 months by the fbi. the fbi seems at a minimum to take 8 months and seldom reaches a conclusion, "new york times" reports just latest in a series of attacks against this president, based on leaks from a deep state in which many are looking to subvert president trump and his administration. the president earlier fired back over the leaks tweeting -- i have been asking director comey and others from the beginning of my administration to find the leakers in th the intelligence community, obviously to this point, so far without much success. joining me now on latest for deep state attempt to subvert the presidency, house leaks and more lieutenant colonel
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tony shafer with us tonight. >> than tonight. thank you. lou: let's start with what appears to be a memo to file -- >> appears. lou: convoys a one person view, what happened with at least one other person the president. what do you make of this? >> further than that, read article neither nbc news nor the times has seen the actual memo, they report that someone whispered to them about a memo that may or may not exist. exist. this is beyond insane, this passes for reporting? what you said, walking up to it illustrates what the issue is, the president did ask mr. comey to do something.
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that thing he asked him to do was do your job. investigate the leaks. and instead of doing that, and being asked by gowd i th goudie the same thing. which did compromise techniques and procedures of how we do collection. therefore a an -- arrogance about him. just between and you me, if you had something to say about someone, i don't think you would try to go through your staff to say it, if you felt a certain way, you tell that person, why do we believe james comey would want this leaked out? i think this something done by those in deep state to upset everyone that is going on, and try turn mine the president in every breath. lou: you know, and there is within this, i have been very critical of the white house communication team.
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and i think fairly and appropriately, i have to say that the white house is sitting there, that communications team has barely raised its head let alone its voice selectively to -- collectively to defend the president, i don't understand what they are doing for this president right now, do you? >> i don't. this is where i think that criticism is apt by fact that first yesterday, i don't know what they did regarding mcmast expemcer -- mcmaster. the president can talk to anyone about anything, no matter what the level is. and beyond, that i understand that things were twisted by nationa nation security council staff and leaked to post, there was a very delayed and muted response, they
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should have been out there up front. i think white house communication staff has to believe they are now in a state of war, this is war, it is called information operations, information wear warfare. clearly the other side, deep state and clinton folks and i have to say some on republican side are lining up, battle lines are drawn, it is time for people who understand how to deal with it like it is a war. lou: yep, and that is why i made reference to the war room. >> right. lou: this president, famously called jeb bush low energy and branded a person who you know so effectively, but the fact is, this is a low energy communication department, it needs to be -- hell the white house needs to be as high energy in its inte intertirey
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-- entirety as our president, this say tough bar but they have to raise it up. you look at the array of people, capitol hill, left, you name it you have to counter that assault. >> right. that is what you have to do, basically line it up, bring it up like a battle, you have to figure out your order of battle, that is technical term of figuring out who your troops are, and you need t weigh in, you have to do it and this is where i think that president clearly understands what he is trying to do. i donal don't always believe he has staff rolling at his pace. i don't know general mcmaster, but i don't think he did much good the way he pro -- presented counter
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argument, they have to more precise and better than the other side, they have not gotten to that mark yet. lou: there is no question that president has a bright and capable team, they need to be remote vated i believe, focused a bit. >> right. lou: turning to one aspect. i see the great cabinet that this president has put together. intelligence agencies that are now led by superior people. the deep state is committed to maintaining this assault it seems, we're not even 4 months into the trump presidency, and the assaults continue, the attacks continue. we have as you indicated, outset. "new york times" and washington post, they are no longer fake news, they are it
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is an entire psy-ops, a disinformation campaign from previous former journalists, what do you think having some experience with all of the above, would be appropriate response. >> two things, you are correct on the papers. they are provda, shameful, regarding very fact, i have met with senior intelligence officials in place, they have to go through, sort out who is going to be actual career people, and do their job, those who are loyal to previous administration. some of these folks are have transitioned from political appointee jobs on career jobs, you need to fire two levels down, everyone below you, two levels fire them, been be done with it thank you for your
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service it seem to find a new job. you have to find people who will be loyal to the american people and the president. lou: one word answer, should this president reasonably expect that his intelligence agencies and staff shoul able to find leakers in quick order who are frankly sharing classified information at the very least with the national left wing media that are thing hammering that into a spear thrown against him. >> yes. you need to fire the people, then do a real investigationing now that comey is gone, he can appoint someone to do real leak investigations, it is not ha that hard, you can find them, i could find them in less than two weeks.
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lou: lieutenant colonel tony shafer, send a note to the white house. >> thank you, lou, you too. lou: you got it, thank you. >> thank you. lou: much more straight ahead, as we take up the assault on the trump presidency, that straight forward. >> a new bombshell report reveals slain dnc staffer leaked thousands of e-mails to wikileaks before he was murdered. >> i believe that answer to solving his death, lies on that computer, which i believe is either at the police department or either at the fbi. lou: rod wheeler is investigating the case, he is joining us here next. >> and cyber security experts have identified the possible source of that massive cyberattack that hit 150 countries. that story is next. much more state ahead, coming
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up here next, we'll be right back. >> [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that your insurance company
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call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. lou: new development in murder of dnc staffer seth rich who was murdered last summer. a federal investigator telling fox news a fbi forensic report
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of his computer. shows he made contact with wikileaks with gavin mcfade en. they said rich provided faden with e-mails and attachments, rich was murdered near his dc home on morning of july 10, his wallet, cell phone, watch not taken. wikileaks 11 days later, showing how to hurt senator bernie sanders at polls those results in resignation of debbie wassermann schultz who was chair of the dnc, and 3 top officials because of the obvious conclusion portrayed
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in e-mails between the dnc and clinton campaign. rich's contact with wikileaks corroborated by private investigator, former dc detective rod wheeler who was hired by third party to investigate, rich family spokesman claiming that report is unsubstantiating, and said even if tomorrow an e-mail is found that is not high enough are about of evidence as e-mails can be altered -- those words of family spokesperson, who is also a democratic crisis management and public relations expert. my next guest said there is some degree o exchange
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between rich and wikileaks that occurred before his date, the man hired to investigate the case by a third party, rod wheeler joining us. rod, good to have you here with us, i know this is a complicated case, i want to say to family, who have expressed concerns about the evidence here and what it means, we'll be sensitive to this but we're looking at this case in public interest. and fact in national interest to try to discern what the dc metropolitan police, and fbi have not been able to do to this point, we'll do see with every sensitive tiity, we can bring, with every effort to get to the truth. rod, this federal investigator, we're in a
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unusual situation, fbi forensic report, 44,000 e-mails 18,000 attach amment, aprompt mai aproduct mates -- a proximating what was leaked, do you believe that is a coincidence? >> i do not, but i want to emphasis i have never seen the e-mails themselves, information that i have gotten is in. could that has come through fox news from federal gues visit gator, and try -- corroborate it, when we have a source, we always like to check on the credibility of that information coming in. lou: what have you found? >> i have found that his information that he shared with fox news, is consi
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consistent with everything else that i have been learning, including no one seems to know where the computers are that belong to rich, they were confiscated at some point, police deputy tells me they don't know where they are, fbi said they are not involved, my question is, who has the computer. lou: and why first, as primary investigative department, why doesn't dc metropolitan police know where evidence is. and if there is or has been a forensic report created by fbi, why don't the investigative detectives know where it is, what is in those e-mails, how many they are, we have a precise number from the federal investigator, but none investigates why the fbi is involved and there are claims that dc detectives everyone told to stand down -- detectivives were told to stand down.
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>> i heard that climb i heard from a detective who said rod we were told to not to investigate this fully. that is consistent with what federal investigator said, they never knew that i heard from a detective in police deputdepartment to stand down. if they say the same thing, you have to say maybe. >> truth behind this. looking at totality of everything that we have, it is erro. very consistent. i don't think that police department has intention alley covered up anything pertaining to this case, i believe it comes from above the police department, that is just my thought. lou: and the mayor herself denying she issued any kind of stand down order. but again we don't have an
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explaiantic -- explanation why washington tc seems to be where investigations go to die. this is a strange against, unresolved investigation with obvious frustration on the part of the local detectives who are who have this case and their hands as well as federal authorities, again without a why federal authorities are involved here. >> right, no one has been able to give us any adequate explaining a as to why the feds would be involved, i think there is a lot more information that will come out with this case. but i want to say the rich family is concerned about this. the rich family believes it was still a botched street robbery, it could have been. i want to make sure that is
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clear, we don't know who are why. lou: have been able to determine if there any murders in that neighborhood in recent years. >> last murder there was 2010. >> right this is an exception? testimony witin particular a city as deadly as was washington, d.c. is. first they were quick to say it was a robbery, wit but it was not nothing was taken from seth rich. he was alive for two hours. we have no record that a single police officer or detective asked him who shot you. we have -- it is a peculiar, peculiar case from start to finish. your thoughts as we wrap up here about where we're at.
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>> just to go with that, we down have body camera that i know police officers were wearing on that scene the night in which seth was killed. that is a problem, we know those officers had on body cameras, no one knows where the video is, we'll have to look at this case, and hoa hopefully more will come out. lou: rod wheeler thank you, appreciate your time and thoughts about this case. >> vote in our poll tonight, question is, do you believe president trump needs to accelerate his time table for draining the swamp? cast your vote on twitter. follow me on twitter, like m -- me on facebook, on wall street stocks finished little change. nasdaq rose 20 points. a new record high. volume on the billboard 3.3 billion shares, industrial
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prurk production rose last month up 1%, the biggest increase in more than 3 year, ford planning to cut 10% of global workforce to improve profit bill tie more than half of auto maker 200,000 workers are employed in north america. listen to my reports 3 times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network, up next, the trump administration under assault from left wing national media, battling leak after leak after leak since day one of the trump presidency. >> papers are being leaks, things are being leaked. it is criminal action, it has been going on for a long time, before me. but now it's really going on. >> that is the subject of my commentary next. and field of candidates to replace fbi director comey
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lou: a few thoughts on the communications room in the white house. threects post concerning whether trump released classified information as he's about to begin his first foreign trip as president. he has the right to declassify information if's what he chooses to do. the president was talk bing tell israel developed regarding
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threats from the islamic state. israel released this statement. but the post revels in its unreality, celebrating newsroom the number of hits its attack on the president received online. our president is under constant barrage from all quarters from the dems on capital. the left wing national media. and the he athletes and orthodoxy who hate almost as much as the left and the deep state denizens. his white house staff should be
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fighting as hard as the president for him, his agenda and this country. the all too simple trum trump communications team remains flat food. they need to change that. they aren't street smart fighters andth they are not strategic. the determined forces of evil that sound this white house are trying to destroy the trump presidency and will settle for nothing less. this is a war. so get to war. the quotation of the day. no know thcself.
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know thy enemy. >> what the president shared was wholly appropriate. the president in no way compromised sources or methods in the sources during his conversations. these thrill seekers going to extreme death defying leaps for a one ofkind stunt. the exhilarating video and much more straight ahead. we'll be right back. helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad. is this a lug wrench? maybe?
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one of. lou: joining me to discuss the leaks, the deep state and now the white house fighting back or not fighting back, veterans of 10 campaigns, the dean ed rollins. great to have you with us, ed. that frustrating inability to seems to get any kind of closure for the family for anyone that is concerned about this country and the relationship to the dnc itself. >> this was someone who took 40,000 document out of the dnc. he's murdered in the middle of
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the night. thpts pretty straightforward for law enforcement. they were saying it was a street crime when someone stumbles out of a bar and gets murdered. the investigation should continue. lou: the fellow speak for the family is connected to the democratic party, he's doing pro bono work. but nonetheless, you have a partisan shroud around the family. you have an investigation that is going nowhere. the department admits that. and the f.b.i. investigator is the one who has a specific number, 44,053 emails transferred from his compute tore wikileaks. and guess what, the police
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department, the federal investigators, none of them know where that computer is. ed: it's outrageous. it needs to keep moving forward and have some justice here. lou: in the "new york times," a letter, files he shared with associates which necessity read to a report or to reporters. nobody has seen it, and the white house outright denies it. ed: they break it at 5:00. this is an orchestration. they seat president on the ropes in his early stages of his presidency. lou: what do you think of the communications team? >> what communications operations? there is a tv show called "scandal." crisis management is where you take charge and figure out
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what's coming aught. you lay down what your story is. they are getting fired from 15 different people at a time. at the end of the day, you have got to round out your troops. every democrat was out there, there were no republicans defending him. you and a few other people are the only ones defending him. the president is on the week of a big trip abroad. he's getting nickeled and dimed to death. if if i knew what they were doing, i would put a lie detector test. this is right out of the white house. this document came right out of the white house. lou: it's got to stop. i can't even imagine. i think back -- you have seen these white houses.
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ed: the first one i lived through was the nixon watergate. we were supposed to learn lessons from that one, and this is a totally different situation. they have this guy on the run. he needs a team to punch back. lou: to me it's inconceivable that whoever is running that communications department is so feint of heart and obviously not street smart, not tough, not experienced, and -- ed: there are two modern white houses that were disasters from the beginning. one walking jimmy carters, and the other was bill clinton's. lou: this daredevil making a rope swing out of thin air. he detaches himself from the
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canopy. not recommended. the thrill seeker swung across the valley before letting go and pulling his own parachute in what turned out to beo a spectacular thrilling ride through the alps. congressman ron estes joins us next.
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lou: joining me now to discuss the deep state, congressma ron estes. it's great to have you with us. congratulations for winning mike pompeo's seat. this has to be quite a situation this president is under a 360 degree attack from all quarters. >> you have got to give him to latitude to get his job done.
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not earn in the country voted for him and we recognize that. there are some monumental things we need to address in the country. lou: what are your impressions when you see a senator like john mccain, senator bob corker talking about the white house is in a downward spiral and mccain says he's deeply troubled by it all. >> i'm not sure what's driving some of those comments. there is a lot of work that needs to be done at the white house. we as republicans should be supporting the president. i have nod heard all of those comments you made mention to. we need to make sure the president is successful and our country is successful. >> isn't that a fascinating idea that the country pulled for the president to lead the nation to
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prosperity, to lead the country toward a brighter future. and you would think that -- you would think people could get behind that idea. but people in his own party -- i'm glad to have an opportunity to talk to you, congressman. i think you just raised the loyalty a and if i may say, the patriotic average in the congress. and it's great to have you on the show. i hope you come back often. >> i think we saw it in the november election. people wanted things to be done here differently in washington. wee want to make sure we get some positive things done and get some things accomplished now that we have republican majorities in the senate and the white house. >> this president won by vowing to change the status quo. but the status question is
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stubborn and mean. congratulations and thanks for being with us tonight. new evidence suggesting north koir ria may be behind that massive cyber attack, that global attack that's affected 150 countries. some of the code used in the attacked the lab says has been run by north korea's linked lazarus group that was behind the the sony attack. a man who received a standing ovation from the *. >> it's the largest employer in america having invested $23. >> million to create high-paying manufacturing jobs for mayor cans last 30 years. lou: australian billionaire
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anthony pratt is with me next on why he's praising mr. trump and mr. trump's fair trade plans. ♪ you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. relieve heartburn with fast- acting, long-lasting gaviscon.
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lou: in our online poll we asked you, do you believe it's impossible to get a fair trial in this hyper partisan sage?
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and 71% say yes, it's impossible. joining us now, australian billion air an thon asky pratt. he says his goal is to double america's pratt industry's high-paying jobs. you know, it's inspiring to see you make that kind of commitment to the country. and it's a great example for business leaders, domestic and foreign. >> it was a great honor before the president and the first lady announced we are investing $500
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million in the midwest. lou: when i look at what's happening and compare, i want to know what you are thinking of what donald trump is going through as president, also a businessman. and suddenly in an arena i don't think even he could have anticipated. >> we are enthused about president obama. the jobs date ashows unemployment at its lowest rate over a decade. the fact that great trade deal with china was done thursday night. showing that we are going to get beef into china for the first time since 2003. he's doing a brilliant job. that's why we are double down on our investment in america. >> the politics are a little bit
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bert. the united states is a rough place, and this rough and ready. what do you think president trump should do to disarm and to neutralize, if you will, his opponents and fervent critic. he's doing a fantastic job at what he's doing. i think there is enormous opportunities to talk about onshoring because of president trump and the low energy costs in america and productivity. americans is the best in the world. lou: i'm a bit surprised even his harshest critics i would have thought would acknowledge what has happened to our stock market since his election from november 9 through.
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the market is up 14% on the dow. we are talk about trillions of jobs created. the partisanship is such that threat they will not acknowledge how much better off the country is in these few short months. >> speak anecdotally, i had a bet that president trump was going to win the election because i didn't think anyone would believe me, i predicted. the reason i came to that conclusion was i talked to our people in the south, southwest, the nest, and the words qush coming back to me is they are going to vote for in trump, all our 68 factories, we employ
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7,000 people in those regions. the words you get back is very different. lou: you don't worry too much about the polls. he makes a point. those polls western wrong before and suddenly somebody writes an article about them now as if they are right. it's same nonsense and bias in the polling. >> exactly. i believe he's doing a brilliant job. i think he's a brilliant man. i think that he will definitely get a second term and i really think that his outcomes continue to show up. lou: i have got to ask you, how much was that bet? >> a $100,000 bet. lou: that's a nice return. andy pratt, thanks for putting
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your money where your heart and expectations are. that's it for us. we thank you for being with us. kennedy: the media with a story that the president eliseed classified information. but is the real story the leak? another day, another scandal and another day for democrats to predictably call for impeachment. the


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