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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  May 17, 2017 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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your money where your heart and expectations are. that's it for us. we thank you for being with us. kennedy: the media with a story that the president eliseed classified information. but is the real story the leak? another day, another scandal and another day for democrats to predictably call for impeachment. the dems flop on the field and
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claim injury any time a decision is made. the white house has lost control of the message, that's largely because the messenger, the president himself. he's a chatty and impulse yuf person with an inability to self-edit. or insisting his powerful perch gives him license to disseminate any intel nuggets he so choose. it appears the tired souls around him have become the prime leakers. that creates two problems. the president's magnetic percent nail it repugnant to the opposition. and the leaks serve no one. these are not brave whistleblowers, they are disgruntled partisans holdovers who get their rocks off dropping
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leaks on republican reseptember kals. here is dennis kucinich on the error of the leaks. >> i disagree with the president on several issues. but somebody in the intelligence community is trying to upend this president. the question is why and who and we need to find out. kennedy: 3 current and past courtessans. i don't want to hear anyone complain when they have to choke count hideous medicine in quid pro quo. let's tart it.
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what is the real story, the possibility the president shared a secret for that leaks are upending the president's agenda. buck sexton is with me from "america now." many people are upset about the "washington post" story that says the president was given intelligence and i accept night that to russian diplomats. that could be serious story if the president doesn't know how and when to with hold sensitive information. but you think it' more troubling the item came out in the press to begin with? general mcmaster came out yesterday and today to clarify that there was nothing that was
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said that was inappropriate or wrong. i have yet to meet anybody in the military or intelligence community who will say mcmasters is anything but a straight shooter with anything but impeccable credentials. as to the media aspect of this, the story line is trump said stuff to a couple russians in a meeting where they are exchanging information and it's very, very sensitive. somehow the media get access to this sensitive information and says we could publish this, but we are not going to. why is this being passed along to the media? who thinks that is part of the process. i think that's out there for everyone to see. but then we get into who do we believe? do you think the press was wrong a number of times after the firing of comey? have they gone ahead of the
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story and the facts? is trump, mcmaster, tillerson, high profile, high administrationee officials? kennedy: i think people within the administration says the president is impulsive. he moves so fast it's hard for people to anticipate where he's going and how to react to something he has said. how do you sit a person who has a fast-moving line down and say this is the stuff you can't tell other people. >> the president is going to say what he's going to say. kennedy: will the intelligence community start with holding information from the president? >> that would mean the executive branch no longer feels like it's
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part of the executive branch. they are not a co--equal branch. the intelligence community works for the president. this has been raised before. it's crazy and it is deeply undermine together way the country has to function. national security is where we are supposed to have some basic sense of ba bipartisanship. kennedy: but it's so politicized you get two versions of the the same story, and depending on which team you are on, that's the version you believe. if you are on the left you believe he shared sensitive information with the russians. but if you are on the right you believe the leaks are totally
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trying to undermine. >> everyone all of a sudden is an expert on classified. the president can declassify in real-time. and also what he shares and how he shares it is a judgment call. that election process and the swearing in of the president of the united states. make him commander and chief. he doesn't have to get a clearance other than the vote of the american people and the electoral college. information sometimes even out in the public domain. you will speak to some people out in the government who say i can't confirm or deny that. kennedy: whose fault is that in "the washington post" story? >> i don't know who leaked that information. in what way could that be helpful other than to under mine the president. spreading that information more
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broadly and especially giving it to news outlets who looked like they were going to publish it but only held back because they said that's too sensitive. why do they have that information in the first place? that's not helpful at all and it goats outside the normal processes. a call out to the cia and nsa. they may try to find ways to handle any possible fallout. kennedy: of course president trump's detractors will say the secret information disclosure and the comey firing, democrats are reeling as the white house makes mistake after mistake. a quinnipiac poll showed 82% of republicans approve of the job
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trump is doing. that would suggest debate over the president's success is purely partisan. is this administration truly bogged down on crisis or are democrats doing a bert job of spinning the story. andy levy, and chris barron, and evan siegfried. welcome. it's wonderful to be back at the oval plexiglas table. why is the white house having such a hard time getting a handle on these stories, if they have done nothing wrong, it's not the first white house to be accused of mall feasance.
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chris: the press is in open war with the white house. this isn't just a press corps that doesn't like the white house. this is a press corps that is actively at war with the white house. every one of the news story we have seen confirmation after confirmation bias. we have anonymous source story that's completely outrageous. the press continues to run with that. they make it up. tomorrow trump will have to resign sign in the next 24 hours on the record people debunk the story. step three, repeat. over and over. kennedy: but you have a president who has a discipline problem. >> i think how do you say the
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president's detractors describe this as the latest in a series of if i as toes. i'm told the leak is the real story in the problem is we have a president who does not have the discipline to keep his mouth shut. now assuming the story is true, we are seeing it with classified information. the leak me is only the real problem if you don't think the american people should know how careless this president is. kennedy: there are people within the white house who have no loyalty to this president and isn't bead holden to his party. and you have people who are holdover s from the obama administration and people in the intelligence community who simply don't trust them. that's a recipe for ongoing disaster. how do you get a handle on it? >> the president needs to find that discipline.
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they need a shock col kerr where when he as far as ther starts to speak they give him a buzz. anonymous sources outed president trump for targeting the irs. outed how he was doing deals with iran that he was trying to hide from us. when somebody goes on the record and rebuts it. that is hypocritical because that means we have to apply the same level of belief with susan rice and ben rhodes when they try to free but the embarrassing stories. the intelligence community is freak out. they don't know if they can trust the president of the united states to keep his mouth shut and not jeopardize sources. our allies don't know if they can continue intelligence
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sharing. >> the press has taken every am which giewt using anonymous sources that have political, ideological grudges. >> 24-48 hours later. 24 hours later to 48 hours later they are confirmed. >> no, they are not confirmed. >> there is no proof of enough coordination between anybody the trump campaign and russia. they throw this crap out there, the tinfoil hat conspiracy and hope some of it sticks. >> there is a story that ran in the israeli newspaper in january. lead was israeli intelligence official were concerned there
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could be leaks from the white house and to russia and iran. kennedy: why can't the white house get a handle on this and what are they going to do? they have to stop changing the story. if these people have to act like miners. and have to sit on the president's lap it's a little bit kinky. maybe it's time for that in order for them to get on message to stop the distractions so the country can go about its business. lawmakers think the that may be losing its institutional integrity over the use of the nuclear option.
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harry reid used the neuks nuclear option. and mitch mcconnell used it to confirm supreme court justice neil gorsuch. gop senators wanted nuke option to bomb obamacare. they believe they have could apoll list it. some are concerned the nuclear option is a slippery slope because it upturns traditions and the way the senate works. >> you should need 80 votes to pass anything. kennedy: that's fine. i have no problem with that. i think the healthcare law sucks and i would like to see them turn it upside down. >> 's mcbill doesn't short cost of care or improve the quality
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of care. there are dozens of think they could have done such as removing state lines and allowing individuals to pull together. a reckon sail yaition process is what this nuclear option would do. >> the establishment is always telling us yes, sir they can't do -- telling us they can't do anything. we let the republican president, republican house, republican senate. they better do everything in their power and beyond to try to repeal obama care. the panel returns a little bit later. hillary clinton trying to make a comeback with an anti-trump political group that wants to november upon ward together. kimberly i am totally blind.
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kennedy: just when you thought we lost hoik there are woods forever. she has formed a new super pack called onward together.
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hillary tweeted, this year hasn't been way invitiond. ng for. a bigger, kind hearted, inclusive america. onward. is it possible she hasn't gotten the hint from voters? welcome back. let's talk about a couple of old comingers. we have some warn out jared poppers who didn't get over they want to live in the big white house. is she running again? kimberly: i think a smart person told me if he runs again he thinks she'll run again.
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kennedy: bernie is getting on in years. he will be 97 in 2020. kimberly: something very close. kennedy: bernie still has his political apparatus in place and he's making people mad on both sides of the progressive left. people who want a new candidate and new blood want him to get out of the way. >> think about the bench. the democrats don't have anybody that jumps out of you. pop goats the weasle. hillary can't get over it. she cannot believe she lost the oval. she dreams about it. she thinks it's hers, should have been, and she wants to correct and right this injustice that has befallen her. she is trying to capture that whole deal, the future is
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female, and try to connect herself and identify with it. 24579s what this pac is about. i don't like the name. it sound defeatest. onward, like we have been through all of this. kennedy: for the democratic party the future is female. i don't think it's hillary clinton. i think they have to be saying come on, man. kimberly: they are saying you wouldn't pull it through the first time. elizabeth warren does have a big following. if i were advising the democrats
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they need a new playbook. hillary hasn't lost all of those negatives that helped donald trump get in. i don't think she will become a better campaigner or better candidate. she is who she is. kennedy: time and momentum are not on her side. there was a poll that came out three weeks ago that showed president trump would still beat her today. the despite the challenges the press is writing from anonymous leakers. given all that, he's still beating her. that can't be good news for three years from now. kimberly: it shows how devoted this followers are. 96% of those who voted for him last time said they would vote for him again.
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if he can maintain that pace he's suited for reelection in terms of bringing the party forward. whether he will win depend on who they will put on the other side. i think the democrats have to wise up. if they put hillary forward again they will have to change. kimberly: a lot of democrats say i wish you would just retire so we can move on. it's polling at the villages are very low. kimberly: they will talk her out of it. kennedy: it's so nice to see you. donald trump is about to take his first foreign trip as president. we'll talk about what to expect next and have the answer to tonight's trivia question.
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what is the most amount of foreign trips taken by a president. answer will amaze e e e e take 5, guys. tired of your bladder always cutting into your day? you may have overactive bladder, or oab. that's it! we really need to get with the program and see the doctor. take charge and ask your doctor about myrbetriq (mirabegron) for oab symptoms of urgency, frequency and leakage. it's the first and only oab treatment in its class.
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kennedy: before the break i asked you what is the most
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amount of trips taken by an american president. the answer, 55 trips. bill clinton took that's as president. president trump is about to embark on his first foreign trip. at a time when the stakes couldn't be higher for the embattled president, the white house is doing it best to prepare him for the scrutiny of the world stage. they brought in henry kissenger to tutor hip. how might he be received on foreign soil. today we saw the president rubbing elbows with turkish her to tearian fascist, president erdogan. i don't like the guy at all, and i didn't appreciate what
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president said what a friend turkey has been to the united states. when they are responsible for the armenian genocide and the proliferation of isis. he's hopeful a close relationship with turkey, they are right on the front lines is better than a bad relationship with turkey. and i think he feels the same about russia. kennedy: i are understand that. i understand there is something pragmatic about diplomacy especially when a new administration has a chance to win other world leaders. this is the siren port for so many presidents in saudi arabia, when they are by and large responsible for 9/11, and they have a state-run program that difficult accept naits a form of jihadism that is potentially fatal to westerners.
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>> if this is a symbolic trip, it's his first trip and he's going to saudi arabia. most other presidents, all other presidents since 1981 have gone to canada or mexico, showing support for our local neighbors. this is saying i believe muslim allies are important, and he trade this trip as a visit to the world's big most important religions. so he's making the rounds and trying to put pressure own all sides 2 to come together and fit against terrorism. >> obviously palestine-israel peace is important for this president and he's laying the ground work early. do you think this trip insures he will get to the next step on the road to middle east peace?
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>> it sends a clear signal that this is a priority. it's a show his support in a way for saudi arabia, for israel, palestine and at large the peace process. other thing is the timing is different. there is a lot more sharing of information, especially intel information in the effort to combat isis, and that has created a closeness that didn't exist in past efforts. there is more of a relationship between arabs and the israelis than there has been. kennedy: the terror that binds. barack obama may have spent 8 years apologizing for america. but he won't be apologizing for his decision not to bomb syria. an interviewer asked him where he showed the most bravery during this presidency. he said the issue that required
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the most political courage was the decision not to bomb syria after the chemical use had been public sized and rather to -- publicized. many believe his failure to act emboldened our enemies and led to greater unrest in the middle east. should he be patting himself on the back here? evan. i'm going to start with you. i think 23 you are going to point to a brave foreign policy decision, i don't think violating your own red line is courageous. >> this was the exact opposite of political courage. it was political cowar cowardes. look what happened as a result.
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hundreds of thousands of syrian people have been killed or my grade elsewhere. that migration crisis impacted europe. syria is using chemical weapons on its civilian population. it's a completely destabilized region. this is obama's rwanda and he's trying to white wash this when he has blood on his hands. kennedy: i think you can say it's a failure. he didn't have a good grasp of what's going none the middle east. and he didn't understand the weight of his words he said it was a red line. >> i'm not for expanding our presence in syria. i'm'for us getting into a ground war. but you don't sit there and say
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this is a red line you can't cross. when assad cross it, you say it takes courage for me not to enforce the red line i established. only neville chamberlain would say this was an acts of courage. >> we give a lot of leeway to presidents who launch strikes, then we call presidents weak when they don't do it. you could make the argument in general choosing not to use a military force does take political courage. but as chris and evan both said, not in this specific case where you said this is a red line and beyond this you shall not cross and they kroilts an does nothing. kennedy: it was a failure in great britain. our most important ally in the middle east and in the world. thank you so much for being here. coming up.
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north korea continues to conduct missile tests. but how far away are they from having a missile capable of reaching if the united states. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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kennedy: the north koreans are at it again, testing a growing range of missiles. but how close are they to developing one that could hit san francisco. the most recent tests took place saturday night. it reached 1,300 miles. experts say they did that top avoid unintentionally avoid hitting another country. so how throng until they are able to shoot one the full distance? here to break it down. theoretical physicist, michio kaku. they shot it straight up in the air. it went 1,300 miles. how problematic is that in. >> very.
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north koreans call taken uptick in potato production as a big success. we teach our physics students in first year physics, if you want to maximize a baseball you throw it at a 45 degree age? why would they shoot something straight up instead of 45 degrees. president trump said there is a line that the united states will not tolerate a north korea armed with icbms that can reach, say, california. so the north koreans want to get around that. they are trying to sneak this missile through by shooting it straight up into the air.
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kennedy: it's a single-stage missile. >> many people think one of their most advanced miss ierls i --advanced missiles that by 20 might become operational. kennedy: a lot of experts think that can 457 and they are working feverishly to make this so. they could hit now south korea and japan. >> the missile landed close to russia. politicians kicked his can down the road so many times saying it's not going to happen under my watch. but now it's going happen under president trump's watch. kennedy: north korea, as well,
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the russians had to calibrate their eastern defenses with this missile launch because as you said, it did come so close to hitting their homeland. it seems like someone there unfortunately has an understanding of physics. >> each time there is a failure we in the west laugh eight. but they get better. the learning curve gets faster and faster and higher and higher. they are not fooling. we are at a point where we must address the question of them having an icbm with an atomic bomb on it. kennedy: all they have to do is marry that to a nuke and we are in deep trouble. what does a 101-year-old englishman do for fun when the pharmacy
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kennedy: a new york bride who got student and stranded on her wedding day reported lido nateed all the catering to a local homeless shelter. either way that food was getting eaten by someone with cold feet. the following five stories would never leave you at the altar.
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this is the "topical storm." topic number one. how bad has airline travel gotten? so bad that a 101-year-old british man decided to jump out of a plane midnight. there he goes. he's a d-day veteran. he has become the oldest western ever to skydive. he ain't going out like that. he survived d-day and the spice girls reunion. he said he needed something exciting to do on his birthday every year. i hope his catches on in america and all the senior citizens start skydiving instead of running for president.
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topic number two. social media isn't the on place where people are projecting their issues on to president donald trump. an artist used a project tore to write pay trump bribes here. they thought all the bribes to paid to jared kushner. i'm just kidding. never mind in samantha bee told it, the media would be howling that she totally destroyed the president. the only thing samantha bee has totally destroyed is my desire to watch television. hotel security stopped the prank after 10 minute. but not before many passersby
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stopped and applaud. mainly because they were happy to see an art major work somewhere other than starbucks. topic number three. a new york city burger king applied for a permit to serve alcohol because that's what i think when i walk into a big apple burger king and see the who bows and hobbits talking to themselves. these people need more alcohol. if you haven't been to a mid-town burger king. picture the "star wars" can tina. the same band is playing. in addition to beer the restaurants will be offering free wi-fi.
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if you are wondering, the only chain currently serving alcohol is a chicago taco bell. so far the on takers have been two oblivious stoners and oprah on her cheat day. and she doesn't count because she had steadman take her in a chopper. chopper? i don't even know her. there is an audible see you on the floor here. some guys get caught cheating by their wives and bring home a puppy to take the edge off things. but not ozzy osborn. he's opening a doggy daycare on the british farm he shares with his wife sharon. first there was the dog whisperer, now there is the dog stutterer.
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the reunited osbournes agreed to give four acres to a group called positive drugs. sharon -- it's from decade ago. topic number 5. guinea pigs may be dumb pets. really dumb pets. but they are not dumb animals. they are such dumb animals. not this little fella who snagged a fruit snack by thinking outside the cage. the nicholas cage. look at that guy. nobody in their right mind gave him a chance in the beginning.
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but he stood up to the establishment and took matters into his tiny hands. you can't see it but there was a millennial guinea pig who wanted to give him a participation trophy just for trying. but he was hungry so he pulled down the napkin to earn the apple and afterward he washed it down with a beer he got at burger king. have it your way. a millennial has a recipe for successful other millennials. avocado not one of the ingredients on the menu. ♪ here comes the fun with sea-doo. starting at just $5,299
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hardly to blame for any thennials with two-part dwellings. their net folks convinced them college was the on viable life path. how about this. don't go to college. read a bunch of books. and use the money for a house down payment. and when you want to expand your brand, then go to school when you have worked for a few years and can pay for it. if you have the disposable income support your local avocado toastery. when you have your own house you can have your own avocado tree and spraitd on toast. thank you so as much for watching the show tonight. you can follow me on twitter and
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